What does the word similar mean. The meaning of the word is similar in the large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. What does the word "similar" mean?



Does not require punctuation marks.

Similarly a campaign that cleverly reveals product properties that can generate high engagement does not guarantee high adoption. V. Pelevin, Generation "P". There is nothing surprising if the anti-world anti-gravity fields for us, that is, the gravity of Tamas, are built similarly and behind this undulating protrusion are hidden condensations of antimatter - black galaxies and the sun of Tamas. I. Efremov, The Hour of the Bull.

Punctuation Dictionary. - M .: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what is "similar" in other dictionaries:

    similarly - similar, similar, in the image and likeness, similar, close, and, (in the same, similar, the same) (in the manner, manner, makar, order), akin, also, in t (ak) om (same) spirit, it seems, in the same line, in the same manner, The Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. similarly ... ... Synonym dictionary

    similarly - Nar., uptr. cf. often 1. The word similar often replaces the expressions "in the same way" and "in the same way." Petrov was deprived of the prize. They did the same with his partner. 2. When you want to say that you agree with the interlocutor and think or act ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Similarly - adv. qualities. are. Based on similarity to someone or something, modeled on someone or something, according to any formula or scheme. Efremova's explanatory dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    similarly - see similar; adverb ... Dictionary of many expressions

    similarly formed - similarly formed ...

    similarly defined - similarly defined ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    similarly designed - similarly decorated ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    similarly designed - analogs / chno ofo / rmelny ... Together. Apart. Hyphened.

    ENTEROLOBIUM CYCLOCARPUM GRISEB. FROM TROP. AMER. AND WEST INDIA. USE SIMILAR. KORA PL. INSTEAD OF SOAP (MANSFELD - see 397. Wood. E. cyclocarpum Griseb. from the trails. Amer. and West Indies. Use similarly. Cora pl. instead of soap (Mansfeld 1959) ... Plant Directory

    HSUPA - Similar to HSDPA, High Speed \u200b\u200bUplink Packet Access (HSUPA) technology is a mobile communication standard that accelerates data transfer from W CDMA ... ... Wikipedia


  • Notre Dame Cathedral. Mary Tudor. Angelo, Tyrant of Padua, Victor Hugo. The novel by the great French writer is dedicated to the life of Paris in the 15th century. Inspired by the July 1830 Revolution in France, the novel is riddled with an anti-clerical tendency. Dead ones ... Buy for 220 rubles
  • Shukhlik, or Journey to the Navel of the Earth, Mirzakarim Norbekov. The tale "Shukhlik, or Journey to the Navel of the Earth" was written by A. Dorofeev based on the book by Mirzakarim Norbekov "Where Kuzka's mother winter, or How to get a million free solutions" similarly ...

Similar, similar, in the image and likeness, similar, close, and, (in the same, similar, the same) (in the manner, manner, makar, order), akin, also, in the t (ak) om (same) spirit seems to be in the same line, in the same manner, The Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. similarly ... ... Synonym dictionary

similarly - adverb Does not require punctuation marks. Likewise, a campaign that is cleverly disclosing a product and capable of generating high engagement does not guarantee high adoption. V. Pelevin, Generation "P". It is not surprising if ... ... Punctuation Dictionary

Adverb qualities. are. Based on similarity with someone or with something, modeled on someone or something, according to any formula or scheme. Efremova's explanatory dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

similarly - see similar; adverb ... Dictionary of many expressions

Similarly educated ...

Similarly defined ... Spelling dictionary-reference

Similarly decorated ... Spelling dictionary-reference

similarly designed - analogs / chno ofo / rmelny ... Together. Apart. Hyphened.

ENTEROLOBIUM CYCLOCARPUM GRISEB. FROM TROP. AMER. AND WEST INDIA. USE SIMILAR. KORA PL. INSTEAD OF SOAP (MANSFELD - see 397. Wood. E. cyclocarpum Griseb. from the trails. Amer. and West Indies. Use similarly. Cora pl. instead of soap (Mansfeld 1959) ... Plant Directory

Similar to HSDPA, High Speed \u200b\u200bUplink Packet Access (HSUPA) technology is a mobile communication standard that accelerates data transmission from W CDMA ... ... Wikipedia


  • Notre Dame Cathedral. Mary Tudor. Angelo, Tyrant of Padua, Victor Hugo. The novel by the great French writer is dedicated to the life of Paris in the 15th century. Inspired by the July 1830 Revolution in France, the novel is riddled with an anti-clerical tendency. The dead ...
  • Shukhlik, or Journey to the Navel of the Earth, Mirzakarim Norbekov. The tale "Shukhlik, or Journey to the Navel of the Earth" was written by A. Dorofeev based on the book by Mirzakarim Norbekov "Where Kuzka's mother winter, or How to get a million free solutions" similarly ...

analogue, -and

analogue, -I am ( lectern)


analogy, -and

analogous; cr. f... -chen, -chna

analogy, -and





polymer analog (polymer analogous transformations)

digitala log

ANA LOG, -and; m. (what, what). Book. What is correspondence with smth., Likeness to smth. Create a. human brain. Search A. to smb. medicine. Smth. has no analogues.

ANALOGUES CZECH, th, th. Based on analogy. A. method.

ANALOGUES, th, th; -chen, -chna, -no. Representing an analogy to smth .; similar, similar. A. case. A-th conditions. A-th statement. The decision made is similar to last year. Analogues, adv. Analogy, -and; g.

ANALO GIA, -and; g. [from the Greek. analogía - correspondence, similarity]. 1. (with someone, between someone). Similarity in relations between objects, phenomena, concepts, etc. Look for analogies, analogies with smth. Smth. has no, knows no analogies. Draw analogies between smth. (compare, compare). 2. Log. A form of inference, in which the similarity of the relationship between the properties of some. objects or phenomena is equated with the similarity of relations between other objects or phenomena. Form, develop by analogy with smth. There is a full or partial a. between human and monkey behavior. A refers to B by analogy with the relationship of C to D.

ANA LOGOVY, th, th. Info. 1. Accepting any values, continuously, smoothly changing. A. signal. A-th value. 2. Designed to carry out operations with continuously changing physical quantities. A-th device. A-th technique.

ANA LOGO-DIGITAL Y, -a I, -o e. Info. Converting data presented in analog form into digital data or combining the properties of analog and digital devices. A. converter. A-th computing machine.

ANALOGUES what / with what. An example similar to the previous one; A case similar to the previous one.

ANALO GIA with what / between what. The conclusion was drawn by analogy with the same phenomenon in the recent past; A complete analogy can be drawn between one and the other facts.

Some other prefixed verbs have a similar control. on the-: Throw a scarf over your head; Having quietly thrown a veil over the sleeping virgin, Ruslan walks and sits on the horse (P.); Apply tracing paper to the drawing; The sailors put temporary patches on the holes (First); He deftly wound the tip of his belt around his finger (Bab.); Vanya quickly wound a footcloth around his leg (Cat.); Wind the threads onto the spool.

Similarly, other verbs of this semantic group, with the meaning of an effective action, with the prefix on the-: Fill your pillow with fluff; Load the car with grain; Infuse the air with the smell of smoke; Stuff pies with meat.


analogue, -I am ( the same asanalogue)


analog;analogue machine


qi froan's lair

What does the word "similar" mean?

    The word is similar to means literally similar same same repeatingquot ;,

    In one word, the similarity of the above-mentioned object is expressed with the one mentioned by the latter.

    Identity of signs.

    Adverb similar to went from the Greek word analogos, which translates into Russian as corresponding . If you try to find synonyms for the word similarly to , you get something like this: the same, like, seems to be suitable.

    The lexical meaning of the adverb is similar to does not give rise to doubts and discrepancies.

    Similarly - means, similar, it seems, almost identical, similar, similar, in the same manner;.

    The only thing that can be added is the special use of this adverb in some cases. Context sometimes shows us that a person used similarly to as an affirmative particle. Like yes, I agree, mutually etc. In these cases, the semantics of the word is somewhat transformed, starting to denote the expression of consent and reciprocity.

    for example, dialogue:

    I like you.


    I love you!


    Why did you fix the same thing ?! It annoys me!


    As I understand this word: it is almost a synonym for phrases the same , in the same way , in the same way etc.

    The word is similar to in different cases, that is, the word has different uses.

    For example a sentence:

    Rats are caught with bait. Mice are caught in the same way.

    It can be replaced with:

    Mice are caught in the same way.

    The word is similar to related to the words analogue and analogy, from which it comes.

    Still, a certain tradition has been developed among the people to replace the replicas with this word and you are the same and the same to you;.

    For example, someone says:

    You are a fool!

    And the second one answers him Similarly to , which is equivalent to the replica You too .

    This word means that any phenomenon in relation to which it is applied is similar and similar in some way to the one with which it is compared.

    For example, it can be two situations, one of which will be similar to the other, and it will say that they are similar and similar.

    Similarly, it means in the same way, exactly the same, completely similar, completely coincides with . For example, an employee asks: How to do this job? And the boss answers this employee: Do the work according to the pattern.

    According to this site: what-means.rf (explanatory dictionary Efremova T.F.), the word similarly has the following interpretation:

    The word is similar to in Russian there are the following synonyms:

    similar, similar, similar, similar, akin, close, in this spirit, in the same spirit ...

    This word is very often used, since it means that if a person says something and you understand that you did the same, or you want to choose what he wants, then you say the word similar to . This will mean that you agree with him and take what he is or do the same as he. Or you will confirm his thoughts.

    This term comes from the Greek word analogy, which means proportion, correspondence. Likewise, it is something made in a pattern, in the likeness of something else. In Russian it corresponds to just like . In logic, it is similar - this is when, based on the external similarity of one property of different objects or concepts, a conclusion is made about the similarity of other properties.

    The word SIMILAR - this is an adverb, it has the meaning of similarity with someone, something, or some kind of pattern, scheme.

    Synonyms are the same, the same way, the same way.

    This adverb can be used in a sentence: The doctor prescribed similar drugs to be expensive. That is, each drug has cheaper analogues.

    In the same way as the first time it was done - this is the meaning.

    Greek adjective analogos which means corresponding gave life to many related words of the Russian language: analogy, analogy, analogous, analogous, analogue and, finally, similarly.

    The meaning of the adverb is similar to not far from the meaning of its progenitor. This word means that something is identical, similar, proportionate, corresponding to something.

    This problem is solved similarly to the first.

    We will do the same as the first time.

    The silhouette of this model is made similar to the sample.


adv. qualities - are.

Based on resemblance to someone or something, modeled on someone or something, according to some formula or scheme.

A large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LIKELY in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SIMILAR in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    close, similar, it seems, akin, similar, ...
  • SIMILAR in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adv. Based on the resemblance to smb., Sm., Modeled on smb., Sm., According to smb. formula, ...
  • SIMILAR in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    similarly adverb. Based on the resemblance to smb., Sm., Modeled on smb., Sm., According to smb. formula, ...
  • SIMILAR in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adv. qualities - are. Based on resemblance to someone or something, modeled on someone or something, according to some formula, or ...
    the central concept of theistic mysticism, expressing the act of direct expression of the will of a personified God transcendental to the world, revealing himself to the subject as absolute truth. A. is understood ...
  • MYSTIC in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek mistikos - mysterious) is a sacred religious practice aimed at achieving direct supersensible communication and union with God in ecstatic ...
  • ANTIQUE PHILOSOPHY in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary.
  • BODY WITHOUT ORGANS in the Dictionary of Postmodernism.
  • NEODETERMINISM in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a new version of the interpretation of the phenomenon of determinism in modern culture, based on the presumptions of nonlinearity, the absence of the phenomenon of an external cause and the rejection of the forced
  • NARRATIVE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (Latin narrare is a linguistic act, i.e. verbal presentation - as opposed to presentation) - the concept of postmodern philosophy, fixing the processuality of self-realization ...
    analysis, a part of modern mathematics, the main task of which is the study of infinite-dimensional spaces and their mappings. The most studied are linear spaces and linear ...
  • WEAK INTERACTIONS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    interactions, one of the four types of known fundamental interactions between elementary particles (three other types - electromagnetic, gravitational and strong). FROM. …
  • STRONG INTERACTIONS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    interactions, one of the main fundamental (elementary) interactions of nature (along with electromagnetic, gravitational and weak interactions). Particles participating in S. century, ...
  • NON-PROPER INTEGRALS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    integrals, a generalization of the classical concept of an integral to the case of unbounded functions and functions defined on an infinite interval of integration (see Integral). Defined ...
  • DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    calculus, a branch of mathematics that studies the derivatives and differentials of functions and their applications to the study of functions. D.'s design and. in …
  • GEOMETRY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek geometria, from ge - Earth and metreo - Meru), a branch of mathematics that studies spatial relationships and forms, as well as others ...
    1. Characteristic properties of a beam of light. - 2. Light is not the motion of an elastic rigid body of mechanics. - 3. Electromagnetic phenomena as ...
  • ELECTRIC MEASURING DEVICES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • PHOSPHINES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (chem.) - the so-called organic compounds produced from hydrogen phosphorus PH3, as amines are produced from ammonia NH3; these are substitution products ...
  • THIOPHENE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (chem.) C4H4S. - Like benzene, T. is a representative of a large group of compounds. In terms of physical and chemical properties, T. is very similar to ...