Gdz Russian language 8 authors Ladyzhenskaya

A textbook on the Russian language for grade 8 Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya is a collection of answers to exercises in the Russian language textbook of the same name, which is recommended by the Ministry of Education as the basis for studying the subject in grade 8. The manual was compiled by a team of authoritative Russian teachers and scientists: L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina and O.M. Alexandrova

A guide to the Russian language for grade 8 Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova, Deykina

The tutorials contain little practical information. At the same time, many schoolchildren experience difficulties in performing exercises in the Russian language, because they do not have time to understand the algorithm for writing them in class.

How to solve this problem? Use the GDZ in the Russian language for grade 8 by Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina, which contains not only ready-made answers, but also comments on homework.

Thanks to the practical manual, schoolchildren can not only check the correctness of exercises on knowledge of phonetics, morphology and grammar, but also remember the practical application of the rules.

The interface of our website creates optimal conditions for using the solver:

  • The user just needs to enter the title of the book into the search bar, and then select the task number in the table;
  • the resource is accessible not only from a PC, but also from tablets and phones;
  • The database of solvers is updated regularly, and therefore the answers contain current schemes for completing tasks.

This system allows you to effectively save time, which is especially valuable for parents who, based on ready-made homework, monitor the progress of their children.

GDZ in Russian language grade 8: Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova - White textbook 2014-2019

The program for studying the Russian language for eighth-graders is very rich: schoolchildren delve into vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax; analysis of words and sentences is supplemented with new criteria.

The textbook by L.A. Trostentsova becomes the basis for studying the Russian language. and T.A. Ladzhenskaya, which was released in 2014 by the Prosveshcheniye publishing house.

The book includes 5 sections that introduce eighth graders to:

  1. the concept and structure of simple sentences;
  2. varieties and role of one-part and two-part sentences;
  3. functions of simple complicated sentences;
  4. words that are not linked into a single group with other members of the sentence.

The textbook includes applications that schematically reflect the procedure for syntactic, morphological and phonetic analysis of words and sentences.

GDZ in the Russian language for grade 8 Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya - this is a workbook, which is a collection of answers to all exercises in the textbook of the same name, compiled by authoritative Russian methodologists - L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina and O.M. Alexandrova. It will help to consolidate in memory the knowledge acquired over the previous 7 years of study and replenish their baggage with new information.

GDZ in the Russian language for grade 8 Ladyzhenskaya is a faithful companion in doing homework

Why was the Russian language workbook created for 7th grade by Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya? Not for copying homework at all. It helps students and parents:

  • With its help, eighth-graders understand the order of performing certain language exercises;
  • Parents can adequately monitor homework and help their children.

The workbook contains not only step-by-step algorithms for performing exercises, but also examples of essays and presentations that you can rely on when writing similar works.

The user-friendly interface of our website makes it easy to find the task you need in two ways:

  1. Select the desired number from the table above;
  2. Enter the number of the exercise or a quote from the assignment for it into the search bar.

This scheme for using the resource allows children and parents to spend their time as efficiently as possible.

Additional advantages of using our website are the availability of the latest versions of solution books with current algorithms for completing tasks, as well as the ability to view the resource from any gadget - PC, tablet, smartphone.

What does the solution book for the white textbook 2014 include? for Russian language 8th grade Ladyzhenskaya?

The workbook provided on the site is compiled in full accordance with the textbook for grade 8, edited by Trostentsova, published in 2014 by the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

The book consists of 5 new sections and repetition of material studied in grades 5-7. She introduces schoolchildren to:

  • Simple sentences;
  • Two-part and one-part sentences;
  • Simple complicated sentences;
  • Words that are not grammatically related to other parts of the sentence.

An appendix to the 8th grade Russian language textbook includes reminders on syntactic, morphological and phonetic analysis.

Our website allows schoolchildren not only to do high-quality homework exercises in the Russian language, but also to prepare for the Unified State Exam and the final annual certification.

Russian language 8th grade

Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina


The eighth grade, in fact, is not particularly difficult in the Russian language; there is a deepening of previously studied topics. However, schoolchildren tend to “stumble” in the most unexpected places, even if the section itself is familiar to them. But since there is a constant overlay of information, it is not surprising that over time something is forgotten. Reshebnik for the textbook "Russian language grade 8" Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya will help students systematize everything they have previously learned.

What's included.

The manual contains four hundred and fifty-three tasks, which include both repetition and learning new material. Also after each topic in GDZ in Russian language grade 8 Detailed answers to questions aimed at consolidating what has been learned are provided. Examples of essays are designed to teach teenagers the correct composition and execution of creative exercises.

Do you need a solver?

Modern schoolchildren can no longer imagine their lives without ready-made homework. And often this is not just their whim or reluctance to learn, but a completely justified necessity. Although the training program has become more complicated to the limit, it clearly hasn’t made learning any easier. Rather, it has led to the fact that children have to independently look for explanations for questions that arise, analyze paragraphs and the principle of solving exercises. Therefore, the solution to the textbook "Russian language grade 8" by Trostentsova It turns out to be very useful, since the authors are ready to provide that support that has not been seen in schools for a long time.

"Enlightenment", 2015

Russian language. 8th grade. Trostentsova L.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and etc.

M.: 2014. - 272 p. 8th ed. - M.: 2011. - 237 p.

The textbook is included in the line of teaching materials of T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, M. T. Baranova, L. A. Trostentsova, revised in accordance with the federal state educational standard of basic general education. The updated textbook implements the idea of ​​integrated teaching of language and speech, which involves the formation of linguistic and communicative competencies, as well as the use of a large amount of cultural information. New artistic design and improved methodological apparatus of the textbook help optimize the educational process.

Format: pdf (2014 , 272 pp.)

Size: 47.1 MB

Watch, download:november

Format: pdf (2011 , 8th ed., 237 pp.)

Size: 31.7 MB

Watch, download:november .2019, links removed at the request of the publishing house "Enlightenment" (see note)

§ 1. Punctuation and spelling 7
§ 2. Punctuation marks: marks of completion, separation, emphasis 7
§ 3. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 12
§ 4. Letters n - nn in suffixes of adjectives, participles and adverbs 18
§ 5. Continuous and separate writing not with different parts of speech 21
§ 6. Basic units of syntax 25
§ 7. Text as a unit of syntax 27
§ 8. Sentence as a unit of syntax 30
§ 9. Collocation as a unit of syntax 33
§ 10. Types of phrases 36
§ 11. Syntactic connections of words in phrases 39
§ 12. Syntactic analysis of phrases 42
§ 13. Grammatical (predicative) basis of sentence 45
§ 14. Word order in sentence 48
§ 15. Intonation 49
§ 16. Description of the cultural monument 53
§ 17. Subject 55
§ 18. Predicate 57
§ 19. Simple verbal predicate 58
§ 20. Compound verbal predicate 61
§ 21. Compound nominal predicate 64
§ 22. Dash between subject and predicate 67
§ 23. The role of minor members in sentence 71
§ 24. Appendix 73
§ 25. Definition 80
§ 26. Appendix. Punctuation marks with it 85
§ 27. Circumstance 87
§ 28. Syntactic analysis of a two-part sentence 93
§ 29. Characteristics of a person 94
Repetition 97
§ 30. Main member of a one-part sentence 99
§ 31. Nominal sentences 100
§ 32. Definitely personal proposals 105
§ 33. Vaguely personal sentences 107
§ 34. Instruction 109
§ 35. Impersonal sentences 110
§ 36. Reasoning 113
§ 37. Incomplete sentences 116
§ 38. Syntactic analysis of a one-part sentence 118
Repetition 119
§ 39. The concept of a complicated sentence 122
§ 40. The concept of homogeneous members 123
§ 41 Homogeneous members connected only by enumerative intonation, and punctuation with them 129
§ 42. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions 134
§ 43. Homogeneous members connected by coordinating conjunctions, and punctuation with them 137
§ 44. Generalizing words with homogeneous members and punctuation marks with them 146
§ 45. Syntactic analysis of sentences with homogeneous members 151
§ 46. Punctuation analysis of sentences with homogeneous members 153
Repetition 155
§ 47. The concept of isolation 158
§ 48. Separate definitions. Distinctive punctuation marks with them 161
§ 49. Reasoning on a debatable topic 169
§ 50. Separate applications. Distinctive punctuation marks with them 171
§ 51. Special circumstances. Distinctive punctuation marks with them 175
§ 52. Separate clarifying members of a sentence. Emphasizing punctuation marks for clarifying members of sentence 181
§ 53. Syntactic analysis of a sentence with isolated members 186
§ 54. Punctuation analysis of a sentence with isolated members 188
Repetition 189
§ 55. Purpose of appeal 195
§ 56. Common appeals 198
§ 57. Distinctive punctuation marks when addressing 199
§ 58. Use of addresses -
§ 59. Introductory constructions 203
§ 60. Groups of introductory words and introductory word combinations by meaning 205
§ 61. Emphasizing punctuation marks for introductory words, introductory combinations of words and introductory sentences 208
§ 62. Plug-in words, phrases and sentences 213
§ 63. Interjections in sentence 215
§ 64. Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with words, phrases and sentences that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence 217
Repetition 221
§ 65. The concept of someone else’s speech 223
§ 66. Commentary part 224
§ 67. Direct and indirect speech 227
§ 68. Indirect speech 228
§ 69. Direct speech 230
§ 70. Dialogue 233
§ 71. Story 235
§ 72. Quote 237
Repetition 244
§ 73. Syntax and morphology 247
§ 74. Syntax and punctuation 248
§ 75. Syntax and culture of speech 251
§ 76. Syntax and spelling 254

A textbook on the Russian language for grade 9 by Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina is a collection of ready-made homework on the subject, which is compiled on the basis of a classic textbook that is used in most secondary schools in Russia - a manual compiled by a group of philologists led by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

GDZ in the Russian language in grade 9: Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova, Deikina

Grade 9 is the first serious stage of secondary education, which ends with a final state certification. In this regard, schoolchildren need to thoroughly master the curriculum within a year in order to receive favorable grades.

Since the amount of information that ninth-graders have to memorize is extremely wide, the Russian language school for 9th grade by Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina, and Trostentsova will be of significant help to them. With their help, schoolchildren will:

  • can check homework completed independently;
  • understand the algorithm for performing exercises without outside help;
  • prepare for the final state certification.

Our website opens up new possibilities for using the workbook: now it’s easy to find the task you need - just click on the corresponding number presented in the table.

Additional advantages of the GDZ website are:

  • accessibility from a computer, phone or tablet;
  • regular updating of the database of solvers;
  • the presence of several options for performing the same exercise.

A textbook on the Russian language for grade 9: Ladyzhenskaya - white textbook 2014-2019

Russian schoolchildren in the 9th grade study Russian on the basis of the textbook by L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina, released in 2014. The textbook covers key concepts such as:

  1. The structure and types of a complex sentence, as well as its use in the text;
  2. The order of constructing complex and complex structures;
  3. Syntax and punctuation of non-union sentences;
  4. Complex sentences with different types of connections and their use in speech.

The textbook on the Russian language not only provides new material: special attention is paid to repeating what has been studied in grades 5-8, which is important for schoolchildren preparing to pass the final certification.