What makes you doubt? Do you doubt that you have neurosis? Whom to contact In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Having become a yogi, having set foot on the path of ahimsa, many come to the understanding that animals are created for a happy existence, and not for cruelty and violence. This is the main reason why people become vegans, vegetarians or simply reduce the amount of meat in their diet.

But, unfortunately, such a noble decision is often accompanied by doubts and ominous predictions, like your health will deteriorate, your muscles will disappear, and so on. To some extent, these prophecies are logical: if you simply eliminate meat (protein) from your life, you will not last long. But in the times of the 21st century, it’s quite easy to find a replacement for animal protein.

If you're not sure you're getting enough protein, make sure your menu looks something like this:


Oatmeal is a source of natural, easily digestible protein: it saturates well and gives energy. If you add a handful of pine or almond nuts to it, the amount of protein will increase many times over. Dried fruits are also suitable, especially for dried apricots. The final touch: chia seeds are a superfood rich in protein. So, cook oatmeal in water, when ready, mix it with chia seeds, add nuts and dried fruits - a nutritious breakfast is ready.


A green smoothie detoxifies your body, fills you with protein, and is the perfect snack. There are tons of green smoothie recipes. You can choose one of them, invent them yourself, or prepare this one. Add a little water to the blender and these ingredients, previously chopped into small pieces: 1 kiwi, ½ banana, ½ apple, 1 stalk of celery, a bunch of herbs, spirulina. Grind until smooth.


If you prefer to eat soup for lunch, then lentil soup is ideal for you, as it gives you energy and helps you lose weight. It is easy to prepare: boil lentils, carrots and some potatoes, add fried onions with turmeric, spices to taste and puree.


For dinner you can make a protein salad. Add herbs (parsley, dill, basil) and broccoli to the quinoa or chickpeas, add olive oil and lightly sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. The result is a delicious dish rich in protein.

As you can see, eating tasty and healthy is quite simple. Of course, you don't have to eat the same thing every day. This is a rough menu, but it will help lay the groundwork for understanding where to source your plant-based protein.

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Sentences containing "doubt"

We found 80 sentences containing the word "doubt". Also look at the synonyms for “doubt”.
Meaning of the word

  • And yours will get better too (if you suddenly you doubt it).
  • You know about it well, and I'm sure you're not into it. you doubt it.
  • You you doubt it, what will Dzerzhinsky do?
  • In vain you, our dear front-line soldiers, you doubt it.
  • If you are still you doubt it, then this book will open your eyes.
  • You do not you doubt it in his honesty? I answer: “Of course, I have no doubt, he is an absolutely honest person, devoted to the party.
  • You you doubt it is that a good plan?
  • Never give people hope if you doubt it that you can do everything with maximum efficiency and diligence.
  • And you you doubt it in the strength of Spanish arms.
  • Why you you doubt it in my own courage and my competence?
  • You you doubt it that it will get better someday.
  • If you doubt this, then you will sin against my honor, and I will be offended by you, but I hope that you still do not you doubt it.
  • Much the same can be said about " doubting"priest.
  • Doubters Citizens (there are always many of them) treat convinced, obsessed people like this: they either hate them or idolize them.
  • This, for example, is reported by the chronicler Raul Kaensky, also doubtful in the authenticity of the "Holy Spear".
  • So go to any port restaurant, not even doubt it: There is always fresh seafood there.
  • He grew up among the mountaineers, not doubters in its superiority over the inhabitants of the plain below.
  • The judges themselves, apparently, doubters of the captain’s guilt, they asked the counterintelligence officer to substantiate his accusations against Dreyfus.
  • Eat doubters, and there are those who deliberately lead people away from the paths of truth.
  • This is incredible, the matrons said, lorning him, and Tireta seemed to be saying to them: Ladies, don’t doubt it!
  • The man was with a kind soul, but incredibly boring in everything doubting.
  • An artist of special charm and talent, a reserved, reflective and deeply doubting.
  • Unless only Leva and Tolyan kept repeating: go and don’t think twice, your place is on stage, don’t doubt it.
  • And I want to tell you how it all happened, because I know that often you doubt it in miracles.
  • So in his "Aryan" origin the Nazi authorities did not doubted.
  • And the most doubting I would believe them, while all this is a deception.
  • The fact is that Stalin is not in this doubts, Not doubted and Pasternak.
  • But there were also doubters, mainly from those who knew about the existence of the writer’s suicide letter.
  • The older you get, the more you doubt it in the ability to control oneself according to the Hamburg score.
  • What was his will worth in the eyes of people? doubters Why are they burying a genius?
  • And it can become a half-decent car, but not doubt it, the price will also rise.
  • Are there people who are never inside themselves? doubters?
  • But not doubt it, after a while we will catch a lot of fish, and big ones at that!
  • The board is not doubted: The club must speak out in defense of its member.
  • All doubters the voices instantly fall silent.
  • A lot of energy was spent on incessant fights with distrustful and doubters colleagues.
  • In the truthfulness and honesty of this man there is hardly a single doubting.
  • The master depicts an angry Christ pushing away from himself doubting apostle
  • And besides, how could Fedorov become a “moment of truth” for doubting criticism in 1990, if he, Vasya, died in 1984.
  • If this is not the case, the playful Trickster, your personal Harlequin, will plunge you into some next cesspool, not doubt it.
  • There was only one man in Paris doubtful in the talents of Mata Hari.
  • Please don't doubt it neither in my sincerity, nor in my disposition towards you.
  • I even believed with such invulnerable firmness that someone doubting caused her sincere surprise.
  • All these people who did not accept, who ran away, who were angry and doubters(Bunin, Zamyatin and others) were erased from Soviet literature for a long time.
  • Since he was non-partisan and therefore seemed independent of Hitler, his support carried special weight for everyone doubters.
  • In short, I myself doubted(and to this day I doubt), what is the nature of your mystical experience, because its nature is not clear to me.
  • My son didn't dare doubt in truth, but the country did not dare doubt in lies.
  • Not doubt it in your creative abilities.
  • An increasing number of people in the company doubted in Musk's ability to make decisions at critical moments.
  • And even you doubt it in your guess: is it true?
  • But she failed to make of her man what Livia did of the weak and in everything doubting Octavina.
  • At the same time, the Soviet leadership doubted in a decisive victory for Chiang Kai-shek's troops.
  • At that time, however, there were at least a few people doubters is that the brash freshman has a place in Chapel Hill.
  • This is well known to Youde, who highly appreciated Guitton’s book and did not doubter exactly what he said.
  • But maybe you you doubt it that I love you, Zinaida, forgive me, if this is so, I am guilty, in one word I could assure you.
  • Doctor, doubtful in favor of London life for Aubrey, he offered to send him out of town.
  • Branson rode the wave of populism, although there were people doubters exactly award-winning documentary film Mountain.
  • We have to prove to them all doubters that the true reasons for all the orbital undershoots and overflights have been clarified.
  • By its nature, this talent is speculative, secondary, rational, coming from the mind, doubting in the capabilities of the soul and heart.
  • Russell told me more than once: “If you doubt it, Not doubt it».
  • Unwittingly you doubt it whether daylight will ever come.
  • Overseas Poland seemed to attract to itself that part of Poland that Russia had absorbed, not doubting while in the strength of your embrace.
  • The fact that Gala is amazing is not doubted no one who knew this woman doubt and those who explore her life now.
  • Not even doubt it that she will grow into a real beauty.
  • But let him ask with faith, not in the least doubting, because doubting like a sea wave, lifted and tossed by the wind.
  • He also reacted to praise, but as expected doubters intellectuals, divided it by thirteen.
  • Although this project was drawn by a clumsy child's hand, everything here is correct, not doubt it!
  • More modest, shy and doubting history does not know a monarch in himself like Nicholas II.
  • He himself gave them such a nickname, because, as I already said, Leeuwenhoek was doubters human in everything.
  • To those who doubt I can remind you about the Jewish tradition of inheriting blood through the female line.
  • Anonymous, apparently, remembers like anyone doubting in the “bright future” you were sent to Perm camps or to special mental hospitals.
  • I am eternally grateful to the family and friends who supported the troubled and doubting the author all this time.
  • Not doubt it this is also you, Mr. Bush!
  • Secondly, self-confidence, which was partly fueled by parents, did not doubters that their daughter is the best.
  • And not doubt it, I'll grab my brother.
  • So he took the longboat with others doubters went to Madagascar.
  • Roksolana conducted her intrigue with the intelligence and tact that are characteristic of a woman, not doubting in his power over a man.
  • Died in his soul, but this does not mean that he disappeared from him forever doubting mind and was erased from consciousness and memory.
  • I am a creature weak and full of doubts, cowardly and doubtful!
  • Not a single journalist to the doubter the truth of such statements would not allow us to even get close to Branson.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Life is amazing because it gives us so many chances to achieve our goals and dreams. However, there are moments when a treacherous voice in your head quietly and insidiously whispers: “You are not good enough, there are many people better than you in the world” or “You won’t succeed anyway, so why try.” So before you decide that saying no is the only way to go, consider these four reminders. Perhaps then you will be ashamed of your own self-doubt. Remember that first and foremost you must be your own fan and cheerleader.

1. Don’t turn away from the path you’ve already taken

You work a lot and hard. Do you really want all your work, all your efforts, sleepless nights and early rises to be in vain? Are you ready to throw them in the trash if some minor problem or obstacle arises on your way? Be warned: when you pursue your goal, you are bound to encounter barriers and difficulties. See problems as trivial life events. Or better yet, as disguised opportunities. Solve the problem, get the prize and move on. Success is much closer than you think.

2. You deserve what you want so badly to achieve.

We sometimes think that our goals are bigger than ourselves. And that's how they should be! Do these goals excite you? Motivated? Inspiring? More importantly, are you personally doing anything to achieve them? If your answer is yes, then you definitely deserve it. Never let anyone make you feel any different. Let no one limit you: neither the people around you, nor social labels, nor, of course, yourself. Stop underestimating yourself by thinking you're not good enough. How good and worthy of recognition! Repeat to yourself many times: “I am worthy of this!”

3. Your worst critic is yourself.

From time to time we feel pressure from the people around us or from the situation in which we find ourselves. The fact is that we put the greatest pressure on ourselves, thinking that we do not meet the expectations that we set for ourselves. You doubt yourself because you tend to overthink and overthink things, and get nervous and worried about little things. Yes, we worry about what others supposedly think, we worry about our imperfections, and we cry about missing out on so many chances. When you're young, the pressure to achieve anything is at its highest. high level. It gradually goes away with age. Just remember - what we talk and think about is what we become. Stop unnecessary suffering by worrying about what could go wrong. Better think about what you will do when everything goes as it should.

4. Be patient, you are already doing your best

There are days when, no matter how hard we try to work towards our goal, we feel that our efforts are still somehow not enough. Give yourself a break, look at the progress you've already made, and then order some pizza to celebrate. Yes, you may not have all the necessary knowledge and skills. Yes, you may not have achieved all the goals you set for yourself. However, continue to believe in the person you want to become and allow yourself to be that person. The world has not yet seen your full potential, and it is really looking forward to it. If there is so much more to discover, then why are you wasting your energy on doubt, self-pity and disappointment? Every day matters. Don't wait for the right moment, because the desires of your heart are not tied to time. Don't wait until you're ready, because you've been ready for this your whole life. No one will invest in your personal growth except you.

Koran. translation of the meanings of E.R. Kulieva

Category: Koran » translation of the meanings of E. R. Kuliev |

Sura 1. Opening Book

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,

The Gracious, the Merciful,

4. Lord of the Day of Retribution!

You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

Lead us on the straight path,

The path of those whom You have blessed, not those on whom wrath has fallen, and not those who have gone astray.

Sura 2. Cow

Alif. Lam. Mime.

This Scripture, of which there is no doubt, is a sure guide for the God-fearing,

Those who believe in the unseen, perform prayer and spend from what We have provided for them,

Those who believe in what was revealed to you and in what was sent down before you and are convinced of the Hereafter.

They follow correct guidance from their Lord, and they are successful.

Truly, it makes no difference to the unbelievers whether you warned them or not. They still won't believe.

7. Allah has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes is a veil. Great torment is in store for them.

8. Among the people there are those who say: “We believe in Allah and the Last Day.” However, they are unbelievers.

They try to deceive Allah and the believers, but they deceive only themselves and do not realize it.

10. Their hearts are stricken with disease. May Allah intensify their illness! They are destined for painful suffering because they lied.

11. When they are told: “Do not spread wickedness on earth!” - they answer: “Only we establish order.”

Indeed, it is they who spread mischief, but they are not aware of it.

13. When it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?” Indeed, they are the fools, but they do not know it.

14. When they meet those who believe, they say: “We believe.” When they are left alone with their devils, they say: “Truly, we are with you. We're just making fun of you."

Allah will mock them and increase their iniquity in which they wander blindly.

16. They are the ones who bought error for guidance. But the deal did not bring them profit, and they did not follow the direct path.

They are like the one who started the fire. When the fire illuminated everything around him, Allah deprived them of the light and left them in darkness, where they could not see anything.

18. Deaf, dumb, blind! They will not return to the straight path.

Or they are like being caught in a downpour from the sky. He brings darkness, thunder and lightning. In mortal fear, they plug their ears with their fingers from the roar of lightning. Indeed, Allah embraces the disbelievers.

Lightning is ready to take away their sight. When it flares up, they set off, but when darkness falls, they stop. If Allah had willed, He would have deprived them of hearing and sight. Verily, Allah is capable of every thing.

21. O people! Worship your Lord who created you and those before you, that you may fear.

22. He made the earth a bed for you, and the sky a roof, and He sent water down from the sky and brought forth fruits with it for your sustenance. Therefore, do not deliberately equate anyone with Allah.

If you doubt what We have revealed to Our servant, then compose one similar surah and call your witnesses besides Allah, if you are telling the truth.

24. If you do not do this - and you will never do this - then fear the Fire, the fuel for which is people and stones. It is prepared for the unbelievers.

25. Give joy to those who believe and do righteous deeds, that for them there are Gardens of Eden in which rivers flow. Whenever they are given fruit for food, they will say: “This has already been given to us before.” But they will be given something similar. They will have purified spouses there, and they will abide therein forever.

26. Verily, Allah does not hesitate to give a parable about a mosquito or something larger than it. Those who believe know that this is the truth from their Lord. Those who did not believe say: “What did Allah want when he told this parable?” Through it He leads many astray, and He guides many to the straight path. However, He misleads only the wicked through it,

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2. Seal the child’s molars

At 6–7 years old, the child’s first molars grow. On their surface there are deep grooves - fissures, from which it is difficult to clean food. The new teeth themselves do not yet have enough calcium, so the enamel on them is at increased risk of developing caries. Sealing the fissures reduces this risk by 90%.

Sealing is the coating of grooves in healthy teeth with a special polymer that smoothes out tooth irregularities and releases fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel. This coating lasts on the teeth for six months or longer.

After the first molars appear, be sure to consult a dentist: he will look at the correct formation of the bite, assess the condition of the child’s teeth and gums, and teach him how to brush his teeth correctly.

3. Don't be afraid of snot

For healthy children, it is normal to get ARVI or influenza 6-8 times a year, because illnesses build immunity. Do not protect your child from drafts and cold. If your baby has typical signs of a viral infection (snot, cough, red throat), it will be enough to comply with the following conditions:

  • warm clothes;
  • room temperature - 18–20 °C;
  • humidity - 50–70% (the best option is a humidifier);
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • saline drops in the nose or (if urgently needed) vasoconstrictors.

There are no drugs against ARVI and folk remedies with proven effectiveness.

If the child feels fine and is able to play or study, he can be sent to kindergarten or school. Teach him to cough, sneeze and blow his nose correctly. You should not sneeze or cough into your palm, as the child shares viruses with others; it is better to use a paper tissue or, in extreme cases, your elbow. During illness, hands should be washed regularly and thoroughly.

4. Limit time on the Internet

All parents know that gadgets for children are not very useful, but no one has yet avoided the temptation to turn on a cartoon on the tablet for their child and sit in silence for half an hour. However, research shows that the use of mobile devices leads to problems with the development of speech, attention, memory and communication skills.

When a child runs and jumps, his propulsion system, the heart and lungs grow, and the blood vessels adapt to changing physical activity. If he sits motionless in front of the screen, such training of the body does not occur, and among side effects- improper formation of the muscles of the hands and fingers and problems with the cervical spine.

Yes, mobile devices- an integral part of life, but they must be used according to the rules. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children not be given mobile devices before age 2, and that older children not be allowed to use them for more than 2 hours. Also make sure your child gets enough sleep, walks and is active for at least an hour a day.

5. Don’t force anyone to eat

Many parents are concerned that their child does not eat enough and prefers chips and soda to healthy and wholesome foods. But Dr. Komarovsky believes that you need to feed your child according to his appetite. If he is healthy, active and does not want to eat, it means he has not spent enough energy - go for a walk with him, let him run and jump, and in the end he will ask you to feed him.

Do not create endless abundance at home, which makes the child capriciously sort out what he wants and what he doesn’t. Eliminate the possibility of “delicious” snacks between meals, and in a couple of weeks the child will eat cereal, meat, and dairy products. Because he'll get hungry!

6. Do not give your child vitamins unless necessary.

According to research, 67% of parents give their children multivitamins. However, such drugs not only do not bring any benefit, but can also be harmful. Vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble (including A, E, K and D), and the latter, if consumed in excess, can accumulate in adipose tissue and cause poisoning.

All necessary substances the body can obtain from food. Monitor your child’s diet; every day he should eat something from 5 food groups: dairy, meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals. And to replenish vitamin D in the body, you should be in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day.

Be careful with gummy vitamins: they are similar to candy and children may eat more than they need without your knowledge. Vitamin overdose has serious consequences, such as kidney failure and vision problems. If you think your child needs vitamin supplements (for example, he prefers "junk food" or a vegetarian diet), consult with your doctor.

Troubles happen suddenly: the child was just playing happily, but then he fell and got hurt. In some situations, every second counts. To know what to do in such cases, it is better to undergo training where you will learn how to provide emergency assistance. If this is not possible, watch training videos. Here, for example, are instructions from Dr. Komarovsky on what to do if a child chokes.