How to lose the fear of seeming funny. How to avoid feeling “stupid” Incorrect use of words and phrases

November 10, 2015

“Oh, horror, they’ll laugh at me!” Such thoughts occur to a teenager before meeting a new company, to a manager at a meeting, and to any person who tends to reason. We all want respect and understanding, we are all afraid of condescending smiles and chuckles behind our backs. Modern psychologists call such attacks of fear social phobia. For this psychological problem characterized by an acute fear of being perceived as funny and ridiculous, so such people simply try to avoid communication. As practice shows, everyone can be funny, regardless of status, profession or wealth.

In this article we will look at the following useful tips:
- how to stop being afraid of being funny;
— and how to behave if you have already cheered someone up.

How to stop being afraid of being funny or 5 confident steps from the fear of smiling.

Step 1. Identify your weaknesses and go for the orders. Arrange a session of introspection - talk to yourself as with a psychoanalyst (preferably without strangers). Think about what specifically scares you—for example, appearing stupid, unsuccessful, or awkward. It is advisable to record this terrible list somewhere and begin work on eliminating these negative emotions. These problems can be eliminated in several ways - actively and passively. Active work on yourself will allow you to improve your knowledge and skills in precisely those issues that you fear. For example, if you are afraid to speak, sign up for public speaking courses; if you don’t want to dance, dance courses will help. I know a lot of people who take it well English language by ear, but cannot speak themselves - they become complex until their knees tremble due to their weak vocabulary or pronunciation. Yes, some of them constantly go to language training and they definitely have success - they are great, and some drink 50 grams of cognac for courage and after 15 minutes they no longer pay attention to their “terrible English”. Yes, they are less brilliant than Anglophile friends, but the result was achieved - they spoke at the right moment and were understood. I in no way encourage you to have a check in your pocket “just in case,” this was just an example of how fear prevents us from opening our wings and showing ourselves in all our glory.

Step 2. Set the sails... of self-esteem! All fears of appearing somehow different come from a lack of faith in one’s own abilities. Appreciate what you have and develop those areas that you still have the desire and strength to develop. For example, you are afraid to run in a stadium because you consider your figure not intended for exhibition races. You can start actively playing sports indoors, but there, too, everyone will have varying degrees physical training, or you can take it and run to the stadium today - and in six months the athletes puffing next to you will look up to you. It would be great to find a like-minded person and develop together. Healthy competition is essential for motivation and self-esteem.

Step 3. Social phobia is not our diagnosis. Don’t be afraid of people, communicate, try to become interested in individuals, like precious stones: examining their facets and admiring their individuality. Talk to people, even strangers, improve your communication skills. Believe me, you can find something interesting and valuable in each of us.

Step 4. Tease fear more often - you will get tired of being afraid. The more often you find yourself in uncomfortable situations, the sooner you will get used to them. For example, if you give reports every day, then by the end of the month you will become much less afraid of the public. The aerobatics of irritating your receptors is provoking a stressful situation.

Step 5. Push yourself in the right direction! When a person multiplies his shortcomings and often reminds himself of them, he seems to close himself off in his inner world. Stop this, don’t think of yourself as funny and ridiculous, then people won’t do it either. Turn yourself on, like clockwork, to positive emotions: I have a peculiar appearance (and not a long nose), I have a non-standard figure (and not a big butt), I have intellectual jokes that will find their audience (and not abstruse phrases that no one doesn’t want to listen), and so on in this vein. Personally, what helped me was searching for answers to the question “So what if someone wants to laugh at me?” For myself, I found one answer - it will only change my mood. A person will forget about this situation in an hour or even remember it for a long time - this should not affect me, since it is his head, these are his personal problems. I have my own hierarchy of values ​​in my head, there’s still a lot of work to do. It is with such conversations that I distract myself from obscene self-flagellation.

How to behave if you have already cheered someone up or three life-saving behavior options.

Option 1. Self-irony. Only a truly strong and brave person is not afraid to make fun of himself. If you can do this easily and naturally, you will definitely earn the authority of a person without complexes and with a sense of humor. By the way, having a sense of humor very much attracts the opposite sex.

Option 2. Prepared phrases. Well, the phrases known to many, but not losing their relevance, are very helpful: “I’ll leave you, you evil ones,” “I’ll go, out of harm’s way!”, “Everyone into the garden!” or whichever you prefer. This will help you “save face” even in very sensitive situations.

Option 3. Agree that this is funny and continue doing your own thing. If you get into trouble or simply fall spectacularly, you should not pretend that nothing happened - those around you will definitely perceive this as a reason to show wit. Be proactive. Phrases like “Yes, I’m still that comrade!” or “Oh, it turned out well” will help you briefly acknowledge the fact of what happened, and a condescending smile and a confident look will help you calmly continue to finish the job you started.

After reading the advice, you might argue that this is all easier written than done. Try on new behavior patterns, eradicate grievances and fears, don’t be afraid to smile and laugh, including at yourself, look at events more simply - and you will definitely feel more comfortable in this unpredictable life.


I have big problems communicating with people. I can’t communicate openly, I feel constrained, I can’t show any emotions at all. I've had this all my life. Moreover, in any conversation I have something to say, but thoughts come after, when I can calmly think. And in a conversation some kind of brake turns on, I can say something stupid, ridiculous phrases. Then I am amazed myself. Doctor, please advise how I can change?

Anatoly, Moscow

The situation is clear, there is a name for it - social phobia. You, Anatoly, are already accustomed to feeling anxious in a situation where there are other people around and you need to speak out. And when this anxiety begins in you, you do not think about what is happening around you, but fight your anxiety. As a result, since your head is occupied with other things, you say some stupid things. Since you are saying stupid things, this confirms your ideas that you will definitely say something stupid. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Our task is to break this circle. How do you combat this fear? You feel how he binds you, and this makes you immerse yourself even more in him. But we need to switch attention from internal sensations to what is happening outside. You need to start communicating by achieving complete muscle relaxation and adjusting your breathing - all this can be done in advance, before the conversation. And when you feel that you can control your fear, you can begin to react to people in a completely different way. So far it turns out that you are willing to engage in any communication as if you were being slaughtered, so the slaughter is happening.

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Don’t worry about sounding stupid On May 28, 1952, an article by George Mandler and Seymour Sarason was published in the American Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, without reference to which no serious manual on psychodiagnostics has been available since then. The article was called

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It happens that, compared to our colleagues, we feel somehow stupid, slow, insufficiently competent, or even half-educated. It’s as if we are trying to appear to be something we are not. This often happens to people who, due to their occupation, are forced to constantly learn something new, constantly broaden their horizons - for example, in the IT field. And there comes a moment when it seems to us that we know nothing at all about our work, we don’t understand the market, clients, new trends, that we are zero in our business.

Here are a few useful tips about how to overcome such moments of crisis.

Remember everything you know

Take a piece of paper or create a document in an editor, if that’s more familiar to you. Write down everything you can actually do. Write articles or programs, draw, multiply large numbers in your head, edit texts - list as many skills as possible that you at least somehow possess. When you're done, make four additional columns to the right of this list. Title them something like: “beginner”, “intermediate”, “advanced”, “expert”. Check the appropriate box next to each item of your skills. Now look carefully at your table. This is your real resume: who you are, who you are not, which areas urgently need to be improved, and which ones you are already good at.

Drop the negativity

So you look at your list of skills and continue to mope. Take a closer look and note: which of this you really need, and which at this stage of life is unimportant. Let's be constructive.

Nothing special. Everyone has crises, and you've had them before. You managed it before, you can handle it now. You just need to choose the right strategy. “By concentrating on something, we expand and strengthen it. If you focus on the positive, the positive will become more positive. If it’s negative, then, accordingly, the negative multiplies” (c) Julia Cameron.

Some negative thoughts are still useful

Not all negative experiences are useless. If you look at your list of skills and sadly realize that in some specific area you really need to “pump up” for work, then this is just useful. The desire for progress is constructive. This is where motivation and work on yourself begins.

A little bit everywhere, but overall a pro

The author remembers well how, back in his student days, he told his supervisor: “The IT field is so complex and diverse that I will never be able to cover it. All the time I will understand a little here, a little here, but overall I won’t understand anything.” He replied: “Well, something like that. A little bit of everything, but overall a real pro.” Take another look at your list of skills. If there are points in which you have already succeeded enough and you are pleased to continue to grow in this direction, then you are on the right track. Choose a niche for yourself, a small set of specific skills and abilities that you will systematically and with pleasure develop - and in the end you will get a good result.

Get ready for change

Well, now you have soberly assessed the situation and chosen specific topics for work. It's time to prepare for the next step. Remember: a person grows above himself only when he risks changing something in the current state of affairs. If you clearly see the goal, are open to change and are actively working on yourself, then you simply cannot, have no right to feel like a fool. Be honest with yourself - don’t artificially inflate or lower your self-esteem. It's hard, don't lie to yourself. It’s hard in all areas of life, not just at work. But as soon as you realize who you really are, what you really want to do and who you want to become, everything around you will calm down in an amazing way. You will feel free. And you will see that in front of you is not a dead end at all, but simply an alternative exit.

Don't worry about seeming stupid

May 28 1952 in American Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology An article by George Mandler and Seymour Sarason was published, without references to which not a single serious manual on psychodiagnostics can do since then. The article was called “A Study of Anxiety and Learning” and was devoted to the problem of so-called test anxiety. Many researchers had noticed long before that the success of implementation psychological tests, primarily intelligence tests, are influenced by a number of factors that are only indirectly related to the quality being assessed, or even not related at all. It has been shown that so-called test sophistication plays an important role: more good results shows someone who already has experience solving test problems. An appropriate procedure was even proposed - the so-called pretest, or trial, introductory testing, which allows the test subject to orient himself in the situation, so that later, during real testing, he does not experience uncertainty. However, this was not enough to achieve objective results. It has been suggested that the success of testing is largely mediated by the subject’s self-esteem, his level of aspirations, and the entire structure of his motivational sphere. Many studies that are ongoing to this day have been devoted to testing these hypotheses. Their very contradictory results so far allow us to unambiguously draw only one general conclusion: it is almost impossible to measure intelligence “in its pure form”, since too many side factors are involved in the execution of the measurement procedure itself.

Mandler and Sarason were the first to attempt to study the dependence of test results on the degree of mental balance of the test takers. They found that there is an inversely proportional relationship between the level of anxiety and performance on intelligence tests and achievement tests, which is observed in both adults and children. In other words, the more anxious the test taker, the lower his chances of appearing smart according to the test results. Subsequently, S. Sarason at Yale University carried out several more studies (published in the early sixties), which generally confirmed the identified pattern. Similar data were obtained by K. Hill et al. (1964, 1966), as well as I. Gaudry and C. Spielberger (1974). The latter even developed a corresponding questionnaire that allows quantitative assessment of the degree of situational anxiety, which gave research in this area statistical credibility.

However, among the studies that have developed on a wide front since the early fifties, after the pioneering work of Mandler and Sarason, not all have unequivocally supported their conclusions. Thus, D. French (1962) did not find significant differences in the test results of college students in a tense and calm environment. In addition, it was noted that in the identified interdependence it is impossible to determine the direction of cause-and-effect relationships. It is possible that children experience test anxiety because they once performed poorly on a test and retained the impression of previous failure and disappointment. This explanation is supported by the fact that in subjects with high scores on intelligence tests, the inverse relationship between the level of anxiety and success disappears.

As a result of a long discussion, the prevailing opinion of A. Anastasi (1982), supported by various studies, was that the relationship between anxiety and the quality of test performance is most likely nonlinear. “A little anxiety is beneficial, but a lot of anxiety is harmful,” Anastasi writes. – Individuals with a low level of anxiety benefit from test conditions that cause a state of some anxiety, while people with high level anxiety, it is better to perform the test in calmer conditions.”

One way or another, we have to admit that the procedure for measuring mental abilities is by no means as unambiguous as some practitioners would like. The factor of emotional tension turns out to be quite significant in it, and its assessment in itself seems to be a difficult procedure. Probably, moderate anxiety for fairly balanced people even acts as a kind of incentive for high achievements. However, in practice, one often encounters heightened anxiety and increased anxiety in connection with the testing procedure, and this factor cannot be underestimated. Psychodiagnostic manuals recommend that the psychologist take measures to reduce the level of tension in the testing situation. Interpretation of the examination results should be carried out taking into account the individual level of test anxiety of specific subjects. Information about test anxiety can be obtained both from survey and observation data, and using special diagnostic techniques. So when conducting a test, a real professional must know a lot of things besides the instructions.

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I'M AFRAID OF SEEMING STUPID I have big problems communicating with people. I can’t communicate openly, I feel constrained, I can’t show any emotions at all. I've had this all my life. Moreover, in any conversation I have something to say, but thoughts come only after, when I can

Communication skill is very important. It constantly needs to be developed and improved. The more interesting the communication with you, the more opportunities will open up for you.

But in order to become a desirable interlocutor, in addition to a variety of interests and eloquence, you will also need a little restraint in order to avoid some mistakes. Here are the main ones:

1. Brag

Some people believe that by showing off a new car or big earnings, they will be able to impress others. This is partly true. They will impress others... fools. Smart people will consider them empty and uninteresting. When someone consciously tries to elevate himself, it immediately catches the eye and, as a rule, such efforts cause the exact opposite effect.

2. Too many tips

3. “And I... and I... and I have...”

There are people who can only discuss one topic - their loved ones. They turn any dialogue into a monologue about themselves. It's annoying. Here are a couple of the most common ways to brand yourself as a disgusting interlocutor:
a) Constantly interrupt your interlocutors mid-sentence with the phrase: “What’s that, here I have it!” and start telling your story.
b) During a dialogue, instead of listening to your interlocutor, simply wait for your turn to speak.
c) Try to turn any conversation to a topic that interests you and desperately continue to cling to it even after it has dried up.
d) Talk too much.

4. Gossip

Have you decided to discuss with a new acquaintance the disgusting outfit of the lady across the street, the dirty hair of a mutual friend, or your neighbor’s latest novel? Then don't be surprised if this is your last conversation with this person. Gossiping and discussing others is an amateur activity. Of course, such conversations give a feeling of superiority over others, but at the same time, they include a lot of negative aspects. They are boring, useless and leave a bad aftertaste. In addition, if you are happy to discuss others, your interlocutor may easily think that if he moves away and you will attack him, this will kill any desire to communicate with you.

5. Fear of making mistakes

One of the main mistakes in conversation is constant fear to make a mistake. When a person is too focused on making the impression of a pleasant interlocutor, it immediately catches the eye - he chooses every word, and his thoughts are concentrated somewhere deep inside, and not on the dialogue itself. It needs to be simpler. Think what you say and say what you mean.

How to avoid these mistakes? The answer is simple. Focus less on yourself. All the above problems are rooted in too much attention to your own Self. Don't let your ego go beyond the bounds and enjoy communication.

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