Children's doctor Gleb Sergeevich Pugach. Instructive poems - poems about nutrition, about food for children. Verse Yulia eats poorly read

Very often children do not want and do not like to eat - read these wonderful poems together for them to lift their mood and appetite!
Instructive poems - poems about nutrition, about food for children

About a girl who didn't eat well
Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.
-Eat an egg, Yulechka!
-I don’t want to, mommy!
-Eat a sandwich with sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.
-What's wrong with you, Yulechka?
-Nothing, mommy!
-Take a sip, granddaughter.
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
-I can’t, grandma! –
Mom and grandmother are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Does Yulia have no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats -
And the beast and the bird,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
The sparrows are pecking the grain,
Wherever they can get it,
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruits.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having dinner in the hole.
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.
The clever Swift catches a midge.
Cheese and lard
Mouse loves...
The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!
S. Mikhalkov

I put it
I, of course,
Helped her:
Into the dough
A handful of
poured it out
A jar
I'm a pie
To the glory!..

But there is it
Could not.
Roman Sef

Song of Kuzka's brownie
If you put cottage cheese inside,
it turns out to be a pie.
If they put it on top,
They call it cheesecake.
So and so good!
So and so delicious!
V. Berestov

Dali in kindergarten.
And in a glass
In plain sight -
And below,
And at the wall
Give me my strainer!
Give me my drinking bowl!
I won't walk
I will not play,
I'll stay sitting here
And look at the foam.
And everything is re-
and re-
E. Moshkovskaya

Weird mathematician
Lived in Germany.
He's bread and sausage
Accidentally folded it.
Then the result
He put it in his mouth.
That's how man
Invented the Sandwich.
Genrikh Sapgir

Mouse in a green circle
I cooked millet porridge.
There are a dozen kids
Waiting for dinner.
Everyone got a spoonful -
Not a speck was left.
from Czech folk poetry

Breakfast recipe
If you have mom for breakfast
So tasteless sour cottage cheese
Under the pretext that it is useful,
Will try to serve
You say: “What are you mom!
It's just not relevant.
Gotta make it appetizing
We'll tell you how.

A pile of plain cottage cheese
Put a little sour cream
To make the cottage cheese softer
And more pleasant to the tongue.
Feel free to add to that mass
You are raisins, coconut shavings,
A little vanilla
And don't forget the cinnamon.
Now mix everything
And put it on a bun,
What is cut into pieces
About a finger thick.
Bake everything in the oven
And in 5 minutes we will get
Crunchy and tender
A delicacy for children.
That's when we have an appetite
Crispy curd cheese
And more than once supplements
We’ll manage to ask.”
Kira Kononovich

Pasta lunch
Make-believe pasta
were called "pasta".
rolled along the path.
A big army has gathered
collect pasta:
Mouse, Cat, dog Timoshka,
fly Nyushka,
Chernushka beetle and some kind of frog.
Yes, but to the Mouse, yes, but to the Cat,
Yes, but stupid Timoshka, Mushka Nyushka
And Chernushka (Just like someone else's frog)
They don't need pasta, they find pasta funny
And to taste, and to hear, and to touch, and to smell!
The cat only loves lard.
The mouse eats quite a bit.
Timoshka the dog loves soup.
Mushkin's taste is quite rough.
Morning, afternoon and evening
Chernushka beetle eats bark.
“Well, why,” asked Mushka, “
What does a frog eat?
And the frog answered her:
- Come for lunch!
And went to her swamp,
Closing the gate behind you.

By berry
Nikla to the ground,
Frozen from the heat,
Hid behind the pine needles...
Well, I won’t be lazy:
I'll bend down low.
That's where the touchy ones are!
Not alone! A lot of them!
For a silk belt
Tied a tuesok
From white birch bark
For ripe berries.
Berries for you, my friend,
The pie will be sweet.
L. Korchagina

Pot-bellied teapot
I love the pot-bellied teapot!
He's busy with hot business
He whistles his song
And the lid rattles!
Puff-puff, cheerful delicious steam
It flies out of the teapot like a ball,
And sometimes from the nose
Sticks out like a question mark.
The pot-bellied teapot is famous
In any season,
Especially when it's worth
Bad weather.
Then jam or honey
Mom gets it in no time
And two big buns
For a little party!
I smile from ear to ear
And my kettle is rattling,
Laughs like an ant
It tickles him to tears!
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Dispels boredom and sadness.
He's with honey, he's with jam,
In a wonderful mood!
And the teapot dances on the table,
Feasting with us
And I sing in its warmth
a song for mom about the teapot:
"The pot-bellied teapot is famous
In any season,
Especially when it's worth
Bad weather.
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Dispels boredom and sadness.
He's with honey, he's with jam,
In a wonderful mood!

What is a sandwich?
What is a sandwich?
This is ON
And this is UNDER.

What goes on top-ON?
Butter, fish, ham,
Cucumber, caviar and cheese,
And a piece of sausage...
The bread is placed from below, UNDER-
and the burger comes out!
A. Usachev

Sad sausages
On Lariska's plate
two sausages are bored -
sad sausages
Lariska doesn't like it.
If only there were sausages
give it to the dog bowl
they would be there in sadness
You wouldn't be bored for long.
Tim Sobakin

Friends, it's hard for me to breathe,
The last hour has come...
Damn apple pie!
He finished me off.

I ate too many sardines
And custard rings...
Let this little banana
It will sweeten the end for me.

Alas, the earth will not last long
I still have to live!..
Friends, salad Olivier
Is it possible to put it on?

Don't cry, my dears,
There's no need for tears here!..
That's a piece of pudding
And a slice of ham...

Farewell! The light in my eyes has gone out,
And life has expired.
Eh, finally now
eat one more time!..
S. Milligan (translated by G. Kruzhkov)
Chocolate Train
Very tasty and elegant
The chocolate train was rushing by.
Along the carriages
The inscription went-
All the cars in it
There were pure chocolate,
And the carriage benches
There were cancerous necks.
He rushed like the wind,
But unfortunately
Vez is sweet.
These terrible sweet tooths
All carriages
And then they couldn’t resist
The locomotive with the chimney was eaten
And of course, halfway
They had to walk.
Roman Sef

Who is more likely to finish his drink?
Mom a cup of milk
Masha poured it.
“Meow,” the pussy says, “
Here I come!”
Pussy in a bowl
It's more fun to drink together.
Come on,
Who will finish drinking sooner?
Who's not a bit
Won't it spill?
S. Kaputikyan

If the stove bakes,
If it’s a cut, then it’s a cut,
If it’s buckwheat, then does it buckwheat?
No, no
She is growing!..
If you collect buckwheat
And put it in a pot,
If buckwheat is water
Fill from the river,
And then,
And then
Cook for a long time in the oven,
It will turn out to be ours
Favorite porridge!
I. Maznin

Once upon a time there lived a funny Bobik
In the booth.
Ate for breakfast
For lunch
He eat
And for dinner -
He's a fragrant sausage
Gave it to a neighbor
And when he walked
On a visit,
Brought it under my arm
G. Novitskaya

Why did lunch disappear?
-Cook, cook,
Where's lunch?
- I don’t have lunch!
There was lunch, but from him
There's nothing left!
I remember it was for lunch
one hundred eleven cutlets,
One hundred and eleven cakes-
Custard and all kinds.
And three buckets of compote
It was brewed in the morning.
In that cauldron
there were potatoes
And in another -
There was okroshka
And there was cottage cheese in the pan.
I tried a little
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Another piece
And then-
I also tasted
Afterwards I sat down and had lunch,
I looked - there was no lunch!
I don’t know where lunch is!
V. Orlov

I love dumplings
I'm making dumplings
I love dumplings
I like it with cottage cheese, with strawberries,
With meat, with cherries, with blueberries,
With blackberries and cloudberries,
But most powerfully - With potatoes!

Oh, dumplings with potatoes
They swim sideways in boiling water,
Deliciously waving scallops,
They smell like fried onions!

From the pan ajar
The king of dumplings with his retinue
»My queen
He's afraid here
I'm ready and worried - Where's the gravy or sauce?

Get into the pan with a spoon
There are dumplings with potatoes,
Curly curled!

How will we get it out of there?
How to put them on a plate - The whole city, the whole world
Coming to us for lunch:

Isn't it yours, isn't it yours
In golden onions, in oil
White-faced dumpling king
Did you purr with the queen?

Well, of course! Fly in
For dumplings with potatoes,
Dip in onion sauce
All dumplings with potatoes!

I'm making dumplings -
I will feed everyone in the world!
Come with a fork, with a spoon
For dumplings with potatoes!
Y. Moritz

I'm learning a poem
And quietly eat the jam.
Spoon, spoon, spoon again.
Just a little bit until the end!
Chocolate, marmalade,
How sweet it is to learn!
I learned a poem
I would learn it
But at the buffet, unfortunately,
There's nothing left!
V. Orlov
Masha and porridge
Good girl.
Her name is Masha!
And this is-
her plate.
And in this plate...
No, not porridge,
No, not porridge,
And you guessed right!
Masha village,
Ate porridge-
How much they gave!
E. Moshkovskaya

Semolina porridge recipe
Boil the milk
Add salt, sugar,
Stir everything easily
Season with semolina slowly,
Stirring vigorously,
Cool, but not too much
And tied a bib,
Porridge can be given to children.
Igor Konkov

Naked potatoes
Raw potatoes are walking along the path:
jacket potatoes, potatoes in stockings,
potatoes in a shirt, potatoes in boots,
potatoes in tights, potatoes in socks,
potatoes in earflaps, potatoes in a robe,
potatoes in a sheepskin coat, potatoes in shorts,
potatoes in a green coat on cotton wool,
potato in a sweatshirt with a flower in her hair.
They walk and see - walking along the path
towards the potatoes completely naked,
completely without a shirt, completely without clothes,
another potato, like eating naked.
He walks without everything, is afraid of nothing,
no pompom hat, no plaid trousers.
And he doesn’t even want to cover himself with a scarf,
as if he doesn’t see that people are around!
He goes without a scarf, without fear of catching a cold,
without leather shoes, without warm galoshes...
- What impudence! What shamelessness!
Look what the youth have come to!
The potato laughs: - Come on, stop it!
There is no need to be shy, what does shame have to do with it?
I came out of the bathhouse here for a walk,
catch your breath a little, cool down a little.
I cooked for a long time in a wide pan,
I rubbed both my legs and my back,
and so I washed myself, and sweetly clean
I'm going to the boy Yura for lunch!

Vinaigrette and borscht
Was in a hurry for lunch
The vinaigrette…
Tried so hard
I was in such a hurry
what's in the pan
dropped into boiling water - the vinaigrette was cooked!

Here's a big spoon-
try it a little.
Boiled vinaigrette,
chilled with sour cream...
That's the same!
Tim Sobakin

Masha and porridge
- I won’t eat this porridge! -
Masha screamed at dinner.
“And rightly so,” thought the porridge, “
Good girl Masha!"

White refined sugar,
Strong refined sugar
- I'm very hard
- I give the diamond -
Friend and brother.

But one evening
He met
With boiling water.
And melted
Hard sugar
In liquid tea with milk.
Roman Sef

Cabbage soup - cabbage soup
I peel vegetables for cabbage soup,
How many vegetables do you need?
Three potatoes
Two carrots
One and a half heads of onion,
Yes, a parsley root,
Yes, cabbage cob.
Make room, cabbage,
You're making the pot thick!
Once! Two! Three!
The fire is lit.
Get out!

Bought two bagels
Little Ira
Every bagel
There was a hole
Irochka will eat two bagels with milk
And let the holes lie there for later.
S. Kogan

Oh yeah soup!
Deep - not shallow,
Ships in saucers:
onion head,
red carrot,
And a little grains.
Here the boat is sailing,
Swims right into your mouth!
Irina Tokmakova

-Where did the spoon come from?
- She appeared from a teaspoon,
who ate oatmeal and grew up
per tablespoon!
- Where did the fork come from?
- And the fork appeared from huge forks,
who didn't like oatmeal and
turned into a small fork...
Tim Sobakin

So, so...
Lunch is being cooked on the stove,
Auntie makes an agreement with us:
-So, like this: rinse the noodles
I'll ask you, children.
Chop potatoes into soup
And - cook a little.
Give this fish to your pussy.
Add sugar to compote
And please clean up
Throw it in the garbage disposal.
And remove the bones from the soup
And throw it in the dog's bowl.
Well guys, I'm off...

Here I am! Well how are you?
We report to aunt
About the work done?
-So, it’s like this: the noodles have been washed,
Cleanings crumbled into soup
And - cooked a little,
Sugar was poured into potatoes
The bones were thrown into the compote,
Fish - into the garbage chute.
-Where are you taking your pussy?
-Over there, in the dog bowl...
-My heart is bursting!..
This aunt is talking.
A. Shibaev

There are no more amazing words in the world,
than these-
jacket potatoes.
I imagine:
potatoes with gloves!
covered with dazzling gold!
With a sword,
With Spurs,
in dress boots
bypasses the troops
commander Potato.
EYES - his eyes,
My head is round,
On a forged helmet
Sultan of the tops.
N. Cordo

Delicious flour
Flour is pouring out
Over the edge of the bag.
Will become a test-
The kettle is cramped.
Put it in the oven
Bake pies,
The smell is like this...
Full without pies.
And you swallow a piece -
You want more.
V. Stepanov

See other topics in this section here -

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without knowing shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.


Conversation with children on a literary work

Reading fiction: Sergey Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, with children of the 1st junior group


To develop in children the ability to listen to new poems, to follow the development of the plot in the work; Explain to children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions.

Progress of the lesson:

Kids, today we talked a lot about health, about how important it is to eat well and eat vitamins. And now I want to read you the poem “About a girl who ate poorly.” The teacher shows the children an illustration and reads a poem.

"About a girl who didn't eat well"

Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mommy!
- Eat a sandwich with sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth.
- Soup?
- No...
- Cutlet?
- No... -
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.
- What’s wrong with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Take a sip, girl,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, mommy!
Mom and grandma are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!
A pediatrician appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Does Yulia have no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats - both animals and birds,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
The sparrows are pecking the grain,
Wherever they can get it,
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruits.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having dinner in the hole.
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.
The clever Swift catches a midge.
Swiss cheese
Loves Mouse...
The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!

Kids, what was the name of the girl in the poem? Did Julia behave well? What did she do wrong? Who spoke sternly to her? Who did they tell her about? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers, corrects and supplements them, generalizes, draws a conclusion)

You know, guys, in order to be healthy, you need to not only eat well, but also walk, because while walking we harden ourselves, it’s especially useful to harden ourselves in the summer.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Educational area " Speech development". Age group second junior. literature used: Gerbova "Speech Development"....

Organizing a conversation with children to familiarize themselves with an artistic painting.

This material will help preschool teachers educational institutions, competently and consistently build a conversation with children to familiarize themselves with an artistic painting....

Dear children and their parents! Here you can read " Verse: Julia doesn't eat well »as well as other best works on the page Poems by Sergei Mikhalkov. In our children's library you will find a collection of wonderful literary works of Russian and foreign writers, as well as different peoples of the world. Our collection is constantly updated with new material. The online children's library will become a faithful assistant for children of any age and will introduce young readers to different genres of literature. We wish you pleasant reading!

Verse Yulia eats poorly read

Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.

Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mommy!
- Eat a sandwich with sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth.

- No...
- Cutlet?
- No... -
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.

What's wrong with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!

Take a sip, girl,
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, mommy!

Mom and grandma are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!

A pediatrician appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.

He looks sternly and angrily:
- Does Yulia have no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick!

And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats - both animals and birds,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.

With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
The sparrows are pecking the grain,
Wherever they can get it,
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruits.

Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having dinner in the hole.
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.

The clever Swift catches a midge.
Swiss cheese
Loves Mouse...

The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!