Conversation in the preparatory group “Soon to school. Project activity in the school preparatory group “Soon to school” Lesson: fiction literature “Soon to school”

Name: Lesson summary: “Soon to school”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, game activities, Preparatory group 6-7 years

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 190
Location: Orenburg city

Lesson notes
topic: “Soon to school!”
general developmental group for children aged 6–7 years

Target: Summarize the knowledge gained during the year.



— Reinforce counting and number order (up to 20),

— Improve children’s skills in dividing words into syllables, finding the place of sounds in a word and composing phrases.

— Develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.


— Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve simple math problems, ability to navigate on a sheet of paper,

— Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

— Develop phonemic hearing, perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking.


- Cultivate curiosity, love for school, desire to learn.

— Develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answer,

Equipment and material: phonogram of the song: “They teach at school”, tables - desks, simple pencils, a checkered sheet according to the number of children, a set of letters - syllables, cards with number houses and examples for each child, easel, illustration: “September 1”, Kinder jars – a surprise with words inside, blue and red chips for identification sound analysis, Whatman paper, glue, colored palms, model of the sun., bell or bell. A ribbon of bright colors for each child.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, asking riddles and reading books about school: “Filipok”, “Odnoklassniki”, “I want to go to school”, memorizing the poem: “What awaits me at school”, S/R game: “School”, learning words for a sedentary game : “Sun”, making multi-colored palms for the sun (circled, cut out), as well as a model of the sun.

Types of children's activities:

  • Gaming.
  • Communicative.
  • Cognitive.
  • Productive.
  • Motor.
  • Musically - artistic.

Planned results:

  • children’s ability to act independently and take initiative;
  • children’s ability to follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities.
  • development among pupils logical thinking;
  • the ability of pupils to solve intellectual problems;
  • expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Criteria for assessing children's activities:

  1. Active participation in educational activities.
  2. Independence in performing assigned tasks.
  3. Interaction with peers and adults.
  4. Manifestation of volitional efforts.
  5. The ability to evaluate one’s own actions and give reasons for evaluating the activities of peers.


  1. Introductory part:

Meeting children with music "They teach at school"

Creating motivation for educational activities.

  1. Main part:

Lesson No. 1 in mathematics:

D/i: “Find your place”;

Task No. 1 “Number houses”;

Task No. 2 Graphic dictation: “Draw a figure”;

Turn: Low mobility game “Sun”.

Lesson #2 on speech development:

Task No. 1 D/i: “Kinder surprise”

Task No. 2 D/i: “What word is hidden and superfluous?”

Task No. 3 “Make up a phrase”

Lesson #3 by application:

Task No. 1 “Sun of Friendship”

Final part:

Assessment of children's activities

Performing an excerpt of the song: "Kindergarten"

Lesson 30 min.

Progress of the lesson:

Music song sounds: "They teach at school."

Educator: What event is shown in the picture? Guys, what do you think this all means?

Educator: Soon you will go to school, and the first bell will ring for you on September 1st. Would you like to spend one day at school?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, where do you come to study? Where does school start?

Children: From class.

Educator: Close your eyes and imagine that we are in a classroom, there are desks in front of us, and numbers on the desks.

(bell rings...)

We need to take our seats. But for this you need to complete the task.

D/i: “Find your place”

I give each of you a card on which the number of your place at the table is hidden. Whoever “reads” this entry correctly will take his place.

Please “read, solve” your card - for example, 1+2=No.3,

1+1=№2, 2+2=№4, 1+0=№0, (from 1 to 20)

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. As you understand, what will the first lesson be?

Children: Mathematics.

Educator: Sit correctly, back straight, arms in front of you.

First task: "Number Houses"

I'm giving you cards. In the boxes you need to enter numbers from which you can make a given number. Everyone will have their own card.


(the guys check and correct.)

Educator: Well done, you completed this task.

Next task.

This is a graphic dictation: “ Draw a figure." A checkered sheet of paper lies on the edge of the desk and a pencil. Under my dictation you must draw a figure. Be careful, don’t ask again, I will repeat it 2 times.

Start: put a point, from it 1 cell to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down, 5 cells to the left, 1 cell up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right.

Educator: We're done. What kind of figure did you get?

Children: Ladder.

(several children show their work - a ladder)

Educator: Sign it yourself. The class attendants will collect the work. We'll check them before lunch.

Educator: At school, between each lesson, there is what?

Children: Change to relax.

Guess the riddle:

Zhenya L.: Someone in the morning, slowly, inflates a yellow balloon, and when he lets it out of his hands, it will suddenly become light all around.

Children: Sun

Educator: I suggest you play the game: "Sun"

The red morning has come

The sun rose clear.

The rays began to shine

Make little children happy.

The clouds have arrived

The rays are hidden!

(on last words children begin to twist the ribbon - a ray)

(bell rings)

Educator: This means the next lesson begins. Speech development.

(there are kinder surprises on the plate)

D/i: “Kinder - surprise”

Each of you will take a kinder, inside it is a word that you need to read to yourself, then lay out the sound patterns of the words on the table using colored lids.

Educator: Everyone completed the task. Next

D/game: “Which word is hidden and superfluous?”

Educator: Why do you think there are syllables on the tables?

Children: You need to make words out of them. To do this, we will divide into subgroups, each subgroup has its own word that needs to be composed.

(children make up words)


Educator: How many syllables are there in the word - SHKO-LA? (let's clap with the children)

Children: 2,

Educator: Well done. In the word TET-RA-D?

Children: 3

(and so on until the end...)

Educator: Come up with each subgroup its own phrase with the word that was posted.

(I ask one child at a time from the subgroup)

Children: Red pencil is a phrase, etc.

Educator: Okay, well done.

(the bell rings from class.)

Educator: What do you think is the next lesson?

(I point to the desks where glue and colored palms are laid out - laid out by those on duty)

Children: Application.

Educator: We have already prepared for you: "Sun of Friendship" What do we have left to finish?

Children: Glue our palms.

Educator: Right. Get to work.

(glued your palm to the Whatman paper, sat down in your seats)

(bell rings)

Educator: Well done . The lesson has come to an end.

AND our journey to school has come to an end.

(close our eyes)

Educator: We found ourselves in kindergarten again.

I liked the way you worked today.

At school, kids get grades. What did you like?

And in conclusion, we will sing an excerpt from the song: "Kindergarten".

Thank you for your attention.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 2 “Vasilyok”

Education Department of the Reutov City Administration

Summary of educational activities

Topic: “We’ll be going to school soon”

(for children in the pre-school group)

Made up


first qualifying

G. Reutov

Target : to form ideas about school and positive attitude to school life among older preschoolers.



1. To arouse children’s interest in school; tell what the children do there; consolidate knowledge about school supplies.

2. Learn to answer in complete sentences, activate your vocabulary.


1. Develop grammatically correct speech, thinking, imagination, attention, memory.


1. Cultivate composure, accuracy,sociability, friendliness, respect for each other and adults.

2. To form in children an idea of ​​their right to rest (recess), play, and develop skills of cultural behavior; consolidate the rules of “school life”.

3. Form in children a sense of their growing maturity and competence.

Equipment and material:

Audio recording of the song “What They Teach at School”

Graduate Diploma kindergarten;

Electronic presentation “Soon to school”;

Multimedia installation;


School supplies: briefcase, diary, notebook, pencil case, album, paints.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “Soon to school”;

Reading fiction about “school”;

Excursions: “To school”;

Role-playing game "School";

Listening to audio recordings of songs about school;

Examination of illustrations depicting school, classes, school supplies.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The song “What They Teach at School” plays

What is this song about? (about school, what they teach at school). Today, guys, we will continue talking about school.

2. Main part

The teacher attracts the children's attention by looking at a photo album with photographs of graduates.

Educator : Guys, who do you think it is?

These are the children who went to our group, to our kindergarten - these are our graduates.

It was not by chance that I started talking about them. This year, on the first of September, very an important event in your life.

Our flowers have faded

Birds fly away

You're going for the first time

To first grade... (study)

What happens on the first of September?

Finger gymnastics “To school”

I'll go to school in the fall.

I'll find friends there

I will be such a scientist!

But I won’t forget my kindergarten.

“Walk” with their fingers on their knees. Bend their fingers on both

Hands. They threaten with the index finger of their right hand.

Absolutely right. All the children go to school.

Let's see how this happens.A. Barto wrote the poem “To School” (Slide No. 3)

Children sit on chairs.

To school

Why today Petya

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore

And now he's a newbie.

On his new jacket

Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,

It was only three o'clock.

He was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,

I grabbed a pencil case from the table

Dad ran after him

I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,

The electricity was turned on

The neighbors stood behind the wall.

And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,

I couldn't sleep until the morning.

Even my grandmother dreamed

That she repeats the lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed

Why is he standing at the board?

And he can't be on the map

Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

So next year you will also go to first grade for the first time - you will be... (first graders). Poem by A. Barto “First-grader” (Slide No. 4)

First grader

Masha - first grader:
Uniform dress,
The apron is starched,
You can sit at your desk.

There are frills on the apron,
And there are folds on the dress!
Where can I get fives?
So that everything is okay?

Now you are in kindergarten and they call you children. When you go to school, you will become - (schoolchildren, students).

Difficult, responsible days of school life will come. What is responsibility? (Children's answers).

You will need to maintain a daily routine. Maintaining a daily routine is very important for the body.

Get up early in the morning at the same time.

You definitely need gymnastics (slide number 5) so that your body wakes up and is ready to work all day. Poem by A. Barto “Charging”

In order
Line up!
To charge
We are growing
In the sun

Wash, brush your teeth.

Have breakfast, because it will be difficult to work in class on an empty stomach(Slide No. 6)

Getting yourself in order, putting on a school uniform, combing your hair, because a neat student is always nice.

And of course, don’t forget your school bag.

Someone lives next to the school, and someone will travel by bus - you need to be careful and attentive.(Slide No. 7). Having reached school, you should not linger while talking with your friends, but rush to your class, where they will already be waiting for you. Who?

White chalk and colored chalk

Always with me at the blackboard

Both the textbook and the pointer -

Let the lesson go like a fairy tale.


Teacher - from the word teach, and what other related words can be found for the word “teach” - teacher, teacher, student, students, student, textbook, study.

Review of “Lesson at School” (Slide No. 8)

What do you see in the picture? (teacher, student)

What does the teacher teach? (lesson)

What does the teacher do? What about the students? (listen, answer, work in class)

Where are they sitting? (at the desks)

What does the teacher use? (chalk, pointer, aids: books, pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.)

What kind of lesson do you think the teacher is teaching? (mathematics) Why? (writes numbers)(Slide No. 9)

How do the students behave? How did you find out? (no one turns around, they raise their hands). Poem by A. Barto “First Lesson”(Slide No. 10)

First lesson

This is my first time in class.

Now I'm a student.

The teacher entered the class, -

Stand up or sit down?

How to open a desk

I didn't know at first

And I didn't know how to get up

So that the desk doesn't knock.

They tell me - go to the board, -

I raise my hand.

How to hold a pen in your hand,

I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!

We have four Asi,

Four Vasya, five Marus

And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time

Now I'm a student.

I'm sitting on the desk correctly,

Although I can't sit still.

What other lessons are there at school? (physical education, drawing, reading, writing, etc.)

How does the teacher know that it is time to end the lesson?(bell rings). This is a change.

We will also have a rest, but first remember a few rules: during recess, the guys relax, solve their questions (problems), play, but at school you can’t be very noisy, it’s better to play quiet games, in a friendly manner, without quarreling; don't push.

Physical education lesson (A. Barto “The Herd”). ( Slide No. 11)

Herding game

Yesterday we played flock,

And we needed to growl.

We growled and bellowed

They barked like dogs,

Haven't heard any comments

Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:

What kind of noise are you making?

I've seen a lot of children -

This is the first time I've seen something like this.

We told her in response:

There are no children here!

We are not Petya and not Vova -

We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs always bark

They don’t understand your words.

And the cows always moo,

Keeping the flies away.

And she answered: - What are you talking about?

Okay, if you are cows,

I was a shepherd then.

Please keep in mind:

I'm taking the cows home.

(bell rings)

The children played

The bell rang

Kolya and Lena are having fun -

It begins... (lesson)

The teacher will now begin the drawing lesson. Yesterday he warned the guys that there would be a drawing lesson and they needed to bring paints, a brush and a jar of water.

I'm reading a story.

“One student came home from school, changed clothes and ran to play with her friends. And I forgot about the task. How embarrassed she was in class! All the kids laid out albums, paints and what the teacher asked for on their desks, but she had nothing. She was ready to cry."

What would you do with the girl? (maybe they would laugh and start saying offensive words) (children’s answers). Of course they would help. Alina would give her an extra brush, Slava would give her his paints to use together.

After this incident, the girl never forgot about the teacher’s assignment, so as not to upset him.

“First, put everything in your briefcase that you will need at school tomorrow, and then go play.” I also realized that if you have an extra brush or pencil, let it lie in your briefcase, maybe you will need to help a friend. And the teacher will be pleased, praise you, and the lesson will pass without a showdown.

When you get home, what rule should you follow? Relax, do homework, collect briefcase. (Slide No. 12)

The game “Collect a briefcase” is played

3. Final part.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what you need for today game lesson did you like it the most? (children speak out)

I think and want you to be diligent students. All the best!

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Getting to know the school”

Target: development of cognitive abilities.
- expand children’s vocabulary on the topic “school”;
- develop cognitive processes(elements of logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention), coherent speech;
- to cultivate in preschoolers a positive emotional attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school;
- develop independence, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to negotiate.
Preliminary work.
- Memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles for school and school supplies.
- Reading fiction, conversations, looking at illustrations on the topic, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about school, pictures of schoolchildren, a disk with music about school.
Prizes: cardboard medals.

Progress of the lesson: Educator: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?
Answers. Educator: That's right, soon you will go to school and will be schoolchildren.
Listen to a poem about school.
What is school

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!

Educator: But in order to go to school, you need to find out what you know you can do. Do you think school is different from kindergarten?
Answers. Educator: What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Answers. Educator: That's right, and our guys prepared poems.

Educator: Do you think school rules are different from kindergarten rules?
Answers. Educator: Tell me your address, the address of your kindergarten?
Answers. Educator: How should you behave at school?
Answers. Educator: Tell us what you know about the school? How do you know when class starts?
Answers. Educator: And after the lesson, what do the children do?
Answer. Educator: That's right, they rest during recess. So I suggest you rest a little.

Educator: Who works at the school?
Answers. Educator: What does the teacher do?
Answers. Educator: Well, in let's go to school, shall we start studying?
Answers. Educator: Your first task, you have cubes with letters on your tables. Try to put words out of them that are familiar to you.
The children are posting.

Educator: Look, there are pictures on the board, you need to find objects that start with the same letter.
Game: “Find words starting with the letter...”.

Educator: And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated the physical exercise (we repeat the movements according to the text).
And now the step is in place.Legs up! Stop, one, two! (Walk in place.)Raise our shoulders higherAnd then we lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)Place your hands in front of your chestAnd we perform jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)You need to jump ten timesLet's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)We raise our knees -We perform the step on the spot. (Walk in place.)We stretched with all our hearts, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)And they returned to the place again. (Children sit down.)

Educator: And now I’m reading riddles,
And I’ll count the answers.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talking to us
With a patient tongue.

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait?
Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
Be able to write about them!

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with it!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just let it go -
Where was the emptiness
There, look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?...

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

Game: "Find your house."

Educator: Let's play a game"One is many."
I name one object, and you name many objects. For example: pencil - pencils.
Pen - …,
Ruler - …,
Eraser - ...,
Desk -…,
Student - …,
Deuce -...,
Letter -...etc.
Educator: You seem to know the letters and remember your school supplies, but can you count? I offer you some puzzles for your mind.
There is 1 boy sitting at the desk, and 1 girl is sitting next to him. How many children are sitting at a desk?
Answer. Educator: There were 3 apples, they were divided in half. How many people can apples feed?
Answers. Educator: We need a red pencil of blue color and green. How many pencils did we take?
Answer. Educator: Physical exercise.

Educator: Let's consolidate the material covered. I ask questions and you answer “Yes” or “No.”

Do we go to school to play?
- Or get straight A's?
- Shall we sleep during class?
- Or play with dolls?
- Will we offend our friends?
- Will we respect teachers?
- Shall we give the diary to the teacher?
- Will we read every day?
- Shall we rest during the break?
- And we will start studying again?
Educator: I liked the way you worked today. Listen to the poem.
Child: Everyone will say goodbye
When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.
It's time for a friend to leave -
We'll say "Bye" to him.
Educator: So we say “Goodbye” to our lesson today, I thank you for the lesson and give everyone medals, although for now only cardboard ones.
Independent activities of children on the topic “School”.

Implementation period: long-term (September – May).

Project type: psychological and pedagogical.

Children's age: preparatory group

Project participants: educators, preparatory group children, parents, teacher primary classes, educational psychologist, head of the art studio.

Relevance of the project:

Going to school is new stage in a child's life. Many children cross the threshold of school with trepidation, anxiety and excitement. After all, their personality began to occupy a more significant social position – that of a schoolchild. This solemn event is sometimes overshadowed by anxiety and fear of the unknown. In order to avoid negative emotions in first-graders and help them adapt to school, information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role.

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student here,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart kids like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child, tuned to joyful, exciting activities, having experienced even minor, negative emotions(resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) may lose interest in studying for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the backdrop of seeming universal success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancies between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

Theoretical analysis pedagogical literature and these practices convinced us to carry out targeted work to form a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group through a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-development environment, through pedagogical education of parents, and interaction with primary school teachers.

School-oriented projects help improve social and cognitive activity children, the purposeful formation in them of integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Target: to form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life.


For children
1. Formation of motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself
2. Promote development creativity, cognitive motivation, intellectual qualities of children;

3. Development of communication skills in interaction with peers and teachers, arbitrariness of behavior;

For teachers:

Formation of social personality traits of a future first-grader necessary for successful adaptation at school;

For parents:

Expanding the range of knowledge about school readiness among parents of preparatory group children


Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in preparing children for school;

Reducing the level of situational anxiety among parents about the upcoming transition of children to school.

Job Analysis:

Diagnostics showed that in the end school year all children have formed an educational and cognitive motive for learning; all children in the group are ready for school . Projective drawing “School” presented the effectiveness of the work carried out to form a positive image of the school in the perception of future first-graders - the motivation of all children acquired an optimal character (educational and cognitive).

Project Implementation Plan

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities;

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and formalize it;

Help from parents in selecting literature and board and printed games on school topics;

Cooperation with school library and primary school teachers;

Diagnosis of children at the beginning of the year;

Individual counseling of parents based on the results of diagnostic readiness of children for school.

Main stage

Cognitive development

Teacher's story "The children went to school."

Making riddles, reading proverbs, solving puzzles, crosswords about school.

Teacher's story "The history of the school."

Excursion to the school (attending a lesson, meeting the teacher).

Excursion to the library (exhibition of school-themed books).

Intellectual quiz “We play - we develop” (psychologist).

Participation in the interregional tournament of abilities “RostOK - UnikUm”.

Game exercises with Lull circles.

Didactic games: “Pack a school bag”, “Wonderful bag”, “Confusion”, “Live week”, “What’s extra”, “Add a letter”, “Logic beads”, “Guess where it’s hidden”, “When it happens” ?”, “What first, what next”, etc.

Desktop-printed: " Sea battle”, “Who will reach the goal faster”, “Games with beads”, lotto “Get ready for school”, “Let’s make numbers from counting sticks”, “Find the treasure on the map”, puzzles, mosaics.

Plane modeling games: Tangram, Columbus Egg; chess, checkers.

Speech development


“How is school different from kindergarten”, “What do we know about school”, “Why do we need to study”, “Who teaches children?”, “Soon we will go to school”

Conversation: “How a librarian works,” “What do we know about the library.”

Examination of paintings and illustrations about the school of the past.

“What will my first day of school be like?” (fantasy story)

“Why I want to go to school” (monologue story)

Correctional classes “What kind of school is it?” (psychologist)

Word games: “Radio”, “Travel”, “Chain”, “Guess who is my friend”, “The fourth wheel”, “I know...”, “Telegraph”, “inverted words”, “Who is flying (running, jumps, walks)”, “Remember the words”, “Add a letter”, etc.

Design of an exhibition in the book corner on the topic: “School. School supplies."

Reading fiction (listed below)

Social and communicative development

Plot-role-playing games:


"Shop. School goods"


Entertainment: “Meeting with kindergarten graduates.” (Looking at a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Theatrical activities: puppet show “Kolobok”, director’s play “Little Red Riding Hood” (for kids)

Acting out and discussing situations " School uniform", "It's hard for me!", "Recess", "Lesson".

Handmade “Bookmark for a book” (gifts for 4th grade students), notebooks, textbooks for playing school, forms.

Repair of books for children.

Conversation “People familiar and unfamiliar”, “ Safe behavior on the street”, “Rules for handling dangerous objects”.

Didactic games “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Who is the odd one out”, “Which of these people are your relatives”, “Put the pictures in order”.

Life safety situations “I fell”, “Alone on the street”, “Help numbers”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Compilation of illustrated books for children “Baby Books”.

Collage: “My future briefcase”

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “What did you like at school”

Drawing “Pictures for the ABCs”, “Goodbye, kindergarten”, “School”, “Bouquet for the teacher”.

Modeling “Letters”, “Numbers”.

Integrative lesson (artistic, aesthetic, cognitive) “I’m at school.”

Construction: “My School” - construction material(by submission)

Planar modeling - compiling scenes from mosaics on a school theme.

Physical development

Games with elements of competition: “Who will get through the hoop to the flag the fastest”, “Whose team will throw more balls into the basket”, “Who will reach the middle first”

Relay games: “Fun Competitions”, “Relay in Pairs”, “Obstacle Course”, “Ball Over Head”, etc.

Conversation: “How to take care of your clothes”, “Food culture is a serious matter”

Reading “Ya. Akim “Neumeika”, S. Mikhalkov “I Myself.” N. Litvinova “The Kingdom of Cutlery.”

Finger games for development fine motor skills hands

Joint activities of parents and children

  • Orientation in space: diagram - route “I’m going to school” (together with parents);
  • compilation family tree(3 – 5 generations);
  • come up with and draw a family coat of arms
  • select photographs of parents during school years, family photographs for the design of children’s portfolios.

Interaction between teachers and families

Parent meeting: “Children’s readiness for school”

Training “My future first-grader”

Articles and consultations in the folder for parents “What a child who is going to school should know.”

Consultation with a psychologist: “Which aspects of school readiness are especially important”, “Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school”

Reading books about school at home with your children.

Workshop for parents “First school difficulties: how to cope with them?” (psychologist)

Making memos:

“Crib sheet for parents of future first-graders.”

"Wise Advice."

The final stage

For children

Exhibition of creative drawings by children “What did you like at school.”

For teachers

Presentation of the project: “We are future schoolchildren” (report on the work done)

Diagnostic drawing “School”

Diagnosis of children at the end of the year.

For parents

Create a children's portfolio.

Manuals used to implement the project and fiction.

1. V. Bardin “Preparing a child for school.”

2. T.N. Doronov “From preschool educational institution to school.”

3. T.B. Anisimova “Preparing a child for school.”

4. Moscow “Enlightenment” “educational literature” 1996 “Children, get ready for school.”

5. S.V. Chirkova " Parent meetings in kindergarten."

6. S. Soloveichik “Pedagogy for everyone.”

7. Handbook of educational psychologist 1, 2014.


1. N. Nekrasov “Schoolboy”.

2. L. Tolstoy “Filippok”.

3. I. Lystsov “How the notebook was born.”

4. A. Barkov, R. Suryaninov “Where the book came from.”

5. S. Marshak “Yesterday and Today.”

6. M.A. Panfilov "School".

7. A. Barto “First-grader”

8. L. Tolstoy “Stories from the ABC”.

9. B. Zakhoder “This book is sick.”

10. L.Barbas “Who needs an A.”

11. Internet materials (cognitive information), etc.

Illustrative and printed visual material:

1. Selection of subject pictures “School supplies”.

2. Selection of illustrative material on the topic “School. Past and future."

3. Photo materials on the topic “Our graduates”, “Chronicles of a family album”.

4. Paintings by artists:

5. B. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Rus'. 1912.

6. F. Reshetnikov. Two again. 1951.

Prepared by: teacher of the highest qualification category Svetlana Alekseevna Davydova.


Teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in exploration and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways dissolving substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
Bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for humans, develop knowledge about proper eye care, and teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the relationship between distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a gravitational force.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
To promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, observation, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest them in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Paintings " solar system", "Desert".
Textbooks “biology”, “chemistry”, “physics”, “geography”, “anatomy”, “astronomy”.
Magnifying glasses, flight and down feathers.
Two glasses of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with caps, pictures depicting children sitting correctly and incorrectly at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Satchel, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, album, colored pencils, doll, bottle with pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Children's answers). From the preparatory group. This means you are the most mature among the kindergarten children. Tell me, what kind of classes do you have? (Children's answers). But very soon it will be time to say goodbye to kindergarten. Why? (Children's answers). Because you will become schoolchildren. There are no classes at school. Instead of them -... lessons. You will study many different school subjects in class.

What is this sound? (The bell rings).

It rings, rings, rings,
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study,
Then get up and go away.
What was that ringing?

(Children's answers).

It's a school bell. He announces the beginning and end of the lesson. And now we will fast forward to the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, studying at school and studying many interesting school subjects in class.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a chemistry lesson. (Show textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances and how they behave under different conditions. In chemistry lessons you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and others explode when mixed.
- Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - “How do substances dissolve in water?”

Using a pipette, drop paint into one glass of water. What do you see? (Children's answers). The drop dissolves slowly and unevenly in the water.
Add paint to another glass of water and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers). The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what you saw? (Children's answers). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
IN ordinary life How do we use knowledge of this feature of the dissolution of substances in water? (Children's answers). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to biology class. (Show textbook). Biology is the science that studies all living things. In biology lessons you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.
Now let’s imagine ourselves in a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - “How are bird feathers arranged?”

Birds need different feathers. Here is a flight feather and a down feather. Let's look at them. What can you say about the size of the feathers? (Children's answers). The flight feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the flight feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Slowly, smoothly circling. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Even slower.

Now let's look at the shaft of each feather. What is the difference? (Children's answers). The flight feather has a thick rod that is empty inside. Down feathers have a thin, soft shaft.
- Wave the flight feather and down feather. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The flight feather cuts the air sharply, with sound. A down feather does not cut through the air.

Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In a flight feather, the hairs are interlocked with each other, while in a down feather, the hairs are located separately.

Let's think about why birds need such feathers? (Children's answers).
Conclusion: the flight feather and the down feather are different. The flight feather helps the bird fly, and the down feather helps it retain heat.

(The bell rings).

And this bell calls not to class, but to recess!

Dynamic pause “Change”

Children line up in a column, the first child has a backpack, the last has a set of objects, which he passes one at a time to the one in front. When the item reaches the first child, he makes a decision: should he put this item in his backpack, or does the student not need it? The assembled backpack is transferred in reverse order.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Show textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons you will learn what determines a child’s hair color, how many bones a person has, and how the heart works. Imagine yourself in an anatomy lesson.

Anatomy lesson - “Why does a person need two eyes?”

I wonder why a person needs two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Place a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take a pen and make a dot on the sheet. Now stand up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with your pen. Happened? (Children's answers). It's easy to do.

Now do the same, covering one eye with your hand. What do you think? Was it easy to complete this task?

Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the pen and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulties? (Children's answers). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. What about this time? (Children's answers). The task was not so easy to complete.
- This is because our eyes transmit two pictures to the brain that are slightly different from each other.

So how many eyes does a person need? (Children's answers). Two eyes.

Didactic exercise “Right and Wrong”

You need to protect your eyes. Look at the pictures.
Didactic exercise “Right and Wrong”
- Who takes proper care of their eyes? Why? (Children's answers). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? Your hands may be dirty and dirt will get into your eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who sits correctly at the table, a boy or a girl? Why? (Children's answers). Cross out the wrong picture. You cannot lean close to a book or notebook. The eyes get tired quickly when they look at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at what is close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - distant. Like what? (Children's answers). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Show textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? "Astra" translated from Greek language means "star". So what does the science of astronomy study? (Children's answers). Astronomy - the science of stars and all celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, comets and many others. Imagine yourself in an astronomy lesson.

Astronomy Lesson - "Far and Close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Earth. And the Sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you
Answer boldly -
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the switched on lamp is the hot Sun. Squeeze two fists - these will be planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less of them fall on the fist.

What about the planets? Which ones are hot and warm, and which ones are cold. (Children's answers).

The closer a planet is to the Sun, the hotter it is, and the further a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. Show us the hottest planet. (Show). Show me the coldest planet. (Show). And our planet is located not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only the dear Earth is suitable for habitation in every way.

(The bell rings).

Physical education lesson

In physical education lessons you will become acquainted with different types sports, you will become strong, agile, fast. Now let's practice.

Physical exercise “Let’s play sports”

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the teacher’s demonstration).

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Show textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.
- Now let’s imagine ourselves in a physics lesson and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - “Why does everything fall to the ground?”

The earth has a gravitational force. Everything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Having jumped, we will also fall down. And this is how the earth attracts various items, we will try to find out now.

Stand next to a plate filled with sand. Take three balls in your hand: wooden, plastic, paper. Which one is the heaviest? The easiest? (Children's answers).

Raise it higher and release the balls one by one so that they fall onto the sand. Pay attention which one will fall faster - will be attracted to the ground, and which one will be slower. Also pay attention to the mark left by the ball in the sand where it fell.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Children's answers).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.
Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the earth and fall, but with different strength and speed.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Show textbook).

Geography lesson

- “Geo” translated from Greek means “Earth”. Geography is the science of the Earth, the surface of planet Earth. On the most interesting lessons geography, you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what this is? (Show. Children's answers). This is a globe.

We will find cities and seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
The whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Children's answers). Green color means forests. White color? (Children's answers). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Children's answers). Mountains. What about yellow? (Children's answers). Deserts.

Show the large African Sahara Desert on the globe. (The child is called).

This is what we will talk about sandy deserts. What is a desert? (Children's answers). A piece of land covered with sand. What word does this name “desert” come from? Listen to the word. (Children's answers). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows or lives in the desert. But why? There is no water in the desert. There is a lot of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Pour the sand into an empty plate. Just try to sprinkle it in a trickle in one place. What happened? (Children's answers). A sand hill formed where the sand fell. The sand slides, as if flowing down the slopes of the hill.

Now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Children's answers). Blow on the sand? (Children's answers). Blow lightly onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers don't flow through deserts. Use a pipette to pour water onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand absorbed the water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.

So why is there almost no water, plants or animals in the desert? (Children's answers). The sand is constantly moving, water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We haven't had time to talk about many more interesting sciences that you will study in school. You have many interesting discoveries ahead. I wish you to gain a lot of knowledge and a lot of good grades. Thank you! Goodbye!