How to pass a session? Examiner advice. How to pass a session without any problems, even an ignoramus? Or will you have to learn? Students take a session

This article will provide an overview of the tricks that students resort to when trying to solve the problem: how to pass the session ifyou don’t know anything, didn’t prepare, didn’t study. Which of them are more effective, which are less? What is the riskiest way? Whatan estimate can be obtained using one method, what, resorting to another? Interesting? Then read, you will find the answers in the article.

First trick and the most common: spurs, they are cribs, do not need an explanation of what it is. Their varietyI'll take it here: the Bears" or " bombs". These are pre-prepared answers to the questions of the ticket, but not written in small letters.leaflets, like cheat sheets, and on ordinary ones, such as examination papers, they are quietly pulled out during the exam, passing off as an answer,produced just now, right here and now.
Preparation time
It will take noticeably less time to prepare spurs than to write bears with your own hand.
Risk: noticeable / imperceptible
On an exam, cheating from the first takes more time and, therefore, is more noticeable than pulling it out, seizing the right moment, fora couple of seconds the second, so using spurs is riskier.
While writing bears, you can understand the material and remember something, this will help answer additional questions.teacher, and if the language is well suspended, you can even chat well or perfectly. Then, like the spurs of manyequipped without even looking into them beforehand, so think how deplorable you'll look stammering while reading fromleaflet, the material that you see for the first time, here three will be happiness.
Second trick: use headphones. This can be done in two ways: dictating answers to questions in advance andinclude a record in the exam or test, or use the services of an assistant who, at the time when you are inaudience, will dictate to you the answer to the question, and you will write it down.
Preparation time
It can take a lot of time to write down the answers, especially if there are a lot of them, if not enough, it will help to remembermaterial and understand it. In the case of an assistant, you only need to persuade the accomplice and find answers to questions in advance, butat the same time, you will not understand the material, because, most likely, you will be too lazy to read it the day before.
Rclaim: noticeable / imperceptible

As a teacher, I will share a secret: no matter what the micro headphones are, they are very noticeable, not visually, their presence will give out your behaviour.

Listening to what is being said in your ears, you will be completely absorbed in this process, and you will not be able tocontrol neither your movements nor your behavior, you will all turn into hearing. This condition is not typical for a studenton the exam, from the outside it will be possible to accurately determine what you are doing.
Since this way to pass an exam or a test is very noticeable, then do not count on more than satisfactory. Besides,the teacher may want to declassify you in public, unless, of course, the truth is more valuable to him than his time, which will have tospend listening to you on retake.
Third way pass an exam without preparing for it cheat from some more competent student right on the exam, but this is relevant only for the written version of the knowledge test.
Preparation time
Time for preliminary preparation is not required at all, except for a couple of minutes to negotiate with an altruist whowill let you write off, in advance and think about where to sit, so that it is more convenient to write off.
Risk: noticeable / imperceptible
You can be easily declassified by comparing the answers, they will probably turn out to be almost word for word, or caught in the processwrite-offs. In addition, something may go wrong, and it will not be possible to write off at all.
Here the assessment can be different and depends on the person you relied on when cheating, as well as on the teacher,which will either reveal the fact of cheating, or pretend not to notice. There is a chance that you will be able to disguise youranswer, and the teacher will have a lot of work to check and he will not notice that yours is written off from someone.
In general, with this option, how lucky.
Fourth option pass an exam without knowing the subject persuade some excellent student to go to him instead of you. Trickcan work if the teacher does not know you by sight, or if it is written.
Preparation time
Time is needed only to find an excellent student and arguments for his persuasion.
Risk: noticeable / imperceptible
The method is very risky, and for both participants, because if they find out, they can expel the loser, andan excellent student, a conversation with people who are by no means the last at the university will definitely come.
Despite this, the trick is quite common, I know that several of my classmates practiced it when they were onthe verge of expulsion due to the fact that they could not pass the exam for more than two. As a result, they graduated from the university.
If they don’t get caught, then the score will most likely be high, because the excellent student passed.
Option five: teacher's deceit(pretend to be very pregnant, sick, etc.), here you will need an actingtalent and audacity.
My students apparently did not have enough of either, so for more than explaining absenteeismsickness was lacking. Maybe something interesting will happen in the future, I'll tell you, but for now I'm sharing a story from my lifeteacher Michael.

Preparation time

In advance, you will have to come up with a legend and carry out preparatory measures for its successful implementation.


There is a risk of being declassified, and then the teacher's revenge may follow.


However, throwing in a group for a bouquet to a teacher for an exam in some universities is a tradition.


In this case, of course, you do not have to rely on an assessment without passing the exam, but the teacher will be on a positive wave., in view of which, it will be illogical for him to find fault too much (at least until he meets the first hopeless loser, who in an instant will take her ... to another wave).

Trick seventh: some other teacher or university employee will ask for you.

For example, you have merits in sports and you are a valuable student for a physical education teacher, in this case, if it’s just a pipe, you canask him to put in a good word for you, but most likely you will still have to take the exam, while the teacherwill treat you more loyally, and will not bring down.

This also includes the stars of student KVN and other mass entertainers, who are often forgiven for their frivolous attitude to study.


The assessment may be different, depending on your real knowledge, as well as the teacher taking the exam, or rather itattitude to such merit of the student.

Way eighth pass the exam without knowing anything: be a stupid student.

This option met in my practice several times, I tell you how it works. The student attends almost all classes,performs tasks, but does not understand anything, explain to him at least this way, at least that way, the result is the same, zero. Patiencethe teacher hangs in the balance, and he just wants to get rid of him, there can’t even be any retakes, onlypassing the exam on the first try, and better automatic. But at the same time, in order to bring the teacher to the standard, it is necessary toattend his classes, otherwise, he will think that you are just a slob, and not impassibly stupid, but with slobsact differently.

Student years for almost every person are a time with which a huge number of positive emotions are associated. But there is, perhaps, the only thing that overshadows these pleasant memories. This thing is a session. Such a simple word, but how much stress and sleepless nights are associated with it, read from cover to cover of textbooks and hidden in the most intricate places of cheat sheets! Let's take a closer look at what a session is and what to prepare for a student who is just about to have it.

That dreaded word "session"

In general, the session is nothing more than several exams in those disciplines that were passed by the student during the semester. Moreover, if there were, for example, seven subjects, it is not at all a fact that there will be the same number of exams. As a rule, some of them will need to be credited. This procedure is often much easier than the session itself. Often offsets are set automatically. However, there are times when it is very difficult to achieve such a mark from a certain teacher. And this is necessary, because without tests it will not be possible to find out in your own skin what a session is, because a student will simply not be allowed to attend it.

How long to suffer?

The duration of the session in most educational institutions is about three weeks, which makes it possible to spread all the exams more or less conveniently. This is to ensure that students have enough time to prepare. Traditionally, there are three to four days between exams, during which you can intensively read notes and textbooks, or just as diligently write cheat sheets, which is closer to someone.

There is no pattern as to when they put "difficult" exams: at the end of the session or closer to its beginning. The fact is that the complexity of the subject is an extremely subjective thing, and for teachers there are usually no difficult disciplines at all. However, Murphy's law usually works here: the most difficult exam will be on the most inconvenient day.

Two semesters, two sessions

The academic year at the university usually consists of two semesters, after each of which there is an examination period. The winter session usually falls after the New Year holidays and ends in early February. It may seem that taking exams after a long fun vacation will be very difficult. In fact, many students are much less pleased with the summer session, because the weather is great, the sun is bright, and they have to cram and prepare for exams. The only thing that pleases, perhaps, is that there are only two such periods of especially intensive study in a year. It’s even scary to imagine if there would still be an autumn session, or even a spring one…

It's hard for teachers too.

Teachers have their own opinions about what a session is. For them, this, of course, is not such a stress, but they work no less. After all, they have to listen to a huge number of students who sometimes say something completely different from what the answer to the exam question implies. Yes, and checking written work takes a huge amount of time, and students always strive to rush or beg for a good mark.

Don't be afraid to give up

Many students are most afraid of failing a session - not passing one or more exams. I would like to reassure them and say that even if you do not pass the exam the first time, you will have at least a couple more attempts to prepare well and “conquer” the impregnable discipline. There is nothing wrong with retakes, just try to better master the material and be confident in your abilities.

A lot more can be said about this, but it is enough to learn once what a session is, from your own experience, and 99% of the questions will disappear immediately, as well as exactly the same number of fears.

If you came here for secret cheating techniques during a test or an exam, you will be disappointed. Cheat sheets and "bombs" are a road to nowhere and a consequence of a much more serious problem.

A person will not be able to take anything seriously and will not succeed until he answers himself to the main question: “Why do I need this?”

Having understood the importance and necessity of achieving the goal, you will strive for it with all your might, and you will no longer need any external additional motivation. Ask yourself this question until you get to the bottom of the truth.

Why are you studying? To get a crust? What for? To get a promising high-paying job? There, the truth will be revealed instantly, because any normal employer looks not at a diploma, but at real knowledge, skills and experience. So why? Parents decided that the offspring should definitely become a financier, although you are clearly drawn to coding? This is a very difficult situation, but there are at least two ways out of it:

  1. Talk to parents. Explain to them that you are interested in something else, that you are doomed to a life that you do not want. Argument your desires so that your words do not sound like a whim, but like a deliberate, balanced decision. It is more than realistic to change the faculty and even the university. Yes, you can lose time, but it’s better to miss a year than to spend your whole life doing uninteresting work, regretting what you didn’t do and envying those who had the courage to realize their dream.
  2. Combine. This option is the golden mean and often even better than changing the place of study and specialty. The real world is arranged in such a way that a specialist in two areas has more opportunities than a specialist in one. Take the example of the social and technical sciences. Being a developer is good, but being a developer with expertise in human behavior is much better, as it opens the door to big data and similar extremely promising areas. Of course, it is difficult to receive two higher educations at once, but life in principle is not an easy thing. If the task seems impossible, ask yourself again: “Why do I need this?” Find the answer - find a way to achieve the goal.

Attitude towards the educational process

You won't have to catch up if you don't fall behind. Move according to the curriculum, and there will be no problems.

The probability of passing the session is determined from the first day of the semester.

Now it is extremely important for you to understand that you are not studying in order to pass tests and exams. You study to become a specialist, an expert, a professional in your field. The session is generally secondary. It is much more important to assimilate and learn to apply knowledge. In this scenario, everything surrenders by itself. You will not even notice the session, because, in addition to the university program, you want to absorb a ton of information on the side. This is much more interesting and useful than some tests and exams.

Yes, self-study is an integral part of a student's life. Our education system is imperfect, programs are often outdated, defective or not applicable in life. Thousands of certified theorists graduate from universities every year, but they do not know how to work. As a result, the employer has to teach them everything. Why? Because students approach education unconsciously, they do not understand what they are doing here and why.

Imagine that you are currently applying for a job in your specialty. Search the Internet for examples of test tasks and requirements for specialists in your field. Can you complete these tasks, do you meet the requirements? Not? Well, now you clearly understand what you should know and be able to do.

If we talk directly about the process of gaining knowledge within the walls of a university, then there are several universal tips that seem banal, but always work:

  1. Go to lectures, write and ask questions. So the information is well absorbed. If you have any questions feel free to ask them. It is very important not to allow a situation where you no longer understand what the teacher is talking about. If you cannot retell the content of the lecture after it is over, then something is wrong. Sit down at the abstract and figure it out, otherwise the next couple will get even worse, and then another, another and another. Clear formulas and terms will turn into meaningless icons and words.
  2. Go to practice, complete assignments. So you will learn how to apply what you have learned. Nobody needs theorists.
  3. Learn what's going on in your area of ​​expertise in the real world. Your term papers and other papers should be relevant, useful, and solve the problems that humanity is dealing with today. All this will have a good effect on the teaching attitude towards you, and at the same time will go to the “Achievements” section of your first resume.

Useful tips to follow immediately before passing a test or exam and during:

  1. Come to surrender, even if you are not ready at all. This is where probability theory comes into play. If you do not come to the test or exam, then the chance to pass it is zero. If you come to a test or exam without preparation, then there is a non-zero chance to pass the subject. How? The teacher may take pity and allow admission even without a completed curriculum. You may get the only question to which you know the answer. To put it simply, by appearing at the surrender, you can influence the situation, but not by appearing - no. In the eyes of the teacher, you have given up, abandoned your dream, and there is no point in helping you anymore.
  2. Be the first to answer or the last to answer. Usually the most prepared go first, claiming the top five. If you have studied correctly, you should be among them. Answering among the latter, you run the risk of not getting the maximum mark, since the teacher is already tired, hungry and no longer ready to spend extra time on a detailed check of your knowledge. The same state of the recipient of the subject can play into the hands of those who study incorrectly. The teacher will not dig deep and most likely will not even listen to your answer. Enough not to screw up on the first words, and C grade is almost guaranteed.
  3. Write cheat sheets and "bombs", but not in order to use them. Repetition is the mother of learning. When creating cheat sheets and “bombs”, you will inevitably learn and repeat what you write at least somehow. Some of it will stick in your head. Roughly speaking, preparing for cheating without its subsequent application is a kind of preparation for surrender, and very effective.
  4. Organize your preparation materials. If the answer to one question is scattered across three notes and two textbooks, then you will spend more time searching for information than learning and repeating it.

Attitude towards teachers and other students

The younger the person, the less conscious he is. Studying at school is torture for him, and the teacher is a tyrant. Such a distortion of perception disappears after a year and does not allow you to establish the right relationship with university teachers.

Understand one simple thing for yourself: the teacher is not an enemy, not a villain, not an adversary who is only looking for a way to fill up and expel you. Giving knowledge and checking the quality of their assimilation is his job. Your job is to acquire this knowledge, internalize it, and learn how to apply it. Otherwise, why are you studying?

It turns out that with the right perception, the teacher becomes your friend and you now have common goals. Accordingly, the relationship between you should be as sincere and honest as possible.

Ask the teacher the question: “What can I do to maximize my success in learning and passing your subject?”

So you show your consciousness, namely your interest in gaining knowledge, and at the same time you will be aware of the criteria and views of the teacher on the learning process. If you have problems, such as not being able to attend all couples, report them and find out how to compensate.

Ask the undergraduates for whom your teacher has already taught subjects. What are the features? What must be done? Is 100% attendance required?

Classmates, classmates and senior students are your friends. You can help them and they can help you. Maintaining friendly relations with colleagues in the shop is extremely important. You can do more if you stick together. Do not refuse to help others, but do not allow yourself to sit on your neck.

Self care, health and money

Students rarely think about their health. Why? Because the body is young and still works like a clock. He can do almost everything. You can party until four in the morning, sleep for three hours, come to the first couple and be a cucumber. It is difficult for a person to understand what he has not yet encountered, but then it will be too late.

Wrong way of life is now causing your body huge damage, often irreparable. While you do not notice this, but in the next 10-15 years everything will come back to you.

You “live to the fullest” and believe that this does not prevent you from studying effectively. In fact, you simply do not realize what you are capable of.

Pay attention to how much better you get if you just get a good night's sleep. How much additional strength and energy appears if you simply eat on time. Some students, trying to compensate for the unconscious approach to studying during the semester, turn to all kinds of doping during the session. This is the stupidest thing you can do on the eve of an important test or exam, especially if you have not dealt with this drug before. Do you know what side effects and individual intolerance are? At best, nothing will happen, at worst, a hospital and a failed session.

Calling young people to a healthy lifestyle is probably naive. You won't listen anyway. In this case, try to take our word for it and conduct a simple experiment: take food, sports and rest under control for just a couple of weeks and see what happens.

  1. Follow the diet throughout the day. Learn the basics of nutrition and learn how to cook at least elementary healthy meals. Proper nutrition, which, by the way, is not necessarily expensive when cooked on your own, will give you energy and strength for productive study.
  2. Add to your life daily morning exercises and 2-4 full-fledged workouts per week in addition to the university's physical education program. Choose any sport that you like. Running, football, tennis, gym, horizontal bars, swimming - it doesn't matter. Physical activity has a positive effect on blood circulation and brain function, endurance, general well-being and improves the quality of sleep.
  3. Don't sacrifice sleep. Ask yourself the question: “What is more important to me? Another game or an opportunity to relax so that tomorrow you can unlearn well and get even closer to your cherished goal?

On the contrary, students think about finance, and a lot. This is because there is never enough money. Try a part-time job. So you will not only get additional funds, but also work experience, the ability to solve real problems, as well as a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat adulthood is.

The problem of an empty wallet is well solved by a conscious approach to one's health. Reducing spending on entertainment frees up a decent amount of money for more important things:

  1. Good food. Spend your money on the highest quality food. Seriously. Your young and still growing body needs it the most.
  2. Study laptop. There is no point in chasing trends and capacities. You need a workhorse that is affordable, comfortable, and as functional as possible, but without excessive performance. The laptop loses to the tablet in mobility, but it can do much more and is much better suited for typing.
  3. Economic printer. You will have to type a lot. Lots of. Regardless of specialty. Even techies, who are supposed to have everything digital, still type hundreds of pages every semester. Obviously, printing one, even a very large job, is cheaper than buying a printing device, but if you look at it on the scale of the entire training time, then buying a printer becomes much more profitable.

Canon Pixma G are ideal printers for students. The Pixma G series is designed and built with one goal in mind - to print a lot and cheaply. Inkjet technology is not inferior in quality to laser, but the price of printing is much lower. Pixma G refillable ink tanks are located at the front of the printer. You will always know how much ink is left, and if necessary, easily, quickly and for minimal money replenish their stock.

The first session for the student is marked by all sorts of discoveries. This is both experience and practice. But at the same time, every student is haunted by an incredible fear of the first session. Let in the future you will have to take exams many more times and pass all kinds of tests. BUT it is the first session that can become special for the student.

As a rule, the first session begins at the end of November. Autumn terrible weather adds to the tragedy of what is happening. a constant sleepy state does not allow you to concentrate, and student life still prevents you from sitting down for textbooks. But it’s worth overpowering yourself and starting to “be a student” in the full sense of the word. It would seem that the session - what's so terrible? However, many first-year students are terribly afraid of the first session, because. clearly do not imagine what it is and what it is eaten with. Next, we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The first secret is study

The first secret is that you need to study for gaining knowledge, and not for evaluation. If you make it a rule from the very beginning of your studies at the university that you need to gain knowledge at a university and only occasionally play the fool (it’s absolutely impossible without this, since student years are the best years in a person’s life, well, or one of the most unforgettable), then you will never have problems with passing sessions. Also here you can give one more piece of advice, which is based on the fact that the student should perceive his education as a platform for his future, which will be directly related to his professional career. Of course, you can become a successful person without having a higher education at all. But since we are talking about students, we will vary the information from this point of view.

The second secret is preparation

You need to prepare for the exams in advance. We have sanctified this rule hundreds of times. But once again returning to it, it is worth considering that if you decide to become successful, then make it a rule for yourself that you need to prepare for exams on time. NEVER put things off until later. Even if you have the most limited time, try to take a few breaks in it to study. Advance preparation does not imply daily sitting behind books and continuous cramming. Perhaps someone is interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because, as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs the result. How it was obtained is another question. You will be graded based on your performance. No one will ask you at the age of 21 what grade you had in the third quarter in the Russian language. BUT if you gain knowledge by memorizing information without fully understanding its meaning, then this may be an occasion to think about whether you have chosen the field of knowledge correctly at all.

To pass the first session, you need to be disciplined and responsible. If you do all the homework that you are asked, and, on top of that, you still go to almost all classes, then you are guaranteed a bonus in the form of an indulgence during the session. Teachers also notice all these little things. They immediately single out for themselves a group of students who behave more responsibly than others. That student who studies conscientiously, and not just pretends to study, always looks higher in the eyes of the teacher than the rest of the student mass.

That is, you must become someone who is different from the rest, but only for the better. Responsibility and discipline allows you to smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session up to 50%. To put it simply, if you follow this rule, then you can not be afraid of the session at all. You can even count on the coveted assessment of the machine. If someone else does not know what it is, then we are ready to explain. Grade "automatic" - this is when you get a grade for the exam without any answer to the exam ticket

Summing up

WE told you about what rules and secrets will help you pass the first session. We also told you about what you need to do so that the first session does not seem so scary. This is a kind of formula and dogma that can become your key to success at the university. So, the secrets of passing the first session:

Study for knowledge, not for grades.
prepare in advance for the upcoming disciplines.
attend classes and do whatever you are asked to do.

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and finally become a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your studies at the university, then you can be sure that you will successfully graduate from the institute, even, perhaps, with honors.

At the initial stage, the student will work for his record book, and only then it will work for him. So in the first courses, give all your best. This will only help you in the future. Do not think that if you are a first-year student, then there will be some concessions for you. Just the opposite. In the first year there will be a strict screening out of suitable and unsuitable children for training. It is at this time that most of the students are expelled. Someone leaves on his own, unable to withstand the onslaught of exams and educational material, while someone simply cannot pass all the necessary exams. So a freshman session is your university survival rate.

Everyone has long known that most students are preparing to pass the session on the last night, this process is popularly called - "until the roasted rooster pecks ...". Each of the students prepares in their own way: someone writes cheat sheets, someone crams, someone puts a textbook under the pillow at night, etc. This article will tell you how to pass the session, even if you have not studied anything. But remember, this is not a panacea.

How to pass the session successfully?

So, a few rules for those who at least attended lectures.

Don't procrastinate everything

You need to prepare for the session in advance. At least be prepared for every lecture. Knowledge will accumulate every day, albeit a little, but something will remain in your head, even if you don’t really try to remember. Record all lectures, it will come in handy. In addition, listen carefully to the teacher, and do not sleep at lectures - you will understand and remember more.

Relationships with teachers

Build good relationships with teachers:

  • don't be rude;
  • always say hello;
  • don't be late;
  • work in pairs;
  • ask questions;
  • be sure to remember all the names of the teachers.

In a word, describe yourself for teachers on the positive side.

Embrace the immensity

If the material is poorly absorbed, then only the most important topics can be selected from the topics. Learn definitions, formulas. And then you can use logic. There is also an optimal option - to learn difficult questions, and easy ones to read carefully.

Spurs have not yet been canceled

Don't give up spurs, write them. Writing cheat sheets helps to learn the material, because when you write, you mentally read and remember. Many teachers advise writing spurs before exams. If you decide to use spurs, be careful not to hurt yourself.

Get rid of excess

Before the session, take a walk in the fresh air more often. Don't overload yourself with redundant information like social media.

Miracles happen

You can also use signs. For example, someone has a lucky pen that can be taken to an exam or a test, someone believes that if you enter the audience on your left foot, you will definitely pass. If you are a believer, then before the exam you can go to church, pray and light a candle to Nikolai Ugodnik, an assistant to all students and pupils.

Before the exam, it is better to sleep well and come to it with a "fresh head"

Quick preparation

And now let's look at how to pass the session to someone who has not learned anything at all.

So, there's a week left before the session, and you don't know anything? Don't panic, it won't help. Gather all your strength into a fist and act.

Follow these tips and pass the session without problems. Good luck to you!