Anton LaVey: The Satanic Bible. The Devil's Bible or Codex Gigas is the largest book in the world. The Black Bible read online in Russian.

It deserved it not at all because of its physical parameters and its content. On page 290 " Bible Devil", which contains texts sacred to Christians, is depicted devil. There is a legend according to which this manuscript appeared as a result of a conspiracy of a Benedictine novice... - to reveal the secrets of one of the most famous manuscripts in the history of mankind, “Codex gigas”, or “ Bible devil", which is also called the "eighth wonder of the world." Codex Gigas - a grandiose handwritten...

They haven’t reflected everything for a long time true goal the coming to Earth of I. Christ? They know. Research by Western scholars conducting text analysis Bible and apocrypha, do not go unnoticed in the Vatican. In Nostradamus’ letter to the canons there is a drawing that, at first glance, relates to... hidden, only grains of his Teaching have reached; Let us immediately ask ourselves: did I. Christ himself know about this? Knew! Read“the parable of the talents (silver)” (Matthew 25:14-28). In it He outlined the mood of the opponents of His Teaching, putting in their opinions and thoughts...

... is abstinence from what lies on its surface, a distrustful, suspicious attitude towards the associative image that arises when reading Bible. Every single author of the “great cause” in various literary expressions warns people to beware of believing in this, knowing the biblical definition of such names as “Lord” and “father”. The Evangelist John and the Apostle Paul have it read clear, understandable and unambiguous: “God is spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. ...


Raza, then the word “Torah” comes out. The same pattern was visible in the following books. Bible. However, it was impossible to completely process the text manually, so the information remained incomplete... In... the theory of relativity", "Wright Brothers" - "airplane", "Kennedy" - "Dallas" and "fatal blow to the head." In "encrypted" Bible reference was made to World War II, Hiroshima, Watergate, the American landing on the moon, the AIDS epidemic... Apocalypse Deferred But, of course, Bible code enthusiasts...

Testament 36 times. But only one phrase in the entire story speaks about the essence of the concept of Satan. bible. Satan is a derivative of the Hebrew “lsatan” - opposite. But what's the opposite? This in Bible not said directly. In some way he harms the works of God, goes against him, but... get away from Me, Satan! You are a temptation to me! Because you think not about what is God, but about what is human. This is the only place in Bible, which directly speaks about the essence of Satan! “Be Merciful to yourself” - love yourself. Self-love is Satan. Carnal...

And now here's a legend...

Middle Ages. 1230 In a secluded monastery cell in Bohemia (Czech Republic), a monk, whose terrible sins have been kept secret, asks the senior monks to spare his life. This monk belonged to the Benedictine order, who were called the Black Monks. They wore black clothes, took a vow of celibacy and complete obedience, and subjected themselves to severe physical tests, self-flagellation, and starvation. However, there were also among them weak in spirit who succumbed to various temptations. Their mistakes were severely punished, ranging from excommunication to solitary confinement. The sinful monk is destined for an even more terrible fate - he must be walled up alive in one of the walls of the monastery.

The senior monks were adamant in their decision. Suddenly, Divine inspiration descends on the sinner. He promises that he will write the greatest book of his time, which will contain the Bible and all the knowledge available to mankind. Such a book will glorify the Benedictine monastery for all time. The monk also promised that he would complete such a huge task in just one night. He begged the senior monks for a long time until they finally agreed to give him one last chance for salvation. If he does not fulfill his promise by morning, the execution will inevitably take place. The sinful monk began to work. He wrote the book until he was completely exhausted. When midnight struck, the monk realized that he could not fulfill his promise, and he decided to enter into a terrible agreement: he asked for help from the fallen angel - Satan. Satan responded to the call and helped the monk write the most terrible, mysterious, and most attractive book in the world.

So says the legend...

Codex Gigas, the Codex Gigas, (or "Devil's Bible") is a long 13th-century manuscript from Bohemia, one of the historical lands of the Czech Republic. A manuscript noted for its size and striking full-page depiction of the devil.

This book, made from 160 skins, can only be lifted by 2 people. Legend has it that the Codex Gigas was written by a monk who, after being sentenced to death by being walled up alive, made a deal with the devil. With the help of the Devil, the monk wrote a book in one night (and the devil painted a self-portrait). Oddly enough, the handwriting in the book is amazingly clear and uniform, as if it was actually written over a short period of time. However, scientists believe that such work would take from 5 years (if writing without interruption) to 30 years.

This book is considered the most controversial, strange, and has a supernatural appeal. Many great people of this world tried to take possession of it, but it brought nothing but misfortune to everyone. The book became the object of hunting for many alchemists and magicians. For her sake they killed, sold their souls, went to execution. Everyone who has ever seen it testifies to the hidden power coming from the book. It has some kind of devilish nature, perhaps because on one of the pages the devil himself is depicted in all his “glory”. This medieval manuscript is rightfully considered the eighth wonder of the world. It contains the Old and New Testaments, medical recipes, magic spells, 14 Latin texts, “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “Bohemian Chronicle” by the medieval chronicler Cosmas of Prague, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, a calendar of church holidays and a list of names of the monks of the monastery. The combination of texts in the book is so unique that you will not find this anywhere else. The height of the book is 90 cm, weight is 74 kg, width is 49 cm, thickness is 22 cm. Initially, the book had 640 pages, now it has 624 pages. Many medieval books used a material that was similar to parchment. It was made from animal skin. It is said that 160 donkey skins were used to create the devil's bible. The Codex Gigas is the only book in the world that contains sacred spells for exorcism along with the Old and New Testaments.

For many centuries, scientists and specialists asked themselves the same questions: for what purpose was such a book created and who created it? Was it one person or a group of people? The exact date of creation of the manuscript is not known. Only the approximate date of completion of work on the book is known - 1230 in the medieval Czech Republic. The birthplace of the book is the Czech monastery of the Benedictine Order in Podlazice. Codex Gigas has “survived” many centuries, many historical events and disasters and practically “got away with it” from all troubles, but many people who own it are not so lucky. Perhaps the manuscript absorbed the character of the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages, which were filled with terrible events: constant wars, epidemics, and sheer superstitions. IN end of XIII V. Everyone already knew the legend about the sinful monk who sold his soul to write the devil's bible. Thanks to the book, the Benedictine monastery truly became famous. However, he was threatened by a financial crisis. To avoid complete ruin, the abbot of the monastery decided to sell the Codex Gigas to another monastery. Already at that time it was believed that the possession of such a great book meant high authority and respect. And so the devil's bible passes into the possession of the order of white monks who wore white robes, in contrast to the Benedictines who wore black robes. The book was transported to the town of Sedlec, which is located near Prague. The white monks placed the book of honor in an equally honorable place, next to the cemetery, which was consecrated with earth brought from Golgotha ​​itself. Later, the order of white monks also suffered ruin. The Bishop ordered the monks to return the Codex Gigas to the black monks. After this incident, the monastery was struck by a deadly epidemic - the plague. The Black Death took the lives of tens of thousands of people. The cemetery was overflowing with the bodies of the unfortunate. By the end of the pandemic, about 40 thousand corpses turned these places into catacombs. Today the monastery in Sedlec is a very eerie museum - an ossuary. This is one of the sinister chapters in the history of the devil's bible.

In the 16th century Codex Gigas served as a kind of album. Many clergy from Prague and secular people visited the Benedictine monastery of Broumov to study the book. One of them was Christopher Schlichting, a supporter of the famous mystic, alchemist and physician, Paracelsus. In 1565, Crown Prince Rudolf II received a prediction from Nostradamus, which predicted the death of his father. Prince Rudolph was destined to become the Holy Roman Emperor, the King of Hungary, the Czech Republic, and the German King. After this prediction, Rudolf develops a lifelong passion for the occult. He coveted the Codex Gigas. With the help of various favors and honors shown to the Benedictine monastery, the prince won the favor of the abbot of the monastery, and he presented him with the book as a gift. Emperor Rudolf completely lost himself in the study of the devil's bible. It seemed that a great acquisition had been created for such a great ruler. However, the emperor's luck soon turned away. He became withdrawn, absent-minded, prone to paranoia, and locked himself in his castle, like an unsociable hermit. Unable to rule his empire, Rudolf soon loses the support of his subjects. He led internecine war with his brother Matthias. In 1611, the nobility forced him to abdicate the Czech throne, which was occupied by his brother. The emperor died alone, leaving no heirs. Rudolf's kingdom was in the hands of his enemies. In 1648, Swedish troops captured Prague. The emperor's castle was plundered, including the royal library. The warriors took out of the country the most outstanding book of the library - the Codex Gigas.

Having plundered the castle of Emperor Rudolf, the Swedish officers decided to present the Codex Gigas to their unusual monarch - Christina, the only female king in Europe. Christina's father, Gustav II, treated his daughter as if she were his son. He raised, taught and dressed her like a boy. Having ascended the throne, Christina takes an oath not on behalf of the queen, but on behalf of the king. Having received an unusual book as a gift from her warriors, Christina ordered it to be placed in the library in the castle. In the official list, the Codex is listed first among all valuable manuscripts. However, Christina was not destined to keep it for long. Less than ten years later, in 1654, Christina abdicated the throne. She converted to the Catholic faith and went to Rome. Having packed her most valuable things for the journey, the queen did not take the Codex Gigas with her. And the devil's bible remained in Stockholm.

At the end of the 16th century. in 1697, King Charles XI of Sweden died in the royal castle in Stockholm. Suddenly, a fire suddenly breaks out in the castle. The Royal Family was forced to leave her monastery. The servants save everything that can be saved from the fire. One of the servants threw the Codex Gigas out of the castle window. Thus, the strange, mysterious book was saved from the fire. Did this book really bring misfortune to its owners, or did the natural, destined course of events parallel the procession of the Codex Gigas? It is possible that this is all just a coincidence, but perhaps not.

An almost inhuman labor, Codex Gigas was nevertheless created by one a simple person. The handwriting in which the entire book is written is very uniform. While writing the book, the author could have lost his sight, suffered from illness and grown old, but scientists have never found any obvious errors in the Code. It’s simply impossible to believe in such a colossal work, especially when you see it with your own eyes. Perhaps this is why the well-known legend about the condemned monk who sold his soul to the devil was born. Evidence that this book was written by one person was found by scientists and experts during the investigation, which was carried out through text analysis, handwriting, paper and ink samples. In the Middle Ages, monks made their own ink. There were two types of ink: made from metal and from ground up insect hives. If the Codex Gigas was written by one person, then the ink had to be only one type. Scientists have proven that the book used ink made only from insect hives, which means there was only one author. The features of calligraphic handwriting also prove the correctness of this hypothesis. It can be assumed that working non-stop, around the clock, the monk-scribe could cope with such a gigantic creation in 20 - 30 years, and certainly not in one night. The fact that a monk convicted of sins worked on the Code can be explained by the fact that in medieval monasteries the rewriting of sacred books was a frequent form of punishment. Then it was believed that a person could atone for his sins by rewriting sacred texts. It is possible that the scribe created instructions for his own salvation, because... The content of the book emphasizes caring for the body and mind, protecting the immortal soul.

Some features of the drawings in the Gigas Codec indicate that its author was a good artist, but far from a professional. He just wanted to make his work larger, thicker than it had been done before. Perhaps he was a talented self-taught person. Typically, professional monastic scribes worked in huge rooms called scriptoria. The monks had their own techniques and methods. If you take a medieval manuscript and compare it with the Codex Gigas, the difference is immediately visible. The code looks old-fashioned and rather unprofessional. However, such an unprofessional and newcomer created a real furor around his work. After all, creating a full-length drawing of the devil was a very daring and dangerous act. During the harsh Middle Ages, people believed that those who did or said something different from others were under the power of evil spirits.

It was the image of the unclean on page 290 of the Codex Gigas that brought the manuscript notoriety. It's no joke, no other Bible contains such a huge drawing, a real embodiment of evil. Half human, half monster with a forked red tongue and raised clawed hands. The devil is wearing an ermine skin, which symbolizes the highest power. Perhaps this is what Satan from the legend looked like. However, the artist depicted the monster as if it were locked within the walls of its own evil. The author deprived him of his usual freedom, which no one had ever done before. The nature of the image of the devil can tell a lot about the time in which the author lived, about his psychology, about his education. In the Middle Ages, people were not sure of anything, their lives were constantly exposed to various threats, and they believed that threats came only from the devil. Therefore, the devil bothered their minds more than turning to God.

People nicknamed Codex Gigas the devil's bible for a reason. In addition to depicting the evil spirit, the book contains a group of witchcraft spells and also describes the ritual of “exorcism.” The evil attacker was the greatest fear of medieval man, attacking and penetrating into the human essence. To cope with such a scourge, it was necessary to carry out a terrible and frightening ritual of exorcism, where the priest and the victim fought for the soul of the possessed. There are also interesting moments in which particularly superstitious individuals see a sign of possession by evil. Firstly, immediately after the image of the devil, 8 pages were torn out. It is not known what was written on the missing pages, but this only fueled the interest of the superstitious public. Secondly, after the fire of 1697, which almost destroyed the Codex Gigas, strange shadows appeared on some of its pages. Moreover, these shadows appeared precisely on those pages adjacent to the image of the devil. And it is the page with the famous drawing that seems darker than all the other pages. But... These shadows can also be explained. They could appear on the pages thanks to ultraviolet radiation, to which the material of the book - leather - was constantly subjected, practically tanning it. For many centuries, people paid attention, first of all, to the drawing of the devil, which indicates an insatiable human interest in relation to the evil one.

The Codex Gigas is a unique creation, the largest medieval book completed in several decades by one person. This man managed to glorify his creation for centuries, but he modestly left his personality in the shadows. Nobody knows who this man was. However, there is a version that the book was written by a hermit monk named Herman the Hermit, as evidenced by the entry in the list of names in the book - Hermanus Monahus Inclusus.

It is possible that the legend of the sinful monk was based on a misinterpretation of the Latin word found in the Codex Gigas - Inclusus, which means "conclusion". For many years the meaning of this word was regarded as a terrible punishment, i.e. walling up alive, but the word itself is much closer in meaning to the word “recluse.” So, the terrible legend, which still excites the fears of superstitious people, can be refuted and proven that it is just a legend. Most likely, the scribe was a hermit monk who voluntarily retired to his cell, i.e. leaving outside world and from his temptations. For this monk, the Codex Gigas may have been a quest for insight as well as his life's work. Far from being inspired by evil, he was inspired by divine blessing. He gave people hope for salvation, gave them the opportunity to choose, showed this choice in the form of drawings located opposite each other - a drawing of the devil and a drawing of the Kingdom of Heaven. Good and evil measure their strength before eternity on the pages of the Codex Gigas.

The Codex Gigas is located in Stockholm within the walls of the Royal Swedish Library. In 2007, Codex Gigas was exhibited for the first time in its homeland in the Czech Republic in Prague. Despite the revealed mysteries, the huge manuscript will continue to arouse interest among people and will evoke in their minds images of a strange hermit monk creating a unique creation of his tireless hands. The legend was right about one thing: the monk really took the risk of creating a book that glorified not only certain places, but also certain events that influenced the course of history.

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and a few more world mysteries for you: let's remember about or for example. And here's another The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

There are a huge number of religions, their denominations and sects in the world, each of which preaches its own values. Most religions have their own god, gods, or beings that are worshiped by their adherents.

Everyone knows that there are only three world religions - Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Each of them has its own sacred book, which contains all the knowledge about religion and its canons. For Christians it is the Bible, for Muslims it is the Koran, for Buddhists it is the Tripitaka.

In addition to the god that people worship, there is also an antipode - a creature with negative energy that forces people to do things that are contrary to a particular faith. The most popular creature from this category is the Devil.

He has many names - Devil, Devil and others. There are many theories about its origin. The main theory is that the Devil is Lucifer, a fallen angel.

The story of Lucifer is familiar to many people who have something to do with Christianity. He was an angel and served God. Lucifer was handsome, smart and quick-witted, many angels revered him, turned to him for advice and listened.

At some point, the angel decided that he himself could rule God’s creatures, since he was strong and smart. By starting a rebellion, Lucifer believed that he would take the place of God and become the supreme ruler of all creatures.

However, he underestimated the power of God, and therefore the revolution did not take place - the battle was lost. The angel had minions who believed him and were on his side - with them he was expelled from Paradise. So, the fallen angel Lucifer began to rule the world of sinners -. And those very henchmen help him in this -

We gleaned this information from the Bible, which is the holy book of Christians. Not many people know, but there is another scripture called This is a huge manuscript of 624 pages, the creation of which took the skins of 160 donkeys.

Creation legend Devil's Bible says that it was written by a certain monk. The writing of the book dates back to the late 12th - early 13th centuries. The circumstances under which the manuscript was created are very vague.

The monk committed some sin, to atone for which he had to write a book in one night. It is not entirely clear to whom and why he had to do this, and what kind of sin was committed. However, the monk realized that he could not cope overnight, so he turned to the Devil for help, who helped create the manuscript.

This is also a very controversial point - why did the monk turn to God and not to God, since he was a minister of the church? Besides, he already had a sin, so why did he decide to aggravate his already precarious position? Unfortunately, there are no answers to these questions. But there is a legend about the creation of the book, and we start from it.

A manuscript specialist at the National Library of the Czech Republic believes that this scripture was compiled by one monk over a long period of at least 10 years. The book originally consisted of 640 pages, but only 624 have survived in readable form. It is also emphasized that the probable date of creation of the book is the beginning of the thirteenth century.

It has quite clear content. Of course, the title of the book is associated with instructions for, scary images and other unpleasant things, but that’s not the case. More precisely, it’s almost not like that - there are still scary and strange images in the book. In total, 624 pages contain:

  • New Testament;
  • Old Testament;
  • "Etymology" by Isidore of Seville;
  • "The Jewish War" by Josephus;
  • stories for preachers;
  • different shapes conspiracies;
  • drawings
  • and other.

Contrary to speculation, it was never banned, and some generations of monks even studied the Holy Scriptures using it. It is noteworthy that on page 290 there is a portrait of Satan.

He looks quite terrifying: a toothy mouth, horns, a growth on his head, clawed four-fingered hands and feet. His look is quite crazy; looking at him even makes you shiver. This is where our familiar description of the Devil comes from - from his Bible.

And if the ordinary Christian Bible states that Lucifer takes the form of a bright man, then, apparently, his real essence is depicted here. As already mentioned, only 624 pages out of 640 have survived to this day - 16 pages are hopelessly damaged.

Eight pages before the portrait of the Devil and eight after are filled with ink, so that it is no longer possible to restore and read them.

In fact, the scripture does not contain any sinister data, secrets or information that was previously unknown. is a simple book, but incredibly valuable. And its value lies not in the fact that it was allegedly written with the participation of Satan.

The main value is that the scripture has survived to this day in good condition. In addition, the dimensions of the book are impressive - length is about 90 cm, width is about 50 cm, and weight is 75 kilograms.

It’s not so easy to even move such a volume, let alone carry it around like a collection of poems. Of course, the manuscript is of great value as an ancient book, the texts of which can still be read today.

This tome was written by one monk, according to various sources his name is either Herman or Sobislav. The writing continued either for one night alone with Satan, or for 10 years.

The writing took place in the monastery of the city of Podlazice, which is located approximately 100 km from the capital of the Czech Republic. After this, the book was moved several times, and each time brought some kind of misfortune.

This was the opinion of the ministers of the churches in which the scripture was contained, but it is not known for certain whether this is true or a coincidence. For example, at the beginning of the 14th century the scripture was kept in the city of Kutna Hora. At the same time, the plague came to the city, and almost the entire population died as a result of the disease. Of course, all the bumps went to the innocent book, although who knows...

Currently stored in Sweden, Stockholm. The Scriptures are the property of the National Library of Sweden. The book came here after the end of the Thirteen Years' War, when it was brought as a trophy.

This happened in the 17th century, and since then no mystical coincidences or misfortunes brought by the book have been noticed.

Why "The Devil's Bible"

As we can see, the book does not contain any horror with the exception of the portrait of Satan. This is partly why it was called the Devil's Bible. Also, this name comes from the legend of writing, in which the Devil himself allegedly participated.

Another version according to which it follows that the book deserved its name is the already described mass death of the inhabitants of the town of Kutna Hora.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out what is on the 8 pages in front of the portrait, which are filled with ink. It is also impossible to find out what was written on the 8 stolen pages. Who knows, maybe they were the ones who carried the curse that killed people due to the plague at the beginning of the 14th century.

Currently, only representatives of the National Library of Sweden, where the scriptures are kept, have the right to turn the pages. At the same time, their hands must be gloved, and the pages should be turned over as carefully as possible.

Fortunately, there are several copies in the world Devil's Bible, which are given in modern format- they contain the same texts and drawings as the original.

The 624-page manuscript of the Devil's Bible weighs 75 kilograms, the dimensions of its wooden covers are 92 by 50 centimeters, and the skins of 160 donkeys were used to make the book.

The Bible was created at the turn of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by a certain monk, who was allegedly helped by the devil in writing it (hence the name of the manuscript). According to legend, the monk, in order to atone for his sins, promised to write a book in one night. When the monk realized that this was impossible, he asked the devil for help.

“The manuscript was most likely written by a single monk from a Benedictine monastery in the city of Podlazice, located 100 km from Prague, somewhere at the beginning of the 13th century,” says Zdenek Uhlir, a specialist in medieval manuscripts at the National Library of the Czech Republic, quoted by RBC. According to the expert, the monk wrote the manuscript for 10–12 years. The text originally consisted of 640 pages; 624 pages remain in good condition.

The book contains the Old and New Testaments, the texts of “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, the so-called “Mirror of the Sinner” (a collection of edifying and entertaining stories-examples for preachers), a list of the Cosmic Chronicle, various forms of conspiracies and a calendar with a synodik (indicating saints' days).

On page 290 of the book, which contains texts sacred to all Christians, none other than the devil is depicted. It is also noteworthy that several pages before and after this “portrait” have a darker tone, and the writing style differs from that in which the rest of the texts are written.

According to legend, this work appeared in the Benedictine monastery of the Czech city of Podlazice as a result of a conspiracy between one of the novices and a fallen angel. The monk, who had committed a crime before the abbots, in order to avoid punishment, volunteered for the glory of the monastery not only to write the best Bible in just one night, but also to decorate it with drawings. Closer to midnight, realizing that he could not cope with his obligations, the novice turned to the evil one with a request for help. In return, he promised to give his soul and depict the devil on one of the pages. What happened next with the zealous novice, the legend is silent. The Inquisition, already active in the first half of the 13th century, was aware of what had happened, but did not take any active action. This work was not only not destroyed, like many manuscripts that were much less provocative from the point of view of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but was carefully preserved for several centuries in various monastery libraries. In 1594, it ended up in the collection of the Hungarian king Rudolf II. During Thirty Years' War, which raged across Europe in the first half of the 17th century, the “Devil's Bible” was captured by the Swedes and taken to Stockholm as a war trophy. Since then, she has left Sweden only a few times for exhibitions in Berlin and New York.

If this story is a legend, then the demonic drawing is a fact. A one and a half meter tall Satan is drawn on page 290 of the notorious Code. The few pages before this drawing are filled with ink, and after the Satan graffiti, the next 8 pages of text have been removed. Who did this is still shrouded in mystery. The “Devil's Bible,” contrary to vague legends, was never banned. Moreover, several generations of young monks studied the Holy Scriptures from it.

In those days, monasteries were the only repositories of knowledge. There they studied ancient writings and wrote down what needed to be passed on to future generations. Codex Gigas, which in Latin simply means “giant book,” is located in one of the monasteries of Czech Bohemia. Its dimensions are truly amazing: height 89.5 cm, width 49 cm and thickness 22 cm. Mysterious writings are hidden in a wooden binding. Each letter is written with a pen and ink made from soot, applied in the twilight light to a dried animal skin. This, first of all, explains the value of a rare book.

Now the Devil's Bible, hidden under bulletproof glass, is on display at the Klementinum gallery in Prague. The treasure of national culture only temporarily stays in its historical homeland. During the Thirty Years' War, in 1649, the Swedes took it with them to Stockholm as a trophy. That's where she should return. Only specialists from the Royal Swedish Library have the opportunity to leaf through the pages of the sensational book - after putting gloves on their hands.

Today, the Devil's Bible is considered one of the most sinister books in the world. The document contains various Christian scriptures and a purported self-portrait of the Prince of Darkness.

In the article:

Devil's Bible - contents

A huge ominous book is presented in the form of an ancient manuscript. According to a widespread theory, the attribute appeared at the beginning of the 13th century in the Benedictine monastery of the Czech city of Podlazice (now Hrast).

The Gigantic Codex has 624 pages, the book is 89 cm high and 49 cm wide. The weight of the work is impressive - 75 kg. According to approximate data, 167 lamb skins were spent on the production of the manuscript.

According to one legend, Satan helped the monk in writing the book. Tradition says that in order to atone for a grave sin, a monk must rewrite the Bible in one night. Having taken up the work, the monk realized that this was impossible, and prayed to the Devil for salvation.

The codex was written in a handwriting atypical for the 13th century. The letters resemble printed ones. Today, scientists do not agree with the legend and are confident that the book took at least 20–30 years to produce. M. Gulik confirmed this assumption by the fact that the medieval arctic fox was able to copy no more than 140 lines per day. Even non-stop work would have taken about 5 years to create the Bible.

The manuscript contains the Old and New Testaments, the texts of “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, a calendar indicating the days of saints and various spells.

The original Codex Gigas (Devil's Bible) is on display in Prague's Clementinum Library.

A striking page is number 290, where both the usual biblical stories and a strange drawing supposedly depicting the Devil are located. Looking through the book, it is easy to determine that the sheet is different from the rest: the color is different, the style and color of the text are clearly different. It seems that the passage was written by another person.

Secrets of the Devil's Bible

The Codex Gigas must be shrouded in secrecy. The story about a monk who made a deal with the Devil says that Satan agreed to help a man, but in return the monk had to depict a portrait of the Devil on one of the pages. It is unknown what fate befell the man in the future.

It is strange that the manuscript has reached our time, because the Inquisition was not supposed to carefully preserve the book for many centuries in the libraries of various monasteries, but to destroy the creation of Satan as soon as possible. The question arises: Perhaps the existence of the code was beneficial to someone?

In 1595, Gigas was preserved in the vault of the ruler of Hungary, Rudolf III. In the second part of the 17th century, the book became the property of the Swedes and was transported to Stockholm. Afterwards they took the text to show it to Berlin, Prague and New York. The Devil's Bible was kept in the Swedish Royal Museum until 2007, after some time it was transported to National Library Czech Republic.

8 pages after the image with the Devil are filled with ink.

Despite modern methods of analysis, it was not possible to determine what text is under the inked pages and why the sheet with the face of Satan is darker than others. Researchers cannot explain the absence of people in the image of the City of Heaven.

You can download a copy of Codex Gigas from this link.

One theory is that the owner of the Codex will be cursed. For example, the castle where the volume was located in Stockholm suddenly burned down when the book was taken away from there. One of the monasteries was affected by the bubonic plague. There is a belief that to be saved from black magic, one must throw the Devil's Bible out of the window.

What are hellish icons

It can be assumed that the Giant Code is a mockery of Christianity and religion in general. This is justified, because among the sacred texts Christendom hidden is an image of the most terrible and powerful monster - the Devil.

The theory is viable, because the distortion of holy faces has already occurred in history. For example, famous hellish icons can be seen as a mockery of religion. Horrifying relics were common in medieval times.

The peculiarity of the artifacts was that under one drawing another was hidden. The first, hidden one, depicted demons, devils and the Devil. When the paint dried, the usual motifs were applied on top - saints, apostles. Sometimes horns, tails and hooves were drawn under the images of the righteous, which was hidden by a layer of oil.

The first time the term “hell icons” was mentioned was in the 16th century in “The Life of St. Basil.” The story says that the man approached the walls of the city, on which an icon with the face of the Mother of God could be seen. People were sure that the image was miraculous - the crowd prayed and asked the icon to grant health and strength.

However, St. Basil stopped the people. Instead of approaching the miraculous image in prayer, the man threw stones at the image. The crowd was horrified, but Vasily addressed the people with a speech, assuring them that a devil was drawn under the layer of paint. After removing the top coating, the fears were confirmed.

Eat another theory describing the purpose of hellish icons: it was believed that if a believer turns to the saint depicted on the face, he also prays to Satan, because both images are inextricably linked with each other.

Next version reads , that in the Middle Ages, black sorcerers could use hellish icons if their goal was to punish a person who was deeply religious and prayed regularly. By throwing an attribute, you can force an individual to pray to the enemy - the Devil.

According to legend, the faces could have been created by people who opposed church reform and did not want to comply with the set of rules adopted in the 17th century. Frightening icons could have been created to frighten those who supported the reform.

Popular opinion, that the adopic images were made by religious people who were sacredly afraid of breaking the rule “Do not make yourself an idol” and wanted to eliminate the belief in the magical power of icons. For example, there were people who opposed the worship of holy images and were convinced that this was similar to serving pagan idols.

In the 20th century, an opinion arose that there were no black magical icons. Today these are rather legendary artifacts - there are no surviving examples. Russian Slavist Nikita Tolstoy assures that legends about hellish icons were horror stories for superstitious citizens.

There are other, less mystifying theories regarding the image on the first layer: these could simply be poorly and ineptly depicted faces of saints. Due to the low quality of the materials used and the lack of experience of the craftsmen, the images of the righteous could indeed seem terrifying. The layer was covered with a new one, and the image was redone from scratch. However, fans of the supernatural are not satisfied with the theory.

Today it is impossible to say with certainty whether hellish icons existed and why the texts of the Testament were changed in the Gigantic Codex. Perhaps the first is the fruit of the labor of not very experienced artists, and the second is a stupid mockery, and the artifacts are of no value. All that remains is to wait for scientists to solve the riddle.

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