How to write a letter with an accent on the keyboard. How to put an accent on a letter on the keyboard: all the ways. Copying ready-made vowels with stress

Sometimes you need to "make" an accent mark in Word. It’s just that finding how to install it can be difficult. There are several ways to do this.

1) Using insert special symbol.
Place the cursor after the letter to be emphasized.
In the top menu, select “Insert” -> “Symbol”. Select in Recruitment“united diac.marks” (2007, 2010 word) or “area of ​​personal application” (for 2003) and look for the accent mark there. Click "Insert" and close.

It should work.

If it doesn’t work out the first time, then do it by analogy with the screenshot.
You can also manually in the field Sign code enter the number 0300 or 0301

2) Using character replacement.

It’s like a continuation of the first method, but the solution is slightly different.

So, place the cursor after the desired letter, and then type on the keyboard the numbers 0300 (for the left inclination of the accent) or 0301 (for the right)

After this, press the Alt button on the keyboard to the left of the spacebar, and then, without releasing it, press the X button (key combination Alt + X). It should work.

You can also use 0340 and 0341 respectively.

3) Using selection.

You can highlight (or you can also put after) the desired letter, and then, pressing and holding the Alt button on the number pad, dial +0769 (or just 769), release Alt. The accent should also appear.
If you use 0768 (or 768), then the accent will be placed with a different inclination.

If you are not particularly concerned about spelling (slanting or underlining), then you can use any method to place emphasis. If this is more or less important to you, then you can experiment and see that in some methods Word itself emphasizes the word as a syntactic error (since the letter is replaced with its code designation), but in other methods everything is fine. There are also nuances when in some fonts the display of a word will be incorrect.
You can also set up macros or AutoCorrect to make adding accent marks easier and faster.

How to put emphasis in Word is a fairly popular question for users of this program. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this correctly, especially beginners. And now, we will look at how simply this can be done.

Is it necessary to set emphasis in Word?

Hello, friends! Almost all computers have a text editor installed Microsoft Word different versions. But you need to be able to use them in order to achieve any goals. For example, write an article, a book, set a symbol in the text, and so on.

Sometimes, when writing any information, you have to put emphasis in Word, thereby making it clear to readers how to correctly read this or that word. Some phrases are similar in meaning. And you have to rely on the accent symbol, which determines the normal readability of the word. In the future, you will learn how to add emphasis in Word.

In fact, there are three ways to help you place an accent mark on a letter. Using them you can register this symbol various methods. Below, all the options will be demonstrated to help you do this correctly.

Method 1. Set the emphasis in Word using the key combination “Alt” and 769

So let's look at the first method of setting accent. For example, let's take an arbitrary word - directory. Some people don't know how to read it correctly. But the main emphasis is based on the consonant o, which means the symbol must be placed above this letter. (Picture 1).

To set the accent, use the combination of keys that are on your computer keyboard. ALT+769. In order for this symbol to appear, hold down the ALT button and then, without releasing your finger, write the following numbers - 769 in the side number field. After that, remove your hands from the keyboard. Subsequently, the accent symbol appears.

Method 2. Set the emphasis in Word using the key combination “Alt+X”

This method of setting emphasis is also quite simple. There is another symbol 0341, and along with it another code works - 0301. You need to write it next to the letter o, but before that, hold down the ALT + X keys simultaneously. When you do everything, you will see a message window - a place for the symbol . Just press Enter and the accent will appear above the letter.

Method 3. Set the accent in Word through the “Character” menu

In this case, you will have to set the accent in Word through the menu - symbol. To do this, open a Word document, go to the Control Panel tab - Insert. Notice that the Symbol function appears on the right side. That's what we need. Open this function, and select other symbols. Then, in the character code tab, write 0341. This digital code indicates the accent of the character. (Figure 2).

Next, it will appear as a blue square. Click on it to display the accent. So, today you learned how to add emphasis in Word using three ways. All the details can be found in this video.

There are a great many tricky words in the Russian language! And I’m not talking now about such things as, for example, nervous or phantasmagoric. I'm talking about simple ones homographs- words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings and sound readings. As an example, I will list several homographs:
cotton and cotton; proteins and proteins; atlas and atlas; flour and flour; abyss and abyss.

In fact, homographs are very diverse and are divided into four large groups. I believe that authors, and especially proofreaders, should be able to understand them.

1. The hard way

It starts with the fact that in the “Insert” menu, after a little fidgeting, you will have to find the accent mark and insert it into the word. The procedure is not complicated, but it takes extra time. And since I value your precious time, I won’t force you to read too much.

2. The easy way

Thanks to this method, you don’t have to go through long wanderings and searches. Everything is extremely simple.

Option A:

We take the word in which we need to put emphasis, for example, abyss(noun; an abyss appeared in front of him);

Place the cursor after the letter on which the emphasis falls: about Ι mouth;

Hold down the Alt key and on the numeric keypad on the right (!) press the numbers 769. Release Alt and accent mark already worth it.

Option B:

IN the right word place the cursor after the accented letter;

On the numeric keypad on the right (!) press the combination of numbers 0301 or 0312;

Now press Alt+X simultaneously. These keys will turn the numbers into accent marks.

3. The “once and for all” method

I like this method the most! In fact, he is the fastest. Thanks to hotkeys, you can add an accent mark without any hassle. But to program hotkeys, do the following:

Open the "Insert" menu;

In the last column, find “Symbol”, “Other symbols”;

In the window that opens, find the “Dial” field and put it in the drop-down list « combined diacr. signs» ;

Immediately find the “Sign code” and write the code: 0301 or 0312;

Now click the button Keyboard shortcut", a new window will open " Keyboard settings»;

In field " New keyboard shortcut» indicate the keys that will be convenient for you to use to insert an accent mark. I set Ctrl+6 ;

Hi all. Sometimes when preparing a document we need to put emphasis, for example, like this “à, á”. And then the corresponding question arises: And then the corresponding question arises: “How is emphasis done in the Word program. How to put it above the letter? And if you don't know how to do it, then I will teach you. So, the following methods will help you with this.

We put emphasis through symbols

The first way I will introduce you to is using the “Symbols” function.

To begin, place the cursor on the letter where you want to place the emphasis. Then click Insert - Symbol - More Symbols in the main menu of the text editor. The Symbols window will open. Take a look at the screenshot.

Now click on the “Symbols” tab and in the open dialog menu, find and select the accent symbol, then click on the “Insert” button and the selected character will be inserted. Look at the screenshot.

Tip: You can also specify the font you want to use from the font drop-down list in this dialog.

Using a keyboard shortcut

The second way you can place an accent mark is to use special combinations of buttons on the keyboard. Let's find out which ones.

First of all, place the cursor after the letter over which you want to place an accent mark. Then type 0300, 0301 or 0312 and press the key combination Alt+X. You can see it in the screenshot.

How are these sets of numbers different? Only appearance accent mark above the letter. In my opinion, the most popular type is to use combination 0312. Try them all, see for yourself which one you need.

Video about accent


Now you know how to put emphasis in. Place the cursor in the right place and perform one of the methods convenient for you.

Regular Word users rarely encounter situations where they need to emphasize a letter in a word. Usually everyone misses this moment. If a document is made for another reader, and not for oneself, then one relies on the fact that he will already understand what is being discussed.

If you still need to place an emphasis on a letter using the keyboard in Word, but if the document is unofficial, users can simply highlight the required letter in the word in bold.

In a word, without understanding the structure of Microsoft Word, you can find a way out. But we will still tell you how to make and execute the document correctly. After all, we can also be read by teachers who, for example, prepare assignments for students, where to place emphasis in the correct way is simply necessary.

There are several ways to put an accent on a letter in Word

The first method is possible thanks to the support of macros. And so, to put emphasis on a certain letter in a word, after this letter we need to write “ 0301 ” without quotes or spaces. After that, press Alt+X. There you go, everything is ready. On practical example you can see the picture below.

Thus, in the word stress we placed it above the letter “a”. After marking, you can continue writing the word.

There is another way.

We select the letter over which we need to place emphasis in the word and place the cursor after it with the mouse. Then in the top menu of Word, select “Insert” – “Symbols” and click on the inscription “Other symbols”. Then select the set shown in the picture below. In it you will find the accent symbol.