!! Have a dream? Run to her! Does not work? Go for your dream. If you can't walk, crawl. Can't crawl? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams!!! If you have a dream, run towards it

Have a dream? Go to her! It is impossible to go to her? Crawl to her! Can't crawl to her? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams.

9 months ago

[top of the day] [top of the week] [top of the month] [random joke]

I do not like normal people. Normality is like an asphalt road: it’s comfortable to walk on, but flowers don’t grow on it.

Life is like a box of chocolates: if you let a woman near it, you can say goodbye to her.

There are things that men can talk about for a very long time... . These are cars and women. Moreover, there are phrases that sound about both of them something like this:

-Are you going to stall or not?!

- Cool! He just eats a lot. .
- Still, it’s good when you’re her first. .
- Dude! You should have seen what I did on it yesterday...
-Are you going to stall or not?!

- I need a new one, I’m tired of it.

There are things that men can talk about for a very long time... These are cars and women. Moreover, there are phrases that sound about both of them something like this:
- Cool! He just eats a lot. .
- Still, it’s good when you’re her first. .
- Dude! You should have seen what I did on it yesterday...
-Are you going to stall or not?!
- Yes, everything about it is fine, it would have been a younger year...
- I need a new one, I’m tired of it.

Vadik, what did you find in her?
- I don’t know, guys, there’s something in her.
- Yeah, and this is something in size three...

- What's with her?
- My car is with her!

Oh, how I worry about my wife!
- What's with her?
- My car is with her...

How I worry about my wife!
- What's with her?
- My car is with her!

Each other:
- Did you sleep with her?!
- No, I was awake with her!

Country disco. The girl stands alone - no one dances with her. Suddenly some big guy flies up to her and starts waltzing with her.
- Tell me, are you from these places?
- Yeah.
- Why haven’t I seen you before?
- I sat... for 15 years.
- Yes? For what?
- Yes, he killed his wife with an ax!
She straightens her hair and says with a smile:
- So you are not married?..

In order to sleep with my wife, I married her. And the cat sleeps with her, not promising anything at all.

Why didn't you marry her?
- I just said that she has folds in her tights!
- But this is not an insult, just a remark.
- Yes, but she wasn’t wearing tights!

Vodka is a tool of natural selection. Without firing a single shot, it liberates vast territories from people unstable to it for peoples and religions indifferent to it.

You drink whiskey with her and it doesn't mean anything at all.
You drink tea with her - and everything is already serious.

A man always thinks he knows a woman enough to sleep with her, but not enough to marry her.

The hardest thing is the beginning. Many people have a wonderful dream. But instead of acting, they only talk about it.

Listen, my girlfriend just has some kind of persecution delusion. She believes that someone is following her all the time.
- I don’t know how long I followed her, I didn’t see anyone.

How to seduce a woman:
Give her compliments.
Respect her.
Honor her.
Caress her.
Kiss her.
Look after her.
Joking with her.
Amuse her.
Make her feel comfortable.
Hug her.
Protect her.
Spend money on it.
Treat her to food and drink.
Talk to her.
Stand behind her.
Support her.
Get stars from the sky for her.
Bring her coffee in bed.
Buy her beautiful lingerie.
Listen to her carefully.

How to win a man:
Prepare to eat.

A woman returns home at night through the park. A man watches her and follows her. He speeds up his steps and so does he. She runs, the man runs after her. I threw my bag, the man looks around and he’s still running. She throws off her fur coat and the man keeps following it, doesn’t stop to pick it up.
- Man! But I have no money!!! No money left!!!
- And I'm free! I'm free!

Well, your wife left you, well, she found someone else! To hell with her! Forget! I guarantee that in a couple of weeks you will forget about it!
- This is impossible!
- Do you love her so much?
- No, I bought the fur coat in installments for two years...

Call. The husband picks up the phone.
- Hello?... Yes, mom!... Yes, we had a fight again!... Yes, I remember you told me that she was a bitch, and so that I wouldn’t even think of marrying her!... You were right, as always !... Of course, I regret that I didn’t listen to you!... I tried, nothing works... I tried that too! Do you want to talk to her?! Just a minute... Kisses...
Then he shouts to his wife:
- Honey, come here, please! Your mom is calling!

Did you have anything to do with her?
- Yes.
- And How?
“We drank everything we had with her and went home.”

A man comes to work with a broken face. His friend asks him what happened.
He explains that he met such a gorgeous girl yesterday...
- And what?
- Well, we sat with her in a cafe, drank, and I asked to come to her house.
- And then?
- Well, they drank at her house too. I look at her - everything in her says “yes”. Her eyes say yes, her lips whisper yes, her body says yes...
- That's good!
“And then her husband suddenly came and said no.”

The young sperm asks the old:
- Tell me how to distinguish an egg, huh?
- Well, listen. As soon as you fly inside, look for a black dot. If you see it, immediately fly to her and ask: “Are you an egg?” If the answer is yes, merge with her. Understood?
- Understood!
Well, it came to the point.
He flies inside, looks - such a huge BLACK dot, he flies up to it and asks:
-Are you an egg?!
- No.
- And who then!?

There are things that men can talk about for a very long time... These are cars and women. Moreover, there are phrases that sound about both of them something like this:
- Cool! He just eats a lot. .
- Still, it’s good when you’re her first. .
- Dude! You should have seen what I did on it yesterday...
-Are you going to stall or not?!
- Yes, everything about it is fine, it would have been a younger year. .
- I need a new one, I’m tired of this one.

A guy is asked about his relationship with his girlfriend. Mother:
-Are you serious with her?
- Do you already share any resources with her?
System Administrator:
- What access rights do you already have for it?

He did everything as you said: kissed him, proposed to meet. She agreed. What should I do with her next?
- Well, first, do with her what you do every day with the Zhiguli car your grandfather gave you.

Meet Dasha! Yesterday we secretly married her and therefore now she will live with us, in our apartment. But don’t worry, she doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke and is generally a modest, good and thrifty girl!
- Okay, everything is clear with her, but who are you?

Honestly, when I left here I didn’t think that I would meet the morning of the sixth day here. Hand on heart, I was determined to stay for five days, so I took with me five doshirak, five rollton potatoes, and everything else, just in case.

And so, the incident happened. It’s the sixth day, and I’m still here and don’t want to leave at all. The weather is fabulous! In the morning the sun is again, although noticeably colder than yesterday and the day before. At night I froze again, not like a child.

I got out of the tent and ran to the fire. Only after lighting a big pioneer fire, I looked around, came to my senses and said hello to everyone. Sunny first!

It turns out that this It’s so natural to greet the sun in the morning! Then with everyone else, grass, birds, river. It is not surprising that people used to understand nature and animals. If you live in the forest alone and are attentive to nature, then it is not difficult. And the wind is cold today, despite the sun, autumn is making itself felt.

It seems that day six is ​​the day of liberation. All thoughts have been changed, all plans have been made. There is no new information for the brain, but the old one has already been exhausted from all sides and it is not interesting to think about it again. There is no vacuum yet, but it looks like it is starting to form.

It's approaching lunch time and it's getting warmer. The feeling of the meaninglessness of the experiment does not leave me. It seems I'm missing something. Maybe I needed to set myself some kind of task. What does the thought of liberation even mean?

Why does firewood crack?

A constantly burning fire leads thoughts in its own direction. Everyone has observed for sure that sometimes the firewood simply crackles, and sometimes it shoots off pieces of itself with force. It also happens that it doesn’t just shoot, but some kind of gas comes out of there, and for quite a long time and intensely! Why is this happening?

It’s as if there is a hidden tension there, inside the branch, an energy that the fire releases. It came to mind that most likely a new branch should have appeared in these places. Some cell in the trunk decided that it wanted to give life to something new and, instead of growing like everything else, it began to accumulate energy for a new life. Thus accumulating this tension in oneself. And when the fire reaches this place, the tissues of the trunk burn, the connections weaken, and the energy is released with a bang. Nonsense of course, but cool!

The birds, which are becoming bolder every day, started whistling next to me and I wanted to write down in a notebook what sounds they make as a keepsake. And then I fell into a stupor! It's amazing how conventional our designations are for the sounds that birds make. There is not a single letter in the Russian alphabet that can convey their conversations. Even the notorious duck “quack”, in fact, no one can pronounce and cannot depict this sound in letters.

The day drags on terribly long. Judging by the sun, it’s only about 5-6 hours, and I’ve already had dinner, although I left a little more to fill my stomach before bed. I cooked myself some rice today and threw in a pack of instant noodles. The stew turned out to be an acquired taste

It’s getting colder again, the wind doesn’t stop all day and, believe it or not, I already want to go home. It seems that today began the test that I had been dreading since day one. You just don’t know what to do with yourself! In addition, it seems that the cold nights are not in vain, the right kidney is tightening and for some reason the teeth began to react to hot things. Well, the test has begun!

If you have a dream, run towards it, if you can’t run, go

Because of the cold, I climbed into the tent early, when the sun was still in the sky. And again life showed me an amazing lesson. In the tent, at the top in the very center of the ceiling there are two triangular windows made of mesh material. These triangles touch at their vertices, that is, they look approximately like an hourglass. So, up there on these windows, by some miracle, there were two flies. Alone, the young one was running and fussing all the time. He gets tired, sits down to rest, scratches his paws, washes himself, and goes back to his business. The second, larger and apparently older, sat calmly in one place, occasionally twitching its paws and cleaning its proboscis.

So here we are, I thought, running around alone, trying to do something, achieve something. They spend a lot of energy, effort, and time on this. And others at this time sit quietly next to them and are satisfied with everything. The end is still the same. You won’t get out of this tent anywhere, no matter how much you fight through this window. You will live out your short life as a fly and die little by little, and your dry little body will continue to lie in the tent until it is shaken out.

Why flutter
what if they both die the same way? So all material achievements and efforts have no meaning? It turns out like this. The end is the same - two dry fly carcasses, one was beating, the other was sitting, and the end was the same.

No! Not this way! This means that the internal content, the one that passes from life to life, has meaning. This means that there is something that will remain in our subtle body. Something that will go into the next life. Otherwise everything is pointless!

And at the same time you also need to fight! With its fuss, the fly would never in its life achieve its goal - to fly out of the tent. This required another, higher power. For her, the highest power at that moment was me. I have never caught flies with my hands before, but here, when I raised my hand, it seemed as if it jumped into my hand on its own and I released it into the wild.

She achieved her goal! You see, she achieved it, with her bustle, her ardent desire, she made me want to help her. So are we. We can fight as much as we want against closed doors, suffer, cry, fight again, not realizing that what we are looking for is elsewhere. We may never get out if we don’t pay attention to a higher power.

This means that we must somehow establish a connection with this higher power, with God. You need to show him your desire, your intention, your burning, unshakable desire. And do, do, do everything in your power to achieve this goal.

But whether what you so passionately desire will come true depends on a higher power, on God... But I didn’t release the second fly, it remained sitting scratching its paws... To be continued, .

    Galina Nagornaya from November 22, 2014 11:25 from November 22, 2014 11:55 Evgeniya from November 22, 2014 21:44 from November 23, 2014 07:17 Dmiriy from November 23, 2014 12:41 from November 23, 2014 12:52 Galina Nagornaya from November 23 November 2014 13:20 from November 23, 2014 14:26 Galina Nagornaya from November 23, 2014 19:35 Evgenia from November 24, 2014 02:07 Dmiriy from November 24, 2014 04:25 Dmiriy from November 24, 2014 04:29 from November 24, 2014 07 :01 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 07:38 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 07:39 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 07:47 from November 24, 2014 07:49 from November 24, 2014 07:50 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 07:52 from 24 November 2014 07:54 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 08:01 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 08:04 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 08:11 from November 24, 2014 11:06 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 11:34 from November 24, 2014 11: 38 Dmitry from November 24, 2014 11:42

You can't do anything without praying, but you can do everything with prayer.

There is no need to be offended and sad,
Feeling sorry for yourself is a poor consolation...
You can't change anything in life,
Change your attitude towards her...

If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives.

Confidently go towards your dreams! Live the life you imagined for yourself.

There are people who attract you. You can't say what exactly attracted you to one of them. Smile? Gestures? You're just glad to see such a person and that's all.

The truism says: if you can’t change life itself, then change your attitude towards it.

If you cannot change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them.

You can never know for sure whether you are fortunately on time or unfortunately whether you are late.

If you move confidently in the direction of your dreams and make an effort to live the life you dream of, you are sure to encounter luck that is unexpected in normal times.

If a person moves confidently in the direction of his dreams, he will inevitably come to success that is unexpected from the point of view of everyday life. Even if you build castles in the air, your work will not be in vain. The main thing is that you must have dreams. Now lay the foundation under them.