Pressure of solids, liquids and gases (crossword puzzle). Crosswords - a methodological guide to physics Crossword puzzle on the topic of pressure physics

Solve the crossword puzzle. Vertical: The mass of water displaced by a floating vessel. A vessel propelled by an internal combustion engine. The depth to which a floating vessel is immersed in water. An aircraft used in aeronautics. A device for measuring atmospheric pressure. Horizontal: A balloon designed to fly into the stratosphere. The gaseous shell surrounding the Earth. Ratio of pressure force to area. A device for measuring pressure greater or less than atmospheric pressure. Unit of pressure. Instrument for taking samples of various liquids. Barometric altimeter used in aviation.

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Physics 7th grade

summary of other presentations

““Pressure” test” - Correct answer to the test. Black box. Alternative. Experiment. A game. Physics quiz. Effect of medical cups. Pressure of solids. Cognitive interest. Physics and humor. Exercise. Pressure.

“Examples of simple mechanisms” - Using a wedge when lifting weights. Rule of moments. Pulley hoist. "Golden rule" of mechanics. Blocks. Efficiency. Lever arm. Fixed block. Simple mechanisms. Wedge. Efficiency of some mechanisms. Using a wedge. Using leverage. Block. Inclined plane. Solid. The force that moves a body. Movable block. Screw. Leverage rule. Efficiency Gate. Using leverage.

“Diffusion in human life” - The object of study is the phenomenon of diffusion. Oil in a reservoir. Diffusion in seas and oceans. Wrecks of large tankers. Measures to improve environmental quality: Introduction. Clean pond. As a result, the ocean turns into a dumping ground for a “cocktail” of chemicals and poisons. Oil and petroleum products are the main pollutants of the oceans. What is diffusion. Diffusion plays a huge role in nature, in human life and in technology.

“Interaction between bodies” - Experimental tour. Guess the physics riddle. Make up a formula. Interaction. Find a common feature. Basic unit of density. Formation of cognitive interest. Shine. Greetings from the teams. The phenomenon of inertia. Miracle bird. An extra term. Epigraph of the lesson. Automobile. Interaction of bodies. Competition with fans.

“Scientist Archimedes” - Ancient Greek mathematician. Burning of the Roman fleet. Archimedes. Life of Archimedes. Mechanical device. Mechanics. Archimedes as a mathematician. Buoyancy force. About spirals. 13 treatises of Archimedes.

“Body mass” physics - Speed. The concept of mass. Social status. Method of activity. Metasubject approach. Conversion of units of measurement. The child's environment. Imagination. Experiments. Working with measuring instruments. Interaction of bodies. Scientific worldview. Universal methods of action.

Semakina Elena Nikolaevna Full name of educational institution: MBOU Dizminskaya secondary school Yarsky district UR Crossword title: crossword puzzle on the topic “Pressure”. Purpose(lesson or extracurricular activity): lesson. Age group(grade): 7th grade. The purpose of creating a crossword puzzle: repetition of the “Pressure” theme. List of information sources used:

  1. Peryshkin, A.V. Physics. 7th grade: textbook. for general education institutions /A.V. Peryshkin. - 10th ed., add. - M.: Bustard, 2006. - 192 p.
  2. Lebedeva O.I., Guretskaya N.E. Physics. Diagnostic work for intermediate certification. 7-9 grades. - M.: VAKO, 2013. - 96 p.
  3. Ponomarev, G.A. Crosswords in physics for secondary school students / G.A. Ponomarev - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009. - 124 p.

Brief summary:

The Dictionary of Modern Foreign Words says: “A crossword is a game-task, filling in intersecting rows of cells with letters so that horizontally and vertically you get words given in meaning.”

The modern, exciting form (crossword) has become a simple means for implementing complex educational tasks: cognition, development, upbringing.

By solving a crossword puzzle, students acquire the skill of working with sources, literature, and the Internet, since they must turn to different sources. By acquiring knowledge independently, the student engages in self-education. This kind of education is the most durable.

Justification for the relevance of the choice of topic: The topic “Pressure” is very voluminous; in the last topics “Floating Bodies” and “Aeronautics” you need to repeat the material and prepare for the test. A crossword puzzle is one of the effective methods for increasing motivation to study a subject. This crossword puzzle is designed to solve several problems at once: to repeat the material covered, to consolidate new material, and also to search for the necessary information to solve the crossword puzzle. This crossword puzzle is intended for independent work while reinforcing the material covered by the whole class on the topic “Floating bodies.”

Instructions for working with the crossword:

The crossword was created in PowerPoint. When you click on the square with the number, the text of the question appears. When you press it again, the answer word appears and the question text disappears.

When you press an arrow key, the presentation ends.

Horizontally: 1.Italian scientist who first measured atmospheric pressure. 2. The weight of water displaced by a loaded vessel when submerged to the waterline. 3. The more ..... support, the less pressure produced by the same force on this support. 4. An organ of bony fish that performs a hydrostatic function. 5. Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. 6. The value on which the buoyancy force depends. 7. Ancient Greek scientist who discovered the law of hydrostatics. 8. A quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to the surface to the area of ​​this surface. 9. The depth to which the ship is immersed in water.

Vertically: 1. The maximum permissible draft is marked on the ship’s hull with a red line. 2. The amount of cargo that a ship can take when diving to its maximum draft. 3. Finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using special technical means. 4. Unit of pressure in the International System of Units.

Answers to the crossword:

Horizontally: 1. Torricelli. 2. Displacement. 3. Area. 4. Bubble. 5. Barometer. 6. Volume. 7. Archimedes. 8. Pressure. 9. Draft.

Vertically: 1. Waterline. 2. Load capacity. 3. Measurement. 4. Pascal.

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"Crossword on the topic "Pressure""

Crossword on the topic “Pressure”


When you click on the square with the number, the text of the question appears. When you press it again, the guessed word appears and the question text disappears.

When you press the arrow key, working with the crossword puzzle ends.

The value on which the buoyancy force depends.

The more ...... support, the less pressure produced by the same force on this support.

The amount of cargo that a ship can take when submerged to its maximum draft.

A quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to a surface to the area of ​​that surface.

The maximum permissible draft is marked on the vessel's hull with a red line.

An organ of bony fish that performs a hydrostatic function.

Finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using special technical means.

Italian scientist who first measured atmospheric pressure

The depth to which a ship is immersed in water.

Unit of pressure in the International System of Units.

Ancient Greek scientist who discovered the law of hydrostatics

The weight of water displaced by a loaded vessel when submerged to the waterline.

A device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

Physics crossword puzzle with answers, grade 10

Physics crossword puzzle on the topic “Basic concepts of mechanics”

Svetlana Anatolyevna Savostyanova, teacher of physics and mathematics, GAPOU MO "Egorievsky Technical School"
Description. I bring to your attention a physics crossword puzzle on the topic “Basic concepts of mechanics.” The crossword puzzle will be of interest to physics and natural science teachers, students to test their knowledge on the topic, and can be used to design a thematic stand.
Target: testing knowledge on the topic
- test students’ knowledge on this topic;
- promote the development of perseverance, the ability to think logically, and compare;
- develop the ability to bring the job started to completion;
- stimulate interest in the subject.

Educational crosswords are intellectual games that add a special entertaining and motivational aspect to the learning process, contribute to the development of students’ search and creative abilities, the ability to apply their knowledge, and quickly navigate acquired information.
I bring to your attention two versions of a crossword puzzle on the topic “Basic concepts of mechanics”, which use almost the same set of words, but the crossword puzzle grids are different. Therefore, very often, the guys sitting next to them do not immediately understand that they are guessing the same words. I use this form of knowledge testing instead of physical dictation in groups where physics is taught as part of the subject “Natural Science”.
Option 1

Questions for the crossword
2. Device for measuring body weight
3. Body movement along the trajectory
5. Device that measures movement speed
6. Time unit
7. The greatest deviation of an oscillating body from the equilibrium position
10. Branch of physics that studies sound waves
13. One of the characteristics of periodic motion
14. SI unit of force
15. A value equal to the product of a body’s mass and its speed
16. Magnitude, can be instantaneous, average

18. Unit of work
1. Time of one oscillation
3. Vector drawn from the initial position of a moving point to its final position
4. Elastic waves with a frequency of more than 20 kHz
6. Measure of mechanical impact on the body
8. Line of body movement
9. English scientist who discovered the law of deformation of elastic bodies
11. Mutual attraction of bodies
12. Quantity sometimes measured in horsepower
Horizontal: 2. Scales 3. Path 5. Speedometer 6. Second 7. Amplitude 10. Acoustics 13. Frequency 14. Newton 15. Impulse 16. Velocity 17. Hertz 18. Joule
Vertical:1. Period 3. Displacement 4. Ultrasound 6. Force 8. Trajectory 9. Hook 11. Gravity 12. Power

Option 2

Questions for the crossword
2. Time unit
5. A value equal to the ratio of work to a unit of time
7. One of the characteristics of periodic motion
8. Elastic waves with a frequency of more than 20 kHz
9. Mutual attraction of bodies
11. The greatest deviation of an oscillating body from the equilibrium position
12. One of the main characteristics of movement
13. Branch of physics that studies sound waves
15. The scientist who formulated the universal law of gravity
16. Body movement along a trajectory
17. Frequency unit
1. Device for measuring body weight
3. Value characterizing the rate of change in speed of movement
4. Energy unit
6. Device that measures movement speed
9. Line of body movement
10. Number of oscillations per unit time
12. Measure of mechanical impact on the body
14. Value calculated using the formula mv
17. English scientist who discovered the law of deformation of elastic bodies
Horizontal: 2. Second 5. Power 7. Period 8. Ultrasound 9. Gravity 11. Amplitude 12. Velocity 13. Acoustics 15. Newton 16. Path 17. Hertz
Vertical: 1. Scales 3. Acceleration 4. Joule 6. Speedometer 9. Trajectory 10. Frequency 12. Force 14. Impulse 17. Hook

Crossword Basic concepts of mechanics

Semakina Elena Nikolaevna Full name of educational institution: MBOU Dizminskaya secondary school Yarsky district UR Crossword title: crossword puzzle on the topic “Pressure”. Purpose(lesson or extracurricular activity): lesson. Age group(grade): 7th grade. The purpose of creating a crossword puzzle: repetition of the “Pressure” theme. List of information sources used:

  1. Peryshkin, A.V. Physics. 7th grade: textbook. for general education institutions /A.V. Peryshkin. - 10th ed., add. - M.: Bustard, 2006. - 192 p.
  2. Lebedeva O.I., Guretskaya N.E. Physics. Diagnostic work for intermediate certification. 7-9 grades. - M.: VAKO, 2013. - 96 p.
  3. Ponomarev, G.A. Crosswords in physics for secondary school students / G.A. Ponomarev - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009. - 124 p.

Brief summary:

The Dictionary of Modern Foreign Words says: “A crossword is a game-task, filling in intersecting rows of cells with letters so that horizontally and vertically you get words given in meaning.”

The modern, exciting form (crossword) has become a simple means for implementing complex educational tasks: cognition, development, upbringing.

By solving a crossword puzzle, students acquire the skill of working with sources, literature, and the Internet, since they must turn to different sources. By acquiring knowledge independently, the student engages in self-education. This kind of education is the most durable.

Justification for the relevance of the choice of topic: The topic “Pressure” is very voluminous; in the last topics “Floating Bodies” and “Aeronautics” you need to repeat the material and prepare for the test. A crossword puzzle is one of the effective methods for increasing motivation to study a subject. This crossword puzzle is designed to solve several problems at once: to repeat the material covered, to consolidate new material, and also to search for the necessary information to solve the crossword puzzle. This crossword puzzle is intended for independent work while reinforcing the material covered by the whole class on the topic “Floating bodies.”

Instructions for working with the crossword:

The crossword was created in PowerPoint. When you click on the square with the number, the text of the question appears. When you press it again, the answer word appears and the question text disappears.

When you press an arrow key, the presentation ends.

Horizontally: 1.Italian scientist who first measured atmospheric pressure. 2. The weight of water displaced by a loaded vessel when submerged to the waterline. 3. The more ..... support, the less pressure produced by the same force on this support. 4. An organ of bony fish that performs a hydrostatic function. 5. Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. 6. The value on which the buoyancy force depends. 7. Ancient Greek scientist who discovered the law of hydrostatics. 8. A quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to the surface to the area of ​​this surface. 9. The depth to which the ship is immersed in water.

Vertically: 1. The maximum permissible draft is marked on the ship’s hull with a red line. 2. The amount of cargo that a ship can take when diving to its maximum draft. 3. Finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using special technical means. 4. Unit of pressure in the International System of Units.

Answers to the crossword:

Horizontally: 1. Torricelli. 2. Displacement. 3. Area. 4. Bubble. 5. Barometer. 6. Volume. 7. Archimedes. 8. Pressure. 9. Draft.

Vertically: 1. Waterline. 2. Load capacity. 3. Measurement. 4. Pascal.

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"Crossword on the topic "Pressure""

Crossword on the topic “Pressure”


When you click on the square with the number, the text of the question appears. When you press it again, the guessed word appears and the question text disappears.

When you press the arrow key, working with the crossword puzzle ends.

The value on which the buoyancy force depends.

The more ...... support, the less pressure produced by the same force on this support.

The amount of cargo that a ship can take when submerged to its maximum draft.

A quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to a surface to the area of ​​that surface.

The maximum permissible draft is marked on the vessel's hull with a red line.

An organ of bony fish that performs a hydrostatic function.

Finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using special technical means.

Italian scientist who first measured atmospheric pressure

The depth to which a ship is immersed in water.

Unit of pressure in the International System of Units.

Ancient Greek scientist who discovered the law of hydrostatics

The weight of water displaced by a loaded vessel when submerged to the waterline.

A device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

Crossword puzzle on the subject "physics" on the topic "Aggregative state of matter"


2. This is a process in which a transition occurs from a liquid to a solid, which occurs with the release of heat into the environment

6. The process of transition from gas to solid state, bypassing the liquid phase is

8. This is a process in which a transition occurs from a gas to a liquid state, which occurs with the release of heat into the environment


1. The phenomenon of converting liquid into vapor is called

3. This process is called reverse sublimation

4. Which device determines the amount of moisture in the air (the device consists of two thermometers)

5. This is the process of transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid state with the absorption of heat

7. Vaporization that occurs from the surface of a liquid is called


Crossword puzzle on the subject "physics" on the topic "Interaction of bodies"


4. Temperature unit?

5. device for measuring arm muscle strength

9. Solids whose molecules are arranged in a certain order

12. The phenomenon of conservation of the speed of a body in the absence of the action of other bodies on it

15. Microgravity

17. The line along which the body moves

20. Value showing the change in speed over time

23. Who was the first to point out the existence of inertia

25. Changes occurring with bodies and substances in the surrounding world


1. A device used for terrain orientation

2. The state of aggregation of a substance in which it has its own shape and volume

3. Interaction preventing the relative movement of bodies upon contact

6. Everything that exists in the Universe regardless of our consciousness

7. a physical quantity that is equal to the ratio of body mass to its volume

8. Temperature measuring device?

10. A phenomenon in which mutual penetration of molecules of one substance occurs between the molecules of another

11. The state of aggregation of a substance in which it does not have its own shape and constant volume. Takes the shape of the vessel and completely fills the volume provided to it

13. The movement of a body during which it travels equal distances in equal periods of time

14. Everything that exists in the Universe regardless of our consciousness

16. Attraction

18. Guess about how the phenomenon occurs

19. Who was the first to point out the existence of inertia?

21. A quantity characterizing the speed of movement and direction of movement of a material point relative to the selected reference system

22. The scientist who discovered the basic laws of motion of bodies and the law of universal gravitation?

24. What is the name of the science about the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of nature, about matter, its structure and movement?


Crossword puzzle on the subject of "physics" on the topic "Pressure"


3. The air shell of the earth

4. Who was Magderburg von Guericke, who performed the experiment that convinced everyone of the existence of atmospheric pressure

5. What is the force of pressure?

6. What is used on the tractor to reduce pressure on the soil.

8. What law is used when constructing hydraulic machines?

9. The pressure exerted by a fluid at rest is called...

10. In which communicating objects the surface of the liquid is at the same level

12. Ancient Greek scientist, mathematician and mechanic

13. The ratio of the modulus of the pressure force acting on a certain surface area to this area

14. Unit of pressure in si

15. These are devices driven by compressed air.

16. What instrument can be used to apply great pressure to a pinched body?

17. Area where clear or partly cloudy weather prevails

18. A huge atmospheric vortex with a diameter of hundreds and even thousands of kilometers

20. Device for measuring liquid or gas pressure

21. The unit of measurement for atmospheric pressure is mm. mercury...

22. Device for measuring atmospheric pressure


1. What should be used when bolting wooden parts together.

2. Vessels that have a common part connecting them are called...

7. Device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

8. Physical quantity on which pressure depends.

9. A machine designed to compress bodies is called...

11. When what increases, the gas pressure increases

15. What is less of a liquid whose level is higher in a communicating vessel?

19. Underwater vehicle for oceanographic and other research at great depths
