Alexander Gerdt biography. The short life of Sasha Gerdt. Zinovy ​​Gerdt - leaving the theater

G Erdt Alexander Aleksandrovich - senior gunner of the 6th company of the 104th Guards Red Banner Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Division, guard corporal.

Born on February 11, 1982 in the village of Ordzhonikidze, now Denisovsky district, Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, in a working-class family. German. My father was from the Volga Germans and was deported to Kazakhstan during the war years. A few months after the birth of his son, the father died in a car accident. In 1984, a mother and five children moved to Russia, to the Bryansk region.

Alexander grew up and studied in the village of Siny Well, Novozybkovsky district. Graduated here high school. He entered the Novozybkov Pedagogical School, but after a year he dropped out and went to work to help his mother.

In May 1999 he was called up to Russian Army Novozybkovsky district military registration and enlistment office. He served in the 76th Guards Airborne Division, stationed in the city of Pskov. He was the deputy commander of a combat vehicle and a gunner. Since February 2000, he took part in hostilities in the Chechen Republic. During a business trip - senior gunner.

On the night of February 18, a group of militants attacked the positions of paratroopers on one of the high-rise buildings. The squad leader was wounded and Gerdt took command. He managed to assign each fighter a task and determined convenient positions. With targeted fire, the paratroopers forced the enemy to retreat.

On February 29, 2000, Guard Corporal Gerdt, as part of the 6th company, occupied the defense at height 776.0 (Shatoisky district). The paratroopers' positions were attacked by superior forces of militants. During the battle A.A. Gerdt took command of the squad in place of the deceased commander. He showed courage and heroism, was wounded but continued to fire from a machine gun. The second wound in the chest turned out to be fatal; with a last effort of will, the paratrooper threw a grenade at the oncoming bandits.

U Kazam of the President Russian Federation No. 484 of March 12, 2000 for courage and bravery shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, guard corporal Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

He was buried in the civil cemetery of the village of Siny Kolodets, Bryansk region.

A monument to the Hero of Russia was unveiled in the village, and a street was named after him. By the decision of the session of the district Council of Deputies in 2000, the Sinekolodetskaya main secondary school named after the Hero of Russia Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich. In 2001, the room of Glory A.A. was opened at the school. Gerdt, there is a memorial plaque on the school building.

The feat of the paratroopers of the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division in the Argun Gorge is inscribed in history in a special way.

By Decree of the President of Russia N484 of March 12, 2000, 22 Pskov paratroopers were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, including 21 posthumously, for the courage and courage shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region:
guard lieutenant colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolaevich ,
guard major Molodov Sergey Georgievich ,
guard major Dostavalov Alexander Vasilievich ,
guard captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich ,
guard captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich ,
guard senior lieutenant Vorobyov Alexey Vladimirovich ,
guard senior lieutenant Sherstyannikov Andrey Nikolaevich ,
guard senior lieutenant Panov Andrey Alexandrovich ,
guard senior lieutenant Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich ,
guard senior lieutenant Kolgatin Alexander Mikhailovich ,
guard lieutenant Ermakov Oleg Viktorovich ,
guard lieutenant Ryazantsev Alexander Nikolaevich ,
guard lieutenant Kozhemyakin Dmitry Sergeevich ,
guard senior contract service sergeant Medvedev Sergey Yurievich ,
Komyagin Alexander Valerievich ,
guard contract sergeant Grigoriev Dmitry Viktorovich ,
guard junior sergeant

Date of death Affiliation

Russia, Russia

Type of army Years of service Rank Part

6th parachute company 2nd Parachute Battalion of the 104th Guards Red Banner Airborne Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner Division

Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Alexander Alexandrovich Gerdt(February 11, 1981 - March 1, 2000) - Russian paratrooper, guard corporal, participant in the battle at Height 776 during the Second Chechen War, Hero of the Russian Federation (2000, posthumously).


early years

In the Russian Army

On the night of February 18, 2000, a group of militants attacked the positions of paratroopers on one of the high-rise buildings. The squad leader was wounded and Gerdt took command. He managed to assign each fighter a task and determined convenient positions. With targeted fire, the paratroopers forced the enemy to retreat.


Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation (March 12, 2000, posthumously)


External images

He was buried in the civil cemetery of the village of Siny Kolodets, Bryansk region. A monument to the Hero of Russia was unveiled in the village, and a street was named after him. The Sinekolodetskaya secondary school was named after the Hero of Russia Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich. In 2001, the Alexander Gerdt Room of Glory was opened at the school, and a memorial plaque was installed on the school building. On August 3, 2011, a monument by sculptor M. Chirok was erected in the city of Novozybkov.


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  • Dementiev O. Klevtsov V. Step into immortality. M.: "Belfry-MG", 2007


. Website "Heroes of the Country".

Excerpt characterizing Gerdt, Alexander Alexandrovich

The next day the troops set out on a campaign, and Boris did not have time to visit either Bolkonsky or Dolgorukov until the Battle of Austerlitz and remained for a while in the Izmailovsky regiment.

At dawn on the 16th, Denisov's squadron, in which Nikolai Rostov served, and which was in the detachment of Prince Bagration, moved from an overnight stop into action, as they said, and, having passed about a mile behind the other columns, was stopped on the high road. Rostov saw the Cossacks, the 1st and 2nd squadrons of hussars, infantry battalions with artillery pass by, and generals Bagration and Dolgorukov with their adjutants passed by. All the fear that he, as before, felt before the case; all the internal struggle through which he overcame this fear; all his dreams of how he would distinguish himself in this matter like a hussar were in vain. Their squadron was left in reserve, and Nikolai Rostov spent that day bored and sad. At 9 o'clock in the morning he heard gunfire ahead of him, shouts of hurray, saw the wounded being brought back (there were few of them) and, finally, saw how a whole detachment of French cavalrymen was led through in the middle of hundreds of Cossacks. Obviously, the matter was over, and the matter was obviously small, but happy. Soldiers and officers passing back talked about the brilliant victory, about the occupation of the city of Wischau and the capture of an entire French squadron. The day was clear, sunny, after a strong night frost, and the cheerful shine of the autumn day coincided with the news of the victory, which was conveyed not only by the stories of those who took part in it, but also by the joyful expression on the faces of soldiers, officers, generals and adjutants traveling to and from Rostov . The heart of Nikolai ached all the more painfully, as he had in vain suffered all the fear that preceded the battle, and spent that joyful day in inaction.
- Rostov, come here, let's drink out of grief! - Denisov shouted, sitting down on the edge of the road in front of a flask and a snack.
The officers gathered in a circle, eating and talking, near Denisov's cellar.
- Here's another one being brought! - said one of the officers, pointing to the French captured dragoon, which was being led on foot by two Cossacks.
One of them was leading a tall and beautiful French horse taken from a prisoner.
- Sell the horse! - Denisov shouted to the Cossack.
- If you please, your honor...
The officers stood up and surrounded the Cossacks and the captured Frenchman. The French dragoon was a young fellow, an Alsatian, who spoke French with a German accent. He was choking with excitement, his face was red, and, hearing French, he quickly spoke to the officers, addressing first one and then the other. He said that they would not have taken him; that it was not his fault that he was taken, but that le caporal was to blame, who sent him to seize the blankets, that he told him that the Russians were already there. And to every word he added: mais qu"on ne fasse pas de mal a mon petit cheval [But do not offend my horse] and caressed his horse. It was clear that he did not understand well where he was. He then apologized, that he was taken, then, presuming his superiors before him, he showed his soldierly efficiency and care for the service... He brought with him to our rearguard in all its freshness the atmosphere of the French army, which was so alien to us.
The Cossacks gave the horse for two chervonets, and Rostov, now the richest of the officers, having received the money, bought it.
“Mais qu"on ne fasse pas de mal a mon petit cheval,” the Alsatian said good-naturedly to Rostov when the horse was handed over to the hussar.
Rostov, smiling, reassured the dragoon and gave him money.
- Hello! Hello! - said the Cossack, touching the prisoner’s hand so that he would move on.
- Sovereign! Sovereign! - suddenly it was heard between the hussars.
Everything ran and hurried, and Rostov saw several horsemen with white plumes on their hats approaching from behind along the road. In one minute everyone was in place and waiting. Rostov did not remember and did not feel how he reached his place and got on his horse. Instantly his regret about not participating in the matter passed, his everyday mood in the circle of people looking closely at him, instantly any thought about himself disappeared: he was completely absorbed in the feeling of happiness that comes from the proximity of the sovereign. He felt rewarded by this proximity alone for the loss of that day. He was happy, like a lover who had waited for the expected date. Not daring to look at the front and not looking back, he felt with an enthusiastic instinct its approach. And he felt this not just from the sound of the hooves of the horses of the approaching cavalcade, but he felt it because, as he approached, everything around him became brighter, more joyful and more significant and festive. This sun moved closer and closer for Rostov, spreading rays of gentle and majestic light around itself, and now he already feels captured by these rays, he hears its voice - this gentle, calm, majestic and at the same time so simple voice. As it should have been according to Rostov’s feelings, dead silence fell, and in this silence the sounds of the sovereign’s voice were heard.

These days we remember the Pskov paratroopers who died 11 years ago. In the battle near Ulus-Kert, the lives of 84 people were cut short. Among them was a boy from our city, Sasha Gerdt, who was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. He entered our pedagogical school twice, once after nine grades, the second after eleven, and both times he left voluntarily. In the Chronicle of the Pedagogical College, it is said about him that he seemed to feel that he was being led through life not by a modest teacher’s star, but by the bright and tragic Star of the Hero of Russia. He was very capable, but pedagogical problems he was not interested, he wanted something different, and his mother needed help. When the news of his death reached us, we didn’t want to believe it, he was very young, his whole life was ahead of him... How could such children be sent to their deaths?!
I would like to remind you of him, at least a little.

Guard Corporal Gerdt Alexander Aleksandrovich - deputy commander of a combat vehicle and gunner, was a senior gunner on a business trip to the Chechen Republic.

Born on February 11, 1981 in the village of Ordzhonikidze, Kustanai region (Kazakhstan). Alexander Gerdt spent his childhood and adolescence in the village of Siny Kolodets, Bryansk region, where the family moved after the death of his father in a car accident. Here Alexander graduated from school and studied at the Novozybkov Pedagogical School. Then he decided to help his mother and went to work. On military service was called up by the Novozybkovsky RVK of the Bryansk region on May 25, 1999. He ended up in the airborne troops.

In 2000, together with his comrades, he was sent to the Chechen Republic, where constitutional order was being established. On the night of February 18, a large group of militants tried to knock down Pskov paratroopers from a height. The squad commander was wounded and Alexander Gerdt took command. With targeted fire, the paratroopers destroyed several bandits, and the rest were forced to retreat.

February 29 major battle unfolded at the exit from the Argun Gorge, where a company of paratroopers became an obstacle to the path of 2.5 thousand mercenaries breaking through. Death mowed down everything around. Alexander Gerdt took command of the squad in place of the deceased squad commander. Gerdt was wounded, but continued to fight. The second wound was fatal. Losing consciousness, Alexander, with a last effort of will, forced himself to throw a grenade at the oncoming militants. The brave warrior died.

For the courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guard Corporal Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

Alexander Alexandrovich Gerdt(February 11, 1981 - March 1, 2000) - Russian paratrooper, guard corporal, participant in the battle at height 776 during the Second Chechen war, Hero of the Russian Federation (2000, posthumously).


early years

Born on February 11, 1981 in the village of Ordzhonikidze, now Denisovsky district, Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, in a working-class family. German. The father is from the Volga Germans, was expelled during the Great Patriotic War to Kazakhstan. A few months after the birth of his son, the father died in a car accident. In 1984, a mother and five children moved to Russia, to the Bryansk region.

Alexander grew up and studied in the village of Siny Kolodets, Novozybkovsky district. He graduated from high school here. He entered the Novozybkov Pedagogical School, but after a year he dropped out and started working to help his mother.

In the Russian Army

In May 1999, he was drafted into the Russian Army by the Novozybkovsky district military registration and enlistment office. He served in the 76th Guards Airborne Division, stationed in the city of Pskov. He was the deputy commander of a combat vehicle and a gunner. Since February 2000, he took part in hostilities in the Chechen Republic. During a business trip - senior gunner.

On the night of February 18, 2000, a group of militants attacked the positions of paratroopers on one of the high-rise buildings. The squad leader was wounded and Gerdt took command. He managed to assign each fighter a task and determined convenient positions. With targeted fire, the paratroopers forced the enemy to retreat.


On February 29, 2000, Guard Corporal Gerdt, as part of the 6th company, occupied the defense at height 776 (Shatoisky district of the Chechen Republic). The paratroopers' positions were attacked by superior forces of militants. During the battle, Alexander Gerdt took command of the squad in place of the deceased commander. He showed courage and heroism, was wounded, but continued to fire from a machine gun. The second wound in the chest turned out to be fatal; with a last effort of will, the paratrooper threw a grenade at the oncoming militants.

Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation (March 12, 2000, posthumously)
  • Order of Courage


External images

He was buried in the civil cemetery of the village of Siny Kolodets, Bryansk region. A monument to the Hero of Russia was unveiled in the village, and a street was named after him. The Sinekolodetskaya secondary school was named after the Hero of Russia Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich. In 2001, the Alexander Gerdt Room of Glory was opened at the school, and a memorial plaque was installed on the school building. On August 3, 2011, a monument by sculptor M. Chirok was erected in the city of Novozybkov.


My father was from the Volga Germans and was deported to Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. A few months after Alexander was born in 1981, his father died in a car accident. Alexander’s mother was never able to recover from the difficult loss of her son and died in 2010. Four brothers and sisters.

Alexander Alexandrovich Gerdt(February 11, 1981 - March 1, 2000) - Russian paratrooper, guard corporal, participant in the battle at Height 776 during the Second Chechen War, Hero of the Russian Federation (2000, posthumously).

early years

Born on February 11, 1981 in the village of Ordzhonikidze, now Denisovsky district, Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, in a working-class family. German. The father was from the Volga Germans and was deported to Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. A few months after the birth of his son, the father died in a car accident. In 1984, a mother and five children moved to Russia, to the Bryansk region.

Alexander grew up and studied in the village of Siny Well, Novozybkovsky district. He graduated from high school here. He entered the Novozybkov Pedagogical School, but after a year he dropped out and started working to help his mother.

In the Russian Army

In May 1999, he was drafted into the Russian Army by the Novozybkovsky district military registration and enlistment office. He served in the 76th Guards Airborne Division, stationed in the city of Pskov. He was the deputy commander of a combat vehicle and a gunner. Since February 2000, he took part in hostilities in the Chechen Republic. During a business trip - senior gunner.

On the night of February 18, 2000, a group of militants attacked the positions of paratroopers on one of the high-rise buildings. The squad leader was wounded and Gerdt took command. He managed to assign each fighter a task and determined convenient positions. With targeted fire, the paratroopers forced the enemy to retreat.


On February 29, 2000, Guard Corporal Gerdt, as part of the 6th company, occupied the defense at height 776 (Shatoisky district of the Chechen Republic). The paratroopers' positions were attacked by superior forces of militants. During the battle, Alexander Gerdt took command of the squad in place of the deceased commander. He showed courage and heroism, was wounded, but continued to fire from a machine gun. The second wound in the chest turned out to be fatal; with a last effort of will, the paratrooper threw a grenade at the oncoming militants.

Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.