What is downshifting: definition, meaning of the word. Downshifter who is this? Downshifting is a new positive lifestyle that has captured America, Australia and Europe. What is a downshifter?

Good afternoon friends! Elena Nikitina is with you, and today we’ll talk about such a fashionable phenomenon as downshifting: what it is, what positive and negative aspects it has, whether it is associated with the transition to remote work and which countries are suitable for a downshifter.

History of the term

It is believed that the term “downshifting” was first used in 1991 by American journalist Sarah Ben Breathna. The phenomenon itself originated somewhat earlier, but, as usual, it came to Mother Russia with some delay.

Downshifting is a conscious reduction by a person who has achieved a certain position in society, material level for the sake of personal interests. This is a general definition, behind which there are different points of view on the causes, essence and consequences of this process.

As a rule, the reason for the decline in turnover is a protest against imposed values: career, race for status and the cult of consumption. Let's take a closer look.

Is a downshifter a slacker or a purposeful person?

A downshifter is a person who voluntarily lowered his social and material status. But such people are perceived differently. This is because society still does not have a common understanding of the details.

Some recognize as such all those who, for whatever reason, exchanged a stuffy office for the seashore. These are hippies roaming the expanses of Crimea and Goa, and in various parts of the world, and remote workers in Bali. Others call a true downshifter only the one who ends his career by following an idea and doing creative work. In the 19th century, these were populists who refused to serve in order to educate peasant children.

It should be clarified whether all those who quit their jobs should be considered downshifters. One situation is when a worker had a good position and a good salary, a profitable business and developed skills. It’s a completely different matter - yesterday’s student worked for a couple of years at a medium-sized enterprise and, disillusioned with the modest salary and boring work, went to the Indian Sikhs or fell on his mother’s neck. The second one would be more accurately called a dependent.

It wouldn’t hurt to talk about the psychological reasons for “escape from the world.” Every downshifter will say that he is tired of stress and the race for false ideals and wants “freedom and peace.” But if parting with the previous way of life is of a strong protest nature, it’s worth thinking about. Protest is another challenge to the world and is often temporary. A person who understands his true needs does not argue with anyone and does not prove anything to anyone - he goes to himself.

A real downshifter - who is it?

For further discussion, let’s clarify the concept - we will describe the signs of a true downshifter:

  • Downshifter - successful man. He has a job behind him that has brought him experience and income. Perhaps a career and position in society (but this is not necessary; for example, an IT specialist can have an impressive salary without a career).
  • This diligent person. He worked for the good of society (although he probably realized that the good was relative, because he made a profit from selling chips and soda).
  • This idea man walking towards his dream. He had long thought about working as a lifeguard on South Beach, growing a garden for his family (also a service to the community) or becoming a blacksmith. Or he wanted to write a book - from the point of view of careerism, he is also a downshifter, but in the future he can become a famous writer.
  • This strong man able to withstand difficulties. He guessed that he would have to tighten his belt, and managed to direct his asceticism for good.
  • It doesn't matter what he does. This can be any creative work for money or for the soul, if there is a source of income.

So, the office worker feels that he is not living his own life and it’s time to change something. To do this, he takes the following steps.

Step 1. He decides what he would like to devote his future life to. It’s good if the answer to the question has already been found: there is less chance of making a mistake.

Step 2. Thinks through how he will receive income. The first and second points do not always coincide. Options: interest on a deposit (not the most reliable method in the Russian economy), renting out housing, hobbies, working in another position (often coincides with a hobby).

Step 3. Along the way, he accumulates finances to create a “safety cushion” for the transition period.

Step 4. Selects a region to live in.

Step 5. Makes inquiries about local features: climate, laws, financial situation, educational development (if we are talking about a family with children), the labor market, the ability to live on the expected income.

Step 6. Coordinates his decision with loved ones in order to avoid a conflict situation. Have you seen the movie “Revolutionary Road” (2008) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet? That's exactly what he's talking about.

Step 7 Leaves work tactfully and without unnecessary celebration. You may have to come back again.

Step 8 Makes a dream come true.

Downshifting and remote work

These phenomena are not necessarily interrelated.

Let's say an honored journalist of a popular publication or a famous coach retired from work and write from a corner of paradise, each about his own. This is downshifting and remote work.

But people can earn money remotely from a young age, without having a career behind them—this is no longer downshifting.

And finally, getting away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, downshifters don’t necessarily work remotely. And they don’t always strive for this.

A downshifter is a person who has left his previous benefits in the name of work for pleasure, no matter whether it is remote or not.

Possible consequences of downshifting

Now a few words about the results of the changes. There are four possible scenarios here:

  1. The person who has changed his image enjoys life for some time, then his finances run out, and the income at the new place of work turns out to be below the subsistence level. Disappointment in the change of events makes return to previous lifestyle.
  2. Tired of the mad rush, he rests, regains his strength and returns to his previous, perhaps slightly modified, way of life. Whether he planned it initially or not, the vacation became a significant reboot for him, an attempt to understand himself and reach a new level.
  3. Yesterday's downshifter does not return to its previous position, but when the need to “replenish the balance” becomes ripe, earns just enough to live on.
  4. The ideal case is if our hero managed to provide himself with a sufficient material level (having passive income or earning money in a new place) and continues to do what he loves, for the sake of which everything was started.

The best countries for downshifting

Now let's discuss where to go as a downshifter.

There are several criteria for choosing a region for living (or wintering):

  • climate,
  • cheapness of life,
  • flight cost,
  • visa regime of the state,
  • legislation of the country (for example, only a local citizen can officially work as a guide in Thailand, but many know workarounds).

The bulk of Russians gravitate towards warm countries.

Most Popular Southeast Asia: Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia. A flight there costs about 15,000 rubles. If you get to a promotion or bother searching in advance, you can make a significant difference.

In Thailand You can stay with a visa for 60 days, without - 30 days, then cross the border to the nearest country and again live for a month without a visa. A Vietnam visa (for staying in the country for more than 15 days) is issued in advance for six months. In Indonesia, Russians arriving for the purpose of tourism can stay for a month only with a stamp in their passport; a longer stay will require a visa (for 2 or 6 months).

Tropical Asia attracts with its low cost of living (prices depend on the country and region), exotic nature, interesting culture and gentle sea. Mostly the Slavs living there work as guides (combine work and love of travel), own businesses or.

No less loved by our fellow citizens India. 1.5 - 2 thousand Russians permanently live in Goa alone. This means both the native language environment and the usual form of leisure. Plus all the joys of fans of Buddhism and yoga. A tourist visa is issued for a period of up to six months and cannot be extended.

Also, a three-month winter stay (up to 60 days without a visa plus a month extension of stay by crossing the border) pleases Türkiye. The heat is not expected there at this time - an excellent option for those who want to see the sights in a comfortable temperature and at reduced prices. A flight from Moscow will cost 5,000 - 7,000 rubles (winter prices).

However, it is worth considering that intercity bus prices are high in the country. My husband and I explored the option of hitchhiking in the summer: movement is possible, but rather slow.

European countries. As a rule, they are chosen by those wishing to build a career, but downshifters can also find acceptable options for themselves. The climate in the region is milder than Russia, and holders of Schengen visas will appreciate the opportunity to travel using a developed network of low-cost airlines.

It is worth paying attention to countries with low prices: Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic. The first three are especially good during the swimming season, and in Montenegro you can live up to 30 days without a visa. Those wishing to extend their stay cross the border with Croatia or obtain a 90-day visa in advance (extension is not provided; if you want to stay, you will have to reapply). The advantages of Europe also include the low cost of flights.

New World. The trip will cost a pretty penny, but holders of a Schengen, British or American visa can save money by purchasing tickets with a transfer. There are many visa-free countries, moving between which you can avoid returning to Russia for several years.

Dominican Republic attracts residents of the middle zone with a comfortable temperature (from September to April +25-30 degrees). Staying in the country for up to 30 days is allowed with a tourist card (costs $10), which can be extended at the police station for another month or two. An important point: the country has a departure fee of $20. Working on a tourist visa is punishable by law, and the labor market is not so developed. Therefore, the state is more suitable for remote workers.

IN Ecuador, where you can combine mountains, plains and sea, and the temperature is comfortable all year round, Russians can stay for three months without a visa.

A visa is not required for the same period Chile, just be prepared to show return tickets home or to any other state at the border. The standard of living in the country is also low, which attracts downshifters who love to open new horizons.

Popular regions of Russia

There are many downshifters living in Russia who do not want to leave their homeland.

Most popular for moving Krasnodar region. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, for 2015 - 2017. 150,000 Russians from other regions settled there.

The advantages are obvious: the sea, warm climate, real estate prices are lower than in Moscow. Options for earning money: renting out housing, travel services, remote work. In the summer, we met a family from Sochi who rent out their apartment to vacationers and live in a tent outside the city all season. That’s where they work: they make rugs from stones.

People from all over Russia flock to Voronezh region: the climate is average between Central Russia and the Black Sea coast, the economy is quite developed, the fertile soil creates good conditions for farming.

The capital's suburbs are suitable for connoisseurs of familiar infrastructure. Leningrad region And Moscow region. Renting housing is cheaper than in the capital, the transport network is well developed, which means you can make cultural and business “forays” into the city while living in more environmentally friendly conditions.

The national idea of ​​Russian downshifting is moving from a city to a small town or village. This is explained by the relatively recent break with the traditional way of life. Often those leaving remain within the region, which has a number of advantages: it is easier to decide to move, family and friendly ties are preserved, and there is less hassle when renting out an apartment.

In recent years, the movement of eco-settlers has been actively developing in our country - many of them can also be called downshifters. According to various sources, 350 - 450 tribal settlements are registered in Russia. The largest number of them are in the warm Krasnodar Territory and the Yaroslavl Region; the Central Region, the North and the Altai Territory are also popular. There are both villages of wealthy people - former and current businessmen, and modest associations of environmental connoisseurs.

This summer, my husband and I visited the “Living Spring” settlement, located in the Abinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, and observed how people, once tied to city amenities, drive along dirt roads, carry water from a well and cook in a wood-burning stove.

Resources for Downshifters

If you want to get to know the idea of ​​downshifting better, take a look at these sites:

  • daunshiftery.ru is a site whose authors tried to provide the most objective information about the causes, essence and possible consequences of downshifting. There are no rose-colored glasses or rejection of the topic. Here you will find some true stories, interesting ideas and useful tips.
  • downshifting-club.ru is a site about accommodation and earning opportunities in different countries of the world.
  • vk.com/down.shifting - a group of downshifters on VKontakte. There is both useful information and the opportunity to communicate, and garbage.
  • poselenia.ru - catalog of ecovillages in Russia and the CIS.
  • vk.com/citylifeout - a VKontakte group for country lovers. It increases motivation well, but takes little into account the disadvantages of relocation.

Subscribe to blog news and learn more new and interesting things. Good luck and informed decisions!

Valeria Vorobyova

I was once looking online for people who were just as crazy as us, with a lifestyle similar to ours, and came across a community of downshifters. It turns out that the life we ​​live has such a name. Well, that means we are downshifters. Sounds terrible...

Here's what they say in the reference books:
Downshifting(from the English downshifting) - a transition from a highly paid job, but associated with excessive stress, workload and taking up all the free time, to a calmer, although low-paid job compared to the previous one.

Downshifting(English downshifting, slowing down or weakening of some process) is a slang term denoting the life philosophy of “living for oneself”, “giving up other people’s goals” (the synonym Simple living is also used). Those who consider themselves to be downshifters tend to renounce the desire for generally accepted benefits promoted, such as a constant increase in material capital, career growth, etc., and instead focus on life for the sake of themselves and/or family.

Having analyzed our lives, I understand that my husband and I became downshifters not when we moved to the village, but much earlier. My husband refused promising positions twice, abruptly changing his occupation. As he himself says: “The fact that I did not make a career is a pure accident.”

In general, I seem to be a downshifter in life. The word “career” has always scared me; my work as an analyst in a large company is remembered as one of the most unpleasant moments in my work history, and the phrase “corporate responsibility” still shakes me. It seems to me that I have always been a downshifter. I realized this when, as a student, I joined the international organization AIESEC. This organization is a kind of model of a modern corporation, and, so to speak, a school for future managers. Then I realized that I did not want and, most likely, would not be a cog in any system.

Although, to be honest, we do not fit into the classic formula of downshifting “giving up material wealth for the sake of peace of mind.” I don’t think we lost anything by moving to the village. Well, what did we have in Kyiv? A one-room apartment in a high-rise building, with very little (at current housing prices) hope of expanding the living space. Metro (one of the horrors that I encountered when I arrived in Kiev from Donetsk - morning, rush hour at the Vokzalnaya station, a huge stream of visitors 100 meters long, slowly, shoulder to shoulder, moving towards the escalator, and I need to wedge myself into this crowd, walk these 100 meters...). And the terrible Kyiv traffic jams? Well, add gas pollution on the streets, overcrowding (Kyiv parks are gradually being built up with houses), all sorts of drug addicts, slot machines, other temptations (for children), etc. and so on.

Here... In general, I don’t even know who we are after this - downshifters or not. Even if not, then okay, the name is too ugly.

In the end, there is another synonym for downshifting - Simple living, or Simple life, in Russian “Simple life”, or “Life without show-offs”.

From the editor (Vitaly):

Valeria in the past (at different times) - Chief Specialist of the Economics Department of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, Leading Analyst of the Security Service (one well-known Kyiv company).

This term itself is quite new, but the concept of hermitage has existed from time immemorial. A downshifter is a hermit of a secular era. Its essence is contained in the down shift itself, which means “moving down”. That is, a downshifter voluntarily descends the social ladder, abandoning the goals imposed on him by society. They try not to call themselves that. In Russia, they usually contact residents of the megacities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, who rent out theirs and use this money to live in warm places, for example in India.
In Goa, there are entire communes of downshifters, there are numerous cafes and restaurants in Russian. The people who live there call themselves “goashifters.”

A downshifter cannot be considered an ordinary rural beggar - downward movement implies precisely the renunciation of certain life goods and attitudes. The reasons for such a radical change in lifestyle are varied. Firstly, many move to the land of eternal summer to live for their own pleasure. Others are trying to go to the countryside to improve their health, which has deteriorated in the metropolis. Some do this to spend more time with their family. Others want to live in harmony with nature. The famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy can be considered such a downshifter.

Disadvantages of downshifting

There is an opinion that downshifting is a harmful and irresponsible activity, that increasing well-being and the desire for comfort are natural human needs, and that a downshifter is a loser and a lazy person who has run away from difficulties. He gives up a large part of his income, prosperity in life and cannot sufficiently provide for his family and the future of his children. Often a downshifter living in Goa, Thailand or Egypt uses drugs and gets into the troubles that come with drug addiction. Some people get into conflicts with their relatives or family members, which sometimes leads to its disintegration.
There is no clear opinion whether downshifting is beneficial or harmful, but, of course, a person takes some risk, radically changing his life.

It is worth saying that downshifting is usually a temporary phenomenon, and people who have escaped from the world for several years return to their previous lifestyle. Some return full of new strength, others, on the contrary, are disappointed, have lost the skills of their work and are no longer able to return to their previous level of professional activity.

One of the interesting modern trends of Western people is downshifting. The concept originates from automotive terminology, where downshifting refers to deliberately reducing speed or changing gears from high to low. Downshifting as a way of life also has the same tendency, when a person tries to minimize his needs, desires and other social attitudes.

How should a modern person live? Society offers us the lifestyle of a successful individual who has a large circle of useful acquaintances, holds a high position at work or is generally an entrepreneur, has large sums of money, and can afford any material prank. That is, a modern reader of an online magazine site must be successful, active, purposeful and every time reproach himself for giving up somewhere, giving up, giving up success.

Downshifting assumes that a person simplifies his life as much as possible. He gives up success, the race for money and fame and simply begins to live quietly and enjoy the world around him. Downshifting can be roughly described as “getting pleasure from little things.” This assumes that:

  1. A person stops caring about the amount of money and is content with the income he has. No matter how much money there is, a person should not worry about it.
  2. A person stops striving for anything. If you haven’t managed to become successful up to this point, maybe you don’t need it.
  3. The person refuses to make efforts. He even refuses to engage in self-improvement. You can simply start accepting yourself in any form and loving yourself for it.
  4. A person must give up the desires that are promoted in society, success and other goals that previously caused him a nervous and irritated state.

Do nothing and be content with little - the motto of many downshifters! Now a person must simply:

  • Take advantage of the gifts of nature and enjoy what life already gives.
  • Don’t chase after what a person doesn’t have, but enjoy what you already have.
  • Give up big capital, power, fame and other desires that make a person feel nervous.
  • Get closer to nature, turn inward, understand your true needs and enjoy being.

What is downshifting?

It may seem to many that downshifting is a way of life for a person who is regressing. He stops in his development, does not strive for anything, refuses everything civilized. The concept of downshifting implies leading a lifestyle in which aspirations and ambitious desires are excluded.

Downshifting is about bringing a person down to earth, calming him down and bringing him closer to a peaceful life. It is impossible to speak unequivocally negatively about downshifting, despite the fact that a person to some extent refuses the benefits of civilization, stops developing in step with the social world, and does not strive for success. Undoubtedly, downshifting promotes the lifestyle of a person who is already happy with his life along with what he already has. However, on the other hand, this movement helps a person find freedom and even peace in a rapidly flowing and changing world:

  1. Downshifting does not always involve a person going into the forest, where he will hunt for predators and live in a cave. A person can simply leave the city, where everyone strives for success, and settle in the countryside to grow vegetables and fruits.
  2. Downshifting is a way to get rid of neuroses and stress. Freud also said that all human neuroses are a consequence of the desire to achieve success, to succeed, to always keep up with everything. We will simply say that the constant race, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, the pressure of society, which forces everyone to be even richer, smarter, more beautiful, more successful, causes neurotic states. If you give up the constant race for success, then you can achieve inner peace.

Downshifting invites a person to abandon the goals that society imposes. He invites a person to be alone with himself, to think about how he wants to live. At the same time, a person should not think about what goals to set for himself and what to achieve for a long time and persistently. Downshifting invites a person to live the way he is comfortable, enjoying it, and to give up the desire to rule, rule the world, have big money, etc., if a person does not have this.

There are a lot of examples of downshifters. At all times, there have been people who were tired of civilized life, burned out emotionally and physically, and realized that they were constantly running somewhere, achieving something, but didn’t even know why. They understood that they were running in one pack that wanted to be successful, rich and happy. At the same time, no matter what a person achieves, everything is not enough for him; he needs more.

When a person got tired of the civilized world with its constant rules and unattainable success, he left it. Some went into the forest, some completely refused any benefits, and some simply went to the village to garden. Even many modern rich people are in some way downshifters, since they prefer to buy houses not in the centers of big cities, but outside the city, where it is quiet, calm, far from the bustle of the city and the constant race for success.

Downshifting is a rejection of the constant race for new impressions, passions and storms of feelings. The civilized world constantly sells people travel, cars, a bright and eventful life, nightclubs, etc. If a person wants to be successful, then he must always be “on the wave,” “in the center of events.” Downshifting suggests giving up the constant race for passions and storms of emotions, which cause neurotic states. A person is not able to become happy, because everything is always not enough for him, he wants something new and interesting.

Downshifting is a way of life with a minimum of emotions. Here a person experiences emotions, but they are calmer, more peaceful. A person is already becoming happy, he is content with what he has. His emotions may not be as violent as those of city people, but they are sincere, pure and objective. While people are chasing numerous experiences and emotions, the downshifter simply experiences inner peace and relaxation, feeling happy just by the fact of his existence, the fact that he lives the way he wants.

At the same time, it should be understood that downshifting is one of the extremes of lifestyle. Downshifting is opposed to the constant race for fame and fortune. Downshifting to some extent becomes the degradation or regression of a person who refuses the progress of humanity. There is one drawback here - the refusal to gain new results and improve the quality of your life.

How do people usually react to innovations when there are already stable laws, rules and methods? Ideas are often abandoned. “I have an idea on how to increase sales,” and the answer is: “Your job is to sell, not to put forward ideas.” This is what unsuccessful people do, who do not understand how they can miss every slightest opportunity to advance their business, become better, and develop.

If people did not a priori accept new ideas and adhere to established rules, then humanity would still live in caves. But ideas are promoted and developed. If a person had not realized his idea, then mobile phones, computers, cars, aircraft, etc. would not have appeared. Ideas create progress, but not everything.

A successful person always accepts new ideas. But at the same time, he protects himself from the risk of losing everything because of this idea. Thus, if you are offered to try something new, then agree if you do not know the results of the implementation of this idea. Don't throw everything into a new idea, but don't throw away the idea itself. If your employee suggests a method that will make your product more marketable, let him try it. At least you will have a clear experience of whether the idea works or not. What if it works? Then your sales will rise and your profits will increase. What if it doesn't work? Then you will know from now on that this method does not work and will not return to it again.

Don't give up on an idea until you've seen its results. Of course, sometimes you are afraid to take risks, and sometimes you don’t want to lose. How else will you gain experience? The one who doesn’t try gets nothing, and the one who tries makes mistakes and loses, but soon begins to win, because he has experience of what not to do, which means he knows what to do. Therefore, do not give up on ideas, no matter how unthinkable they may be. See the results of this idea in practice. And perhaps you can use it, transform, improve and achieve victories with its help.

Types of downshifting

Each person has his own understanding of what downshifting is. If you misunderstand this meaning of the word, then you can really find yourself naked in the forest without a crumb of bread in your mouth. In fact, downshifting and its types do not imply that a person:

  1. Will go into an imaginary or illusory world.
  2. He will leave reality in principle, because he will get tired of constant injustice.
  3. He will not become a misanthrope who is offended and simply weak in adapting to society.

Downshifting is a person’s choice to live the way he wants, conveniently and comfortably, without the desire to achieve success that he does not need, but is actively promoted by society.

Downshifting is understood differently by everyone:

  • Some people move to the countryside to be closer to the land.
  • Some people go to warm countries to be in nature and engage in spiritual development.
  • Some people simply switch to organic food.
  • Someone simply lives a free life, without committing themselves to family concerns.

Downshifting assumes that a person will simply start living for himself, not wanting to please anyone or gain approval from society.

Downshifting, or How to work for pleasure?

Downshifting is when a person finally asks himself the question: “What do I really want?” He stops chasing what society promotes and begins to do what is personally interesting to him and brings moral satisfaction. To become a downshifter, you don’t have to leave civilization and live in the forest. You don’t even have to change your job if, in principle, you’re happy with it. Downshifting suggests that a person will finally do something that brings pleasure.

And here the issue is often work, since many people spend their years doing jobs that only exhaust them emotionally and physically. They work to have at least some money. And someone works to get big money. At the same time, the person is emotional and because his work does not bring him pleasure.

Downshifting invites a person to leave the work that exhausts him and start doing what he likes and brings pleasure. Here you can develop and become a professional in your field.

Many people underestimate their enjoyment of work. Accustomed to constant deprivation and restrictions, most poor people devote their entire lives to pleasing someone else, but not themselves. It doesn't matter whether you work for someone else or have your own business. But if you don't enjoy your work, then your development as a professional is also lacking.

How to enjoy work? Sometimes even those who do what they love ask this question. Sometimes creative people get tired of their work. How can you get your inspiration back?

Learn to show interest in the work process. Many people are focused on the result of labor - money. Ordinary workers feel happy only one day a month - when they receive wages. Do you really want to spend a whole month just to be a truly happy person for just one day? If you want to live every day happily and harmoniously, then learn to enjoy the process of work. Show interest in what you do, how you do your work, what qualities you have to demonstrate and develop in yourself in order to work better than anyone else. Be interested in your work; you don’t need to focus only on the result.

It's similar to how fishermen catch fish. They may spend more money on fishing equipment and food than they end up catching fish. Fishermen need not only the result (to catch a lot of fish), but also the process itself (preparing for fishing, finding the “ideal” food, the moment of catching a fish on a hook and pulling it out) is interesting. Imagine what would happen if fishermen did not enjoy the fishing process? Then no one would fish at all, there would be no such thing as fishing.

Learn to get the same inspiration from your work as if you were fishing. Be interested in the process of solving issues, finding ways out of difficult situations, drawing up strategies, implementing them and obtaining a result that you need to analyze and try to achieve next time with less effort. How much you can learn by achieving one goal!

What is downshifting in the end?

If you correctly understand the meaning of the word “downshifting,” then you can realize that this is a way of life for a person who finally lives for his own pleasure. Of course, you will have to make efforts to have everything you need and want. But you refuse the success that is imposed by others and live the way you want.

Roman Shirokiy

Reading time: 5 minutes


Not every person knows what downshifting is. In the article we will understand what this phenomenon is, get acquainted with the followers of this ideology, and analyze why they abandon a successful career in favor of absolute freedom.

Let's imagine that you can choose a certain lifestyle. The first option is represented by a good job, a decent income, but a strict rhythm, clear rules, subordination and regular stress. The second option is characterized by a lower level in society, modest income, lack of career prospects, but complete freedom and independence from generally accepted rules.

Downshifters are people who prefer the second option. They deliberately lower themselves in career and status for the sake of family, hobbies and free choice of place of residence.

In general, downshifting is an automotive term that, translated from English, means switching to a low gear. In our case, people who are tired of fast life stop moving towards goals imposed by society and follow their own values ​​and desires.

Society imposes different values. Everyone should become a successful, goal-achieving person, look impeccable, have decent capital and the attributes of a prosperous life - stylish accessories, prestigious cars, yachts, first-class apartments. If you adhere to such a worldview, ambition, inflated self-esteem, and the desire to move forward towards your goal will appear.

A downshifter is a person who is capable of changing the position of a manager to the position of a regular manager or completely abandoning city life, moving to the countryside or abroad.

A clear example of downshifting is the action of Russian multimillionaire German Sterligov. Being a public figure, politician and businessman who founded the Russian Commodity Exchange, he left his business and moved with his family to the Moscow region. Now he has a rural house and a full-fledged farm. Of course, he partially returned to business and founded a settlement and commodity center, but he does not intend to return the title of oligarch.

A downshifter is a person who has decided to completely change his life. He is pushed to take such a step by fatigue from the race for material wealth and the flared conflict between psychological comfort and a beautiful life.

Pros and cons of downshifting

The rapidly increasing popularity of downshifting is caused by general fatigue from the high-speed rhythm of life.

As we continue our conversation, I'll look at the pros and cons of downshifting. I'll start with the shortcomings.


  • Pause in work experience . A long break will have a negative impact if a person wants to find a job again.
  • Reduced income . After a lifestyle change, financial flows decrease.
  • Lost connections . Business partners forget people with whom they previously worked. A person who has enjoyed the delights of downshifting and decided to return to civilization will have to.


There are many more advantages.

  1. Stress Reduction . A downshifter lives in an independent world without schedules, rigid lines and requirements. There is no need to complete urgent work in the shortest possible time.
  2. Save time . No need to commute to work every day.
  3. Self planning . The downshifter makes a schedule at his own discretion. For example, he may work at night or get up early in the morning to work in a quiet environment.
  4. Benefit for health . Many people change not only their place of work, but also their place of residence. It becomes possible to breathe clean air, drink high-quality water and eat organic foods.
  5. Self-realization . After dramatic changes, free time appears, the lion's share of which can be spent on yourself. It's about self-improvement and unleashing creative potential.
  6. Professional and personal growth . Usually professional growth is mandatory and does not bring pleasure. After change, a personal desire arises to learn new things, learn and develop.

Without a doubt, downshifting has significant advantages. However, I do not advise you to be tempted right away. The first thing you need to do is weigh everything carefully and think it over.

The best countries for downshifting

Many downshifters go to warm countries. The main goal of a person who has decided to completely change his life is to have a carefree, comfortable and convenient pastime, without significant financial costs.


Thailand is in first place in terms of popularity among downshifters. Many foreigners live on the territory of the state, including our compatriots. A visa to Thailand is not required if the duration of stay does not exceed one month. After that, it’s enough to cross the border with Laos or Malaysia and you can go back again for a month.

Video interviews with downshifters


In India, the state of Goa is the most popular place for downshifting. To visit the country you need a visa, which is issued for six months. India is a wintering country. While it’s cold in your homeland, here you can have fun, walk and live for pennies. Many downshifters do this.


The Turkish state is popular among Russian tourists who go on short vacations. Türkiye is also suitable for short-term downshifting. Russians can stay here without a visa for two months. The total duration of stay cannot exceed one quarter. After two months of residence you need to leave the country, and then return for a month.


The country through which the Equator passes provides markets with quality bananas. You can stay in Ecuador for 90 days with the right to extend. The prices are reasonable and the people are kind. Wonderful living conditions, there are mountains and tropical forests everywhere.


The South American state is friendly to the residents of our country. Russians can stay here for three months, and then extend the right of stay by crossing the border bilaterally. Argentina is ideal for emigration. A child born here receives citizenship, and parents can easily obtain a residence permit.

This is not a complete list of states for downshifting. It can include Nepal, Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Brazil, Bolivia, Kenya.

How much do downshifters earn?

I will give a few examples with figures of how income changed before and after the downshift.

  • After moving to the countryside, the income of a former city dweller drops significantly. According to one of the downshifters, while living in the city he earned 100,000 rubles working as a lawyer. After moving to the village, my earnings decreased by 4 times.
  • Another downshifter, before moving to the countryside, earned about 50,000 rubles a month working in the field of street artists. After the fateful decision and subsequent move, his income was greatly reduced. There have been cases when the budget for a day did not exceed 100 rubles.
  • Some people go to warmer climes in search of adventure. According to a former bank employee who traveled to Asia, his monthly income now does not exceed $300. It’s enough for a normal life, but sometimes you want a little luxury.
  • One quit his job and went to live wherever he liked, staying in one place for a short time. He still works remotely, and his income has increased by one and a half times. This cannot be called a full-fledged downshifting, since he continues to work in his specialty, but in a place convenient for him.

In most cases, income drops significantly, but this is not a big deal, since freedom is much more important for downshifters.

Downshifting in Russia

In Western countries, downshifting means giving up fame, the benefits of civilization and a career in favor of personal freedom.

In Russia, this concept has acquired a different connotation. The vast majority of downshifters are wealthy people who can go to another state for permanent residence without any problems. They do not abandon the business, but leave it in the care of managers and keep it under control. Therefore, downshifting in Russia is characterized by negative reviews. Among the people, the phenomenon is explained by laziness, betrayal of the Motherland, and reluctance to work.

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Motives and reasons for downshifting

  1. Unfulfilled aspirations and talents.
  2. Excessive fatigue from society.
  3. The desire to test one's own strength.
  4. The desire to start life from scratch.
  5. Craving for a healthy lifestyle and nature.

This ideology is often followed by people who are disillusioned with life. We are talking about the departure of a significant other, the loss of loved ones, betrayal by colleagues or friends. For many, downshifting is a great opportunity to start a new life, leaving old mistakes in the past.

Russian people who have decided to plunge into the world of downshifting are interested in where to go? Places that are suitable for this cannot be rated using a point or star system. This approach is wrong. Some find peace in the Siberian forests, others choose the Norilsk extreme or Karelian swamps, others go to the Moscow region, restore their grandmother’s mud hut and grow vegetables.

The ideal place for downshifting is considered to be where there is sun and sea, and there are no megacities, industrial enterprises or manifestations of civilization. Life should be inexpensive, the local people are responsive and friendly, and coconuts and lobsters are enough for food.

I consider this idea of ​​downshifting to be distorted, since it involves an escape from harsh reality and provides an opportunity to understand oneself. This can be done in absolute silence anywhere.