Ecological “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” in a new way. Script by role. Scenario for an environmental fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" Staging an environmental fairy tale in a new way

Speech on the topic “Ecology”.

Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood in a new way"

Characters: presenter, mother, Little Red Riding Hood, merman, goblin, Baba Yaga, forester wolf, daisy girls, hooligans.

Picture No. 1 .Music sounds.

Presenter: A girl lives in a fairyland,

Dancing merrily and singing songs.

Everyone loves her and is waiting for her.

They call her Little Red Riding Hood.

She lives here with her mother

Always helps her.

Sit back, viewer.

And look carefully:

This is a saying, not a fairy tale,

The fairy tale will be ahead.

This is not a simple tale,

The same fairy tale - Forest,

Look and understand:

What is the secret here - look! And then give your answer:

What is possible in it and what is not!

Music No. 2 sounds (Scenery: room, table, telephone)Kr.Sh enters.

Little Red Riding Hood : They bought me red fabric

And they made a wonderful cap.

Little Red Riding Hood

They started calling from the same day.The phone rings

Little Red Riding Hood:

Yes, hello, hello!

Who do you want? Whom? Whom?

Of course, I’ll tell you everything,

Goodbye to you too(hangs up) . Little Red Riding Hood's mother enters

Mother : Who called us now, baby? My sweet candy!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Doctor Aibolit called,

He talked about grandma

She has blood pressure

Need treatment.

Mother: You should visit grandma

Take the pies to her.

Here's raspberry jam-

It's better than medicine!

Now get ready,

Go on your way to grandma.

Be careful, look for the Secrets of the Forest ahead.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, how interesting mom is

Mother : Instructive, useful.

Picture No. 2.

Music No. 4 sounds (birds singing, noise of the forest)Kr.Sh enters

Little Red Riding Hood: The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,

Butterflies around woke up

The grass and flowers woke up,

There is so much beauty everywhere!Music is playing.

Presenter : Here comes the little girl...

The forest is dense, a river flows.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, it's hot, the sun is shining!

Oh, there’s a river flowing here!

I'll go swimming now

And wash your face with water!

What a wonderful river?

So transparent, deep!

And it sparkles in the sun,

What lurks inside her? (water outlet)

Water :

Why did you come here?

Can't find any more space?

Little Red Riding Hood :

Who are you, who are you, don't shout

Can you really explain it to me?

What happened to you?

Who did you harm!


Ugliness! Haven't you read fairy tales, girl? I am a merman! And now, they have spoiled the river, I am the Multi-Colored Waterman! I washed my dress in this water, you see who I look like. And the river is slowly dying. Its living water becomes “dead” - no one can drink it, no one can swim.

Little Red Riding Hood : Who did it?


People live on the planetMoms, dads and their children.People will throw a piece of paper,The river has become dirty...

Little Red Riding Hood : How can I help you?


People, there is no need to litter the planet,She gives us life.There is only one planet like this in the whole world,Let's save her.

Little Red Riding Hood : I understand, we need to call the guys and we will clean the river.

Water : Thank you kind girl, I will wait for you.

Little Red Riding Hood : Rule 1. You can’t litter in the forest!

Picture No. 3.

Presenter :The dense forest is getting denser and denser,

The wind howls louder.Music. Forest Glade. The daisy girls come out.

Little Red Riding Hood:

How nice it is to relax

I should look at the flowers!

Oh, maybe they'll be torn off,

Pinch the petals!

1 chamomile:

What you! What you! We are alive!

We are like sisters!

2 chamomile :

How wonderful and wonderful!

And we are not growing in vain.

1 chamomile:

Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow.
Water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp.

2 chamomile : So that the flowers bloom in the forest,

All spring and summer

We won't collect

There are large bouquets of them.

Little Red Riding Hood : Understood. Rule 2. You cannot pick armfuls of flowers.

Picture No. 4.

Everything runs along the path.Music: the exit of the woman - the yaga and the goblin.

Goblin : What is this noise in my forest?

We won’t understand what happened!

Who broke everything here?

Scattered and torn?

Baba Yaga : Everything in the forest is so wounded, like after the days of war.

There is no surviving spruce or pine here.

A birch tree was stabbed by a knife,

It seems to me that her tears are flowing from under the bark

Little Red Riding Hood : Hello, dear forest inhabitants.

What's your problem?

Goblin : The birds fell silent in the meadows

The grasshopper does not crack,

The little squirrel won't even blink

He sleeps more and more quietly.

Baba Yaga : Our planet is still alive,

But without protection she will die!

If you want the world to turn green,

Don't destroy birch and maple trees!

Little Red Riding Hood : Rule 3. You cannot break tree branches or damage the bark.

Leshy: My friend, when you enter the forest,

Alone or with a crowd,

Whether you are with or without a backpack -

The law is simple for everyone:

If you want to listen to the sound of the forest,

So shut up and don't shout,

There are plenty of animals and birds around,

There is no reason to scare them.

Little Red Riding Hood : Rule 4. You cannot destroy the houses of animals and birds.

Baba Yaga: Looks like someone is coming. Let's hide.

Picture No. 5.

1st tourist :

Today we came for a walk, fortunately the forest is just around the corner! We bought everything: Food, matches, lemonade!

2nd tourist:

Fresh air will whet our healthy appetite. And bags, jars, bottles... The forest is big, it can accommodate everything! The forest is no one’s!

In chorus: Nobody's!

1st tourist:

Let's settle down quickly! They won’t interfere with us here: Burn and pour, chop and hit!

2nd tourist:

There is no trash can! Bring it to the bushes! We are on first terms with nature!

1st tourist :

Let's bury the cans in the ground, scatter the trash to the birds! Throw all the bottles into the river - Let the parcels float into the sea!

2nd tourist:

We are kings! Be silent, Nature! Everything here is ours - forest and water!

(They turn on loud music, dance, throw garbage.)

Little Red Riding Hood : What have you done? Shame on you?

1 tourist : Shut up little one. We are the masters of nature.

2 tourist : We do what we want.

Baba Yaga: For such behavior. It is my decision to judge you.

1 tourist : We are not afraid of you at all. There are no fairy tales. Baba Yaga and Leshego do not exist.

Picture No. 6.

Music. The forest ranger wolf comes out.

Wolf . I hear something is not right somewhere.

Help is needed here.

The forester knows the routine

His work is important.

Little Red Riding Hood: Sorry, you're a wolf. But my grandmother told me something different about you. Miracles.

Baba Yaga : Dear forester, help us.

Wolf : Oh, come on, forest dwellers come out. (all the heroes come out) Let's teach the tourists how to behave in the forest. Branches were broken, a fire was lit, animals were offended, garbage was scattered. It hurts nature.

What if we hurt you?

2tourist :We didn’t know, sorry!

1 chamomile : We throw it, then we drop it

On the road, on the grass.

We'll all drown in trash

If there is garbage in your head.

2 chamomile : So that animals don’t get sick,

They drank water without fear.

It is necessary that they do not dare anywhere

Spoil the earth from birth.

Together : Nature must be protected and loved. After all, the forest is our life!

1 bully : We won't do it anymore. Forgive us.

2 bully : We will also learn to protect nature and take care of animals, birds and fish.

Little Red Riding Hood : And will you clear the river of garbage?

Hooligans : Let's clean it up.

Presenter: Like a roof over the groundBlue skies.And under the blue roofRivers, mountains and forests.Together you and I are responsibleFor wonderful accommodation.Because on the planetEverything is yours and everything is mine.And fluffy snowflakes,And the river and the clouds,And paths and blades of grass,And water from the spring.

Song: 1. There is nothing better in the world,How to save the planet from destruction.The beloved forest will be fresh and green -We will share this joy with you.2. Take care of all living things nearbyAnd look at everything with a master's eye.Even small children know:There must be order on the planet.3. Let the water always flow in the river,May the birds always sing above us.And we ourselves will help Nature,We will multiply this joy with you. (To the tune of the song from The Bremen Muses.)

Little Red Riding Hood: Now let’s go have tea with my grandmother with raspberry jam. I have so much to tell her. She'll be surprised.

Characters: little red riding hood, wolf, hare, blue berets, flowers, animals.

The soundtrack plays - the song of Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf sits and listens.

Wolf: No way, Little Red Riding Hood has come to us again. How time flies. It seems like recently I was younger and lived in a beautiful forest with beautiful animals. And I heard this song from such a beautiful little girl, whose name was Little Red Riding Hood. Surely this is my nostalgia for the past or a hallucination? But it really seems like the song about Little Red Riding Hood has come to us again? A lot of time has passed since I saw her. And how I began to dislike people! It became scary to live with them. No matter where you go, there are traces of their activities. Here you go, I injured my leg with a bottle, there is paper and garbage all around. No education, no culture, no knowledge! Life became simply scary.

Hare: Who are you afraid of, wolf? And why are you scared?

Wolf: That's why I'm afraid of the red caps. Remember how the little red riding hoods used to be, well-mannered and smart. I really wanted to eat it. It happened that you swallowed it as a joke, the hunters would immediately operate on you, and you would refuse such food for a long time. But it’s disgusting to look at today’s people, not what they are. Look what they were like before. I'll just concentrate now.

(The wolf claps its paws, 3 times.)

So, red riding hoods, I ask you to come to the forest podium. Music is playing. Exit of the Red Riding Hoods.

Wolf comments. This little red riding hood number 1 knows a lot about flowers. She knows how to care for them, and how many flowers she has in her garden! But look at the red riding hood number two. This animal lover. She dances beautifully under number three. She can do any dance. Number four is the owner of the most beautiful voice. Under the fifth is a real poetess. She composes herself and knows a lot of poetry. Number six is ​​Little Red Riding Hood, who became a doctor after I swallowed her. All the big smart girls love to look at them. So sometimes I couldn’t hold back and swallowed it. Well, the hunters always helped them out. This is my nature - I love everything beautiful, well-mannered people. (The wolf says goodbye. The Red Riding Hoods leave the stage to the music.)

I haven't seen anyone like that lately. And now... There really are a lot of people in the forest. Previously, in order to see a person, wow, how many kilometers you had to run! Now look, there are traces of their activities everywhere (shakes a garbage bag, shows bottles). And this is all the work of the crown of nature!

Hare: And who is the “crown” of nature?

Wolf: Who - who, man! Their behavior is disgusting to watch.

Hare: It's disgusting, wolf, disgusting.

Wolf: And now the modern one has appeared, easy in sight.

Hare: who is this, wolf?

Wolf: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood, you won’t recognize it, but she’s not alone. Look how many people came with her.

(Little Red Riding Hood arrives, plump and well-fed. . Accompanied by guards - blue berets.)

Little Red Riding Hood: I can’t believe my eyes! What a luck! Are you a wolf? Still sick. Do your teeth and legs already hurt?

Wolf: As you see!

Little Red Riding Hood: Are you going to intrigue me again? Are you thinking of profiting from me and grandma again? Those eyes are so furious!

Hare: And you won’t be recognized directly.

Wolf: What happened to you? She was a small, slender, polite girl. And now it’s disgusting to watch.

Wolf: Yes, she probably smokes, she has become advanced, as they say. Not only is it disgusting to watch, it's disgusting to eat. They have polluted nature and do not spare themselves.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why are you cackling?

Wolf: The chickens cluck, and we howl.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, howl, and I’m going to grandma. Don’t you dare detain and ask where grandma lives and how to get there.

Wolf: And I already know what to ask.

Little Red Riding Hood: So what do you want to eat? You see how much security I have. Cousins ​​in headdress. They are called blue berets. These are all my bodyguards. They'll deal with you quickly.

Wolf: And I’m still scratching my head, who did you come with? This is something new. You no longer take hunters with you, but guards? And I don't need you. You better save your grandmother. And I would generally hide far away from you. Otherwise, soon I and all the animals will stretch our legs with you. They even gave an advertisement with a hare: “We are looking for an environmentally friendly planet without people.”

Hare: And we'll leave you here. Let's see what you will do without us!?

Little Red Riding Hood: That means I'm bad! All people are bad, but you are good!? And you yourself swear, mock, why?

Wolf: Then you are poisoning yourself and us too. All because of you, patients!

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, you've had enough of a wolf. Look how healthy they all are! Hey, blue berets, come on, show your strength. (Break dancing, gymnastic exercises.) Well, what do you say to this now?

Wolf: There is strength, no need for intelligence. How are you doing with your intellect and studies? It's not very visible. Judging by your grocery basket that you are carrying to your grandmother, things are not going well!

Little Red Riding Hood: How is this not good!?

Wolf: And like this. Watch what you eat. Here you go, hare. What do you think this is?

Little Red Riding Hood: So what?! Bush legs, cheeseburgers.

Hare: Exactly. Cheeseburgers, hamburgers, hot dogs, cola. I would never eat or drink. One poison. You eat the poison yourself and poison us. Vegetables are full of nitrates

Wolf: Products...whatever they have. Complete additives: preservatives, cholesterol, dyes, modified products.

Little Red Riding Hood: Stop lecturing us. Look, we found a smart guy, we ourselves know how to live.

Hare: If they had known, they wouldn’t have brought the poison to grandma.

Wolf: OK. Go where you were going. Yes, be careful in the forest, beware of grandma.

Little Red Riding Hood: And who should I be afraid of? I'm not afraid of my grandmother. Moreover, you see what kind of bodyguards I have, I saw it myself. They'll deal with everyone in no time.

Wolf: Why the bodyguards? You have to save your grandmother. She needs to call doctors, not bodyguards. She's gone wild on her own, and you're supplying poisoned food. To eat this you need to be in excellent health. If you don’t believe me, go check it quickly, and I’ll come right after.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, we've already been through this. I know, you’ll come, eat grandma, then me, it won’t work.

Wolf: You stupid hat. I didn't do well at school.

Hare: Well, shall we go, wolf?

At grandma's house.

Grandmother is sitting. A knock is heard. The knocking intensifies, developing into drumming and the wail of a siren.

Grandmother: Why are you drumming, you're not deaf! Who are they? (Looks at, studies the basket, touches, smells.) Oh, no way my granddaughter brought me some pies?!

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, grandma, are you really a grandma, or maybe a wolf?

Grandmother: Yes, grandma, me, grandma.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why do you have such big hands?

Grandmother: And this is to hug you tighter.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why do you have such big ears?

Grandmother: And this is to hear you better.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

Grandmother: And this is to see you better.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why do you have such big teeth?

Grandmother: And this is to eat you. (throws himself at his granddaughter)

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, yes, it's a wolf.

A wolf appears.

Wolf: You see, you can’t tell your own grandmother from me anymore. What has your food brought her to - environmentally dirty. Call 03.

(They call on their cell phone, doctors arrive. They treat the grandmother. Everyone is healthy.)

Doctors: And we will heal you, the wolf, and you, your grandmother, and your granddaughter at the same time. And most importantly, we will force you to study. To know everything about everything you need to read a lot and study at 5.

Hare: What did I tell everyone? Everyone needs to be treated: both people and nature, so that there is order in everything - both in minds and in hearts. So that everything becomes the same: the grandmother is a sweet old lady, the granddaughter is a sweet girl, the security is smart, educated and strong.

Guards: Eat being healthy, smart and strong.

Wolf: And the hare and I became healthy and agile. People would become healthy both inside and out. After all, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. And in a healthy forest there is a healthy animal. And the whole planet will become beautiful and healthy. And again we will all have a good time living there! Thanks to our doctors. They cured everyone, including me, the wolf. Look, Little Red Riding Hood has changed her image. In some ways she became similar to Malvina, but remained faithful to her Little Red Riding Hood.

Our old tale has a new twist. There is a lot of truth in it, so to speak. Where is fiction, where is reality, you all understand what we want to say. We are all for a healthy lifestyle. Of course, health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.



On stage - Repka. It is huge in size, with giant tops. Only the tops are visible; the Turnip itself is hidden from the audience by a cape. Music from the film “The Godfather” is playing.

FIRST VOICE. What do you say, Antonio?
SECOND VOICE. Bad news, Don Corleone.
FIRST VOICE. Tell me in order.
SECOND VOICE. We did everything we could... But they dug under it. They dug like crazy. They used poison and burned out her entire surroundings. They prepared the soil for a long time... In the end, they planted it. They hilled it all summer... and they achieved their goal. Now she is a natural vegetable.
FIRST VOICE. What do you suggest?
SECOND VOICE. We have to get her out, Don! If we don't get it out ourselves, they will remove it. We have to hurry, Don! September is just around the corner!

Dedka comes on stage. He looks around, then approaches Repka and pulls off his cape. He looks at Turnip from all sides in surprise.

These are the times... And these are the two!..
What kind of palm tops? (Touches the tops).
It needs to be dried for the winter.
Useful for firewood.

He spits on his hands, rubs them, then grabs Repkin’s tops. He tries to pull, but he can't. Speaks during action.

But, darling, let’s go!
What kind of business is this?
Was it the glue that was spilled there?
Perhaps it has sprouted like nails!

Shouts backstage:

Grandma, come on over here!
Join my ranks!
What did you water the turnip with?
Apart from raw water?

Grandma comes on stage. She is of impressive size in width and barely waddles across the stage.

Well, why are you bothering again?
Just to cause a scandal.

He speaks to the audience.

Doesn't let you look, even if you crack it,
My favorite serial.

Turns to Dedka.

I watered as best I could,
Removed all nitrates.
Look how healthy she is
Just like a church dome.

There you are, grandma, don’t mumble.
Oh, come on, help me!
Cling to me tighter
And - pull it all the way!

Grandma reluctantly grabs hold of Dedka and tries to pull with him, but is unsuccessful and ends up falling on her butt.

Wow, thunderstorm breaks me!
Grandfather, hit the brakes.
I'm not Volochkova,
Wider - thirty-three times!

Eating is not a tricky craft!
So you got blown away.
And I would be like Nastasya,
Everything is transparent, like glass.
You'd rather be on a pole
She twirled the fuete.
And in the middle of the night I stopped
Crack those hamburgers!

Volochkova always
She wasn't at all bad.
She's just growing taller
That overseas food.

Grandma, don't apply the brake!
And stop with fast food.
Look, go on a diet:
So that there is only tea on the menu.

GRANDMOTHER (again tries to get up and help Dedka, but only tears his jacket).
Oh, I can't cope!

GRANDFATHER (looks at the torn clothes with sadness).
In rags - my lapserdak...
Apparently we'll need help
Call your granddaughter, if so...

Don't scare me, child!

The Granddaughter comes on stage - skinny, exhausted, dissatisfied.

What, a struggle for the harvest?
How my ancestors got me
At least go to the capital!
Here I am definitely out of work.
There are no relatives, neither souls nor bodies.
Disco with accordion –
The most terrible chaos.

GRANDFATHER (grabs the top of the tree again, waves his hand to the others. Grandmother clings to Grandfather, Granddaughter reluctantly clings to Grandmother).
Come on, girls, air into your chest!
They dragged it somehow!

They try to pull Turnip, but Grandma falls again, and Granddaughter begins to cough.

I don't have enough breath.
At least give me a break.

The whole trio is trying to catch their breath. The granddaughter sings a song.

GRANDDAUGHTER'S SONG (to the tune of "The Daisies Hid")
The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped,
Behind the summer kitchen the burdock has dried up.
Once upon a time, my grandfather and I watched cartoons,
There were Piglet and Winnie the Pooh.
The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.

GRANDFATHER (speaks reproachfully).
What, did you smoke again?

GRANDDAUGHTER (challengingly).

How much harm you do!
Look, the lungs are suffering,
And the environment.
Women, what kind of people are you?
Enta - hamburgers in your mouth,
That - a cigarette, when he wakes up,
He pokes at him endlessly.

Old man, don't poison the air.
Better call Zhuchka.
Just barking idle
With male dogs about love.

Bug and Cat tumble onto the stage - in an embrace, with a staggering gait, with stupid smiles on their faces. They sing: “And we dream about grass, grass near the house!..” The grandmother looks at them dumbfounded, clutching her heart.

Is there something wrong with them? I don't understand.
Doesn't it look like a plague?
Apparently, grandfather, you will have to
Manage yourself.

Zhuchka and Murka sing a song.
SONG Bugs and Murki. (To the tune of “My joy lives”).

My sour cream is lying
In a cold cellar.
No way for that sour cream
Don't roll out your lip.
(Full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script)

GRANDFATHER (also in shock, approaches the Bug and the Cat, makes them “breathe”)
Why such passion?
Come on, open your mouth!

Zhuchka and Murka “breathe” on Dedka. He speaks to the audience in bewilderment.

I hid my stash in the booth...
Has it really spilled?!

MURKA (nods in agreement and continues speaking to the audience).
There's a chemical plant there
It pours waste all year round.
It’s a pity there’s a problem with the snack,
Fish don't live in the river.

Dear friends! Those who are interested in this script can receive its full version if they write to me by email:
[email protected].
The low price is a modest thank you to the author for his work.
The script lasts fifteen minutes. Using this scenario, you can lift the holiday spirit of your viewers!
Sincerely yours, author Evelina Pizhenko


An old man lived with his old woman

With Mother Volga herself.

They lived in a new cottage

Exactly 30 days and 3 nights.

The old man was catching fish with a net.

The old woman went to the market

She sold fish there

And she brought money home.

Once an old man went fishing,

And he put the nets in the river.

And when he began to look at the catch,

It turned out there were jars and bottles.

Another time he set up the nets,

But the catch is just empty bottles.

The old man took 2 packs of dynamite

And he threw them into the river waters,

But I didn’t see any fish here either.

And he returned to the old woman in tears.

Old woman.

You are a fool, you simpleton,

Here, take your mobile phone,

Call the goldfish

And the old man went again to the river,

He began to call the goldfish.

A fish swam to him and asked.

gold fish. What do you want, old man?

Old man.

Listen, lady fish,

Somehow the river has gone crazy today,

Doesn't give the old man my catch.

I wanted to buy a car

Angry goldfish

And she splashed her tail in the water.

Gold fish.

Do you want fish? Well, try it -

For an hour, become a fish too.

Before the old man had time to look back,

At the same moment he turned into a crucian carp,

He found himself in the river waters,

And he decided to swim in the depths.

He didn’t have time to swim even a meter,

I saw nets above me,

Our crucian carp was barely alive,

But the water in the river is not simple,

Polluted, barely alive.

The hour seemed like a year to the old man,

Finally, he was home.

The old woman saw him.

Old woman. Well, did the fish help you?

Old man.

Yes, the gold one helped,

Helped us understand our greed!

Look around - nature is moaning,

She is getting poorer year by year!

We forget to take care of her,

We kill animals all around,

We are polluting water bodies.

Old woman.

Forgive me if you can, nature!

We will correct our mistakes,

Let's ask the fish for forgiveness.

And we will become her friends,

And we will accomplish a miracle ourselves.

Old man, old woman and goldfish.

After all, you don’t have to be a wizard at all,

To protect and love our native land.

Did you know that all living organisms need water? A healthy person drinks about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water, and a watermelon contains even more water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.

Where does the water come from to the taps?

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere:

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

It curls like a silver ribbon.

Your stove is sizzling,

The steam of the kettle is boiling.

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice it.

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always.

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you,

We cannot live without water.

N. Ryzhova

How should you save water?

According to statistics, fresh water makes up less than 3% of all water on Earth.

There is probably no person who would not like to relax by the water, by the river, by the lake, by the pond.

So, you have come to visit nature, on the shore of your beloved Kamyshinka. What for?

You never know why you came to visit nature. But don't forget, you are a guest. You are in someone else's house, which has many of its own residents and rules. What are these rules?

Don't shout, don't talk loudly, don't play loud music.

Don't stir the water.

Don't scare away the frogs.

Don't pick the water lilies.

Do not break tree branches on the river bank.

Don't leave trash behind after your vacation.

There are good words that are worth listening to: “You have come to visit nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.”

IV. Bottom line.

What interesting things did you learn from the oral journal?

What do you remember?

What will you tell your parents about at home?

To whom and for what do you want to say “thank you”?

What have you learned?

What touched your souls at this holiday?

Ecological fairy tale “Teremok in a new way.”

Prepared by a teacher from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1" of the Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Basharatyan Natalia Grigorievna.

Description: Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a scenario for a leisure event dedicated to Ecology Day.

Ecological fairy tales teach children to see natural processes in an entertaining way. Preschool children are most interested in fairy tales about animals. In the process of communicating with nature, the child learns to show a careful and caring attitude towards the animal and plant world. This material will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions of secondary groups.


1 Develop children's speech.

2 Form an idea of ​​the relationships in nature.



1. To form in children a general idea of ​​the forest, the river and its inhabitants.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna of their native land.


Foster love and respect for nature and all living things.

Progress of the event.

Before the performance, guests receive tickets for the performance at the box office and enter the hall.

Child cashier:

To all obedient kids

I'll hand out the tickets.

And adults - come over

And take the tickets.


Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things.

And hard work.

They tell you how to live

What to love, what to cherish.

Let's prepare the ears, eyes...

Let's begin our fairy tale.

Buffoons with spoons, rattles and tambourines come out to the Russian folk melody.Read a poem.

1 child:

Hello forest!

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

2nd child:

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

3rd child:

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

4th child:

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see, we are our own. /S.Pogorelsky/

/ They take their seats./


This is a saying, but

The fairy tale will take its course.

On our native land

The forest was thick and dense.

Animals lived in it.

They lived and did not grieve.

And there stood a little mansion -

He is neither short nor tall.

Yes, not a simple little mansion,

And the tower is a stump.

Instead of a roof - a fly agaric,

And there is a wide yard around.

A mouse ran past

I saw Teremochek.

I was surprised - what is behind the tower?

She knocked quietly on the door.


Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


Didn't hear the answer -

Apparently there is no one there.

The mouse entered the little mansion,

I brought cleanliness to it,

Sat down near the little house

And admires the forest.


What a beautiful forest!

There are many different miracles in it!

Round dance of birches /children read a poem/

Scattered across the lawn

A carefree, light flock,

Like teenage girls

White-trunk birch trees.

They joined hands, and so -

The round dance is spinning! /T. Shorygina/

Girls perform a dance with twigs.


There's a frog from behind a hummock

She galloped up to the little house.

He sees a mouse sitting,

The frog tells her.


Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


I am a little mouse. And who are you?


And I'm a frog.

I saw a tower

Yes, I came to the light.


Come to me quickly -

It will be more fun together.


So the frog entered the house,

I swept the yard with a broom.

The two of them are sitting by the tree stump

And the two of them look at the forest.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many different miracles in it!

Aspen /children read a poem/

Where is the swampy swell,

Viscous quagmire

There in all its glory

Aspen reigns.

They lay down at the foot

moss hummocks,

On the quietest day they tremble

Light leaves. /D.Popov/

Children perform the frog dance.


Only suddenly from behind a bush

The bunny is jumping towards the little house.

I scratched my ear with my paw,

He said it very politely.


Hello. Sorry.

Please say: (or surprised and said)

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


I am a little mouse.


I am a frog frog. And who are you?


And I am a running bunny,

Short ponytail, long ears.

I love eating carrots for breakfast.


Come live with us.


The three of us will be friends.


The bunny entered the mansion.

I made an oak table.

Climbed onto the bench

And admires the forest.


How beautiful this forest is!

There are many different miracles in it!

/children read a poem/

1 child

What is a forest?

Pines to the sky

Birches and oaks,

Berries, mushrooms...

2 child

animal paths,

Hills and lowlands

soft grass,

Fuck the owl.

3 child

Silver lily of the valley,

The air is clean, clean

And a spring with live

With spring water. /from the Internet/

Song and dance “How a gnome picked mushrooms.”


A fox came running to them -

Red-tailed beauty.

He sees - it’s worth the tower

And he doesn’t believe his eyes.


How long have I been here?

I didn’t see the little house.

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


I am a little mouse.


I am a frog frog.


I am a runaway bunny.

And who are you?


And I am a fox-sister

She's not tall.


Come live with us.


It's good here - I'm looking.

I'll give you a tablecloth.

And there is a pattern on the tablecloth.

We laid the table with it.


They are sitting at the table

The four of them are looking at the forest.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many different miracles in it.

Self-assembled tablecloth /children read a poem/

1 child

Paints early in the morning

The sun is the edge of heaven,

Self-assembled tablecloth

The forest spreads out.

2 child

Enough treats

He has for everyone:

Sweet roots,

Honey, mushrooms, nuts. /T. Shorygina/

Song "Autumn Gifts" music. and words by Shestakova.


A wolf runs out of the forest.

The wolf became interested

What is behind the tower here?

A wolf knocks on the little house.


Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


I am a little mouse.


I am a frog frog.


I am a runaway bunny.


I am a fox-sister.

And who are you?


And I am a top-gray barrel.


Come live with us.


The wolf entered the mansion,

He put the samovar on the table.

Turned his head

And he looked at the forest.


How beautiful this forest is -

There are many different miracles in it.

/children read a poem/

1 child

Tall trees, grass, bushes...

Without knowing the way, you will get lost.

Be careful in an unfamiliar forest,

Then the way will be found very easily.

2 child

And the forest can also tell you:

Where is north, where is south, it’s not difficult to find out.

It’s good in the forest in summer and in winter,

It’s easier to breathe here, the air is different here.

3 child

You'll walk through the forest in autumn -

You will return home with the gifts of the forest. /from the Internet/

Ditties. /Pthe girls howl./

Once I was wandering through the forest,

And I composed ditties.

I want to sing them to you now,

I love nature.

My friend and I will go to the forest.

Let's pick strawberries.

We'll make jam

To everyone's surprise.

The leaves are falling, spinning,

And they fall under our feet!

We will walk along the leaves,

Let's have a great time!


Five of them live

They drink tea and chew gingerbread.

A bear came out of the forest,

Yes, how he started to roar.


What is this new tower?

He is neither short nor tall.

Come on, I'll come closer

I'll knock on the little house.

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?


I am a little mouse.


I am a frog frog.


I am a runaway bunny.


I am a fox-sister.


I am a top-gray barrel.

And who are you?


And I am a bear.

I came to see the tower.


Come live with us.


The bear climbed into the mansion,

Yes, I couldn’t enter it.


The doors are narrow.

The bear can't get through.


The tower crackled,

He fell on his side.


Your little mansion is too small.

Very low ceiling.


The animals are upset

They say to the bear.


What should we do? What should we do?

The tower cannot be repaired!


I want to offer you

Live in a new mansion.

The forests will be walls,

Instead of a roof there is heaven.

The rug is grass-ant.

Our life will be fun.

Mouse. How beautiful this forest is!

Frog. There are many different miracles in it.

Hare. We won't pollute it.

Fox. Animals and people need it.

Wolf. Everyone will find their home in it.

Together. It's good to be in our native forest!


It's been like this for a long time -

A wild animal lives in the forest!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Take care of your little mansion.

That's the end of the fairy tale!

Whoever understood everything - well done!

In the forest./children read a poem/

1 child

Like a fairy tale book page

The forest opened up, the leaves ringing.

I understand both the beast and the bird,

And they understand me.

2 child

Maybe on animal paths

In the impenetrable depths of the forest

Suddenly a hut on chicken legs

I'll meet you unexpectedly.

3 child

Maybe in this region, inadvertently,

Avoiding the roads

Glisten with a toasted side

Among the tall grass there is a bun.

4 child

And I can’t get lost in the forest,

At least I’m wandering away from people.

Because both animals and birds

They speak their native language. /V.Orlov/

Protect the forest.

5 child

The forest is a kind, huge giant,

Giver of many wonderful miracles.

So show your intelligence and talent,

To protect this fabulous forest! /O.Varnikova/

To the music, the children walk one after another in a circle, wave to the guests, and leave the hall.


In the scenario of the fairy tale, poems by poets S. Pogorelsky, T. Shorygina, D. Popov, V. Orlov, O. Varnikova were used.