Integrated lesson (chemistry - physics) Fuel energy. Heat of combustion of fuel. Purpose of the lesson: To study the use of internal energy of fuel. Physics and ecology Physics lesson energy and ecology

Municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 4”, Kimry

Petrakova Marina Viktorovna

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary School No. 4"


Tver region

Lesson - conference on the topic:

“Nuclear energy: environmental problems”

physics, 11th grade

Prepared by: physics teacher

Petrakova Marina Viktorovna



Explanatory note

In high school, educational activities noticeably activate the motive of “professional and life self-determination.” This motive is directed towards a person’s future profession; his formation is connected with the work to which the student intends to devote himself. I try to put it into action, for example, by inviting students to become “today” adults and take up one of the important service positions.

An example of this technique is the proposed development of a lesson-conference “Nuclear energy: environmental problems”. Speakers and co-speakers, specialists from various fields of nuclear energy are “invited” to it: an environmental specialist, a specialist in alternative energy sources, a specialist in studying the causes of disasters at nuclear power plants, etc.; journalists from various publications, opponents on every issue, a cameraman. All roles are played by students.

Based on the results of the conference, the “journalists” each prepare a message for their own publishing house, and one group presents the school newspaper.

A multimedia presentation and a detailed script create a single, concise and colorful digital material that can be used both in a physics lesson as a final lesson in the topic “Physics of the Atomic Nucleus”, and also as independent material in extracurricular activities, for example, during a physics week at school.

Municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 4”, Kimry, Tver Region, 2014.



  • Show the inextricable connection between ecology and economics, the need for attention to environmental measures in order to mitigate the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • Using knowledge from various school disciplines, convince of the importance of rational environmental management to preserve people’s health;
  • Describe different types of power plants, including nuclear power plants;
  • Identify the positive and negative aspects of nuclear energy;
  • Reveal problems and highlight ways to solve them.


  • Develop information and communication competencies;
  • Improve self-education skills;
  • Develop the ability to use ICT in the educational process to search for information and present it in a given form.


  • To develop responsibility and independence in preparing lesson materials;
  • To cultivate aesthetic feelings in the process of design and presentation of material.


  • Make students active participants in the lesson;
  • Involve as many children as possible in independent active cognitive and creative activities;
  • Present the material in a concise form, while ensuring maximum clarity and connect the phenomena being studied with life.

Preparing for the conference

A month before the conference, students are offered topics for messages, they choose and begin preparing for the presentation.

Conference questions.

  1. General information about nuclear energy. Economic problems of nuclear power plants.
  2. Environmental problems of nuclear power plants.
  3. Chernobyl tragedy.
  4. Environmentally friendly power plants.


Computer, multimedia projector, screen, applications in the form of presentations: (author’s developments), exhibition of student drawings on the topic “Environmental problems of nuclear energy.”

Note . In the text of the script, the text in bold is highlighted, which is also reflected on the presentation slides.

View presentations. Participation in the discussion of issues proposed by students (specialists in various fields of nuclear energy).

The teacher introduces an overview of the material(Appendix 1 “General overview”).

Slide 1,2.


“It does not happen that experimenters conduct their searches for the sake of discovering a new source of energy or for the sake of obtaining rare or expensive elements. The true motivation lies deeper and is connected with the exciting fascination of penetrating one of the greatest secrets of nature."
E. Rutherford.

Energy is a branch of industry and the national economy engaged in the production, transmission, transformation and rational use of energy. The state of the economy of any country depends on it. Today, the problem of energy supply has become one of the priorities.

By comprehending the laws of nature and using scientific and technological progress in his practical activities, a person becomes more and more powerful. Modern man can do anything. But technological progress also has a reverse, “shadow” side - the damage caused to nature increases: the atmosphere is polluted, oil films that are harmful to aquatic flora and fauna appear on the surface of the seas and oceans, there are fewer and fewer forests left, some types of technology are able to destroy everything on Earth living things, including humans. Therefore, in our time, more than ever before, the moral aspects of the use of natural resources are becoming important. Issues of ecology, reasonable, careful attitude towards nature - our habitat.

Slide 3.

Electric power industry is an industry on which the development of all other sectors of the economy largely depends. Electricity production is the most important indicator by which the level of development of a country is judged.

The placement of power plants depends on the type of station; it is influenced primarily by the resource factor (depending on the energy source used) and the consumer factor.

The main types of power plants are distinguished: thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants.

The share of nuclear energy in global electrical energy production is 17% (about 2000 billion kWh). According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the global nuclear energy industry is represented by 450 nuclear reactors operating in 31 countries.

Slide 4.

The three countries in the world that have the largest share of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in total electricity generation are France (77%), Belgium (56%) and Sweden (56%). In the USA it is 19%, and in Russia – 11% (~120 billion kWh).

Slide 5.

On the territory of Russia there are 9 of the largest power plants built in the USSR. Of these, 8 are in the European part of Russia: these are the Kursk, Tver, Novovoronezh, Leningrad, Balakovo, Beloyarsk, Kola nuclear power plants and the Bilibino AST (nuclear heat supply station, similar in principle to a thermal power plant). The largest nuclear power plant in Russia, Kursk, has a capacity of 4000 MW. At these stations, 29 power units with reactors of various types are installed, including 11 reactors of the obsolete RBMK-1000 type, such as at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Slide 6.

Economic problems of nuclear power plants.

The production of electricity at nuclear power plants is not associated with combustion processes and, therefore, with the consumption of atmospheric oxygen, which is so necessary for the biosphere. Without burning fossil fuels and, therefore, without emitting hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, the nuclear power plant has become the only large producer of electrical energy that does not contribute to either an increase in the greenhouse effect or acid precipitation.

If those 17% of global electricity production provided by nuclear power plants were produced by coal-fired thermal power plants, then about 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year would additionally enter the atmosphere, as well as tens of millions of tons of sulfur oxide, nitrogen and other harmful emissions .

Opponents of nuclear energy do not consider this argument a decisive argument in favor of nuclear power plants, considering this method of reducing harmful emissions from thermal power plants to be very expensive compared to the use of: a) renewable energy sources and b) measures to save and more efficiently consume electricity (improving the quality of electrical equipment, including including household appliances, frequency and voltage stabilizers, etc.). It was this approach that allowed the United States to achieve a significant increase in gross national product with a relatively small increase in consumption of all types of energy and a complete cessation of the construction of new nuclear power plants (since the mid-70s of the last century).

Let's compare the amount of fuel consumed by conventional thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants do not require as much fossil fuel as thermal power plants; they do not burden railway transport with coal transportation (in our country, these transportations will account for 40% of railway freight turnover).

Consider the fuel cycle of a nuclear power plant(slide 7). It consists of two parts.

the first (A) relates to ore processing, production and enrichment of the fuel itself;

the second (B) is related to waste storage and regeneration of nuclear fuel

Regeneration – this is a set of radiochemical and chemical-technological processes for processing nuclear fuel used in the reactor; the goal is to extract unburned primary fuel, as well as accumulated secondary fuel for further use. Regeneration is accompanied by the extraction and disposal of radioactive waste.

Slide 8.

Share of costs of nuclear fuel cycle components .

Unfortunately, there is no exact data on how much it costs to build a nuclear power plant (it is quite long-term - about 10 years, with the same amount of time spent preparing for construction), how high the operating costs are (it is known that a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW is serviced by a staff of a thousand people ), how much money is needed for the construction of social and cultural amenities (since an urban structure with a population of about tens of thousands of people always appears near a nuclear power plant) and how much will the inevitable dismantling of the station require.

Nuclear power plants have a limited operating life: ~ 25-30 years. Such a short service life of a nuclear power plant is explained by the fact that over time, despite all protective measures, the plant’s equipment becomes hazardous in terms of radiation.

The phenomenon of “embrittlement” is also observed when, under the influence of neutron irradiation, metal structures lose strength and become brittle.

Dismantling a nuclear power plant is a science and at the same time a very complex production, the concept of which has not yet been developed. According to many experts (energy engineers, environmentalists, etc.), there is a “long farewell” to nuclear power plants, and it is not possible to completely dismantle them and bring the environment to a “green lawn” state.

Therefore, the cost of the energy produced by a nuclear power plant must include not only the costs of constructing the station, but also the costs of its dismantling, the cost of which, according to expert estimates, is comparable to the cost of the structure itself. In the mid-1970s, US nuclear energy policy changed dramatically: the construction of new nuclear power plants was stopped, despite the significant costs already incurred. This happened primarily for economic reasons after calculating the cost of electricity produced by a nuclear power plant, taking into account all the real components of the nuclear fuel cycle: 1 - extraction of natural uranium, 2 - processing and enrichment of fuel, 3 - production of fuel elements, 4 - processing and disposal of radioactive waste ( see diagram).

Analysis of the diagram shows: in the entire cycle of fuel production for nuclear power plants, the cost of uranium extraction (supposedly the main indicator of the low cost of electrical energy produced at nuclear power plants) is only 2%; taking into account the processes of reprocessing, enrichment and production of fuel elements it will be 26%. A significant share of costs (74%) falls on the processing and disposal of radioactive waste (RAW) generated at all stages of the cycle.

Slide 9.

Currently, according to far from complete and unreliable calculations, the cost of 1 kWh of electricity generated at a nuclear power plant is the highest compared to the cost of electricity produced at other types of power plants.

(Discussion of this issue among students continues.)


- The next issue on the topic under consideration is “Environmental problems of nuclear power plants”(Student's story using presentation. Appendix 2).

Slide 2

The student is a specialist in environmental issues at nuclear power plants.

Until recently, nuclear energy was considered the most promising. This is due both to relatively large reserves of nuclear fuel and to its gentle impact on the environment. The advantages also include the possibility of constructing nuclear power plants without being tied to resource deposits, since their transportation does not require significant costs due to small volumes. It is enough to note that 0.5 kg of nuclear fuel produces the same amount of energy as burning 1000 tons of coal.

Positive environmental factor:

Small release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Slide 3.

There are several negative environmental factors:

1.Thermal pollution:

The heat loss of a nuclear power plant is 1.5 times greater than that of a thermal power plant of similar power; therefore, the efficiency of nuclear power plants is low (20-25%), and their operation is accompanied by the “discharge” of a huge amount of heat into the air and water.

Slide 4.

Thermal pollution changes the climate of the region where the nuclear power plant is located.

Air humidity increases, especially in the autumn-winter period, which adversely affects people's health, the condition of crops, forests, buildings and structures, including switchgears and power lines.

Slide 5.

An increase in the temperature of natural reservoirs, where warm water is discharged from cooling systems of stations, leads to a decrease in the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water, which inhibits the development of juvenile fish and leads to the death of fish.

Slide 6.

In the heated warm water of reservoirs, the rapid development of blue-green algae occurs, and the water “blooms”; this phenomenon is called autophysification, makes it impossible to use such reservoirs fordrinking water supply.

Slide 7.

2. Presence of radioactive waste:

Uranium ore is mined in mines using underground or open pit methods. This mining industry degrades the environment by polluting air, soil, surface and ground water;

Waste at the stage of mining and processing of natural uranium is very large and amounts to 99.8%.

Slide 8.

From liquid waste storage tanks, radioactive substances can enter groundwater and nearby surface water bodies;

Slide 9.

Solid and liquid waste generated during the regeneration of nuclear fuel have very high radioactivity and require special processing and special disposal to ensure safety

Slide 10.

There are serious reasons to believe that all currently existing methods for neutralizing radioactive waste, including chemical ones, are not reliable enough and represent a source of constant danger to life in all spatial structures of the biosphere.

Slide 11.

3. Radioactive radiation (RI):

This is the main danger of nuclear energy.

RI has a detrimental effect on all living organisms.

Slide 12.

Under the influence of radiation, tissue cells, primarily their nuclei, are affected, the ability of cells to divide and the metabolism in them are disrupted.

The most sensitive to radiation exposure are the hematopoietic organs (bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes), epithelium of the mucous membranes, and thyroid gland.

Slide 13.

As a result of radioactive radiation on human organs, severe diseases arise: radiation sickness, malignant tumors, often leading to death.

Slide 14.

Irradiation has a strong effect on the genetic apparatus, leading to the appearance of offspring with deformed abnormalities and congenital severe diseases of the body.

Slide 15.

The degree of biological impact depends on the type of radiation, its intensity and the duration of irradiation of the body.

A specific feature of radioactive radiation: it is not perceived by the human senses and, even with lethal doses, does not cause pain at the time of irradiation; This is their “cunning”.

Slide 16.

Another negative factor:

4 . Emergency situations:

The explosion of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) is one of such situations.

Slide 17.

In total, since the start of operation of nuclear power plants, more than 150 incidents and accidents of varying degrees of complexity have occurred in 14 countries around the world. Some of them:

  • In 1957 - in Windscale (England)
  • In 1959 – in Santa Susanna (USA)
  • B1961 – In Idaho Falls (USA)
  • In 1979 – in Three Mile Island (USA)

Slide 18.

This is why people all over the world oppose the construction of nuclear power plants in the territories where they live.

Teacher :

- Now let’s take a closer look at the tragedy that occurred on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. (Student's story. Appendix 3).

Slide 2

The student is a specialist in the study of disasters at nuclear power plants.

“The whole world, covering from earth to heaven,
Having alarmed more than one generation,
Scientific progress is sweeping across the planet.
What is behind this phenomenon?

How to use knowledge is people's concern.
It's not science - the scientist is in charge.
Who gave people fire - was Prometheus right?
What will progress mean for the planet?

Humanity first saw the atom in action in 1945, when the United States dropped hydrogen bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A third of the population of these cities died, and radiation caused leukemia in many people. People have died and continue to die to this day.

A series of nuclear weapons tests by the United States on Bikini Island in 1946 - 1958 led to the fact that, as a result of the explosion, 2 neighboring islands disappeared from the face of the Earth, and the island itself became uninhabitable.

In 1957, an explosion occurred at the Sellafield nuclear fuel regeneration plant in England. As a result of contamination, 13 people died, more than 250 fell ill with acute and chronic radiation sickness, etc.

In our country, atomic weapons were tested at the Semipalatinsk test site for many years. As a result, a large number of people received varying doses of radiation.

In the Altai Territory, there are 24,250 citizens affected by radiation at the Semipalatinsk test site. In fact, now, as recognized by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, there are much more victims of these tests. Everyone who lived in populated areas between 1949 and 1963 (both on the territory of the Altai Territory and the Kazakh SSR) is included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and has the right to apply for the status of “Semipalatinsk residents” and receive social assistance.

The settlements of the Rubtsovsky, Loktevsky, Uglovsky districts, where the total (accumulated) effective radiation dose exceeds 25 cSv, and the Zalesovsky, Zmeenogorsky, Kurinsky, Loktevsky, Pospelikhinsky, Rubtsovsky, Uglovsky and Krasnoshchekovsky districts, where the total (accumulated ) the effective radiation dose is more than 5cSv, but not more than 25 cSv. In the Krasnoshchekovsky district, such settlements included: Akimovka, Krasnoshchekovo, Malaya Suetka, Murzinka, Charyshsky (Paris Commune). The number of people affected by explosions today in the Krasnoshchekovsky district (who received certificates) is 1297 people (irradiation dose - more than 5 cSv, but not more than 25 cSv and 22 people (irradiation dose - more than 25 cSv), which also adversely affects health of people, most of whom have chronic diseases.

Slide 3.4

On April 26, 1986 at 01:23:40 local time, the largest accident in the history of nuclear energy development occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Slide 5.

W. Lawrence described a nuclear explosion with the following lines:

“It’s as if light appeared from the depths of the Earth, the light not of this world, but of many Suns brought together. This huge ball of fire rose, changing color from purple to orange, increasing in size, a natural force came into action, freed from the bonds that had been bound for billions of years.”

Slide 6.

This accident became a warning to humanity that the colossal energy contained in the atom, without proper control over it, could raise the question of the very existence of people on the planet.

Slide 7.

The first stage of the accident - two explosions:

  • During the first 1 second, the radioactivity of the reactor increased 100 times;
  • During the second - after 3 s - the radioactivity increased 440 times

Slide 8.

  • Second stage of the accident: (April 26–May 2) – burning of graphite rods;
  • Third stage: (May 2 – 6) – nuclear fuel meltdown.

Slide 9.

During the burning of the rods, the temperature inside the reactor did not drop below

1500 0 C, and after May 2 it began to rise, approaching 3000 0 C, which caused the melting of the remaining nuclear fuel.

Slide 10.

Some data and consequences of the Chernobyl accident

According to official estimates, the radioactivity “ejected” from the reactor was 50 million Ci (this value was clearly underestimated, since, as of May 6, it did not take into account most of the short-lived radionuclides, including iodine -131, whose half-life equal to 8.1 days and which is also extremely dangerous) and 50 million Ci of radioactive noble gases.

Slide 11.

During the Chernobyl accident, 3.5% of the fission products in the reactor (this is 63 kg) were released into the atmosphere;

For comparison, the explosion of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima produced only 0.74 kg of radioactive “waste.”

Slide 12.

At the moment of the explosion, a huge (about 2 km high) cloud of radioactivity of tens of millions of Curies was formed, consisting of aerosols-dispersed “hot” nuclear fuel particles mixed with radioactive gases.

Slide 13.

After the explosion, large fragments of fuel cassettes and graphite appeared on the territory of the fourth block, which liquidators of the accident consequences collected with bulldozers and shovels (!)

Slide 14.

20 residents of the Krasnoshchekovsky district became the liquidators of this terrible accident, who were sent to the scene of the tragedy on May 20, 1986.

There are 10 people left alive today.


Guys, now a person will speak before you, an eyewitness to everything that is happening, a liquidator of the consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who at that time was only 25 years old, this is V.N. Kashkarov.

(Speech by V.N. Kashkarov)

Slide 15.

Consequences of the disaster:

  • The area in close proximity to the 4th block was severely damaged;
  • Part of the coniferous forest died from powerful irradiation with short-lived isotopes;
  • The dead needles were red in color, and the forest itself was fraught with mortal danger for everyone who was in it.

Slide 16.

At the fork, at the sign "Pripyat" - the remains of the famous "red forest". It has not existed for a long time; the entire top layer of turf was cut off, removed and buried under concrete.

Slide 17.

On the first day, life in Pripyat, a city built for nuclear workers and their families two kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, continued as if nothing had happened. Most people spent Saturday outdoors - it was the first warm and sunny day of the cold spring. 16 weddings were celebrated in the city.

The evacuation of city residents began 36 hours after the accident.At the same time, the eviction of nearby settlements took several more days.

Meanwhile, thousands of Kiev residents, as usual, came out for May Day demonstrations - this was only 5 days after the explosion, and residents of the Ukrainian capital had no idea what danger they were exposed to.

Slide 18.

Road to Pripyat. After the accident, the overpass over the railway received a second name - “bridge of death.”

Slide 19.

A city without inhabitants dies quickly. Until recently, Pripyat sparkled with joy, music flowed from the windows open to the spring, children frolicked in parks and squares.

Today, the city greets you with shop windows closed with plywood boards, nets from beds that fell from a truck, and silence.

The house overlooking the central square (photo from the 80s) and now.

Slide 20.

One of the classes at school No. 3.

Slide 21.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused large-scale radioactive contamination of areas, buildings, structures, roads, forests and reservoirs not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. More than 8 tons of fuel, which contains plutonium and other highly radioactive decay products, as well as radioactive graphite substance, were released.

Slide 22.

Accumulation of radioactive elements in the human body

Slide 23.

Consequences of radioactive contamination:

  • Mutations;
  • Cancer (thyroid, breast, lung, stomach, intestines, leukemia);
  • Hereditary disorders;
  • Sterility of the ovaries in women;
  • Dementia, etc.

Slide 24.

The result of the Chernobyl disaster:

  • 80 thousand people died;
  • More than 3 million people were affected, of which 1 million were children;
  • Chernobyl brought losses comparable to the budgets of entire states;
  • The consequences of the disaster will not be overcome in the foreseeable future.

We must always be on guard so that the Chernobyl tragedy, which shook the whole world, never repeats itself, so that the tears of thousands of innocent people who suffered due to the carelessness of a few people are not shed.

Slide 25

And I would like to end my speech with the words of A. Yablochkov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Center for Environmental Safety of Russia:

“From the standpoint of the country’s environmental safety, radioactive contamination is one of the most important threats. And the share of nuclear power plants in creating this threat is very significant. We may be exaggerating, but Chernobyl alone fully justifies our opinion.”

(The teacher invites students to discuss the proposed topic).

Teacher: The Russian Federation is a wealthy country. In a variety of ways. But the basis of our well-being lies not only in the wealth of fossil resources, the inaccessibility and exhaustibility of which should not be forgotten. Russia's wealth lies in its territory. It is the territory that is the factor that determines the diversity of landscape, geological and climatic zones (and the boundaries between these zones), which ultimately results in the availability of renewable energy sources.

According to various estimates by researchers, the economically justified energy potential is 270 - 420 million tons of standard fuel. In terms of fuel equivalent, electricity generation in 2008 amounted to approximately 125 million tce. In other words, renewable energy sources (RES) can theoretically cover the economy’s need for secondary energy.

(Student's report using the presentation “Green Power Plants” Appendix 4).

Slide 2.

Student – ​​specialist in alternative energy sources

All main types of power plants have a significant negative impact on the environment:

Thermal power plants pollute the air, and slag from coal-fired plants occupies vast areas.

Reservoirs of lowland hydroelectric power stations flood fertile floodplain lands and lead to waterlogging.

Nuclear power plants also turned out to be unsafe.

Let's take a closer look at green power plants, starting with wind.

WIND ENERGY is a branch of energy related to the development of methods and means for converting wind energy into mechanical, thermal or electrical energy.

Slide 3.

Wind is a renewable energy source. Wind energy can be used almost everywhere; The most promising application of wind power plants is in agriculture.

Wind power plant - several wind generators assembled in one or several places. Large wind farms may consist of 100 or more wind generators.

Slide 4.

Wind power plants are built in places with high average wind speeds - from 4.5 m/s and above.

A preliminary study of the potential of the area is carried out. Anemometers are installed at an altitude of 30 to 100 meters, and for one to two years they collect information about wind speed and direction. The information obtained can be combined into maps of wind energy availability. Conventional meteorological information is not suitable for the construction of wind farms: this information on wind speeds was collected at ground level (up to 10 meters) and within cities, or at airports.

Slide 5.

The largest wind farm at the moment is the power plant in Roscoe, Texas, USA. It was launched on October 1, 2009 by the German energy concern E.ON. The station consists of 627 wind turbines manufactured by Mitsubishi, General Electric and Siemens. Total power is about 780 MW. The area of ​​the power plant is at least 400 km².

Slide 6.

Geothermal power plants.

GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT - a thermal power plant that converts the internal heat of the Earth (the energy of hot steam-water sources) into electrical energy.

Slide 7.

In Russia, the first geothermal power plant (Pauzhetskaya) with a capacity of 5 MW was launched in 1966 in Kamchatka;

  • - In 1980, its capacity was increased to 11 MW.
  • - Geothermal power plants are available in the USA, New Zealand, Italy, Iceland, and Japan.

Slide 8.

Geothermal energy is energy obtained from the natural heat of the Earth. This heat can be achieved using wells.

The geothermal gradient in the well increases by 1°C every 36 meters. This heat is delivered to the surface in the form of steam or hot water. This heat can be used both directly for heating homes and buildings, and for generating electricity. Thermal regions are found in many parts of the world.

According to various estimates, the temperature at the center of the Earth is at least 6,650°C. The rate of cooling of the Earth is approximately 300 - 350 °C per billion years. The Earth emits 42 * 1012 W of heat, of which 2% is absorbed in the crust and 98% in the mantle and core. Modern technologies do not allow us to reach the heat that is released too deeply, but 840,000,000,000 W (2%) of available geothermal energy can meet the needs of humanity for a long time. Areas around the edges of continental plates are the best places to build geothermal plants because the crust in such areas is much thinner.

Slide 9.

Solar power plant.

Solar energy is also used to generate electricity.

There are thermodynamic solar power plants and photovoltaic plants that directly convert solar energy into electrical energy.

The electric power of operating thermodynamic solar power plants is over 30 MW, photovoltaic stations - over 10 MW.

Slide 10.

  • A solar battery is one of the generators of alternative types of energy that convert solar electromagnetic radiation (in other words, light) into electricity;
  • Is the object of solar energy research;
  • The production of solar panels is developing rapidly in a variety of directions.

Slide 11.

Solar panels are very widely used in tropical and subtropical regions with a lot of sunny days. They are especially popular in Mediterranean countries, where they are placed on the roofs of houses to generate electricity. In the future, they will probably be used to recharge electric vehicles. Solar collectors are used primarily to supply hot water needs and sometimes to support heating systems.

It is reported that solar cells with an efficiency of 44% have been obtained in some laboratories. In 2007, information appeared about the invention by Russian scientists (Dubna) of elements with an efficiency of 54%, but these highly efficient panels cannot be widely used due to their high cost, many scientists are working on this problem.

Slide 12.

Tidal power station.

A tidal power plant (TPP) is a special type of hydroelectric power station that uses the energy of tides, and in fact the kinetic energy of the Earth’s rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Fluctuations in water levels near the shore can reach 13 meters.

Slide 13.

To obtain energy, the bay or river mouth is blocked with a dam in which hydraulic units are installed, which can operate both in generator mode and in pump mode (to pump water into the reservoir for subsequent operation in the absence of tides). In the latter case, they are called pumped storage power plants.

Slide 14.

Tidal power plants have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of PES are:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • low cost of energy production.


  • high construction costs;
  • power that varies throughout the day, due to which the PES can only operate as part of an energy system that has sufficient power from other types of power plants

There is an opinion that the operation of tidal power plants slows down the rotation of the Earth, which could lead to negative environmental consequences. However, due to the colossal mass of the Earth, the influence of tidal power plants is invisible.

(Discussion on this issue continues).



Thus, the development of nuclear energy poses qualitatively new environmental challenges for humanity:

Apply new technologies in the construction of nuclear power plants;

It is necessary to invest money in the development of new, safer nuclear reactors;

Apply new methods of radioactive waste disposal.

Preventing the rapidly approaching ecological and economic crisis is possible only with the transition to the widespread direct use of non-traditional energy sources - wind energy, tidal energy, the Sun and the internal energy of the Earth.

Reflective test:

  • I learned a lot of new and interesting things.
  • What did you like about the lesson? Why?
  • What didn't you like?
  • Do I need physics to improve my intellectual level?
  • Do I need physics for my future professional activities?

Tasks for students:

Based on the results of the conference, write a note in the school newspaper.


Teacher: Many thanks to our specialists! Many thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion for a great job! I hope that in the near future you will become real masters of your craft, able to solve global problems of humanity.

Used Books:

  1. Illesh A. Catastrophe. - M: Izvestia, 1989; ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/08/2002 No. 156-R.

Zolotova Svetlana Evgenievna
mathematic teacher
Chashchina Svetlana Yurievna
Chemistry teacher
Usanova Victoria Vasilievna
Physics teacher
Place of work: GBOU Gymnasium No. 1562 named after. Artem Borovik, Moscow
Location: Moscow

Integrated lesson in mathematics, physics, ecology

The integrated lesson is designed for 8th grade students and reveals the connection between mathematics, physics and the ecology of our planet using the example of solving economic problems of environmental content.

Goals and objectives:


  • create motives for energy-saving behavior among students;
  • formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity;
  • to develop skills and abilities to solve mathematical problems of economic content.


  • promote the development of creative abilities, skills to work with educational information, analyze; compare;
  • continue to develop intellectual teamwork skills and the ability to express one’s point of view.


  • education of a person interested in the most important trends in the development of the planet, environmental problems, to attract the attention of students to the problem of saving energy and energy resources;
  • involve schoolchildren in useful activities for energy and resource conservation;
  • stimulate students' interest in the practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Lesson type: lesson in applying the acquired knowledge.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

Good afternoon guys.

In 2017, Earth Hour will traditionally be held for the tenth time in Russia and other countries of the world. How many of you have heard about this promotion? When does it pass? What is this promotion?

The main theme of Earth Hour was the environmental responsibility of every inhabitant of the planet. The goal of the global Earth Hour event is to draw attention to the limited resources of our planet, and to encourage people to take care and responsibility of what nature gives us.

For one hour from 20.30 to 21.30 in Moscow, the lighting of more than 1,600 buildings and 14 parks will be turned off. It is very important not just to ask yourself the question: “What can I personally do to save energy?”, but to take at least a step towards an environmentally friendly lifestyle. As part of the campaign, everyone turns off lights and electrical appliances for an hour to express their respect for the environment.

  1. Motivation for learning activities

The word “ENERGY” itself is somehow intangible at first glance. Don't see, don't touch! However, nothing around us happens without the participation of this very energy.

In this video, you are reminded where electrical energy comes from in our homes. Let's list for what purposes we use it. (students' answers)

That is why the twentieth century is usually called the century of electricity. The “electric breakthrough” occurred not so much in the production sector of the electric power industry, but among consumers of electricity when using it in household processes.

The processes that produce the electricity we consume are harmful to the environment. This damage makes us think about ways to reduce energy consumption.

The problem of energy saving is relevant not only for our families, schools, cities, countries, but also for the whole world. Saving energy makes it possible to reduce your own costs and have a smaller impact on the environment.

Energy saving is a set of measures to conserve and rationally use electricity and heat. In today's lesson we would like to take a closer look at the issue of energy conservation in the area of ​​energy conservation.

So, how do you formulate the key question for today's lesson? Lesson topic: Electricity. Let's learn to save.

Energy demand is constantly increasing. Often, in empty rooms, electric lamps are burning, electric stove burners are working aimlessly, and TV screens are glowing. It has been established that 15-20% of electricity consumed in everyday life is lost due to the carelessness of consumers.

  1. Checking and discussing homework completion
  • For the weekend we gave you the following task: Create an energy passport for the apartment. To do this, you and your parents had to fill out the table provided to you and calculate the family’s expenses for using.....

Nomination: School, Lesson notes, school, algebra 8th grade
Zolotova Svetlana Evgenievna
mathematic teacher
Chashchina Svetlana Yurievna
Chemistry teacher
Usanova Victoria Vasilievna
Physics teacher

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Integrated lesson (physics + ecology) on the topic: “Matter - without which life is impossible”

Physics lesson.

Today in class we are working on a mini-project - Water. Ecological aspects of aquatic ecosystems.

The purpose of our work is to clarify the importance of water for the life of living organisms, its influence and the influence of the environment on water and, accordingly, on life. Let's get to work.

To correctly answer the questions in the lesson, you must carefully read the content of the theoretical material. All questions in the lesson relate specifically to the part that preceded it.

If any question causes difficulty, carefully re-read the theory again.

First, let's find out how water affects living organisms, its importance in our lives, remember its physical and chemical characteristics and how they are related to this influence.

Nature protection is not only a general state task, but also the cause of the entire people. Thinking about the future, a person must treat nature today with care and love, and first of all its water resources.

Today in class we will review what we know about water and try to answer the question.

Why is it so necessary to care about the state of aquatic ecosystems?

What environmental problems are individual ecosystems experiencing?

What solutions have already been found?

And also try to suggest your own ways to solve these problems.

Water plays a big role in our life. It’s hard to imagine what humanity would do without water. Apparently, it simply would not exist. Not only life and climate are connected with water on our planet, but also the work of most sectors of the national economy, especially water transport. Water is the richest source of energy - river hydropower, tidal energy, geothermal and thermonuclear energy.

It is thanks to water that the most interesting and diverse phenomena arise in nature, such as rainbows, haloes, halos, crowns, “whispers of stars” and others.

Some people associate various superstitions and signs with them. But scientists have solved and found an explanation for these mysterious natural phenomena. Some of them are caused by water, its vapor and ice.

Water plays a huge role in nature. In fact, it was the sea that was the first arena of life on Earth.

Ammonia and carbohydrates dissolved in sea water in contact with certain minerals at a sufficiently high pressure and exposure to powerful electrical discharges could provide the formation of protein substances, on the basis of which the simplest organisms subsequently arose.

According to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the aquatic environment helped protect fragile and initially imperfect organisms from mechanical damage. Land and atmosphere subsequently became the second arena of life.

We can say that all living things consist of water and organic substances. Without water, a person, for example, could live no more than 2-3 days, but without nutrients he can live for several weeks.

To ensure normal existence, a person must introduce into the body approximately 2 times more water by weight than nutrients.

Loss of more than 10% of water by the human body can lead to death.

On average, the body of plants and animals contains more than 50% water, in the body of a jellyfish it is up to 96%, in algae 95-99%, in spores and seeds from 7 to 15%.

The soil contains at least 20% water, while in the human body water makes up about 65% (in the body of a newborn up to 75%, in an adult 60%).

Different parts of the human body contain unequal amounts of water: the vitreous body of the eye consists of 99% water, the blood contains 83%, adipose tissue 29%, the skeleton 22%, and even tooth enamel 0.2%.

In the primary water shell of the globe there was much less water than now (no more than 10% of the total amount of water in reservoirs and rivers at present). An additional amount of water appeared subsequently as a result of the release of water that was part of the earth's interior.

According to experts, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the World Ocean. With an average depth of 4 km, the oceans cover about 71% of the planet's surface and contain 97.6% of the world's known free water reserves.

Rivers and lakes contain 0.3% of the world's free water.

Glaciers are also large reservoirs of moisture; they contain up to 2.1% of the world's water reserves. If all the glaciers melted, the water level on Earth would rise by 64 m, which means that about 1/8 of the land surface would be flooded with water.

During the era of glaciation in Europe, Canada and Siberia, the thickness of the ice cover in mountainous areas reached 2 km. Currently, due to the warming of the Earth's climate, the boundaries of glaciers are gradually retreating. This causes water levels in the oceans to slowly rise.

About 86% of water vapor enters the atmosphere through evaporation from the surface of seas and oceans, and only 14% through evaporation from the land surface. As a result, 0.0005% of the total supply of free water is concentrated in the atmosphere. The amount of water vapor in the surface air is variable. Under particularly favorable conditions, evaporation from the underlying surface can reach 2%.

Despite this, the kinetic energy of water movement in the seas is no more than 2% of the kinetic energy of air currents. This happens because more than a third of the solar heat absorbed by the Earth is spent on evaporation and goes into the atmosphere. In addition, a significant amount of energy enters the atmosphere due to the absorption of solar radiation passing through it and the reflection of this radiation from the earth's surface.

The radiant energy of the Sun and the vault of heaven passing through the water surface decreases in intensity by half already in the upper half meter of water due to strong absorption in the infrared part of the spectrum.

Of great importance in the life of nature is the fact that the highest density of water is observed at a temperature of 4 ° C. When fresh water bodies cool in winter, as the temperature of the surface layers decreases, denser masses of water sink down, and in their place warmer and less dense masses rise from below. dense.

This happens until the water in the deep layers reaches a temperature of 4 ° C. In this case, convection stops, since there will be heavier water below. Further cooling of water occurs only from the surface, which explains the formation of ice in the surface layer of reservoirs. Thanks to this, life under the ice does not stop, because... The pond does not freeze completely.

1. What is convection?

Vertical mixing of sea water is carried out due to the action of wind, tides and changes in density with height. Wind mixing of water occurs from top to bottom, while tidal mixing occurs from bottom to top. Density mixing occurs due to cooling of surface waters. Wind and tidal mixing extend to a depth of up to 50 m; at greater depths, only density mixing can affect it. The air dissolved in water is rich in oxygen, which contributes to the development of life processes in it.

2. In which waters are there more fish: cold or warm?

Water has a high specific heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, which also plays an important role for the life of living organisms in it.

3. Determine how many degrees the water temperature will change if the air temperature of the same mass changes by 10 degrees.

The high heat capacity of water also affects the climate of the globe.

4. The climate of the islands is more moderate and equal than the climate of the large continents. Why?

Water has more resistance than air. This is due to the fact that it has a high density. High density of water is associated with high pressure. Adaptation to different pressures in layers of water can also explain the body shape of fish.

5. How do the body shapes of stingrays and breams differ and why?

Among the liquids present on Earth, the surface tension of water is second only to mercury. The optical properties of water vapor also play a significant role in plant life. Water vapor strongly absorbs infrared rays, which is important for protecting the soil from frost. An even more effective remedy for frost is dew and fog.

6. Why?

7. Calculate how much heat is released during the condensation of water vapor with a volume of 100 cubic meters.

Knowing the physical properties of water and ice, people have long used them in their practical activities.

8. How can you explain the laying of bare electrical wires on ice?

9. Which sea can serve as a standard for water transparency?

A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water is a universal solvent.

10. What is the name of water in which less than 1 g of minerals are dissolved per 1 liter?

11.Find the mass of this water.

12. What is water with a high content of gypsum and lime called?

13. Why do crayfish live only in hard water?

Let's summarize the first part of our lesson.

14. List the main physical and chemical properties of water. How do they affect the life of living organisms?

We have repeated the influence of water on the life of living organisms. Now you are starting the second part of your work: you need to find out how life, or rather people, influences the state of water and how this affects the environment and people. Since living organisms receive substances dissolved in it with water, its most important characteristic is its quality, which sharply deteriorates as a result of pollution. In an ecology lesson, you will talk about types of water pollution and prepare abstracts for the press conference "Ecological problems of aquatic ecosystems."

Ecology lesson.

In physics class, you talked about the importance of water for the life of living organisms. What physical and chemical properties of water affect the state of life of organisms in it? You and I already know that the capacity of the ocean, as a natural limitless purifier, is not limitless, that water is an ideal solvent, and accordingly, not only useful, but also harmful substances enter our body. Because water pollution occurs. Since only the boundary layers of water, constituting no more than 2-3% of the World Ocean, have a self-purification effect, its ecosystems are no longer able to cope with the pollution that causes their degradation. Saving aquatic ecosystems is one of the most important tasks. Your task in this lesson is to find information, prepare abstracts for a press conference and draw up a map of the “Ecological state of aquatic ecosystems.” We will search for information in groups. The tasks for each group are given on the board. The result of our work should be the most complete picture of the “Ecological state of aquatic ecosystems” at the moment, and the homework is to develop your proposals for improving the state of aquatic ecosystems and monitoring the condition of the Kuzminsky ponds. Check out the lesson plan.

The group is looking for information on the Internet

The group works with the large encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (CD-ROM)

Group working with magazine

"Ecology and life" and encyclopedias

1. Log in to the Rubricon search engine.

2. Find the right encyclopedia

3. Find data about seas and lakes.

5. Log in to the Yandex search engine

6. Find information on environmental problems of the seas and ways to solve them.

7. Log in to the Aport search system and use the advanced search to find information.

8. Write abstracts for the press conference

9. Mark on the contour map, using Photoshop, the areas of pollution associated with water pollution

1. Using encyclopedia material, find information on the ecological state of rivers and lakes and their characteristics.

2. Mark on the contour map, using Photoshop, the areas of pollution associated with the pollution of aquatic ecosystems.

3. Compose abstracts for the press conference and tasks for use in physics lessons.

4. Report the results of your work to the teacher by E-mail:

1.Using magazines and encyclopedias to find the necessary information.

2. Compose abstracts for the press conference and material under the heading “Interesting facts” for use in biology lessons in .doc format.

3.Send your work in .zip format to the teacher by E-mail:

4. Mark on the contour map the areas of pollution associated with the pollution of aquatic ecosystems.

When drawing up a map, pay attention to the fact that not a single encyclopedia will give you a complete map or information. To correctly draw a map, you need to apply knowledge of physics, geography, ecology and biology.

I remind you of your homework. Develop your proposals for improving the condition of aquatic ecosystems, taking into account the information received, and monitor the condition of nearby lakes.

Lesson - lecture (physics – 11th grade)


Target: consider ways to solve the inevitable global energy crisis.


    Highlight energy as one of the priority areas of economic, scientific and technical development of Russia in the 21st century.

    Consider alternative energy sources as possible options for overcoming the energy crisis, identifying their advantages and disadvantages.

    Pay attention to the environmental component of each alternative energy source.

Study questions:

    The inevitability of a global energy crisis.

    Alternative energy sources:

a) Solar energy;

b) Wind energy;

c) Ocean energy;

d) Geothermal energy.

3. What will help solve the global energy crisis?

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    Formulation of the problem:

    Learning new material :

    Lesson summary . Reflection


S. Studying new material

First study question:

Where is the beginning of the end with which the beginning ends?

K. Prutkov

Back in 1996, the Prime Minister of Russia approved the priority directions for the development of domestic science and technology, as well as critical technologies at the federal level, determined by the government commission on scientific and technological policy. These include areas and technologies that are recognized as the most promising from the point of view of economic, scientific and technical development of Russia in the 21st century. and which the state undertakes to oversee and finance. The list of priorities is:

  • Basic Research;

    Information technology and electronics;

    Manufacturing technologies;

    New materials and chemical products;

    Technologies of living systems;


    Fuel and energy;

    Ecology and rational use of natural resources.

Given the importance of the issue raised, I propose to talk about one of the listed priorities – energy.

It is generally accepted that the main factor determining the development of material culture is the creation and use of energy sources. Energy is the most important carrier of technological progress and improving human living standards.

According to the UN, the current average level of energy consumption per year per person is about 5 kW per person, the current level in the most developed countries is 14 kW.

The production, transformation and conservation of energy are fundamental processes studied in various branches of science. The main pattern that physics has established is the law of conservation of energy. Based on this law, a global crisis in energy production is predicted. The inevitability of a global energy crisis is now fully realized, and therefore the energy problem for science and technology has become problem number one. Currently, organic fuels are used as the main energy resources: oil, natural gas, coal, peat. The reserves of chemical energy in fossil fuels have been accumulated over a long period of the Earth's existence due to biological processes. Therefore, based on the law of conservation of energy, humanity, if it does not find other sources of energy, will be faced with the need to limit its consumption. And this will lead to a decrease in the level of material well-being of mankind.

The era of mineral energy, having barely begun, will most likely soon end. There are at least three reasons that support this prediction:

The number of minerals is limited,

Their use pollutes the environment,

Their reserves are irreplaceable.

For example, it is believed that coal, oil and gas are non-renewable energy sources only insofar as the current rate of their use is millions of times higher than the rate of formation.

Academician A.E. Sheindlin believes that “there are three ways to solve the global energy problems of the future: finding new energy sources, more efficient use of existing ones, and finally, rational use of extracted energy.”

Recently, attention to the use of renewable energy sources has been increasing everywhere: solar energy, wind energy, seas and oceans, geothermal heat from underground sources, i.e. deep heat of the Earth.

Strictly speaking, hydropower resources are also a type of renewable energy source. Electricity production at hydroelectric power stations has been fully developed and is a widely developed area of ​​large-scale energy. If we consider the flow of the rivers of the entire globe in energy terms, we get a huge figure showing that every year we could use the power of a hydroelectric power station amounting to 210·10 9 kW without any production costs, and for an unlimited number of years.

However, it is considered economically feasible to use electricity with a power of only 7·10 9 kW, i.e. approximately 3.3% of possible electricity generation. This is due to the fact that damming rivers with water rising to a small height is usually not economically justified, especially when fertile lands are subject to flooding, since the harvest turns out to be much more valuable than the energy received.

There is also a factor of negative impact on the environment - salinization and alkalization of fertile lands.

In addition, a little-studied consequence of the construction of hydroelectric dams is, according to some seismologists and geologists, the so-called “induced seismicity” in the area where powerful hydraulic structures and large-volume reservoirs are located. The influence of the reservoirs themselves on local climatic conditions is dual in nature - cooling and warming effects. Therefore, the conversion of hydropower to electricity, compared to other types of renewable energy sources, results in significant environmental impacts. Therefore, the task of constructing hydroelectric power stations comes down to solving complex problems with their help: the construction of hydroelectric power stations is advisable both for generating electricity and for the development of river navigation, agriculture and fisheries, as well as near energy-intensive enterprises that could use cheap energy from hydroelectric power stations without building for these purposes of additional power lines.

Second study question:

I propose to talk about the development of the above new, alternative energy sources.

a) Solar energy . “Looking at the Sun, squint your eyes, and you will boldly see the spots on it” K. Prutkov.

All solar energy reaching the Earth's surface is about 2.2·10 21 J per year. Solar energy represents an “eternal” and potentially huge source of energy supply that does not introduce any pollution into the environment. However, there are also known disadvantages of solar energy.

First, solar radiation on the Earth's surface is a relatively low-density source of energy. Thus, at sea level, due to absorption caused by water vapor, ozone and carbon dioxide, the radiation flux weakens to approximately 1000 W/m 2. This circumstance forces us to usually collect solar energy from a fairly large area. For example, to generate energy with a capacity of 100 MW, electricity must be removed from an area of ​​1 sq. km.

Secondly, in a given location, solar radiation is not constant depending on the time of day and is subject to fluctuations due to weather conditions. Because of this, each solar energy installation must have either an energy storage device or a backup energy installation using a different energy source. These disadvantages cause high installation costs for solar energy harvesting.

A typical solar heating system consists of roof-mounted flat plate collectors. The collector is a black plate, well insulated at the bottom. The top of the plate is covered with glass or plastic, which allows light to pass through but does not allow infrared thermal radiation to pass through. In the space between the stove and the glass, pipelines with coolant (water, oil, air, etc.) are placed. Solar radiation, penetrating through glass or plastic into the collector, is absorbed by pipes and the stove and heats the coolant.

Currently, houses heated by the sun are being built in many countries - Japan, Canada, Germany, France, the USA and others. Thus, in the United States, heating and air conditioning using solar energy is produced in 35% of buildings.

To increase the temperature of the heated object, solar installations are equipped with solar radiation concentrators. A concentrator is a set of mirrors that collect (focus) solar rays. The operation of so-called solar ovens is based on this principle. The world's largest solar oven was built in France, in the Pyrenees, with a thermal capacity of 1 MW. The total area of ​​the mirrors of this furnace is about 2500 sq.m. at the focus of the furnace, a temperature of about 3800 ° C is reached, in which the most refractory substances can be melted and processed.

The main obstacle to large-scale production of electricity from solar power plants is their high estimated cost, which is due to the requirement for a large area of ​​power receivers and their roads And heat: the cost of 1 kW of installed power is currently 150-300 thousand rubles.

Semiconductor photovoltaic converters (PVCs) are used to directly convert solar radiation into electricity. And here, certain successes have been achieved in the creation of special-purpose and low-power installations. FEPs turned out to be practically irreplaceable sources of electric current in spacecraft. Semiconductor solar panels were first installed on the third Soviet artificial Earth satellite, launched on May 15, 1958. Lunokhod-1, powered by a solar battery, operated on the Moon for more than a year. Now solar panels have become a common part of spacecraft.

Thus, in small autonomous installations, where cost does not play a decisive role, it is advisable to use solar radiation now.

b) Wind energy . “Wind is the breath of nature” K. Prutkov.

Wind energy is the result of thermal processes occurring in the planet's atmosphere. The difference in the densities of heated and cold air determines the movement of air masses. Consequently, the root cause of wind energy is the energy of solar radiation, which is released in one of its forms - the energy of air currents. About 2% of solar radiation reaching the Earth is converted into wind energy.

Wind is a very large renewable energy source. Its energy can be used in almost all areas of the Earth. The preference for using wind power plants (WPPs) for economic reasons in comparison with any options based on the use of fossil fuels is beyond doubt. All wind energy potentially possible for implementation over the Earth's surface during the year is estimated at 13·10 12 kWh. For practical use, it is realistic to consider 10-20% of this energy. The difficulty, however, lies in the very large dissipation of wind energy and the variability of the wind, i.e. in low energy flux density.

Wind energy, which is very interesting, is one of the most ancient sources of energy. The age of ancient wind turbines is not precisely established. But it is believed that such engines appeared in 1700 BC. Wind energy was widely used to drive mills and water-lifting devices in ancient times in Egypt and the Middle East. In Europe, windmills appeared at the beginning of the 12th century. In Holland in the 17th century. The total power of windmills was 50-100 MW, which, given the small population, was an impressive figure: 50-100 kWh of mechanical work per person per year.

Windmills would have remained a historical curiosity if not for the energy crisis of the 70s. In recent years, both in Russia and foreign countries, there has again been increased attention to wind energy work. Currently, several designs of wind turbines have been developed. A typical air turbine consists of two or three propeller-like rotors, with a blade span of 18 m, mounted on a tall metal tower (or 25 m high concrete tower). The rotor, weighing about 8 tons, usually rotates at a speed of 5-6 times the wind speed. A generator installed on the tower converts the mechanical energy of rotor rotation into electrical current.

However, the use of wind turbines has several problems:

    The engine must be stopped when the wind weakens and energy losses due to friction begin to exceed the amount of energy extracted from the wind;

    The wind wheel should develop maximum power in any wind - from moderate to strong;

    If the wind speed becomes too high, the air turbine requires automatic shutdown to avoid overloading the generator;

    When the wind direction changes, the turbine must rotate in such a way as to use it most efficiently.

And, nevertheless, in the context of a sharp rise in the price of fuel resources abroad, wind farms are becoming more and more profitable. According to economic estimates carried out at the University of Massachusetts, even today in the United States one can expect the same cost of energy produced by nuclear power plants and wind power plants.

By 1987, experimental wind power plants with a capacity of up to 5 MW had been created in the USSR. In a number of indicators - reliability, ease of use, efficiency, efficiency and transportability - they are superior to foreign models. But in a number of regions of the Far North, the European part of Russia, the Northern Urals, Chukotka, the Magadan region, etc., these wind power plants certainly seem to be profitable. Already today, autonomous installations with a capacity of only a few, and even fractions of a kilowatt, have received widespread practical use. They are mainly intended for agricultural needs - irrigation, vertical drainage, power supply to autonomous consumers. The use of wind farms helps to preserve the environment from pollution, which is very important from an environmental point of view.

c) Ocean energy.

The world's oceans occupy 70.8% of the earth's surface and absorb about three-quarters of the solar energy falling on the earth. Ocean energy is an untapped storehouse of energy resources. Among the installations using ocean energy, tidal power plants, wave and sea current power plants are currently being considered, in which the mechanical energy of the ocean is converted into electrical energy. The presence of a temperature gradient between the upper and lower layers of the World Ocean is used in so-called hydrothermal power plants.

Tidal power plants (PS) are a new direction in electricity production. Sea tides are known to be periodic fluctuations in sea level caused by the gravitational forces mainly of the Moon and to a lesser extent of the Sun. When the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same line, the tidal wave is at its maximum. And in cases where the angle of the Moon - Earth - Sun is 90°, the tidal wave is minimal. The average wave height on most coasts is small and reaches only about 1 meter, but in some places off the coast the height of tides can reach more than 15 meters. For example, in the Penzhina Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the height of the tidal wave is 13 m, and on the Atlantic coast of Canada (Bay of Fundy) even 18 m.

In its simplest version, the operating principle of a PES boils down to the following: during high tide, water fills a reservoir, and during low tide it flows out of it, rotating hydraulic turbines. This is the so-called single-basin TES scheme. The two-basin TPP is somewhat more complicated: it produces energy both during high tide and during low tide.

The total power of the tides of all the seas and oceans of the Earth is estimated at 3·10 9 kW, which corresponds to the energy potential of almost all the rivers of the world. This is a big number. However, the prospect of any widespread construction of the PES, according to scientists, is very doubtful. This is explained by the high cost of constructing PES, and also by the fact that their use is limited to a few geographically favorably located areas.

And yet, TPPs were built: in 1966 in France, on the Rance River, with a capacity of 240 MW, and in 1968 in the Soviet Union, Kislogubskaya TPP on the coast of the Barents Sea near the city of Murmansk. PES have one significant advantage: the process of generating electricity at these power plants is environmentally friendly.

Renewable energy sources also include sea waves. Sea waves are generated by the wind, their energy is determined by the state of the sea surface. An average wave 3 m high carries approximately 90 kW of energy power per 1 m of wave front length. However, the practical implementation of this energy causes great difficulties. Currently, a number of technical solutions for converting wave energy into electrical energy have been patented. In Japan, wave energy is used to autonomously power floating buoys.

Work on using the energy of ocean currents to produce electricity is in a state of preparation for technical implementation. It is planned to install turbines with an impeller diameter of 170 m and a rotor length of 80 m, made of aluminum alloy, with a possible service life of at least 30 years, in areas of relatively strong currents. Flows of water from the ocean current rotate the turbine blades, and through a system of multipliers that increase the speed, they rotate an electric generator connected to the pipe. According to experts, the cost of electricity produced at such power plants is expected to be 1.8 times lower than at thermal power plants, and 2.4 times lower than at nuclear power plants.

Currently, some attention is being paid to the energy use of the temperature gradient of various layers of water in the seas and oceans, that is, to the creation of hydrothermal power plants. Experimental samples of an automatic hydrothermal power plant were demonstrated in Japan and the USA in the 80s of the 19th century. In the United States, it is planned to directly build a hydrothermal power plant with a capacity of 1 MW, which is expected to save up to 63 thousand tons of oil per day. The involvement of vast ocean energy resources in energy production will result in minimal negative impact on the environment.

d) Geothermal energy.

The problem of using the Earth's heat to produce energy is of great interest. Geothermal energy is a virtually inexhaustible source of energy. It is known that with increasing depth of the earth's layers, the temperature rises. This leads to the fact that a heat flow of considerable power continuously flows from the bowels of the Earth to its surface, according to calculations 30 times greater than the power of all power plants in the world. Currently, intensive research is being carried out on the problem of using geothermal resources (underground reserves of hot water and steam; sources associated with the heat of dry rocks) for the production of electricity.

The first successful attempt to use the heat of the Earth to produce electricity was carried out in Lorderello (Italy) in 1904, where dry steam coming out of the earth was used in a steam turbine cycle. The capacity of this geothermal power plant is now 390 MW.

Today in the world there is not yet enough experience to reliably estimate all the cost indicators of geothermal energy, but one thing is clear that the development of geothermal sources is associated with very large financial costs. In addition, the operating experience of a number of foreign geothermal power plants, including the world’s largest station “Big Geysers” (USA, 12.5 MW), has shown that a number of factors associated with their operation have a negative impact on the environment. These primarily include hydrogen sulfide contained in steam. The presence of hydrogen sulfide in the air creates an unpleasant odor and can cause corrosion of equipment and materials. Many harmful substances are dissolved in thermal waters, such as arsenic, selenium, and mercury. It is not always possible to discharge such water into natural reservoirs. When discussing environmental issues of using geothermal power plants, it is also necessary to remember that the extraction of large quantities of water and steam to the surface can affect the microclimate of the area, leading to instability of the earth's crust and earthquakes. The method of pumping waste water into unproductive wells is quite radical. But such injection increases the cost of exploitation of geothermal deposits.

And yet, work to study the problem of using geothermal energy is being carried out in many countries around the world, since its reserves are inexhaustible. In addition, unlike solar energy, which fluctuates not only daily, but also depending on the time of year and the weather, geothermal energy can be generated directly. It is assumed that with the appropriate development of geothermal power plants, the energy generated by them will cost less than energy obtained by any other means.

Third study question:

Unfortunately, the large-scale use of the considered alternative energy sources requires significant improvements, a long time and enormous financial costs, and as a result, this is a task for the foreseeable future.

Therefore, all hope for solving the global energy crisis rests on the use of nuclear and thermonuclear energy. Nuclear energy, like other types of energy, cannot be completely clean and not affect the environment. But thermonuclear reactors with deuterium-tritium fuel have significant advantages over nuclear reactors from the point of view, again, of their impact on the environment. This is due to much less volatile radioactive waste, less vulnerability to coolant leaks and other emergency situations.

But the issue of operating a thermonuclear reactor is related to the problem of controlling the thermonuclear fusion reaction. The solution to this problem is associated with large material costs, for which it is not possible to allocate public funds in any country; only a group of states can do this. And therefore hopes are pinned on a commercial thermonuclear reactor. When will it be? Academician E.P. Velikhov answers this question:

“I think that in order to carry out the planned transition to an inexhaustible source of energy already in this twentieth century, we should jointly create an experimental thermonuclear reactor. This would, of course, be a significant step forward. We would know more precisely what we can count on and what further efforts need to be made... Without international cooperation, the results would be poorer... Now we have a preliminary design of the installation. There has never been anything like this in scientific practice, and no country could have made such a preliminary design on its own. Subjectively and objectively guided synthesis is a unique area for collaboration. Research on magnetic plasma confinement has nothing to do with military purposes; it has not yet become a commercial secret. Everyone understands that controlled thermonuclear fusion is needed and cooperation is beneficial to everyone. And we must rely on it in the future. And in one of his speeches, Academician L.A. Artsimovich said that “the problem of a controlled thermonuclear reaction will certainly be solved if humanity has a real need for it.”

I think that such a time has already come. But this is a topic for another conversation.

    Lesson summary:

Microtest (suggested at the end of the lesson to encourage the student to be attentive during the lesson of learning new material, to train his memory.

Students must either agree or disagree with the statements presented (put “+” or “-” before the number of each statement)).

    The global energy crisis is predicted by the law of conservation of electric charge.

    To generate solar energy, it must be harvested from a huge area.

    One of the problems with using a wind turbine: the engine must be stopped when the wind weakens, as this is energetically unprofitable.

    Geothermal energy is an environmentally friendly form of energy.

    Nuclear energy will help solve the energy crisis.

    Homework . Prepare projects – presentations on “Alternative energy sources”

Teaching physics and geography
Pesotskaya Natalya Alexandrovna and Davydova Larisa Emelyanovna
Integrated lesson /physics+geography/

"Environmental problems of energy"
Educational: coverage of problems arising when humanity uses heat engines and ways to solve them;
Developmental: consolidate and systematize knowledge about heat engines, using interdisciplinary connections in physics, geography, ecology;
Educational: to promote understanding of one’s own intellectual achievements in the field of physics, geography, the formation of environmental knowledge
Lesson type: integrated lesson to improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills
Equipment: tables (basic diagram of thermal power plant, hydroelectric power station and water energy, nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel cycle diagram), steam and gas turbines, internal combustion engine
During the classes:

Epigraphs for the lesson:
“We have changed our environment so radically that now in order to exist in this environment we must change ourselves.”
Norbert Wiener
“There is a rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”
A. Saint-Exupery

Question from a physics teacher: “What will you need in class today?”

The guys’ answers: “Knowledge, ability to navigate on a map, work with diagrams, problem-solving skills, ability to work in a group.”
Geography teacher
“Our school chose the natural course – the mathematical cycle. Let's create a cluster reflecting the list of professions based on the topic of our lesson."
My future profession: power engineer, engineer, electrician, ecologist, etc.

Physics teacher:
The class is divided into groups of approximately equal strength. The students' work will be assessed by a jury consisting of the school administration.
Stage 1
Physics teacher: Each group received a homework assignment to draw up a project for one of the types of power plants they had chosen.
Group 1 begins with the defense of the thermal power plant project.
The structure of electricity generation is dominated by thermal power plants operating on coal, fuel oil, and natural gas. The share of thermal power plants in global production accounts for 62%. The United States, China, Russia, Japan, and Germany are the leaders in terms of electricity generation at thermal power plants. But in terms of the share of thermal power plants in total electricity generation, other countries stand out: Poland, South Africa, “oil countries”. The share of thermal power plants in the electric power industry of Kazakhstan is more than 90%. Most of the energy is produced at 37 thermal power plants operating on coal from the Ekibastuz, Maikuben, Turgai and Karaganda basins, gas, and fuel oil. About 20 thermal power plants operate on Ekibastuz coal. In the vicinity of Ekibastuz there are GRES-1 and GRES-2. In the Almaty region, on the shore of Lake Balkhash, the South Kazakhstan State District Power Plant is being built. A significant increase in efficiency was achieved as a result of the invention of the steam turbine. The first steam turbine to find practical application was manufactured by Swedish engineer Gustav Laval in 1889. To operate a steam turbine using the energy released by burning coal or fuel oil, the water in the boiler is heated and converted into steam. The steam is heated to a temperature of 5000C and at high pressure is released from the boiler through a nozzle. When the steam exits, the internal energy of the heated steam is converted into the kinetic energy of the steam jet. The speed of the steam jet can reach 1000m/s. A jet of steam is directed onto the turbine blades and causes the turbine to rotate. The rotor of an electric generator is located on the same shaft as the turbine. In this way, the fuel energy is converted into electrical energy. Modern steam turbines have high efficiency. The power of modern boiler-turbine-generator power units reaches 1.2∙106 kW. To increase efficiency, many power plants use the waste from the steam turbine to heat water. Hot water enters the domestic and industrial heating system. The fuel efficiency factor in such a power plant (CHP) increases to 60-70%.

Geography teacher: When fuel burns, substances harmful to plants, animals and humans are formed such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon oxides, sulfur compounds, soot. What effects do harmful emissions have on the human body?

Student answer:
CO - carbon monoxide, when inhaled, binds to hemoglobin in the blood, displacing oxygen from it, resulting in oxygen starvation, which affects the central nervous system. High concentrations can cause death. Nitrogen dioxide causes severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the eye, and when inhaled, it causes the formation of nitric and nitrous acids in the respiratory tract. Sulfur dioxide leads to cancer. Soot affects the lungs, increasing the risk of cancer. To avoid all this, people build chimneys at a height of more than 300m with the obligatory installation of special nozzles on them to capture toxic gases, so-called dust collectors: using gravity; inertial dust collectors that use inertial forces when turning the gas flow; centrifugal dust collectors based on the action of centrifugal forces of inertia (cyclones); bag filters based on filtration of dusty gas through fabrics; electric dust collectors, the action of which is based on the use of attractive forces.

Physics teacher: Group 2 continues with a project to protect hydroelectric power stations.

Student Answer: Hydroelectric power supplies approximately 20% of the world's electricity production. In terms of total electricity generation at hydroelectric power stations, Canada, the USA, Brazil, Russia, and China stand out. Of the economically developed countries of the world, Norway receives almost all the electricity from hydroelectric power stations, followed by Brazil, Austria, Canada, and Switzerland. Among the CIS countries, this group includes Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. In Kazakhstan, hydroelectric power occupies a small share: 3 large power plants - Bukhtarminskaya, Ust-Kamenogorskaya, Kapchagayskaya, they provide 10% of the country's needs. The use of potential water energy goes back 1000 years. Water wheels of various types were used in ancient civilizations of Asia and the East. They received their greatest development in the 18th and mid-19th centuries, becoming the main drive for mills, machine tools, textile machines, etc. Currently, hydropower is used to generate electricity. It is still believed that it is most economical to build high-power hydroelectric power plants. There are about 130 stations in the world; The capacity of the largest stations reaches 13 GW. As a rule, 2 types of turbines are used: radial-blade, usually with a large impeller diameter of up to 10 m, and radial-axial with a wheel diameter of up to 7 m, their efficiency is higher and they can operate with significant fluctuations in water pressure from 45 to 120 m. To obtain significant water pressure and accumulate energy, they tend to build stations with high dams. Hydroelectric power stations have long been considered environmentally friendly industries, because they do not produce harmful emissions. However, it is not. The construction of hydroelectric power stations deforms the environment, because in this case, huge water basins are created, fertile floodplain lands and forests are flooded, and intense evaporation of water occurs from the surface of reservoirs. It is known that the area of ​​all artificial reservoirs in the CIS is equal to the territory of France. American scientists have found that the construction of high-rise dams and the accumulation of large volumes of water increases seismicity in the station area. An artificial earthquake was also observed during the filling of the reservoir of the Nurek hydroelectric power station.

Physics teacher: What are the measures to overcome the negative impact of hydropower on the environment?

Student answer: In some reservoirs, due to shallow waters, unfavorable hydrobiological processes occur, leading to the decomposition of organic substances and algal blooms, worsening the sanitary condition of the reservoir. This negative influence can be used to grow rice, waterfowl, muskrat, nutria, etc. Siltation of the coastal zone is undesirable in many respects, but it creates the possibility of obtaining fertilizers from the silt. In the future - the creation of small hydroelectric power plants with a unit capacity of 30 kW on small reservoirs. By creating small hydroelectric power stations, it is possible to obtain electricity without affecting the natural environment as much as with the impact of a large hydroelectric power station.

Geography teacher: Word to group 3. NPP project.

Student Answer: Nuclear power plants in the world provide 17% of global electricity generation; they already operate in 32 countries around the world. The largest number of nuclear power plants are in the USA, France, Japan, Germany, Russia, and Canada. And in terms of the share of nuclear power plants in total output, Lithuania, France, and Belgium stand out. Nuclear energy is fully supplied with raw materials. The main producers of uranium concentrate include Canada, Australia, Namibia, the USA, and Russia. The only nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan was located in the city of Aktau with a fast neutron reactor with a capacity of 350 MW. The nuclear power plant operated from 1973 to 1999. At the moment, nuclear energy is not used in Kazakhstan, despite the fact that the reserves (according to the IAEA) of uranium in the country are estimated at 900 thousand tons. The main deposits are located in the south of Kazakhstan (South Kazakhstan region and Kyzylorda region), in the west in Mangystau, in the north of Kazakhstan (Semizbay field).
The issue of constructing a new nuclear power plant with a capacity of 600 MW in Aktau is currently being considered. There are about 5 research nuclear reactors in operation in the country.
A nuclear reactor is a technical installation in which a self-sustaining chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei is carried out with the release of nuclear energy. A nuclear reactor consists of a core and a reflector housed in a protective casing. The core contains nuclear fuel in the form of a fuel composition in a protective coating and a moderator. Fuel cells look like thin rods. They are collected in bunches and enclosed in covers. Such prefabricated compositions are called assemblies or cassettes. A coolant moves along the fuel elements, which absorbs the heat of nuclear transformations. The coolant heated in the core moves along the circulation circuit due to the operation of pumps or under the influence of Archimedes forces and, passing through a heat exchanger or steam generator, transfers heat to the coolant of the external circuit. It is known that 1 kg of uranium replaces 20 tons of coal. World energy reserves are estimated at 13∙1012 tons of uranium.

Physics teacher: Why are nuclear power plants considered more environmentally friendly than thermal power plants, what is the reason for this?

Student answer: Radioactive emissions from coal-fired thermal power plants into the atmosphere, given the current efficiency of waste gas purification, are 5-40 times higher than from nuclear power plants. This is explained by the fact that one ton of coal contains 1-2.5g of uranium and 2.5-5g of thorium. With coal consumption up to 6 million tons per year, the total amount of uranium and thorium and products from radioactive decay passing through the furnace of thermal power plant boilers along with coal is from 1 to 2.5 tons of uranium and from 2 to 5 tons of thorium per year. If measures are taken at nuclear power plants to localize radioactive waste, then at thermal power plants and especially near ash dumps, an increased background radiation is observed.

Physics teacher: Project defense is finished. We are starting a new stage - solving physical

tasks with environmental content Stage 2 “Solving problems with environmental content”
1 team:
How many cubic liters of natural gas must be burned to raise the temperature of 10 liters of water from 10 to 1000C? The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kg∙0С), the specific heat of combustion of natural gas is 4.4∙107 J/kg. Heater efficiency is 25%. What is needed to ensure that as little harmful combustion products as possible enter the environment?
2nd team:
An electric lamp with a power of 60 W is lowered into a transparent calorimeter containing water weighing 0.5 kg. In 10 minutes the water heated up to 100C. How much of the energy consumed by the lamp does the calorimeter transmit as EM radiation? How can energy loss due to radiation be reduced?
3rd team:
How much water can a wind turbine, whose wheel has a radius of 6 m, heat from 0 to 500 C in an hour of operation at a wind speed of 10 m/s? What energy transformations occur during this? Installation efficiency is 20%.

Geography teacher: Fossil fuels pollute the environment and their reserves are not unlimited. Therefore, people are striving to find new types of energy that can produce electricity and power machinery. Name alternative sources of electricity.
Tell us about little-known energy sources.
Team 1 talks about hydrogen fuel.
Team 2 talks about bio-oil
Team 3 talks about the use of wind turbines.
(in the meantime, the solution to the problems is checked)

Geography teacher: Let’s move on to stage 3 of the lesson “Match”
Station types
B. Nuclear power plant
Technical and economic features
1. Largest share of energy produced
2. Highest construction cost
3. The greatest air pollution
4. Lowest cost of energy produced
5. creating a radiation hazard
6. Possibility of placement in electrically deficient areas
Answers: A 2.4; B 5.6; B 1.3

1. Thermodynamics
2. Calorimeter
3. Perpetual motion machine
4. Heat transfer
5. Heat engine
6. Efficiency
7. detonation
1. Method of changing the internal energy of the body
2. The phenomenon of self-ignition of the combustible mixture, which occurs even before the piston reaches top dead center
3. The doctrine of heat and work
4. A device that can perform work indefinitely without wasting energy
5. A device that reduces heat exchange between the contents of the internal vessel and the external environment
6. An engine that converts the internal energy of fuel into mechanical work
7. A value showing how efficiently the energy supplied to the machine is used
Answers: 1-3, 2-5, 3-4, 4-1, 5-6, 6-7, 7-2
Summing up the lesson. Team awards