Poetry day of the year. World Poetry Day. What number is marked

This day is celebrated by everyone who has the ability to capture their dreams of the future and memories of the past, their worldview from the present, their feelings in verse, who consider themselves involved in the greatest art created by man - poetry.

The celebration is also necessary in order to draw attention to small publishing houses, literary clubs that revive the traditions of sound poetic words and try to reveal talents to readers contemporary poets.


It will be interesting for many to get acquainted with the history of the appearance of this holiday:

  1. Unofficially, World Poetry Day began to be celebrated in the 30s of the last century. And it was proposed by an American poetess. Her name is Tesa Webb. The date was timed to coincide with the birthday of the famous poet and philosopher Virgil and fell on October 15th.
  2. In order to give new strength to the poetic movement and inspire young writers, according to the decision of UNESCO (at its 30th session), the holiday was given official status. This happened in 1999. And the following year it was held for the first time on March 21 in Paris, where the headquarters of this organization was located.

The soil for creating poetry is a special state of mind. These are periods of love or great trials, world upheavals or wars. Poets have always felt the complex issues of modernity especially acutely and conveyed to the reader through their experiences and emotions. The lines flowing from the very heart conquered many souls and united people. The music of the soul has not become obsolete in any era. Homer, Sophocles, Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, Anna Akhmatova, Rozhdestvensky, Okudzhava, Yevtushenko do not leave any of us indifferent even now. Interest in their work does not weaken.

Poetry is a symphony of light, which is especially important to convey to the youth of today's society.


Various events are held in all countries of the world on this day. Collectives perform poetry concerts. Author's readings, seminars and conferences are held in institutions of culture and art, which are dedicated to the work of recognized poets.

On many stages, new modern poetic literature is presented, competitions for young poets are organized. This allows you to find young, bright and talented people, give them a chance to express themselves, help them further develop their abilities and promote poetic developments.

In our country, this holiday is actively supported by the Taganka Theater and State Center contemporary art, which hold poetic evenings, competitions of poetic intellectuals on poetic topics. On this day, national literary prizes and poetry awards are presented in many countries.

In the memory of any person there are favorite lines of poetry that he uses when congratulating loved ones or singing his favorite songs. However, few people thought that we owe this to the great poets. Poetry Day 2018 can be a day of gratitude for those who can create amazing rhyming lines.

Indeed, poetry is a huge force with which you can express your feelings, experiences and admiration. The semantic sequence of words evokes various emotions and impressions and can touch the soul.

Life cannot be complete without such poets as:

  • Shakespeare;
  • Lermontov;
  • Pushkin and others.

When did poetry appear

There are different opinions on this issue. Some believe in ancient myths and believe that the first poets appeared during the time of the Celts. It was then that there were two majestic peoples: the baths and the aces, who constantly fought among themselves. At some point, they got tired of doing this, and they created an incredibly wise creature, whose name was Kvasir. The material for the creation of the dwarf was the saliva of the rulers of the warring parties. However, there were enemies who did not like this state of affairs, and they killed the sage by mixing his blood with honey. They placed this mixture in a special vessel. After that, everyone who tasted this composition could compose poetry.

There are scientists who claim that the first poetic words were written by the priestess En-hedu-anna. She was the daughter of Sargon, the ruler who conquered the country of Ur, located on the territory of present-day Iran. The girl glorified the goddess of the morning star - Inanna with her poems.

Historians studying the development of poetry divide the entire period into four stages:

Iron There was no written language during this period. At that time, poets glorified the great battles and their heroes. In poetic terms, these were rather primitive poetic forms.
Gold At this stage, complex speech turns appear in poetry. The poems were mainly devoted to national values ​​and ancestors who previously lived on earth.
Silver At this time there was original and imitative poetry. An example of the first type is the poetry of Virgil. The second variety was the reworked works of the golden period, which had already been forgotten. Such poets include Juvenal, Horace, Aristophanes, Menander, and others.
Copper This period falls at the time of the decline of the Roman Empire. Poetry ceases to be refined and refined. After the invasion of the barbarians, it began to remain in a state of stagnation.

According to specialist Thomas Love Peacock, the further development of poetry represents different variants of previous periods.

history of the holiday

For the first time such a holiday was established in the United States. American Poetry Day was initiated by Tessa Sweezy Webb. First, they began to celebrate it in the state of Ohio, the birthplace of the writer. Then it was recognized in other regions of America. By 1951, this list already consisted of 38 states. The birthday of the ancient Greek poet Virgil, October 15, was chosen as the day of the celebration. Thus, a national day of poetry was created.

The idea of ​​a world poetry day was born in 1999 in France. This initiative was supported by the thirtieth assembly of UNESCO, after which the holiday acquired a worldwide character.

The purpose of its establishment is to familiarize the younger generation with the literary values ​​of the past. Unlike our ancestors, today's youth appreciates only what brings real profit. Poetry does not belong to such areas of culture. The UN division decided to correct this situation. Young people should know not only history, but also the literary heritage of previous generations.

This statement fully applies to our country. Young people in Russia began to forget the idols of the past, and yet they are the pride of the nation. To love your Motherland and not to know its history and the great people of the state are unacceptable things. Every young person should know the color of his nation and be proud that great poets and writers, who are known to the whole world, were born on our land. For the first time, Poetry Day in our country was celebrated on the walls of the Taganka Theater.

What number is marked

In 2018, Poetry Day will be celebrated for the nineteenth time. This date is the same every year - March 21. Everyone who is connected with this direction of culture will take part in the celebration. They will also congratulate journalists, critics, translators, editors, teachers and students of philological universities, etc.

Celebration traditions

On this day, all kinds of events related to poetry are held all over the world. Poets of the past are honored, rewarded literary prizes living masters. At numerous concerts with their works they perform as famous poets and young masters of the pen. Problems and issues of literary creativity are discussed at various conferences and seminars. Well-known publications are preparing the release of various almanacs, magazines, books, etc. for this date. Venerable masters pass on experience to young poets.

Television and radio do not stand aside from such celebrations. Television broadcasts are provided not only to the most famous poets, but also to the younger generation. The brightest and most talented writers are provided with the most famous theater venues. Numerous competitions are also held, thanks to which young talents are found.

New poetic culture also widely represented on the radio. Beginning poets, who in the future will become the pride of our country, perform on the air of leading radio stations.

The leaders of the country support creative youth. They are provided with various grants that contribute to a wider disclosure of the talents of young people. Congratulations are also addressed to various literary associations.

Celebrations in literary universities are interesting and exciting. There are reports about the poets of the past. Famous poets of our time give creative reports. At various evenings everyone can show their skills. For some aspiring poets, this is a chance to showcase their talent. After such performances, agreements on the release of literary collections are very often concluded.

Beautiful rhyming lines are a great way to congratulate loved one happy birthday, express admiration and appreciation. Only talented and gifted people can write poetry. This world holiday is dedicated to them. Poetry Day brings together authors from all over the world. Its main goal is to introduce people to the beautiful, to provide young talents with the opportunity to express themselves in the best possible way. The event is celebrated annually on March 21st.

history of the holiday

The history of the celebration of this event goes back to the distant 1938. The author of the idea of ​​​​founding the celebration is the poetess from Ohio - Tessa Sweezy Webb. Under her initiative, the holiday was first celebrated on October 15. It was dedicated to the birthday of a famous ancient Roman poet named Virgil. In 1951 of the last century, it became national in the United States. The solemn event was joined by 38 states of America and Mexico. It received official world status at the 30th UNESCO meeting. Help for him is the resolution adopted on November 15, 1999.

For your information, the UNESCO decision says that it often answers the most acute and deepest spiritual questions modern people of a person - but for this purpose it is necessary to attract the widest public attention to it. It was first celebrated on a relative scale in March 2000. This Day serves to create a positive image in the media of poetic art, which is open to people.

Among other things, it is thanks to the celebration world day poetry, each creator has a great opportunity to express himself to small publishing houses, whose efforts make it possible to bring the living work of modern poets to the mass reader, as well as to literary circles that revive the eternal tradition of beautiful rhymed lines.

World Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21st. In 2020, the holiday takes place for the 21st time. Literary associations, poetry lovers, journalists, editors, critics, translators, teachers, students and graduates of philological educational institutions, people who are passionate about writing poetry take part in the celebrations.

The purpose of the holiday is to introduce people to poetry, to provide an opportunity for young talents to express themselves.

history of the holiday

Poetry Day first appeared in 1938 in the US state of Ohio. It was initiated by the poet Tessa Sweezy Webb. The holiday was held on October 15 - the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In 1951, it was celebrated as National Poetry Day by 38 US states and Mexico.

World Poetry Day was officially established by the resolution of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) dated November 15, 1999. The holiday was first held on March 21, 2000. In Russia, it was celebrated in Moscow at the Taganka Theater.

Holiday traditions

Participants of the celebrations give each other rare books, share their impressions of the works, recite poems, and discuss new works.

AT educational institutions themed evenings. Students make presentations about the life of literary figures, read rhymed lines from memory.

Radio stations and television broadcast programs about the life and work of poets.

  • There are words in Russian that do not rhyme: desman, lark, frost, embankment, user, wire, torso.
  • In the works of Pushkin there are 22 thousand different words, Lermontov - 15 thousand.
  • In poems about the nature of Russian poets, three trees are most often found: birch, pine and oak.
  • In Russian, verbs with the ending "at" rhyme best. There are 5.5 thousand rhyme options for them.
  • The first poetess is considered to be the Akkadian princess Enheduanna, who lived in the 23rd century BC.
  • The Chinese Emperor Qianlong, who ruled in the 18th century, executed the authors of sad poems.
  • Scientists from the University of Liverpool in the UK have come to the conclusion that reading poetry activates the brain.

The oldest poems, according to historians, were written as early as the 23rd century BC. They were created by Princess En-hedu-ana and the find is confirmed by artifacts. The princess is the earliest author known by name, as well as the first female poet. She was the daughter of the founder of the Akkadian kingdom, King Sargon, and is known from Sumerian hymns.

It is known that the first rhyming dictionaries appeared in the Middle Ages. It is interesting that, for example, the entire Koran is built on rhymes. And the first who compared the cheeks of a young girl with a rose was a poet, as Salvador Dali once said.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21st. The first holiday - World Poetry Day - was celebrated in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located.

“Poetry,” the UNESCO decision says, “can be the answer to the most acute and deepest spiritual questions. modern man- but for this it is necessary to attract to it the widest possible public attention. In addition, World Poetry Day should give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, through whose efforts the work of contemporary poets mainly reaches readers, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

It has become a good tradition to hold various events, celebrations and new competitions on this day, to present rising poetic talents and their creative works of authorship, to organize evenings of friends of art. The poem makes our culture immeasurably richer and more representative. The brightest works, treasures of the heart, rightfully open up the opportunity to fully experience the uniqueness of the invisible flight of the human soul, to touch greatest story each of us, because each look is beautiful and unique in its own way. It allows you to give not only beautiful poetic forms of words, rhymes, but also a significant part of life that contributes to our own development.

If you are not indifferent to poetry - accept our congratulations on this day! If you are a poet, then this date is your world professional holiday. Happy holiday to you and us, we wish you all poetry!

Interesting facts for World Poetry Day

If you're writing a poem because you just want to capture the feeling you've had, you don't need these tips. Just write what you think is necessary.. Details in the material "How to write a poem: 10 practical tips", which can be used as a theme or scenario for an event or evening.