How to get the right ticket during the exam? Let's find out how to get the right ticket for the exam at the university? Tips and tricks How to make sure you get the right ticket

The session is a test that no student can avoid. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to properly prepare for a knowledge test. How to get the right ticket in the exam? The recommendations given in the article will help you cope with this task and get an “A”, even if you have to take a subject you don’t like.

How to get the right ticket in the exam: method No. 1

Not all students study diligently throughout the semester. However, absolutely everyone has to take the exam. How to get the right ticket in the exam if you don’t have enough time to learn everything? There are several options for solving this problem.

It is great if the student has the opportunity to find out in advance how the teacher lays out the exam papers. Often teachers do this in order (first, second, third, and so on). In this case, finding “yours” is very easy.

Method No. 2

How to get the right ticket in the exam if you didn’t manage to study all the material? Method No. 2 can be recommended to students who are not embarrassed by the prospect of being one of the last to pass. It is also necessary to have a good relationship with other classmates, as their help will be needed.

What exactly is the second method? Each student who has already passed the exam tells the student his ticket number when leaving the classroom. Gradually, the number of remaining options is reduced to a minimum, which allows you to stock up on the necessary cheat sheets in a timely manner or refresh your memory of the material.

How to get the required ticket in the exam using the second method? It should be borne in mind that it does not work in every case. If all the tickets drawn earlier are returned to the general stack, you will have to use another method.

Method No. 3

Visualization is a method that many students believe in. A few days before the exam, you should begin to imagine a successful scenario. In his imagination, the student should conjure up a picture of how he draws exactly the ticket that he managed to learn best.

How to increase the chances of a successful outcome and make visualization more effective? To do this, you need to say out loud the number of the desired ticket and the questions it contains. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone. Skeptics who do not believe in the power of visualization should prefer other methods.

Method No. 4

How to get the right ticket in the exam? The tips above may not help everyone. Therefore, we cannot ignore the fourth way to get what you want, even if it is the most difficult.

Some teachers prefer to have several students taking an exam into the classroom at once. In this case, you should take advantage of the fact that the teacher is not able to keep track of everyone. If he is distracted for even a minute, students will have the opportunity to see the numbers of the tickets prepared for them. With proper luck, the student will be able to “choose” the appropriate one from them.

Perhaps this method is not only the most difficult, but also dangerous. The teacher can notice the student's manipulations.

Secrets of Numerology

How to get the right ticket in a history exam (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)? Numerology can come to the aid of a student who has not prepared properly for the session.

Not everyone knows that even numbers carry negative energy. Susceptible people are strongly advised not to take a ticket that is second (fourth, sixth, eighth, etc.) in a row. This can lead to the student forgetting even the information that he managed to learn during the preparation process.

Odd numbers, on the contrary, are considered lucky in numerology. The numbers 3 and 7 are considered especially favorable; they bring people good luck. Many students prefer the 13th ticket.


How to get the right ticket in a university exam? Many students believe in the power of omens. One of them says that before testing your knowledge you should smear your hands with something sticky. For example, you can use jam or honey. In this case, the student will certainly draw the exact ticket that he managed to memorize.

Another sign states that you will be able to pass the test with honor if you hold on to the excellent student before entering the examination class. It's best to choose someone who just received a good grade.

There is a way to make the examiner let his guard down. To do this, you need to put the right shoe on the left foot, and vice versa.


Many students prefer to rely on talismans to attract good luck in exams. For example, you can take a nickel and put it in your left shoe. The sign states that metal stimulates certain points on the foot, and this has a positive effect on intuition.

A talisman representing a figurine of a snake or an owl can also help a student pass the exam successfully. From time immemorial they have been considered symbols of intelligence and wisdom.

Finally, you can take a thread and tie it on your left hand with nine knots. If you believe it, this ensures the concentration of positive energy. If there is no thread, you can replace it with a shoelace.


How to get the right ticket in the exam? Conspiracies should also not be discounted. The night before the exam, you should put it in your hand with the record book through the window. When waving your record book, you need to repeat several times: “Today I’m waving it, and tomorrow I’m handing it in.”

The following plot must be remembered immediately before the time comes to draw the ticket. You need to say to yourself: “Never mind that I know - come to me!” It is believed that this will help draw out exactly the ticket that will not cause difficulties for the student.

Self confidence

Not every student believes in the power of conspiracies. However, even skeptics can increase their chances if they trust their own intuition. Knowing certain tricks will help you attract an easy task.

You shouldn't think twice before buying a ticket. It is best to focus on the piece of paper that immediately attracted the student’s attention. There is a high probability that the desired number is indicated on it.

There is another trick that is easy to resort to. You need to pull out the ticket with your “favorite” hand. It is also necessary to do this with a feeling of confidence and ease - the right mood attracts good luck.

Friendship with the teacher

How to get the right ticket in an English exam (literature, geography, mathematics, etc.)? There is a method that can hardly be called easy. Many teachers favor students who manage to be among their favorites during the exam. Such people can not only overestimate their favorites, but also offer them the easiest questions.

This method can hardly be called reliable. Even if a student manages to impress his teacher in advance, this does not guarantee any concessions during the exam. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that the teacher may be replaced by another person during the exam for one reason or another.

The session is a test that no student can avoid. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to properly prepare for a knowledge test. How to get the right ticket in the exam? The recommendations given in the article will help you cope with this task and get an “A”, even if you have to take a subject you don’t like.

How to get the right ticket in the exam: method No. 1

Not all students study diligently throughout the semester. However, absolutely everyone has to take the exam. How to get the right ticket in the exam if you don’t have enough time to learn everything? There are several options for solving this problem.

It is great if the student has the opportunity to find out in advance how the teacher lays out the exam papers. Often teachers do this in order (first, second, third, and so on). In this case, finding “yours” is very easy.

Method No. 2

How to get the right ticket in the exam if you didn’t manage to study all the material? Method No. 2 can be recommended to students who are not embarrassed by the prospect of being one of the last to pass. It is also necessary to have good relationships with other classmates, as their help will be required.

What exactly is the second method? Each student who has already passed the exam tells the student his ticket number when leaving the classroom. Gradually, the number of remaining options is reduced to a minimum, which allows you to stock up on the necessary cheat sheets in a timely manner or refresh your memory of the material.

How to get the required ticket in the exam using the second method? It should be borne in mind that it does not work in every case. If all the tickets drawn earlier are returned to the general stack, you will have to use another method.

Method No. 3

Visualization is a method that many students believe in. A few days before the exam, you should begin to imagine a successful scenario. In his imagination, the student should conjure up a picture of how he draws exactly the ticket that he managed to learn best.

How to increase the chances of a successful outcome and make visualization more effective? To do this, you need to say out loud the number of the desired ticket and the questions it contains. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone. Skeptics who do not believe in the power of visualization should prefer other methods.

Method No. 4

How to get the right ticket in the exam? The tips above may not help everyone. Therefore, we cannot ignore the fourth way to get what you want, even if it is the most difficult.

Some teachers prefer to have several students taking an exam into the classroom at once. In this case, you should take advantage of the fact that the teacher is not able to keep track of everyone. If he is distracted for even a minute, students will have the opportunity to see the numbers of the tickets prepared for them. With proper luck, the student will be able to “choose” the appropriate one from them.

Perhaps this method is not only the most difficult, but also dangerous. The teacher can notice the student's manipulations.

Secrets of Numerology

How to get the right ticket in a history exam (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)? Numerology can come to the aid of a student who has not prepared properly for the session.

Not everyone knows that even numbers carry negative energy. Susceptible people are strongly advised not to take a ticket that is second (fourth, sixth, eighth, etc.) in a row. This can lead to the student forgetting even the information that he managed to learn during the preparation process.

Odd numbers, on the contrary, are considered lucky in numerology. The numbers 3 and 7 are considered especially favorable; they bring people good luck. Many students prefer the 13th ticket.


How to get the right ticket in a university exam? Many students believe in the power of omens. One of them says that before testing your knowledge you should smear your hands with something sticky. For example, you can use jam or honey. In this case, the student will certainly draw the exact ticket that he managed to memorize.

Another sign states that you will be able to pass the test with honor if you hold on to the excellent student before entering the examination class. It's best to choose someone who just received a good grade.

There is a way to make the examiner let his guard down. To do this, you need to put the right shoe on the left foot, and vice versa.


Many students prefer to rely on talismans to attract good luck in exams. For example, you can take a nickel and put it in your left shoe. The sign states that metal stimulates certain points on the foot, and this has a positive effect on intuition.

A talisman representing a figurine of a snake or an owl can also help a student pass the exam successfully. From time immemorial they have been considered symbols of intelligence and wisdom.

Finally, you can take a thread and tie it on your left hand with nine knots. If you believe it, this ensures the concentration of positive energy. If there is no thread, you can replace it with a shoelace.


How to get the right ticket in the exam? Conspiracies should also not be discounted. The night before the exam, you should put it in your hand with the record book through the window. When waving your record book, you need to repeat several times: “Today I’m waving it, and tomorrow I’m handing it in.”

The following plot must be remembered immediately before the time comes to draw the ticket. You need to say to yourself: “Never mind that I know - come to me!” It is believed that this will help draw out exactly the ticket that will not cause difficulties for the student.

Self confidence

Not every student believes in the power of conspiracies. However, even skeptics can increase their chances if they trust their own intuition. Knowing certain tricks will help you attract an easy task.

You shouldn't think twice before buying a ticket. It is best to focus on the piece of paper that immediately attracted the student’s attention. There is a high probability that the desired number is indicated on it.

There is another trick that is easy to resort to. You need to pull out the ticket with your “favorite” hand. It is also necessary to do this with a feeling of confidence and ease - the right mood attracts good luck.

Friendship with the teacher

How to get the right ticket in an English exam (literature, geography, mathematics, etc.)? There is a method that can hardly be called easy. Many teachers favor students who manage to be among their favorites during the exam. Such people can not only overestimate their favorites, but also offer them the easiest questions.

This method can hardly be called reliable. Even if a student manages to impress his teacher in advance, this does not guarantee any concessions during the exam. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that the teacher may be replaced by another person during the exam for one reason or another.

Everyone was once a student or schoolchild, and everyone was shuddered by the word exam. Some diligently crammed the topics and were always ready to answer any question, while others did not put much effort into their knowledge. But the fact remains that everyone without exception had to take the exams. And now, on the most important day, many people walk around in their heads with the question of how to get the right ticket in the exam. How to learn exactly what the teacher asks? Although the probability of getting hit is very small, you can follow some tips that will help you get away with it.

How to get the right ticket in the exam?

The best option to get a ticket that you know is to be one of the last to return. This method will work if all the tickets that have already been returned do not go into the back pile and when leaving, each of your classmates will tell you the ticket number. By crossing out the solved ones, the number of tickets will be reduced to a minimum, and you can look at the cheat sheet in advance.

You can try to find out on what principle the teacher lays out the tickets during the exam, since some do it in order, others put the difficult tickets further away from them, and the easy ones closer. Every little detail must be taken into account.

  1. It is worth paying attention to signs and advice. If they did not act, they would not pass from generation to generation.
  2. You need to take exactly the ticket that you liked right away, without hesitation or hesitation.
  3. The ticket must be taken with your favorite hand.
  4. You need to go to the exam with a feeling of ease and confidence, because such an attitude always leads to a positive result.

Well, to be honest, no tradition will help you pull out exactly the ticket that you learned, for example, from 40 others. In order to pass well

First, calm down. Your condition is understandable. You have a bunch of exam papers in front of you that you need to know by heart, and you may have just started memorizing them. Or perhaps you know all the material quite well, but are especially confident in knowing one special ticket. But there is no need to panic in this case. And tears will not help your grief. But know that you have a chance to get the right ticket in the exam! But how to do this? Read below.

There is such a way as a deal. If you are a dashing person and will do anything to achieve your success, collude with the person who, more than anyone else, can help you pull out your secret ticket. This is your examiner. Go ahead, contact him by phone, on the Internet, telepathically, whatever you like. Ask him to mark your ticket on topic N with a special sign, or put it in a certain place. If you are confident in your examiner and know that he takes bribes and does not shy away from various kinds rewards - feel free to ask him for the above. But if he is a staunchly honest person, do not follow this method.

The next method that tells you how to get the right ticket in the exam is magic. Cover yourself with books on it and study until the spells fly off your teeth. I do not recommend resorting to the services of professional fortune tellers and magicians - the majority of them are charlatans. You, while conjuring for yourself, will not resort to deception and quackery. Master magical techniques yourself. And may the spirits and other magical utensils be with you! Just don't take something like a magic ball with you to the exam. Examiners do not like such balls and may regard them as an attempt to use some kind of cheat sheet that is not included in the official list of them. Also, do not bring potions or potions. Again, so that you are not simply asked to leave the audience.

Here's another way. Very dangerous! Print out all the tickets yourself and come to the exam with them. First put them in a folder. Don't hide the folder. Put on your best dress suit. Once you enter the classroom, go straight to the examiners' table. And say in a loud voice that you have come from the Minister of Education with new tickets. The main thing is to have a very representative appearance. And maybe a couple of bodyguards behind you. There is a chance that they will believe you. You know which ticket you should take.

A method for those who do not know the material, and whose only lifeline is to pull out the right ticket. Warning: not for the faint of heart. Please note, you need to take the lecture notes, a book on the relevant subject. And sit down to read them. And try to learn at least a little of each ticket. Then there is a possibility that even if you pull out a ticket that you don’t know at all, based on what you read, you will say at least something and will not fail.

This method of how to get the right ticket in an exam is addressed to people who know something about a given subject, but are very eager to get a certain ticket and no more. Of course, you can hope that you will come across exactly the one you desire. And it is quite possible that you will come across it. But it’s still worth learning the rest. Who knows, maybe there will be problems with the magic ball. So learn at least the minimum. And good luck with your exam!

When going for an exam, it is certainly best for everyone to believe in their personal strength and learn everything. But it also happens that a student literally lives the dream of achieving a certain ticket. Ultimately, the chances are not that great, but it’s worth a try.


1. In numerology, joyful people are considered odd numbers, especially 3 and 7. Consequently, pulling ticket, be diligent to consider this. Do not take the 2nd, fourth or any other even number ticket on the edge. Even numbers possess negative energy; for especially susceptible individuals, they can even block information that was previously stored correctly in memory. Rely on your intuition, always take the one ticket, the one I liked the first time.

2. In order to pull out the one you need ticket, you don’t need to want it easily, but to know that you will get it. Imagine that you have already received the necessary question, repeat the phrase to yourself more often: “I have such and such ticket“. If you know his number, then before you pull ticket try to clearly and distinctly imagine the desired number.

3. This method not completely true, but sometimes it works (exclusively if your class or group passes the exam first). It is absolutely acceptable that the examiner will simply put everything in order, without bothering to mix it up ticket ov. Some originals may arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. If you know that you can expect a similar act from a person, try taking a risk. Let's hope success smiles on you!

4. You can trust in luck, and you can use a little trick, but for this you will need the support of your comrades. Those who know the subject well (or have excellent cheat sheets) enter the classroom first. Pulling ticket, your friend should discreetly peep the questions in one of the questions lying on the table ticket ov and somehow mark it (fold the corner). Later, he writes you an SMS, in which he tells you what questions are contained in the curled ticket e. You immediately refresh your memory of the necessary information and bravely go to take the exam. This method is great if you are able to retell each of the exam questions with understanding; it’s quite difficult to learn from scratch something that you don’t understand perfectly.

With poor preparation for exams, you can only believe in the miracle - the probability of getting a lucky ticket. Generations of students have developed tricks and entire rituals to help attract good luck in the exam. However, as practice shows, those who more diligently prepared for the exam often win the lucky ticket. But nevertheless, signs will give even a prepared student additional self-confidence.

You will need

  • - record book
  • – materials for preparing for the exam
  • – pens and paper
  • – tickets with questions for the exam


1. Method 1: The evening before the exam, take your grade book and go out onto the balcony (attic, roof, or, in extreme cases, lean out the window). Open your grade book and shout loudly three times: Freebies come! After that, quickly close the record book and put it under the pillow. Do not open until the exam. Upon entering the classroom where the exam is taking place, open your record book and pull out your ticket.

2. Method 2 Determine which number in the queue you will take the exam. Try to choose odd-numbered places: 1, 3, 5, 7. If you don’t get these places, then go and take them in random order. Once you are in front of the examiner, take a look at the tickets offered to you. Do not take those that are in an even place, counting from the left. If the tickets are arranged in two rows, count from the left to the bottom and choose odd numbers.

3. When you stop in front of the ticket that interests you, pretend to gather your thoughts and imagine the ticket number in your mind (counting the odd ones from the left-bottom). Having done this, pull out the ticket with your left hand. Turn it over and look at the printed number. If all the numbers on it are odd or there are more odd numbers than even numbers, the ticket should bring you good luck. If all the numbers are odd or equal, make every effort to pass the exam successfully.

4. 3rd method Before taking the exam, ask the student in front of you to allegedly accidentally draw 2 tickets. He should take one for himself, and look at the questions on the other, mark and inform you. As soon as you receive an SMS with questions on a marked ticket, or a student leaving the audience tells you them, take the materials to prepare for the exam and quickly see the results.

5. Go to the classroom to take the exam. When viewing tickets, select the one marked. Take it so that you cover the mark with your hand and pull it out. Try to remember what you taught on these issues and prepare the result.

6. Method Four Prepare for the exam in advance. Take a list of questions for it and prepare results for them. Memorize a few questions all day long so that you have a lot of them memorized by the time the exams begin. By the time the session arrives, you must know the results for the bulk of the questions. This will greatly increase the likelihood of drawing a happy ticket independently from its location. Before taking the exam, use the above signs and pull the ticket.

Teachers really don’t like it when students mark and spoil tickets, so mark them or choose a marked ticket carefully.