Where is the Bosphorus Bridge. Bridges Istanbul. The current value of the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul

First bridge, binding two shores, the Persian king Darius instructed to build a certain mandquel from Samos in 490 BC. It is an engineering structure for which 70 thousand soldiers moved from one shore to another, consisted of a huge number of boats. In Ottoman times, the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction bridge Through it was close to the exercise on the eve of the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). In 1931, the authors of the First Plan of the Industrialization of Turkey prepared a draft of hanging bridgesimilar to design with similar bridge In San Francisco, which would connect the districts of Akhrkapap () and saladkhak (). However, to construction bridge Returned only many years later.

Bosphorus Most (BOğaziçi Köprüsü) connecting in Europe and in Asia after construction bridge Sultan called also called First Bosphorus (Birinci BOğaziçi Köprüsü). The work was completed by October 30, 1973 and the opening of the engineering facility was timed to the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Republic. Bosphorus Most designed according to the hanging scheme bridge (In the surroundings they are called "suspended"). The length of the structure is 1560 m, and the clien from the water level is 64 m, which ensures the passage to ships with high superstructures. Despite the presence of sidewalks (for lifting on the deck bridge In supports provided for elevators), first Bosphorus Most Closed for pedestrians.

In honor of the memory of victims of a failed military inside (2016), Bosphorus Most Renamed B. martyrs Bridge July 15 (15 Temmuz şehitler Köprüsü). Recall that on the night of July 15, more than 240 people died on July 16, and about 2,200 were injured.

Bridge Sultan (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Köprüsü) is also known as second Bosphorus Most (İKINCI BOğAZIçI KÖPRÜSÜ) and is located from the first 5 km away. The construction connects the European Stambula coast in the area with Asian in the area. Construction of this bridge (July 3, 1988) noted one of the memorable dates in the history of Turkey - the 535th anniversary of the conquest of Sultan, whose name and received this construction. It is noteworthy that bridge They built in the same place where almost 2.5 thousand years before that was the first crossing of Tsar Daria. Second Bosphorus Most Built by the same design scheme as First. Length bridge It is 1510 m, and the clearance from the water level is 64 m.

Third bridge through the name sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim Köprüsü) connects (Poyrazköy) in Asia and (Garipçe) in Europe. total length bridge amounted to 2164 m, width - 59 m, and the length of the main span is 1408 m. The highest height of the support reaches 322 m. feature bridge It is a combined design: part of the web is supported by guys, part - guys and cables, while the middle of the main span is suspended on the cables. For traffic bridge There are eight stripes for cars and two railway ruts. Travel will be paid and will be $ 3.4 for passenger and about $ 15 for cargo transport when crossing bridge In the Asian direction. From Asia to Europe it will be possible for free.

Turkey is located 2 continents, Asian and European. They are separated by the strait, which in ancient times was an insurmountable obstacle to the Army of Persia and prevented the great plans of the commander of those times. The dream of the coast connections was sometimes originated for Darius I, but to realize a grand plan and build a bridge in Istanbul only in the XX century.

Bridge through the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul (Bosphorus Bridge, Martyrs Bridge)

The strait connects the Black and Marmara Sea, it is considered to be a unique geological formation, since its width is 2 km, and on particularly narrow sections only 700 m. Nevertheless, he divided the continents, forcing engineers to think about solving the problem. The first, pontoon bridge, was built before AD. The construction of a permanent design began to be conceived in the first decade of the XX century under the ruler Abdul Hamid II. The offer contributed to the Bosphorus Railway Company.

For the implementation of the Plan invited English engineers. W. Brown and Roberts presented a project to which the Bosphorus Bridge had a rather large bandwidth. But the idea had to wait for another 2 decades, until funds were allocated to build. The Istanbul Bridge over the Bosphorus was discovered only in 1973, timed to the event for the anniversary of the Republic of the Republic.

Design characteristics

It is listed on 17th place among such buildings in the world. The length of the bridge through in Istanbul is 1560 m., Width - 33. In order not to interfere with shipping, it had to raise it to significantly lift over the water, so the height of the bridge across the Bosphorus in Istanbul reached 64 m. Supports rise over the shore at 165 m.

For the construction, the amount of $ 200 million was required, but the costs were worth it, because now you can easily move to another shore. Named the Bosphorus Bridge with the name Ataturk, founder of the republic.

It consists of 3 lanes for cars and 2 more additional bands are highlighted for special transport. Entry to the bridge over the Bosphorus in Turkey is paid, but no one complains because he is the main road through the strait. The fare is approximately 2 euros, you need to pay when driving in the direction of Europe, the reverse road is free. At the design stage, paths for pedestrians were provided. They were also built, but after a few years the entrance was closed. The reason for the wave of suicides, mentally unstable people with a literally magnet pulled on the canvas, and the Bosphorus Bridge replenished the terrible statistics of objects for information with life.

Important! Through the shed can only be driving on personal or public transport, enjoying the surrounding beauty, it is impossible to pass.

The current value of the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul

It is still an important building in the city transport system. The stream of cars has increased several times, but while its bandwidth is enough to drive everyone, and this is more than 200 thousand cars daily. For security and in aesthetic purposes, in 2007, the backlight was built. It turns on at sunset and turns the bridge into an amazing spectacle. If you spend the evening and wait a bit, you can enjoy a spectacle when the thin inconspicuous thread turns into a bulk design that shining on the background of dark water.

You should know! Each year in October, the bridge is closed for cars for the time of a symbolic marathon, in which participants start in Asia, and finish in Europe.

How to get to the Bosphorus Bridge?

It connects the areas of ocochdar and Emineu. In order to get to the foot, you need to take advantage of public transport. Bus number 40 t deliver to the orphanage, then the pedestrian road leads to the pier of the same name. There is no entry pathway on the pedestrian paths, the look is also not interesting. The best view for observation and colorful photos opens from the deck of a walking boat. By local beliefs, floating under the bridge, you need to make a desire and it will surely come true.

Even the one who has never been to Istanbul, I heard about the Bosphorus bridges. While there are two of them, but the opening of the third, according to officials of the city mayor, not around the corner. But only one of them is a real attraction of the city - the first Bosphorus Bridge, connecting the European and Asian parts of Istanbul. The Bosphorus Bridge connects two picturesque cities - on the European side and Balerbia in Asia.

The Bosphorus suspension bridge was laid only in 1970, although plans for its construction were launched from ancient times. The solemn opening of the bridge was held in 3 years - October 29, 1973 and was timed to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Turkish Republic.

The length of the Bosphorus Bridge is 1560 meters, and the length of the main span is 1074 meters, which makes the Bosphorus Bridge of the 15th in the list of the longest bridges of the world. The height of the road canvase above the water is 64 meters.

Returning to the story, let's say that the first who wanted to build a bridge above the Bosphorus was the Persian emperor Darius I (522-485 BC). This is evidenced by the records of Herodotus, stanking that a disposable pontoon bridge was built, and Darius I got the opportunity to pursue the retreating Scythians with his army, as well as transfer part of the troops to the Balkans to defeat the Macedonian kingdom.

The first modern project of the bridge across Bosphorus was proposed by Sultan Ottoman Empire and 99th Califa Abdul-Hamid II in 1900 by the Bosphorus Railway Company. This plan included the use of a bridge for railway relations between continents.

The decision to build the bridge was made only in 1957 by the Prime Minister of Turkey by Adanan Menderes (in honor of which, by the way, called the airport in the city of Izmir). For engineering works in 1968, the British Fireman Fox & Partners was hired, and the construction started in February 1970. There were 35 engineers and 400 builders on the project. The construction of the bridge did the Istanbul execution of 200 million US dollars (1.4 billion at the rate of 2014).

The built Bosphorus bridge became only the second in the entire history of the bridge through the Bosphorus connecting Europe and Asia. The first, we recall, was built in 513 to our era.

Today, the Bosphorus Bridge is the most important artery of the city. On the bridge, only the car movement is organized (from public transport here and) in 8 bands (6 lanes for transport and 2 lanes for emergency services). Of course, there are constantly gigantic tubes on the bridge due to the fact that the bridge, in fact, connects the European part business center (Sishley) with densely populated.

Tubes on the bridge and entrances to it - the usual thing

Every day almost 250,000 cars pass through the bridge. Travel on the bridge is paid. Drivers of small cars must pay 4.25 TLs, jeeps, pickups and vans - 5.5 Tl, buses - 10.25 TL, small cargo machines - 26.00 TL.

By the way, in the first four years of the bridge was also pedestrian, and people could rise to the bridge on special elevators that were built on each side. Today the movement of pedestrians and trucks on the bridge is strictly prohibited. And pedestrians are not allowed because the bridge used to be very popular with lovers beautifully reduce the scores with life, rushing into the Bosphorus. Nevertheless, those who wish to move into the world are different every year.

The Bosphorus Bridge except the main purpose is also an important attraction. In 2007, it was installed backlighting and since then in the evening and at night the bridge attracts the attention of all citizens and tourists. In addition, the path of the Istanbul Intercontinental Marathon runs through the Bosphorus Bridge, which bridge overlaps for cars and

Address: Turkey, Istanbul
Start of construction: 1970
Ending construction: 1973 year
Support height: 165 M.
Bridge length: 1560 M.
Bridge width: 33.4 M.
Coordinates: 41 ° 02 "49.3" N 29 ° 02 "00.0" E


Short description

The Bosphorus Bridge, he is ataturksky - this is the first suspension bridge, which was able to connect two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. By combining the two parts of Istanbul, it became its symbol, an architectural object and sight of Turkey.

Judging by the name of the bridge, it can be guessing that she was transferred through the Bosphorus shed, which follows from the Black Sea to marble, and then - and in the Mediterranean.

For the first time, the bridge in this area was built more than 2 thousand years ago during the reign of the Persian emperor Darius I Great. His idea to connect the shores of the Bosphorus Bay led to the appearance of a pontoon structure that allowed the ruler to cross the numerous army through the strait and pursue the invaded enemies-Scythians. The development of the first permanent crossing project through the Bosphorus was engaged in the Ottoman Sultan named Abdul Hamid II, and his "kids" became a pontoon bridge from boats and ropes. So the army of Darius took place over the bay on wooden trap and it turned out to be on the opposite shore.

In the XX century The Turkish government considered several ideas for the construction of the bridge, and in 1957 they decided to conduct construction work on the construction of the crossing through the Bosphorus. The beginning of great construction was marked by signing a contract with the company British Masters "Freeman Fox & Partners" (1968). But the works managed by the engineers of W. Brown and G. Roberts, "Zakipeli" only after 2 years, in February 1970 passed a little more than 3 years, and in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic, the solemn opening of the bridge took place . The participants of the ceremony included the President of Fahri Coruturk and Mehmet Nim Talu - Prime Minister of the country. So the Bosphorus Bridge began to function from October 30, 1973.

The design of the Bosphorus bridge is a suspension structure with inclined suspension and steel towers. Its length is 1560 m, the width is 33.4 m. The height of the towers is 165 m, and the distance between them reaches 1075 m.

In the year of the end of construction, such a large-scale structure was considered the fourth in the length in the world. However, over time, its place began to fall lower, because more solid bridge structures began to appear in other countries.

In 2007, an upgraded LED system was installed to illuminate the bridge from the company "Philips". Thanks to the innovative illumination, electricity consumption managed to shorten. In addition, with its installation it became possible to obtain unusual patterns and color shades.

Legend of the Bosphorus Bridge

Like any construction of extraordinary beauty, the Bosphorus Bridge has a legend associated with its appearance. So, if you believe the ancient Turkish myth, the Lord of Olymps Zeus all the souls loved the terrestrial beauty of Io, and he often descended from heaven to meetings from his beloved. However, the ger learned about the treason of her husband and set out the goal of severely revenge in the direction. Wanting at least somehow save the mistress from an angry spouse, Zeus turned Io to a white cow. But here, Gera showed her divine power, having learned the beautiful Io in the animal, and lowered on her blind. Saves from stinging insects, the White Cow rushed to the strait and found a brother. On him, she was able to move to another bank and found shelter there. Today it is a place called Kadiki, and it is located in the Asian part of Istanbul. This legend explains the name of the Bosphorus Strait, since in translating the Turkish language this word means "Cow Brod". Whatever it was, and the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of this bridge belongs to Godia.

Casual life of the Bosphorus Bridge

The bridge consists of 8 car strips, incl. and emergency. Each direction includes 3 bands for moving transport, 1 - emergency and sidewalk. Everybody crosses up to 200,000 units of vehicles carrying over 600,000 passengers. In 1997, he crossed a billion car. Interestingly, with a complete workload, the design of the Bosphorus bridge in the middle of the span is settled by 90 cm.

Immediately after the opening of the bridge, pedestrians went on the bridge over 4 years. However, subsequently, due to frequent suicide attempts, a ban on hiking along the bridge was established. Trucks are not allowed. But of all the rules there are exceptions. So, every year in October when conducting the Istanbul Marathon, the Bosphorian bridge becomes available for pedestrians, but closed to motorists. Thus, the participants of the marathon start in Asia, and finish already in Europe.

Of course, the Bosphorus Bridge is extremely beautiful, but it is better for them to admire afar, for example, from a ship that runs through the strait. From afar, a large-scale design seems to be a thin thread, according to which thousands of cars are moving. And in the evening, "Cow Brod" becomes just fabulous, since after sunset on the bridge the backlight is turned on.

The first mention of O. bridge through Bosphorus belong to the 6th century BC. Darius, the Persian king, puzzled by the crossing through the Bosphorus of his army, which has numbered a little less than 75 thousand years. The pontoon bridge consisting of a large number of boats, reliably fastened by the ropes, briefly extended along the Bosphorus. On wooden trap with less than 700 meters, the Darius Army successfully moved from one shore to another.

Several bridge projects through the Bosphorus in Istanbul appeared in the 20th century. One of them took the design of the famous suspension bridge, located in the United States, in the city of San Francisco. However, at the realization of an ambitious project, the Turkish Republic has simply not found enough funds.

First Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul

Bosphorus Most in Istanbulwhich joined the quarters of Orica in Europe and Abdullah-aha in Asia, discovered in the fall of 1973, on the day of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. This bridge over the Bosphorus in Istanbul is suspended, i.e. The design is based on two supports, each height one hundred and sixty-five meters. The length of the Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul exceeds one and a half kilometers, and the width is a little more than thirty meters. The height of the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul provides for the free passage of vessels with a height of more than sixty meters. This is the height of almost thirty-storey residential buildings!

Bosphorus Most in Istanbul It was designed and built by the Consortium of Turkish, English and German companies. The cost of the project is estimated in total in two hundred million US dollars, which seems a ridiculous low amount today. However, to fill costs, it was decided to travel on the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul paid. everyday first Bosphorus Most Crosses more than two hundred and thousands of thousands of different vehicles. Statistics state that daily through the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul moves more than half a million passengers. By the way, the pass through the Pedestrian Bridge is closed - the police of Istanbul thus stopped a whole wave of suicide.

Interesting the fact that the bridge was called first Bosphorus Most After launching a new bridge over the Bosphorus, which was called sultan Möhmed Fatiha Bridge.

Bridge Sultan Mehmed Fatiha in Istanbul

New, the second bridge over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, received a name in honor of the conqueror of Constantinople. Sultan Möhmed Fatiha Bridge In Istanbul, it is often called as so: Second Bosphorus Most. This building connected the European part of the metropolis in the Rusheli Khisara district and the Asian part of the city in Anadolu Hisar. The second Bosphorus Bridge was discovered in the anniversary date-five hundred thirty-five years of capturing the city of Constantinople Ottoman armies under the command of Sultan Mehmed II Fatiha.

The second bridge over the Bosphorus is built on the spot where the width of the Bosphorus Strait is minimal, and, therefore, it was here that the Pontoon Bridge was once erected through the Bosphorus for crossing the Darius army. The length of the structure is more than half a kilometer (with driveways), and the width is slightly less than forty meters. The design of the bridge of Sultan Mehmed Fatiha in Istanbul is identical to the first Bosphorus bridge - hanging on the supports. The height of the span for the courts of vessels is 64-65 meters.

In May 1988, the bridge named after Sultan Mehmed Fatiha was commissioned in Istanbul. The construction of the bridge was completed in record deadlines - only three years and cost taxpayers only one hundred and thirty million dollars. Statistics argue that every day the bridge crosses one hundred and fifty thousand vehicles and no less than half a million passengers. The Bridge named after Sultan Mehmed Fatiha is closed for pedestrians, and the passage on it is paid.

Third Bridge over Bosphorus in Istanbul

Tags: Bosphorus Bridge, Bridge through the Bosphorus Strait, Bridge Sultan Mehmed Fatiha, First Bosphorus Bridge, Second Bosphorus Bridge