What does dp mean by time? Regulations on pps, pp and dp. Principle of information encoding

In general, what is the PP diet and what does proper nutrition have to do with it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article. You can also find out whether it’s possible to lose weight on energy bars, diet shakes, or whether you can drink beer or eat fat while on a diet?

The mysterious PP diet is deciphered surprisingly simply: a diet is adherence to a certain diet, and PP means proper nutrition. As a result, it turns out that the PP diet is about following a proper diet. With the help of this diet, you can not only bring the metabolism in the body back to normal and thereby increase the immune system, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, but at the same time, without special restrictions and bullying yourself, you can get rid of extra pounds. Such weight loss will only be a joy!

On the PP diet there is no need to arrange fasting days and the diet itself is very varied. So you can easily forget about mono diets and liquid food - all that is required of you is to bring your diet to the diet menu described below.

Contents of the article:

PP diet - menu

Since it implies the consumption of certain products in the diet, then, depending on taste preferences and habits, everyone creates a diet menu for themselves, choosing from the recommended products exactly those ingredients that are closer to them.

  • First of all, you should exclude all fatty foods from your diet: fried potatoes, including fries, fast food, crackers in bags, of course, chips, where without it, alcoholic drinks - primarily beer, sparkling water, mayonnaise, cakes , cake and everything in the same spirit.

At first, following PP, the craving for heavy food will be stronger than reason and arguments, but don’t panic, the main thing is to last a couple of weeks, and the desire to eat something tasty and harmful will weaken, and after three months of PP (proper nutrition) you won’t even look at it you will be on the same products that you used before.

  • Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet; they should be at least 20% of your daily diet. Bananas and grapes are best eaten during the daytime, but apples, pears and citrus fruits can be eaten at any time of the day, except at night. At this time, the body is resting, and everything you eat will settle in your body in the form of fat deposits.
  • While following the PP diet, lean on slow carbohydrates. These include: durum pasta, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wholemeal bread.
  • Be sure to include salads of cucumbers, carrots, beets and cabbage in your diet. The body spends more calories digesting these vegetables than they contain.
  • Also, the body, despite dietary restrictions, requires animal protein, which must be consumed per day at the rate of one gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight. It is better to cook foods containing animal protein by steaming, oven, or boiling.

So, where is animal protein found: in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, meat (it is better to choose lean cuts), poultry. Animal protein should make up at least 20% of the daily diet.

  • Mandatory for PP ( proper nutrition) add olive and flaxseed oils, seeds, red fish and nuts to your diet. You can learn about the benefits of flaxseed oil in.
  • Make it a rule to drink two liters of water a day. No tea, no juice, no coffee, namely WATER. Water has a beneficial effect on metabolism, speeding it up, and at the same time helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  • Towards the evening, reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum. In the evening and at night, foods high in protein are preferable. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened hot tea. I myself often noticed that drinking hot drinks reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Place your food on small plates - the portions you eat will be much smaller, and the food will look voluminous. Eat small portions, but often.

Oddly enough, juices sold in stores are prohibited foods. Such drinks do more harm than good.

PP diet – prohibited foods

  • Forget about sausages, sausages and canned goods. Despite its apparent low calorie content, the “Eshki” contained in these products has a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Crackers, dried, dried, salted fish, chips and instant noodles will also not be beneficial - these products whet your appetite.
  • PP () does not tolerate store-bought mayonnaise - due to its insane calorie content (about 600 calories per 100 grams), replace it with low-fat sour cream.
  • Forget about bouillon cubes, replace them with herbal seasonings, marjoram, oregano, allspice and hot peppers. Moreover, hot peppers stimulate the digestive system well.
  • Replace sweets with marshmallows, marmalade, dried or dried fruits: figs, kiwi, dates, prunes, pear, mango, etc. But remember, carbohydrates can be consumed in small quantities.
  • During PP diets Avoid beer completely. Sometimes, if you wish, you can indulge in a glass of red wine, but this also has its pitfalls - alcohol whets your appetite.
  • Don't overuse salt.

We lose weight by following PP (proper nutrition) or 7 myths about diets.

Myth 1: “Weight loss bars”!

In fact, energy bars only contribute to weight gain, as they belong to the group of processed foods.

In a nutshell: processed foods are easily digested by the body, which leads to excess energy in the intestines, resulting in weight gain. If you eat such bars during even the strictest diet, then the results at the end of it may be disappointing, the weight will not go away, and if you do manage to lose it, then it will be much less than calculated by the diet.

Therefore, if you want to lose extra pounds during a diet, then exclude processed foods from your PP (proper nutrition) diet.

Myth 2: “Low-fat foods.”

There is an opinion that by eating low-fat foods, you can get rid of fat. Is this so?

If back in the eighties, nutritionists advised following a diet with a reduced fat content, or even excluding them, then several decades ago they proved the opposite. For the normal functioning of the body, fats are vital - the optimal functioning of brain activity, the condition of the skin, heart and other organs depend on them. Fats also facilitate the absorption of a large number of vitamins, including Omega 3. And the most paradoxical thing is that fats promote weight loss.

During the digestion of fats, the production of the hormone ghrelin is suppressed (this hormone affects the suppression of hunger), thereby stimulating the release of the peptide (this substance gives a feeling of fullness). Also, consuming fat in small quantities affects the reduction of the overall glycemic index per meal, which in turn affects the long-term feeling of fullness.

Myth 3: “Animal fats and the appearance of cellulite.”

There is a myth that eating saturated fat directly contributes to cellulite. Is this so?

It is the excessive consumption of calories that leads to the appearance of cellulite, and fats only contribute to this. Cellulite is nothing more than a consequence of excess calorie consumption, where no matter in what form fats enter the body in the form of sweets or in the form of French fries, the result is still the same.

However, while adhering to proper nutrition (proper nutrition), saturated (animal) fats must be introduced into the diet in small quantities, as they contribute to rapid saturation.

There is a difference whether you eat two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, which will negatively affect your figure, or whether you eat a small amount of a cottage cheese product, but with a slightly higher calorie content, and quickly get full.

Myth 4: “Stimulating your metabolism helps you lose weight.”

Many have probably heard, eat more often and lose weight. Is this true?

Long breaks between meals have a negative impact on your figure, since after a long period of abstinence from food, a kind of starvation occurs, and when you eventually pounce on food, you absorb it so quickly that the feeling of satiety does not have time to come and overeating sets in - gluttony.

But frequent consumption of food is not an option for those losing weight. If you eat often, then where does the feeling of hunger come from, and hence overeating and excess weight.

Failure to eat main meals and the snacks provided between them contributes to the lack of feelings of hunger and satiety. You need to eat only when hunger sets in, neither earlier nor later.

Myth 5: “Exercise and food without restrictions.”

There is an opinion that if you introduce physical activity into your daily routine, then you don’t need to monitor the calories you eat. Is this true?

It's actually simple. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the gym, if the calories you eat exceed physical activity, then the extra pounds will not only not go away, but will also more than settle on your figure.

Physical activity regulates appetite and helps keep the body in good shape, but this does not mean that you can forget about the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Myth 6: “Beer is the enemy of any diet.”

Beer makes you feel better. Is this true?

Any alcohol is quite high in calories - one gram of alcohol contains seven calories. For comparison, the same one gram of fat contains nine calories. Agree, the difference is not significant. For example: carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram.

Draw conclusions. However, alcohol is allowed to be drunk infrequently and in small quantities even during the most strict diets.

Myth 7: “Diet drinks for weight loss.”

With the help of diet drinks you can lose extra pounds. Is this true?

Most researchers have come to the conclusion that both diet drinks, cocktails, and regular juices on store shelves contribute to weight gain.

Diet drinks contain sugar substitutes, which not only hinder weight loss, but also often cause weight gain. These same sugar substitutes stimulate the appetite, which creates a constant desire to “chew” something.

And now for a better understanding PP diets I offer you an approximate menu for the week.

Approximate PP (proper nutrition) diet menu for a week


For breakfast: a portion of boiled rice in water, flavored with a small piece of butter - 150 g, vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, olive oil dressing) - 150 g, orange or small grapefruit, green tea.
For lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, a small amount of vegetables of your choice - 200 g, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: stewed vegetables - 200 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, tea with lemon.
It’s better to end the first day of proper nutrition with a glass of kefir at night.


For breakfast: a small portion of boiled potatoes, seasoned with herbs - 120 g, boiled chicken breast, sprinkled with grated cheese - 120 g, apple, tea with lemon.
For lunch: a serving of wild rice with vegetables – 170 g, orange, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, mineral water, pear.
At night, you can drink a cup of hot tea.


For breakfast: stewed vegetables – 170 g, a piece of bread with cereals, one boiled egg, some grapes – 80 g, green tea.
For lunch: a piece of boiled meat – 100 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: a piece of boiled fish - 120 g, a pile of Chinese cabbage - 130 g, toast, green tea.
At night, you can allow a glass of low-fat yogurt.


For breakfast: 2 medium oven-baked potatoes, boiled chicken breast - 150 g, orange, tea with lemon.
For lunch: durum pasta – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 150 g, apple, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, grapefruit, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
At night, you can drink a mug of mint tea.


For breakfast: boiled chicken breast – 100 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, a slice of bread, green tea, banana.
For lunch: boiled potatoes with butter – 100 g, cabbage salad – 150 g, green tea, apple.
For dinner: baked fish – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 100 g, mineral water.
A mug of hot tea at night.


For breakfast: steamed green beans with the addition of olive oil - 250 g, boiled egg, banana, green tea.
For lunch: fish baked in the oven – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, tea with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: semolina porridge with water – 150 g, apple, mineral water.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


For breakfast: 2 egg omelet, vegetables of your choice – 150 g, orange, green tea.
For lunch: boiled chicken breast – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: chicken broth from breasts with the addition of small pieces of meat - 200 g, a piece of bread, green tea.
At night kefir.

In conclusion, I can say one thing - the PP diet allows you to get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight in a month, subject to physical activity!

That's all for me! Be healthy, love yourself and your loved ones!

In English, numbers indicating time are often followed by the mysterious letters am or pm. What is the meaning of these abbreviations and how are they deciphered?

Blame the 12-hour format

Incomprehensible letter symbols with dots “a.m” and “p.m” are used when indicating European time, which is calculated in a 12-hour format, and not in the usual 24-hour format. For Americans, the day is divided into 2 halves - from 12 at night to 12 noon and is marked with the letters a.m., and the rest of the time is marked with p.m.

In other words, the abbreviation "a.m" is the time before noon: from 12 o'clock at night to 12 o'clock the next day. It stands for Ante meridiem, a Latin phrase that translates as “before noon.” The time from noon to 12 o'clock at night is designated by the abbreviation "p.m" - this is the time after 12 o'clock in the afternoon. It stands for Post meridiem, which means “after noon” in Latin.

Thus, in English, when indicating time, it is not necessary to say or write the word “o" clock after each digit. You can simply say “it is 5.” But to indicate that it is five o’clock in the evening, you need to clarify - it is 5 p.m.

National features of time notation

In America, the 24-hour time format is practically not used in everyday life; it is used mostly by technicians, police officers, military personnel, and people in professions that require precision. This designation of time is called “military time”.

In documents, Americans mark midnight as 11:59 p.m., and noon as 12:01 a.m., in order to avoid legal incidents and other discrepancies.

Europeans are already accustomed to this type of time calculation, but we are closer to our native 24-hour format, it eliminates confusion with “noons.” In the world, almost all mechanical watches (with hands) are marked according to the English system, that is, the 24-hour format. Electronic ones can show time using two systems. So, in America, for example, clocks showing am and pm are quite common.

Learning by example

Meaning of abbreviations a.m./p.m. best learned through examples. So:

  • 1 a.m. means 1 am;
  • 2 a.m., 3 a.m. and so on, until 8 a.m. mean 2 am, 3 am and 8 am;
  • time from 9 a.m. and until 11 a.m. considered "late morning" from 9 to 11 am;
  • 1 p.m. - it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon, 2 p.m. - 2 pm and so on, until 6 p.m. (six pm) and until 11 p.m. (11 pm);

It can be expressed differently as follows:

Examples with translation

  • 03:17 a.m. m - Three seventeen in the morning (three seventeen in the morning).
  • 04:40 p.m. — Four forty p.m. in the afternoon (four forty days).
  • If the exact time is specified, a specific hour without minutes, this hour is called + “o" clock.
  • 10:00 - ten o'clock (ten hours).
  • 09:00 — nine o’clock (nine hours).
  • It is five fifteen AM. — It’s five fifteen in the morning.
  • It's seven thirty PM. — It’s seven thirty in the evening.
  • Examples of tenses in sentences
  • This letter we must send out at 3 a.m. — We must send this letter at 3 am.
  • Roger Brown arrived in New-Jersey at 7:44 A.M. — Roger Brown arrived in New Jersey at 7:44 am.
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 8 am - 8 pm, Sundays 10 am - 7 pm. — Opening hours: Monday - Saturday from 8 am to 8 pm, on Sundays from 10 am to 7 pm.
  • Tomorrow I’ll wake up at 7 am, no the latter. — Tomorrow I will wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning, not earlier.
  • Their flight to Boston would leave Glasgow at 7:10 a.m. Friday. — Their flight to Boston will leave Glasgow at 7:10 am on Friday.
  • Today I’m going to work up to 9 p.m. — Today I’m going to work until 9 pm.
  • My wife usually wakes up at 5 a.m. — My wife usually wakes up at 5 am.
  • We estimate him here by 11:25 p.m. — We estimate that he will be here before 11.25 pm.
  • Open today: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm. — Opening hours today: from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Conversion table from AM and PM to 24 hour format

24 hour format 12 hour format In colloquial speech
00:00 (midnight)12:00 a.m. (midnight)Twelve at night
01:00 1:00 a.m.One o'clock in the morning
02:00 2:00 a.m.Two nights
03:00 3:00 a.m.Three nights
04:00 4:00 a.m.Four nights
05:00 5:00 a.m.Five in the morning
06:00 6:00 a.m.Six in the morning
07:00 7:00 a.m.Seven in the morning
08:00 8:00 a.m.Eight in the morning
09:00 9:00 a.m.Nine in the morning
10:00 10:00 a.m.Ten in the morning
11:00 11:00 a.m.Eleven in the morning
12:00 (noon)12:00 p.m. (noon)Twelve days
13:00 1:00 p.m.Hour of the day
14:00 2:00 p.m.Two days
15:00 3:00 p.m.Three days
16:00 4:00 p.m.Four days
17:00 5:00 p.m.Five days
18:00 6:00 p.m.Six p.m.
19:00 7:00 p.m.Seven pm
20:00 8:00 p.m.Eight pm
21:00 9:00 p.m. mNine pm
22:00 10:00 p.m.Ten pm
23:00 11:00 p.m.Eleven pm

Lectures No. 1

Concept of physiology.

Physiology– the science of the functions and processes occurring in the body or its component systems, organs, cells and their regulatory mechanisms that ensure vital activity in interaction with the environment.

Function– specific activity of systems or organ.

Process– a sequential change of phenomena or states in the development of an action or a set of sequential actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

System in physiology – a collection of organs or tissues connected by a common function.

Normal physiology – studies the normal functioning of the body.

Norm– these are the limits of optimal functioning of a living system.

Physiology is divided into several relatively independent, but interconnected areas. Highlight:1) general and specific physiology; 2) comparative; 3) evolutionary; 4) applied, which studies the patterns of changes in the functions of the body in connection with its specific activities. In this regard, they distinguish: - aviation, - age-related, - clinical, - space, - psychophysiology, - labor and sports physiology, - environmental physiology.

Methods of physiology.

1) experimental



The place of physiology in the medical education system.

Physiology forms understanding and provides knowledge about the conditions necessary to ensure health, methods for assessing health levels, and technologies for maintaining health.

Topic: Excitable tissues. Coding of information in the body.

The concept of excitable tissue. Excitable tissues are capable of responding to stimulation by generating an action potential. Excitable tissues include nervous tissue, muscle and glandular tissue.

Properties of excitable tissues:

General properties: excitability, conductivity. For muscle- additional contractility, and for the heart muscle, some smooth muscle fibers and nerve cells - additionally automatic.

Excitability– the ability to respond to stimulation by generating an action potential. Excitability criteria: 1.Irritation threshold – the minimum force of irritation that can cause a response. 2.Useful time- the minimum duration of action of the stimulus required for the occurrence of excitation. 3. Chronaxia- the time during which a stimulus, with a strength of 2 thresholds, is capable of causing excitation. 4. Lability - the ability of a tissue to generate a response synchronously with stimulation.

Conductivity – the ability of tissue to conduct excitation from the site of origin to other areas or structures.

Conductivity criteria– speed of propagation of excitation.

Contractility– the ability of fabric to change geometry.

Contractility criteria - changes in muscle length or tone.

Automatic– the ability of tissue to spontaneously excite without external stimuli. Automation criteria– frequency of spontaneous excitations.

Encoding information in the body - This is the translation of information into another form that is understandable to the body. Encoding of information entering the body begins at the level of perceptive formations - receptors in the form of emerging receptor potentials. The frequency and spatiotemporal pattern of receptor potentials depends on the parameters of the stimulus: the strength and duration of its action. As the signal passes through various structures of the central nervous system, it is recoded. Decoding, i.e. decoding of information is carried out in the cortex.

The principle of information coding.

Encoding is carried out by changing the bioelectrical activity of excitable tissue cells.

Types of coding:- mid-frequency, - interval, - by changing the number of pulses in a packet.

Packet of impulses- a group of electrical responses of a nerve cell that occurs in response to stimulation.


Bioelectric processes develop on the cell membrane and are represented by the resting potential (RP) and action potential (AP).

The sequence of events during information encoding can be represented as the following diagram:

Information → cell → change in PP → local response → types of impulse activity.

The theory that explains the existence of bioelectric phenomena in the body is called membrane-ionic.

The role of the membrane.

1.Barrier function is associated with the presence of a lipid bilayer, which provides selective permeability to fat-soluble molecules and almost complete impermeability to ions.

2.Transport function associated with the work of protein channels through which ions move across the membrane.

Types of ion channels.

A. According to the method of opening, they distinguish between chemosensitive and voltage-dependent;

B. According to the speed of opening and closing - fast and slow;

Channels can be in open or closed state. The opening of channels leads to passive transport of ions along the concentration gradient and, as a consequence, a change in the membrane charge.

3.Receptor function. The membrane contains receptors for chemicals. The interaction of this substance with the receptor opens chemosensitive ion channels and a cell response occurs to information transmitted humorally.


AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS (size, origin, fluctuations, maintenance mechanism).

PP is the potential difference between the outer and inner sides of the membrane. The inside is negative, the outside is positive.

PP value: skeletal muscle - -60 -90 mV, neuron - -50 - 80 mV, cardiomyocyte - -85 -95 mV, glandular cell - -30 mV. Smooth muscle cells - -30 -20 mV or -50 mV (for cells that do not have automaticity).


1. The role of the membrane. At rest, the membrane is semipermeable. Channels for K are open and almost all channels for Na are closed.

2. The role of ions. There are ion gradients in the cell. Inside cells are dominated by K ions (30–50 times more than outside). Na inside is mainly in a bound state or in compartments, i.e. immobilized. Outside cells have more free Na (10 times more than inside) and 30 times more Cl.


K+ ions passively leave the cell along a concentration gradient. Large anions remain inside, which cannot pass through the channels for the small K ion and create a negative charge on the inner side of the membrane. The outside charge is positive. But the membrane is somewhat permeable to Na (it goes in and reduces the potential difference created by K).

Na – K pump. Mechanism of maintaining membrane potential and ion gradients.

The concentration gradient of K and Na is maintained by an ion pump. This is the name given to the system of energy-dependent transport of ions through a membrane against a concentration gradient: with the help of carriers, ions are transported from solutions with lower to solutions with higher concentrations. The carrier for Na and K is Na-K dependent ATP-ase. For 3 Na ions removed from the cell, 2 K ions return to the cell. This transfer of ions is accompanied by an increase in internal negativity, and the pump is called electrogenic. If the pump transfers an equivalent amount of ions, then the membrane charge does not change. This ion transfer is electrically neutral.

PP changes. A decrease in internal negativity is called depolarization, an increase is called hyperpolarization.

Critical level of membrane potential (CLMP) – this is the value of the resting potential, upon reaching which voltage-gated channels for sodium open and AP occurs.

Local response. Occurs in a local area in response to chemical or electrical stimuli constituting 30–90% of the threshold strength of irritation. As a result, channels for Na (in some formations for Ca) open. Depolarization of the membrane occurs, which is quickly replaced by repolarization, without reaching the UMPC.

Local response properties.

    does not apply

    does not depend on the strength of irritation

    capable of summation.

Excitability during the local response is increased.

The local response plays an important role in membrane depolarization to a critical level, which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of AP.


PP are rapid fluctuations of PP under the influence of threshold or supra-threshold stimulation.

Conditions for the occurrence of PD. – threshold strength of irritation

Sufficient duration of irritation

Sufficient rate of increase in irritation.

Ionic mechanism of PD.

PD scheme. Eo – Ek = threshold of irritation. The ascending phase is called depolarization, the descending phase is called repolarization.

When the PP value Ek is reached, fast voltage-dependent channels for Na open, which rushes into the cell like an avalanche and reduces the internal negativity first to 0, and then the membrane is recharged - overshoot. When the membrane is recharged to +20 -30 mV, sodium channels are inactivated and the repolarization process begins

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It seems like a question, but how often does it arise? For example, it is always difficult for me to immediately remember when working with English-language services how much 10.00 PM is in terms of our time (does this mean morning or evening?). And in general, where did these AM and PM come from?, who needs them and why not use only the 24-hour format?

Well, the question here is probably from the same area as the use of right-hand traffic in some countries - it’s just the way it is and nothing can be done about it. We just need to deal with these a.m. once and for all. and p.m. (get into your head the relationship with the 24-hour ruler), or, at worst, write yourself a cheat sheet (if, like me, nothing sticks in my head for a particularly long time). Where should I write? Yes, right here, that is. on the pages of your blog. I'll do so...

Are we really that far from the 12 hour clock?

The time format using AM and PM is widespread not only in the bourgeoisie; sometimes its echoes can be observed in the RuNet space (mainly in localized bourgeois projects). For example, well-known to many bloggers, he suggests choosing the time for sending letters to subscribers based on the 12-hour format, rather than the 24-hour one:

It seems that the time zone indicates that here a.m. and p.m. do not understand, and the interface is translated into Russian. But no, habit is second nature. How should I understand 11:00 am - 1:00 pm? Is it from eleven in the morning to one in the afternoon or from eleven in the evening until one in the morning? You need to google, and so on every time, to know for sure...

Although, I probably shouldn’t have attacked the bourgeoisie with their AM and PM. If you think about it, then You and I also half live in a 12-hour world. For example, when they ask you the time, you don’t answer that it’s fifteen minutes to eighteen, but say that it’s fifteen minutes to six, and a person can determine whether it’s evening or morning. In this regard, we are the same.

At the same time, in Russian-language texts in most cases (and always) a 24-hour time scale is used. But our clocks are again in 12-hour format. It would probably be difficult to fit 24 hours in there and it would look overloaded.

But our digital watches, again, are 24-hour, but the Americans, judging by the films, are 12-hour with an indication of a.m. and p.m.

Oh, how everything in life is mixed up, if you think about it.

Decoding and nuances of using A.M. and P.M.

But this is all verbiage, and what do AM and PM mean?(how these abbreviations stand for). It turns out that these abbreviations are Latin and literally mean the following:

  1. AM - before noon
  2. PM - after noon (by the way, this is easier to remember, because the first letters in the Russian and Latin names are the same)

This can be illustrated quite well with these two pointer chronometers:

Then PM is evening, and AM is morning. Everything seems simple, but there is a small problem. Everything is fine until it comes to it until noon or midnight, i.e. rendezvous places for cycles a.m. and p.m.

In general, it turns out that in different countries that accept the 12-hour cycle, these moments may be celebrated differently ( and 12 p.m., and 12 a.m.). Thus, there can be discrepancies (such as “the glass is half full or it is half empty”). For me, it would be more logical to use not 12 p.m., but 0 p.m., which would be much more logical, but the bourgeoisie know better. The end result is this, in my opinion, nonsense:

After 12 a.m. it's 01a.m. etc. And after 12 p.m. it's 01p.m. I personally find it difficult to get used to (how can one come after 12?). Americans generally mark midnight in documents as 11:59 p.m., and noon as 12:01 a.m., so that legal incidents and discrepancies do not arise. They're kind of strange...

Conversion table from AM and PM to 24 hour format

Well, the complete table of correspondence between the 12 and 24 hour time format will then look like this:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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