How to teach your child to recognize geometric shapes in a playful way? Games "Geometric shapes" for children. Didactic game “Geometric shapes” for the second junior group Geometric shapes for 4 5

There are a lot of techniques for children representing geometric shapes on the modern market. Below are the main ones, as well as games that develop a child.

Nowadays, great importance is attached to the early development of a child. Children begin to be taught almost from the maternity hospital. There are many games, books, video and audio materials that help children quickly master such simple - at first glance - topics as letters, numbers, shapes, colors. Cards showing geometric shapes are especially popular for kids. This guide is clear and concise. It allows the child to quickly and easily master the necessary knowledge.

When should I start learning geometric shapes?

In general, you can introduce your child to shapes from the first months. There is nothing wrong if you show him pictures or toys in a playful way, without annoying your baby, clearly pronouncing the name of the shape (circle, square, etc.).

Thus, by the age of two years, the child should know three forms well:

  1. triangle;
  2. circle;
  3. square.

By three years, the following should be added to this list:

  • oval;
  • rhombus;
  • rectangle.

By the way, much attention is paid to the study of geometric shapes in the Maria Montessori method. Her materials include several games that help a child quickly learn to identify the shapes of objects. We will talk about them further.

Why should a child learn geometric shapes?

Much has already been said about the benefits of early development. It is the active learning of a child in the period from birth to three years that shapes his creativity and fluency of thinking, diligence and love of knowledge, and the ability to quickly assimilate information.

The study of forms is necessary for several other reasons.

  • The whole world around consists of figures (a circle is a car wheel, a plate, the sun; a square is a window, a chair seat, etc.).
  • Preparing for school - the sooner the child masters simple knowledge, the easier it will be for him to study at school.
  • Studying shapes will allow the baby to play those games that are inaccessible to children who do not know what a circle, square, etc. are.
  • By studying geometric shapes, a child expands his horizons, trains his brain, and increases his vocabulary.

5 rules for teaching geometric shapes

It is worth remembering that all information that seems elementary to us is new and often incomprehensible to children. This rule almost always works with geometric shapes. Therefore, if a child confuses a circle with a square and does not want to correct himself, be patient and do not scold the baby for his mistakes.

For faster and easier learning by your little one, follow these simple tips.

  1. Point out geometric shapes to your baby in everyday life. Show your child the book and tell him that it is rectangular. Show him the saucer and give him the definition of “circle.”
  2. Try to get feedback. Ask your child what category the house, table, pillow belong to. Watch the educational video and ask your child to tell you what he saw.
  3. Use toys of the correct geometric shapes. Buy round and triangular molds, cubes, and a ball for your baby.
  4. Play games that require knowledge of the names of the pieces (see below).
  5. Watch videos and cartoons that talk about shapes (like Baby Einstein).

Games "Geometric shapes" for children


This is one of the baby's first educational toys, allowing him to learn about the properties of different shapes. The essence of the sorter is that for a certain hole you need to select a toy of the appropriate shape (ball, cube, etc.). The child very quickly begins to understand what's what.

Such a toy not only teaches the little one to quickly distinguish between figures of different geometric shapes, but also trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and also develops logical thinking.

Games using the Montessori method

Maria Montessori, as mentioned above, attached great importance to geometric shapes in the baby's educational games. In her methodology, there are several ways to introduce a child to geometry in a playful way. For example:

  • Place the shapes in an opaque bag or bag. Let the baby take one toy at a time and, without taking it out, determine what shape it is.
  • For an older child, you can come up with the following task: say a definition word, for example, “they are riding.” The child must name the forms that have this property.
  • You can invite the baby to name all the shapes with or without corners, with or without edges.
  • A creative version of the game with figures. Ask your child to imagine and say what a circle, square, or triangle looks like.

In the Montessori method, there is a special device called “Frames and Liners”. This is a kind of analogue of the sorter that we talked about above.

Drawings and stencils

If your child likes to draw, then use this to teach him to recognize shapes. Draw a house together. Say all the details: The windows are square, the roof is a triangle, etc.

You can also offer your child stencils. You can cut them yourself from thick paper or purchase ready-made ones.

By tracing this or that figure, the child will learn to draw them (“teach his hand”), and your comments (this is a circle, this is a triangle) will help your child remember their names faster.

Doman cards

The Doman method is very popular among parents interested in the early development of their child. It involves the use of visual cards to better assimilate the acquired knowledge by the child. Doman has a separate set of cards dedicated to geometric shapes. You can buy or download it on the Internet (you can also find a video about this technique there).

Literature and teaching material

Below are the most popular and effective methods and materials for introducing children to geometric shapes.

  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

In the series of books for the early development of children “School of the Seven Dwarfs” there are two dedicated to shapes: “Square and Circle” (for children from birth to one year), “Shape. Color" (for children from 1 to 2 years old). The books present the main figures in a large and clear manner.

  • Geometric figures. Soft mosaic

A very convenient and bright way to introduce your child to shapes. The mosaic is made of safe soft material. It will be interesting for the baby to look at its details and collect pictures from them.

  • Coloring pages

There are a lot of such educational books on the modern market. You can highlight “Smart Coloring. Smeshariki" with children's favorite characters from the cartoon of the same name.

  • Stickers

Reusable stickers will also be very useful when your child is learning “geometry for the little ones.” These stickers can be placed anywhere! In the bathroom, in the children's room, in the kitchen. Offer your baby a game: you need to find objects of one kind or another in the environment.

Cartoons about geometric shapes


Teaching and introducing your child to geometric shapes is not only important, but also very interesting! Show your imagination, come up with your own games and tasks for your child, show interesting videos, and he will answer you with love and gratitude.

Math lesson notes.

Theme "Geometric napkins"

Target: Strengthen students' ability to distinguish geometric shapes by color and shape.



- learn to highlight data geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) from many others.

Strengthen spatial orientation skills (up and down).


Develop memory, thinking, attention.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


To promote accuracy when working with glue.

To promote a sense of mutual assistance in students.

Preliminary work: reading poems about geometric shapes, didactic games “Magic Square”, “Find the same one”, “Let’s fix the rug”, “

Material: Bunny toy, rug made of geometric shapes, blanks of geometric shapes for each child, glue stick, napkins, tray, backing for each child.

Progress of classes:

Teacher: Today guests came to our lesson. Say hello to your guests. Well done! You should always say hello. This shows that you are well-mannered children.
Teacher: Guys, let's hold hands and make a small circle.
“All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let’s smile at each other.”
Let's give each other a smile (lower your hands and blow on your palms)

Teacher: Oh, guys, look, we have another guest, who is it? That's right Bunny. But for some reason he is very sad. I now find out what happened / I put my ear to it / he says that he prepared a rug for his Mom, but he just can’t figure out what circles, triangles, squares are and how they differ from each other.

Teacher: Do you guys know these geometric shapes?

Children: Yes

Teacher: Then let's help our Bunny remember these figures and understand how they differ. You Bunny, sit back and listen.

We'll look at your rug now. How beautiful and bright he is. What geometric shapes are at the top?

Children: Triangles.

Teacher: How many corners does a triangle have? Let's do the math.

(Children count) Three

Teacher: You'll know right away who I am, look at us

We have everything, we have three of everything, naturally.

Three sides and three angles, because I am a triangle.

(PHOTO No. 1)

Let's remember what objects are similar to the shape of a triangle?

Children: Scarf, umbrella, house roof, Christmas tree, cap.

Teacher: Well done! What are the names of the figures located below?

Children: Squares.

Teacher: That's right, squares. How many angles does a square have? Let's do the math.

Children: Four corners.

Teacher: Let's get acquainted my friend, every corner is straight

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you, and my name is Square.

What objects remind you of a square shape?

(PHOTO No. 2)

Children: Table, window, cabinet door, TV, ...

Teacher: What geometric shapes are in the middle?

Children: Circles

Teacher: How many corners are there in this figure?

Children: No corners.

Teacher: I have no corners and I look like a saucer...

What else does a circle look like?

(PHOTO No. 3)

Children: On a wheel, on a ring, a pancake, a plate, the sun, a steering wheel...

Teacher: Oh, what a great fellow, our Bunny immediately cheered up and he wants to play with us.

Phys. Just a minute.

“It’s cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his paws.
Paws up, paws down, pull yourself up on your toes.
We put our paws on the side, on our toes skok-skok-skok.

Teacher: Children, and Bunny brought us many more geometric shapes as a gift. He suggests making you geometric napkins to give to your moms. Now you will choose any square and decorate it with a pattern of geometric shapes.

Teacher: Tell me, are our figures the same color?

Children: No.

Teacher: What color did you choose the figure?

What is your geometric figure?

Teacher: What is your figure?

Teacher: How will we work, neatly or not?

Will we only smear the figure in the middle?

Children: No, we will spread both the edges and the middle.

Teacher: And after gluing the figure, what needs to be done to prevent it from coming off?

Children: Press with a napkin.

Teacher: Children, pay attention to the color of the napkin. Choose shapes of a different color so that they are bright and beautiful!

Take a circle from your trays and glue it in the upper right corner. Well done!

Now take a circle of a different color and glue it in the upper left corner. Well done!

Now in the lower right.

And now in the lower left. Well done guys!

Now we'll take a triangle and stick it in the middle.

Well done!

Independent activity of children.

Teacher: Bunny, look what beautiful napkins our children made! Did you like it? We think that you now remember what a circle, square and triangle are!

Guys, Bunny says that he has prepared sweet treats for you! Let's see what he brought us!

Natalia Fokina

Program content: Refine presentation children about geometric shapes; learn to change the characteristics of given geometric shapes, learn figures in surrounding objects.

Strengthen knowledge of quantitative calculation and numbers.

Practice the ability to work with a pencil in a squared notebook; continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Develop attention and logical thinking.

Material: models geometric shapes, schematic representation of objects, a set of numbers for a magnetic board; checkered notebooks, pencil; cord; sticks.

Progress of activities.

Guys, our old friends, geometric figures, invited us to visit their land of geometric shapes. Let's smile at each other and go to journey. A lot of interesting things await us there.

First let's remember what geometric shapes you know? (Answers children) .

Our figures they love to have fun and invite us to join them "room of laughter". Let's look at our figures in"distorting mirrors". What's going on with figures?

Sample answers children:

The small red circle turns into a large red circle. The size has changed, but the color and shape remain.

The big red oval turned into a small red circle. The shape and size have changed, but the color has not changed.

The small blue square has changed color and size, but the shape has not changed.

The small green triangle turned into a large green circle. The shape and size have changed, but the color has not changed.

Figures They love to ask riddles. Now they are hidden in different pictures and ask us to find them and count them. Write down the answers in the table.

Physical education minute "Wizard"

Have you seen what transformations took place with figures. And now you yourself will become wizards and turn the circle into an oval, the triangle into a square, and the rectangle into a circle again.

Children stand in the center of the room. They receive a rope with tied ends, take it with both hands and, at the teacher’s signal, form various geometric figures. If necessary, the teacher helps the children.

Work in notebooks.

- Figures We have come up with another entertainment for you "Recognize and Shade". Shading figures without using a ruler.

Shade all circles with straight horizontal lines.

All triangles are straight vertical lines.

All squares are wavy lines.

All ovals are straight slanted lines.

All rectangles are dotted.

We had fun visiting, now let's take photos of our loved ones figures for memory. They will be unusual. We will post their portraits from sticks.

Then the children admire and look for the most similar "photo".

  • Consolidating the idea of ​​geometric shapes;
  • Development of curiosity, attention, memory, thinking;
  • Cultivating interest in learning the properties of objects in the surrounding world;


  • Hero Square-mitten
  • Set of geometric shapes
  • Objects of different geometric shapes
  • Dienesha blocks
  • Illustration depicting houses made of different geometric shapes
  • Counting sticks

Educator: Guys, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten. On the envelope it is written: Kindergarten No. 264, group “Znayki”.

I agree, this letter was written to us. Let's read:

"Hello guys! I heard that you are very friendly and inquisitive, you always want to learn something new and interesting. I also know that you love mathematics. Therefore, I invite you to the City of Geometric Shapes, I have prepared various entertaining games and tasks for you.

Kvadratik and his friends.

Guys, there is still a photograph in the envelope. Look where it's interesting. Square? I agree, it's probably a red square.

(photo depicting geometric shapes)

Oh guys, there's something else written here.

“You can get to our city only along a path built of bricks (Dyenesha Blocks):

  • Red, large, rectangular block
  • Blue, large, rectangular block
  • Not red, large, rectangular block
  • Not blue, big, square block
  • Small, yellow, triangular block
  • Not blue, not yellow, small, square block.

Educator: Here we are in the city!

(Look at the illustration). What interesting houses.

  • What geometric shapes are the tallest houses made of?
  • What geometric shapes are windows made of?
  • What geometric shapes are the roofs of houses made of?
  • How many red triangles are there in the city?
  • How many blue rectangles?
  • How many green squares?
  • How many brown diamonds?
  • How many yellow ovals?

Educator: Let's take a walk around the city:

We go, we go, we go, we put our feet up

And we have new boots on our feet.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - what a puddle

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh - the puddle is big

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to jump over a puddle

Educator: Guys, you can’t see Kvadratik. And here he is (a doll - a mitten with a square).

Educator: Square, where are your interesting games and tasks?

Game "Find a Pair"

The teacher gives the children one geometric figure each and asks them to find a pair (i.e. they need to find exactly the same geometric figure)

Guys, tell me what shape you get if you add 2 geometric shapes together:

  • Square + square = rectangle
  • Rectangle+ rectangle= square
  • Triangle + triangle = rhombus
  • Triangle + triangle = square

Game "What's extra?"

  • Circle, rhombus, rectangle, triangle, square - same color
  • All figures are large, one is small
  • All figures are yellow, one is blue.

Game “Making geometric shapes from colored sticks”

  • Make a square
  • Make a triangle
  • Make a rectangle

Game "What does it look like?"

(different objects are laid out) What shape does the object resemble?

  • Notebook - rectangle
  • Notepad - square
  • Ruler - triangle
  • Hair band – circle
  • Calendar - rectangle
  • Camera - rectangle
  • Folded scarf - triangle
  • Plate - circle

Educator: Guys, it's time to say goodbye to Kvadratik and his friends. We will meet with them more than once, because our journey to the Land of Knowledge is just beginning.

Title: Abstract of GCD in mathematics with children 3-4 years old “In the city of geometric shapes”

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 264
Location: Krasnoyarsk

Marina Geckel
A fun math activity. “Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes”, for children 4–5 years old

Fun math activity"Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes"


1. Reinforce the skill children distinguish geometric

shapes by color and shape.

2. Learn to highlight data geometric shapes from

many others.

3. Improve counting skills (within 5).

4. Develop higher mental functions: memory,

thinking, attention, develop fine motor skills.

5. Develop a sense of mutual assistance in children.

Guys, today we will go to land of geometric shapes. First you need to open the gate (the gate is attached to the board)

To do this you need to guess puzzles:

1. I’ve been your acquaintance since childhood

Every angle here is right

All four sides are the same length

I'm glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (square).

2. I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid

And on the circle and the wheel (circle)

3. My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners

Who am I? (triangle)

Well done. Your answers are the key to this gate. (The gate opens to the music, there is a picture attached there depicting a street, where on one side all the houses are round, and on the other - oval).

Let's take the first street.

What kind of people do you think live there?

(showing a street where everything is round and oval).

That's right, circles and ovals live here.

Why do you think they live together?

(he's very similar)

How are these similar? figures?

(no sides, corners)

How are they different?

(elongated ovals)

Now let's play.

Look attentively How do houses on one side of the street differ from houses on the other side?

(the windows in the houses on one side of the street are oval, on the other side they are round). - But on this street everything is mixed up.

Let's get things in order.

(children attach windows of the desired shape to their houses)

Is everything correct?

How many oval windows are there on one side?

How many round windows are there on the other side?

Which ones are there more?

So, now there is complete order on the oval and round streets, we go to another street.

(I show another picture of a street where everything is square and rectangular.)

What do you think the figures live here?

How are these similar? figures?

(4 corners, 4 sides)

What is the difference?

(a square has all sides equal)

Guys, look, there is something wrong with them too, some kind of disorder.

(a circle and an oval are hidden near the square and rectangle)

That's right, there are extra ones here figures, they are from another street, they probably got lost, let's send them home.

Guys, on the street we haven't visited the figures yet?

That's right, we're heading to the triangles.

(pictures of each child depicting triangular houses).

Guys, what do you know about triangles, how they differ from others figures?

(3 corners, 3 sides)

Guys, triangles also need help.

New houses have been built on their street, but it is impossible to get into them.

How can you figure out why?

(children look at pictures depicting triangular houses with round, oval, rectangular and triangular doors.

I suggest replacing the doors "wrong" shape to triangular.

Guys, let's count how many doors we changed.

A moment of rest.

One two three four five!

We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easily.

One two three four five!

We stomp our feet.

One two three four five!

Let's clap our hands!

Pull yourself up on your toes so many times,

Exactly as many as there are fingers on our hand.

How many fingers do we have on our hand? (5)

How much figures were we visiting today?

Bottom line: - Is our the journey through the city of geometric shapes is coming to an end. And so that all the residents of this city always have a good mood, let's make cookies of different shapes for them.