Dialogue in English in a store - how to buy clothes, food and souvenirs. Samples of dialogues “Seller-buyer Dialogue between seller and buyer

Situation: a potential buyer enters a store. The seller's task is to start a dialogue. It is important to understand that not all buyers just want to “look” - a considerable part of potential buyers have completely decided on their goal, they know for sure that they are ready to buy something. They don’t always know what exactly to buy, but they are ready to buy. And dialogue with the seller is necessary for such buyers.

The buyer is not always ready to start a dialogue himself, and in order not to miss the sale, it is important for the seller to start a dialogue with the buyer. And for this purpose, we offer a simple idea that will help establish contact with the buyer.

The idea is simple. As a rule, the store always has products on sale that provide additional benefits. Or there is a product about which you can tell a little more than just listing the characteristics. For example, particularly popular models or models whose advertisements are often shown on TV.

So, why not direct the client’s attention to these product models? A simple phrase like:

“And we have such and such a model for sale...”

You can find a reason to contact the buyer. And it doesn’t matter whether your counterpart will be interested in this particular product or not, the only important thing is that you took the first step. Next, the buyer will either start asking about the product you described. Or he’ll ask about the option he’s looking for in your windows.

There is also the option that the visitor will voice the objection “I’m just looking.” But this option is also an option, the main thing is that contact has occurred. You can either start a sale or realize that the visitor is not ready to buy.

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Book collapse on Pushkinskaya Street... Surely it is familiar to every reading Rostovite. A lot of people come here different people in search of books, and you have to listen to everything. Since I have been working here for quite a long time, I have accumulated a whole collection of “charms” associated with communication between buyers and sellers. All dialogues and statements are not fictitious, but scrupulously and maliciously copied directly from life. So... JOKES OF OUR COLLAPSE - What do they give? - Decameron. - And this is better than krimml AND on the? - I don’t know, I didn’t drink. (Anecdote from the 70s of the XX century). *** A man taxis into our stall before opening, although it’s clear that we haven’t started working yet, and confidently walks through the rows. I put on my “polite complexion” and head towards him. The following is a conversation between two idiots: - Hello, what did you want? (Meaning “how can I serve?”. So far everything is like in a decent store) - A book. (I wonder what you can find here besides books? Potatoes?) - Which one? He is amazed at my stupidity. - Well, to read. - They are all here for reading. What section? - The section is not important to me. I need a book. *** Student- philologist: “I need the book Jew Pete.” Seller: “Perhaps “Jew Suess” by Feuchtwanger?” Art.: “No, I have it written down here...” (Opens the notebook and shows). It says: “For the next seminar, read “Evri- (movement to another line) Pitt.” (i.e. Euripides) *** Student: “Do you have Dick and Myron?” Another young man half an hour later asked for the same book, only he called it “Wild Miron”, then followed by “Wild gelding”. The crowning glory of this day was “Tales of Grandfather Miron”, author - Bochkarev. Can you guess what we're talking about? That's right, Boccaccio, "Decameron". Can you guess who the “Old Woman from Israel” is? *** Buyer (Very young man, but with great aplomb): “Do you know your entire range?” Saleswoman (girl about 20): “Well, more or less” Buyer: “Well, how can you work in such a place without knowing everything?! Okay, you have Mark. Yo With? I hope you’ve heard of this?” Saleswoman (trying not to laugh): No, Gabriela Garcia m A there is no rkes today. Buyer (still with aplomb): “And Half-Kulyo?” Saleswoman: “?” 2nd Saleswoman (whispers 1st): “Paolo Cuello.” (Both, unable to contain themselves, laugh) *** With special emphasis: Drayz Yo r, Zheklond ABOUT n (in the sense of Jack London), Ange E face Can you guess who B is? AND ctor Hugo? (Hugo) Is it contagious. After listening to enough in a day, it’s simply boring to name writers correctly. I want to have fun. For example, my assistant asks me how best to arrange the classics. I answer: “Select by authors. Zola - to Zola, Dumas - to Dumas." (Like, “ashes to ashes”) Immediately the languid lady corrects me irritably: “Girl! (It’s nice, damn it, in your “early forties”, they still treat you like that. That’s the plus of working as a salesman). So here it is: Young woman! French surnames don't decline! By the way, you have Map ABOUT piss?" (One semi-intelligent customer pronounced the surname of the classic “Possum”. Well, at least this one had no pretensions to erudition.) *** People often ask if I know what else WROTE Maria Remarque, except for "Three Comrades". Well, people didn’t pay attention to the fact that the first name in the writer’s name is still “Erich.” I answer: “Oh, Mashenka is a wonderful author, she has many novels. And - that’s strange! - all written from a man’s point of view.” *** - Do you have such a writer: Man-Ge? - This is probably something oriental? No, there is no such thing. - And Man-Te? - Also no. - Well, try to remember, maybe it’s lying around somewhere? He also wrote “King Henry’s Young Guard”! (Heinrich Mann, “The Young Years of King Henry IV.” Indeed - Mann G.) *** Pok.: Do you have a book for sleeping? Cont.: I don’t understand what you mean? Pok.: Well, to read and sleep, Cont.: Well, take something abstruse, from philosophy. Another buyer: Yes, take any - for someone like you - any book will be for sleep! (It turned out he needed the Dream Book) *** Honestly, this is not just made-up talk! The following situation is recorded frame by frame and word for word: Two guys and two girls stopped at the counter. One of the girls, a very natural blonde with long legs, eyelashes, and nails, suddenly giggles: “Oh, look, what a funny name: “Moo-moo!” The guys looked at her sympathetically and continued to sort through the books. Then another cover attracts her attention and she reads out the author’s name and title for some reason with great bewilderment: “G ABOUT womb?! Ange E Lika?!” One of the companions, sighing, says to her: “Sveta, get away from the books. You don’t fit in with them!” *** People often misinterpret the title or confuse who wrote which book; this is not very interesting and not particularly funny. One of my friends, hearing something like this, rolls her eyes: “What, people don’t know this?!” This is our classic! Who are they after this?!” We never read notations in such cases. We think like this: teenagers or older people are going to buy a book. This is already a plus. Maybe they will read it and remember it. What, in fact, can be answered to the question: “Do you have Dostoevsky, “Fathers and Sons”? Perhaps the only way is: “No, but we have Pushkin’s War and Peace.” I don’t even correct when they ask “Inspector” Griboyedov. I’m just clarifying what is actually needed - exactly “The Inspector General”, or, after all, “Woe from Wit”. But there are also pearls: Ostrovsky - “Thunder”; Sholokhov - “How we plowed virgin soil.” *** - Do you have “Idiot” in stock? And how much does it cost? - There are a lot of idiots, they walk past on the street for free... *** An interesting, rare book about spiders arrived. After a while, two girls ask: “Do you have a pathology of spiders?” We think: “Not only is “about spiders” a rarity, but someone is also studying their pathology...” We showed them our recent acquisition. No, that's not it. It turns out that they needed a book on medicine called “Pathology”, authored by Paukov. I also laughed: “Doesn’t anyone need the psychology of goats?” This was a very relevant topic for us that day. In the morning they were just telling each other what whose husband had done. A few hours later, they actually asked me “The Psychology of Goats.” Again, as it turned out, one of the books of the psychologist Kozlov. *** From a conversation on a cell phone: “I’m standing in front of the library. Well, next to the hairy book.” (In front of our Public Hall there is a flowerbed in the shape of a book, on it there is a lawn with thick grass) (September 2013) *** - We need the author Kasey Monov. - This is the first time I’ve heard about this. What did he write? - Poems about war. At school they asked. Then it comes to me: Konstantin ( TO.!) Simonov... *** People often throw away the books they have looked at at random and anywhere. Although the sections are signed everywhere. It would seem natural: take the book, look, and put it in the same place. If you forgot where you got it, give it to the seller. No. You approach a box or shelf after such a unfortunate buyer, and there... Mom, don't worry! And do you know who makes the most mess? After the housewives who glance at the “Household Economics” section and snort, “Oh, how sloppy everything is here, all mixed up”... And after the doctors. The “Medicine” section has to be put in order every two hours. And all the same: as soon as I turn away, everything is already upside down and inside out, and the textbook on dentistry is shoved into the “Proctology” section. And you wonder why our healthcare is in such a state... So this announcement was born - a cry from the heart, especially for the “Medicine” section: “Dear doctors and those who consider themselves such! A huge request: put the books you looked at in the same place from where you took them, do not ruin yourself completely in our eyes. After all, what can you think about a specialist who enthusiastically shoves a manual on diseases of the ENT organs into the “Gynecology” section? - That he will try to treat his ears through this very place... And please, do not put any more textbooks on pediatrics in the “Veniovascular Diseases” section. Children, of course, are transmitted sexually, but still...” *** - Disgrace! Why do you sell Tolstoy's stories for 5 rubles per book?! - Because no one bought them for 10. - But how is this possible?! He is priceless. Selling it for less than 50 is just an insult! - Well, take it if you're so worried. - For what? I don't need it! - You see, you don’t need it even for 5, who will buy it for 50? - But this is Tolstoy! A lion!! *** Middle aged customer: - Girl, advise me what to take. - And what would you like? - Well, something like that... - Love story? - No, what are you talking about, I don’t read such nonsense. Classics or something vital... - Please give an example of what you consider vital. - Well, I recently read “Jane Eyre”... (Well yes, it's very life classics... love story). *** - What do you have interesting here? - What do you think is that? - Well I do not know. To your taste. - Tastes may not coincide. Let's say I'm interested in theoretical phonetics German language. (It was a lie, of course, I couldn’t stand it. And I passed it with a cheat sheet). - Show me where she is. The most interesting thing is that he bought it. Out of principle, or what? *** - I need the writer Solozhenin, the story “Visiting Pavel Ivanovich.” (Whoever guesses what is meant will receive a smiley face) *** How READING titles while holding the book in your hands: - Oh, look, what an interesting fairy tale: “The Network of Underground Kingdoms” (“Seven Underground Kings” by A. Volkov). Apparently the buyer is too carried away with network marketing? Or World Wide Web? - Girl, tell me, is the interesting novel “Viktor Brazhenov”? ("Viscount de Bragelonne") *** Sometimes buyers make puzzles in the spirit of the Rostov club of connoisseurs “The Name of the Rose”: “I need the novel “Duel” by the author who wrote about a red stone bracelet” (This refers to “Duel” and “Garnet Bracelet” by Kuprin) Remember how in tape "By family circumstances“: “I’m jealous, like the one who didn’t have a snack after the first one, only in another film”? Recently they asked for the adventure novel “Metal Face”. It turned out to be the Iron Mask. *** And “I’ll hide under the wallpaper”? Can you guess if I clarify that the author is the grandson and son of popular Soviet artists? (“Bury me behind the plinth” by Sanaev). Against this background, “Satan on Parade” is somehow not even so funny (“The Devil Wears PRADA”). *** - Do you have a poem “Death of the Soul”? - Who is the author? - Pushkin! - I don’t remember him having one. - No, no, exactly, Pushkin! Through additional investigation, it was found that there were minor inaccuracies in the introduction: not “shower AND ", and "d U shi”, not “death”, but “dead”, therefore, not Alexander Sergeevich, but Nikolai Vasilyevich. But one word was still correct: this is a poem! ********** I collected all this, remembered and wrote it down - Maria Leshchenko, with which each buyer will be able to communicate at the bookstore near the Don State Public Library on Pushkinskaya Street.

One of the richest world-famous entrepreneurs, the founder of the global chain of home goods stores IKEA - Ingvar Kamprad - once said: "If you don't win a person's sympathy,you can’t sell him anything.”

To understand how to do it, you need to know how NOT to do it.

Try this experiment...

Go shopping, check out 10 boutiques and see what the salesperson is doing when you walk in. His subsequent reaction. What does he ask and... very important... facial expression :).

More often than not, the seller who is supposed to serve the buyer is usually dissatisfied. He talks on his mobile phone, solves crossword puzzles, plays games on his mobile, and does some other things.

Even if all this does not happen, he usually does not establish contact with anyone. Fine. We’ve sorted out a little bit about “how not to do it”, now let’s look at “how to do it”.

4 Golden Rules for Building Relationships with Potential Buyers

#1. “You are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind”

Remember this saying? And, unfortunately, or fortunately, it is true.

Here, it is important for you to at least make your salespeople smile and say “Good afternoon.” This is already enough for the first step. Yes, just smile and say “Good afternoon,” thereby expressing a positive attitude towards the person who came in.

No need to rush, no need to follow the buyer. One phrase and one smile to each person entering is enough.

I described in more detail how a smile helps increase sales.

Therefore I will not go deeper. So, the first contact with the client has been established. What to do next?

#2. “The first word is more valuable than the second”

Visitors do not always like to be “helped.” Every person has their own thoughts on this matter. However, your new visitor needs to be addressed somehow. Establish further contact, do something to help him with something.

And as a rule, this is where sellers make the main mistake...

They ask the dumbest and most common questions:

  • What are we looking for?
  • How can I help you?
  • Should I give you some advice?
  • Looking for something specific?

What phrases should you not say?

What is the most likely answer to the question “What are we looking for?” – “Nothing, I’m just looking” or “Clothes”, that’s obvious. The same thing will happen if the question “How can I help you?” is asked. Questions like these will not lead to increased sales.

#3. Well-worded questions increase conversions

Use this effective remedy at any stage of the sale. Speak open phrases. Questions such as:

  • Is this your first time with us?
  • If you need help, please contact us.
  • Which color do you like best?
  • Which style do you like best?
  • Would you like to choose light or fluffy?

It is necessary to say phrases that do not repel, but bring together. They actually work much better. Ask questions that prompt your potential buyer to engage in dialogue.

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Why ask the right questions?

When a person comes to your store for the first time, he still has no trust - neither in you, nor in the seller, nor in the prices, nor in the product.

You and your salespeople need to remove fears and get as close to the customer as possible. Therefore, you need to ask the right questions. Which bring people together, not push them away. Questions, after which there will be a further logical continuation of the conversation, directed in the right direction.

And it is very advisable to write your own “Sales Script” for the work of sellers.

#4. Consultative sales

You must clearly understand: the seller must become the buyer’s assistant, thereby moving from simple sales for “consultative sales”.

  • This is great.
  • It's trending.
  • It's not like everyone else.

The seller must advise the client and do it correctly so that it is pleasant to come to your store, again and again.

When you start working through the 4 rules yourself, monitor the reaction of your visitors. Notice positive and negative changes. Test all options and build your own individual system of human relationships.

I am often asked:

“Valery, do you have a ready-made sales script? How to buy it?

I always answer that ready-made scripts work extremely poorly. Although I know that there are consultants who sell scripts, I do not recommend buying ready-made ones.

You need to write your own sales script. For each store, product and specificity.

For example, we do this personally with each store owner. Writing a script takes 4 lessons, with analysis and explanation.

Perhaps in one of the articles I will share the structure of writing scripts. But that is another story…

While abroad, every tourist will definitely buy something, and in this situation it is necessary to know what vocabulary a dialogue in English in a store will require. Let's look at what questions we will need to ask when buying clothes, groceries, souvenirs, etc.

Buying clothes

When buying clothes, the following dialogue may arise between you, the buyer (customer, client), and the seller (shop-assistant or simply assistant).

Assistant: Good morning, how can I help you?

Client: Yes, please, how much is that dress?

A: It costs 25 dollars.

C: Can I try it on?

A: Sure, what size are you?

C: Unfortunately, I don’t know.

A: Ok, don’t worry, we have this model in all sizes. You can try a size 39. The changing room is behind you.

Salesman: Good morning, can I help you?

Client: Yes please, how much is this dress?

P: It costs 25 dollars.

K: Can I try it on?

P: Sure, what size do you wear?

K: Unfortunately, I don’t know.

P: Okay, don't worry, we have all sizes of this model. You can try on size 39. The fitting room is behind you.

When the clothes don't fit, you can ask for a different size.

— The sleeves are too long, I need a smaller size. – The sleeves are very long, I need a smaller size.

— This dress is too short. Do you have it in a bigger size? - This dress is too short. Do you have ones of a bigger size?

When something suits you you can say:

- It fits me perfectly. I will take it. - It suits me perfectly. I will take him.

- It suits me very well. I'm buying it. – It suits me very well. I'm buying it.

Vocabulary from dialogue

  • To cost - cost.
  • To try on (to put on) - try on (put on).
  • Changing room - fitting room.
  • Sleeves - sleeves.
  • Perfectly - excellent.
  • To suit - to suit (about clothes).
  • To buy - buy.


There are also situations when you need to return a purchased item.

C: I would like to return this dress, please.

A: Do you have the receipt?

C: Yes. Here you are.

A: Ok. Would you like to choose something else instead of this dress?

C: No, thank you. Can I have a refund please?

A: Yes, sure. Give me your receipt please and the dress and I will give you your money.

K: I would like to return this dress, please.

P: Do you have a receipt?

K: Yes, here it is.

P: Okay. Would you like to choose something else instead of this dress?

K: No, thanks. Can I get my money back?

P: Yes, of course. Please give me the check and the dress, and I will give you your money.

Here are a few useful words from this dialogue.

  • To return - return.
  • Receipt - check, receipt.
  • To choose - to choose.
  • Instead - instead.
  • Refund – return (of money).

Buying food

When shopping for food, you will need to know certain food-related words.

Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I would like a bottle of grape juice and some oranges.

A: How many oranges do you want?

C: A kilo, please. And also give me please 2 bars of chocolate, 1 packet of spaghetti and 1 loaf of bread.

A: Anything else?

C: Yes, and a few pieces of this cheese. That's all.

A: Ok, the total sum is...

C: Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot pop-corn.

A: Yes, how many bags do you want?

C: 2 bags, please. Thank you.

Seller: Good morning. How can I help you?

Client: Yes, I would like a bottle of grape juice and oranges please.

P: How many oranges do you need?

K: A kilogram, please. Also give me 2 bars of chocolate, 1 package of spaghetti and a loaf of bread.

P: Anything else?

K: Yes, and a few pieces of this cheese. This is all.

P: Okay, the total amount...

K: Oh, sorry, I forgot the popcorn.

P: How many packages do you need?

K: 2 bags please. Thank you.

At the grocery store - in the grocery store

Please note: when using the indefinite article a/an, you mean one name for something. Also, do not forget that uncountable nouns, such as sugar, milk, tea, are used with the word much (How much sugar do you want?), and countable nouns with many (How many apples would you like?).

Vocabulary from dialogue

  • Bottle - bottle.
  • Grape - grapes.
  • Juice - juice.
  • Orange - orange.
  • Loaf of bread - a loaf of bread.
  • Chocolate bar – chocolate bar.
  • Packet – packaging.
  • Spaghetti - spaghetti.
  • Cheese - cheese.
  • Total sum – total amount.
  • Bag – bag, pouch, package.

Buying souvenirs

Read the following phrases and expressions that you can use when buying souvenirs.

I see that souvenirs vary a lot in price here, I need to shop around. – I see that souvenirs vary greatly in price here, you need to ask the price.

I need to buy some trinkets for friends and colleges. – I need to buy keychains for friends and colleagues.

What is it made of? -What is this made of?

How much does it cost? - How much does it cost?

Is this material fragile? – Is this material fragile?

I need a charm which attracts good luck and prevents diseases. – I need a pendant that attracts good luck and prevents illness.

I want to buy a love amulet. – I want to buy a love amulet.

Remember these words:

  • Shop around - shop around, shop around.
  • Trinket – trinket, keychain.
  • Charm, amulet – pendant, amulet, amulet.
  • To be overpriced - to have an inflated price.
  • Fragile - fragile.
  • To check - check.
  • To attract - to attract.
  • To prevent - to prevent.
  • Disease – illness.

Listen to another dialogue related to choosing clothes for a business meeting:


Hello friends!

In this article I have collected for you examples of English dialogues on the topic “In the store”- both written and audio versions. From them you will learn useful phrases when shopping, how to ask for your clothing or shoe size and find out about product availability.

Read, listen and apply. And if you have questions, ask!

By the way, I have accumulated a lot of useful practical materials on English in the VKontakte group. Join us. Let's get closer! In addition, I regularly post useful posts and stories on Instagram . I'm waiting for you there too!

  • The first dialogue takes place in a clothing store.
- Good afternoon! How can I help you? - Good afternoon! Should I give you some advice?
- Good afternoon. I’m looking for a skirt for a birthday party. - Good afternoon. I'm looking for a birthday skirt.
– Okay, what’s your size? - Okay, what size are you?
– S. — S.
– Do you want it long or short? - Would you like long or short?
- Long. - Long.
– What about this one? It looks very festive. - How about this one? She looks very festive.
– It’s nice but I’d like it to be more puffy. - She’s beautiful, but I’d like her to be curvier.
- I see. We also have this nice blue skirt, which is very puffy. - It's clear. We also have this beautiful blue skirt, very fluffy.
– I love it! Can I try it on, please? - I like! Can I try it on?
– Of course. I'll show you to the fitting room. - Certainly. I'll take you to the fitting room.
  • Conversation between seller and buyer at a hardware store.
- Hello! What are you looking for? - Hello! What are you looking for?
- Hello! I want to buy a tablet for my son. - Hello! I would like to buy a tablet for my son.
– How old is he? - How old is he?
– 11. He mainly needs it to study and play computer games. - 11. He needs it, first of all, for studying and computer games.
- All right. What do you think about this Lenovo tablet? - Fine. What do you think about this tablet from Lenovo?
– It’s a little bit expensive. Is it powerful? — It's a little expensive. Is it powerful?
– Yes. It supports all the newest games and apps, and keeps the battery well. - Yes. It supports all the latest games and apps and has good battery life.
– What about the memory? - What about memory?
– It has 64G of dedicated memory and you can insert a flash-card. - It has 64GB of internal memory and you can insert a flash card.
– OK, I like it. Pack it for me, please. - Ok, I like it. Please pack it.
– Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? - Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card?
– By credit card. - By card.
- Here you go. Thank you for your purchase. - Here, take it. Thank you for your purchase.
- Thank you. Have a nice day! - Thanks, have a nice day.
  • Using this dialogue as an example, you can see a sample of a typical conversation in the grocery department.
– Good morning! - Good morning!
– Good morning! Can I help you? - Good morning! What do you want?
– I would like some bread, please. - I need bread, please.
– White or brown? - White or black?
- White, please. - White Please.
– Anything else? - Anything else?
– Yes, two kilos of tomatoes and 3 kilos of apples. How much is it? — Yes, two kilograms of tomatoes and 3 kilograms of apples. How much is it?
– 8 dollars. How do you want to pay? - 8 dollars. How would you like to pay for that?
– Can I pay with a credit card? - Can I pay by card?
– Sure. Press it here. Here you are. - Certainly. Attach it here. That's all.
- Thank you. Goodbye! - Thank you. Goodbye!
– Bye! - Goodbye!

By the way, I have a whole collection of dialogues for different situations of everyday communication - .

And if you are interested in English for tourists, welcome to !

  • An example of a dialogue between a seller and a buyer at the grocery store.
- Hello sir! - Hello, sir!
- Hello! How can I help you? - Hello! How can I help?
– I would like 400 grams of Parma ham, please. — I would like 400 grams of Parma ham, please.
– Do you want me to slice it for you? — Do you want me to cut it into slices?
– Yes, please. - Yes please.
– Here you are. Would you like anything else? - Here you go. Want something else?
- No, thank you. How much is it? - No thanks. How much does it cost?
– 11 pounds, please. — 11 pounds, please.
- Here you go. Thank you. - Take it. Thank you.
– Thank you! Have a nice day. - Thank you! Have a good day.
  • The next conversation takes place in a shoe store.
– Good evening! - Good evening!
– Good evening! I’m looking for a new pair of sports shoes. - Good evening! I'm looking for a new pair of sports shoes.
– What is your size? - What is your size?
– 39. – 39.
– What kind of shoes are you looking for? - What type of shoes are you looking for?
– I need a new pair of snickers for jogging. — I need new running shoes.
– New Balance by Nike is our most popular model. Do you want to try it on? — New Balance from Nike is our most popular model. Would you like to try it on?
– Which colors do you have? - What colors do you have?
– White, pink and green. — White, pink and green.
– Okay, I’d like to try pink. - Okay, I would like to try on the pink ones.
– How is it? - Well, how?
– It’s a little bit too tight. - It’s a little tight.
– Do you want to try a bigger size? — Do you want to try on a larger size?
– Yes, please. - Yes please.
– Are these ones better? - Are these better?
– Yes, I like them. They look super nice. - Yes, I like them. They look very good.
– Okay, please go to the cash desk. - Okay, please go to the checkout.
– All right, thank you for your help. - Okay, thank you for your help.
    I recommend! You will acquire a lot of practical skills in English on the Puzzle English website.
  • Dialogue at the spice store.
- Good afternoon! Do you have soy sauce? - Good afternoon! Do you have soy sauce?
– Yes, what kind of soy sauce do you need? We have classical, for sushi and spicy one. — Yes, what kind of soy sauce are you looking for? We have classic, sushi and spicy.
– Classical will do, thank you. How much is it? - Classic will do, thank you. What is the price?
– 5 dollars, please. Would you like anything else? — 5 dollars, please. Would you like anything else?
– Yes, 15 grams of chili powder, 15 grams of black pepper and 3 limes, please. And cherry tomatoes, half a kilo. - Yes, 15 grams of chili powder, 15 grams of black pepper and three limes, please. And half a kilo of cherry tomatoes.
- Here you go. 10 dollars, please. - Here, take it. 10 dollars please.
- Here, take it. Thank you. - Hold it. Thank you.
– Thank you! Have a nice day! - Thank you! Have a good day!

Phrases from these dialogues can be used not only during your visit to the store in foreign country, but also in other situations of everyday communication.

Enjoy it for your health! And if you liked it, be sure to share it with others - social media buttons below.

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