Epics about Russian heroes for children. Which Russian epic is the most ancient? Ilya Muromets and Kalin the Tsar

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What is an epic?

Do you know what an epic is? And how is it different from a fairy tale? Bylina is heroic epic Russian people. Heroic - because it talks about the great heroes-heroes of ancient times. And the word "epic" comes from Greek language and means “narration”, “story”. Thus, epics are stories about the exploits of famous heroes. Surely some of them are already familiar to you: Ilya Muromets, who defeated the Nightingale the Robber; Dobrynya Nikitich, who fought with the Serpent; merchant and guslar Sadko, who sailed the sea on his beautiful ship and visited the underwater kingdom. In addition to them, there are stories about Vasily Buslaevich, Svyatogor, Mikhailo Potyk and others.


The most amazing thing is that these are not just fictional characters. Scientists believe that many of them actually lived many centuries ago. Imagine: in the 9th - 12th centuries the state of Russia did not yet exist, but there was the so-called Kievan Rus. Various Slavic peoples lived on its territory, and the capital was the city of Kyiv, where the Grand Duke ruled. In the epics, heroes often travel to Kiev to serve Prince Vladimir: for example, Dobrynya saved the prince’s niece Zabava Putyatichna from the terrible Serpent, Ilya Muromets defended the capital city and Vladimir himself from the Poganous Idol, Dobrynya and the Danube went to woo a bride for the prince. The times were turbulent, many enemies from neighboring lands raided Rus', so the heroes were not bored.

It is believed that Ilya Muromets, known from epics, was a warrior who lived in the 12th century. He bore the nickname Chobotok (that is, Boot), because he once managed to fight off enemies with the help of these shoes. For many years he fought with enemies and glorified himself with military exploits, but with age, tired of wounds and battles, he became a monk in the Theodosius Monastery, which in our time is called the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. And so, today, having arrived in the city of Kyiv, you can see for yourself the grave of St. Ilya of Muromets in the famous caves of the Lavra. Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich were also famous heroes in Rus', mentions of whom were preserved in the most ancient documents - chronicles. In Russian epics there are also female heroes; they are called by the ancient word Polenitsa. The Danube fought with one of them. The wife of Stavr Godinovich was distinguished by her daring and resourcefulness, who managed to fool Prince Vladimir himself and rescue her husband from prison.

How epics have survived to this day.

For many centuries and generations, epics were not written down, but were passed on from mouth to mouth by storytellers. Moreover, unlike fairy tales, they were not just told, but sung. In the villages ancient Rus', which over time turned into Russian state, peasants, while doing routine work (for example, sewing or weaving nets), in order not to get bored, sang stories about heroic deeds. The son and daughter learned these tunes from their parents, then passed them on to their children. Thus, the glory and exploits of people who lived centuries ago were preserved in the memory of the people. Just imagine: at the beginning of the 20th century - in an era when major cities trains and cinematographs already existed, in a distant northern village, at the end of the world, an old peasant, just like his fathers and grandfathers, sang epics glorifying the hero Dobrynya - the uncle of Prince Vladimir and the glorious warrior of ancient Rus'!!! Dobrynya and this peasant were separated by many centuries and a huge distance, and yet the glory of the hero overcame these obstacles.

Most read and interesting heroic tales and epics we present to you.

Epics. Russian folk heroic tales list:

1. Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich

2. Vavila and the buffoons

3. Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich

4. Dobrynya and Alyosha

5. Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych

6. Dobrynya Nikitich

7. Ivan the guest son

8. Ilya-Muromets

9. Ilya-Muromets and Kalin-Tsar

10. Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber

11. Nikita Kozhemyaka

13. The tale of the glorious, mighty hero Eruslan Lazarevich

14. Tales of the brave knight Ukrom-Tabunshchik

15. Stavr Godinovich

Russian epics and heroic tales Basically they have a plot based on a heroic event, episodes about the exploits of the Russian people. Bylinas are mostly written in tonic verse, so Russian epics must be read in the form of a verse or a drawn-out song.

The name of the epic comes from the words “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action took place in the past. Epics about Russian heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popov - are the most popular stories of our time. We offer children's epics about these heroes in a fairy-tale form on the pages of our website. Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin read the Serpent, Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych read, Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber read, and many other interesting heroic tales can be read on our website.

The epics are written in tonic verse, which may have a different number of syllables, but approximately the same number of stresses. Some stressed syllables are pronounced with the stress removed. At the same time, it is not necessary that all verses of one epic have an equal number of accents: in one group there can be four of them, in another - three, in the third - two. In epic verse, the first stress, as a rule, falls on the third syllable from the beginning, and the last stress on the third syllable from the end.

Bylinas are epic songs about Russian heroes; It is here that we find a reproduction of their general, typical properties and the history of their lives, their exploits and aspirations, feelings and thoughts. Each of these songs speaks mainly about one episode in the life of one hero, and thus a series of songs of a fragmentary nature are obtained, grouped around the main representatives of Russian heroism.

Bylina. Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Ilya left Murom early and early, and he wanted to get to the capital Kyiv-grad by lunchtime. His fast horse gallops a little lower than the walking cloud, higher than the standing forest. And quickly the hero arrived to the city of Chernigov. And near Chernigov there is a countless enemy force. There is no pedestrian or horse access. Enemy hordes are approaching the fortress walls, planning to overwhelm and ruin Chernigov.

Ilya rode up to the countless army and began to beat the rapist invaders like mowing grass. And with a sword, and a spear, and a heavy club,4 and the heroic horse tramples the enemies. And he soon nailed and trampled that great enemy force.

The gates in the fortress wall opened, the Chernigovites came out, bowed low to the hero and called him the governor of Chernigov-grad.

“Thank you for the honor, men of Chernigov, but I don’t want to sit as a governor in Chernigov,” answered Ilya Muromets. — I’m in a hurry to the capital Kyiv-grad. Show me the straight path!

“You are our deliverer, glorious Russian hero, the direct road to Kyiv-grad is overgrown and walled up.” The roundabout route is now used on foot and on horseback. Near the Black Mud, near the Smorodinka River, the Nightingale the Robber, Odikhmantiev’s son, settled. The robber sits on twelve oak trees. The villain whistles like a nightingale, screams like an animal, and from the whistling of the nightingale and from the cry of the animal, all the ant-grass withered, the azure flowers crumbled, dark forests they bow to the ground, and people lie dead! Don't go that way, glorious hero!

Ilya did not listen to the Chernigov residents and went straight ahead. He approaches the Smorodinka River and the Black Mud.

The Nightingale the Robber noticed him and began to whistle like a nightingale, screamed like an animal, and the villain hissed like a snake. The grass withered, the flowers fell off, the trees bowed to the ground, and the horse under Ilya began to stumble.

The hero got angry and swung a silk whip at the horse.

- Why are you, you wolfish sack of grass, starting to stumble? Apparently you haven’t heard the whistle of a nightingale, the thorn of a snake or the cry of an animal?

He himself grabbed a tight, explosive bow and shot at the Nightingale the Robber, wounding the monster’s right eye and right hand, and the villain fell to the ground. The hero tied the robber to the saddle pommel and drove the Nightingale across an open field past the nightingale’s lair. The sons and daughters saw how they were carrying their father, tied to the saddle bow, grabbed swords and spears, and ran to rescue the Nightingale the Robber. And Ilya scattered them, scattered them and, without hesitation, began to continue his path.

Ilya arrived in the capital Kyiv-grad, to the wide princely courtyard. And the glorious Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko with the princes behind the knees, with the honorable boyars and the mighty heroes had just sat down at the dinner table.

Ilya parked his horse in the middle of the yard and entered the dining room himself. He laid down the cross in the written way, bowed on four sides in a learned way, and made a special appearance to the Grand Duke himself.

Prince Vladimir began to ask:

- Where are you from, good fellow, what is your name, what is your patronymic?

— I am from the city of Murom, from the suburban village of Karacharova, Ilya Muromets.

- How long ago, good fellow, did you leave Murom?

“I left Murom early in the morning,” answered Ilya, “I wanted to be in time for mass in Kyiv-grad, but on the way, I was late on the way.” And I was driving straight along the road past the city of Chernigov, past the Smorodinka River and Black Mud.

The prince frowned, frowned, and looked unkindly:

Popliteal - subordinate, subordinate.

“You, peasant hillbilly, are mocking us to our face!” There is an enemy army near Chernigov - a countless force, and there is no passage or passage for either foot or horse. And from Chernigov to Kyiv the straight road has long been overgrown and walled up. Near the river Smorodinka and Black Mud, the robber Nightingale, Odikhmantiev’s son, sits on twelve oak trees and does not allow anyone on foot or horse to pass. Not even a falcon bird can fly there!

Ilya Muromets responds to those words:

- Near Chernigov, the enemy’s army lies beaten and fought, and Nightingale the Robber is in your yard, wounded, strapped to a saddle.

Prince Vladimir jumped out from the table, threw a marten fur coat over one shoulder, a sable hat over one ear, and ran out onto the red porch.

I saw the Nightingale the Robber tied to the saddle pommel:

- Whistle, Nightingale, like a nightingale, scream, dog, like an animal, hiss, robber, like a snake!

“It was not you, prince, who captivated me and defeated me.” Ilya Muromets won and captivated me. And I won’t listen to anyone but him.

“Command, Ilya Muromets,” says Prince Vladimir, “to whistle, shout, hiss for the Nightingale!”

Ilya Muromets ordered:

- Whistle, Nightingale, half the whistle of a nightingale, scream half the cry of an animal, hiss half the thorn of a snake!

“From the bloody wound,” the Nightingale says, “my mouth is dry.” You ordered me to pour a glass of green wine, not a small glass - one and a half buckets, and then I will amuse Prince Vladimir.

They brought the Nightingale the Robber a glass of green wine. The villain took the charm with one hand and drank the charm as one spirit.

After that, he whistled with a full whistle like a nightingale, screamed with a full cry like an animal, and hissed with a full thorn like a snake.

Here the tops of the towers became crooked, and the stones in the towers crumbled, all the people who were in the yard lay dead. Vladimir-Prince of Stolno-Kiev covers himself with a marten fur coat and crawls around.

Ilya Muromets got angry. He mounted his good horse and took the Nightingale the Robber out into the open field:

“You’re full of ruining people, villain!” - And he cut off the head of the Nightingale.

This is how long the Nightingale the Robber lived in the world. That's where the story about him ended.

Ilya Muromets and the filthy Idol

Once Ilya Muromets left far from Kyiv into an open field, into a wide expanse. I shot geese, swans and gray ducks there. On the way, he met Elder Ivanishche, a walking Kalika. Ilya asks:

— How long have you been from Kyiv?

— Recently I was in Kyiv. Prince Vladimir and Apraxia are in trouble there. There were no heroes in the city, and the filthy Idolishche arrived. He is as tall as a haystack, with eyes like cups, with slanting fathoms in his shoulders. He sits in the princely chambers, treats himself, and shouts at the prince and princess: “Give me this and bring this!” And there is no one to defend them.

“Oh, you, elder Ivanishche,” says Ilya Muromets, “you’re sturdier and stronger than me, but you don’t have the courage or the acumen!” Take off your Kalich dress, we’ll exchange clothes for a while.

Ilya dressed up in a Kalich dress, came to Kyiv to the prince’s court and cried out in a loud voice:

- Give, prince, alms to the walker!

- Why are you bawling, you poor woman?! Go to the dining room. I want to have a word with you! - the filthy Idolishche shouted out the window.

The shoulders are slanted fathoms - broad shoulders.

Nishchekhlibina is a contemptuous address to a beggar.

The hero entered the upper room and stood at the lintel. The prince and princess did not recognize him.

And Idolishche, lounging, sits at the table, grinning:

- Have you, Kalika, seen the hero Ilyushka Muromets? What is his height and stature? Does he eat and drink a lot?

- Ilya Muromets is just like me in height and portliness. He eats a little bit of bread a day. Green wine, he drinks a glass of standing beer a day, and that’s how he feels full.

- What kind of hero is he? - Idolishche laughed and grinned. “Here I am, a hero—I eat a three-year-old roast bull at a time, and drink a barrel of green wine.” I’ll meet Ileika, the Russian hero, I’ll put him in the palm of my hand, I’ll slam him with the other, and all that’s left is dirt and water!

The passer-by Kalika responds to that boast:

“Our priest also had a gluttonous pig.” She ate and drank a lot until she was torn.

The Idol did not like those speeches. He threw a yard-long damask knife, but Ilya Muromets was evasive and dodged the knife.

The knife stuck into the door frame, the door frame flew out into the canopy with a crash. Then Ilya Muromets, wearing bast shoes and a caliche dress, grabbed the filthy Idol, lifted him above his head and threw the braggart rapist on the brick floor.

Idolishche was alive for so long. And the glory of the mighty Russian hero is sung century after century.

Ilya Muromets and Kalin the Tsar

Prince Vladimir started a feast of honors and did not invite Ilya of Muromets. The hero was offended by the prince; He went out into the street, pulled his bow tight, began shooting at the silver domes of the church, at the gilded crosses, and shouted to the Kyiv peasants:

- Collect gilded crosses and silver church domes, take them to the circle - to the drinking house. Let's start our own feast for all the men of Kyiv!

Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev became angry and ordered Ilya of Muromets to be imprisoned in a deep cellar for three years.

And Vladimir’s daughter ordered the keys to the cellar to be made and, secretly from the prince, she ordered the glorious hero to be fed and watered, and sent him soft feather beds and down pillows.

How much time has passed, a messenger from Tsar Kalin galloped to Kyiv.

He swung the doors wide open, ran into the prince’s tower without asking, and threw a messenger letter to Vladimir. And in the letter it is written: “I order you, Prince Vladimir, to quickly clear the Streltsy streets and large princely courtyards and supply foamy beer, standing mead and green wine throughout all the streets and alleys, so that my army will have something to treat themselves to in Kyiv. If you don’t follow the order, you have yourself to blame. I will destroy Rus' with fire, I will destroy the city of Kyiv, and I will put you and the princess to death. I give three days.”

Prince Vladimir read the letter, sighed, and became sad.

Walks around the room, sheds burning tears, wipes himself with a silk scarf:

- Oh, why did I put Ilya Muromets in a deep cellar and ordered that cellar to be filled with yellow sand! Guess what, our defender is no longer alive? And there are no other heroes in Kyiv now. And there is no one to stand up for the faith, for the Russian land, no one to stand up for the capital city, to defend me with the princess and my daughter!

“Father Prince of Stolno-Kiev, don’t order me to be executed, let me say a word,” said Vladimir’s daughter. — Our Ilya Muromets is alive and well. I secretly gave him water, fed him, and looked after him. Forgive me, my unauthorized daughter!

“You’re smart, smart,” Prince Vladimir praised his daughter.

He grabbed the key to the cellar and ran after Ilya Muromets. He brought him to the white stone chambers, hugged and kissed the hero, treated him to sugar dishes, gave him sweet overseas wines, and said these words:

- Don’t be angry, Ilya Muromets! Let what happened between us grow into reality. Misfortune has befallen us. The dog Tsar Kalin approached the capital city of Kyiv and brought countless hordes. He threatens to ruin Rus', to destroy it with fire, to destroy the city of Kiev, to overwhelm all the people of Kiev, but today there are no heroes. Everyone is standing at the outposts and gone on the road. I have all my hope in you alone, glorious hero Ilya Muromets!

Ilya Muromets has no time to chill out and treat himself at the princely table. He quickly went to his yard. First of all, I checked on my prophetic horse. The horse, well-fed, sleek, well-groomed, neighed joyfully when it saw its owner.

Ilya Muromets said to his friend:

- Thank you for taking care of the horse!

And he began to saddle the horse. First I applied

sweatshirt, and put felt on the sweatshirt, and an incontinent Cherkassy saddle on the felt. He pulled up twelve silk girths with damask pins, with red gold buckles, not for beauty, for pleasure, for the sake of heroic strength: silk girths stretch and do not break, damask steel bends and does not break, and red gold buckles do not rust. Ilya himself also equipped himself with heroic battle armor. He had a damask club with him, a long spear, he belted a combat sword, grabbed a traveling shawl and rode out into the open field. He sees that there are many infidel forces near Kiev. From the cry of men and from the neighing of horses, the human heart becomes sad. Wherever you look, you can’t see the end of the enemy hordes of power.

Ilya Muromets rode out, climbed a high hill, looked towards the east and saw white linen tents far, far away in an open field. He directed there, urged the horse, and said: “Apparently, our Russian heroes are standing there, they don’t know about the misfortune.”

And soon he drove up to the white linen tents and entered the tent of the greatest hero Samson Samoilovich, his godfather. And the heroes were having lunch at that time.

Ilya Muromets said:

- Bread and salt, holy Russian heroes!

Samson Samoilovich answered:

- Come on, perhaps, our glorious hero Ilya Muromets! Sit down to dine with us, taste some bread and salt!

Here the heroes stood up on their brisk feet, greeted Ilya Muromets, hugged him, kissed him three times, and invited him to the table.

- Thank you, brothers of the cross. “I didn’t come for dinner, but brought gloomy, sad news,” said Ilya Muromets. - There is an army of countless forces near Kiev. The dog Kalin the Tsar is threatening to take and burn our capital city, to cut down all the Kyiv men, to drive away wives and daughters, to destroy churches, to put Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraxia to an evil death. And I came to invite you to fight with your enemies!

The heroes responded to those speeches:

“We, Ilya Muromets, will not saddle our horses, we will not go and fight for Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraxia.” They have many close princes and boyars. Grand Duke Stolno-Kiev waters, feeds and favors them, but we have nothing from Vladimir and Apraxia Korolevichna. Don't persuade us, Ilya Muromets!

Ilya Muromets did not like those speeches. He mounted his good horse and rode up to the enemy hordes. He began to trample the enemy’s strength with his horse, stab him with a spear, chop him with a sword, and beat him with a road shawl. It hits and hits tirelessly. And the heroic horse under him spoke in human language:

- You cannot beat the enemy forces, Ilya Muromets. Tsar Kalin has mighty heroes and brave clearings, and deep trenches have been dug in the open fields. As soon as we sit in the tunnels, I’ll jump out of the first tunnel, and I’ll jump out of the other tunnel, and I’ll carry you out, Ilya, and even if I jump out of the third tunnel, I won’t be able to carry you out.

Ilya did not like those speeches. He picked up a silk whip, began to hit the horse’s steep hips, and said:

- Oh, you treacherous dog, wolf meat, grass bag! I feed you, sing you, take care of you, and you want to destroy me!

And then the horse with Ilya sank into the first tunnel. From there the faithful horse jumped out and carried the hero on his back. And again the hero began to beat the enemy’s force, like mowing grass. And another time the horse with Ilya sank into a deep tunnel. And from this tunnel a fast horse carried the hero.

The Basurman beats Ilya Muromets and says:

“Don’t go yourself and order your children and grandchildren to go and fight in Great Rus' forever and ever.”

At that time, he and his horse sank into the third deep tunnel. His faithful horse jumped out of the tunnel, but he could not bear Ilya Muromets. The enemies came running to catch the horse, but the faithful horse did not give in, it galloped far into an open field. Then dozens of heroes, hundreds of warriors attacked Ilya Muromets in a tunnel, tied him up, shackled his arms and legs and brought him to the tent to Tsar Kalin. Tsar Kalin greeted him kindly and affably and ordered him to untie and unchain the hero:

- Sit down, Ilya Muromets, with me, Tsar Kalin, at the same table, eat whatever your heart desires, drink my honey drinks. I will give you precious clothing, I will give you, as needed, the golden treasury. Do not serve Prince Vladimir, but serve me, Tsar Kalin, and you will be my neighbor prince-boyar!

Ilya Muromets looked at Tsar Kalin, grinned unkindly and said:

“I won’t sit with you at the same table, I won’t eat your dishes, I won’t drink your honey drinks, I don’t need precious clothes, I don’t need countless golden treasuries.” I will not serve you - the dog Tsar Kalin! And from now on I will faithfully defend, defend Great Rus', stand for the capital Kyiv City, for my people and for Prince Vladimir. And I’ll also tell you: you’re stupid, dog Kalin the Tsar, if you think you’ll find traitorous defectors in Rus'!

He swung the carpet door wide open and jumped out of the tent. And there the guards, the royal guards, fell like clouds on Ilya Muromets: some with shackles, some with ropes, trying to tie up the unarmed.

No such luck! The mighty hero strained himself, strained himself: he scattered and scattered the infidel and jumped through the enemy’s army into an open field, into a wide expanse.

He whistled with a heroic whistle, and out of nowhere, his faithful horse came running with armor and equipment.

Ilya Muromets rode out onto a high hill, pulled his bow tight and sent a red-hot arrow, he himself said: “You fly, red-hot arrow, into the white tent, fall, arrow, onto the white chest of my godfather, slip and make a small scratch. He will understand: it can be bad for me alone in battle.” An arrow hit Samson's tent. Samson the hero woke up, jumped up on quick feet and shouted in a loud voice:

- Arise, mighty Russian heroes! A red-hot arrow arrived from his godson - sad news: he needed help in a battle with the Saracens. He would not have sent the arrow in vain. Saddle up good horses without delay, and we will go to fight not for the sake of Prince Vladimir, but for the sake of the Russian people, to the rescue of the glorious Ilya Muromets!

Soon twelve heroes came to the rescue, and Ilya Muromets was with them in the thirteenth. They attacked the enemy hordes, beat them down, trampled under their horses all their countless forces, captured Tsar Kalin himself, and brought him to the chambers of Prince Vladimir. And King Kalin said:

“Don’t execute me, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev, I will pay you tribute and order my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren not to go to Rus' with a sword forever, but to live with you in peace.” We will sign the document.

This is where the old epic ended.


Dobrynya and the Serpent

Dobrynya grew to full age. Heroic skills awakened in him. Dobrynya Nikitich began to ride on a good horse in an open field and trample kites with his fast horse.

His dear mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, told him:

- My child, Dobrynyushka, you don’t need to swim in the Pochay River. The river is angry, it is angry, it is fierce. The first stream in the river cuts like fire, from the second stream sparks fall, and from the third stream smoke pours out in a column. And you don’t need to go to the distant Sorochinskaya Mountain and go into snake holes and caves there.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich did not listen to his mother. He went out of the white-stone chambers into a wide, spacious courtyard, went into a standing stable, took out the heroic horse and began to saddle it: first he put on a sweatshirt, and on the sweatshirt he put felt, and on the felt he put a Cherkassy saddle, silk, decorated with gold, and tightened twelve silk girths. The buckles of the girths are pure gold, and the pins of the buckles are damask, not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength: after all, silk does not tear, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, a hero sits on a horse and does not age.

Then he attached a quiver with arrows to the saddle, took a tight heroic bow, took a heavy club and a long spear. The boy called in a loud voice and ordered him to accompany him.

You could see how he mounted the horse, but you couldn’t see how he rolled out of the yard, only the dusty smoke curled up in a pillar behind the hero.

Dobrynya drove with a steamboat through an open field. They did not meet any geese, swans, or gray ducks.

Then the hero drove up to the Pochay River. The horse under Dobrynya was exhausted, and he himself became tired under the baking sun. The good fellow wanted to take a swim. He dismounted from his horse, took off his traveling clothes, ordered the horse's crew to take care of him and feed him silk grass, and he swam far from the shore in only a thin linen shirt.

He swims and completely forgot that his mother was punishing him... And at that time, just from the eastern side, a dashing misfortune rolled in: the Serpent-Gorynishche flew in with three heads, twelve trunks, and eclipsed the sun with its filthy wings. He saw an unarmed man in the river, rushed down, grinned:

“You are now, Dobrynya, in my hands.” If I want, I’ll burn you with fire, if I want, I’ll take you alive, I’ll take you to the Sorochinsky mountains, into deep snake holes!

It throws sparks, burns with fire, and tries to grab the good fellow with its trunks.

But Dobrynya is agile, evasive, dodged the snake’s trunks, dived deep into the depths, and emerged right next to the shore. He jumped out onto the yellow sand, and the Serpent flies at his heels. The fellow is looking for heroic armor with which to fight the Serpent-monster, and he has not found a boat, a horse, or combat equipment. The Serpent-Mountain couple got scared, ran away and drove away the horse with armor.

Dobrynya sees: things are wrong, and he has no time to think and guess... He noticed a hat-cap of the Greek land on the sand and quickly filled the hat with yellow sand and threw that three-pound cap at the enemy. The Serpent fell on the damp ground. The hero jumped up to the Serpent on his white chest and wanted to kill him. Here the filthy monster begged:

- Young Dobrynyushka Nikitich! Don't beat me, don't execute me, let me go alive and unharmed. You and I will write notes among ourselves: do not fight forever, do not fight. I won’t fly to Rus', destroy villages and settlements, and I won’t take a crowd of people. And you, my elder brother, don’t go to the Sorochinsky mountains, don’t trample little snakes with your frisky horse.

Young Dobrynya, he is trusting: he listened to the flattering speeches, let the Snake go free, to all fours, and he himself quickly found a boat with his horse and equipment. After that he returned home and bowed low to his mother:

- Empress Mother! Bless me for heroic military service.

His mother blessed him, and Dobrynya went to the capital Kyiv City. He arrived at the prince’s court, tied the horse to a chiseled post, or to a gilded ring, he himself entered the white stone chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in a learned way: he bowed low on all four sides, and gave the prince and princess special treatment. . Prince Vladimir greeted the guest cordially and asked:

- You are a smart, burly, kind fellow, whose family, from what cities? And what should I call you by name, by your ancestral name?

- I am from the glorious city of Ryazan, the son of Nikita Romanovich and Afimya Alexandrovna - Dobrynya, the son of Nikitich. I came to you, prince, for military service.

And at that time, Prince Vladimir’s tables were open, princes, boyars and mighty Russian heroes were feasting. Prince Vladimir seated Dobrynya Nikitich at the table in a place of honor between Ilya Muromets and Danube Ivanovich, and brought him a glass of green wine, not a small glass - one and a half buckets. Dobrynya accepted the charm with one hand, and drank the charm as one spirit.

Meanwhile, Prince Vladimir paced around the dining room, the sovereign reprimanded word for word:

- Oh, you goy, mighty Russian heroes, today I do not live in joy, in sadness. My beloved niece, young Zabava Putyatichna, is lost. She was walking with her mothers and nannies in the green garden, and at that time the Serpent-Gorynishche was flying over Kiev, he grabbed Zabava Putyatichna, soared higher than the standing forest and carried him to the Sorochinsky mountains, into the deep serpentine caves. Would there be one of you, guys: you, kneeling princes, you, neighbor boyars, and you, mighty Russian heroes, who would go to the Sorochinsky Mountains, help out from the pit of the snake, rescue the beautiful Zabavushka Putyatichna and thereby console me and Princess Apraxia? !

All the princes and boyars remain silent.

The larger one is buried for the middle one, the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one.

Here it came to Dobrynya Nikitich’s mind: “But the Serpent violated the commandment: do not fly to Rus', do not take people full of people - if he carried it away, he captured Zabava Putyatichnya.” He left the table, bowed to Prince Vladimir and said these words:

“Sunny Vladimir, Prince of Stolno-Kiev, throw this service on me.” After all, Zmey Gorynych recognized me as his brother and swore to never fly to the Russian land and not take him as a captive, but he broke that oath-commandment. I should go to the Sorochinskie Mountains and help out Zabava Putyatichna.

The prince's face brightened and said:

- You consoled us, good fellow!

And Dobrynya bowed low to all four sides, and to the prince and princess in particular, then he went out into the wide courtyard, mounted a horse and rode to Ryazan-city.

There he asked his mother for his blessing to go to the Sorochinsky Mountains and rescue Russian prisoners from the snake-like world.

Mother Afimya Alexandrovna said:

- Go, dear child, and my blessing will be with you!

Then she handed over a whip of seven silks, handed over an embroidered scarf of white linen, and spoke these words to her son:

- When you fight with the Serpent, your right hand will get tired, become tired, White light it will be lost in your eyes, you wipe yourself with a handkerchief and dry your horse, all fatigue will be taken away as if by hand, and the strength of you and the horse will triple, and wave a seven-silk whip over the Serpent - he will bow to the damp earth. Here you tear and chop all the trunks of the snake - all the power of the snake will be exhausted.

Dobrynya bowed low to his mother, the honest widow Afimya Alexandrovna, then mounted his good horse and rode to the Sorochinsky mountains.

And the filthy Zmeinishche-Gorynishche smelled Dobrynya half a field away, swooped in, began to shoot with fire and fight and fight. They fight for an hour and another. The greyhound horse became exhausted, began to stumble, and Dobrynya’s right hand waved, the light in her eyes faded. Then the hero remembered his mother’s order. He dried himself with an embroidered white linen handkerchief and wiped his horse. His faithful horse began to gallop three times faster than before. And Dobrynya’s fatigue disappeared, his strength tripled. He took the time, waved a seven-silk whip over the Serpent, and the Serpent’s strength was exhausted: he crouched and fell to the damp earth.

Dobrynya tore and chopped the snake trunks, and in the end he cut off all three heads of the filthy monster, chopped it with a sword, trampled all the baby snakes with his horse and went into the deep snake holes, cut and broke the strong locks, released a lot of people from the crowd, let everyone go free .

He brought Zabava Putyatichna into the world, put him on a horse and brought him to the capital Kyiv-grad.

He brought him to the princely chambers, there he bowed in a written way: to all four sides, and to the prince and princess in particular, he began to speak in a learned way:

“According to your command, prince, I went to the Sorochinsky mountains, destroyed and fought a snake den.” He killed the Snake-Gorynishcha itself and all the little snakes, released darkness upon the people, and rescued your beloved niece, young Zabava Putyatichna.

Prince Vladimir was delighted, he hugged Dobrynya Nikitich tightly, kissed him on the sugary lips, and seated him in his place of honor.

To rejoice, the prince started a feast of honor for all the prince-boyars, for all the mighty famous heroes.

And everyone at that feast got drunk and ate, glorified the heroism and prowess of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich.

Dobrynya, ambassador of Prince Vladimir

The prince's table-feast is half-full, the guests are sitting half-drunk. Only Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev is sad and joyless. He walks around the dining room, word-for-word the sovereign pronounces: “I have forgotten the care and sadness of my beloved niece Zabava Putyatichna and now another misfortune has happened: Khan Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich demands a great tribute for twelve years, in which letters and records were written between us. The khan threatens to go to war if he doesn’t give tribute. So it is necessary to send ambassadors to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, to bring back the tribute: twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons, and a confession letter, and the tribute itself. So I’m thinking, who should I send as ambassadors?”

Here all the guests at the tables fell silent. The big one is buried behind the middle one, the middle one is buried behind the smaller one, but from the smaller one there is no answer. Then the nearby boyar stood up:

- Allow me, prince, to say a word.

“Speak, boyar, we will listen,” Prince Vladimir answered him.

And the boyar began to say:

“Going to the khan’s land is a considerable service, and there is no one better to send than Dobrynya Nikitich and Vasily Kazimirovich, and to send Ivan Dubrovich as an assistant.” They know how to act as ambassadors, and they know how to conduct a conversation with the khan.

And then Vladimir the Prince of Stolno-Kiev poured three spells of green wine, not small charms - into one and a half buckets, diluted the wine with standing honey.

He presented the first chara to Dobrynya Nikitich, the second chara to Vasily Kazimirovich, and the third chara to Ivan Dubrovich.

All three heroes stood up on their brisk feet, took the charm with one hand, drank to one spirit, bowed low to the prince, and all three said:

“We will do your service, prince, we will go to the khan’s land, we will give your confession letter, twelve swans as a gift, twelve gyrfalcons and tribute for twelve years to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich.”

Prince Vladimir gave the ambassadors a letter of confession and ordered that twelve swans and twelve gyrfalcons be presented to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, and then he poured a box of pure silver, another box of red gold, a third box of sting pearls: tribute to the khan for twelve years.

With that, the ambassadors mounted good horses and rode off to the Khan’s land. During the day they travel along the red sun, at night they travel along the bright moon. Day after day, like rain, week after week, like a river, and good fellows move forward.

And so they came to the khan’s land, to the wide courtyard of Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich.

They got off their good horses. Young Dobrynya Nikitich waved the door on the heel, and they entered the white stone chambers of the khan. There they laid the cross in a written way, and bowed in a learned way, bowing low to all four sides, especially to the khan himself.

Khan began to ask the good fellows:

- Where are you from, stout, good fellows? What cities are you from, what family are you from and what is your name and dignification?

The good fellows answered:

- We came from the city from Kyiv, from the glorious prince from Vladimir. They brought you tributes from twelve years.

Here the khan was given a letter of guilt, twelve swans and twelve gyrfalcons were given as a gift. Then they brought a box of pure silver, another box of red gold and a third box of stingray pearls. After this, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich seated the ambassadors at an oak table, fed, treated, watered and began to ask:

On the heel - wide open, wide, in full swing.

- Do you have anyone in holy Rus' near the glorious PRINCE Vladimir who plays chess or expensive gilded tavlei? Does anyone play checkers or chess?

Dobrynya Nikitich said in response:

“I can play checkers and chess with you, khan, and expensive gilded tavlei.”

They brought chessboards, and Dobrynya and the khan began to step from square to square. Dobrynya stepped once and stepped again, and on the third the khan closed the move.

Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich says:

- Ay, you, good fellow, are so good at playing checkers and tavlei. I played with no one before you, I beat everyone. I put a deposit under another game: two boxes of pure silver, two boxes of red gold and two boxes of stingray pearls.

Dobrynya Nikitich answered him:

“My business is precious, I have no countless gold treasury with me, no pure silver, no red gold, and no stinging pearls.” Unless I put my wild head as a mortgage.

So the khan stepped once and didn’t step, another time he stepped and overstepped, and the third time Dobrynya closed his move, he won Bakhtiyarov’s pledge: two boxes of pure silver, two boxes of red gold and two boxes of stingray pearls.

The Khan got excited, got excited, he set a great pledge: to pay tribute to Prince Vladimir for twelve years and a half. And for the third time Dobrynya won the pledge. The loss was great, the khan lost and was offended. He says these words:

- Glorious heroes, ambassadors of Vladimir! How many of you are good at shooting from a bow in order to pass a red-hot arrow along the tip of a knife, so that the arrow splits in half and the arrow hits the silver ring and both halves of the arrow have equal weight?

And twelve stalwart heroes brought the Khan’s best bow.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich took that tight, brittle bow, began to lay a red-hot arrow, Dobrynya began to pull the string, the string broke like a rotten thread, and the bow broke and fell apart. Young Dobrynyushka said:

- Oh, you, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, that crappy ray of goodness, worthless!

And he said to Ivan Dubrovich:

- Go, my brother of the cross, to the wide courtyard, bring my traveling bow, which is attached to the right stirrup.

Ivan Dubrovich unfastened the bow from the right stirrup and carried that bow into the white-stone chamber. And the ringing caterpillars were attached to the bow - not for beauty, but for the sake of valiant amusement. And now Ivanushka is carrying a bow and playing the caterpillars. All the Basurmans listened, they didn’t have such a diva of eyelids...

Dobrynya takes his tight bow, stands opposite the silver ring, and three times he shoots at the edge of the knife, doubles the red-hot arrow in two and hits the silver ring three times.

Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich started shooting here. The first time he shot, he missed, the second time he shot, he overshot, and the third time he shot, but didn’t hit the ring.

This Khan did not fall in love, he did not fall in love. And he planned something bad: to kill and kill the Kyiv ambassadors, all three heroes. And he spoke kindly:

“Wouldn’t any of you, glorious heroes, ambassadors of Vladimirov, want to compete and have fun with our fighters, to taste your strength?”

Before Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich had time to utter a word, young Dobrynyushka burst out into a rage; He took it off, straightened his mighty shoulders and went out into the wide courtyard. There the hero-fighter met him. The hero is fearsome in height, his shoulders are slanting fathoms, his head is like a beer cauldron, and behind that hero there are many many fighters. They began to walk around the yard and began to push young Dobrynyushka. And Dobrynya pushed them away, kicked them and threw them away from him. Then the terrible hero grabbed Dobrynya by the white hands, but they did not fight for long, they measured their strength - Dobrynya was strong, grippy... He threw and threw the hero on the damp ground, only a roar began, the earth trembled. At first the fighters were horrified, they hurried, and then they attacked Dobrynya en masse, and the fun-fighting was replaced by a fight-fight. They attacked Dobrynya with a shout and with weapons.

But Dobrynya was unarmed, scattered the first hundred, crucified them, and then a whole thousand after them.

He grabbed the cart axle and began to treat his enemies with that axle. Ivan Dubrovich jumped out of the chambers to help him, and the two of them began to beat and beat their enemies. Where the heroes pass is a street, and where they turn to the side there is an alley.

Enemies lie down and don’t cry.

The khan’s arms and legs began to shake when he saw this massacre. Somehow he crawled out into the wide courtyard and begged, began to beg:

- Glorious Russian heroes! Leave my fighters, don’t destroy them! And I will give Prince Vladimir a letter of confession, I will order my grandchildren and great-grandchildren not to fight with the Russians, not to fight, and I will pay tribute forever and ever!

He invited the heroic ambassadors into the white stone chambers and treated them there to sugar and honey dishes. After that, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich wrote a letter of guilt to Prince Vladimir: for all eternity do not go to war in Rus', do not fight with the Russians, do not fight and pay tribute forever and ever. Then he poured a cartload of pure silver, another cartload of red gold, and a third cartload of stinging pearls and sent twelve swans and twelve gyrfalcons as a gift to Vladimir and sent off the ambassadors with great honor. He himself went out into the wide courtyard and bowed low to the heroes.

And the mighty Russian heroes - Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich mounted good horses and rode away from the court of Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, and after them they drove three carts with countless treasury and gifts to Prince Vladimir. Day after day, like rain, week after week, like a river flows, and the heroic ambassadors move forward. They travel from morning until evening, from the red sun until sunset. When the frisky horses become emaciated and the good fellows themselves become tired and tired, they set up white linen tents, feed the horses, rest, eat and drink, and again while away the journey. They travel through wide fields, cross fast rivers - and then they arrive in the capital Kyiv-grad.

They drove into the prince’s spacious courtyard and dismounted from their good horses, then Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivanushka Dubrovich entered the princely chambers, they laid the cross in a learned way, bowed in the written way: they bowed low on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir with princess in particular, and these words were spoken:

- Oh, you goy, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev! We visited the Khan's Horde and performed your service there. Khan Bakhtiyar ordered to bow to you. “And then they gave Prince Vladimir the Khan’s letter of guilt.

Prince Vladimir sat on an oak bench and read that letter. Then he jumped up on his brisk legs, began to walk around the ward, began to stroke his blond curls, began to wave his right hand and said with light joy:

- Oh, glorious Russian heroes! After all, in the Khan’s letter, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich asks for peace forever, and it is also written there: he will pay tribute to us century after century. That's how wonderfully you celebrated my embassy there!

Here Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich presented Prince Bakhtiyarov with a gift: twelve swans, twelve gyrfalcons and a great tribute - a cartload of pure silver, a cartload of red gold and a cartload of ray pearls.

And Prince Vladimir, in the joy of honors, started a feast in honor of Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich and Ivan Dubrovich.

And on that Dobrynya they sing glory to Nikitich.

Alesha Popovich


In the glorious city of Rostov, near the cathedral priest Father Levontius, one child grew up in consolation and to the joy of his parents - his beloved son Alyoshenka.

The guy grew up, maturing by leaps and bounds, as if the dough on a sponge was rising, filling with strength and strength.

He started running outside and playing games with the guys. In all the childish pranks, the ringleader-ataman was: brave, cheerful, desperate - a wild, daring little head!

Sometimes the neighbors complained: “He doesn’t know how to stop me from playing pranks! Stop it, take it easy on your son!”

But the parents doted on their son and in response they said: “You can’t do anything with daring and severity, but he will grow up, mature, and all the pranks and pranks will disappear as if by hand!”

This is how Alyosha Popovich Jr. grew up. And he grew older. He rode a fast horse and learned to wield a sword. And then he came to his parent, bowed at his father’s feet and began to ask for forgiveness and blessing:

- Bless me, parent-father, to go to the capital Kyiv City, to serve Prince Vladimir, to stand at heroic outposts, to defend our land from enemies.

“My mother and I didn’t expect that you would leave us, that there would be no one to rest us in our old age, but apparently it’s written in our family: you should work in military affairs.” That is a good deed, but for good deeds accept our parental blessing, for bad deeds we do not bless you!

Then Alyosha went to the wide yard, entered the standing stable, brought out the heroic horse and began to saddle the horse. First, he put on sweatshirts, put felt on the sweatshirts, and a Cherkassy saddle on the felts, tightened the silk girths tightly, fastened the gold buckles, and the buckles had damask pins. Everything is not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of heroic strength: as silk does not tear, damask steel does not bend, red gold does not rust, the hero sits on a horse and does not age.

He put on chain mail armor and fastened pearl buttons. Moreover, he put on a damask breastplate and took on all the heroic armor. The archer had a tight, explosive bow and twelve red-hot arrows, he also took a heroic club and a long-length spear, he girded himself with a treasury sword, and did not forget to take a sharp leg-tent. The little boy shouted to Evdokimushka in a loud voice:

- Don't lag behind, follow me! And as soon as they saw the brave young man get on his horse, they didn’t see him ride out of the yard. Only a dusty smoke rose.

Whether the journey lasted long or short, how long or how long the road lasted, and Alyosha Popovich arrived with his little steamer, Evdokimushka, to the capital city of Kiev. They did not enter by road, not by gate, but by the policemen galloping over the walls, past the corner tower into the wide prince’s courtyard. Then Alyosha jumped off his good horse, he entered the princely chambers, laid the cross in the written way, and bowed in a learned way: he bowed low on all four sides, and especially to Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraksin.

At that time, Prince Vladimir was having a feast of honor, and he ordered his youths, the faithful servants, to seat Alyosha at the baking post.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin

The glorious Russian heroes in Kyiv at that time were not the same as elk. The princes and boyars came together for the feast, and everyone sat gloomily, joyless, the violent ones hung their heads, drowned their eyes in the oak floor...

At that time, at that time, with a loud noise, the door was swung on its heel and Tugarin the dog-catcher entered the dining room. Tugarin is of terrible height, his head is like a beer kettle, his eyes are like bowls, and his shoulders are slanting fathoms. Tugarin did not pray to images, did not greet princes or boyars. And Prince Vladimir and Apraxia bowed low to him, took him by the arms, and sat him down at the table in a large corner on an oak bench, gilded, covered with an expensive fluffy carpet. Tugarin sat down and collapsed in a place of honor, sitting, grinning with his whole wide mouth, mocking the princes and boyars, mocking Vladimir the Prince. Endovami drinks green wine, washes it down with standing honey.

They brought swan geese and gray ducks, baked, boiled, and fried, to the tables. Tugarin put a loaf of bread on his cheek, and swallowed a white swan at a time...

Alyosha looked from behind the bakery post at Tugarin the impudent man and said:

“My parent, a Rostov priest, had a gluttonous cow: she drank a whole tub of swill until the gluttonous cow tore to pieces!”

Tugarin did not like those speeches; they seemed offensive. He threw a sharp knife-dagger at Alyosha. But Alyosha - he was evasive - on the fly he grabbed a sharp knife-dagger with his hand, and he himself sat unharmed. And he spoke these words:

- We will go, Tugarin, with you into an open field and try our heroic strength.

And so they mounted good horses and rode off into an open field, into a wide expanse. They fought there, hacking until the evening, the red sun until sunset, and neither of them hurt anyone. Tugarin had a horse on wings of fire. Tugarin soared, rose on a winged horse under the shells and managed to seize the time to hit Alyosha with a gyrfalcon from above and fall. Alyosha began to ask and say:

- Rise up, roll over, dark cloud! You, cloud, pour out frequent rain, pour out, extinguish Tugarin’s horse’s wings of fire!

And out of nowhere a dark cloud appeared. The cloud poured down with frequent rain, flooded and extinguished the wings of fire, and Tugarin descended on a horse from the skies to the damp earth.

Then Alyoshenka Popovich Jr. shouted in a loud voice, like playing a trumpet:

- Look back, you bastard! There are Russian mighty heroes standing there. They came to help me!

Tugarin looked around, and at that time, at that time, Alyoshenka jumped up to him - he was quick-witted and dexterous - waved his heroic sword and cut off Tugarin’s violent head. That’s where the duel with Tugarin ended.

Battle with the Basurman army near Kyiv

Alyosha turned his prophetic horse and rode to Kyiv-grad. He overtakes and catches up with a small squad - Russian leaders.

The warriors ask:

“Where are you heading, stout, kind fellow, and what is your name, what is your ancestral name?”

The hero answers the warriors:

- I am Alyosha Popovich. I fought and fought in an open field with the boastful Tugarin, cut off his violent head, and now I’m on my way to the capital Kyiv-grad.

Alyosha is riding with his warriors, and they see: near the city of Kyiv itself there is an infidel army-force.

Policemen surrounded and surrounded the walls on all four sides. And so much of that unfaithful force has been driven up that from the scream of the infidel, from the neighing of a horse and from the creaking of a cart, the noise is as if thunder is rumbling, and the human heart is saddened. Near the army, an infidel horseman-hero rides across an open field, shouting in a loud voice and boasting:

“We will wipe out the city of Kiev from the face of the earth, we will burn all the houses and God’s churches with fire, we will roll with a firebrand, we will kill all the townspeople, we will take the boyars and Prince Vladimir in full and force us in the Horde to go as shepherds and milk mares!”

When they saw the innumerable power of the infidel and heard the boastful speeches of Alyosha’s boastful rider, his fellow travelers-combatants held back their zealous horses, turned dark, and hesitated.

And Alyosha Popovich was hot and assertive. Where it was impossible to take by force, he took it in a swoop. He shouted in a loud voice:

- You are a goy, good squad! Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. It would be better for us to lay down our heads in battle than glorious city Kyiv has to endure the shame! We will attack the innumerable army, we will liberate the great Kiev-grad from the scourge, and our merit will not be forgotten, it will pass, loud fame will spread about us: the old Cossack Ilya Muromets, son Ivanovich, will also hear about us. For our bravery he will bow to us - either not honor, not glory!

Alyosha Popovich Jr. and his brave squad attacked the enemy hordes. They beat the infidels like they cut down grass: sometimes with a sword, sometimes with a spear, sometimes with a heavy battle club. Alyosha Popovich took out the most important hero and boaster with a sharp sword and cut him and broke him in two. Then horror and fear attacked the enemies. The opponents could not resist and ran away in all directions. And the road to the capital city of Kyiv was cleared.

Prince Vladimir learned about the victory and, out of joy, started a feast, but did not invite Alyosha Popovich to the feast. Alyosha was offended by Prince Vladimir, turned his faithful horse and rode to Rostov City, to his parent, the cathedral priest of Rostov Levontius.

From the glorious city of Rostov
How two clear falcons flew out -
Two mighty heroes rode out:
What is the name of Aleshenka Popovich Young
And with young Yakim Ivanovich.
They ride, heroes, shoulder to shoulder,
The stirrup is a heroic stirrup.

By the sea, the blue sea,
According to blue, but Khvalunsky
The Falcon-ship walked and walked
A little - a lot of twelve years.
The Falcon-ship did not stay at anchor,
I didn’t lean on steep banks,
There weren't enough yellow sands.
The Falcon-ship was well decorated:
Nose, stern - like an animal,
And the sides are folded like a snake,
Instead of eyes it was also inserted
Two stones, two yachts,
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
Instead of eyebrows it was also hung
Two sables, two greyhounds;
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
It was also hanged instead of eyes
Two Mamur martens;
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
Three more cathedral churches,
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:

Dobrynyushka also traveled all over the earth,
Dobrynyushka also traveled all over the country;
And Dobrynyushka was looking for a rider,
And Dobrynya was looking for an opponent:
He couldn't find a rider,
He couldn't find an opponent.
He drove off into an open field in the distance,
He saw where the tent stood in the field.
And the tent stood of dug velvet;
There was a signature on the tent,
And it was signed with a threat:
“And whoever comes to the tent will not be alive,
But he won’t be alive, he won’t get away.”
And there was a barrel of green wine in the tent;
And on the barrel is a silver cup,
And the silver cup is gilded,
Not small, not big, one and a half buckets.

If only heroes lived at the outposts,
Not far from the city - twelve miles away,
If only they had lived here for fifteen years;
If only there were thirty of them with the hero;
We did not see either horse or foot,
They are neither a passer-by nor a passer-by,
Yes, not a gray wolf prowled here,
The falcon never flew clear,
Yes, the non-Russian hero did not pass by.
If only there were thirty heroes with a hero:
The chieftain was the old Cossack Ilya Muromets,
Ilya Muromets and son Ivanovich;
Subatamanem Samson da Kolybanovich,
Yes, Dobrynya Mikitich lived as a clerk,
Yes, Alyosha Popovich lived as a cook,
And Mishka Toropanishko lived as a groom;
Yes, and Vasily son Buslaevich lived here,
And Vasenka Ignatievich lived here,
Yes, and Duke and son Stepanovich lived here,
Yes, and Perm and his son Vasilyevich lived here,
Yes, and Radivon and the High Ones lived,
And Potanyushka Khromenkoy lived here;

At Prince Sergei's
There was a feast, a feast,
On princes, on nobles,
On Russian defenders - heroes
And throughout the entire Russian clearing.
Red sun at the bottom
And the feast goes on with joy;
Everyone at the feast is drunk and merry,
Behind you at the oak table
The hero Bulat Eremeevich is sitting,
Princess Sergei Kyiv
Walking around the dining room
Shakes golden bells
And he says these words:
“Oh, you, Bulat Eremeevich!

How can one say about a poor person and about a white one?
To say something about a daring fellow is a burly fellow.
And he walks around, a daring, good fellow,
The Tsarev goes to a big tavern,
On the circle he walks like a sovereign;
He drinks a lot, kid, green wine,
He doesn’t drink by magic, he doesn’t drink glasses himself,
He will roll away the forty barrels;
The kid gets drunk himself,
Butman-son gets knocked out of his speeches:
“Now I am stronger than the king,
I’m smarter than the Tsar.”
The king's courtiers came in handy,
Like courtiers - governors,
Governors are thick-bellied people;

At the honest widow's and at Nenila's
And she had a child, Vavila.
And Vavilushka went to the field,
After all, he’s yelling at his nivushka,
Sow more white wheat,
He wants to feed his dear mother.
And to that widow and to Nenila
Cheerful people came to see her,
Funny people, not simple,
Not simple people- buffoons:
- Hello, honest widow Nenila!
Where is your child and now Vavila?

In glorious great Novegrad
And Buslay lived until he was ninety years old,
Lived with the New City, did not contradict,
With the men of Novgorod
Didn't say a word inappropriately.
The tenacious Buslay has grown old,
He grew old and moved.
After his century long
His life remained
And all the noble estates,
The mother left behind is a widow,
Matera Amelfa Timofevna,
And the dear child remained,
Young son Vasily Buslaevich. Well done to you with this luck
The Nakvasity river will be Volkhov.”

Works are divided into pages

In category Russian epics We bring to your attention classical tales, that is, epics recorded by enthusiasts of the 18th-20th centuries in distant Russian villages and villages. All folk epics already after their first publications they began to attract great attention from the domestic aristocracy. Such people as Pushkin, Dobrolyubov, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky were quite interested in them.

The word “epics” was first voiced by I. Sakharov in the book “Songs of the Russian People.” Text epics could be like brief and deployed. Theme of epics usually talks about heroes heroes and their lives and actions, representing a heroic epic. Most of them are historical and can be described as Kievan Rus and up to state time.

For some reason, the word “epic” is associated with something huge, large-scale, undeniably great. The first thing that comes to mind is the images of mighty heroes who protect Mother Rus', patrol the borders of the state on mighty horses, and drive away all sorts of misfortunes. Even the language in which these amazing works are written differs from ordinary literary language! Russian folk epics are absolutely independent with established traditions and canons. What distinguishes them from ordinary fairy tales and legends?

What it is?

So, an epic is an epic song, usually passed down from generation to generation, the main plot of which revolves around a hero fighting against the forces of evil and defending the fatherland with all his might. Usually the main character does not have a very simple fate; moreover, he does not immediately come to the realization of his “heroism”, but then, when the “strength” is already overflowing, no one can resist the Russian knight.

The term to designate this form of folklore was introduced in the thirties of the last century and taken from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (which contains the phrase “epics of this time”). Most of these legends have been preserved among the peasants of the northern part of Russia. Epics (short works are rare) are most often quite voluminous, since they narrate a large period of time.


It is difficult to say when the first ones appeared; it seems that they have always been among the people. The first documents containing Russian folk epics date back to the seventeenth century, and no one can say whether this is due to illiteracy of the population or the fact that such a genre did not exist before that.

The first collection of “legends” of the Slavs was created by order of the Englishman Richard James, who was interested in the culture of Russia, however, it contained only five epics. In the eighteenth century, interest in the genre increased, and more authors appeared, creating entire collections of folk songs. The peak of interest occurred in the sixties and seventies of the nineteenth century, when it became fashionable to organize epics not by characters, but by storytellers (this is what the northern peoples call the keepers of oral literature).

Most often, researchers discovered Russian folk epics in Siberia. The tales of Russian Cossacks stand out as a separate genre.


Like any other, epics have their own canons. They say that they used to be performed to the accompaniment of gusli and melodies; however, there were few of them, but in combination with the narrator’s voice they sounded truly amazing. There was no such thing as short epics at all, so each tale dragged on for many hours, often interrupted for rest for both the listeners and the storyteller.

These works suggest a solemn style of storytelling. It was achieved with the help of repetitions (the well-known “a long time ago” came from there) and synonyms (to live and live). Whole phrases were repeated very often - at the end of a line and at the beginning of the next. Typically, storytellers did not focus on any specific places; it was much more important for them to talk about “heroic” deeds, the process of saddling a horse, for example, epics contain detailed descriptions horse harness, equipment of the hero himself, etc. There are also frequent exaggerations, emphasizing certain qualities of the heroes. Storytellers loved epithets (glorious hero, filthy enemy), some of which eventually became phraseological units (hot blood). To once again highlight the “bright side”, diminutive suffixes were used (Alyoshenka), while for negative characters “increasing” suffixes were used (tsarishche).

Russian folk epics are presented in the present tense; there are no references to the past or future. In addition, they usually consist of three compositional parts: a beginning (a kind of introduction that has little in common with the narrative itself), a beginning (the plot itself) and an ending.

Silushka heroic

The most famous genre of this element of folklore are epics about heroes. Stories about love for Rus', dedication, true honor and friendship have always been popular. Characters such as Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets are known to every Russian-speaking person. They are even popularized in cartoons, so that even the little ones know that “superheroes” exist not only in America, but also in Rus'. Stories about heroes instill in children a love for the Motherland and an awareness of its value, while at the same time showing the historical life of the Old Russian state.


The culture of Russia is amazing and rich. Epics, Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings, various riddles are only a small part of all this wealth. Much remains unexplored, much remains unclear to modern man, but in no case can one deny the value of folklore. Without the past, the present is impossible and the future is impossible, and only then will the people develop correctly when they learn to appreciate their history.