The novel has a name day according to the church calendar. Name day of the novel according to the church calendar. The patron saints of the Romanovs are

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

When is Roman's name day in 2019?

To prepare worthy congratulations for Roman’s name day, you need to know about his preferences and character traits that his name can tell about.

Its meaning can be interpreted in two ways: so, with Latin language this name is translated as Roman, and from ancient Greek it means “strong, strong.”

Despite this interpretation, Roma cannot boast of either good health or willpower. At the same time, he has a lively mind, perseverance and is an addicted person.

He is lucky in life, because he is open, generous, interesting and active, happy to communicate and always tuned in to a wave of optimism.

It is advisable to make wishes for Roman on the occasion of his name day in an original way; the gift should either be very bright or benefit his health.

You can deal with the name days of all the Romanovs by following the Orthodox Christmas calendar. So in 2019, owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day almost every month.

But the main date for each of them is determined relative to the birthday - you need to choose the nearest one and celebrate it as a name day.

The patron saint of men so named is the Reverend Cleric Roman, a Syrian Greek origin. With his zeal in church service, kindness and humility, he won the sympathy of the Syrian ruler.

To save him from the machinations of envious people, the Most Holy Theotokos, who appeared to him after long prayers, endowed him with an unusually beautiful voice. Thanks to this, he went down in history as the Sweet Singer.

If you know when Roman celebrates his name day, do not miss the opportunity to congratulate him on such a day. And you don’t have to look for grandiose gifts, nice wish in poetry or prose, an SMS sent will be a worthy sign of attention.

Moreover, these congratulations are unique and inimitable, they will help you make an unforgettable impression and will definitely cheer up the hero of the occasion.

Orthodox names. Choosing a name. Heavenly patrons. Saints Pecherskaya Anna Ivanovna


Meaning of the name: from lat. Romanus- “Roman, Roman.”

Main features: will, passion.

Character traits. This is a serious and inquisitive child. His family loves him very much, which is why problems begin in adolescence. He doesn’t want to look like a spoiled boy in front of his friends, so he is rude and harsh. Roman has a penchant for risk, extreme sports, and adventure in his blood. He is constantly drawn into some kind of story, he needs to test himself and the world for strength. Quite vindictive, cruel and vindictive.

Name day

February 16 (3) – Roman, Prince of Uglich, builder of churches and almshouses during the harsh times of the Mongol yoke.

December 10 (November 27)- Roman of Antioch (Syria), hermit, miracle worker, who performed miracles of healing.

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Name day is an important holiday for every Orthodox believer. It is similar to a birthday because it is associated with baptism - spiritual birth in eternal life according to the teachings of the church. When a person passes, he is given some name, always in honor of one or another saint. From this moment on, the newly baptized person has in the person of this saint of God a heavenly patron, with whom he will be spiritually connected throughout his life. Therefore, an unbaptized person, in general, does not have the right to celebrate a name day, because he bears his name without reference to the personality of his heavenly patron.

For those who are being initiated into a name, the patron is chosen by the parents (if a child is being baptized) or by the person himself. The day on which church calendar The memory of the chosen saint is revered and becomes a name day. If someone was baptized in childhood, but there are no records or memories left of which of the saints was chosen as the patron saint of the person being baptized, then the saint is determined as follows: the calendar is taken and it is calculated which day of remembrance of which of the saints of the same name is closest to his birthday. He turns out to be the patron. They do the same thing when a person chooses a name for himself at baptism, but does not know which saint to prefer. In all other cases, a patron can be chosen regardless of the date of birth, based only on intuition and a feeling of a special spiritual connection and sympathy. Calendar-wise, this could be any day.

Roman, whose name day may fall in one of ten months of the year, has quite a wide choice in this regard. Of course, once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. Below we provide the main list of dates on which Roman’s name day falls.


June 13 marks the name day of Roman, named after the martyr of the same name who suffered for his faith in Christ. It happened in an area called Nicomedia.


On August 1, the name day of those who have their Prince Roman of Ryazan, glorified as a martyr for faith in Christ, is celebrated. He was tortured and killed at the khan's court on charges of blaspheming the pagan faith of the Tatar ruler. This was done on the basis of a slanderous denunciation of the khan’s tax collectors, from whose arbitrariness Prince Roman protected his subjects.


September 8 - Confessor Roman. Orthodox believers with the name Roman celebrate their birthday on this day in honor of the holy confessor who reposed in the Lord in 1937, after many years of repression by the Soviet government. During his lifetime he was a priest, and shortly before his death he also became a monk with the name Joseph.



On November 13, the name day of Roman is celebrated, whose life, however, is unknown. There are plenty of such cases in church history.


December 1 is the name day of Roman, named after the hieromartyr of Caesarea (executed by the pagans at the beginning of the fourth century for preaching the Gospel).


January 18 - memory of Roman the Hieromartyr. All that is known about him is that he accepted martyrdom for the work of preaching.

On this same day, the memory of the venerable martyr of the same name, who died at the end of the seventeenth century, is venerated. During his lifetime he was one of the monks on Mount Athos. Once in Constantinople, he was forced by Muslims to convert to Islam. For his resolute refusal to do this, he was killed.


On February 11, the church remembers the martyr Roman from the city of Samosata. He was killed there by pagans during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian at the end of the third century.


On March 2, the venerable disciple of St. Theodosius the Bulgarian is remembered. When the teacher died in the monastery he founded, the Monk Roman became its abbot, in whose rank he ended his life.


On the 15th of May, the day of remembrance of Saint Prince Roman (Boris), the faithful passion-bearer, is celebrated. He was the brother of Prince Gleb, the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince. He suffered in Rostov from assassins sent on the orders of his other brother, Svyatopolk. Together with Prince Gleb they are considered the first

According to the Orthodox calendar, Roman's name day falls on 22 days. You need to choose the date that is closest to the baby’s birthday. After baptism, the child will have a guardian angel. He will accompany him throughout his life, protect and protect him. On his name day, Roman must definitely visit the temple and pray before the face of the saint.

Origin of the name

Roma is translated from Latin as “Roman”. According to another version, the name came from ancient Greek language , means “strong”, “strong”. They also consider the possibility of origin from the goddess Rima, revered in the Roman Empire. In her honor, coins were produced, and magnificent and festive events were organized annually. The church name Roman came to the territory of Rus' from Byzantium. In the 12th century, this was what Russian princes were called at baptism.

Roman's Angel Day

Name days according to the church calendar fall on several dates. All of these saints in the history of Orthodoxy were distinguished by true faith in God.

Name day datePatrons
18.01 venerable martyr, holy martyr
11.02 Martyr R. Samosatsky
16.02 Prince R. Uglichsky
02.03 venerable martyr
29.03 Martyr R. Pariysky
05.05 Prince R. Uglichsky
13.06 Martyr R. Nicomedia
01.08 Prince, martyr R. Ryazansky
03.08 Confessor R. Medved
06.08 passion-bearer Boris (baptized Roman)
11.09 holy preacher R. Kirzhachsky
15.08 Saint Roman (unknown)
23.08 Martyr R. Roman
08.09 Confessor R. Medved
16.09 Hieromartyr R. Marchenko
24.09 martyr
08.10 martyr
14.10 Deacon R. Sweet Singer, Constantinople
13.11 Saint Roman (unknown)
01.12 Deacon R. Caesarea, Antioch
10.12 wonderworker Roman of Antioch (Syrian),

According to the church calendar, the day of the angel Roman will correspond to only one number - the closest to the day of birth or baptism. The remaining days in the Saints are usually called small name days.

Qualities of a little boy

Roman was often sick as a child. For this reason, he gets used to being alone. He requires constant parental care. As a teenager, experiences problems communicating with peers, although he really likes to talk for a long time. The boy prefers to avoid problems. When faced with difficulties, Roma gives up and abstracts himself from the difficult situation.

The boy has no authority, so it is difficult to influence him. He likes to play sports. Can humiliate children who are weaker than him. But he himself will not tolerate ridicule: if they did this to him, then it is necessary to wait for the right opportunity and take revenge on the offender.

Character traits of a man

The personality is revealed only by the age of 30. Roman is capable of self-organization, has logic and the gift of persuasion. The man is self-confident, objective, and does not succumb to the influence of others. He grows into an excellent politician, a fair judge, and a worthy law enforcement officer.

The main features of an adult with this name include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • hard work;
  • prudence;
  • willpower.

Sometimes a man looks mysterious and patient, and sometimes he seems like a big bore.

The young man is upset by troubles, but he does nothing to correct the situation. He calls his attitude towards problems optimism, the belief that everything will work out. Over the years, he develops his own philosophy that justifies his inaction.

Roman does not lack attention from the opposite sex. After all, he is well-mannered, seductive, elegant and charming. He will court the girl he likes for a very long time, while determining her economy and collecting information about her pedigree.

Women are attracted to the following qualities in a man:

  • impulsiveness;
  • passion;
  • temperament.

But due to his selfishness, the young man, even in the sexual sphere, takes into account only his own interests. He is of little interest to his partner's wishes.

Relationship in the family

It is important for a man to feel like a leader in his relationship with his wife. Only a wise woman with cunning and natural wisdom can save a marriage, maintaining an atmosphere of care and trust. The wife must have angelic patience.

It is difficult to call a man a good family man. Everyday life and routine make him sad. But with the birth of children, he reconsiders his values: he becomes an economic spouse and a caring father.

Roman likes to receive guests, he is cheerful and generous with them. However, he pays too little attention to his wife. This situation can cause quarrels and conflict.

Roman is an objective, but vulnerable, hot-tempered and touchy person. His self-confidence causes problems. He should be more responsible and see things through to the end.

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