What can be written in the diary of the topic. Diary design: tips, ideas, templates. Personal experiences and feelings

Didn't fix anything at all.

I will quietly drag and drop my interesting posts (by the number of views and my personal opinion) from the old blog.

I'll start with a voluminous post on time management, namely keeping a diary: I'll show you photos of mine, tell you about the methods of keeping, I'll tell you what it means to "eat a frog". All this is under the cut

As you all know, I have a lot of things to do, and a lot not to forget, so I can't do without a diary. A person can keep 7 objects in his head, so you will never find it in your memory, it is better to write down what needs to be done.

First, I'll show you my diaries / notebooks:

1. This purple notebook has already expired and is now on the shelf. It consisted of monthly planning and blank sheets for notes, which is very convenient.

Top photo: "what to do over the weekend"- I write such a list every Friday, it is very useful not to forget anything and to do everything

2. Moleskin is my notebook of ideas. Here are drawings, ideas, recipes, magazine clippings, as well as wishes from my friends, when I reread them I always smile. I love it for its small format, you can carry it with you everywhere and instantly write down your thoughts and ideas

3. Corporate diary "COTES"- The most effective planning tool is a dated diary. Let's dwell on it in more detail and I'll tell you how to fill it in.

I have 5 sections: work, university, French(tough cases that I can't take anywhere)

EF(in free spaces between the first three sections)

and entertainment(this is in free time from all other affairs).

With colored markers, I mark on the side of the duration of all these tasks during the day (for each section its own color) and inside I already write the cases related to this section.

I also have EF workout schedules pasted in there, my work schedule and other useful notes on the stickers (recipes, grocery lists, what I want to buy for myself, what I want to do, etc.)

There are also useful pages where you can record your expenses / income and take notes.

4. Desktop diary "Little Prince"- you write down the cases, and then you tick the box joyfully after completing them.

Now more about the methods and ways of keeping a diary

GTD (Getting Things Done) system

The system is quite complex and is used to implement large projects, but something can be useful to us too.

Case naming system:

  1. An open circle is a new task.
  2. A circle with a single stripe is the task that you have started.
  3. Half filled circle - the task is half completed.
  4. A filled circle - the task is completed.
  5. A criss-crossed circle means the task has been canceled. You no longer need to perform it.
  6. Filled circle with arrow - The task has been delegated to the GTD program or to a colleague. Within the framework of this list, you do not need to monitor its implementation.
  7. Exclamation point - the task has the highest priority.
  8. A circle with a dot in the center is a task that requires constant attention. It does not necessarily have a high priority, but you need to remember about its implementation constantly.

Gleb Arkhangelsky's method

You can buy a diary according to the Arkhangelsky method in any store, but in my opinion, it has an overpriced price, and no one bothers you to create such a diary yourself. Several interesting tools you can apply:

Strategic cardboard. Serves as a bookmark in the diary. At the beginning of the year, you write down your key goals on a piece of paper. When you open the diary, you see your goals every time, which concentrates you and your efforts on achieving them.

Long-term goals map. In the diary, this section should be at the very beginning. You will be able to set goals in your key areas for 10 years ahead. Do not be alarmed, it is long-term planning that is the key to success in achieving your goals. You can also have a map of goals for the year by month, with graphs for priority areas (business, family, education, etc.).

The main event of the day. You write in the most striking event and tie it to one of the key areas. In fact, this is a memoir - one of the tools of time management, described by Gleb Arkhangelsky in his book Time Drive: How to Manage to Live and Work.

Ways to increase motivation

  • "Frogs": small, unpleasant things that are postponed. To eat a "frog" means to do one of these things.
  • "Elephants": global affairs, projects. The "elephant" must be divided into steaks, then it will be easier to "eat" the global business.
  • "Intermediate joys". Reward yourself with something pleasant for the accomplished task. Write “joy” in the appropriate field in advance: have a cup of coffee, eat a cake, watch an interesting video.

Rules for keeping a diary:

1. Fill it out daily, or on weekends, planning for the week.

2. Every evening or early in the morning, review the tasks planned for tomorrow, tune in to their successful completion and a good day.

3. Always and everywhere carry it with you, remember: did not write it down, forget it, did not do it, screwed up

4. Write down even the little things, they are most often forgotten.

5. Do things according to their priority

6. If you have recorded a global event for which you need to prepare for more than one day, then write down all its stages for each day, so you will be ready for the deadline.

Here is another interesting scheme for keeping a diary:

The post turned out to be so voluminous, I hope it is useful for you.

When keeping a diary, the main thing is that it is convenient for you and is a working tool. And it’s paper, electronic, or whatever it’s a matter of taste.

All success in managing your time and achieving your goals!

Many people believe that only someone who has their own business should keep a diary. In fact, this is a misconception. A diary should be kept by every person who wants to achieve something in the future... "How can a diary contribute to this ?!" - you ask. The article below will answer this question and give recommendations on how how to keep a diary.

Why keep a diary?

  • Firstly, having a diary, you do not need to memorize a large amount of information, you do not need to try to keep everything in your head. All the necessary information will be recorded in the diary.
  • The diary will always be able to you remind about upcoming important events that you could forget about without having it.
  • A planner will help you organize your time correctly, schedule your day. After all, often, time goes to no one knows where. With a daily planner, you will be able to do more tasks per day than you did before.
  • By keeping a diary, you can always review your past and future activities without trying to remember this or that information.

  • It has already been proven that, by keeping a diary, people are able to achieve the desired goals faster than those who do not keep a diary.
  • With a planner, you will always be keep before your eyes the goals and objectives that are in front of you. But sometimes we forget about it!
  • A diary will help you avoid many unpleasant situations. For example, your boss has asked you to do a certain number. Having a diary, you have entered information there, and you can be sure you will not forget about it. And if you don't have a diary, you can get into an extremely awkward situation.

What is the best way to keep a diary?

  • Buy yourself a planner that you like very much. You should take it in your hands with pleasure. Best of all, it should be on paper, with a beautiful cover. An electronic diary is not a very convenient thing, because you cannot make a note at any time. You shouldn't put a notebook under the diary - buy a real diary.

  • Never commit filling out your diary to anyone else. Always do it yourself. At the end of the day, it should take no more than fifteen minutes from you.
  • Make a beautiful cardboard box that will serve two purposes at once. First, it will act as a bookmark in your daily planner. And, secondly, on it you write your main goals and plans for the year. As you open your planner every day, you will constantly have your goals in front of your eyes.
  • The best time to fill out your planner is in the evening, before bed. Firstly, you are in no hurry to go anywhere, and secondly, you can calmly analyze the past day. And, thirdly, make a plan of affairs for tomorrow.
  • There are two ways to keep a diary. You can write every day only those things that you need to do, for example, go to the store, pay the rent. Or you can schedule your entire day, including getting up, lunch and entertainment.

  • Leave a few separate sheets in your diary on which you write down your close-ups for the week, month, year, or even five years! And when the diary is over in a year, you can see how far you have made in solving your problems. And in the next diary you will transfer the information that such and such a business is half completed.
  • Come up with the designation of your affairs in the diary. For example, you can mark a new task with an empty circle. When you begin this task, the circle is crossed out. When the goal is half completed, paint over half of the circle, when fully completed, paint over the entire circle. A circle with two lines - the task has been canceled. An exclamation point in a circle is a priority. A dot in a circle is a task that requires constant attention. You can use this notation system, or you can come up with your own.
  • If that's more comfortable for you, you can categorize your long-term goals - family, finance, school.
  • In most diaries, there are lines on one sheet, on which a certain time is indicated. And there are lines, without specifying the time. You can write on the first those tasks that should be completed on time, and in empty lines - things that are not tied to a specific time.
  • Put specific tasks and cases... Make your notes more specific. For example, you shouldn't write "increase income" for annual purposes, write "increase income by 25%"
  • Always divide global tasks into several small tasks. Do not write in the plan for the day: "Get started renovating the bathroom", because tomorrow you will not finish it, and you can assume that the job has not been completed. Write more specific goals - paint the ceiling in the bathroom, lay the tiles on the floor in the bathroom.
  • If most of your days follow the same scenario, you can fill out the diary for a week at once. But, nevertheless, this is not worth doing. Since if you make a plan for every day, you have more opportunity to adjust this plan.

  • Every morning, before you go to work, go through your diary, see what goals you have for today. Tune in to the task at hand.
  • Always carry your diary with you, otherwise you will no longer need it. You should always be able to see what you have planned for the day, week, or even month.
  • Perform assigned tasks on a priority basis. After completing the most important plans in the morning, you will feel an inner lift and a feeling of comfort.
  • Those things that are global for you, and that are scheduled in your separate list, should be broken down into stages. That is, you set a goal, think over the stages of how you will go towards this goal, and plan at least one thing a day that will bring you closer to completing the main task. Mark such a task in a bright color so that it stands out from the rest.
  • Reward yourself. Looking through the diary every evening, mark the completed tasks with a marker, put a tick next to them, a plus sign, in a word, whatever. And if you didn’t cope with a task, be sure to make a note of why it happened. You can be honest, this is your diary.
  • Set clear, specific goals, objectives and plans. As much as possible concretize the information recorded in the diary.

  • Review the information for the past time every month. Carefully review which tasks were completed immediately, which were not completed on time, and which were not completed at all. Review your notes, why did you fail to cope with this or that task, how can this be fixed?
  • At the end of the day, you can write down an interesting thought that came into your head during the day in your diary. It can be helpful to remind you of past situations.
  • Objectively evaluate your abilities and the fact that there are only twenty-four hours in a day. Don't plan too many tasks in one day. You still will not cope with them, and this fact will depress you. The same applies to long-term planning. Calculate how long it will take you to complete a particular task.

By keeping a daily planner and carefully planning each day, you will free up a lot of time for yourself that you can use to your advantage. Also, remember that all successful people have a day planner. And, if you want to become one of them, you must certainly acquire one.

Happy planning!

Specially forLucky-Girl. ru- Vitalina

Hello dear friends. Today I want to touch on the topic of managing and planning my time. And our daily planner acts as an assistant in this matter. How to keep a diary I will describe a sample of my planning in today's article.

In many trainings and training courses on time management, they devote a lot of time to the correct management and planning in the diary. Many probably got themselves planings, weeklies and diaries. I also started to lead them, but in the end, after a month, two, half a year, I threw it. I tried many methods - Diary according to the method of Gleb Arkhangelsky, Nikolai Mrochkovsky, etc. By the way, I recommend reading their books, they write a lot of useful and interesting things.

Why classic planning is not suitable

Before I start describing the cheat sheet, I'll tell you why classical time planning (as they are sold in stores) did not take root in me. The classic approach to keeping a day planner is to plan the time of day, distributing your tasks by the clock. I tried this but ended up always getting out of schedule. As a result, disappointment in summing up the results in the evening, and after a certain time, the abandonment of his conduct.

Building your own methodology

Analyzing planning, I realized that, in principle, it does not matter to me at what time of day I will do this or that business. The result itself is important - this concerned most cases, the exception of tough cases tied to time, for example, making an appointment with a doctor, or going on a business trip. After all, we understand that it will not be possible to postpone the flight of the plane. So, in the end, I started just writing down a list of things that need to be done during the day. However, as it turned out later, a lot of cases are being recruited and they need to be structured somehow, that's where the symbolism of abbreviations came to the rescue, which I want to share with you.

Some characters cannot be typed on a computer, so I bring to your attention a photo.

Some advise deleting the work done, I am not psychologically comfortable doing this, deleting it, in my opinion, is an erasure from life. But I spent the most valuable thing in my life - time. I would like to emphasize the importance of doing the job, what I did, what I promised to do the night before when planning. Therefore, the emphasis on the side of the completed task, in my opinion, is more comfortable. As a result, when the task is completed, a dash is put on the left side, confirming the completion.

Also, from the practices of Gleb Arkhangelsky, the frog and elephant method has taken root well for me. The frog method is when you highlight the fastest and easiest things at the beginning of the diary and try to do them first. And the elephant method - you single out the biggest and most difficult thing during the day and plan a reserve of time for it.

In addition to symbolism, I also use the method of Alexander Lyubishchev, when, based on my experience, I mark the time it takes to complete a given case.

By the way, I definitely recommend reading the book by Daniil Granin about Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev and his life. This book is a bomb that changes the outlook and attitude towards life. The most impressive thing is that it is written about a system developed by A.A. Lyubishchev. for myself at a time when there was no such thing as time management. Professor Lyubishchev, in my opinion, is the founder of this direction.

Well, the most delicious thing is the encouragement of a loved one for the accomplished deeds, which I borrowed from Nikolai Mrochkovsky and Gleb Arkhangelsky.

All of the above methods are also suitable for weekly planning. In practice, it looks like this: On Sunday evening I plan, things for the coming week and summarize the previous one. I write down all the upcoming tasks in a list, on the left I set priorities, on the right the approximate time of completion and the day of the week. When summing up the results, as well as with everyday affairs, I draw a dash to the left of the completed task.

List of books to read

I also recommend that you write down separately (I have a couple of sheets allocated for this at the end of the diary) books that I would like to read. Since if you do not separate them into a separate section, but leave them in the form of information in any day, you can forget about the book that someone recommended to you for reading.

How not to forget birthdays

Who has a good memory for the birthdays of friends and relatives? However, I know that it is very pleasant to receive congratulations on birthdays (I have it too). So, in order not to forget these dates and congratulate relatives and friends, at the end of the diary, I wrote out all the dates on a monthly basis, and when planning the week, I definitely look there, writing down to congratulate my loved ones in the upcoming affairs. Perhaps this technique will be useful to you.

This is the kind of mix that turned out in the end. I hope you find useful points for yourself and take the best into your arsenal.

What techniques do you use ?, tell us in the comments. It will be very interesting for us.

Surely, every person who wants to increase their productivity and work efficiency thinks about the question of how to properly keep a diary.

You can read about the very basics and key points of keeping a diary in the article

And in this article, we will analyze how to correctly make a list of weekly tasks in your daily planner. After all, personal effectiveness is precisely the sum of skills such as skillfully compiling a list of weekly tasks.

Order in the head = Order in business

To achieve order in your head, you need to correctly draw up a list of tasks.

We all have tasks that require daily effort. They are not part of any project. These are activities that should be carried out on a regular basis.

For example, work with e-mail, phone calls, and so on.

You also have to deal with random encounters, events, and personal commitments. All of these items should go in a diary called "List of weekly tasks."

Ongoing tasks make up most of the day, so it is very important to schedule them and add them to your day planner. However, it is important not to fall into the trap of being busy every minute of your day. Otherwise, this approach will turn your weekly list into a grueling routine that will create unnecessary stress.

How to keep a diary correctly

To properly keep a daily planner - write three types of notes in the list of weekly tasks:

  • tasks in the current mode,
  • tasks that require extra energy (like new habits, scheduled appointments, meetings, personal commitments)
  • important tasks within your projects.

To illustrate this concept, let's look at each type of note.

# 1. Tasks in the current mode (current affairs).

The weekly to-do list is not your typical to-do list. This is a collection of routine tasks that require daily execution. These tasks are important in managing your professional and personal life, so it makes sense to cross them off the list as you perform them in a kind of ritual. This list shapes the coming week.

Sit down once a week and plan for the next seven days (for example, Sundays). Start by planning time for things like:

  • repetitive work tasks,
  • physical exercises,
  • errands,
  • time with family,
  • housework,
  • paperwork (both personal and professional),
  • Email,
  • phone calls
  • Cooking.

What happens on this list is up to you. The key here is setting aside time each day for ongoing activities. It also helps in understanding how long it usually takes to complete each task. For example, email processing can take less than an hour a day, so you can always leave plenty of time for ongoing tasks.

It also helps to combine, group things, which allows you to increase the efficiency of each day. For example, you need to visit the grocery store, post office, and hardware store every week. Then it makes sense to group these tasks, assigning them a single period of time. Completing these tasks together allows you to carry out your current activities in the most efficient way.

Finally, there is a reason why it is necessary to start with the current activity - it shapes the entire next week. If you are like most people, you are often attacked by emergencies or random tasks. Without a set schedule, you won't be able to figure out exactly what you will donate when you say yes to someone asking for your time.

No. 2. Meetings and gatherings.

In addition to your daily tasks, you also have appointments, meetings, and personal commitments.

You must consider this because your ability to complete important tasks depends on how much time you spend on other activities. It's best to know ahead of time that your productivity will be limited due to the appointment beforehand.

In addition to your weekly to-do list, it's important to use a digital calendar that sends you a reminder of an upcoming event. This will act as an additional reminder for important appointments.

Most mobile phones are equipped with these features, and you can also use office software (such as Microsoft Outlook) that has a built-in calendar. You can use Google Calendar, it syncs with Gmail and is accessible from any device with Internet access.

No. 3. Tasks within the project.

The last items to be included in the weekly task list are tasks from the “project task list”. This can be challenging because you want to focus on the important tasks and at the same time avoid the temptation to commit overwhelming obligations for the next seven days.

Include on the list only those tasks that are nearing due date or those that are critical to the completion of the project.

As for the rest of the project to-do list items, only work on them if you've finished everything else.

How to make a list of weekly tasks

We have already discussed the three types of tasks included in the weekly tasks list. So what's the right way to keep a daily planner using such a list? More precisely, what does this list look like? The easiest way to explain this concept is to offer you a simple road map.

Start by opening the weekly page and dividing it into sections by day of the week. If you are the type who works best in a certain part of the day (for example, in the morning), then divide each day of your activities into a morning part and an evening part. If you are actively working on weekends, be sure to include them on your list of days of the week. If the weekend is for relaxation, you can create a five-day schedule. This is a total of 10 or 14 time slots.

Now plan three types of events: current activities, appointments and meetings, tasks from the “project task list”. When exactly you schedule your tasks depends on your work and living space. It is important to use this list to create a simple structure for the next seven days.

To illustrate, I will give you the following list of tasks for one of the days:


Before lunch:

Working with video (5).

View projects and tasks (4).

Updating tasks (4).

Pondering the next book (4).

After lunch:

Writing an article (4).

Processing letters (3).

Updating projects (3).

Blog comments (3).

There are many tasks on this list. Some of them will make sense in the context of the three types of problems we've discussed, but others can be a little confusing.

It's best not to clutter your weekly to-do list with a long to-do list. It is necessary to include there only mandatory tasks and current affairs that require additional effort. So as not to feel overwhelmed.

Next to each task, a small number is put in the range from 1 to 5.

This is an estimate of the level of energy that needs to be expended to complete this task.

8 6 285 0

A diary is an important component of the success of a modern person. By learning how to do it correctly, you will save your time, become more self-confident, and manage to do much more.

You will need:

What is a diary for?

A diary should always be in your portfolio or purse to help you plan your day and get your work done.

It is required for:

  1. Businessmen, busy people.
  2. Those who are engaged in independent business and keep their own schedule (manicurists, masseuses, tutors).
  3. For young mothers who do not have time to do anything.
  4. For uncollected, a little lazy, forgetful individuals.
  5. For those who are looking for a job or earn extra money.
  6. For people who have lost faith in themselves and their capabilities.

In other words, a planner can help you organize your thoughts and time. If it's not enough, you can plan your day so that everything is in time. And vice versa, if there is a lot of it (for example, among pensioners), it can be used “wisely”, fill the free space with deeds, thereby feeling important and needed.

Having a neat diary filled in will increase your status in front of employers, colleagues or relatives. After all, this subject indicates that you are a purposeful, active person and value your time.

For people who work with people, time tracking and diaries are an integral part of life. You can't do without a notebook, otherwise you can lose customers and credibility.

Every successful person simply must have a diary. If you don't know where to start yet, you are confused in life - buy a beautiful notebook, the one that you like. Start taking notes in it. Read it in a week or two - you will probably understand what you are doing wrong, you will have new goals, and previously invisible horizons will open.

A diary is a kind of step towards success. If you absolutely do not need it, start it up for the sake of experiment and make sure that it will positively change your life!

5 principles of keeping a diary

For a notebook to be really useful, you need to learn how to fill it out correctly.

  • Lead every day

The diary should be opened and worked with every day. Try to make entries in this book without missing even the weekend. In addition to working hours, plan household chores, self-care, and visiting friends or family. With the help of these "reminders" you will be able to do more, finish those tasks for which there was not enough time earlier. Plus, keeping a journal every day is the dynamic of your work and life.

It is not necessary to keep a diary only in some cases: when you are sick and are on vacation. You can allow yourself a short break in thought and emotional stress. But even during the period of illness, the diary is useful for writing down medications, the schedule for taking them, symptoms, so that next time you have this useful information at hand. On vacation, devote a few pages to describing your feelings and experiences. During these periods, you can not plan your day and allow yourself to relax.

  • He should always be there

This does not mean that you need to go to the toilet with a diary or keep it with you during dinner. But try to always have it on hand so that if necessary, you can immediately clarify your schedule, write down an important news or remind yourself of upcoming events. Take him to meetings, important negotiations, interviews, meetings.

  • Write down elementary tasks

You must enter everything in the notebook. Include lunch and dinner, visiting friends and cafes, reading books and making phone calls in your day plan. Especially if you find it difficult to allocate time. If you give yourself 20 minutes for lunch, 10 for a call to a friend and half an hour for buying a new dress, then most likely you will have time for everything and will do even more than you planned. Do not be afraid that it looks ridiculous or ridiculous, but this way you will see the plan for the day clearer and clearer.

If you find it difficult to find time for yourself, you are depressed and completely forgot about the joys for the soul, add a five-minute coffee break or a walk to your busy schedule.

  • Rank tasks

Divide all tasks into major and minor. You can highlight two parts of the page: write important tasks on one, and not very much on the second, or mark each task according to the degree of importance. It is even better to write down all significant matters and do them first.

If the schedule is constantly changing, new items appear throughout the day, underline the most important of them with a bright marker. Always try to complete the main tasks, do not procrastinate them, and keep records of the work done.

  • Analyze the plan

You should not write 100 cases at once for one day, so you will not have time to do anything at all. Review your plan for the week. It will immediately become clear to you what the mistake is. Especially if you cross out all the completed cases. If you see that there are too many tasks, reduce their number. Give yourself some rest or give up unimportant activities.

Reviewing your plan is a great way to help yourself sort out time issues and assess your capabilities. Be honest with yourself and everything will work out!

Where to begin

The hardest part of this process is making the first recording. Then everything will go according to the knurled pattern. To make the diary your assistant, you should:

  1. Choose a diary that would characterize you most vividly. You should like it, but if you are going to show it to business partners, take it to meetings and constantly carry it with you, buy a beautiful, but discreet, with a neutral pattern (nature, abstraction). Any diary is suitable for your own use, the main thing is that it pleases you.
  2. Buy diaries from specialized office supply stores. There you can choose the most suitable and high quality one.
  3. You can purchase diaries with or without dates. Focus on your schedule and needs. If you are a busy person all the time, you need a calendar; for creative, somewhat chaotic people, a notebook without dates is quite suitable.
  4. Prepare a set of pens with different inks, as well as bright markers (light green, orange, pink). So it will be easier for you to highlight something important, things for each day can be written with different pens.
  5. Start journaling on Monday. This will streamline it a bit from the start.
  6. Try to schedule your typical day first. Remember, you also need to learn how to keep a journal. Over time, this will come out easily and naturally.
  7. If it is difficult for yourself, go to trainings or business courses, they will definitely teach you how to properly keep a diary.

Do not postpone the first entry - perhaps it will become the starting point of your new life!

But make sure that he does not fall into the wrong hands, if you do not want your feelings and thoughts to become public.

A personal diary can be kept every day or at will. This is your intimate, where only you are allowed to enter.

How to keep a diet and weight loss diary

A very important "document" with which you will understand your body better. In this journal, write:

  • daily weight;
  • ration for every day;
  • calorie content of dishes;
  • total after each week;
  • how much they ate, down to a gram.

Never be cunning, be honest with yourself, do not reduce the numbers.

Before losing weight, start a diary and describe your initial menu. At the end of your weight loss, describe your new diet. Write down your daily routine in such a diary.

How to keep a workout diary

This is the diary that distinguishes the beginner from the professional. In this diary, you should write:

  • The weight with which you started the workout.
  • Weight after each week, workout, day (as you like).
  • How much weight you lift while exercising, your progress in training.
  • How much the volume of muscles has increased or the waist, hips, arms have decreased.
  • The number of exercises performed during the training, approaches; how long did you study.
  • Well-being, sensations after sports.

Your exercise diary is just a way to keep track of your exercise and weight. Don't go to the audience just to make another record and then brag about it.

How to start an internet diary

Diaries on the Internet are very popular. They help find friends, learn something, ask for advice.

It takes a few minutes to create such a diary:

  • Choose the resource that suits you best, for example blogger.com. There are many of them, it is better to pick up the one where most of your acquaintances are registered.
  • Register by following the instructions.
  • After receiving an email, activate your page.
  • Customize the diary to your liking. Choose suitable photos, videos, drawings.
  • Design a tape where the things you have chosen will be.
  • Depending on your desire, make the information in your diary closed or open.

Video to the material

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