Johann benedict listing. Types of transactions with securities. Listing. Clearing and settlement


  • 1 Biography and scientific activity
  • Notes
  • 3 Works in Russian translation
  • Literature


Johann Benedict Listing(German) Johann Benedict Listing; July 25, 1808, Frankfurt am Main - December 24, 1882, Göttingen) - German mathematician and physicist.

1. Biography and scientific activities

Listing was born into the family of a poor artisan of Czech origin who made brushes. Since childhood, he discovered extraordinary abilities in science and drawing, thanks to which, with the help of sponsors, he managed to finish school, and from the age of 13 he even began to help his parents financially.

In 1825 he entered the gymnasium, where he studied languages ​​and mathematics for 5 years. Then (1830) he entered the University of Göttingen, where at first he attended lectures in almost all sciences, but then chose mathematics. Listing was greatly influenced by his teacher Gauss, who also noted the gifted student and taught him not only mathematics, but also physical research, especially electromagnetism. Listing apparently adopted the initial ideas of topology from Gauss.

He first used the term “topology,” coined by Listing, in a letter to Müller, his school teacher (1836).

1834: Listing defends his doctorate. In 1837 he was accepted as a teacher at the Hanover Higher Trade School.

1839: returned to Göttingen, where he took up the chair of physics to replace Weber, who had previously been dismissed for participating in political protests.

1845: Publishes the classic work Psychological Optics, with superb illustrations he drew himself.

1846: marries and immediately gets into huge debts; the eccentric wife Paulina absolutely does not know how to balance expenses with income and, moreover, amuses herself by beating the maids. They had two daughters. More than once the family teeters on the brink of bankruptcy.

1847: Publishes seminal book on topology. It says:

By topology we understand the study of the modal relations of spatial images, or the laws of connectivity, mutual position and sequence of points, lines, surfaces, bodies and their parts or their totality in space, regardless of the relations of measures and quantities.

Here modal are called geometric properties, which are preserved under continuous transformations. These days they are called topological.

1848: after the revolution, Listing cedes the chair of physics to Weber, and he himself becomes professor of mathematical physics.

1858: independently of A. Möbius, discovers the properties of the Möbius strip.

Published several more articles on geometry and topology. He proposed the terms “geoid” (1873) and “micron”. He also studied astronomy, meteorology, spectroscopy, electromagnetism, and optics. He was elected a member of the Gottingen Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Died of a heart attack at the age of 74.


  1. Mathematics of the 19th century. Geometry. Theory of analytic functions. M.: Nauka, 1981, P.98.

3. Works in Russian translation

  • Listing I.B. Preliminary studies on topology -"nye_issledovaniya_po_topologii.(1932) M.-L.: Gostekhizdat, 1932.


  • Kolmogorov A. N., Yushkevich A. P. (ed.) Mathematics of the 19th century. M.: Science.
  • Volume 2 Geometry. Theory of analytic functions. 1981, pp.98-99. -
  • "Listing Johann Benedict". TSB, 3rd edition.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/12/11 15:21:24
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Categories: Personalities in alphabetical order,

Johann Benedict Listing (German: Johann Benedict Listing; July 25, 1808, Frankfurt am Main - December 24, 1882, Göttingen) - German mathematician and physicist.
Listing was born into the family of a poor artisan of Czech origin who made brushes. Since childhood, he discovered extraordinary abilities in science and drawing, thanks to which, with the help of sponsors, he was able to...

short biography

Johann Benedict Listing (German: Johann Benedict Listing; July 25, 1808, Frankfurt am Main - December 24, 1882, Göttingen) - German mathematician and physicist.
Listing was born into the family of a poor artisan of Czech origin who made brushes. Since childhood, he discovered extraordinary abilities in science and drawing, thanks to which, with the help of sponsors, he managed to finish school, and from the age of 13 he even began to help his parents financially.
In 1825 he entered the gymnasium, where he studied languages ​​and mathematics for 5 years. Then (1830) he entered the University of Göttingen, where at first he attended lectures in almost all sciences, but then chose mathematics. Listing was greatly influenced by his teacher Gauss, who also noted the gifted student and taught him not only mathematics, but also physical research, especially electromagnetism. Listing apparently adopted the initial ideas of topology from Gauss.
He first used the term “topology,” coined by Listing, in a letter to Müller, his school teacher (1836).
1834: Listing defended his doctorate. In 1837 he was accepted as a teacher at the Hanover Higher Trade School.
1839: returned to Göttingen, where he took up the chair of physics to replace Weber, who had previously been dismissed for participating in political protests.
1845: published the classic work Psychological Optics, for which he drew magnificent illustrations himself.
1846: married and immediately fell into huge debts; the eccentric wife Paulina did not know how to balance expenses with income and, moreover, amused herself by beating the maids. They had two daughters. More than once the family teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.
1847: Publishes seminal book on topology.
1848: after the revolution, Listing cedes the chair of physics to Weber, and he himself becomes professor of mathematical physics.
1858: independently of A. Möbius, discovers the properties of the Möbius strip.
Published several more articles on geometry and topology. He proposed the terms “geoid” (1873) and “micron”. He also studied astronomy, meteorology, spectroscopy, electromagnetism, and optics. He was elected a member of the Gottingen Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Died of a heart attack at the age of 74.

On our book website you can download books by the author Johann Benedict Listing in a variety of formats (epub, fb2, pdf, txt and many others). You can also read books online and for free on any device - iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, or on any specialized e-reader. Digital library Book Guide offers literature by Johann Benedict Listing in the genres of mathematics and physics.

Listing(Listing) Johann Benedict (25.7.1808, Frankfurt am Main, - 24.12.1882, Göttingen), German mathematician and physicist. Since 1847 professor at the University of Göttingen. Known for his work on topology, he proposed (1847) the very term “topology”. In his works on geodesy he introduced (1873) the concept of geoid, which is fundamental in the theory and methods of studying the shape, size and structure of the Earth. He also studied optics, astronomy and meteorology.

Works: Über unsere jetzige Kenntnis der Gestalt und Grösse der Erde, “Nachrichten von der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen”, 1873, S. 33-98; in Russian lane - Preliminary studies on topology, M., 1932.

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Listing was born into the family of a poor artisan of Czech origin who made brushes. Since childhood, he discovered extraordinary abilities in science and drawing, thanks to which, with the help of sponsors, he managed to finish school, and from the age of 13 he even began to help his parents financially.

In 1825 he entered the gymnasium, where he studied languages ​​and mathematics for 5 years. Then (1830) he entered the University of Göttingen, where at first he attended lectures in almost all sciences, but then chose mathematics. Listing was greatly influenced by his teacher Gauss, who also noted the gifted student and taught him not only mathematics, but also physical research, especially electromagnetism. Listing apparently adopted the initial ideas of topology from Gauss.

He first used the term “topology,” coined by Listing, in a letter to Müller, his school teacher (1836).

1834: Listing defended his doctorate. In 1837 he was accepted as a teacher at the Hanover Higher Trade School.

1839: returned to Göttingen, where he took up the chair of physics to replace Weber, who had previously been dismissed for his involvement in political protests.

1846: married and immediately fell into huge debts; the eccentric wife Paulina did not know how to balance expenses with income and, moreover, amused herself by beating the maids. They had two daughters. More than once the family teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.

1847: Publishes seminal book on topology. It says:

Here, geometric properties that are preserved under continuous transformations are called modal. These days they are called topological.

1848: after the revolution, Listing cedes the chair of physics to Weber, and he himself becomes professor of mathematical physics.

1858: independently of A. Möbius, discovers the properties of the Möbius strip.

Published several more articles on geometry and topology. He proposed the terms “geoid” (1873) and “micron”. He also studied astronomy, meteorology, spectroscopy, electromagnetism, and optics. He was elected a member of the Gottingen Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Died of a heart attack at the age of 74.

A country:

Confederation of the Rhine [] Confederation of the Rhine → German Confederation 22x20px German Confederation → German Empire22x20px German Empire

Known as:

Biography and scientific activities

Listing was born into the family of a poor artisan of Czech origin who made brushes. Since childhood, he discovered extraordinary abilities in science and drawing, thanks to which, with the help of sponsors, he managed to finish school, and from the age of 13 he even began to help his parents financially.

He first used the term “topology,” coined by Listing, in a letter to Müller, his school teacher ().

Published several more articles on geometry and topology. He proposed the terms “geoid” () and “micron”. He also studied astronomy, meteorology, spectroscopy, electromagnetism, and optics. He was elected a member of the Gottingen Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Died of a heart attack at the age of 74.

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Works in Russian translation

  • Listing I.B.. M.-L.: Gostekhizdat, 1932.


  • Bogolyubov A. N.. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1983.
  • Kolmogorov A. N., Yushkevich A. P. (eds.).. - M.: Nauka, 1981. - T. 2. - P. 98-99.
  • "Listing Johann Benedict". TSB, 3rd edition.


  • John J. O'Connor And Edmund F. Robertson. (English) - biography in the MacTutor archive.

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Excerpt characterizing Listing, Johann Benedict

“You’re absolutely right, Isidora...” suddenly a gentle voice was heard. - No wonder the Fathers value you!
Startled in surprise, I turned around, immediately exclaiming joyfully - North was standing next to me! He was still friendly and warm, just a little sad. Like a gentle sun that was suddenly covered by a random cloud...
- Hello North! Sorry for coming uninvited. I called you, but you didn’t show up... Then I decided to try to find you myself. Tell me what do your words mean? Where am I right?
He approached the crystal - it shone even brighter. The light literally blinded me, making it impossible to look at it.
– You’re right about this “diva”... We found him a long time ago, many hundreds of years ago. And now it serves a good purpose - protection against the “blind”, those who accidentally got here. – North smiled. – For “those who want, but cannot”... – and added. - Like Caraffa. But this is not your hall, Isidora. Come with me. I'll show you your Meteora.
We moved deeper into the hall, passing some huge white slabs with writing carved into them standing along the edges.
- It doesn't look like runes. What is this, North? – I couldn’t stand it.
He smiled friendly again:
– Runes, but very ancient ones. Your father did not have time to teach you... But if you want, I will teach you. Just come to us, Isidora.
He repeated what I had already heard.
- No! – I immediately snapped. “That’s not why I came here, you know, North.” I came for help. Only you can help me destroy Karaffa. After all, what he does is your fault. Help me!
The North became even more sad... I knew in advance what he would answer, but I did not intend to give up. Millions were put on the scales good lives, and I couldn’t just give up fighting for them.
– I already explained to you, Isidora...
- So explain it further! – I abruptly interrupted him. – Explain to me how you can sit quietly with your hands folded when human lives are extinguished one after another through your own fault?! Explain how such scum as Karaffa can exist, and no one has the desire to even try to destroy him?! Explain how you can live when this happens next to you?..
Bitter resentment bubbled up inside me, trying to spill out. I almost screamed, trying to reach his soul, but I felt that I was losing. There was no turning back. I didn't know if I would ever get there again, and I had to take every opportunity before I left.
- Look around, North! All over Europe your brothers and sisters are burning with living torches! Can you really sleep peacefully hearing their screams??? How can you not have bloody nightmares?!
His calm face was distorted by a grimace of pain:
– Don’t say that, Isidora! I have already explained to you - we should not interfere, we are not given such a right... We are guardians. We only protect KNOWLEDGE.
– Don’t you think that if you wait any longer, there will be no one to preserve your knowledge for?! – I exclaimed sadly.
– The earth is not ready, Isidora. I already told you this...
– Well, perhaps it will never be ready... And someday, in about a thousand years, when you look at it from your “tops”, you will see only an empty field, perhaps even overgrown with beautiful flowers, because that at this time there will be no more people on Earth, and there will be no one to pick these flowers... Think, North, is this the future you wished for the Earth?!..
But the North was protected by a blank wall of faith in what it said... Apparently, they all firmly believed that they were right. Or someone once instilled this faith in their souls so firmly that they carried it through centuries, without opening up and not allowing anyone into their hearts... And I couldn’t break through it, no matter how hard I tried.
– There are few of us, Isidora. And if we intervene, it is possible that we will also die... And then it will be as easy as shelling pears even for a weak person, not to mention someone like Caraffa, to take advantage of everything we keep. And someone will have power over all living things. This happened once before... A very long time ago. The world almost died then. Therefore, forgive me, but we will not interfere, Isidora, we have no right to do this... Our Great Ancestors bequeathed to us to protect ancient KNOWLEDGE. And that's what we're here for. What do we live for? We didn't even save Christ once... Although we could have. But we all loved him very much.