Department of Physics and Technical Mechanics. Department of Information Systems in Chemical Technology (ISHT) Mikht Chemical Technology Department

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    The Department of “Technology of Petrochemical Synthesis and Artificial Liquid Fuel” trains students in the bachelor’s degree 03/18/01 “Chemical Technology” and masters in the direction 04/18/01 “Chemical Technology” under the program “Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”.

    Graduates of the department work in leading industry companies, institutes of the Academy of Sciences, petrochemical production enterprises of Russia: INHS RAS, IOC RAS, ICP RAS, NIIgrafit, 25th State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, OJSC PJSC Sibur-Holding ", PJSC Tatneft, PJSC Lukoil, PJSC Gazprom, NK Rosneft.

    The best students of the department undergo internships abroad.

  • History of the department

    By the end of the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR had a large reserve of proven deposits of coal and solid combustible minerals throughout the country, and proven oil reserves were very limited and were located in several regions (in the Caucasus, in the Caspian region, Sakhalin Island and Ukhta ). Therefore, there was an urgent need to create a new industry in the country related to the production of artificial liquid fuel (ILF) based on solid fossil fuels.
    In 1943, by decision of the USSR government, the Main Directorate of IZhT and Gas Industry was established under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
    October 30, 1943 The All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issues order No. 289 on the creation of MITHT named after. M.V. Lomonosov Department of Artificial Liquid Fuels and Chemical Gas Processing. In the 50s of the twentieth century, the necessary conditions were created in the USSR for the intensive development of oil refining and petrochemical complexes. In 1956, the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, in accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, organized the training of process engineers in petrochemical synthesis, and in 1957 the Department of IZhT was renamed the Department of Technology of Petrochemical Synthesis and Artificial Liquid Fuel.
    In 2003, the department of TNHS and IZhT was named after its founder and first head, corresponding member. USSR Andrei Nikolaevich Bashkirov.
  • Brief information about partner companies

    • Basic department REC-13-102-2011 FGBUN “Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after A.V. Topchiev" RAS (INHS RAS). 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 29. Khadzhiev S.N.
    • FGBUN Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.D. Zelinsky RAS (IOC RAS). 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 47. Stakheev A.Yu., Kustov L.M.
    • Institute of Chemical Physics named after. N. N. Semenov RAS (ICP RAS). Moscow, st. Kosygina, 4. Arutyunov V.S.
    • Joint Stock Company "Research Institute of Structural Materials Based on Graphite "NIIgrafit" (JSC "NIIgrafit"). 111524, Moscow, Elektrodnaya St., 2. Beilina N.Yu., Petrov A.V.
    • 25th State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. 121467, Moscow, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 10. Shatalov K.V., Likhterova N.M.
    • Institute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing SB RAS (IPPU SB RAS). 644040, Omsk, st. Neftezavodskaya, 54. Surovikin Yu.V.
    • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Technological Institute of Superhard and New Carbon Materials" (FGBNU TISNUM) 142190, Moscow, Troitsk, Tsentralnaya street, building 7a. Mordkovich V.Z., Karaeva A.R., Sineva L.V.
    • LLC "United Center for Research and Development" (RN-TsIR). Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 55/1, building 2. Mikhailov S.A.
    • Research Center "Sintez" 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Ave., 86. Flid M.R.
    • LLC "Stavrolen" 356808, Stavropol Territory, Budennovsk, st. R. Luxembourg, 1
    • "GrafitEl - Moscow Electrode Plant". 111123, Moscow, sh. Enthusiastov, 31, building 2
    • LLC "LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez" 607650 Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovo, (industrial zone)
    • LLC "SIBUR-Kstovo" 607650 Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovo, (industrial zone)
    • All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Oil Refining (JSC VNII NP) Moscow, st. Aviamotornaya, 6, building 1. Ershov M.A.
    • REAM-RTI LIMITED. Address: 143902, Balashikha, st. Sovetskaya, 36. Pyatov I.S.
  • Logistics support

    Department of TNHS and IZhT named after. A.N. Bashkirov has installations for carrying out processes of thermal and thermocatalytic transformation of hydrocarbons, producing alternative types of fuels and carbon materials. Analysis of gases, oil and petroleum products, alternative fuels, carbon materials and catalysts is carried out using modern analytical complexes and instruments.

  • List of areas/specialties in which the department is graduating

    Bachelor's degree 18.03.01 "Chemical technology", profile "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials"
    Master's program 18.04.01 “Chemical technology”, master’s program “Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”

    List of areas in which the department teaches

    Master's program 18.04.01 “Chemical technology”, master’s program “Chemistry and technology of industrial catalysis”

    List of disciplines read:

    • Undergraduate Professional Profiles
    • Theory of chemical technology for processing natural energy resources
    • Chemical technology for processing natural energy resources
    • Chemical technology of solid fossil fuel processing processes
    • Chemical technology of carbon materials
    • Chemical technology of processes based on one-carbon compounds
    • Fundamentals of design and equipment of petrochemical production
    • Technology for the production of commercial petroleum products
    • Chemistry of natural energy carriers
    • Chemistry of solid fossil fuels
    • Information technology in innovation
    • Special chapters of chemistry
    • Production technology and methods for studying catalysts
    • Technology and catalysis in oil and gas chemistry
    • Optimization of chemical and technological processes
    • Deep oil refining technology
    • Standardization and certification of petroleum products
    • History and modern problems of chemical technology

    Abstract of the master's program
    Currently, training highly qualified specialists for the development of the most important industry for the synthesis of artificial liquid fuels and products to supply the petrochemical industry, including those based on renewable raw materials obtained from biomass, is becoming a pressing task. One of the main directions in the educational process when preparing masters is the development of in-depth knowledge of the processing of natural organic raw materials, including oil, natural and associated gases, coal and renewable raw materials obtained from biomass, into motor fuels and chemical products.
    During the training process, students participate in research work carried out at the department by staff and graduate students, who are focused on advanced scientific directions in the field of oil refining and the creation of synthetic motor fuels, including from renewable raw materials based on biomass, the production of nanocarbon materials from organic derivatives and compounds, as well as petrochemical products from methanol and bioethanol. Students undergo scientific practice in organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, such as the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. A.V. Topchiev RAS, Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.D. Zelinsky RAS, Institute of Chemical Physics named after. N.N. Semenov RAS, etc. Students who have successfully defended their master's theses have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

  • Research areas:

    • Thermocatalytic processes for processing organic raw materials.
    • Unconventional methods of influencing petroleum raw materials.
    • Synthesis of new types of carbon materials.
    • Development of new catalytic processes for processing bioethanol into automotive and jet hydrocarbon fuels and other petrochemical products
    Results of work indicating significant awards and achievements:
    • The synthesis of higher fatty alcohols in the presence of boric acid is known as the “Bashkirov oxidation method” and is used throughout the world;
    • Pilot-industrial electrocracking unit in Yerevan;
    • Pilot plant for pyrolysis in melts in Kazan;
    • Pilot plant for pyrolysis in melts in Kaluga;
    • Pilot plant for the synthesis of carbon nanofibers in Voskresensk;
    • Pilot industrial unit for methanol conversion in Tula;
    • Pilot installation for catalytic pyrolysis in Angarsk.
    • At IMASH named after. A.A. Blagonravov RAS, full-scale tests of the UAZ-469 vehicle were carried out using hydrogen-containing gas as a fuel - a product of the chemothermal conversion of methanol.
    • Development of processes for producing jet fuel components based on non-petroleum feedstock. Conversion of bioethanol to obtain components of motor and jet fuels.
    • For the first time in Russia according to the technical requirements of CIAM at MITHT. M.V. Lomonosov, together with CIAM, created prototypes of liquid synthetic hydrocarbon fuel for aviation gas turbine engines from bio-raw materials


    • bronze medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements (1984); silver medal from VDNKh USSR (1989)
    • Works by Tretyakov V.F. et al. were awarded gold medals at the World Exhibitions of Innovation, Scientific Development and New Technologies “Eureka 2000” and “Eureka 2001”, “Eureka 2004” in Brussels, at the International Salon in Shenyang (China), the 4th International Salon of Industrial Property “Archimedes 2000”, the main prize for 2001, the Bronze medal of the Exhibition Center of the Russian Federation (2005), the International Academic Publishing Company “Nauka/Interperiodika” for the best publication in the journals it publishes.
    • A.A. Balandin Prize for 2013 for the work “Theoretical foundations for the creation of catalytic processes for processing non-petroleum raw materials into hydrocarbon fuels and products for petrochemicals”

    List of main publications:

  • Storch G., Golambik N., Anderson R. Synthesis of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Per. from English Ed. A.N. Bashkirova. M.: Foreign publishing house. lit., 1954, 516 p.
  • Chemical reactions of organic products in electrical discharges. Ed. Pechuro N.S. M.: Nauka, 1966, 198 p.
  • Pechuro N.S., Kapkin V.D., Pesin O.Yu. Chemistry and technology of synthetic liquid fuels and gas. Textbook for universities. M.: Chemistry, 1986, 349 p.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M. Kinetics and dynamics of heterogeneous catalytic petrochemical processes - Moscow, MITHT Publishing House, 2012, 192 pages.
  • Pechuro N.S., Pesin O.Yu., Konokhov V.N. Pyrolysis of hydrocarbon raw materials in molten media. Results of science and technology. Series Technology of organic production. T.9, M.: VINITI, 1984, p. 3-59.
  • Pechuro N.S., Pesin O.Yu. Decomposition of liquid organic products in electrical discharges (electrocracking). Series Technology of organic production. T. 9, M.: VINITI, 1984, p. 60-102.
  • Pechuro N.S., Torkhovsky V.N. Application of thermal methods in systems for processing liquid organic waste from petrochemical production. Series Technology of organic production. T.9, M.: VINITI, 1984, p. 103-143.
  • Pechuro N.S., Frantsuzov V.K. Obtaining fibrous carbon from CO-containing gases. Thematic review of TsNIITEneftekhim, 1989, No. 4, p. 1-76.
  • Pechuro N.S., Frantsuzov V.K., Peshnev B.V. Features of the macrokinetic development of the topochemical reaction of CO disproportionation. DAN USSR, vol. 310, No. 1, 1990, p. 110-113.
  • Frantsuzov V.K., Peshnev B.V. Synthesis of fibrous carbon from carbon monoxide. Chemistry of solid fuel, 1997, No. 3, p. 76-88
  • Frantsuzov V.K., Petrusenko A.P., Peshnev B.V., Lapidus A.L. Fibrous carbon and areas of its technical application. Chemistry of solid fuel, 2000, No. 2, p. 61-75.
  • Peshnev B.V., Nikolaev A.I., Kuzmicheva G.M. et al. Formation of carbon nanofibers by disproportionation of CO. Chemistry of solid fuel, 2007, No. 4, p. 66-70.
  • Lapidus A.L., Antonyuk S.N., Kapkin V.D., Brook I.A., Sominsky S.D., Pechuro N.S. Preparation of methyl formate from methanol using oxide catalysts. Petrochemistry, 1985, No. 6, pp. 761-765.
  • Antonyuk S.N., Lapidus A.L., Kazansky V.B., Yakerson V.I., Khanumyan A.A., Golosman E.Z., Nechugovsky A.I., Pesin O.Yu. Decomposition of methanol and a water-methanol mixture of equimolar composition on a copper-zinc-cement catalyst promoted by nickel. Kinetics and catalysis, 2000, No. 6, pp. 753-755.
  • Antonyuk S.N., Egorova E.V. Promising directions for chemical processing of methanol. Science and technology of hydrocarbons, 2001, No. 1, pp. 3-5.
  • E.V.Egorova E.R. Nugmanov; A.I. Cowards; S.N. Antonyuk. Synthesis of acetaldehyde in the presence of copper-containing catalytic systems based on supports of various natures. Petrochemistry, vol. 44, no. 5, 2004, p. 376-379.
  • M.A. Ryashentseva, E.V. Egorova, A.I. Trusov, E.R. Nugmanov, S.N. Antonyuk. Application of metal-carbon catalysts in the processes of conversion of lower aliphatic alcohols. (Review). Advances in Chemistry v. 75 No. 11, 2006, p. 1119-1132.
  • Egorova E.V., Larin L.V., Ananyeva E.A. Current state and prospects for the development of the process of joint production of phenol and acetone. Part 1. Market overview and current state of phenol production processes. Bulletin of MITHT, vol. 2, No. 2, 2007. p. 15-26.
  • Egorova E.V., Larin L.V., Ananyeva E.A. Current state and prospects for the development of the process of joint production of phenol and acetone. Part 2. Methods for intensifying the oxidation process of isopropylbenzene. Bulletin of MITHT, vol. 3, No. 3, 2008.
  • Berezkin V.G., Tretyakov V.F. Egorova E.V. and others. Application of TLC with a closed sorption layer for the determination of volatile compounds. Petrochemistry, vol. 49, no. 5, 2009.
  • Berezkin V.G., Khrebtova S.S., Redina E.A. Egorova E.V. et al. Combined version of planar chromatography. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 65, no. 5, 2010, p. 507-512.
  • Egorova E.V., Bokarev D.A. Regularities of methanol conversion in the presence of catalysts based on carbon carriers. Bulletin of MITHT, vol. 5, no. 4, 2010, p. 28-39.
  • Yarulin A.E., Crespo-Quesada M.P., Kivi-Minsker L.L., Egorova E.V. Structural sensitivity of the reaction of selective hydrogenation of acetylene on catalysts with controlled shape of palladium nanoparticles. Kinetics and catalysis, v. 53, no. 2, 2012, p. 263-271.
  • Torkhovsky V.N., Vorobyov S.I., Egorova E.V., Ivanov S.V., Antonyuk S.N., Gorodsky S.N. Transformation of alkanes under the influence of a single pulse of hydrodynamic cavitation. II. Behavior of medium-chain alkanes C21-C38. Torkhovsky V.N., Vorobyov S.I., Egorova E.V., Ivanov S.V., Antonyuk S.N., Gorodsky S.N. Bulletin of MITHT, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4., pp. 59-69.
  • Torkhovsky V.N., Vorobyov S.I., Antonyuk S.N., Egorova E.V., Ivanov S.V., Kravchenko V.V., Gorodsky S.N. The use of multi-cycle cavitation to intensify the processing of petroleum raw materials. Oil and gas technologies. 2015, No. 2, p. 9-17.
  • Reaction between Glycerol and Acetone in the Presence of Ethylene Glycol. D.N.Ramazanov, A.Dzhumbe, A.I.Nekhaev, V.O.Samoilov, A.L.Maksimov, E.V.Egorova. Petroleum Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 55, no. 2, p.140-145.
  • Kruglova M.A., Yaroshenko M.P., Antonyuk S.N., Golosman E.Z. Dehydration of methanol on zirconium-containing calcium-alumina catalysts. Catalysis in industry. 2008. No. 5. With. 57-63.
  • Antonyuk S.N., Kravchenko V.V., Fedorova G.A., Tomilenko A.S., Luneva T.G., Fedorov A.M. Complex processing of brown coals to produce waxes and carbon adsorbents. Message 1. Obtaining waxes. Bulletin of MITHT, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 53-58.
  • Peshnev B.V., Estrin R.I., Nikolaev A.I., Pilipeyko A.Yu. / Determination of the structural and physicochemical characteristics of carbon nanofibers using the compass method. // Chemistry of solid fuels, 2007, No. 1, pp. 59-64.
  • Nikolaev A.I., Peshnev B.V., Abu Daniel O., Asilova N.Yu. / An integrated approach to the production of carbon materials from electrocracking products. // Chemical industry today, 2011, No. 7, pp. 3-8
  • Nikolaev A.I., Peshnev B.V. / Production of carbon-carbon composite materials using electrocracking gas of organic raw materials based on cokes and carbon nanofibers. // AutoGas Refueling Complex + Alternative Fuel, 2014, No. 5, p. 8-12
  • Nikolaev A.I., Peshnev B.V., Petrov A.V. / Coking of electrocracking products and characteristics of the carbon residue. // Chemistry of solid fuels, 2015, No. 1, pp. 49-52
  • V.F. Tretyakov. //Bioethanol-strategy for the development of the fuel and petrochemical complex. Chemical engineering. 1/2008, January. P.8.
  • V.F. Tretyakov.//Conversion of ethanol into motor fuels. World of transport. No. 1. 2008. pp. 32-37.
  • Galliev R.G., Lugansky A.I., Tretyakov V.F., Moroz I.V., Frantsuzova N.A., Ermakov A.N. // Mechanism of initiation of thermal cracking of tar with air oxygen // Bulletin of MITHT, 2008, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 17-22.
  • E.S. Lygina, A.F. Dmitruk, S.B. Lyubchik, V.F. Tretyakov // Application of thermogravimetric analysis to study the thermal destruction of solid and liquid organic waste. Chemistry of Solid Fuel, 2009, No. 4, p. 62-81.
  • V.F. Tretyakov, A.M. Ilolov, N.A. Frantsuzova, R.M. Talyshinsky.//Study of conjugated catalytic dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. “Bulletin of MITHT”, 2009, vol. 4, no. 4., p. 60 -70<.li>
  • V.F. Tretyakov, R.M. Talyshinsky, A.M. Ilolov, K.V. Tretyakov//Catalytic dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Oil refining and petrochemistry, 2010, No. 1, P.35-39.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Makarfi Yu.I., Tretyakov K.V., Frantsuzova N.A., Talyshinsky R.M. / Catalytic conversion of bioethanol into hydrocarbon fuels. // Catalysis in industry (Biofuels), No. 5, 2010, pp. 11-32.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Makarfi Yu.I., Talyshinsky R.M., Frantsuzova N.A., Tretyakov K.V. / Catalytic transformations of bioethanol. Review. // Bulletin of MITHT, 2010, vol. 5, no. 4, To the centenary of the birth of Nathan Saulovich Pechuro, pp. 5-22.
  • Tetyakov V.F., Makarfi Yu.I., Talyshinsky R.M., Frantsuzova N.A., Torkhovsky V.N., Antonyuk S.N., Tretyakov K.V. / Catalytic conversion of bioethanol into hydrocarbons. // Bulletin of MITHT, 2010, vol. 5, no. 4, To the centenary of the birth of Nathan Saulovich Pechuro, pp. 77-86.
  • V.F. Tretyakov, Yu.I. Makarfi, R.M. Talyshinsky, N.A. Frantsuzova, V.N. Torkhovsky, S.N. Antonyuk, K.V. Tretyakov. Catalytic conversion of bioethanol into hydrocarbons. “Bulletin of MITHT”, 2010, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 77-86.
  • V.A. Matyshak, N.V. Konokhov, V.F. Tretyakov, M.D. Shibanova, Yu.P. Tyulenin, O.N. Silchenkova, V.N. Korchak. Interaction of NOx with the surface of supported heteropolycompounds according to in situ IR spectroscopy data. Kinetics and catalysis, 2011. T52, No. 3, p. 419-428.
  • I.T.Ismailov, V.F.Tretyakov, V.A.Matyshak /Production of hydrogen-containing gas from methanol on cerium oxide/. Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining No. 4 (44) 2011, pp. 334-341.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Tretyakov K.V., Ilolov A.M., Litvishkov Yu.N. Influence of nanodispersity of the phase structure of heterogeneous catalysts on the kinetic factors of reactions // Oil refining and petrochemistry. – 2011. - No. 12, pp. 44-46.
  • T.A.Mamedova, A.G.Talybov, N.K.Andryushenko, Z.M.Alieva, Kh.Sh.Teyubov, V.F.Tretyakov, S.V.Ivanov, V.N.Torkhovsky //Features obtaining first generation biodiesel in an apparatus with a vortex layer // Bulletin of MITHT. 2011. No. 6. pp. 65-68.
  • T.A.Mamedova, A.G.Talybov, N.K.Andryushenko, Z.M.Alieva, Kh.Sh.Teyubov, V.F.Tretyakov, S.V.Ivanov, V.N.Torkhovsky//Features obtaining first generation biodiesel in an apparatus with a vortex layer // Bulletin of MITHT. 2011. No. 6. pp. 65-68
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M. // Correlation of the collision factor in the kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions with the nanodispersity of the phase structure // Nanotechnologies. Science and production, 1 (10), 2011, pp. 39-43.
  • Yu. N. Litvishkov, V. F. Tretyakov, R. M. Talyshinsky, M. R. Efendiev, E. M. Guseinova, N. V. Shakunova, P. A. Muradova // Microwave stimulation of the dealkylation reaction of toluene with water steam in the presence of a Ni–Co–Cr/Al/Al2O3 catalyst //Neftekhimiya, 2012, volume 52, no. 3, p. 211–214.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Tran Thi Quynh Ny, Tretyakov K.V., Frantsuzova N.A., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M./ Bioethanol-development strategy in the fuel and petrochemical complexes. AutoGas Refilling Complex + Alternative fuel. No. 6 (66). 2012. pp. 14-23.
  • Litvishkov Yu.N., Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Efendiev M.R., Guseinova E.M., Shakunova N.V., Muradova P.A. Synthesis of porous Al/Al2O3 - catalyst carrier, stimulated by electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range // Catalysis in industry. – 2012. - No. 1. – P. 69-74.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M., Tshisvaka M. // Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the selectivity of the reaction for the production of divinyl according to the method of S.V. Lebedva.// Industrial production and use of elatomers. 2012 With. 7-11
  • Gryaznov K.O., Ermolaev V.S., Mitberg E.B., Mordkovich V.Z., Tretyakov V.F. Theoretical and experimental study of CO conversion and selectivity for liquid hydrocarbons when scaling up the Fischer-Tropsch process on a granular cobalt catalyst. . /AutoGas Refilling Complex +Alternative fuel. No. 11 (80). 2013. pp. 10-17.
  • V.F. Tretyakov, A.K. Frolkova // Bioethanol: development strategy in the fuel and energy complex // Gas industry, 10/713/2014. C.78
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M., Maksimov A.L., Khadzhiev S.N. Initiated conversion of ethanol into divinyl by the Lebedev reaction // Neftekhimiya, 2014, T.54. – No. 3, pp. 195-206.
  • Godwin O. Ezinkwo, Valentine Philippovich Tretyakov, Auwal Aliyu, Akhmadsho Mamdshoevich Ilolov // Fundamental issues of catalytic conversion of bio-ethanol into butadiene // ChemBioEng Reviews. 2014, 1, no. 5, 1-11.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Tran Thi Quynh Ny, Frantsuzova N.A. Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M. // Catalytic conversion of bioethanol into aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen peroxide // AutoGas Refilling Complex + Alternative fuel. No. 3 (84). 2014. P.3-5.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Gyulmaliev A.M., Ilolov A.M., Ezinkvo G. Initiated catalytic conversion of ethanol into divinyl: thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanism // Industrial production and use of elastomers. 2014. No. 3. P. 12-20
  • V.F. Tretyakov. // Bioethanol - state and future in petrochemistry // Collection of scientific papers Alternative sources of raw materials and fuel. Minsk “Belarusian Science” 2014. P.10-23.
  • Gryaznov K.O., Kulchakovskaya E.V., Asalieva E.Yu., Sineva L.V., Mordkovich V.Z., Tretyakov V.F. // Fischer–Tropsch synthesis on cobalt catalysts with various heat-conducting additives // AutoGas Refilling Complex + Alternative fuel. No. 1 (94). 2015. P.3-12.
  • Ilolov A.M., Talyshinsky R.M., Tretyakov V.F. Historical aspects of one-stage production of divinyl from ethanol (review) // History and pedagogy of natural science. 2014. No. 4. P.10-15.
  • Tretyakov V.F., Tshisvaka Mutombo, Budnyak A.D., Ilolov A.M. Talyshinsky R.M. Thermodynamic assessment of the kinetic route of dimerization of ethylene into butylenes in the process of converting ethanol into divinyl on the TsAK-16 catalyst // AvtoGazozapravochny Complex + Alternative fuel. No. 4 (97). 2015. P.3-10.
  • S.N. Khadzhiev, V.F. Tretyakov, A.M. Ilolov, Talyshinsky R.M. Influence of catalyst nanostructure on the manifestation of induction in heterogeneous catalysis. Nanotechnology. Science and production. No. 1. 2015. pp. 33-41.
  • Muradova P.A., Tretyakov V.F., Zulfugarova S.M., Talyshinsky R.M., Litvishkov Yu.N. /Synthesis of Zn-B-P/Al/Al 2 O 3 catalysts for the acylation of diethylamine with m-toluic acid under the influence of microwave radiation// AutoGas Refilling Complex + Alternative fuel. // No. 12 (105). 2015. pp. 31-34.
  • Muradova P.A., Zulfugarova S.M., Shakunova N.V., Litvishkov Yu.N., Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M. //Acid properties of the surface of aluminum-reinforced alumina carriers formed in a microwave field // Neftegazokhimiya, 2015. - No. 4, pp. 52-55.
  • V.F. Tretyakov, A.M. Gyulmaliev, R.M. Talyshinsky, A.M. Ilolov, G.O. Ezinkvo, A.D. Budnyak, E.R. Babaev “Quantum-chemical analysis of reactions in the production process divinyl from ethanol" Proceedings. Scientific works. 2015. No. 4. pp. 69-74
  • P.A. Muradova, V.F. Tretyakov, S.M. Zulfugarova, R.M. Talishinskiy, Yu.N. Litvishkov //Synthesis of Zn-B-P/Al/Al2o3-Acylation Catalyst Diethylamino M-Toluic Acid under Exposure to Radiation of Microwave Range// International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue -12, December 2015.
  • R.M. Talyshinsky, E.A. Gyulmaliev V.F. Tretyakov, A.M. Ilolov, Yu.N. Litvishkov, P.A. Muradova, M.S. Kotelev, E.M. Movsumzade // Nanoscale dynamic compensation effect in the initiated heterogeneous catalytic process // Neftegazokhimiya, 2016 - No. 1, pp. 45-50.
  • V. F. Tretyakov, R. M. Talyshinsky, A. M. Ilolov, A. D. Budnyak // Production of aviation fuel by conversion of bioethanol on zeolite catalysts // Petrochemistry, 2016, volume 56, No. 3, p. 1–8
  • V.F. Tretyakov, A.M. Ilolov, R.M. Talyshinsky, E.A. Gyulmaliev // On the dynamic compensation effect in catalysis // Neftegazokhimiya, 2016 - No. 1, pp. 34-39.
  • Patents

    1. Patent. 2454388 Russian Federation,
    Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Frantsuzova N.A., Tretyakov K.V. Published: June 27, 2012 Bulletin. No. 18. P.5. Method for producing high molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons.

    2. Patent. 2284219 Russian Federation, C 1,
    Method for preparing supported catalysts. / Tsyrulnikov P.G., Zavyalova U.F., Shitova N.B., Ryzhova N.D., Tretyakov V.F. 17.04.2012. P.5

    3. RF Patent 2509759, 03/20/2014
    Tretyakov V.F., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M. Frantsuzova N.A., Tretyakov K.V., Ryakhovsky V.S., Zaboristov V.N. A method for the simultaneous production of aromatic hydrocarbons and divinyl in the presence of a hydrogen peroxide initiator.

    4. RF Patent 2510389, March 27, 2014
    Tretyakov V.F., Frantsuzova N.A., Tretyakov K.V., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M. Method for producing jet fuel from bioethanol.

    5. RF Patent 2540333, December 18, 2014
    Tretyakov V.F., Frantsuzova N.A., Ilolov A.M., Talyshinsky R.M., Method of initiated continuous catalytic production of aromatic hydrocarbons from ethanol.

    6. Patent 2571831 (RF). 2015.
    Tretyakov V.F., Khadzhiev S.N., Maksimov A.L., Talyshinsky R.M., Ilolov A.M., Ezinkvo G.O. Catalyst for the production of alkadienes and a method for the production of alkadienes using it (variants).

    Position held: head department
    Academic degree, title: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAIN
    Diploma specialty: Process engineer specializing in Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis
    Disciplines taught: Chemical technology of processes based on one-carbon compounds, History and modern problems of chemical technology
    Total work experience: 53 years old
    Scientific and pedagogical work experience: 46 years old
    Training: Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences; State Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Training of Specialists in the Chemical, Microbiological and Medical Industry MITHT named after. M.V. Lomonosov. 05Sep to 05 Oct. 2015. 72 hours

Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov

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Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosova

Previous titles:

Bachelor's, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Master's

Skill Level:

full-time, correspondence

Form of study:

Certificate of completion:



From 120 to 209

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov" (official abbreviations MITHT; MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov) is an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) - a university with a state legal form. Organizational and legal form - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. The activities of MITHT are aimed at the development of education, science and culture through scientific research and training at all levels of higher, postgraduate and additional education, mainly in the field of chemistry, chemical technology, biotechnology, technology of new materials, materials science, materials processing, ecology and economics of chemical production, standardization and certification of chemical and biochemical products.

MITHT today is a large educational and scientific complex, which trains bachelors (course of study 4 years) in 9 areas, masters (course of study 2 years after bachelor's degree) in 27 master's programs and specialists (course of study 5 years) in 12 specialties. There are also postgraduate and doctoral studies that train highly qualified specialists in 23 scientific specialties. MITHT has established 8 dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

MITHT scientists conduct scientific research on a wide range of fundamental and applied works, both within the framework of state and interuniversity scientific and technical programs (in some of them, MITHT is the parent organization), and within the framework of economic contracts, as well as in the form of initiative developments.

MITHT cooperates with many scientific organizations and industrial enterprises both in Russia and abroad.

At MITHT, together with other founders, the following were created: the Ecological-Economic and Medical-Biotechnological Lyceum “Avogadro”, the Educational and Methodological Center “Strategic Educational Initiatives” and the Institute of High Technologies and Projects. MITHT im. M.V. Lomonosov is the publisher of the information and analytical bulletin "Scientific Notes of MITHT" (ISSN 0201-7113).

About 3,000 full-time students (of which about 100 are foreign), about 200 evening students and approximately 150 graduate students study at the faculties and departments of MITHT.

MITHT is headed by the rector - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alla Konstantinovna Frolkova.

1 of

Faculties and departments

Faculty of Natural Sciences (JNF)

    Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics (H&A)

    Department of Information Technologies (IT)

    Department of Physics (FZ)

    Department of Physical Chemistry named after Y.K. Syrkina (FH)

    Department of Colloid Chemistry named after S.S. Voyutsky (KH)

    Department of Analytical Chemistry named after I.P. Alimarina (AH)

    Department of Inorganic Chemistry named after A.N. Reformatsky (NH)

    Department of Organic Chemistry named after I.M. Nazarova (OH)

Faculty of Biotechnology and Organic Synthesis (BS)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Basic Organic Synthesis (CHTOS)

    Department of Technology of Petrochemical Synthesis and Artificial Liquid Fuel named after A.N. Bashkirov (NHSiIZhT)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecular Compounds named after S.S. Medvedev (HTVMS)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds named after K.A. Andrianova (HTEOS)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds named after N.A. Preobrazhensky (HTBAS)

    Department of Bio- and Nanobiotechnology (BiNBT)

    Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies (BMiFT)

Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Electronics Materials (T)

    Department of Physics and Chemistry of Solid State (FSHTT)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Scattered Elements named after K.A. Bolshakova (HiTRRE)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Nanosized and Composite Materials (HTNKM)

    Department of Micro-, Opto- and Nanoelectronics Materials (MMONE)

Faculty of Physics, Chemistry and Polymer Processing Technology (P)

    Department of Chemistry and Physics of Polymers and Polymer Materials named after B.A. Dogadkina (KhFP)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Elastomer Processing named after F.F. Kosheleva (CTPE)

    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Processing of Plastics and Polymer Composites (CCI)

Faculty of Engineering (IF)

    Department of Engineering Graphics (IG)

    Department of Applied Mechanics and Design Fundamentals (PMiOK)

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Microprocessor Engineering named after A.V. Netushila (EE&MT)

    Department of Control Systems and Automation of Chemical Technological Processes (CSiAKhTP)

    Department of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Gelperina (PAHT)

    Department of General Chemical Technology (GCT)

    Department of Protection of Chemical Industry Facilities (CPF)

    Department of Standardization and Certification (S&C)

Faculty of Management, Economics and Ecology (FMEE)

    Department of Economics and Production Organization (E&OP)

    Department of Marketing and Management (MiM)

    Department of Environmental and Economic Analysis of Technologies (EEAT)

    Department of Applied Ecology and Occupational Safety (PE&OH)

Faculty for Work with Foreign Students (FRIU)

    Department of Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL)

Faculty of Humanities (GF)

    Department of History, Sociology and Law

    Department of Philosophy (FL)

    Department of Physical Education (PE)

    Department of Foreign Languages ​​(FL)

Faculty of Pre-University Training (FDP)

    Department of Fundamentals of Natural Sciences

    Department of Russian language for applicants

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

The results obtained by applicants at the Unified State Examination (USE) 2012 are taken into account as the results of entrance examinations for admission to the first year of full-time (day) and part-time (evening) education at the expense of the federal budget, as well as for a paid form of education. and 2013. Persons who served in conscription and were discharged from military service have the right, within a year after discharge from military service, to use the results of the unified state exam that they passed during the year before conscription. These persons present a military ID upon admission to MITHT. In 2013, MITHT established three entrance tests, in accordance with the List of entrance tests established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, taking into account the profile of the area of ​​training. Mandatory tests are the Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics. At the choice of the applicant, depending on the direction of preparation indicated in the application for the mandatory Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination result in one of the following general education subjects is added: chemistry, physics, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) or social studies. When calculating the competitive score, the results of all entrance tests are taken into account according to the 100-point scale established for the Unified State Examination.

Directions and profiles of training implemented
at the Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov

Fine technologies in medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology

    Undergraduate areas

    240100 Chemical technology

    • Chemical technology of synthetic biologically active substances, chemical pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

    240700 Biotechnology


      Medical biotechnology*

    020100 Chemistry

      Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry

    Master's programs

    Chemistry and technology of biologically active substances

    Molecular and cellular biotechnology

    Drug technology

    Biopharmaceuticals Technology

    Technology of bioconversion of plant raw materials

Nanotechnology and nanomaterials

    Undergraduate areas

    150100 Materials science and materials technology

    • Physico-chemistry of materials and processes

      Materials science and technology of new materials

      Materials Science and Technology of Solid State Electronics Materials

      Materials Science and Technology of Polymer Materials

    240100 Chemical technology

      Technology and polymer processing

    240700 Biotechnology


    020100 Chemistry

      Inorganic chemistry and chemistry of coordination compounds

      Analytical chemistry

      Organic and bioorganic chemistry

      Physical chemistry

      Colloid chemistry and physical-chemical mechanics

      High molecular weight compounds*

      Chemistry of organoelement compounds*

    Master's programs

    Chemistry and technology of organoelement compounds

    Chemical technology of high molecular weight compounds

    Chemical technology for processing plastics and composite materials

    Elastomer processing technology

    Nanotechnology of organic photosensitive materials

    Materials science, processes of production and processing of inorganic powder and composite materials

    Theoretical and applied polymer materials science

    Physico-chemical studies of new materials and processes

    Physical materials science and technology of electronic materials

    Materials science and technology of nanomaterials and coatings

    Inorganic chemistry

    Analytical chemistry

    Organic chemistry

    Physical chemistry

    Colloid chemistry

Chemical technologies and energy resources

    Undergraduate areas

    240100 Chemical technology

    • Chemical technology of organic substances

    020100 Chemistry


    Master's programs

    Chemistry and technology of products of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis

    Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials

    Theoretical foundations of chemical technology

    Processes and apparatus of chemical technology

Environmental protection

    Undergraduate areas

    280700 Technosphere safety

    • Engineering environmental protection

      Emergency protection*

    020100 Chemistry

      Environmental chemistry, chemical expertise and environmental safety*

    Master's programs

    Environment protection

Information Technology

    Undergraduate areas

    230700 Applied computer science

    • Applied computer science in chemistry

      Applied informatics in education

    231300 Applied mathematics

      Mathematical software and information systems administration*

    Master's programs

    Information systems in chemical technology and biotechnology

Economics and Management

    Undergraduate areas

    080200 Management

    • Production management


      Small Business Management*

    230700 Applied computer science

      Applied informatics in management

      Applied informatics in economics

    231300 Applied mathematics

      Mathematical modeling in economics and technology

    221700 Standardization and metrology

      Standardization and certification

    Master's programs

    Testing and certification

    Total Quality Management

Graduate School Contacts

Persons entering graduate school submit to the Office of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies within the established time frame the following documents:
an application addressed to the rector of MITHT indicating the form of study (full-time or part-time), scientific specialty, with a visa of the head of the relevant department;

    a copy of the state diploma of higher professional education and an appendix to it (photocopy), certified by the Office of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies;

    an interview sheet (in the prescribed form) with the proposed scientific supervisor, a list of published scientific works, patents. Persons who do not have published works submit an abstract on the topic of the proposed dissertation;

    personal sheet for personnel records;

    certificate of passing candidate exams (if available);

    photographs size 4x6 and 3x4.

When submitting documents, applicants to graduate school are required to present a passport, an original diploma of higher professional education and a diploma supplement.

Persons entering graduate school can submit a recommendation from the Academic Council of a higher educational institution (university, academy, institute, faculty).

List of specialties presented in MITHT graduate school

01.02.04 Mechanics of deformable solids

01.04.14 Thermophysics and molecular physics

02.00.01Inorganic chemistry

02.00.02 Analytical chemistry

02.00.03Organic chemistry

02.00.04Physical chemistry

02.00.06 High molecular weight compounds

02.00.10Bioorganic chemistry

02.00.11 Colloidal chemistry

02.00.13 Petrochemicals

02.00.21Solid State Chemistry

Biotechnology (including bionanotechnology)

02/05/23 Standardization and product quality management

05.13.01 System analysis, management and information processing (by industry)

05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

05.16.06 Powder metallurgy and composite materials

05.17.02 Technology of rare, scattered and radioactive elements

05.17.04 Technology of organic substances

05.17.06 Technology and processing of polymers and composites

05.17.08 Processes and apparatus of chemical technologies

05.27.06 Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and electronic devices

08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and area of ​​activity, including: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; regional economics; logistics; labor economics; population economics and demography ; economics of environmental management, land management, etc.)

09 00 08Philosophy of science and technology

02.00.08Chemistry of organometal compounds

  • Creation
  • Extra


Chamber choir of the Moscow Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT) was created in October 2006 on the initiative of the rector of the academy Alla Konstantinovna Frolkova. Dance ensembles, KVN teams, the art school and other creative groups of the academy have proven their ability to compete and win awards at various student amateur competitions.

Despite its young age, the Chamber Choir received the right to officially represent the Moscow Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov at the most important and responsible events.

Scientific Student Society

Research activities of students are an indispensable part of the learning process at the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT), the main method of testing the knowledge acquired in lectures, a condition for acquiring research skills, and ultimately becomes one of the links in replenishing scientific and pedagogical personnel and developing scientific schools of the Academy.

The main tasks of students' scientific activities include mastering the fundamental scientific basis of the field of study and specialization, the methodology of scientific creativity, modern information technologies, preparation for research and scientific teaching activities.

Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov (“MITHT”) is one of the oldest universities in the country providing training in a wide range of specialties in the field of chemical technology. On May 29, 2015, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the process of reorganizing the university began by joining MIREA and MGUPI with the formation of Moscow Technological University.

The faculty is the only one in Russia and the CIS countries that provides comprehensive training for specialists in the field of creation and design of products made of plastics and elastomers. The faculty has about 400 students, and the annual graduation rate is about 65 people.

The faculty prepares bachelors and masters in the following areas:

550800 - Chemical technology and biotechnology (for master's programs: 550814 - Chemical technology for processing plastics and composite materials, 550815 - Technology for processing elastomers),

551600 - Materials science and technology of new materials (under the master's program 551608 – Theoretical and applied polymer materials science).

250600 - Technology of processing of plastics and elastomers (Training of specialists (engineers) within the specialty is carried out in the following specializations: 250601 - Technology of products from plastics and composite materials, 250602 - Chemistry and technology of processing of elastomers, 250604 - Calculation and design of products from plastics and elastomers ).

The breadth and depth of fundamental education, combined with serious engineering training, makes it easier for students and graduates of the faculty to master new polymer technologies and promote them in non-traditional areas - medicine, space technology, microelectronics, fuel technology, etc.

The faculty runs postgraduate courses in all scientific areas of the departments.

Dean - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor E.E. Potapov.

Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov(traditional abbreviation " MITHT» (pronounced [mithaté])) is one of the oldest universities in the country, providing training in a wide range of specialties in the field of chemical technology. On May 29, 2015, by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the process of reorganizing the university began by joining it to MIREA with education.

Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov MIREA - Russian Technological University
(ITHT im. M. V. Lomonosova)
International name Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies
Former names Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov
Year of foundation 1900
Reorganized joined MIREA with the formation of Moscow Technological University
Year of reorganization 2015
Students 4500
Location Moscow , Russia
Legal address 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 86
Media files on Wikimedia Commons


The history of the creation of the university and its continuous activities as a higher education institution begins on July 1, 1900 and covers several stages.

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses (1900-1918)