How to apply for a scholarship. How to apply for a social scholarship for students from low-income families. Scholarship Process

State social scholarship for low-income students - a measure of state support for low-income students universities and colleges. To receive it, the monthly income per person in the family must be below the subsistence level established in the region. Moreover, financial difficulties must be caused by objective reasons: low wages, the inability to find a job (while the person is on the labor exchange), the presence of health problems that do not allow finding a job.

What is the procedure for receiving a social scholarship for students from low-income families? This question is asked by students from families experiencing difficult financial situations. They can count on receiving financial government assistance in the form of an additional scholarship, which is paid in addition to the academic one.

  • adult disabled people of group 3;
  • students living in a single-parent family that has lost its breadwinner;
  • students living with a single mother or father;
  • students if one of the parents is recognized as a disabled person of group 1 or 2;
  • students who are in an officially registered marriage, priority is given to those who have children born in the family union.

The assigned social scholarship is valid for one school year and is issued every month. Moreover, if the family income increases and exceeds the subsistence level, the student undertakes to notify the administration of the university where he is studying about this.

Who is entitled to a state social scholarship?

  • required certificate of complete family composition indicating the related degree;
  • Also certificate from educational institution, which documents that you are a full-time student;
  • from the accounting department of your educational institution you must take it on time a certificate detailing social benefits in cash equivalent in the last few months before filing this application.

If no one officially works for a family for a long period of time, then you promptly obtain a certificate from the employment center of your city, with a detailed indication of the unemployment benefit paid for each member of your family.

Who can receive a social scholarship and how is it calculated?

For two years in Russian Federation for school students the scholarship rate was 730 rubles every month, for those who receive higher education the rate is 2010 rubles. These payments do not affect social benefits. This year, the government was considering increasing social benefits for students to the subsistence level.

  • persons who have the third type of disability;
  • citizens who live in a family where the father, the main breadwinner, died;
  • citizens who live with one parent at a subsistence level;
  • if a citizen has a parent or guardian with serious illnesses or disabilities;
  • if the student has officially registered family relationships and has given birth to a child in marriage;
  • If a person has a minor child and is raising him alone.

In person, a student can contact the administration of his institution to indicate the reasons for his situation and this will be decided separately for each issue.

Students from low-income families are entitled to a social scholarship

If during the year someone from the family (let us emphasize, the family, not the student personally) received one or more of the listed types of assistance, then she is classified as “poor.” And this gives a student from this family the right to receive a state social scholarship.

  • targeted social assistance,
  • state social assistance based on a social contract,
  • regional social supplement to pension (abbreviated as RSD);
  • ensuring recreation and health improvement for children from low-income families;
  • subsidy for housing and utilities.

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In addition to the standard academic scholarship (and for some outstanding students, a presidential scholarship), some students are eligible to receive additional monthly payments. A social scholarship is a benefit intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying full-time at the expense of the state (not under a financial contract) and experiencing financial difficulties. In other words, in order for the state to provide you with this kind of material support, you must, firstly, be a state employee, and secondly, fall under one of the following categories of students who are entitled to a social scholarship:

Each educational institution forms the amount of “social benefits” independently depending on scholarship fund. It's no secret that social scholarships in college are smaller than in universities. However, at the state level, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that the amount of the social scholarship should be not less than 730 rubles for students of secondary specialized educational institutions(technical schools, colleges, etc.). In universities(universities, academies, institutes) minimum amount of social scholarship - 2,010 rubles.

State social scholarship in 2020

  • from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • who lost both parents or a single parent during their studies;
  • who are disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
  • injured as a result of an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;
  • those who are disabled due to military trauma or have diseases acquired during military service, and combat veterans;
  • from among citizens who have been undergoing training for at least three years military service by contract;
  • who received state social assistance.

According to Altai News, the procedure for assigning social scholarships to students has changed in Russia. From January 1, its appointment to students of secondary vocational schools and universities takes place on the basis of documents confirming that the student has received any state social assistance.

Students from large families benefits

They receive some advantages over other applicants.
Their number and significance are determined by the internal documentation of the university and cannot be established at the federal level. Regional benefits Benefits for admission to a university and other benefits are regulated at the regional level. If it is impossible to find clear instructions in the Federal legislation regarding the provision of benefits during admission to a university for children from large families, then this may well be compensated by regional legislation, which is adopted at the local level.

Quotas provided to large families In 1999, a draft law on social support for large families was drawn up, which was never signed by the President of the Russian Federation, therefore it does not have legal force. This regulatory legal act provided for many benefits for families raising three or more children. These included two benefits regarding studying at universities:

Social scholarship for university students in 2020

  • certificate of family composition. In order to receive it, you need to contact the passport office at your place of registration. To issue a document, you will need a passport and, if possible, a receipt for payment of utility bills. Remember, this certificate is valid for only 10 days, so you can receive it after collecting the remaining documents;
  • Certificate 2-NDFL for each family member. This is necessary in order to establish that the average income per person does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region. If this information is confirmed, the student’s family will be classified as needy;
  • a certificate from the dean’s office stating that the student is actually studying at a particular educational institution on a budgetary basis and receives a scholarship in a certain amount.
  1. Orphans and children left without parental care.
  2. Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as persons who have been disabled since childhood.
  3. Victims of radiation disasters at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Mayak PA and others.
  4. Those who received a disability or took part in hostilities.

Scholarships and financial benefits

  • 3020 rubles per month for students receiving only “excellent” grades;
  • 2015 rubles per month to students with grades “good” and “excellent” or “good”;
  • 1575 rublesper monthstudents with “satisfactory” grades or with academic debt.

Candidates cannot simultaneously be candidates for the appointment of personal scholarships named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn, established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2009 N 363 “On the establishment of personal scholarships named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn for students of educational institutions of higher professional education of the Russian Federation."

Probably, most students have heard the expression “social scholarship” more than once; perhaps some were even interested in what it is. But, unfortunately, not all students still know that they also have the right to apply for such financial assistance, paid monthly from the country’s budget.

Thus, in accordance with the 2007 regulation on providing students with scholarships, the following student scholarships are distinguished:

  • assistance from the President of the Russian Federation;
  • state academic scholarships;
  • state social scholarships;
  • personalized benefits.

In particular, social scholarships are given to those students and graduate students who study at universities for free. Interestingly, a student’s grades do not in any way affect the size and issuance of cash payments.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

In accordance with Russian legislation, the following categories have been established for young people who may qualify for this social benefit:

  • complete orphans, as well as children living without parental care;
  • disabled people who have received 1 or 2 disability groups;
  • students who have been declared disabled after hostilities;
  • those in need after loss of health due to radiation disasters (Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

In addition, each educational institution has the right to add persons from low-income families to this list. As a rule, the average income per family member in size is the subsistence minimum, which entitles the student to apply for social assistance.

Thus, the following can also compete for a social scholarship:

  • adult disabled people of group 3;
  • students living in a single-parent family that has lost its breadwinner;
  • students living with a single mother or father;
  • students if one of the parents is recognized as a disabled person of group 1 or 2;
  • students who are in an officially registered marriage, priority is given to those who have children born in the family union.

The decision to assign payments may also be influenced by other critical life situations, which are considered on an individual basis.

Where is the state social scholarship issued?

To apply for this scholarship you must:

  1. To submit an application, the applicant should check with the social security authorities at the place of registration for a complete list necessary documents, mandatory of which are:
    • citizen's identity document;
    • a certificate of complete family composition or an extract from the house register (for students living in the private sector) - issued by the housing and communal services authority;
    • a receipt for the personal income of all family members for the last three calendar months - taken from the accounting department at the place of work;
    • a document indicating that the applicant is a free education student;
    • document confirming that the applicant has received additional paper.

It is advisable to ask the staff in advance government agency, what is currently the living wage.

  1. After the application is accepted by the specialist, the received documents are entered into the register, and after some time, social security workers calculate the total income of the applicant’s family and fill out a receipt proving the right to receive assistance.
  2. Next, the student should bring this receipt to the dean’s office of the faculty, where he will be asked to fill out an application addressed to the dean in the form approved by Russian legislation.
  3. At a meeting of a specially assembled commission, a final decision is made on the assignment of state social benefits.

The assigned social scholarship is valid for one academic year and is issued every month. Moreover, if the family income increases and exceeds the subsistence level, the student undertakes to notify the administration of the university where he is studying about this.

Payment may be suspended in accordance with the debt incurred and the completion of a repeat course in a particular subject after the end of the session, and again comes into force after the cancellation of the “tails”. In the summer, the student continues to receive a scholarship, as he did throughout the previous academic year.

He may forever lose the right to receive financial assistance from the state if an order is signed to expel him from the university, or if the family no longer belongs to the category of low-income.

How much is the social scholarship in 2019?

The state social scholarship in Russia in 2015 amounted to 730 rubles monthly for secondary education and 2010 rubles for university students. A social scholarship does not in any way interfere with obtaining an academic allowance in accordance with general principles. In 2019, the social scholarship is expected to increase to the subsistence level.

Students of the 1st and 2nd year of study with grades “good” and “excellent” can also apply for increased social assistance from 6,000 rubles to 13,000 rubles. It is desirable that such a student not only show excellent academic results, but also accept Active participation in holding holidays, concerts, KVNs and sports competitions of the educational institution.

To qualify for increased social assistance, you must:

  • receive education at the expense of the state budget;
  • be a university student;
  • undergo full-time training.

For many years and even decades, the legislation of the Russian Federation has provided for a fairly extensive and varied program of support for the population in need of social protection and various financial assistance. The social scholarship for students of 2017-2018 is the very point that is included in this program.

Initially, the main and primary task and significance of scholarships issued to students was to stimulate students in some way, as well as to facilitate living conditions. Today, there are several types and categories of scholarships, each of which has its own characteristics and, of course, differs from each other in conditions and size.

Types of scholarships.

The list of the most basic scholarships that are provided in almost every educational institution in the country includes the following.

  1. 1. State academic scholarship, which is a basic type of monthly scholarship issued only to successful students throughout all years of study.
  2. 2. An increased academic scholarship is nothing more than a one-time payment to particularly distinguished students who have shown and demonstrated good results in educational, scientific, cultural and other activities.
  3. 3. Scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, presidents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  4. 4. Personalized scholarships.
  5. 5. State social scholarship, which is intended and awarded to those students who experience special social and material needs. This payment is assigned regardless of how the student studies.

All about the social scholarship, size for low-income families.

If you study the issue related to social scholarships in more detail, then, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the complete list of all those who can count on it. According to the existing law of the Russian Federation, this list includes the following categories and groups of students.

  1. 1. Orphans.
  2. 2. Students with the “Disabled Child” category.
  3. 3.Victims of radiation accidents.
  4. 4. Contract servicemen who have served in the army or other military formations of the country for more than 3 years.
  5. 5. Students whose per capita income is below the subsistence level.

If everything is clear with the categories, then now you should carefully and in more detail understand the issue of size. To date, the state has also established the minimum size of all types government scholarships. Thus, the amount of social scholarships currently amounts to and consists of the following amounts.

  1. 1. For students of colleges, technical schools, schools or other institutions of a secondary professional nature - 730 rubles per month.
  2. 2.For university students – 2010 rubles.

It is worth noting that this is only the minimum acceptable payment threshold for socially vulnerable students. After all, each educational institution sets the amount of such a social scholarship individually.

As a rule, the Government of the Russian Federation together with the municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities is responsible and fully responsible for the size of the general scholarship fund. As a result, the final decision on the amount of social scholarships is made by the management of each individual educational institution in the country.

But, if everything is relatively clear with the size, then another equally significant and important question arises, which is how to apply for the right to receive a social scholarship, what sequence of actions must be followed and at the same time try to save time as much as possible. It is these questions that we will now try to find the answer to.

Procedure for applying for a scholarship.

The procedure and stages that a student goes through in order to receive and provide additional social benefits include the following sequential actions.

Regarding the timing of document review, today it directly depends on each individual educational institution. But according to the rules, this is no more than 2 weeks.

As you can see, the process of receiving a social scholarship is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but the end justifies the means and such an additional source of funds is unlikely to hurt anyone and will be superfluous.

Citizens receiving higher education professional education, can count on financial support from the state. They are entitled to a social scholarship, the amount, conditions for receipt and form of payment of which are determined by regulations. It is worth finding out in more detail who is entitled to it, how to arrange it and other points of interest.

State social scholarship for students - what is it?

A type of subsidy available to full-time students at an institute, university or college. Paid from the federal budget. The procedure for issuing scholarships is regulated by Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (12/29/12) and Order No. 1000 (08/28/13) adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which states:

  1. The amount of the scholarship is determined by educational institution, taking into account the opinion of representatives of the trade union of the establishment (if any). Your weight in this issue It also has a student council.
  2. Moreover, the amount of payments should not exceed the maximum threshold established by an official order of the Government of the Russian Federation. Standards are determined taking into account the inflation level separately for each category of students.

Information about scholarships is available in the content of Government Decree No. 899.

Paid to low-income students and those experiencing hardship.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

You can receive money throughout the entire period of study, from the first to the last year. If a student with full-time training. Registration of a subsidy does not occur automatically; a citizen must collect documents and submit an application.

Payments stop when:

  • the student leaves his educational institution (transfers, will be expelled, etc.);
  • if there are three grades, debts different subjects or attendance has decreased.

The young man will be able to resume transfers when he corrects the situation. He will pass the "tails", work off the days of absence and improve his grades. The dean's office monitors his progress.

A social scholarship will be awarded to:

  1. Disabled people of groups 1-2, which is confirmed by relevant certificates and identification. Group 3 no longer exists.
  2. For orphans due to the loss of a breadwinner, then payments are due up to 23 years of age.
  3. For students from low-income families, the income of parents and other adult relatives living together will be calculated.
  4. Persons who have survived exposure to radiation or other emergency situations.
  5. For students who served three years of service - he was a contract soldier in the army.
  6. Persons deprived of parental support and this has been officially identified. For example, their parents have disappeared, are unknown (orphans), incompetent, disabled, serving a long prison sentence, deprived of their rights. Including situations where parents do not help financially and this has been established by the court.

An important criterion is the full-time type of training. Correspondence students are not eligible for such scholarships. It is believed that students have an official income and, accordingly, can independently provide for themselves.

Additionally, with the consent of the dean’s office and the availability of funds, other categories of students will receive a subsidy:

  • for students with children:
  • married students who are forced to provide for their family;
  • from large families;
  • students from single-parent families;
  • if one of the parents is disabled (both).

Each university makes a separate decision, based on its financial capabilities, the situation of students and other important factors.

Important nuances

To receive a social scholarship, a student must study for free (enroll himself on a budget) and choose a full-time form of study. He is entitled to money for his academic performance, so good grades are also important.

What situations are not considered sufficient to interrupt the accrual of the scholarship:

  1. Registration of academic leave for a pregnant girl or leave for further care of the baby. You cannot ask a student to sign a voluntary waiver of payments due to him. It is illegal. Then the single mother will be able to recover and continue her studies. The girl receives a scholarship for the entire period of her vacation.
  2. Marriage. Students' marital status does not affect their position. If after marriage the student continues to study as before.
  3. In case of academic debt, depriving a student of payments is considered illegal. Since the scholarship is financial support for a citizen, and not an incentive for him to master the program.

People on paid training, are deprived of such privileges. The only thing is that if a student suddenly becomes an orphan or becomes disabled, he can be transferred to a budget department. Upon detection of good academic performance.

Age restrictions

For young people who begin their adult life by obtaining a higher specialized education, these years are not easy. The period of study seems to be especially difficult for nonresident students living in a dormitory. Parental subsidies are rarely enough to cover all needs, so students try to find part-time work. Giving out social scholarships, the state provides them with the necessary support.

The amount of payments may differ depending on which category the student belongs to. For example, orphans are provided with temporary financial assistance until they reach adulthood. The rest receive a scholarship until they graduate from university.

Social scholarship amount

According to the provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 and other regulations, a number of citizens have the right to apply for a scholarship in a different, increased amount:

  • for 1-2 year students;
  • students studying within the framework of bachelor's or specialist programs (master's degrees);
  • having good/excellent academic performance without the mark: “satisfactory”;
  • belong to the group of students receiving benefits;
  • adults who were under 20 years old at the time of payment or the student’s only parent is disabled (group 1).

Moreover, the amount of the increased subsidy will be determined by the university and officially approved by order of the rector’s office.

As you can see, the payment is indexed annually.

Important! The concepts of “academic” and “social” scholarships are different.

It happens that a student receives both academic and social scholarships.

To determine the exact amount, the university administration reviews the papers submitted by students and makes a calculation.

For example: O. Ivanov just entered and became a freshman. He has a low-income family. It turns out that he is entitled to both payments:

890 rubles (academic subsidy) + 890 (social) = 1780 rubles.

This is exactly how much Ivanov O. will receive monthly.

Does money come in during the summer holidays?

The application must be submitted annually; it is valid only for the academic period September-July. Summer period not taken into account.

Another thing is academic payments. To receive them, a young person must successfully pass all tests, colloquiums and exams. Successfully close your summer session. The dean's office will take into account all results. If a student fails a course and is given a retake date, then payments will stop until all outstanding balances are cleared.

The dean's office provides the student with accurate information about the award of the scholarship.

According to general rules in Moscow universities and other specialized institutions (secondary educational institutions, technical schools), payments are transferred after the student submits a package of necessary documents. He should perform this procedure annually, because... Most certificates are valid for a year. A person’s status is indicated in a certificate issued by local social security.

Registration process:

  1. Close the current session (if there are debts - “tails”).
  2. Receive a certificate from the educational department about your status. The basic information is written there - full name, course, faculty, form of study.
  3. An extract with the amounts of all previously received scholarships (if this is not the first time). The period taken into account is the last three months. The document is issued by the accounting department of the university.
  4. Collect the remaining papers according to the list received and visit the USZN. State social assistance is provided to people who need it. Social Security proof is required to prove this.
  5. Submit the received certificate to the educational department of your university with a personal statement.

What documents are needed?

The student will first go to the local social security office, having prepared the following papers:

  • your passport;
  • a certificate from the university, which shows the course, form of study and other data;
  • a certificate from the dean's office reflecting the amount of the scholarship received by the student for the last 3 months.

A person living in another city must provide:

  1. A copy of the certificate issued after the student’s registration in the dormitory, or form No. 9 (certificate).
  2. Receipt for payment for accommodation in the hostel. Or an extract from the passport officer confirming that the student lives elsewhere.

Low-income citizens, if their parents do not work, or are employed but receive little, are required to:

  1. A certificate reflecting the composition of the family (needed when the parents are divorced and he is considered a child from a single-parent family). The document is valid for 10 days.
  2. Certificate 2-NDFL, pension statement and other papers showing the standard of living. Salaries of adults, pensions of elderly household members. If the parents' income is above the subsistence level, then the student is not recognized as low-income.
  3. If you live alone (if you are registered separately from your parents), you must bring an extract from the house register.

When a student himself is officially employed, it will not be possible to hide this fact from social security. His income will be taken into account too. The 2-NDFL certificate shows the salary received by a citizen for a certain period.

Where to submit documents?

When submitting, you should specify the date of re-application when the certificate will be prepared. This is required for people who want to confirm their low-income status. Collected papers can be transferred to:

  • in person by visiting a social security branch;
  • through the MFC;
  • apply online using the State Services portal.

For beginners, it is better to choose the first option, and at the same time clarify the list of documents and other nuances.

In what cases is the payment of a social scholarship terminated (suspended)?

According to the established new rules, the main condition under which the scholarship will be terminated is expulsion. As soon as a young person leaves an educational institution (voluntarily, expelled due to poor academic performance, etc.), he officially loses his student status. Accordingly, the state subsidy is canceled.

Other circumstances:

  • taking academic leave (for pregnancy, health reasons, childbirth, raising a child);
  • worsening grades (if the citizen did not apply for an increased subsidy for excellent students);
  • transfer of a student to another group/faculty within the same educational institution.

There are no legal grounds to deprive him of his scholarship.

For thousands of university students, a social scholarship is a welcome financial support. After all, young people often move, leaving their parents to live separately. They have to spend a lot of time studying every day. It is difficult for full-time workers to get a job. Family rarely helps even state employees. If it helps, then the subsidies are minimal, enough to buy food and, at most, educational supplies. Therefore, all students need monthly payments. It’s not difficult to arrange them if you know the nuances of the procedure.

A social scholarship is a type of financial assistance to students who are in a difficult situation due to health or family circumstances. It is paid regardless of the knowledge demonstrated by the person during the session. But in order to clearly understand this matter, you need to establish exactly who is entitled to this type of social assistance and what documents are needed in order to obtain it. Like any payments made by the state, compelling reasons must be provided to the responsible authorities to receive such a scholarship.

Table of contents:

What is a social scholarship and who is eligible for it?

A social scholarship is a payment to students that does not depend on the level of their grades. Because she is not appointed based on the results of the last session and not by decision of the academic council. Social scholarship - financial assistance to students who find themselves in difficult situations. It may be due to family circumstances or the student's health condition. In this case, they have the legislative right to apply to the relevant authorities for the appointment of such benefits.

Article 36, which refers to Federal Law N 273-F3, clearly stipulates all categories of young people who have every right to apply to the relevant authorities for a social scholarship. This:

Important fact

Each educational institution has the right to independently supplement this list. Usually, students who are members of the . Such a family is one that has one subsistence minimum income for each member.

It is worth noting that the Government Resolution, numbered 899, clearly stipulates the amounts that a social scholarship can take. The minimum amount due to students cannot be less than 740 rubles. This is for students of secondary specialized educational institutions. And for students of higher educational institutions, the minimum amount of such a benefit is 2,000 rubles.


Those students who simply find themselves in a critical situation can apply for social benefits. Each such case will be considered individually.

How and where can you apply for a social scholarship?

This scholarship, like any other social benefit, does not take effect automatically. The responsible authorities must be notified that the student has the right to such support from the state. Such registration, as in any other case, must begin by collecting a package of relevant documents. It includes:

  • A document that serves as identification of the person applying.
  • student. Also, if the student lives in a private house, you must provide a copy of the house register. Both of these documents can be asked from utility services.
  • A document certifying the personal income of all people in the family. All amounts for the last few months must be entered into it. These papers are taken at the place of work, from the accountant.
  • A document that can certify that the applicant is studying on a budget basis.

In addition to all this, additional documents may be needed. ABOUT full list The documents that need to be provided to apply for a scholarship can be obtained from the social security authorities. It is best to seek such information at your place of residence. And for categories that can qualify for a social scholarship, you can go to an educational institution. This is important, given that each university has the right to include in the list of those who are entitled to social benefits those categories of people who are not specified in the official law.

After everything necessary documents collected, they need to be sent to the social protection authorities. There they will be entered into a special register, after which specialists will begin to consider the case. Their responsibilities include checking all documents for authenticity, and then calculating the student’s family income. After verification, they fill out a special receipt that states that this student has the right to apply for social benefits.

This paper is brought to the dean’s office of the educational institution where he was admitted to the budgetary form of education. There he will fill out a special application, which will outline his request. The application has a form that is approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Once the petition is accepted, the school appoints an official committee. Her responsibilities include both reviewing the case and making a final decision on it.

The social scholarship is paid to the student once a month, along with. And it must be confirmed every year by submitting a package of documents again and submitting a receipt from the social service to the dean’s office. It is worth remembering that if during the academic year the income of a student’s family increases, then he is obliged to notify the administration of the higher educational institution about this circumstance.

A student whose family has gone beyond the low-income status is deprived of a social scholarship. Also, such payments may be suspended if the student has unfinished subjects during the session. But the scholarship will be renewed again when the young man closes everything. And in the summer, the accrual of social benefits continues.

Benefits provided by the university

Some are higher educational establishments decide that government assistance alone may not be enough to provide a student from a low-income family with a comfortable standard of living. So they have the right to introduce additional benefits. Typically, orphans, students from disadvantaged families, or those who live without parental care can apply for them. Most often, such benefits take the following form:

  • A student has the right to live in a dormitory without paying for it.
  • The educational institution provides the student.
  • The student is paid for travel on public transport to the educational institution.
  • If a student is from out of town, then during the holidays he is paid for travel to his main place of residence.

And other payments designed to alleviate the situation of a student who finds himself in a difficult financial situation.