Express forum: Concept for supporting the development of teacher education. Concept for the development of teacher education in the Kostroma region. Concept for supporting the development of teacher education

Today, the country's public is discussing the draft Concept for Supporting the Development of Teacher Education. This is the first, very important step in creating an integrated and comprehensive program that is being developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The editors of “AO” invited representatives of universities and post-secondary education institutions implementing teacher training and retraining programs to answer a number of questions.

  1. What is your assessment of the draft document? Is it necessary to refine and clarify some of its provisions?
  2. What measures, in your opinion, will help improve the social status of a teacher and the prestige of his profession in society?
  3. Do you agree with the point of view: not only teaching, but also education should be the goal of a teacher’s work? What moral qualities should a modern teacher have?

- (1) Development of new approaches to the development of teacher education is a timely response to the realities of life.

The concept involves training carriers of new ideology and technology. In essence, these are professional teachers whose worldview becomes a fulcrum and a mechanism for transformation in education. In our opinion, the training of such professionals involves strengthening not only their applied, practical orientation. A teacher who has a culture of thinking and a value-based attitude towards learning as a way of life can create the intellectual potential of society in the person of today's students. Professionalism of this level is formed in the process of mastering fundamental scientific disciplines. The draft concept speaks of broad general humanitarian training for bachelors of the first two years, after completion of which, having chosen a pedagogical specialization, they are sent for long-term practice at school. How realistic is it to expect a qualitatively new ideology and technology from a person who, having left the walls of school, barely entered the space of scientific knowledge, immediately returned to the ideological mainstream of his former school mentors?

- (2) A professional whose work results in the growth of the country’s intellectual potential deserves the highest material reward and public recognition. We need grants aimed at supporting internships, advanced training, and retraining of teachers. Providing their families with housing and social benefits is of great importance for retaining teachers in the regions. I think it is important to return to the glorious Russian tradition - treating education specialists as pedagogical intelligentsia, bearers of culture and enlightenment.

- (3) Society sets a very capacious task for the teacher - to promote the development of the intellect, personality, and worldview of the younger generation. The moral qualities of a professional of this level are undeniably high. A valuable attitude to one’s work, a desire to act for the benefit of society and a bright future for one’s students, optimism - these are some of the touches to the portrait of a real teacher.

- (1) The undoubted advantage of the document under discussion is that it states the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on issues of reforming the teacher education system. We consider the emphasis of pedagogical universities on practical work organized jointly with colleges and schools to be a positive aspect. The authors of the document proposed various options for differentiating bachelor’s and master’s programs, which is also important.

At the same time, a number of positions in the project are not entirely clear. The most important stage of education - preschool childhood - has fallen out of sight. The problems raised as core ones concern only the process of professional training of teachers, but do not affect the formation of the educational space and the very process of supporting the training of teaching staff. The criteria and content of the introduced universal baccalaureate are not fully understood, and the possibility of improving the qualifications of higher education workers themselves is not spelled out.

The draft concept needs comprehensive professional discussion, serious examination and refinement.

- (2) Most of the problems in the education system are not pedagogical, but social in nature. Their practical solution is associated not only with pedagogical innovations, but also with changes in a number of conditions, one of which is increasing the social status of the teacher and his standard of living.

Most teachers emphasize that strengthening their professional status depends not so much on material resources, but on reorienting the information environment towards a positive image of the teacher.

- (3) We are confident that the goal of the work of any teacher at Russian universities is not just to teach students modern innovative technologies, but, first of all, to educate a full-fledged harmonious personality, a patriotic citizen of their country. Therefore, pedagogical universities have a special mission - the formation of a modern pedagogical elite. Society is interested in a new teacher who clearly sees the meaning and purpose of his activities, who is focused on the implementation of the ideas of advanced education, on the creative transformation of himself and his students.

- (1) The draft concept is a timely document. The education system in general and the training of teaching staff in particular have recently undergone significant changes: the transition to a level training system, changes in the list of pedagogical educational programs, modernization of content and teaching technologies. This objectively leads to the need to solve problems along the entire pedagogical front.

However, certain provisions of the concept require further development and clarification. The new law on education defines the special status of teaching staff in society. Consequently, both the system of their preparation and the conditions for the implementation of educational programs must be specific. This also applies to the special status of pedagogical universities. Generally supporting the idea of ​​non-linear learning trajectories, we believe that the basis of the content of high-quality teacher training should be specialized pedagogical programs that involve comprehensive fundamental subject, psychological, pedagogical and information training. It is necessary to emphasize the list of key projects that can act as growth points that ensure real modernization of the content and technologies of teacher education. It is important to comprehensively solve the problems of selecting applicants motivated for teaching work.

- (2) A paradoxical situation has arisen. On the one hand, the teaching profession is positioned as one of the most honorable and responsible. On the other hand, its social attractiveness and prestige have reached extremely low levels over the past twenty years.

The problem should be solved comprehensively - by consolidating the efforts of general education organizations, education management bodies, educational organizations of higher education, regional and municipal executive authorities to select candidates for training in pedagogical specialties and areas of training. It is necessary to implement a system of student support during the period of study at a college or university, provide financial incentives, and provide comprehensive (organizational, methodological, material, housing, etc.) support for young professionals. Only concerted actions will make it possible to solve the problem of “double negative selection” and ensure an influx of competent, proactive, innovative-minded young teachers into educational organizations.

- (3) The educational function of a modern teacher is inseparable from teaching and development. Today, a teacher must be a person, a bearer of moral ideals, an example of kindness, sensitivity, justice, and patriotism. Unfortunately, these essential circumstances are not fully taken into account in the draft concept, which considers teacher education somewhat narrowed - as a service dominated by quality categories, standards of professional activity, and certification. This approach can have a significant negative impact on the quality of teacher training and the results of his teaching work.

- (1) The very fact of the appearance of the draft concept is positive. This indicates the actualization of the problems of teacher education.

The list of problems, the solution of which is the subject of consideration of the document, in our opinion, can be supplemented. In the section “problems of entering the profession” you can add:

  • insufficient and often low level of media coverage of the functions and features of the teaching profession;
  • lack of a support system for teaching dynasties;
  • insufficiency of federal target programs that solve systemic problems in education.

Add to the “preparation problems” section:

  • the absence of complexes of educational institutions, which include a pedagogical institute with postgraduate studies, as well as a school with preschool, primary, secondary and senior levels of education;
  • lack of interaction between students of domestic pedagogical universities and students of foreign universities training teachers.

The section “problems of retention in the profession” should be supplemented with the following items:

  • simplification of the teacher certification procedure (only compliance with the highest qualification category should be assessed by independent experts, all others - by the educational institution itself);
  • federal target programs that address issues of housing for teachers, educational and methodological, material, information, and technical equipment for teaching activities.

- (2) Such measures include the annual holding of congresses of teachers at the federal and regional levels; a ban on a teaching load exceeding the norm of one rate, while maintaining the requirement for a teacher’s salary to be the average for the economy in the region; introduction of teacher school uniforms; implementation of federal target programs “Housing for teachers” and “Teacher’s office”.

- (3) The moral qualities of a modern teacher will undoubtedly be associated with social, political and economic relations in society, which largely influence the development of pedagogy and educational practice. However, there are enduring pedagogical values ​​that should serve as guidelines for everyone who has chosen the teaching profession. This is, first of all, pedagogical optimism, based on a deep belief in the strengths and capabilities of each child, and the professional honor of the teacher.

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The concept of education development is a document that defines the general strategy, main directions, priorities, objectives of state policy in the field of education and mechanisms for their implementation, as a fundamental component of the formation and strengthening of state independence, the progressive development of the country. The concept defines education as a national priority, lays the foundation for the state development of educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a long period and is the basis for introducing changes and additions to legislation, the financing system, the content of education, the structure of the education system, the education management system, personnel and social policies. In accordance with this Concept, an Action Plan for its implementation is being developed. Education, as the sphere most closely related to the formation of a person’s personality, is able to overcome negative trends in the development of society. The key figure in this area was and always remains the teacher - a modern teacher, a competent specialist who owns the entire arsenal of tools, a socially mature, creative person, capable and striving for professional self-improvement. Pedagogical education is a priority link in the entire education system, as it determines the effectiveness of its functioning as a whole and each of its links separately.

Analyzing modern educational concepts, it can be noted that almost all of them highlight the important role of education, as an integral and integral part of the entire educational process; in them, the education of a person and a citizen is, in fact, the main goal of the school. The same goal is reflected in the “Law on Education”, where the very first paragraph states that education is a purposeful process of upbringing and training. Education comes first. However, in practice, this is most often forgotten and substantive successes are put in first place. A school is judged on how it teaches physics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. And very rarely (almost never) she is evaluated by what she gave to children in the spiritual and moral development of what she raised as a person and citizen.

The problem of education, as is known, is the subject of a comprehensive general pedagogical, historical-pedagogical, social-pedagogical analysis, during which the main goals, conditions of education, its mechanisms, etc. are recorded. At the same time, it is clear that modern education is least of all capable of adequately reflecting constantly changing living conditions, and currently offers more questions than it can give specific answers in accordance with certain modern requirements of life.

The very definition of the concept of education plays an important role. An analysis of the concepts of education created in recent years has shown that most of them consider education as a purposeful process of management, formation, and organization of educational influence. At the same time, the emphasis shifts to creating certain conditions for the development and self-development of the personality of the person being educated with the help of specific psychological and pedagogical means. The core of modern school concepts of education is the focus on joint activities, on the collaborative nature of relations between the subjects of the educational process: students and teachers. Although there is quite a wide range in the definition of what is being brought up - qualities, values, spirituality, a system of social roles, morality, focus on success, etc.

From the texts of the concepts it is clear that most authors share the tasks of educating the modern generation in the spirit of active creative work, respecting and harmonizing the interests of society and the individual, developing a person’s spirituality, preserving his physical and moral health, and developing his citizenship. The most general, relevant, dominant provisions of the concepts are the following:

  • - implementation of the ideas of humanization and humanitarization;
  • - creating conditions for the development of human creative abilities;
  • - comprehensive and harmonious development of personality;
  • - socialization of the personality of a citizen of the country;
  • - formation of a viable individuality, humanistically oriented towards society and oneself;
  • - formation of a socially active, resilient personality;
  • - formation of a personality capable of living in a new democratic society;
  • - formation of a harmoniously developed personality, ready and capable of fully fulfilling the system of social roles;
  • - revival of the intellectual, spiritual and creative potential of the nation, education of free citizens with a developed creative attitude to the world, capable of productive transformative activities and life creativity.

A teacher of a new formation is a spiritually developed, creative person with the ability to reflect, professional skills, a pedagogical gift and a desire for something new. Ideally, a teacher should clearly understand the intrinsic value of education, be a “person in culture”, have an excellent knowledge of his own subject, pedagogy and psychology, use student-oriented pedagogical methods and be motivated for the further growth and development of his personality.

A professional teacher must not only be fluent in his subject, but also see the place of each participant in the pedagogical process, be able to organize students’ activities, anticipate their results, correct possible deviations, that is, he must be a competent person. educational concept upbringing teacher

The competence of a teacher depends on the level of formation of three groups of competencies that a teacher of the new formation must possess: methodological (psychological and pedagogical) competencies; general cultural (worldview) competencies; subject-specific competencies.

The professional activity of a teacher is connected with a specific subject area - pedagogical reality. The object of his professional activity is the holistic pedagogical process, therefore, the teacher of the new formation must be able to act in the “person - person” (“teacher - student”) system. It is extremely important for the teacher to understand the role of humanistic relationships in the pedagogical process of an educational institution. The ideological and moral position of the teacher should be reflected in the methodology of his educational work, which requires the presence of certain professional personality qualities that meet the goals of his activity, and a different view of the student, resulting from modern theoretical research - the student from an object of influence should become a subject of activity.

The transition to a 12-year education model requires from a modern teacher an innovative, creative type of thinking, characterized by the creation of an objectively new product and the emergence of new formations in the course of the activity itself.

The creative orientation of pedagogical activity provides that the teacher must:

  • 1) objectively assess your capabilities as a teacher of a new formation, know your weak and strong qualities that are significant for this profession (features of self-regulation, self-esteem, emotional manifestations, communication, didactic abilities, etc.);
  • 2) master the general culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, presentation, attention), the culture of behavior, communication, including pedagogical;
  • 3) be able to navigate the ongoing integration processes, development trends in the global educational space, the essence of which is that modern education is becoming more and more multicultural, implying extensive language training for teachers.


  • 1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”
  • 2. Concept of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015.
  • 3. Angelovski K. Teachers and innovations: A book for teachers: Trans. from Macedon. - M., 1991.
  • 4. Babansky Yu.K. Problems of increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical research: Didactic aspect. - M., 1982.
  • 5. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy: Textbook for universities - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000


1 Concept for supporting the development of teacher education Introduction New requirements for the quality of school education, expressed in the new federal state educational standards, and the approval of a professional teacher standard imply the need for changes in the organization, content and technology and scale of teacher training. The Russian Federation inherited a system of training teachers, built in a regulated labor market, which made it possible to carry out mandatory distribution of graduates, strictly regulate the number of students, and limit the mobility of applicants. The teacher training system has not changed for many years and was based on a network of pedagogical universities and secondary vocational education institutions, relatively evenly distributed geographically. In recent years, the number of pedagogical universities has been declining. Thus, in 2008, training was carried out by 196 universities, including 70 pedagogical ones, in 2012 - 167 universities, including 48 actually pedagogical ones. The plan for admission to study at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for the Education and Pedagogy State University in 2012 was more than 57 thousand budget places, the graduation of specialists with higher pedagogical education in 2012 was 133.1 thousand specialists. The results of the monitoring of the activities of state universities and their branches carried out in 2012 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation showed that 30 out of 42 pedagogical universities (71.43%) and 29 out of 37 their branches (78.38%) were recognized as having signs of

2 ineffectiveness, whereas among medical ones it is 10.26%, and among humanitarian ones it is 42.86%. In general, the results of admission and training in pedagogical areas of training, as well as data on the employment of graduates of the corresponding programs, indicate the existence of “double negative selection”, when not the “best” (in the academic sense) applicants enter pedagogical universities, and not the best ones become teachers. "best" graduates. At the same time, a significant part of graduates who studied in teacher training programs are not employed either in the education system or in the social sphere (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in orientation towards work at school among students of pedagogical universities (in %, 2007) 1. An important role in the current situation is played by the whole complex of contradictions associated not only with obtaining a pedagogical education, but also with the teaching profession as a whole (low prestige teaching profession, lack of career prospects, etc.), therefore, three groups of problems can be distinguished, the solution of which is the subject of consideration of the Concept: 1 V. Sobkin, O. Tkachenko, Student of a pedagogical university: life and professional prospects, RAO, Moscow, 2007

3 problems of entering the profession, which include: low average Unified State Examination score of applicants to pedagogical programs and the lack of possibility of selecting applicants motivated to teach in the specialty and areas of teacher training; low percentage of employment of graduates of pedagogical programs in their specialty in the education system. training problems, which include: unsatisfactory quality of graduate training (outdated methods and technologies, lack of a sufficient number of hours for practice and internship, lack of an activity-based approach in preparing students, lack of connection between the study of academic disciplines and the needs of a real school), poor involvement of students in research activities, poor resource provision of the educational process in pedagogical programs, problems of retention in the profession, which include: lack of forecasting of the needs for teaching staff by region, lack of responsibility of the regions for failure to fulfill the CCP and employment of graduates, low efficiency of mechanisms for attracting the most capable graduates to the position of teacher , the lack of a system of professional support and accompaniment for young teachers, as well as the lack of career prospects for teachers, and the recent increasing delay in leaving school for teachers who actually do not meet modern requirements. The main goal of the program is to improve the quality of teacher training, bring the teacher education system in line with the standards of professional activity of a teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and overcome “double negative selection”. The implementation of the stated goal involves solving a number of priority tasks, namely:

4 improving the quality of education for students receiving pedagogical education by abandoning the linear trajectory of learning and creating conditions for free “entry” into programs and pedagogical training for different categories of students (undergraduate students and graduates, current teachers and specialists in other professions); construction of educational programs of a pedagogical bachelor's degree as a specialization of a “universal bachelor's degree”; changing the content of teacher training programs and teaching technologies in order to ensure the implementation of the new professional standard for teachers and new standards of school education, practical training, strengthening the connection of all components of the training content (subject, psychological, pedagogical, information and technical) with the practical professional tasks of the teacher; saturation of curricula with an extensive system of practices, internships, the possibility of targeted training of teachers not only for different subjects, but also for different categories of schools and students, through the widespread use of school-university partnership mechanisms. Training of personnel for a wide range of teaching activities outside of school and outside the education system; increasing the efficiency of existing pedagogical colleges and universities implementing teacher training programs through the introduction of joint practical training programs for teachers (applied bachelor's degree) based on network interaction between colleges and universities, the development of university master's programs for different categories of applicants wishing to begin or continue professional activities in the system education; development and testing of a system of independent professional certification of teachers who have received pedagogical education in various training programs, in order to provide a system of support for graduates and development of a teacher’s career; Creation

5 social and professional system for assessing the quality of pedagogical programs. In the course of implementing the Concept, a new system of pedagogical training should be created, the key elements of which can be named: 1. Development in all training programs of practical competencies based on the new professional standard, including through practice in partner schools. 2. Applied pedagogical bachelor's degree, as the main model of teacher training, implemented in the network interaction of universities, secondary vocational education organizations and schools, the program of which involves replacing a significant amount of theoretical courses with a practical component. 3. Pedagogical training programs for 3rd and 4th year students of non-pedagogical bachelor's degrees, in non-pedagogical universities, motivated to teach. 4. Universal bachelor's degree (similar to the Liberal Arts bachelor's degree) in pedagogical universities, which involves increased requirements (including for Unified State Examination results) when choosing a pedagogical profile of training. 5. Master's program for training teachers, methodologists and managers, priority admission to budget-funded places for those working in the education system. 6. Practical modular master's program with the possibility of quick entry into the profession for persons who do not have a pedagogical education, with preferential enrollment for those already working in general education. 7. Introduction of a qualification exam based on a new professional standard for teachers, simplifying entry into the profession and allowing assessment of the quality of training. Social and professional accreditation of basic educational programs

6 training of teaching staff based on the results of an independent qualification examination of graduates of such programs. 8. Support for beginning teachers, providing them with professional support and professional development. 9. A system for stimulating the practical work of students in schools: a scheme for remuneration of these students (including by the school) and meaningful management of practice on the part of school and university employees (including the university), which does not lead to an unnecessary deterioration in the performance indicators of these educational institutions. System of financing psychological and pedagogical training (including practice) of students of non-pedagogical universities (including educational authorities and general education institutions. Creation of conditions in educational institutions for organizing internships for students (including remuneration of interns) with the allocation of the necessary financial resources for this. 10. Independent pedagogical activity of student trainees (preparing and conducting lessons) with its recording in the information environment, followed by discussion together with teachers and professors, creation of a digital portfolio of student and student work for use in certification and presentation to the employer. The implementation of the Concept is expected to be carried out in several stages: B. Implementation of pilot projects in universities: development of new models and programs, training of carriers of new ideology and technology. Development of proposals for changing the admission system for pedagogical programs.

7 Development of a new system for distributing admission benchmarks for teacher training, stimulating the transition to new models and programs. Methodological support for the dissemination of new models and technologies. Expansion of new models to the entire system of teacher training in the Russian Federation. It is proposed to include the following activities in the “road map” for the implementation of the Concept: 1. Development and conduct of annual monitoring of the needs of regional and municipal education systems for teaching and management personnel in the field of general education. 2. Development of models of targeted contract training of specialists for regional and municipal education systems with mandatory support for graduates (with increased requirements for the enrollment of applicants) and guaranteed employment. 3. Organization of methodological support for the development and implementation of development programs for pedagogical universities and their branches that have signs of ineffectiveness based on the results of annual monitoring. 4. Development of projects for the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Pedagogical Education, corresponding to the professional standard of a teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, providing the possibility of flexible and variable training trajectories in undergraduate programs (including applied bachelor's degree, universal bachelor's degree), master's degree (including professional master's degree) and postgraduate study. 5. Development of models of flexible multi-level and multi-channel training of teaching staff, including new forms

8 practices, mechanisms of network interaction of organizations of secondary, higher and additional professional education. 6. Development of models of qualification tests (certification) for candidates (including graduates) for work in the field of general education, as well as for the use of the developed models in the certification of teachers. 7. Competitive support for the organization of regional school-university partnerships and other forms of networking between educational organizations that train teaching staff. 8. Development of modern requirements for advanced training and professional retraining programs in teaching specialties in accordance with the professional standard of a teacher. 9. Development of models and programs to support the professional development of teachers during the first three years of work. 10. Implementation of pilot projects in universities: development of new models and programs, training of carriers of new ideology and technology. 11. Conducting annual monitoring of the needs of regional and municipal education systems for teaching and management personnel in the field of general education and the employment results of graduates of pedagogical programs. 12. Development and implementation of a program of grants and methodological support for the best graduates of leading Russian universities who are employed in municipal educational institutions. 13. Conducting additional professional education programs (internships, professional retraining and

9 advanced training) for teaching staff of universities providing training in pedagogical specialties. 14. Implementation of models of targeted contract training of specialists for regional and municipal education systems, with mandatory internship and guaranteed employment. 15. Opening of network flexible programs for accelerated acquisition of subject teacher qualifications, with mandatory practice in a general education organization, for students of non-pedagogical specialties and areas of training. 16. Approbation in the regions of models of qualification tests (certification of qualifications) for candidates for work in the field of general education, as well as for use in certification. 17. Finalization of the teacher’s professional standard, taking into account possible use in the design of educational programs for teacher training, during certification, and reflection in it of possible options for the development of a teaching career in the field of general education. 18. Conducting a competition for pilot sites to test new models and technologies of teacher education. Increasing the funding standard for pilot sites implementing “teaching internship” programs. 19. Conducting annual monitoring of the implementation of pilot projects and supporting the dissemination of best practices in the teacher education system, including the preparation of a report on the state of teacher education. 20. Creation of a new accreditation system for teacher education programs based on the results of pilot projects. 21. Creation of regulatory opportunities for the introduction of additional entrance tests for admission to universities for pedagogical educational programs.

10 22. Implementation of a project for the development of management personnel for the teacher education system. 23. Development of programs for the development of additional pedagogical qualifications during the acquisition of basic pedagogical qualifications (with a possible increase in the duration of training by one year) or during the period of teaching activity (managerial level of the education system, educational psychologists, social educators, teachers for working with persons with disabilities, teachers for working with children with special needs, deviant behavior, teachers of additional and preschool education, etc.). 24. Development of recommendations for including additional payments for a master’s degree in the basic part of the salary of teaching staff, to reduce the workload of a working teacher without reducing pay during master’s and postgraduate studies. 25. Development and introduction of qualification requirements for the minimum level of pedagogical education of teachers: when working with younger children, no lower than a bachelor’s degree; when working with students with special educational needs (psychologists, speech therapists, special education teachers, etc.) no lower than a master’s degree.

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APPENDIX to the minutes of the meeting of the project committee on the main direction of strategic development of the Russian Federation dated 20. PASSPORT of the federal project “Teacher of the Future” 1. Basic provisions

In 2015, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015 ends. It is being replaced by a new one - the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Program), the Concept of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 2765-r. The government customers of the Program are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education (Rosobrnadzor).

The Program proposed for implementation contains a number of complex tasks that act as a cementing basis for consolidating levels and types of education into a single integral building of modern competitive education, which serves as the basis for the formation of personality, human capital as the most important factor in the progressive development of Russian society, state and economy.

At the same time, the goal of the Program is to provide conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at the formation of competitive human potential. Achieving this goal is expected through the implementation of the following tasks:

  • creation and dissemination of structural and technological innovations in vocational education, ensuring high mobility of the modern economy;
  • development of modern mechanisms, content and technologies of general and additional education, including through the implementation of a set of measures to use previously developed and implemented federal state educational standards (FSES);
  • implementation of measures to popularize scientific, educational and creative activities among children and youth, identification of talented youth;
  • creation of infrastructure that provides conditions for education and training for a modern economy;
  • formation of a popular system for assessing the quality of education and educational results.

The Program uses a medium-term 5-year planning period as the most effective. In this case, 2 stages of the Program implementation are expected: 2016-2017 - the first stage, 2018 - 2020 - the second stage. The goal and objectives of the Program will be achieved upon completion of the second stage.

Control and organization of comprehensive monitoring of the implementation of the Program is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In order to involve the public in the management of the Program, a scientific coordination council is being created, which will include scientists and specialists, representatives of the business community, public (including youth) associations, as well as representatives of executive authorities. Interim reports and annual reports on the progress of the Program implementation must be accessible to the public.

The objectives of the Program are achieved through the implementation of appropriate activities.

In particular, to ensure the development of modern mechanisms, content and technologies of general education, the following activities are envisaged.

Implementation of new organizational and economic models and standards in preschool education through the development of a normative and methodological framework and expert and analytical support for its dissemination. The event includes:

  • support for regional programs for the development of preschool education and parental education;
  • introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards for secondary education;
  • creation in each region of conditions for public-private partnership in the field of preschool education (PE);
  • advanced training in new educational programs for 95 percent of teaching staff and managers of educational institutions.

Over the five-year period, the share of regional-municipal preschool education systems in which conditions and mechanisms for public-private partnerships in the field of preschool education have been created should increase from 7 to 100%.

Improving the quality of education in schools with low results and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions, through the implementation of pilot regional projects and dissemination of their results. The event includes:

  • implementation of pilot projects to improve the quality of education;
  • modernization of the regulatory and methodological base;
  • dissemination of best work practices to all regions.

It is expected that the share of regional general education systems in which projects to improve the quality of education in such general education organizations have been successfully implemented should increase from 4 to 60% over 5 years.

Creation of a network of schools, implementing experimental and innovative programs for testing new technologies and content of training and education, through competitive support of school initiatives and network projects. This event includes:

  • creation of at least 200 innovative schools;
  • development and readiness to disseminate a model for using new teaching and educational technologies in schools;
  • support for regional network modernization programs (formation of effective networks) of educational organizations;
  • creation of at least 30 national methodological networks for the dissemination of specific educational technologies.

Modernization of technology and content training in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard by developing concepts for the modernization of specific areas, supporting regional programs for the development of education and supporting network methodological associations. The event includes:

  • implementation of the provisions of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation;
  • creation and implementation of the Concept of modernization of education, updating the content of education in the field of Russian language, foreign language, history, literature and technology;
  • creation of network methodological associations of teachers in the subject areas of mathematics, Russian language, foreign language, history, literature and technology.

Ensuring growth in the quality of teaching staff in schools through competitive support of regional programs and expert and analytical support for such programs. The event includes:

  • introduction in all regions of optimal approaches to effective contracts with managers and teaching staff;
  • implementation of a new standard of professional activity, including mechanisms for certification and professional development of teachers;
  • implementation of pilot projects to attract and retain the best university graduates and talented teachers in schools, highlighting and disseminating best practices.

The share of teachers who have mastered teaching methods using interdisciplinary technologies and implement them in the educational process should increase from 30 to 43% over 5 years.

Involvement of higher and professional education organizations to work with talented children through competitive support for seasonal and correspondence school projects, competitions and olympiads. The event includes:

  • ensuring the annual holding of seasonal schools, all-Russian competitions for talented children by universities and secondary vocational education organizations;
  • ensuring the functioning of national correspondence schools for motivated students.

Popularization of scientific, educational and creative activities among children and youth, identifying talented youth. The following activities are planned to be implemented:

  • development of scientific, technical and innovative creativity of children and youth through competitive support of centers for scientific and technical creativity of youth and dissemination of their experience;
  • implementation of mechanisms for involving youth in active social practice;
  • improving models and mechanisms for organizing children's recreation and health;
  • development and implementation of a set of measures to promote a healthy lifestyle among students.

It is expected that as a result of the implementation of the activities, new content of general (including preschool) education and teaching technologies for general education programs will be formed, as well as methodological and innovative support will be provided for the development of educational systems of preschool education.

It is planned to create a national-regional system of independent monitoring and assessment of the quality of education at all levels, ensuring the creation of new tools and evaluation procedures (including international quality studies), including in general education. A number of measures are envisaged:

  • implementation of pilot projects for the creation of regional quality assessment systems at all levels of general education (including preschool);
  • creation of national monitoring of educational achievements, allowing to assess the quality of education on a regional and national scale in basic disciplines in at least 3 periods of study;
  • modernization of procedures and mechanisms of the unified state examination and state final certification;
  • the formation of mechanisms for involving the public in assessing the quality of general education at all levels;
  • creation of open data systems for the formation of user ratings.

At the same time, the share of subjects of the Russian Federation in which regional systems for assessing the quality of preschool education, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, additional general education programs, in the total number of subjects of the Russian Federation should increase from 10 to 100%, and the share of regional education systems in which assessment tools (based on international ones) have been developed and disseminated for use in order to conduct intraregional and interregional analysis and assess the quality of education - from 1 to 20%.

On issues of general education, it is proposed to include activities and comprehensive projects in the Program on:

  • monitoring the employment of graduates of educational organizations;
  • support of their professional career and the process of their further continuous education (including additional vocational education and non-formal adult education);
  • transition to a system of effective contracts with managers and teaching staff.

The Concept notes that the solution to the tasks set in the Program will be implemented through improving the material and technical base of educational organizations.

The Program pays special attention to the issue of network interaction between all participants in the educational process, as well as educational organizations themselves. When implementing this issue, the role of creating and developing social and professional networks increases, in which experience will be exchanged and educational initiatives will be promoted at the federal, regional, municipal levels, as well as individual educational organizations. The issue of network interaction for the education system was first outlined in Federal Law FZ-273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 15).

The document indicates main risks for the implementation of the Program:

  1. Inefficient use of financial resources, which is especially dangerous in the context of growing government spending on education;
  2. Reduction of previously allocated budget funding for the Program in the process of its implementation. In this case, it will be necessary to restructure the Program, develop and implement mechanisms for suspending changes that have already begun.
  3. Ineffective management of the Program (the risk of ineffective management decisions during the implementation of the Program; the risk of lack of necessary coordination during the implementation of the Program).

It is noted that one of the most important risk reduction factors is timely explanatory work among the population, informing them about the goals, objectives and progress of the Program implementation. It is necessary to conduct sociological measurements and work to form a positive public opinion, involving employers, parents, the media and other interested groups in the management of the education system.

It is expected that the implementation of the Program will create a mechanism for irreversible progressive positive systemic changes in education in the Russian Federation.