How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military universities for girls Ministry of Internal Affairs school for girls

Named after V. Ya. Kikot is the largest Federal state educational institution of higher professional education. The training of specialists at the University is carried out in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards in the following areas of training (specialties):

Faculty of training employees for operational units, specialty “Law enforcement”, qualification - lawyer; entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of training police officers for public order units, specialty “Law Enforcement”, qualification - lawyer, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training of employees for preliminary investigation bodies, specialty “Legal support of national security”, qualification - lawyer, Specializations: preliminary investigation in internal affairs bodies; inquiry by the internal affairs bodies. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of International Law, “Legal Support of National Security”, qualification - lawyer. Specializations: civil law; state-legal; international legal. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training. For those applying for civil law or international law specialization, it is necessary to pass an interview in English;

Faculty of training employees for departments of economic security and anti-corruption, specialty "Economic security", qualification - economist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: social studies, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of Psychology of Professional Activities, specialty “Psychology of Professional Activities”, qualification - psychologist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, biology. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical education. Prepares specialists for juvenile affairs departments, specializing in “Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”, qualification - social teacher, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security, specialty “Security of information technologies in law enforcement”, qualification - information security specialist. Specializations: information security technologies; computer forensics in crime investigation. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: computer science and information and communication technologies, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Forensic Science, specialty "Forensic Science", qualification - forensic expert. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Basic requirements for candidates: age up to 25 years, medical fitness for military service, permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (temporary registration for a period of at least 5 years is possible), availability of Unified State Examination results in the subjects and courses required for each faculty points.

Privileges: Cadets receive free higher state professional education, are provided with a high stipend of up to 24,000 thousand rubles, uniforms, free 2 meals a day, enjoy the benefits of employees of internal affairs bodies, and have a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon completion of training, based on the results of the state final certification, a state diploma of appropriate education is issued and the special rank of “police lieutenant” is awarded. All graduates are provided with guaranteed employment in various professions. Opportunity for career growth. Employees receive a stable salary from 45,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles, + year-end bonuses, as well as various incentives for excellence in service. Annual paid leave from 40 to 55 calendar days, free medical care for employees and members of their families. They have the right to receive a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises. Pension period begins after 20 years of service.

Police school for girls after 9th grade is a great opportunity to get a good profession and find your place in life without wasting energy on final exams and other hassles associated with finishing 11th grade. This option is especially suitable for families who have difficulties with income, since in such institutions students are supported by the state.

Requirements for applicants

The police school for girls has strict requirements for admission to these educational institutions, especially for girls, since, for obvious reasons, there are many times fewer places for them than for boys.

Firstly, You need to pay attention to your pedigree. There should be no close relatives involved in any crimes. And, of course, there should be no such flaws in the biography of the applicant.

Next is health. The girl should not have mental disorders (this is verified through an interview or testing), alcohol or drug addiction, tuberculosis, hepatitis, heart or eye problems.

In addition, the girl must be in good physical shape. Upon admission, she will need to pass both short (100 meters) and long distance (1000 meters) running and meet the standards in strength exercises. Here it should be taken into account that if one of the tests is not completed for the physical education test, the applicant will not receive a single point.

The next admission test will be Exams passage in school subjects, tests are most often carried out in the Russian language (dictation or essay) and Russian history.

Enrollment procedure

To enter the police school for girls, a certain procedure is established. The admission procedure begins with the submission of an application, which must be signed by both the applicant and her parents or legal representatives.

Then the girl must undergo a medical examination at the school health center. To the standard urine and blood tests, an analysis for HIV and syphilis is added, the work of the heart is checked taking into account the load, and the presence of diseases that can become an obstacle to the functioning of the organs is detected.

The application must also be accompanied by a medical card with health indications for the last 5 years. It should also contain a list of all vaccinations given to the girl, starting from birth.

After successfully passing all tests, which are assessed in points, the applicant is enrolled in the school.

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Our service is both dangerous and difficult, as the famous song goes. What makes girls go to this dangerous and difficult service? Not only men work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs; there have always been professions in the police for girls, and now they also exist in the police. Oddly enough, many girls want to work in the police, and not only are graduates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs institutes, but also with higher legal, economic or pedagogical education.

There are now more and more women in uniform in the ranks of the police. Of course, most often they are hired not for combat positions, but for “paper” ones. But a female operative is also not uncommon.

Today there is a wide choice of police professions for girls. Women can engage in almost all types of activities. There are restrictions on admission only due to health. Before you are hired, you will have to undergo a very thorough medical and psychological examination. The medical examination is the most difficult stage of applying for a job. Ideally, there should be good physical fitness and strong resistance to stress.

In order to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a girl must have a higher education, good health and no dark spots in her biography. That is, not to have any conflicts with the law and not to have relatives who have been on trial or under investigation. Military service may be considered an advantage.

What specialties are there for girls in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Many women work in passport control services, in departments of the Federal Migration Service, and as inspectors in juvenile affairs departments. Many women work in so-called “paper” jobs - in accounting, in personnel services, and in headquarters. But not all women want to sit in an office; many get jobs in the police as “combat” positions as detectives, investigators, criminologists, or even guards in women’s colonies. Many women work as psychologists. There is also a very large percentage of the fair sex in the justice system - prosecutors, judges.

Standardized professions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls

Forensic scientist. He carries out the necessary examinations necessary to find the criminal. He is one of the first to appear at the crime scene: examines, takes fingerprints, takes photographs, searches for and takes evidence. From one print or drop of blood, a criminologist can learn a lot about a person, can calculate the trajectory of a bullet based on its trace, etc. The work of a forensic expert is more suitable for girls than any other, as it requires the qualities inherent in a woman - attentiveness, scrupulousness, accuracy.

Police officer. This includes an investigator, an operational officer, a district police officer, and even the traffic police service has recently hired girls. True, they hire more for dispatch positions, and not to stand on the roads on patrol. The work is dangerous, difficult and comes with many challenges. First of all, this is an irregular work schedule, which is not good for every woman.

Investigator. Mostly, of course, men work in this position, but quite a large number of female lawyers also seek to test themselves in this field. An investigator conducts various cases and must know more in all areas of legislation than a narrow legal specialist.

Dog handler. An essential profession. Everyone remembers the hero of the film, Lieutenant Glazychev, and his dog Mukhtar. Dog handlers train dogs, engage in breeding and selection, and develop certain qualities in dogs. To work, you need some knowledge in the field of genetics, veterinary medicine, animal psychology, zoology, zoodietology and methods of raising dogs. This is also a good job for women; it requires, first of all, love for dogs, patience, kindness and courage. You should also not be allergic to dog hair.

A related specialty, although not related to work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has much in common with it - bodyguard. Female bodyguards are in great demand due to their scarcity.

When working in the police, women face many difficulties related to the specifics of this work. First of all, this is constant psychological tension and stress, not everyone can cope with it, especially for those positions that work directly “on the ground”. This is an irregular schedule; they can be called to duty at any time of the day or night. This is the need to obey the charter. It is not easy for women to combine family life with police work. Not every spouse is ready to put up with the constant absence of his wife. The need to look after children also requires time that female police officers cannot devote. But, despite this, there are more and more women who want to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they are ready to endure the hardships of the profession and often achieve success in the fight against crime. Choosing a profession in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls does not mean that one should forget about attractiveness. Girls in uniform try not to lose their femininity even in such a difficult and masculine job.

After finishing 9th grade, people think about their future profession. Some of them choose to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you have such a desire and preparation, then after 9th grade you can enter a police college or police school. To find out how to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs school, you need to read this article. In order to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs school, you need to have permanent registration in the region where the applicant is going to study. It is necessary to write an application, it must be confirmed by the signature of the parents, and it is also necessary to fill out a form. Answering the questions of a questionnaire is like taking a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs; you need to answer all questions honestly.

This application is submitted to the selection committee or personnel department of the police department of the given territory. There they must open a personal file for the applicant and check all personal data. There, the applicant receives a referral to a medical commission, which must be completed before the end of June, at the clinic and at the military medical commission. If, after passing the medical commission, positive results are obtained that the applicant is suitable and the personnel approved the personal data, the personal file is sent to the educational institution. You will then be required to take a drug test. If the tests are successful, the applicant is considered admitted to the entrance exams.

Physics is considered a very important exam when entering this educational institution. preparation, this exam includes the following: a hundred-meter run, an exercise on the horizontal bar - pull-ups for boys and exercises for girls, then a 2000-meter run for boys and a 1000-meter run for girls - this is a test of the endurance of young people. After such exams, you have to think about how to recover. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to take such exams annually. For this exam to be considered passed, young people must meet the established standards. For those who want to calculate their strength in advance, so as not to think about how to resign from the Ministry of Internal Affairs later, upon admission you need to find out the standards for passing physical education. preparation.

Next up are exams in the Russian language (written), and in the history of Russia (oral). Admission takes place on a competitive basis, based on the results of all exams. Many more tests await those who have entered the police school, but not everyone knows how to pass the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but everyone who works in this system has to learn.

For boys in the 100-meter dash in seconds -13.6 - excellent, 14.2 - good, 14.8 - satisfactory; pull-up - 12 times - excellent, 10 times - good, 6 times - satisfactory; 2000 m run (min, sec.) - 7.50 - excellent, 8.10 - good, 9.00 - satisfactory; for girls, in the 100-meter dash in seconds -16.5 - excellent, 17.1 - good, 17.5 - satisfactory; strength exercise - 30-excellent, 26-good, 24 - satisfactory; 1000 m run (min, sec.) - 4.25 - excellent, 4.45 - good, 5.00 - satisfactory. Strength exercise for girls is a set of push-ups and exercises for the abdominal muscles. Having passed the exams in physical training, then there will be exams in the Russian language (essay, dictation or presentation), and in the history of Russia (oral). Admission takes place on a competitive basis, based on the results of all exams. Those who have entered the police school still have many exams ahead, but not everyone knows how to pass the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but everyone who works in this system has to learn.