FSB Institute branches. Military higher educational institutions, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FPS, FSB, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Special exams and physical fitness assessment

Acceptance of applications: through military registration and enlistment offices and FSB agencies. Boys are in a barracks situation, girls are outside the institute (girls must have Moscow or Moscow region registration).
The deadline for candidates from among civilian youth to arrive at the institute to pass entrance examinations is determined in the calls. Calls are sent by the institute to the relevant security authorities by June 25 of the year of admission. Travel to the institutes is provided by security agencies, and accommodation during the period of passing entrance examinations is provided by the institutes.

Read the RULES for admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia at the link pogranichniki ru

Candidates sent to educational institutions to take entrance examinations must have with them: a prescription, birth certificate, passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription, a document on education (original), as well as sports uniforms and shoes .

Specialties - jurisprudence, psychology, jurisprudence, Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; Russian history; social science;
Specialty - radio engineering, marine engineering physics, specialized subject; mathematics;
Russian language (presentation with a creative part);
those entering the training streams of operational workers with knowledge of a foreign language: Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; foreign language; social science.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of completing all exercises and is assessed using a two-point grading system “passed” - “failed”.
A “pass” grade is given to a candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical training standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards. In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade.
Documents confirming the passing of each standard are attached to the candidate’s personal file.
Candidates who received a “failed” rating when passing physical fitness standards are not allowed to take further entrance examinations.
The level of physical fitness is checked during the following exercises:
- pull-ups on the horizontal bar (carried out at the gymnastics campus). Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, each time from a stationary hanging position on straight arms (the hanging position is fixed, pause 1-2 seconds), without jerking or swinging movements of the legs; chin above the level of the crossbar;
- 100-meter run (carried out on the 100-meter track of the stadium or on the parade ground). Performed from a high start;
- 3 km run (held at the institute stadium). Performed from a high start.
One attempt is given to complete the exercise. Repeated performance of the exercise in order to improve the score is not allowed.

Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia - Federal state government educational institution of higher professional education. The Institute trains officers on the basis of a license and certificate for the right to conduct educational activities, obtained based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of the university by a commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Teachers and officers of departments and faculties pass on their rich service and combat experience to the cadets and students of the institute. More than 69% of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and academic titles.

To ensure the training of cadets and students in specialties in accordance with curricula, programs and teaching methods, as well as to carry out scientific research and train scientific and pedagogical personnel, the institute has a modern educational material and technical base.

The institute’s 7 educational lecture halls, 22 display classrooms, language training classrooms, and specialized classes make it possible to carry out all types of educational work using computer technology across the entire range of taught disciplines.

Each training group has an assigned classroom equipped with the necessary equipment.

The Institute has its own printing facility, which allows it to produce educational, methodological and scientific products. The general fund of educational, scientific, special and art libraries contains over 110 thousand copies of educational and fiction literature.

In training classes, cadets practice driving and aiming skills with standard weapons, which they then improve on the racing track and at the institute’s shooting range.

The cadets spend a significant part of their training time in practical classes on tactical and training fields, specialized camps, and military shooting ranges, mastering the methods of using weapons and military equipment, directing the actions of units in various forms of operational activities, organizing and supporting combat.

During the practices carried out annually in the units of the border authorities of the FSB of Russia and in special-purpose communications units of the FSO of Russia, cadets acquire and improve practical skills in performing the duties of their future job assignment.

During their studies, cadets have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities, working in scientific circles of the institute and participating in scientific and practical conferences held by the country's leading universities. The scientific works of the institute's cadets have repeatedly become winners of open competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The best cadets are encouraged by scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, a personal scholarship named after Yu.V. Andropov, a personal scholarship “Moscow Region”, an incentive scholarship from the Head of the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region, scholarships from the International Public Foundation “Law and Order-Center”, the Interregional Public Organization of the Military-Patriotic Club “Rus”, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Acceptance of applications: through military registration and enlistment offices and FSB agencies. Boys are in a barracks situation, girls are outside the institute (girls must have Moscow or Moscow region registration).
The deadline for candidates from among civilian youth to arrive at the institute to pass entrance examinations is determined in the calls. Calls are sent by the institute to the relevant security authorities by June 25 of the year of admission. Travel to the institutes is provided by security agencies, and accommodation during the period of passing entrance examinations is provided by the institutes.

Read the RULES for admission to border-profile institutes of the FSB of Russia at the link pogranichniki ru

Candidates sent to educational institutions to take entrance examinations must have with them: a prescription, birth certificate, passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription, a document on education (original), as well as sports uniforms and shoes .

Specialties - jurisprudence, psychology, jurisprudence, Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; Russian history; social science;
Specialty - radio engineering, marine engineering physics, specialized subject; mathematics;
Russian language (presentation with a creative part);
those entering the training streams of operational workers with knowledge of a foreign language: Russian language (presentation with a creative part), specialized subject; foreign language; social science.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of completing all exercises and is assessed using a two-point grading system “passed” - “failed”.
A “pass” grade is given to a candidate when he receives positive grades when passing all physical training standards or when he receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for one standard and a grade not lower than “good” for at least one of the other standards. In other cases, the candidate is given a “failed” grade.
Documents confirming the passing of each standard are attached to the candidate’s personal file.
Candidates who received a “failed” rating when passing physical fitness standards are not allowed to take further entrance examinations.
The level of physical fitness is checked during the following exercises:
- pull-ups on the horizontal bar (carried out at the gymnastics campus). Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, each time from a stationary hanging position on straight arms (the hanging position is fixed, pause 1-2 seconds), without jerking or swinging movements of the legs; chin above the level of the crossbar;
- 100-meter run (carried out on the 100-meter track of the stadium or on the parade ground). Performed from a high start;
- 3 km run (held at the institute stadium). Performed from a high start.
One attempt is given to complete the exercise. Repeated performance of the exercise in order to improve the score is not allowed.

In accordance with the Concept for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2005, in terms of reforming military education and the system of staffing the RF Armed Forces with officers, a reorganization of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is taking place. At the time of publication of this Directory, the Directorate of Military Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation did not have approved lists of military universities. Therefore, information provided here is provided only by some military schools.

The same reason explains the absence in our publication of the Procedure for Admission to Higher Military Educational Institutions. The previous document no longer corresponded to either the new legislative acts or the reforming system, and there is no new Admission Procedure yet.

Therefore, for questions regarding admission to military universities, please contact the military registration and enlistment offices at your place of residence.

This section also contains information about some universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ministry of Emergency Situations. Federal Border Service. Federal Security Service. Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation.

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

141415, pos. Novogorsk, Khimki district, Moscow region. Tel. 575-47-65. Directions: metro station "Rechnoy Vokzal", bus. 343 to finish; from Leningradsky station by train to Khimki station, bus. 27 to go.

The Academy is a higher educational institution of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. It trains officers and civilian specialists, civilian youth.

Faculties of leadership, training and advanced training, command engineering, correspondence education, special for the training of foreign military personnel.

The cadets are trained in the following specialties: 1) command tactical civil defense forces; 2) mathematical support for research into weapons, equipment and the use of civil defense forces.

Students in the specialty 1) upon completion are awarded the qualification "emergency protection engineer" and the military rank "lieutenant". Duration of training - 5 years. Students in specialty 2) have the qualification “mathematician-engineer” and the military rank “lieutenant”. Duration of training - 6 years. Civilians are trained in the specialty "protection in emergency situations" (h). Upon completion, you are awarded the qualification "Emergency Protection Engineer". Duration of training - 6 years.

Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

141220, Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, pos. Cherkizovo, st. Home, 86. Tel. 584-36-84. Directions from Yaroslavsky station to the station. Tarasovskaya, further aut. 29, 30 to the stop. "Academy".

Specialties - exams. Jurisprudence - history of Russia (u), social studies (u), Russian language and literature (p); finance and credit - geography (u), mathematics (p), Russian language and literature (p).

All applicants take a physical training test and undergo a psychophysiological examination. Exam results are assessed on a 10-point system.

Boys and girls under the age of 30 are accepted for full-time studies (for paid places - up to 35 years). Those entering the full-time department submit an application to the territorial tax police office at their place of residence before March 1 of the year of admission (for paid places - a report addressed to the head of the Academy).

Enrollment for full-time and part-time paid education in February and October, acceptance of documents 2 months before the start of enrollment. Tel. 979-48-36, 234-40-85.

Graduates are awarded the special rank of “tax police lieutenant” and the qualification “lawyer” or “economist”.

Academy students are exempt from military service.

Paid preparatory courses are available.

Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics

117602, Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 70. Tel. 931-33-55. Directions: metro station "Prospekt Vernadskogo", bus. 793, 810.

The institute trains mathematicians and engineers. Admission is carried out on the basis of professional selection and entrance exams according to special rules. Graduates are awarded the military rank of lieutenant.

Faculties (specialties). 1) applied mathematics (cryptography; applied mathematics); 2) special equipment (secure telecommunication systems; radio-electronic systems); 3) information security (computers, complexes, systems and networks; organization and technology of information security; comprehensive provision of information security of automated systems).

Exams (1998) from June 25 to July 15: mathematics (p), physics (p), Russian language and literature (p). The rating system is 10-point. Applicants to the faculty 3) undergo an interview in computer science.

The selection committee of ICSI has the right to count the winners of the crypto-mathematical or physical Olympiads of the institute (held in December and April) as the results of the corresponding exams: 10 points for those who took 1st place, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd place.

There is an evening physics and mathematics school. Recruitment is made through the personnel offices of FOB units and other ministries and departments without exams. The results of the final exams (held in May) in 1998 were counted as entrance to the institute.

Nonresident students live in a dormitory.

Military Air Defense Academy named after. Marshal G. K. Zhukov

170022, Tver, st. Zhigareva, 50. Tel. 9-84-70, 3-70-01. Directions: from the railway station by tram. 2, 5, 6, 11, rest. "Zhelyabova Street"; troll 2, rest. "Industrial College".

Faculty for training specialists with higher specialized education.

The Academy trains specialists in automated information processing and management systems.

Military Academy of Air Defense of the Russian Ground Forces

214027, Smolensk, st. Kotovsky, 2. Tel. 2-63-33, 2-11-18, ext. 4-49.

Faculties. Command and engineering. Officers are accepted. Engineering. It trains engineers with higher military-special education in the specialty "automated information processing and control systems", "radio engineering" and research engineers in the specialty "mathematical engineering and physical research of technical systems".

There are preparatory courses (d, h).

Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (formerly F.E. Dzerzhinsky Academy)

103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky proezd, 9/5. Tel. 298-34-50. Directions: metro station "Kitay-Gorod".

Specialties: automated information processing and management systems; rocket science; aircraft control systems; instruments and systems for orientation, stabilization and navigation; electronics and automation of physical installations; life safety; power supply of industrial facilities; computer software and automated systems; computers, complexes, systems and networks; radio engineering; laser systems; chemical technology of polymer compositions, defects and solid rocket fuels; mathematical methods and operations research in economics; Applied Mathematics; management and computer science in technical systems. Exams mathematics (p, y), physics (p), dictation.

The academy runs preparatory courses (c, h). During the spring holidays, olympiads in mathematics and physics are held. The winners are exempt from entrance exams in these disciplines.

Competition: 3 people per place.

The passing score is 16-17 depending on the specialty.

Military Engineering and Space Academy named after. A. F. Mozhaisky

197082, St. Petersburg, st. Zhdanovskaya, 13. Tel. 235-88-74.

The Academy trains officers for the Military Space Forces and a number of other units of the Russian Defense Ministry. Duration of training - 5 years.

Faculties are command; designs of launch vehicles and spacecraft; control systems and computer technology; radio electronics; engineering and technical; collection and processing of information; automated control and communication systems.

There are correspondence mathematical and physical schools.

Military conducting faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky

125284, Moscow, st. Polikarpova, 21. Tel. 293-97-34, 946-03-77. Directions: metro station "Begovaya".

Specialty: conducting, specialization - conducting a brass (military brass) band. Duration of training is 5 years. Exams (held from July 5): conducting and special instrument (practical), solfeggio and harmony (u and p), presentation.

Applicants undergo a medical examination and a physical fitness test (100 and 3000 meters running, pull-ups).

The faculty accepts young men from among civilian youth from 17 to 21 years old inclusive, military personnel of fixed-term and long-term service no older than 23 years old, who have a secondary specialized music education or equivalent independent training (within the scope of the music school curriculum) and who own one of the wind or percussion instruments instruments of a military orchestra. Students of civil universities of the relevant profile after the first year can be enrolled in the first year of the faculty based on the results of the interview.

Applicants arriving from military commissariats and military units are provided with free accommodation and meals during the entrance exams.

Graduates are awarded the military rank of lieutenant and the qualification of conductor, teacher of special disciplines.

Military Engineering University

109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11. Tel. 916-82-13, 916-83-95. Directions: metro station "Chistye Prudy", tram. 3, 39, rest. "Barracks Lane".

Specialties: multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles; electricity supply; management and computer science in technical systems; industrial and civil construction.

The list of specialties is updated annually.

Military Technical University

143900, Moscow region, Balashikha 11, st. Karbysheva, 8. Tel. 521-04-87, 529-52-27. Directions: metro station "Izmailovsky Park", bus. 322, rest. "South microdistrict"; auto 336, rest. "School".

The university trains officers with higher military-special education. Duration of study is 5 years, full-time course.

Specialties: highways and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment.

Military professional selection is carried out from July 5 to July 25 in the following sections: a) social activity, moral qualities, military professional orientation and individual psychological qualities; b) health status; c) physical training; d) entrance exams.

Exams: dictation, mathematics (p), physics (u).

Competition: 3 people per place.

Passing score - 12.

Graduates are awarded the military rank of lieutenant and the qualification of engineer.

Cadets from 1st to 3rd year live in the barracks, from 4th to 5th year - in a dormitory on the territory of the university.

There are preparatory courses.

Military Transport University of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation

190000, St. Petersburg, emb. Moika River, 96. Tel. 311-93-95. Directions: by all means of transport to Teatralnaya Square.

Faculties (specialties) Restoration and construction of railways (construction of railways, track and track facilities; automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport). Restoration and construction of artificial structures (bridges and transport tunnels). Mechanization (handling and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment; cars and automotive industry). Military communications (organization of transportation and management of transport; locomotives).

Military Aviation Technical University (formerly N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy)

125190, Moscow, st. Planetnaya, 3. Tel 155-11-59, 155-11-33. Directions: metro station "Dynamo".

Faculties (specialties) of aircraft (technical operation of aircraft and engines); aviation weapons (robotic systems of aviation weapons; gas-dynamic pulse devices); aviation equipment (technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight navigation systems; automated information processing and control systems; computer software and automated systems; comprehensive information security of automated systems); aviation radio-electronic equipment (technical operation of transport radio equipment).

Exams mathematics (p, y), physics (p), presentation.

Competition: 2 people per place.

Passing score -15.

There are preparatory courses. Tel. 250-92-70.

Military Institute of Government Communications

302034, Orel, st. Ignatova, 1. Tel. 41-99-36, 41-99-17, 41-66-56. Directions: trolley. 3, 4, 5, auto. 7, stop "Hospital named after Semashko".

Specialties. Communication networks and switching systems; multi-channel telecommunication systems; radio communications, radio broadcasting and television; automated information processing and management systems; secure telecommunication systems.

Exams - physics (p), mathematics (p), Russian language and literature (presentation with elements of an essay), physical training (boys: 100 m run, 3000 m cross-country, pull-ups; girls: 100 m run, 1000 m cross-country, complex strength exercise), qualification exam.

Competition: 3 people per place.

Passing score 14.

Duration of training - 5 years. Upon graduation, the institute is awarded the military rank of "lieutenant", and a diploma of higher professional education is issued with the qualification of an engineer in one of the above specialties.

Civilian youth wishing to enroll in college submit an application to the district (city) military commissariat at their place of residence no later than April 1 of the year of admission.

Military University

103107, Moscow, st. B. Sadovaya, 14. Tel. 296-63-02, 296-59-97. (Faculties: culture and journalism; military psychological; military social work). 109033, Moscow, st. Volochaevskaya, 3/4. Tel. 362-41-55 (Faculties: foreign languages, prosecutorial and investigative, military legal, foreign military information).

Faculties (qualifications) - exams. Culture and journalism (journalist, manager of socio-cultural activities) - essay, Russian language and literature (y), history of the Fatherland (y). Those who have chosen the profession of journalist submit recommendations to the media, publications, perform creative written work, undergo an interview and a creative competition. Those who have chosen the profession of manager present the commission with reading passages of prose or poetry, knowledge of musical literacy and choreography skills. Military psychological (psychologist) - essay, biology (y), history of the Fatherland (y). Military social work (sociologist, social work specialist) - essay, history of the Fatherland (y), foundations of the state and law (y). Foreign languages ​​(military translator-referent with knowledge of two foreign languages) - essay, Russian language and literature (y), foreign language (y). Prosecutor-investigator (military lawyer with a specialty in "prosecutorial-investigation") - essay, history of the Fatherland (y), foundations of the state and law (y). Recommendations from garrison military prosecutors are required. Military legal (military lawyer with a specialty in legal consulting) - essay, history of the Fatherland (y), foundations of the state and law (y). Recommendations are required from the legal service units of formations, associations, and military educational institutions. Foreign military information (foreign military information officers in the civilian specialty "linguistics and intercultural communication") - essay, Russian language and literature (y), foreign language (y).

All applicants undergo professional psychological selection and testing of their level of physical fitness.

Standards for testing physical fitness

Exercise scores

Exercise scores


(number of times)

100 meter run

cross 3000 meters

(min., sec.)

Military University of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense

107005, Moscow B-5, Brigadirsky lane, 13. Tel. 265-92-22, 265-94-30. Directions: metro station "Baumanskaya", tram. 37, 45, 50, auto. About the rest. "Denisovsky Lane".

Faculty of Engineering. Specialties: chemical technology of organic substances; materials science and technology of new materials; biotechnology. Exams: mathematics (p, y), chemistry (p), essay (test).

Duration of training - 5 years.

Graduates are issued national diplomas of higher education with the military rank of "lieutenant" and qualification "engineer".

Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation

129328, Moscow, Ostashkovskaya st., 15. Tel. 184-95-41, 184-95-64, 184-95-61. Directions, metro station "Medvedkovo", bus. 93, 601, ost "Experimental Plant".

Faculties: 1) command, 2) border control, 3) operational-search activities.

Graduates of all faculties receive the civil specialty "law".

Girls study only at faculty 2) if they have permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region. Entrance tests 1. Professional psychological and socio-psychological selection. 2. Medical selection. 3. Physical fitness check. 4. Exams. Examinations: essay, social studies (political and legal aspect) (y), foreign language (p).

All applicants are provided with free food and hostel accommodation.

The cadets are provided with uniforms, food, and monetary allowances and are in barracks condition. Girls are not provided with hostel accommodation.

Paid preparatory courses run from October to April.

Moscow Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

125239, Moscow, st. Koptevskaya, 63. Tel. 156-91-21 (HR department), 156-91-22 (educational department). Directions: metro station Voikovskaya, tram. 27, ost "Koptevo".

Persons with secondary (complete) general education are accepted for full-time education. The duration of training is 4 years, the first two are in a barracks position in the Tver branch. After the 3rd year, students are awarded the special rank of “junior police lieutenant”, and after graduation - “police lieutenant”.

Females are not accepted for full-time study.

Specialty: jurisprudence. Qualification: lawyer.

Exams: Russian language and literature (presentation), Russian history (y), fundamentals of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (y), physical training (100 m run, 3 km cross-country, pull-ups on the crossbar).

Dormitory provided

There are preparatory courses (c). We accept male persons who have graduated or are studying in secondary educational institutions and wish to enter higher legal educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Regional Branch of the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

143100, Moscow region, Ruza, Teryaevo village. Tel. 592-22-49. Directions: from Belorussky railway station to station. "Tuchkovo", hereinafter ed. to Teryaevo village.

Two-level training in the specialty “law enforcement” includes full-time (2 years, secondary specialized education) and part-time (3 years, higher legal education).

Part-time study (5 years) in the specialty “law” with specializations “operational-investigative” and “administrative-legal”. For those who previously graduated from specialized secondary educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the duration of study is 3 years; those who graduate from secondary secondary education institutions with honors are accepted without exams.

Citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Moscow region are accepted: for full-time education under the age of 25 with secondary education; for absentee applications - police officers under the age of 35.

Entrance tests I. Professional psychological examination. 2. Introductory interviews.

Exams: for full-time two-year studies from July 13 to July 31 - domestic history (y), fundamentals of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (y), physical training, Russian language and literature (exposition with an additional task); for five-year correspondence studies from July 16 to July 30 - the same, except for physical training; for three-year correspondence studies - special and legal disciplines according to the secondary school program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School

109380, Moscow, Moscow VOKU. Tel. 172-90-06, ext. 4-49. Directions: metro station "Lublino", bus. 54, 242.

The school trains Ground Forces officers with higher military-special education. Duration of training - 5 years. Qualification - engineer. Specialty: multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles.

In-person preparatory courses are available.