Use names depending on the situation

During a conversation, use similar gestures and facial expressions, repeat the pose of your interlocutor. According to research, this behavior speeds up the emergence of sympathy.

2. Spend more time with the person you want to be in a relationship with.

We are more likely to like people we know. Psychologists conducted an experiment: four girls, unknown to the students, attended classes at the university. Some came often, others rarely. Then the students were shown their photographs and asked to say who they liked the most. It turned out that those who were seen more often in class.

3. Praise the other person

People associate the adjectives you say in their praise with your own character. This phenomenon is called spontaneous transfer of qualities. It works the other way around: if you constantly speak negatively about a person, what you say about him begins to be attributed to you.

4. Show positive emotions

We are greatly influenced by the mood of those around us. Often we unconsciously experience the same emotions as the interlocutor. To make a good impression, demonstrate a positive attitude.

5. Don’t be afraid to appear imperfect

By demonstrating some kind of flaw or making a mistake, you show that nothing human is alien to you. Scientists discovered this by studying how mistakes affect sympathy. Participants in the experiment listened to a recording of a quiz. If someone answered all the questions correctly but accidentally spilled their coffee at the end, they liked them more than the person who was perfect.

6. Emphasize common ground.

We are drawn to people who are similar to us in some ways. This is called the similarity attraction effect. Moreover, we especially like people with whom we have common negative traits.

7. Perceive the other person the way he wants to be perceived

People want to be seen the way they see themselves. When a person's idea of ​​us matches our own idea of ​​ourselves, relationships develop successfully. We feel understood, and this is necessary to establish trust.

8. Share something personal

This will help you start a relationship and get to know the person better. Start with general topics (like what movie you both watched recently) and gradually move on to more personal ones. Then tell us something secret about yourself. This will create a feeling of closeness, and it will be easier for your interlocutor to trust you in the future.

9. Let your interlocutor talk about himself

Researchers at Harvard University found that talking about ourselves produces pleasure comparable to that of food, money, and sex. Therefore, let the interlocutor tell you something about yourself. This will leave him with more pleasant memories of your conversation.

10. Act as if you like the person you're talking to

When we believe that a person is well disposed toward us, we ourselves begin to feel sympathy for him. This phenomenon is called reciprocal sympathy.

In addition, when we assume that people will treat us well, we behave more warmly towards them. This way we increase the chances of making a favorable impression.

If you are not sure how the other person feels about you, act as if you like him. This will make him more likely to like you.

Psychology is a science whose laws cannot be ignored. Modern marketers, entrepreneurs and even scammers know this.

We have selected psychological tricks that can be used in everyday life. Now achieving your goals will definitely become easier and more interesting.

How to define a "fan"

Have you ever noticed out of the corner of your eye that a certain person is watching you? However, you couldn’t catch your admirer? We suggest you conduct a test. If you feel that someone is looking at you, just yawn at this moment. Well, yawn for a long time and look at this person. As you know, pharynx is quite a contagious phenomenon. Your observer will gape immediately, and then you will be convinced that you were right.

How to move the crowd

If you need to get through a crowd of people, try our next trick. Stand up straight and look at your end goal of the movement. Now go. You will be surprised, but people themselves will clear your way! This trick will not work in the following cases: if you in sunscreens glasses and if you look at a smartphone.

How to calm your opponent

Have you ever met at work meetings with a person who clearly dislikes you? If you feel that you are going to be accused, slandered or provoked into conflict, sit next to your opponent. The person will need to turn their entire body to look at you. Either this feeling of guilt will awaken, or discomfort because the object is very close, but the person will clearly say much less bad things or remain silent at all.

Make your eyes speak

If a person doesn’t tell you something in a conversation with you, you shouldn’t ask again. Just look your interlocutor in the eyes. The look will cause awkwardness and a feeling of guilt and will force you to talk.

How to get a person to fulfill a request

The idea is quite simple: if you want a discount, ask for the item for free first. The fact is that a person will feel guilty if he refuses your first request, so the second time he will be much more loyal.

Speak into a specific ear

Another trick that will help get a person to fulfill your request. It turns out that which ear you speak into is very important. Phrases heard by the right ear affect the logic of the interlocutor, and by the left ear - on the feelings. This means that it is better to ask, talk about work and business, standing to the right of the person. To the left of the interlocutor, confess your love and give compliments.

Eye contact

When a person looks directly into the eyes, one gets the feeling that he is listening carefully to his interlocutor. Therefore, if you like a person and want to start a relationship with him, try to remember the color of his eyes. Noticing such a look, the interlocutor will become more disposed towards you.

Call the person by name more often

You can make a person like you if you often call him by name after meeting him. Given name- it's just honey for our ears. Why don't use This trick won’t increase the chances of your interlocutor’s sympathy?

How to remember information

If you are learning new knowledge or skills, share the information with another person. Retell everything in detail and explain it to your interlocutor - this will make it easier for you to remember the details.
Snackman effect

This trick became famous thanks to a video from the Internet in which two people fighting in a subway car were stopped by a man simply walking between them. Incredibly, there is a little secret here. The young man, who was soon nicknamed Snackman, was... chewing. Food has a calming effect on people. Without knowing it, people who watch another person eat become less aggressive.

Charisma and charm are perhaps the main components of success: they help to impress the employer and business partners, they make it easy to please your future soulmate and simply win people over.

10 psychological tricks that we have collected will help you become more charismatic and win over others. Of course, skeptics may have their doubts: becoming a charming person is not so easy, and many give up at the thought that someone gets everything thanks to a wide smile and a loose tongue, while others get nothing. If you catch yourself feeling annoyed, irritated or envious, try to get rid of them and look at the problem from a different angle. After all, as long as we are jealous and angry, the situation does not change - and all the negativity that arises in our thoughts remains with you.

10 secrets that will help you win people over

1. “No” to complaints. This first point will be very difficult for those who are used to sharing problems with others. It may even seem to you that our advice encourages you to be a hypocrite: to walk around with a smile glued to your lips when everything is bad in life. In fact, those around him feel good about such a “feast during the plague”, therefore, when faced with a truly big problem, you can look for both support and sympathy. But if you accustom yourself to complaints about any reason, this sincerity will eventually turn into grumbling and will begin to push away even those people who initially really liked you. And really, who wants to listen to how bad people around them are 10 times a day? So say no to complaints—especially complaints about trivial things.

3. Walking style. Explore. Step length, posture, head position - all these little things together create an important part of your image. If you want to be seen as a strong and confident person, but at the same time you are used to slouching and shuffling your feet, your appearance in the eyes of other people will be somewhat different from the desired picture. But after working a little on yourself, you will notice changes in the way other people behave with you. Smile more often and straighten your shoulders; The most expensive and designer jacket does not fit well on slouched people.

4. Take care of your image. In this matter, you need to be sincere with yourself. Think about what kind of person you like to imagine yourself to be. Think about what separates you from this image and start with small but realistic steps. It is difficult to become a sultry handsome man without physical activity. Becoming a successful businesswoman without sufficient erudition is also difficult. However, the sooner you get a gym membership or start expanding your horizons in an area that interests you, the sooner you will reap the benefits of success.

5. A striking detail of the image. When you have thought through your image, all that remains is to add some zest to it. It’s worth racking your brains over it, as it will be remembered by those around you and will become a kind of bright touch to your style. And only you decide what this detail will turn out to be.

7. Look. Confident and direct, it has a truly hypnotic effect. Running, insecure or complaining - repels. When speaking in public, you can look over their heads to create the effect of eye contact and not feel shy, and when talking to someone face to face, look at the point above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

8. Dream. You must have a dream that is both very global and feasible. A castle in the air of dreams will not work; with it you will be soaring in the clouds without doing anything about it. real life. And a small, easily achievable idea is not exactly what you need, it’s a goal, and for some, it’s even a plan for the day. Ideally, a significant, interesting and vibrant personality is adorned with the same desire.

9. Expand your horizons. It is unknown what you will have to talk about on a first date, at an interview, in a new company, and so on, but fateful situations and meetings happen every day - we make them like that ourselves. A book, a fact, a movie, a story that you remember in time can endear your interlocutor to you. Erudition, demonstrated in a timely manner and not shown as an absolute plus, looks appropriate and attractive.

10. Sense of humor. When doing image, using all these psychological tricks, don't be too serious. Otherwise, an interested look will turn into a gaze and embarrassment, erudition will turn into tediousness, work on the image will turn into an endless race for a beautiful image from a magazine. Sincere laughter, healthy, kindly irony, a funny joke will play into your hands.

Remember that there are no perfect people. Sometimes someone may not like you despite the work you have done on your image and image. And there's nothing wrong with that. Give the person the right to an opinion, and yourself the right to move on. We wish you success, try new things and don't forget to press the buttons and

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we can barely control our own actions. But in this case we are not talking about emotional outbursts, but about situations when someone is trying to manipulate us. Check out these powerful psychological tricks. They will help you recognize situations when someone is trying to manipulate or deceive you. This will help you avoid the traps set by others.

1. Sensationalism and urgency

The desire to become part of society is our necessary primitive need. Hotel booking sites use this trick very often. When communicating with clients, they most often use the following phrases: only one number left; this room has just been booked; 2 more people are currently viewing this offer. In 90% of situations this trick works.

2. Mixing facts and opinions

The main task of any manipulator is to move you into an illusory environment so that you do not notice their cunning, but perceive it as part of the circumstances. For example, if your boss decides to fire someone, he will first show that this person is a bad employee. If a job is being done poorly, quitting seems like the natural solution. Don't get carried away with this. Evaluate your work from the outside.

3. Activation of stereotypes

Leo Tolstoy once said: “Everything happy families are similar, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” By following stereotypes, we unconsciously project them into our lives. This may be driven by a primal need to feel oneness with others. The next time you feel the desire to be like someone else, remember where it came from.

4. Don't think. Believe me!

The main task of the master of manipulation is to eliminate the consciousness of the victim and deprive him of the ability to ask logical questions, imposing the idea of ​​a meaningless faith. You think you make your own decisions, but this is an illusion. The manipulator can successfully use any idea in your mind.

To avoid this, just stop and think about the following: “What could happen if I don’t achieve these goals?” The inability to satisfy your own needs will lead to despondency, but you will not worry about the imposed goals.

At least once in our lives, in a fit of emotion, we dreamed of being able to control people in order to achieve what we wanted or force them to do what we need. But this method of achieving your goals is not the most honest, and not the easiest. After all, you need to train for years and be a very subtle psychologist, as well as have hypnosis skills. Some books created specifically for the purpose of teaching the reader how to manipulate people say that it is not as difficult as many psychologists believe - you just need to study some literature.

Whether this is true or not is not for us to decide. For most people, what is important is not power over the minds of millions, but only some tricks that can be used at work and when meeting with others for the first time. important person. That is why we have collected the 10 best psychological tricks that will help in the most necessary situations.

1 When meeting a person, always be sincerely happy and smile. Even if the conversation is not the most pleasant, try to gradually change the mood, but under no circumstances expect a person with a depressed and angry face.

2 For a first romantic date, it’s wiser to choose an exciting activity rather than a walk in the park. Psychologists say that common experiences and joint activities bring people together much more than just a walk or talking about trifles.

4 Don’t forget about the hands and feet of your interlocutor! A closed pose with arms crossed at the elbows indicates that the person does not intend to continue the given topic. His legs crossed under the table will tell you this.

5 Pay attention to the person’s behavior when he answers a question that is important to you. If at the same time the interlocutor averts his eyes or scratches his nose, most likely he is not being completely honest with you.

6 Your success in working with strangers depends not only on the quality of the work, but also on the interest shown. By addressing a person by name and patronymic, we get a huge plus in our favor, since the person unconsciously warms up to us, feeling needed.

7 Before an important interview, it is useful to imagine that we have a long-standing close friendship with the interviewer. It is almost always up to us how to perceive a situation, and our calmness and ease can be transmitted to the interlocutor.

8 Reaction word. The method is very effective in situations where we need to listen to a whole story from an interlocutor who wants to pour out his soul, but at the same time spend a minimum amount of emotional resources. Pick one word the speaker uses frequently and nod or assent when you hear it again.

9 Ask the impossible - get what you wanted. The simplest rule both for your own consciousness and for communicating with others. When setting almost unattainable goals, we try to do more and do not relax. Our interlocutor does exactly the same.

10 If you offer a person to fulfill some of your requests, which he cannot agree to, then, most likely, he will agree to another, easier task. A person tends to feel awkward in cases when he cannot do something, therefore, in order to somehow justify himself in his and your eyes, it can help in an easier task.