Forms of government social studies test (grade 9) on the topic. Test "form of government" Head of state z inherited power from his father

Main state exam OGE Social studies task No. 15 Demo version 2018-2017 In state Z, supreme power is transferred to the ruler by inheritance. He directs the activities of the cabinet of ministers, passes laws, and approves court decisions. What form of government exists in state Z?
1) federation
2) absolute monarchy
3) unitary state
4) republic

Answer: 4) democratic, because the state does not limit its citizens in self-expression and respects their rights and freedoms

15. Every seven years in country Z, a president is popularly elected. He is the head of government. Laws are passed by the parliament elected in general elections. What form of government is established in country Z?

1) monarchy
2) federation
3) republic
4) democracy

Source: FIPI

Answer: 3) republic, see form of government

15. In state Z, the head of state receives power by inheritance, laws are adopted by the legislative assembly and executed by the government of the country. What is the form of government in state Z?
1) unitary state
2) parliamentary monarchy
3) parliamentary republic
4) democratic state

Source: FIPI

Answer: 2) parliamentary monarchy, see forms of government

15. In country Z, citizens elect a parliament, which has the highest legislative power. The government is formed by the party that wins the parliamentary elections. What is the form of government in country Z?
1) federation
2) republic
3) monarchy
4) democracy

Source: FIPI

Answer: 1) Federation

15. According to the form of government, country Z is a unitary state. It means that
1) Z unites several state entities that have part of the sovereignty
2) territorial units of country Z adopt their own constitutions
3) the territory of country Z is divided into administrative units controlled by the center
4) in country Z the government is formed by the party that wins the parliamentary elections

Source: FIPI

Answer: 3) the territory of country Z is divided into administrative units controlled by the center, see the definition of “unitary state”

15. State Z has a democratic political regime, and state Y has a totalitarian regime. Compare these two political regimes. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) suppression of violations of public order
2) presence of executive authorities
3) free elections on a competitive basis
4) sentencing by extrajudicial authorities

Source: FIPI

Answer: 1234

Similarities: suppression of violations of public order; presence of executive authorities.
Differences: free elections on an alternative basis; extrajudicial sentencing.

15. State Z includes the territories of subjects that have a certain independence in resolving a number of issues. Parliament has a bicameral structure, subjects have the right to adopt their own constitution. Based on the above data, we can conclude that Z is
1) federal state
2) monarchy
3) unitary state
4) Republic

Answer the questions.

1. To what sphere of public life does the organization and conduct of the next elections of the head of state relate?

2. In state Z, the head of state receives power by inheritance, laws are adopted by the legislative assembly and executed by the government of the country. What is the form of government in this state?

3. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups in the diversity of their connections. Which social group is distinguished on a political basis?

4. What distinguishes the state from other political organizations?

5. Students discussed the topic “Politics and power.”

Nikolai answered that political power extends to the whole society, i.e. its orders, directives (instructions), requirements apply to everyone living within the borders of the state.

Svetlana believes that political power extends to individuals.

Who is right?

6. What are the names of mandatory, mostly non-refundable payments, levied by the state in accordance with the established procedure from individuals and legal entities?

7. The mayor's office of the city of K. annually allocates about 10 thousand apartments from the municipal housing stock for officers who have retired from the army and their families. What function of the state does this example illustrate?

8. What is characteristic of both elections and referendums as forms of political participation of citizens in a democratic society?

9. State Z consists of territorial units that do not have their own constitution and laws. Local authorities are appointed by the Minister of the Interior. What is the form of government of country Z?

10. Supreme power in state Z belongs to the monarch. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that State Z is a constitutional monarchy?

11. State Z includes several states that have their own constitutions and supreme authorities. At the same time, there is uniform legislation for all states, and national supreme authorities are formed. What is the form of government of country Z?

12. What right of citizens is political?


1. Political

2. monarchy

3. Social Democrats

4. exclusive right to adopt legal norms

5. Nikolay

7. social

9. unitary state

10. The powers of the monarch are strictly limited by laws; he is not the head of the legislative branch

11. federation

12. to apply to government agencies

Forms of government

Exercise 1 . Are the following judgments about the form of the state correct?

A. The forms of government are monarchy and republic.

B. The forms of state-territorial structure are federation and unitary state.

Task 2. Supreme power in state Z is inherited. What is the form of government in this state?

1) federation 2) unitary state 3) monarchy 4) republic

Task 3. Are the following statements about forms of government true? A. All modern democracies are republics. B. The transfer of power of the head of state by inheritance is inherent in monarchies.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Task 4. In the state of N., the government is formed by the president. At the same time, there is a parliament that must approve the composition of the government proposed by the president. What form of government is represented in the state of N.?

1) constitutional monarchy 2) parliamentary republic 3) absolute monarchy 4) presidential republic

Task 5. Parliament vetoed the bill proposed by the monarch and turned to the Constitutional Court with a request to give an opinion on the compliance of the bill with the Constitution. Under what form of government is such a situation possible?

1) parliamentary republic 2) absolute monarchy 3) limited monarchy 4) presidential republic

Task 6. Are the following judgments about the forms of the state correct?

A. The terms “unitary state” and “federation” refer to forms of government and characterize the structure and powers of the highest bodies of state power,

B. The terms “constitutional monarchy” and “parliamentary republic” refer to the forms of territorial structure of the state and characterize the relations of regions with the central government.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Task 7. In the state of N. there is a president and a parliament. At the same time, the government is formed on a parliamentary basis, that is, from among the leaders of the party that received a majority in parliament. The government of the state of N. is responsible to parliament. Under what form of government is such a situation possible?

1) constitutional monarchy 2) parliamentary republic 3) absolute monarchy 4) presidential republic

Task 8. The list below shows the similarities between absolute and limited monarchies and the differences. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of differences in the second column:

1) the monarch transfers his power by inheritance;

3) the will of the monarch is sufficient for the adoption or repeal of a law;

4) is a form of government in the state.

Task 9. In state Z, supreme power is transferred to the ruler by inheritance. He directs the activities of the cabinet of ministers, passes laws, and approves court decisions. What form of government exists in state Z?

1) federation 2) absolute monarchy 3) unitary state 4) republic

Task 10. In State Z, the popularly elected president is both head of state and head of government. What is the form of government in state Z?

1) parliamentary republic 2) presidential republic 3) absolute monarchy 4) parliamentary monarchy

Task 11 . In country Z, the king receives power by inheritance. Legislative power is exercised by parliament, elected by citizens, and executive power is exercised by the government, formed by the parties that win parliamentary elections. There are also independent judiciaries. Based on the above data, we can conclude that Z is:

1) presidential republic 2) federal republic 3) absolute monarchy 4) constitutional monarchy

Task 12. State Z regularly holds parliamentary elections. The leader of the winning party becomes the head of government. Parliament elects a president who performs representative functions. What is the form of government of this state?

1) republic 2) monarchy 3) federation 4) democracy

Task 13. During the lesson, the student was given the task to compare two types of republics: parliamentary and presidential.

Select and write down the ordinal numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of differences in the second column.

Test 2 Political sphere

Option 1 PART 1

A1. To what sphere of public life does the organization and conduct of the next elections of the head of state belong?

    political 3) social

    economic 4) spiritual

A2. In the state Z the head of state receives power by inheritance, laws are adopted by the legislative assembly and executed by the government of the country. What is the form of government in this state?

    republic 3) monarchy

    federal state 4) unitary state

A3. Are the following statements about politics correct?

A. Politics is the art of government.

B. Politics is the influence of government on the lives of citizens.

A4. The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and groups in the diversity of their connections. Which social group is distinguished on a political basis?

    townspeople 3) officers

    Christians 4) social democrats

A5. The state performs various functions in the economic life of society. Which of the following is an example of legal regulation of the economy?

    Speech by the head of state on economic issues

    Collection of taxes from citizens and firms

    Providing free education for citizens

    Adoption of the Law on Entrepreneurship

A6. What distinguishes the state from other political organizations:

1) development of social development programs

2) representation of the interests of individual groups

3) nomination of political leaders

4) exclusive right to adopt legal norms

A7. Signs of a monarchy include

1) collective decision-making principle

2) unitary government structure

3) transfer of supreme power by inheritance

4) election of the highest authorities


IN 1. In the country Z - absolute monarchy, and in the country Y - a constitutional monarchy.

Compare these forms of government. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of differences in the second.

    Hereditary nature of supreme power

    Legislative power belongs to parliament

    Government's responsibility to parliament

    Monarch – head of state


Features of difference

AT 2. Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

    Reflects the facts

    Express opinions


Test 2 Political sphere Option 2PART 1

A1. Students discussed the topic “Politics and Power.”

Nikolai answered that political power extends to the whole society, i.e. its orders, directives (instructions), requirements apply to everyone living within the borders of the state.

Svetlana believes that political power extends to individuals.

Who is right?


    Both are right


    There is no correct answer.

A2. Are the following statements about political power true?

A. The state exercises political power in society.

B. The development and adoption of a law is an example of the exercise of state power.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A3. The characteristics of a state of any type include:

    separation and independence of powers

    diversity of political parties

    collection of taxes from citizens and enterprises

    supremacy of power

A4. What are the names of mandatory, mostly non-refundable payments, levied by the state in accordance with the established procedure from individuals and legal entities?

    insurance payments 3) dividends

    tariffs 4) taxes

A5. Any state is characterized

    The ability to exercise coercion

    Multi-party system

    Mutual responsibility of the state and the individual

    Separation of powers

A6. Are the following statements about the state true?

A. The state determines the rules by which the political life of society proceeds.

B. The state controls and regulates only the political sphere of society.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. The mayor's office of the city of K. annually allocates about 10 thousand apartments from the municipal housing stock for officers who have left the army and their families. What function of the state does this example illustrate?

1) legal 3) political

2) cultural and educational 4) social


IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the examples of the functions of the state that they illustrate: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) ensuring law and order by law enforcement agencies

B) the president signing a treaty of friendship and cooperation with the head of a neighboring state

C) development by the government of a long-term program for the economic development of the country

D) participation of the state’s army in military exercises together with the army of another state

D) government funding for the construction of roads and railways

1) external

2) internal


AT 3. Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) Local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in the Russian Federation. (B) Local governments play an important role in the management of territories. (B) So far, not all citizens have realized the importance of local government in solving the problems of their area.

Determine which provisions of the text:

    Reflects the facts

    Express opinions

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.



Option 1

Option 2








IN 1



AT 2