Children's games of the peoples of the north. Sports games of the Khanty and Mansi Games of the Khanty and Mansi for children


Deer and shepherds

All players are deer, with attributes on their heads that imitate deer antlers. The two leaders - shepherds - stand on opposite sides of the platform, holdingmaut (cardboard ring or long rope with a loop). The deer players run in a circle in a crowd, and the shepherds try to throw a maut on their antlers. Horns can also imitate twigs that children hold in their hands.

Rules of the game. You need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd himself chooses the moment to throw the maut/

Deer catching

The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Deer run around the outlined area. At the signal “Catch!” the shepherds try to catch the deer and close the circle.

Rules of the game. You can only catch deer when given a signal. The circle is closed when more players are caught. The deer try not to get into the circle, but they are alreadyNothave the right to break out of the circle if it is closed.

Partridges and hunters

All the players are partridges, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. At the signal “Hunters!” all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them (throw the ball at their feet). At the signal “The hunters are gone!” the game continues: the partridges are flying again.

Rules of the game. You can run away and shoot only when given a signal. You should only shoot at the feet of those running away.

Ice, wind and frost

Playingstand in pairs facing each otherand clapclap your hands, saying:

Cold pieces of ice,

Transparent pieces of ice,

They sparkle and ring

Ding , ding...

They clap for every word: first with their own hands, then with a friend. Xgobbleclap and talkding, ding until,until they hear the signal “Wind!” Ice children run awayV different parties agree on who will build with whomcircle -a big piece of ice. At the signal “Frost!” Suneline up in a circle and hold hands.

Rules games . Those children windig intothere was a larger number in the circleplayers.It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who is withby whomwill build a large piece of ice. Those who agree join hands. You can change movements only on the signal “Wind!”or"Freezing!". It is advisable to include in the gamedifferentmovements: hopping, light or fast running, side gallop, etc.

Streams and lakes

AND GThe rocks stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone runs after each other and in different directions (each in his own column). At the signal “Lake!” the players stoppedare beingjoin hands and make circles -lakes.The children who build the circle the fastest win.

Rules of the game. You have to run after each other without leaving your column. You can only form a circle and follow a signal.

Fishermen and fish

On the floor lies a cord in the shape of a circle -Thisnet. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players are fish. Fish children run all over the playground and run into circles. Fisher children catch them.

Rules of the game. You can only catch fish children in a circle. The fish must run in and out of the circle (net) so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches the most fish is the best fisherman.

Hello, catch up!

Players stand in pairs facing each other in the middle of the court. Then the pairs form two ranks, which diverge at a distance of ten large steps from the cord. They stand by the cord - it's home. Each representative of the first rank goes on a visit and offers his right hand to the one with whom he was paired, saying: “Hello!” The owner child replies: “Hello!” The guest says: “Catch up!” - and runs to his house, the owner chases him to the line. The children take turns visiting each other.

Rules of the game. You can only greet with your right hand. You must say “Catch up” beyond the line from the partner player. The one who catches up wins. You can go on a visit in different ways: it’s important to take your time; joyfully, skipping; walk like soldiers in formation, like clowns in a circus, etc.

Brave guys

Children stand in two or three lines, depending on the size of the room. Two or three presenters are selected. Each leader takes turns asking the children: for example, the first one in the first line, etc. (Children answer.)

- Are you brave guys?

- Brave!

- I'll see how brave you are (slyly, with humor).One, two, three And (pause).Who's brave?

- I! I!..

- Run!

The first line runs to the opposite side to the cord, and the leader catches those running away. The game is repeated in this way with the next group of children.

P ruled the games. You should run only after the word “Run!”, dodging the leader. You can't fish with a line.

Sleigh sledge

Two players run and jump over sleds placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Sleigh sleds are 1 m long, 30-40 cm wide, 20 cm high. They can be made from cardboard. The one who runs faster and does not hit the sledge wins.Rules of the game. You have to run from line to line at the signal “Run!” First, two sleds are placed, then two more can be added.

Deer beating

The group of players is inside the outlined circle. Three shepherds are chosen, they are behind the circle - these are deer. At the signal “One, two, three - start beating!” The shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer. The deer that was hit by the ball is considered caught and separated from the herd. Each shepherd beats five or six times. After which he counts the captured deer.

Rules of the game. You can only throw the ball at your feet and only when given a signal. You need to shoot from a place at a moving target.

Polar Owl and Eurasian Eurasians

The polar owl is in the corner of the area or room. The rest of the players are Europeans.

To the quiet, rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the eurasians run around on the playground; when the tambourine hits loudly, the eurasians stand in a column and do not move. The polar owl flies around the hemlocks and takes the one who moves or stands still, with him. At the end of the game (after three or four repetitions), those players who distinguished themselves with greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game . Loud impacts should not be heard for a long time. Children must react quickly to changing impacts.

Snowshoe running

The players are divided into two teams and stand behind the line. Each team has one pair of snowshoes.

At the teacher’s signal (waving the flag), the leaders of each team in snowshoes run to the flags placed in advance on the opposite side of the site, everyone goes around their flag and runs back, giving the snowshoes to the next player on the team. The winner is the team that finishes the run first.

Rules of the game . The game is played on the principle of a relay race. Snowshoes can only be transferred beyond the line. When going around the flag, you must not touch it.

Reindeer sleigh

The players stand along the wall of the room or along one side of the site, two at a time (one depicts a harnessed deer, the other a musher). At a signal, the teams run after each other, overcoming obstacles: they go around snowdrifts, jump over a log, cross a stream on a bridge. Having reached the camp (to the opposite side of the room or area), the mushers let their reindeer go for a walk. At the signal “Deer are far away, catch your deer!” Each musher player catches his own pair.

Rules of the game . When overcoming obstacles, the musher must not lose his team. A deer is considered caught if the musher has grazed it.

Option. Two or three teams of reindeer stand along the line. There are flags at the opposite end of the site. At the signal (clap, hit the tambourine), teams of reindeer run to the flag. Whose team reaches the flag first wins. You can play the “Dog Sled” game in a similar way. This species is typical for the coastal Chukchi.

Vazhenka and the fawns

Several circles are drawn on the site. Each of them contains a female deer and two fawns. The wolf sits behind the hill (at the other end of the area).

In the words of the presenter:

An important woman wanders in the tundra,

With her - fawns,

Explains to everyone

Everything that is unclear...

Stomping through puddles

Small fawns.

Listening patiently

Mom's instructions -

playing fawns run freely across the tundra, bend over, eat grass, and drink water. To the words “The wolf is coming!” The fawns and fawns run away to their houses (circles). The wolf takes the caught fawn with him.

Rules of the game . Perform movements in accordance with the text. The wolf begins to catch only when given a signal and only outside the house.

To a new camp

AND the players become pairs. In a pair, one is a deer, the other is a musher. The teams stand one after another. The presenter says: “Reindeer herders are moving to new camps.” After these words, everyone runs along the edge of the area, while the mushers, urging the reindeer, make a sound characteristic of reindeer herders - tundra dwellerscough-cough. They stop at the leader's signal. While moving, the teams take a break. The mushers release the deer, which run in all directions. At the signal "Teams!" everything must be lined up in the same order.

Rules of the game . You must start moving in accordance with the signal. The sleigh train must move in an orderly manner (the teams must not overtake each other). The order remains the same after the halt.

Tug of War

A line is drawn at the site. The players are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the line, holding a rope in their hands. At the driver’s signal “One, two, three - start!” Each team tries to win the opponent over to its side. The team that manages to do this is considered the winner and is given souvenirs, just like at a reindeer herders’ festival.

Rules of the game . You can start tug-of-war only when there is a signal. The team that crosses the line is considered defeated.

Wolf and deer

A wolf is chosen from among the players, the rest are deer. At one end of the area a place for the wolf is outlined. Deer graze at the opposite end of the site. At the signal “Wolf!” The wolf wakes up, leaves the lair, first walks around the herd with wide steps, then gradually narrows the circle around it. At a signal (the growl of a wolf), the deer scatter in different directions, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The wolf takes the caught one to himself.

Rules of the game . You can only run out of the circle when given a signal. The one who is caught must follow the wolf.

White shaman

The players walk in a circle and perform different movements. In the center of the circle is the driver. This white shaman is a kind person. He kneels down and hits the tambourine, then approaches one of the players and gives him the tambourine. The person receiving the tambourine must repeat exactly the rhythm played by the driver.Rules of the game . If the person receiving the tambourine repeats the rhythm incorrectly, he is out of the game.


The players stand in a circle. Choose the sun. The sun walks in a circle and, pointing at each in turn, counts:

Nian-nyan (bread)

Kezhi-kezhi (knife).

Those whom the driver-sun namedKezhi, leave the circle, stand in pairs and hold hands, others -nyan-nyan - hold hands and remain in place, also in pairs. Two groups of pairs are formed: nyan-nyan and kezhi-kezhi. The pairs of each group come up with different figures.

Rules of the game . Those couples who come up with the most interesting figures win.


The players stand in a circle. They are fishermen. The driver shows them the movements of the fishermen: they pull the nets, take out the fish, repair the nets, row with oars.

Rules of the game . Whichever player repeats the movements incorrectly leaves the game.

Ice sticks (Syuly)

Each player chooses a stick that should be taller than his height. Several sticks are doused with water in advance and kept in the cold until they become iced. The player takes the syula in his right hand and stands sideways forward, bends his left arm at the elbow, and puts his right arm behind his back, passing the stick under the bent elbow of his left hand, and throws it hard.

Rules of the game . Syula should only fly in a forward direction. The one who throws the stick further wins. If the stick flies to the side, the player is eliminated from the game.

Triple jump

A line is drawn in the snow, and the players stand behind it. They take turns jumping forward from the line: in the first two jumps they jump from one foot to the other, in the third jump they land on both feet. The one who jumped further wins.

Rules of the game . You need to start jumping from the line. You can only jump in the specified way.

The game is played with the children distributed into units. Each unit includes from two to four people. All children of one unit go to the line at the same time. At the signal, they all begin to jump together. The team whose members jump further wins.

The game can also be organized in such a way that children from different levels compete in jumping at the same time. In this case, the number of first, second, third, etc. places taken by the participants of each link is calculated.

Wolf hunt

The hunter stands 4-5 m from the wolf (a figure cut out of plywood or cardboard). He must hit the running wolf with the ball. Two players hold the piece by the strings and move it left and right.

Rules of the game . You should throw the ball at the wolf from a given distance.

The dexterous reindeer herder

A figure of a deer is placed to the side on the site. Reindeer herders are positioned in a line facing the deer at a distance of 3-4 m from it. They take turns throwing the ball at the deer, trying to hit it. For each successful shot, the reindeer herder receives a flag. The winner is the one who hits the deer the most times.

Rules of the game . You can only throw the ball from a nominal distance.

Partridge hunting

Children pretend to be partridges. They are placed on the side of the site - the tundra, where there are aids that you can climb onto (towers, benches, walls, etc.). There are three or four hunters on the opposite side of the site.

Partridges fly and jump across the tundra. At the driver’s signal “Hunters!” they fly away (run away) and sit on branches (climb to heights). Hunters try to hit partridges with a ball. Caught partridges move aside and are eliminated from the game for a while. After two or three repetitions of the game, other hunters are chosen, and the game resumes.

Rules of the game . Partridges fly away only when given a signal. Hunters also begin to catch partridges only after this signal. You can only shoot the ball at your legs.

Nanai wrestling

They play in pairs on a mat or carpet. The players take each other by the shoulders and fight, trying to put the opponent on his back. The one who achieves the goal and knocks the opponent down wins.

Rules of the game . You can only fight on a mat or carpet without leaving it. Rough actions should not be tolerated.

Stick wrestling

A line is drawn. Two players sit on both sides of the line facing each other. Holding the stick with both hands and resting their feet on the feet of the other, they begin to pull each other. The one who pulls the opponent over the line wins.

Rules of the game . You should start pulling the stick simultaneously at the signal. While pulling the stick, you cannot change the position of your feet.

Hurry up to catch!

There are two equal groups of participants on the playground: girls and boys. The presenter throws the ball up. If the girls catch the ball, then they begin to throw the ball to each other so that the boys do not get the ball, and, conversely, if the boys have the ball, they try not to give it to the girls. The team that can hold the ball longer wins.

Rules of the game . When passing the ball, you must not touch the player with your hands and hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

Sun (Heiro)

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with an extended step, make even swings forward and backward with their hands, and speak at each stepCheiro. Presenter - the sun is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens (extend their arms to the sides)

Rules of the game. All players must dodge the sun as it turns. To the signal “One, two, three – quickly run into the circle!” those whom the leader did not touch return to the circle.

Musher and dogs.

Two cords are placed parallel at opposite edges of the platform. The players stand next to them in groups of three and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs standing in front. Children in threes at the signal “Let's go!” They run towards each other from one end of the cord to the other.

Rules of the game: You can only run when given a signal. Only the three that reach the cord the fastest win. You can ask the players to overcome various obstacles

Nadezhda Vereshchagina
Life-game of the peoples of Khanty-Mansi Synopsis of a joint sports event with parents - a holiday of outdoor games.

Life-game of the Khanty peoples, Muncie. ”

summary of a holiday of sports games with parents

Target: introduce children to games peoples of the North.


1. Strengthen the skills of running, jumping, and the technique of throwing a ball at a target.

2. Develop agility, speed, attention, jumping ability, coordination of movements, the ability to dodge the catcher, spatial orientation, running speed.

3. Foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, respect for to the peoples of the North, their traditions and customs.

4. Promote family unity by holding joint games.

Preliminary work: The teacher talks about the indigenous people North: Khanty and Mansi. Tells them about how Khanty survive in harsh conditions North: they fish, hunt animals and birds in the taiga, and collect mushrooms and berries in the summer.

Inventory: 6 plates. 3 landmarks, a snowball for each child, a model of a deer – 2 pcs., mock-ups of a sled – 4 pcs., imitation reindeer skins – 2 pcs., a chum – 2 pcs., stands – 2 pcs., a mask "Heiro"(sun, Owl mask.

Progress of the Outdoor Games holiday

The instructor meets the children at gym, decorated according to the theme holiday.


In my dreams I fly, I fly,

To the land of snow and ice,

I want to see you there

The birth of snowflakes.

My North is my idol,

I'll close my eyelids now:

And a magical world for me

Will be remembered forever.

Ira Kupriyanova

Dear Guys! I propose to go on an exciting journey through the North. Well, are you ready to go? (the lights go out, there is a presentation about the North)

Children: Yes!

Instructor: (commentary to the presentation)

Guys! Do you know what region and district we live in? SLIDE 1. Yes, you and I live in a wonderful region, in a beautiful Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. SLIDE 2-5. The nature here is very beautiful, there is a lot of wealth. What is it called in one word? (Ugra)

People whom we call the indigenous inhabitants of Ugra have lived here for many centuries. Who is this? (Khanty and Mansi) SLIDE 6-7-8. Today we will learn a little about them life, about their interesting games. And we will do this in the form of competitions.

Now attention, question? What do you think they are doing? peoples of Khanty and Mansi(answers)

All children Khanty peoples and Mansi imitate the games and actions of adults in everyday life and in life, which will be useful in the future life of reindeer herders, hunters, fishermen and simply residents of the taiga. And where they live peoples of the northern Khanty and Mansi there are a lot of obstacles and of course they need to be overcome.

Most of my life of the Khanty and the Mansi live in the forest and eat what the forest gives them. What can you find edible in the forest? SLIDE 9-10-11. All this is called wild plants (name the slide and list the picture)

Great helpers in indigenous peoples' lives are deer. SLIDE 12. They give them meat and milk. They are a means of transportation. Before you harness a reindeer, you need to catch it. To do this, they use a long rope called tynzian. SLIDE 13 What do you think? Khanty and Mansi are hunting (children's answers)


Adults and children are happy

When white as snow,

The first fawn in the herd

Is born.

When the fawns appear, peoples of the north - this is a holiday new hopes for the well-being of the whole year. On holiday conduct games and songs.

It's a game "Deer Catching"

Jumping over sleds

Polar Owl and Eurasian Eurasians (rodent)

Finding Heiro (Sun)

In addition to the fact that deer provide meat and milk, their skins Khanty and Mansi make at home. What is the name of the house they live in? Khanty and Mansi? SLIDE 14. "CHUM" (Slide 14a)

The house was built. The deer was caught. We harnessed it and SLIDE we went. And here's where we went...

To the river. SLIDE 16. Why? Khanty and Mansi are wonderful fishermen. SLIDE 17.

Stocked up on fish. It's time to go hunting. The hunter must be strong and dexterous. SLIDE 18

It is important for a hunter to be strong, because he often has to travel long distances through deep snow on skis in search of prey. SLIDE 10.

Instructor: Today on our Parents are present at the festival of outdoor games....representatives of small peoples of the north Khanty and Mansi - Elena Kurmanbakovna Ulyasheva, grandmother of Maria Ulyasheva. We give her the floor...

Grandma says (presentation continued from slide 21)

Grandmother (greets guests in native language): Vushcha vula" (northern dialect, "Pytya val" (eastern dialect) - "Hello, live!".


Grandmother: This is such a wonderful, extraordinary land of ours - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The mighty, endless North.

Instructor: Elena Kurmanbakovna, you know so much, you shared so much with us... maybe you will play a few games with us? We will be glad. (grandmother is prepared in advance)

(from the number parents choose helpers) .

1 task: Running over bumps.

There are 3 participants at the start. Everyone has 2 plates in their hands (imitation of hummocks). At the signal, participants place 1 plate on the floor, stand on it with their feet, then place the second plate, move onto it, shifting the first plate forward and moving onto it, and so on until the end of the swamp. Who will complete the task first?

(inventory : 6 plates. 3 landmarks)

2 task: Deer hunting.

There are 2 teams at the start. At signal 1, participants run to the mark and sit on their shins. Pick up a tennis ball (ball, snowball, etc.) and from a distance of 3 m they throw it at a deer. They run to the team, passing the baton to the next player. (hands up means the game is over)

(inventory : snowball for each child, deer model – 2 pcs.)

Instructor: Well done! Did a great job on task 2!

3 task: Yukagir game "Nart-sleigh"

Relay race. Children are divided into two teams. Players must take turns running to the sled, jumping over it with both feet and returning to the starting line. (The distance between the sleds is 1 m, the number is 2 per team.)

(inventory : sledge layouts – 4 pcs.)

4 task: Riding on reindeer skins.

There are 2 teams at the start. There is a deerskin on the floor before the start (bedspreads). Two on signal parents in each team they take the edges of the skin, and 1 participant from the team (sits on the skin with their back to the cab driver, who pulls the skin forward to their home (plague - made from whatman paper, or up to a deer). They drop off and so on until the entire team is transported.

(inventory: imitation deer skins – 2 pcs., tent – ​​2 pcs., stands – 2 pcs.).

Instructor: Well done, we had a great ride!

Grandmother: You already know that in the North the sun is very rare and does not please you with its warmth for long. That is why peoples Our northerners turn to the sun in their songs, fairy tales, and games with a request to warm them up and give them as many warm and sunny days as possible. Let's call the sun now and play a game "Heiro" translated from Nenets "Sun".

4 task: Outdoor game"Heiro". (we take the leader parent)

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with an extended step, make even movements with their hands forward and backward and at each step. They say: "Heiro!". Presenter - The sun is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter as the Sun rises and straightens (extend arms to sides)

Rules of the game. All players must dodge the Sun as it turns. On signal “One, two, three - quickly run into the circle!” those whom the leader did not touch return to the circle.

Last task: Polar Owl and Eurasian Eurasians (rodents) (for presenters we can also take parent)

The polar owl is in the corner of the area or room. The rest of the players are Europeans.

To the quiet, rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the eurasians run around on the playground; when the tambourine hits loudly, the eurasians stand in a column and do not move. The polar owl flies around the hemlocks and takes the one who moves or stands still, with him. At the end of the game (after three to four repetitions) Celebrate those players who have distinguished themselves with greater endurance.

Rules of the game. Loud impacts should not be heard for a long time. Children must react quickly to changing impacts.

Instructor: So we completed all the tasks and games Elena Kurmanbakovna.

Grandmother: You did a great job!

Instructor: And the journey through the North has come to an end. About what games you recognized the peoples of the North? Did you like the new games that E.K. held? You were active, agile, fast and attentive. Well done! Thanks to all!

Grandmother: And I want to give you these magnets as a souvenir (magnets with the theme of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)

Oksana Vesnina
Games and toys of the Khanty and Mansi peoples

Games and toys of the Khanty and Mansi peoples

My people, in what part of the world

Are you born by eternal nature?

They led you through the fog of centuries

Labor and the power of heartfelt generosity.

Roman Rugin

This work gives an idea of ​​the games and toys of the Khanty and Mansi peoples; the topic helps to expand the range of knowledge about the culture and traditions of these peoples.


Currently, there is an active process of national culture of the Khanty and Mansi. These peoples maintain the continuity of traditional environmental management, focused on preserving traditional crafts and activities, customs and rituals.

Goal of the work:

Expand children's knowledge about the culture of the peoples of Khanty and Mansi.

To study the peculiarities of raising children of the Khanty and Mansi;

Reveal the importance of toys in raising Khanty and Mansi children;

Get acquainted with national games;

Create a booklet with games of the Khanty and Mansi peoples.

Research methods:

In order to complete my work, I drew up a plan that outlined the stages of my research:

Study additional literature;

Visit the school museum, get acquainted with the exhibition “Life of the Peoples of the North”;

Get acquainted with traditional toys, games of the Khanty and Mansi peoples;

Analyze and justify the results of the study;

Main part

One of the main means of raising children is play. The games of Khanty and Mansi children are aimed at understanding the surrounding reality, mastering customs, traditions and rituals. And also to master the skills and abilities necessary for life. Traditional children's games not only develop the child's mind, but also strengthen him morally and physically, and improve his health. Games for children reveal the beauty and richness of nature and foster a caring attitude towards it. The play of Khanty and Mansi children almost always replicates the fishing and household activities of adults. First of all, this is shooting at a target with a bow. To play hunters, old traps, traps, hooks, small hooks, and nooses are also used. These games are aimed at developing physical qualities.

Khanty and Mansi children, perhaps future hunters and reindeer herders, need practical skills, and they gain them through games. Elementary children's games, which at first glance are simple, directly prepare the child for his future work activity.


Life in the taiga and tundra is difficult, it forces a good organization of the family, a strict distribution of responsibilities and their implementation. Children are introduced to certain responsibilities early. From early childhood, parents tried to keep their children busy with some bright toy. For the girls, they sewed dolls from unnecessary pieces of different fabrics, and they played, imitating their mothers and older sisters: they fed them, rocked them in their arms, put them to bed and rocked them to sleep, singing a lullaby. They made beds and clothes for their dolls from scraps of fabric.

Now Khanty and Mansi children have a variety of toys: balls, cars, dolls, etc. But children love toys that replicate objects from the real world: small tents, images of deer and sleds, dolls dressed in fur clothes, buzzers, puzzles. The games and toys of Khanty and Mansi children reflect the work activities of a hunter, fisherman, and reindeer herder.

Khanty and Mansi families have a special approach to raising a boy and a girl. Boys are taught endurance and hard work, while girls are taught thriftiness, skill in cooking, making clothes, shoes, and utensils. The first gifts for a boy are a knife, a tynzian, a bow and arrows, for a girl - bags with a set of tendon threads, pieces of fabric, fur, leather and beads. Children under 5-7 years old were under the supervision of their mother. They participated in preparing fuel for the hearth and maintaining the fire. The boys played hunters and reindeer herders. Using a toy bow and lasso, they, under the guidance of their older brothers, learned hunting and weapon handling skills. Children learned on toy sledges with dogs harnessed to them.

rules of harness and riding. They shot at branches, stones, lassoed fallen deer antlers, branches of bushes, and the ends of the sled. One of my favorite games is throwing a tynzian (lasso). Competing in dexterity, the boys try to throw a tynzian loop over the heads of a sledge or antlers of a deer lying on the ground. A common activity for boys in the tundra is playing hunter. Children's bows and arrows, usually made from spruce with the help of older brothers or father, are used as toys. To develop accuracy, boys practice shooting at stationary and moving targets, trying to hit a thrown piece of wood or a tree trunk. The games took place mainly in the forest, near the river. When the hunting season arrived, the adults prepared for the hunt. Children's games reflect this event: traps are being prepared, going into the forest, learning the forest alphabet. Children learn the experience of chasing an animal, the ability to outwit it, and learn to use dogs in hunting. Winter games for boys: tynzyan throwing, jumping over sleds, throwing stones, sticks, cones, rings at a target, wrestling, tug-of-war, strength competitions. Children are interested in playing deer and reindeer herders. They begin to ride and manage reindeer early. In the spring they play elk hunting on the crust. From the age of 3-4 years, children begin to ski. There are games that imitate the running of forest animals (hare, fox, elk, etc.). In the summer, boys play in towns, holes, balls, throwing, and lifting various objects. During the period of mass fishing, children help adults prepare and repair nets, seines, and traps. To do this, they make small traps for themselves: snouts, nets, wicks and even a small seine. Then they fish with him. Very

early, especially boys (from the age of 5), sit in an oblas (boat) and swim independently.

Toys depicting deer are varied: made of wooden blocks, animal foot bones, hare hind legs, pieces of deer fur, duck noses with arches from the bird drawn into the eye holes. Instead of sleds, they used matchboxes and bones. The paws of animals and tails are objects of “hunting” in games. Beads were made from pike vertebrae, as well as from rowan and rosehip fruits. They played with roots and twigs that resembled animals and birds.

The boys made toys from wood: sledges, snouts, spinning tops, cradles, knives, musical rattles (from game crops, bells, rattles, whistles, imitating the voices of birds and animals. For this they used leaves, plant stems, thin strips of birch bark. In addition For gaming purposes, bells, bells, and trinkets served to scare away evil spirits and were amulets for children against the evil eye.

Girls' games are associated with a doll. Dolls of the Ob Ugrians (Akan) differ in the manufacture of their heads and clothes. But all dolls are made without faces, legs, and arms. The games involve female and male dolls, and child dolls. Girls, together with adults, participate in the preparation of birch bark, bark, herbs, berries, firewood, and in the manufacture of utensils. They learn to tan hides, weave beaded jewelry, make sinew threads, and sew clothes and shoes. Children's games are not only entertainment, they are important for physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual education.

The earliest game is called "The Bear Game". 1 of the participants, the “bear,” lies down on the grass and pretends to be a bear, and all the others, standing in single file one after another, slowly walking around him, supposedly taking berries, all run away, and the “bear” jumps up and runs after them. Whomever he catches, he lies down like a bear. Small children of both sexes play.

The boys' games were more related to horses and harnesses. A box of matches, after shafts made of birch twigs were screwed to it on both sides, became a sleigh. Having pierced it with a needle, they pulled a double thread into the hole - these were tugs. The arc was bent from the same birch twig. Then the horse-case was harnessed to the shafts - and the team was ready. Various toys were loaded into the sleigh, and the convoy set off along the floor of the hut on a long journey to an unknown city. There the sleigh was unloaded, the cargo was transferred to imaginary barns, new luggage was taken, and the convoy returned home. There were also more everyday “trips” - for firewood, for hay, and for removing snow and manure.

At the age of 10 - 14 years, Khanty children already begin to hunt waterfowl on their own, helping their elders in making traps and other hunting equipment. In this regard, their games increasingly have a fishing orientation, prepare them for the harsh conditions of a nomadic and semi-nomadic lifestyle, and contribute to the development of all physical qualities and special motor skills necessary for independent fishing in the future. Among Khanty children at this age, games involving running, jumping, and throwing were very popular: “Which of us is faster?”, “Reindeer Sled,” “Wooden Leg,” “Jumping Over Sleds,” “Hare’s Tracks,” “Knock Out the Little Chick.” , "Ring Game" and others.

Stick wrestling

A line is drawn. Two players sit on both sides of the line facing each other. Holding the stick with both hands and resting their feet on the feet of the other, they begin to pull each other. The one who pulls the opponent over the line wins. You should start pulling the stick at the same time at the signal and you cannot change the position of your feet.

Throwing a lasso on the snow

They play in the winter at the camp. Each player has a lasso. Children from 9 to 13 years old, adult men and even old people take part in the game. They choose a forest clearing dusted with snow. All participants stand in a line facing the clearing and take turns throwing their lassos at short intervals so that they fly through the air and land on the snow. In this case, when landing, the loop of the lasso should lie on the snow in the shape of a circle, and the rest of the lasso should lie in the form of an exact straight line. To do this, players at the end of the throw support their lassos to give the loop the desired shape. The player who manages to give

the most ideal shape for your lasso.

Game with rings – Kusang yuh

Number of players – 6–8 people. For the game, each participant made 5-6 rings with a diameter of 15 cm and a stake stick 90 cm long, 2-3 cm thick (dead branches were used for it) from the branches of the willow about 1 cm thick. The players drove their stakes at a distance of 2–3 m from the general throwing line.

Playing with sticks

The player took 20 sticks, threw them up and caught them with the back of his hand. He tossed the sticks caught in this way again upward, without changing the position of his hand, and caught them with his fingers. The condition is this: you need to catch an odd number of sticks with your fingers (1, 3, 5, etc.). If the player fulfilled the conditions of the game, he put one stick aside and continued the game. In case of failure (an even number of sticks were caught), the sticks were passed to the next player. When one of the players had one last stick left, he had to catch it with his little finger and ring finger. The winner was the player who was the first to collect 20 sticks or collect more of them than other players. If the winner was not determined for the first round of the game, then in the next round each player was credited with the number of sticks caught earlier. Once the winner was established, the number of sticks collected by each player was counted. The player with fewer sticks received a punishment for bad play - “hot”: the difference between the number of sticks caught by each player and the loser was determined; after that, each player hit (lightly) the back of the loser's hand with a stick as many times as this difference was, i.e. the number of hits was equal to the number of the difference.

Jumping on two legs

Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On command, the judges began jumping, pushing off with two legs and landing also on two legs standing shoulder-width apart. The player who reached the finish line first became the winner. The game develops jumping ability, leg and back strength, speed, and agility.


Tree with a wide crown (pine). One of the players shot at the crown of a tree so that the arrow got stuck in the branches. After this, the participants in the game took turns trying to shoot down this arrow to the ground. The player who shot down the arrow first won. The game developed hand strength, dexterity, eye, and cultivated endurance and perseverance.


Studying the history of the native land, Khanty fairy tales and legends, decorative and applied arts of the Khanty and Mansi - all this contributes to the development of interest in the culture, traditions, and customs of their people. Having become acquainted with the games and toys of Khanty and Mansi children, I came to the conclusion that these peoples have historically developed a rich experience in physical education of the younger generation, including original means, forms and techniques, in which we see a certain consistency. The result of my research work was the booklet “Games and toys of Khanty and Mansi children.”

In the future, I plan to introduce children to the Khanty and Mansi games, I hope that this will arouse interest, and the children will try to play games with their peers.

Squirrel skin dolls


Games of children of the Ob-Ugric peoples // Ed. E. A. Nemysova. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

1. Fedorova N. Traditional children's toy of the Ob Ugrians (doll, deer) / Slovak Readings-99. Abstracts of reports - Tyumen, 1999. - P. 227.

2. Bugaeva AL. Traditional pedagogical culture of the Khanty and Mansi. - M., 1994.

3. Ugric heritage. Antiquities of Western Siberia. - Ekaterinburg, 1994.

4. Details of life - “Ugra”, 2010, No. 3, p. – 69.

5. “Yugra”, 2010, No. 3, p. 66-69.

6. Sinyavsky N. I., Vlasov V. V., Fyntyne O. A. Games, competitions and original physical exercises of the peoples of the North: educational manual. – Khanty-Mansiysk: IPKIRO, 2003. – 83 p.


The entire way of life of a Khanty or Mansi family was determined by the father’s main occupation – hunting, fishing and reindeer herding. One of the main means of raising children is play; it reflects reality. The games of Khanty and Mansi children are aimed at understanding the surrounding reality, mastering customs, traditions and rituals. And also to master the skills and abilities necessary for life. Traditional children's games not only develop the child's mind, but also strengthen him morally and physically, and improve his health. Games for children reveal the beauty and richness of nature, foster a caring attitude towards forests, reservoirs, and living beings. Children's games mostly take place in the forest. The game almost always imitates the commercial and everyday activities of adults. First of all, this is shooting at a target with a bow. To play hunters, old traps, traps, hooks, small hooks, and nooses are also used. These games are aimed at developing physical qualities.

Younger children play hide and seek. In winter, children dig tunnels and hide in them. Such games develop dexterity, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction. They jump over oblases, sleds, and also with a pole in height. Children took part in competitions with adults: cross-country skiing, high-speed oblas riding, various types of wrestling, rope or stick tug-of-war, archery and rifle shooting.


Tree with a wide crown (pine). One of the players shot at the crown of a tree so that the arrow got stuck in the branches. After this, the participants in the game took turns trying to shoot down this arrow to the ground. The player who shot down the arrow first won.
The game developed hand strength, dexterity, eye, and cultivated endurance and perseverance.

Jumping on one leg

All participants stood on the starting line and took the starting position - standing on one leg. At the referee's command, the players began to gallop, trying to cover the distance as quickly as possible. Whoever managed to do this first became the winner. Changing legs during jumps was prohibited.
The game contributed to the development of jumping ability, jumping endurance, and agility.

Jumping on two legs

Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On command, the judges began jumping, pushing off with two legs and landing also on two legs standing shoulder-width apart. The player who reached the finish line first became the winner. Jumping ability, leg and back strength, speed, agility.

Hare tracks

In summer - on the sand, in winter - on snow.
Before playing in the snow or on the sand, marks were made to indicate the tracks of a hare, the distance between which depended on the gender, age and physical fitness of the players.
One of the players became the first “trail of the hare”, i.e. took the starting position - standing, legs apart. Then, having pushed off with both legs, he had to land exactly on the next mark, but on one leg, then he had to push off with this leg and land on both feet in the next mark, etc. The winner was the one who jumped most accurately in the “rabbit’s” tracks.
Often this game was complicated: they increased the distance between the tracks, confused them, changed the direction, etc. The game contributed to the development of leg strength, jumping ability, coordination of movements, and agility.

Game with rings – Kusang yuh

Number of players – 6-8 people. For the game, each participant made 5-6 rings with a diameter of 15 cm and a stake stick 90 cm long, 2-3 cm thick (dead branches were used for it) from the branches of the willow about 1 cm thick. The players drove their stakes at a distance of 2-3 m from the general throwing line.
Then they stood at the line opposite their stakes, holding rings in their hands, and began to throw them one at a time onto the stakes. Whoever threw the most rings on his stake became the winner and was considered the most accurate and dexterous player. The game developed the eye, throwing accuracy, and dexterity.

Fight "Khon" (Yamgort)

Two teams. They chose the most dexterous and strong one, who was called hon.
The wrestlers split up in pairs and stood opposite each other. The youngest and weakest began to fight first. To defeat an opponent, it was necessary to pin him with his back to the ground. The one who won the match received one point. Then the next pairs fought in the same way, and last but not least, the “princes.” At the end, points were tallied. During the fight, it was forbidden to trip.

“Hon-iki” (Ovgortsky version of wrestling)

The prince did not participate, but ensured that the rules of the fight were observed. The youngest competed first. The winner from the first pair then fought the winner from the second pair, etc. until the last fighter. If he lost to the winner from the second pair, then a wrestler from his own team, from the second pair, entered the fight, i.e. in this variation, one wrestler could defeat the entire opposing team.
Vanzevat variant of struggle

Before the competition “prince” - “hon”. Two teams. One of the wrestlers addressed the prince with the words: Khon nyan vohs, khon sul vohs (The prince asked for bread, the prince asked for salt). “The prince replies: “Nyan vuya, sul vuya” (Take bread, take salt). After this the struggle began. The rules were as follows: they fought in hunting belts, they could use trips and throws. The goal of the fight is to knock the opponent to the ground so that he touches it with his shoulder blades.

"Kolm" (Vakh Khanty)

At a distance of 10 meters there are two parallel lines. The players were divided into two teams. The wrestlers stood in pairs between these lines. At the judge’s command, the opponents came together and began to fight: each tried to grab his partner, lift him and carry him, or drag him over his line. The team that brought more players to its side won.
Surgut Khanty variant

Before the competition, five strong men were selected.
All the participants in the bear games took turns fighting with these five wrestlers. If any of the strong five (except the strongest) were defeated, he was eliminated from the game. During the fight, it was allowed to use any techniques (even painful ones). The goal of this competition is to defeat the strongest wrestler.

Leg wrestling lying on the back (Surgut, Kazym Khanty)
The opponents lay side by side on their backs with their heads in different directions, grasping each other with touching elbows, and clasped their fingers on the chest. Each person raised one leg up on the side closest to the opponent and performed a leg grab. The second leg should have been lying directly on the ground (on the floor). During the fight, the opponents tried to turn each other over with their legs straight up. At the same time, it was forbidden to unclasp the fingers.
Another variant

They also lay down, grabbed each other with their hands, and extended the other hand along the body. Then they interlocked their raised legs as in the previous version, with the other leg they pressed their heels into the floor (ground). On command, the opponents tried to turn each other over their heads.

Stick tug "Talty yuh"
Two players sat on the floor or ground opposite each other and, stretching their legs forward, rested their feet on each other, and grabbed the stick with their hands. At the referee's command, the players began to pull the stick towards themselves, trying to tear the opponent off the ground (floor). At the same time, it was forbidden to bend your knees. If one of the players could not stand the fight and unhooked his fingers, then he was considered defeated. The winner competed with the next player. The competition continued until a winner was identified among all participants.
Kazym version: group game

A line was drawn between the players holding the stick. The rest of the players lined up behind them, their arms around each other's waists. At the signal from the judge, the teams began the competition, the goal of which was to pull the player in front over the line to their side.
Rope tug-of-war (Surgut version)

For the game, a rope 1.5 - 2 meters long and 2-3 cm thick was used.
The competitors, sitting on the floor (ground), rested their feet on each other with their straightened legs. Each of them wrapped a rope around one hand. On command, they began to pull the rope so as to tear their opponent off the floor (ground). Throwing an opponent over oneself was considered a brilliant victory. The next player sat down to compete with the winner.
In another variant, one player competed with two or three players at once.

"Talty kel" (Kazym Khanty)

Two players sat on the ground (floor) and pressed their straight legs against each other. The rest of the players sat on their knees behind them, one after another. Then all the players of both commanders took up the rope. At the signal, the players began to pull the rope towards themselves. The competition continued until one of the players sitting in front stood up, pulling the rest with him.
Vakhovsky option:

Two players stood opposite each other, rested one foot on the block puddling between them, and grabbed the rope with their hands. At the command of the elder or one of the opponents, the players began to pull the rope towards themselves, trying to pull each other to their side. The winner competed with the next player. The one who pulled out the most players was recognized as the best.

Another variant:

Two players against two. The first one wound the rope around his hand, and the second one threw it over his shoulder.

“Otter” (Kazym) - pulling a belt around the neck

The two opponents stood opposite each other on all fours. They put a belt around their necks and tried to move each other.

Another option: (Kazym)

For the game they took a belt from a reindeer team 2 meters long. Two players sat down and rested their straightened feet against each other, put a belt around their neck and, on command, each began to pull the belt towards themselves, trying to tear the opponent off the ground (floor). If it was possible to do this, another player sat in the place of the loser. The winner was the one who one by one outdrew all the participants in the game.

Next option:

They stood on all fours opposite each other and tried to pull their opponent over the line drawn between them.


The board is 1.5-2 meters long, 3-40 cm wide, 2-3 cm thick.
Two players sat opposite each other, rested their straightened feet on the board and interlocked their thumbs. On command, they began to pull on each other so that the opponent came off the floor (ground). If one of the players could not stand it and unhooked his finger, he was considered defeated. The winner then competed with the next player in the game. (You can alternate with all fingers)

Another option (Kazym)

Rope loop 50-70 cm long.
Two players sat down and pressed their straight legs against each other, foot to foot. Then they took hold of the rope loop, pulled it and, at a signal, began to pull the loop towards themselves, trying to lift their opponent from the floor (ground). The player who released the loop lost, and the next player competed with the winner.

“Larynshchup” - “Yula”, “Tukhlan larynshchup” - “Flying Pinwheel”
These games are made like a bow drill or crossbow. These are traditional fishing tools of the Khanty people, only in a smaller form, like all the toys of Northern children. By playing with various wind toys, the child developed his finger muscles, ingenuity, and traditional craft skills.
The Yulu game was played on a flat surface - on a table or on the floor. The number of players is arbitrary. The goal of the game is to rotate the spinning top along the lying needle - back and forth - or move in a zigzag. The one who moved the most won

"Numsty yuntupset" - puzzles
Since ancient times, the Khanty have led a nomadic lifestyle, therefore, moving from place to place, they are forced to leave their buildings: huts, storage sheds, locks, etc. To prevent forest animals from destroying the camp, the owners locked their buildings. In ancient times, the Khanty did not have factory locks, so the men invented their own locks. They have survived to this day as the puzzle “From six sticks” - “Hot yuhup yuntupsy” and the puzzle “From nine sticks” - “Yartyants yuhup yuntupsy”, which need to be assembled so that they take the shape of a cube and do not crumble.

“Vet lov tyn yuh blows” - “A stick worth five horses”
There is a legend about how an old hunter made a puzzling riddle from a stick with rings to a Russian merchant who came to the market to exchange his goods for furs. The merchant solved the puzzle for three days, but still did not solve it. Having come to the hunter, the merchant asked to reveal the secret of this puzzle. The old hunter agreed to reveal the secret, but only in exchange for five horses. The merchant gave him five horses and since then this puzzle has been called “A Stick Worth Five Horses.” The goal of this puzzle is to move the rings to the other side through the central knot without untying the outer knots.

Game of sticks "Schel"
The game "slit" is designed for people of all ages. Both children (from 2-3 years old) and adults can play it. There are several variants of this game that form certain abilities.
For the little ones there are 2 versions of “Swan”.

Game "Torekh" - Crane. (Surgut Khanty)
Number of players from 2 to 6 people. The sticks are laid out in the shape of a bird - a crane (swan). 3 sticks – head, 2 sticks – body, 5 sticks – wings, 3 sticks – legs, 4 sticks – tail. The players sit with their backs to the laid out figure, the leader removes the stick from any part of the “swan” and asks the players a question: “I removed 1 stick from the head (from the neck, from the tail, from the body, etc.), how many sticks are left there ?.

Game of "slit" for dexterity
Several children take turns playing it. The child, who is currently in charge of the game, puts all the sticks on his palm, then, with a movement of his hand from bottom to top, he throws them up, during the period of time while the sticks are in the air, the player must turn his hand over with the back side up and catch the sticks with this side of the hand. Then, moving from bottom to top, the sticks are thrown again, but from the back of the hand, again the hand turns over, and the child must catch them in the palm of his hand. If a player catches an odd number of sticks, then he takes one for himself and the move remains his. If there is an even number in the palm, the move goes to someone else. The goal of the game is to see which player has the most sticks. When the last stick remains, first the child, who is in charge of the game, must play with it in the same way as described earlier.
Then the nature of the game changes. The stick is placed alternately on two adjacent fingers. After that, it is thrown up and caught between the same fingers. Initially, the thumb and forefinger are played, then the index and middle fingers, etc. If the child has completed this task, he must do the same in the opposite direction. The little and ring fingers are played first, then the ring and middle fingers, etc. The cycle of the single stick stage of the game must be carried out from beginning to end. As a rule, few people manage to fulfill the game requirement described above the first time. Then the game moves to the next player.

Game of "crack" for caution
Several children also play it in turns. One of the players takes all the sticks in his hand and places them vertically on some base. The lower part of the bun is pushed apart somewhat, resulting in a chum-shaped figure. After this, the leading player sharply unclenches his hand, the sticks fall on top of each other in disarray. The child, who is in charge of the game, must very carefully pull out one stick from this heap, but so as not to disturb the rest. The other children watch him closely. If the player managed to follow the rules of the game, then the move remains his. If any stick other than the one the player draws is disturbed, the game moves on to another one. The ultimate goal of the game is to collect the maximum number of sticks.
The game of "slot" for caution and the game of "slot" for dexterity have the same ending. Each player has a certain number of sticks. According to tradition, their number is not counted, however, there is a way to identify the most clever or careful one. This is done as follows. Each player takes turns placing one stick on the playing surface, while creating a chum figure. When one of the players runs out of sticks, the remaining players count their remaining sticks. Then, depending on their number, the corresponding number of clicks is given to the loser.

Functions and purpose of the game "chel"
One of the functions of the game is symbolic. So, in the game "slit" the pairs of sticks are required. In this case, pair and singularity have different sign meanings. Paired number of sticks - the player stops the game. That is, pairing means sufficiency, completeness, integrity. An unpaired number of sticks - firstly, the player acquires an additional point (stick), and secondly, he can continue the game. Thus, unpairedness has a meaning - profit, prosperity, as well as incompleteness.
The second function of the game is the development of fine motor skills of the hands, fingers, and their dexterity. In the traditional culture of the Khanty, this was necessary for the development of various types of fishing. (For girls - bead weaving, sewing. For boys - birch bark embossing, carving ornaments on wood, planing.). In addition, the development of fine motor skills in children affects the development of their thinking and cognitive processes in the future.
The third function of the game is to develop a sense of grouping objects and determining their quantity. Sorting playing sticks, on the one hand, into pairs, and on the other hand, one at a time, forms the ability to distinguish between even and odd numbers. When making the so-called “plague”, each player removes the same number of sticks from himself, placing them one by one on the “construction” of the plague. Besides the loser (or losers), others have some remaining sticks. They compare them. Thus, they learn to measure the remainder of an equal quantity and evaluate who has more - less.
Traditional sports games of Khanty children not only develop the child’s mind, but also strengthen him morally and physically, and improve his health.

Catching deer - "Vyarkukota" Boys 10-14 years old play in the deer pen in winter. The number of players is not limited. For the game, a deer is selected from the herd. Each player holds a lasso in his hands. One of the players holds the deer by the horns with his hands, the other players surround him at a distance of 15-20 m. The player holding the deer releases it, and it begins to run between the players, who try to catch it with a lasso throw. The player who catches the deer first leads it to the side, releases it from the loop and directs it towards the other players, who are also trying to lasso it. The player who manages to lasso the deer the most times wins.

Deer Wrestling - "Kor Velit" The game is played at a time when the deer's antlers fall off. Participants attach them to their heads with ropes. The two stand against each other, pressing their horns. The opponents' task is to throw each other's horns off their heads. The winner is the player who was able to remove the horns from the majority of players. Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of neck and back muscle strength, dexterity; nurturing perseverance, courage and determination; training in the knowledge and skills necessary for a reindeer herder. In this age period, other traditional means of physical education appeared among Mansi children - original physical exercises, which made it possible to more selectively develop certain physical qualities and teach a variety of motor actions.

Sliding spear - "Nalya" Played only in winter by teenagers and boys aged 10-14 years old, adult men can also participate. The game takes place on a section of road or river covered with fresh snow. Number of players - from 2 to 10 people. For the game, a spear is made from a whole pine tree growing in the lowlands, near the river. The length of the spear is 1.5 m, the diameter at the nose is 2-3 cm, at the tail - 1.5 cm. The nose of the spear is usually rounded. The spear is carefully sanded and cleaned of irregularities. Before the game, it is lowered into the ice hole 2-3 times so that an ice crust forms on its surface. They throw a spear only with mittens. Teams draw two lines across the road at a distance of 30-40 m from one another. The players are located behind their line opposite each other. A player from one of the teams, by lot or agreement, begins to throw a javelin towards the opponents. He faces the line, takes the spear by the middle and, making a small swing back, sends the spear forward so that it falls flat on the snow and slides straight forward towards the enemy. Players of the opposing team must stop the spear at their line by stepping on it with their foot. If they succeed, they throw the javelin in the opposite direction. If they fail to stop the spear, they must retreat back the distance that the spear slid past their line. The opposite team moves forward the same distance. Before the game, the participants discuss in advance the boundaries of the playing area, to which the teams need to advance in order to win the game. The team that manages to oust its opponents abroad wins. Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of arm strength, shoulder girdle, and eye; instilling self-control and self-control; taught the knowledge and skills necessary for a hunter.

"Swan Hunters" - "Tyatpaint" Played in the summer on the way to the place of swan hunting. Young people and adult men participate. The number of players is not limited. Each participant in the game has his own boat (region). The goal of the game is to reach as quickly as possible a particular place where swans usually live. This requires excellent knowledge of the area, strength, agility, endurance, and speed, since the boat sometimes has to be dragged along the sand or carried. They start from one bank of the river or lakes at the same time. After the start, each participant rushes to the goal - a lake, river where swans live. To do this, he must choose the route that is most suitable for him, that is, if he knows how to row an oar well, then he chooses the path where rivers and lakes are most often found; if he can quickly drag the boat along the sand, then he chooses the path where waterless areas are most often found. The player who achieves the goal the fastest wins.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of endurance and dexterity; instilling self-control and independence; training in hunting knowledge and skills.

Archery for accuracy - "Pyavsukohoma" Boys aged 10-14 years play near houses in the summer. Each player has a bow and arrows. The length of the bow is 1.5 m, the diameter is 3 cm. In addition, arrows are made 60 cm long and 1 cm thick. At the end of the arrow there is a thickening in the shape of a cylinder with a diameter of 3 cm. For the game, choose a tree with a lush crown (pine, cedar). One of the players, by agreement, shoots an arrow so that it gets stuck in the branches of a tree. This makes her a target. Then the next player tries to knock the target arrow off the branches with his arrow. If he fails to do this and his arrow gets stuck in the branches, it also becomes a target for the players. The third player tries to shoot down two arrows, etc. The player who manages to shoot down at least one arrow receives one in addition to the existing ones. It should be noted that players try to hit the nub at the end of the arrow, otherwise it may break; however, this is not prohibited by the rules. The winner is the player who manages to be the first to shoot down all the stuck arrows.

Pole vaulting - "Pyam nyatmash hamulkama" Boys from 9 to 12 years old play on the river bank, on the sand. Number of players - 5-10 people. For the game, poles up to 2 m long and 5-6 cm in diameter are made from spruce, birch, and pine. They are carefully cleaned of branches and irregularities. In addition, a line is drawn in the sand from which jumps are made. The player places the pole on the line and grasps the top of it with his right hand. With his left hand, the player grabs the pole 50 - 60 cm below. Then he steps back from the line by 1.5-2 m, tilts the pole at an angle of 50 - 60° so that the upper end of the pole rests on his shoulder and, pushing off the ground with both feet, pulls himself up on the pole with the help of his hands. When jumping, the player stretches his legs up, trying to fly as far forward as possible. The length of the jump is measured at the point closest to the starting line. Then the next player jumps, etc. The player who manages to jump the farthest from all other participants in the game wins.

Game with a spinning top - "Konat" Played by children from 5 to 9 years old and adults, who in this way try to put the children to sleep faster. Number of players - 2-3 people. Play on the floor or on a table. To play, a disk with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a thickness of 1.5-2 cm is made from any wood. A hole with a diameter of 5-10 mm is drilled in the center of the disk. In addition, a stick is made 12 cm long and 5-10 mm in diameter. The ends of the stick are sharpened. Then the stick is inserted into the central hole of the disk so that the lower part of the stick is 1.5-2 cm long and the upper part is 10 cm long. One of the elders spins the spinning top so that the illusion appears that it stands still, and at the same time says: “Konat! Konut!” ("Sleep sleep!").

Game option. They can rotate the spinning top by turning it upside down, i.e. it should rotate on the long part of the stick. But this is much more difficult to do.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of hand mobility and precision of movements; cultivating endurance and patience.

"Triple Jump" - "Hamunlukhma" The competition takes place in the summer on flat areas. Participants are boys 10-14 years old and often adults. The number of participants is not limited. Before the start of the competition, a line is drawn in the sand from which jumps are performed. The first player stands as close to the line as possible without stepping on it. Feet should be together, toes pointing forward. By bending his knees and moving his arms back, the player jumps forward by quickly straightening his legs at the knees and simultaneously swinging his arms forward and up. After this, he should land on one leg and, immediately pushing off with it and bringing the knee of the other leg forward, land on both legs. He then pushes off with both feet and jumps one last time to land on two feet. After this, one of the participants draws a line at the place of his landing (at the last point of contact relative to the place of repulsion). Then the rest of the participants jump one by one. The participant who manages to jump the farthest wins.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of jumping ability, leg strength, dexterity, and coordination of movements; nurturing perseverance, courage and determination.

Throwing a lasso at the noses of the sleds - "Kanu pyimana vyalkulolkma"

Boys from 5 to 7 years old compete in winter. The number of participants is not limited. Sleds (6-7 pieces) are installed at a distance of 1 m from each other in one row. Arcana are also required for the game. One of the participants in the competition throws a lasso from a pre-drawn line, trying to capture the bows of the sled with the loop of the lasso. If a player captures both noses of the sled with a loop, he then gets 1 point, if the nose closest to himself gets 2 points. If he manages to get to the far nose of the sled, he earns 3 points. Then the other participants take turns performing the throws. The player who manages to score the most points wins.

Game option. Participants throw lassos for a bet, trying to land on the bows of the second and third sleds.

Pedagogical significance of the exercise: the exercise contributed to the development of arm strength, spinal flexibility, and dexterity; nurturing perseverance and courage.

Throwing a lasso on a trochee - "Vyalkulolkma" Boys aged 7-13 years old and adults compete in the winter. They arrive at the camp, unharness the reindeer and begin to compete. Number of participants not Participants in the competition take turns standing sideways to the chorea so that the leg closest to the chorea is at a distance of 50 cm from it. Players unwind only the required length of the lasso for throwing onto the top of the trochee; They press the remaining part to the ground with the foot closest to the chorea. Then, by throwing their hand from below over the side, they throw the lasso upward so that it catches in a loop on the top of the trochee or covers the top of the trochee.

Game options: 1. The participant throws lassos in three attempts. 2. Participants throw until they hit, i.e. if a participant misses, he continues to throw until he hits. 3. All participants simultaneously stand sideways to the chorea in a circle at a distance of 50 cm from it and alternately perform throws. The winner is the participant who most accurately throws the lasso at the target. For the competition, a trochee is stuck into the snow. Each participant has a lasso. traditional Mansi culture competition

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of neck and back muscle strength, dexterity; nurturing perseverance, courage and determination; training in the knowledge and skills necessary for a reindeer herder.

Ranged archery - "Lukitena naitulahama"

Boys and adult men. For the competition, a bow is made from the butt part of pine or cedar, elliptical in shape, 1.5 m long, 3 cm in diameter. The bowstring is made from deer sinew or nylon thread. Arrows are made from the same wood. The length of the arrow is 70 cm, the circumference is 1 cm. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 60-100 m and alternately shoot arrows forward and upward towards the opponent. If the arrow does not reach the participant standing opposite, he approaches the fallen arrow, and the shooter who fired the arrow retreats this distance back. The participant who picked up the arrow shoots it towards the opponent, trying to force him to retreat back, etc. The winner is the one who manages to push the opponent to a greater distance.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of dexterity, precision of movement, eye; nurturing perseverance and determination.

Competition in making a fisherman's lock - "Chetyakha" The competition is held in the summer on a flat area. Boys and adult men participate. Number of participants - 4 people. For the competition, a log 1.5 m long and 50 cm in diameter is specially selected and divided into four parts. In addition, each participant has an axe, a wedge and a log on which the bars for locking will be made. At the judge’s command, all participants begin to split their parts of the log into slats - “stings”. To do this, you need to know the structure of the log (south or north side of the trunk, etc.); In addition, a well-sharpened ax is required. The winner is the participant who produces “stings” for fishing constipation faster and with better quality.

Game option. More players participate in the game. The winner is the participant in the competition who pinned the most “stings” with less waste.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of strength in the legs, arms, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements; nurturing perseverance.

Baba" - "Techan" Teenagers 14-15 years old and adults play in the summer in forest clearings near their homes. The number of participants is not limited. For the competition, so-called "babas" are made in advance - beaters of various shapes (usually from birch, cedar). "Baba" consists of a handle and a block. The weight of the "baba" is from 10 to 30 kg. They also make stakes 1 m long, 10-15 cm in diameter, which are sharpened at the end. The participant takes the "baba", lightly hammers the stake into the ground; then, at the judge's command, he begins to drive the stake into the ground until the very end. The judge counts the number of blows it took for the participant to drive the stake into the ground. Then the next player enters the fight, etc. The winner is the one who manages to drive the stake in the least number of blows .

Game option. Two teams compete. First, notches are made on the stakes at a certain height, to which the stakes must be driven. Two players simultaneously hammer the stakes, the next pair of players pulls them out of the ground, then the next player enters the fight, etc. The winner is the one who manages to hammer the stake in fewer hits.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of strength, dexterity, endurance; fostering independence and initiative; training in the knowledge and skills of a reindeer herder and fisher.

Game with rings - “Kusan yuh” Boys and girls played this game in the forest in the clearings in the summer. 6-8 people took part in the game. For the game, 5-6 rings with a diameter of 15 cm and a stick (stake) 90 cm long, 2-3 cm thick were made from the branches of the talnik, approximately 1 cm thick, for which dead wood branches were used. Each player drove a stake into himself at a distance of 2-3 m from the throwing line. The players stood at the line opposite their stakes, holding all the rings in their hands, and tried to throw them one by one onto the stakes. The one who threw the most rings on his stake became the winner and was considered the most accurate and dexterous player.

Pedagogical significance of the game: the game contributed to the development of the eye, throwing accuracy, and dexterity; cultivating endurance and perseverance.

Disc game - "Korki menru sanram"

They usually played in a pine forest. For the game, discs with a diameter of 16 to 30 cm and a thickness of 1.5-2 cm were cut out of wood (preferably young pine). Before the game, a platform 2 m wide, 10-15 m long was cleared, and a line was drawn on the ground from which Then throws were made. The player stood in front of the line and alternately threw the disc so that it rolled forward as far as possible. Marks were made at the place where the disk fell (a branch, a pebble, etc.). The player whose disc rolled further won.