The wealth given to people is what the ocean gives to people. Natural resources of our homeland. "The planet is our common home." Protection of natural resources. Planned learning outcomes

PRESENTATION “RICHES GIVEN TO PEOPLE” Prepared by student 3 “B” of class MBOU “Secondary School 10” Kogalym Danutsa Evgeniy

MUSEUM AND EXHIBITION CENTER 1 The center has existed since July 1, 2011. It arose as a result of the merger of two municipal budgetary institutions: the “Museum of Local Lore” and the “Museum of Fine Arts”.

The open exhibition space reveals a unique picture of the North: the iridescent northern lights, the riches of nature; as symbols of the movement of the man-conqueror of the northern territories: Ermak’s plow and a real railway carriage and the tent of the pioneer oil workers.

History of Kogalym The appearance of the city is associated with the discovery of the Povkhovskoye, Vatyoganskoye and Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye oil fields in Western Siberia in 1971. In 1975, builders of the Surgut - Korotchaevo railway landed in the area of ​​the village, and on August 31, 1976, the village received its official name - Kogalymsky First train - No. 524 - Moscow - Novy Urengoy March 8, 1976 - the first landing of the railway builders

In March 1976, the first tent city was built. In 1 tent there were 8-10 places, they were heated by potbelly stoves - a stove, people were on duty around it for 2 hours.

in 1978 the first ton of oil was produced. In 1999, LUKOIL enterprises produced the first billion tons of oil in Western Siberia.

Indigenous population THE INDIGENOUS POPULATION OF OUR REGION IS THE KHANTY. Chum - Khanty housing was divided into 2 zones - male and female. The center is a common hut - there is a roof, but no ceiling, furniture - bunks, a bed, a table, but no chairs.

The Khanty are engaged in reindeer herding. Reindeer are used both as sleds, and for making clothes from reindeer skins, and for eating reindeer meat. Khanty sleighs - cargo and sledding kits. Kisses - Khanty shoes. Malitsa - Khanty fur coat.

Virtual reality The Trans-Force Hall invites museum visitors to take a fascinating and educational virtual journey.

The 5D cinema attraction is a new generation attraction. In 5D, the viewer enjoys the latest stereo films while sitting in chairs located on a dynamic platform. Thanks to this technique, 5D technology allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the plot of the film and feel a real physical presence.

MASTER CLASSES IN THE KOGALYM MUSEUM AND EXHIBITION CENTER Every day the museum holds master classes in various areas of activity: painting, appliqué, sculpture. On February 8, two master classes were held at the museum and exhibition center: a postcard “Happiness” - a craft made from salt dough and a postcard with three-dimensional elements for February 23.

On April 22, an interesting and almost magical master class on twisting took place. Children and adults made toys out of thin air. Many of us have been to the circus and watched in fascination as a clown in a matter of seconds before our eyes turns long narrow balls into amazing, kind little animals. Hands flash, twist, twist and... ale-op! And now I have the opportunity to do it myself. Adults, right in front of their little ones, created a real miracle for a few minutes! But the children did not lag behind the adults - they made an air toy with their own hands. The master class brought a lot of pleasure to the participants and those around them.



The museum is today a scientific, educational, cultural and communication center for different categories of the population and a wonderful place for family holidays.

Objective of the project: Find out what nature gives to people.
Form of work (individually, in pairs, groups, whole class): in pairs

Stages of work:

  1. Find out what the ocean (sea, river, lake) gives to people
  2. What does the forest give to people?
  3. What mountains give people.
  4. Conclusion

My responsibilities for the project:I have to find out what the forest gives people, find suitable pictures and interesting material.

Working hours:a week

Ways to present the results (story-portrait, story-biography, album, book, stand, etc.): Biography story

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

  1. The forest is a storehouse of natural resources
  2. What the forest shares with people: mushrooms, berries, dead wood, game, fur, wood for building houses.
  3. Beauty of the forest

Materials for the project(write, stick, draw what you think is necessary).

They say that the forest is a real storehouse of natural resources. And I have been convinced many times of the veracity of this statement. I often visited the forest and the forest always shared with me a variety of its riches.

For example, in the fall we often go with our parents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We love to wander along forest paths and find boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen under the fallen leaves.

In the summer, we sometimes go out into the forest to pick berries. Like bears with a sweet tooth, we collect wild raspberries and a bucket of fragrant wild strawberries, from which we then make delicious strawberry jam.

When I was in the village with my grandmother, she and I went into the forest for dead wood - dry tree branches needed to light the stove. So the forest shared its warmth with us and warmed us.

My dad told me that his friends go hunting in the forest. They then bring carcasses of wild boars and deer to make delicious food from their meat. I even tried deer meat once when we were visiting. It was very tasty and unusual, the meat was dark and rough, apparently the deer ran a lot through the forest.

I know that in the forest animals are hunted not only for game (meat from wild animals), but also for animal skins, which are then used to make fur coats, but I really don’t like it. It seems to me that no fur coat is worth killing animals over.

The forest also produces wood for building houses. My mother and I have been dreaming of our own log house (a house made of round logs) for a long time, and maybe our dream will come true someday.

However, for me the greatest wealth of the forest is its beauty. Every time I come to the forest, it pleases me with new stunning colors and landscapes.

How do I evaluate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, whether it was completely independent or required the help of adults, how the cooperation with classmates developed, whether the work was successful).

The work was difficult, but we did it perfectly! I couldn’t have done it without help, but my mom and dad helped me. Our report was very interesting and exciting!

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my parent and friend for your help.

Lesson type: combined.


— formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value-based understanding of personal experience of communicating with people and nature;


What are natural resources? Can they run out, which is necessary to save them?


learn to distribute project responsibilities in groups; collect material; select illustrative material, produce missing

Subject results

Will learn

Use various methods of searching, collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information;

Observe the rules of behavior in the natural world.

Universal educational activities (UUD)

Regulatory: independently plan your actions when performing project activities, mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Cognitive: using various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information.

Communicative: mastering the ability to conduct a dialogue, express one’s opinion and argue one’s point of view and assessment of events.

Personal results

Awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, basic rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people,

norms of health-saving behavior in nature and the social environment.


Natural resources, their protection

Checking readiness to learn new material

Minerals- these are riches that are extracted from the bowels of the Earth or its surface. Life in the modern world is impossible without useful tools. Some useful products are used in construction:

Geo-lo-gy- they study useful resources and search for their places of origin.

Place of Birth- these are places where, in the depths of the Earth and on its surface, useful industries lie.

Useful resources are used in different ways: some are in open cauldrons - quarries, others are in mines, deep wells, and in order to extract oil or gas from the Earth, people build drilling rigs and drill deep -bo-kie wells.

To make glass and make glass, you need special sand. Sand is a useful product. To make the soup salty, you need salt, salt is also a healthy use. To make a bowl for soup, you need a special white clay - ka-o-lin, and it is also useful.

Rice. 1 Ka-o-lin

Learning new material

Very interesting, although unnoticeable for us, natural objects are stones. When we say “stones,” we mean mountainous rocks and minerals. Mi-ne-ra-ly- these are natural substances, and rocks- these are natural compounds of mi-ne-ra-lovs. Some of them are used in construction, while others are used for decoration.

Granite- a very strong and beautiful stone. Granite lies deep in the ground and on the surface, where it occurs in the form of entire mountains. It would be grey, pink and red. Granite is a mountainous rock composed of grains of several minerals, mainly feldspar, quartz and mica. The colored grains are feldspar, the semi-transparent sparkling ones are quartz, the black ones are mica. The grain in la-you-ni is grano, from here and the name is granite.

Mica- mi-ne-ral, consisting of plates, which are easily separated from each other, they are dark, but transparent and shine. Mica is included in the composition of granite and some other rocks.

Granite is a very durable stone, which is why it is used in construction. They build the foundations of houses from it, on the banks, for hundreds of memorials. Granite is good, go-fu-et-sya and li-ru-et-sya. It is used for covering the walls of buildings and metro stations.

If we look carefully at a ka-mu-shek found by the sea or in the mountains, we can notice that it often has a different color -nym, in full-society, spotty or with times. This is due to the fact that the found ka-mu-shek is made up of minerals on which they were left traces of natural processes.

Mi-not-ra-ly with weight, color and hardness. From them, as from bricks, the world of inanimate nature is made up - both large boulders and fine sand.