What part of the sentence is the appeal? Commas during address and interjection. Personal reception of citizens

Address in Russian


The concept of conversion

By appealis a word or combination of words that names the person (or object) to which speech is addressed. The address extends the sentence, but is not a member of it (that is, it does not perform the function of a subject, predicate or secondary member).

The address can take place at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the sentence, for example: Sergey Sergeich, is it you! (Gr.); Don't sing, mower , about the wide steppe!(Ring); Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, little dove! (Kr.).

Depending on the place occupied in the sentence, the appeal is to a greater or lesser extent emphasized by intonation. The so-called vocative intonation (pronouncing an address with increased stress) is fully inherent in an address standing outside the sentence (in front of it), for example: Old man! I have heard many times that you saved me from death(L.). In this position, an address can form a special sentence-address (vocative sentence), if the address forms the entire utterance and if the speaker not only names the person to whom the speech is addressed, but with intonation expresses various shades of thought or feeling - reproach, fear, joy, etc. d. For example: - Faith! Faith! - Raisky said in horror, holding out his hands to stop her.(Gonch.).

The address at the beginning of the sentence is pronounced with weakened vocative intonation, for example: Neighbor , stop being ashamed!(Kr.).

For addresses in the middle of a sentence, a double intonation is possible: either introductory intonation (lowering of the voice, accelerated rate of pronunciation), or exclamatory intonation if the address is highlighted, for example, by adding a particle o to it. For example: a) Why, field , have you become silent and overgrown with the grass of oblivion?(P.); b) But, oh my friends, I don’t want to die! (P.).

We also observe double intonation in addresses at the end of a sentence; Usually such addresses are weakly distinguished in pronunciation, but can have increased stress if they are at the end of an exclamatory or interrogative sentence. For example: a) And you need to change your life, darling (Ch.); b) What are you working on now? Garth? (Paust); Hello, people of peaceful labor, noble workers! (Pan.).

The role of addresses most often are proper names, names of persons by kinship, social status, profession, less often this function is performed by the names of animals or the names of inanimate objects.

An address may have the purpose not only of attracting the attention of the interlocutor, but also of expressing the attitude of the speaker towards him. For example: Stepanushka, dear Don't give it away, darling! (Kr.); It’s my leisure to sort out your faults, puppy (Kr.).

Typically, addresses are used in oral dialogical speech, as well as in the language of fiction when conveying direct speech. In addition, appeals are widely used in oratory and business speech.


Ways of expressing appeal

The natural form of expression of address is a noun in the nominative case, which performs a nominative function. In the Old Russian language, the form of the vocative case was used for this purpose, which in modern language is sometimes used for stylistic purposes, for example: What do you need older? (P.). Very rarely, words not in the nominative case act as addresses if they name the attribute of the person to whom the speech is addressed, for example: Hey, in a white scarf , where can I find the chairman of the cooperative? Such constructions arise as a result of missing the address you (cf.: Hey, you, in a white headscarf...).

Appeal can be expressed by other parts of speech if they act as a noun. This includes adjectives and participles, and much less often - numerals and pronouns. For example: Good, beloved, dear, we live far from each other(Pinch.); ...Take advantage of life living (Beetle); - Great, sixth ! - the thick, calm voice of the colonel was heard(Kupr.); Well, you , move, otherwise I’ll hit you with the butt!(N. Ostr.).

Personal pronouns of the 2nd person are more often part of a special phrase, acting as an address and containing a qualitative assessment of a person; The pronouns you and you are in this turn between the defined word and the definition. For example: Why are you looking like such a duchess?you are my beauty? (A. Ostr.).

In order to enhance emotional expressiveness, the address word is repeated, for example: O field, field! Who littered you with dead bones?(P.). Sometimes a particle is inserted between repeated addresses, for example: - Master, oh master! - Kasyan suddenly said in his sonorous voice(T.). This intense appeal expresses a persistent desire to obtain an answer.

Although addresses are not members of a sentence, they are characterized by grammatical homogeneity, which is expressed in the possibility of a coordinating connection (conjunctive or non-conjunctive) between them, as syntactic elements that perform the same function in a sentence. Homogeneous calls are made in two cases:

1) if adjacent addresses are names of the same person or thing, for example: Father, father, benefactor! Give it a try! (T.);

2) if the addresses are the names of different persons or objects, for example: Hello, sun and cheerful morning! (Nick.).

Homogeneous appeals should not be confused with a combination of appeal and a separate application with it. So, in the sentence I greet you,desert corner, a haven of peace, work and inspiration(P.) vocative intonation is inherent only in words desert corner; the same combination a haven of peace, work and inspiration pronounced with the intonation of isolation and acts as a separate application. If in the above sentence we pronounce with intonation the isolation and words desert corner, then they will also have to be considered as a separate application to the word you, and there will be no appeal at all in this sentence. Wed. similar double meaning in the sentence I love you, Peter's creation! (P.).


The concept of conversion

A word or combination of words that names the addressee of speech, is an appeal. Most often, proper names act as addresses; less often - the names of animals or the names of inanimate objects.

The address can stand outside the sentence or be part of it, located anywhere - at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle, at the end. Even when included in a sentence, the appeal does not become a member of it, i.e. has no coordinating or subordinating connection with other words and retains the isolation of its position and grammatical independence. For example: - Children, go to your rooms! - Anna Afanasyevna (Kupr.) shouted from the dining room; I don’t feel good, Christya, I don’t know what to do! (M.G.); Give me your paw, Jim, for luck (Es.); My land! Beloved Rus' and Mordva! Through the parable of darkness, you are alive as before (Es.).

The appeal is accompanied by special vocative intonation. She especially clearly highlights the appeal that stands outside the sentence: Father! Father! Leave the threats, don’t scold your Tamara (L.).

Such appeals are easy turn into special independent sentences - vocative.For example: - Grandma! - Olesya (Kupr.) said reproachfully, with emphasis. The handling here is complicated functionally; it not only names a person, but conveys various shades of meaning accompanying this name: reproach, fear, joy, reproachful-condescending attitude, etc., i.e. conveys subjective modality. Sentences-addresses are especially rich in intonation shades.

    Vocative intonation of address, standing at the beginning proposals, somewhat weakened Brown wind, how happy you are! (Pinch.).

    An appeal worth inside sentences, may have an introductory intonation (accelerated rate of pronunciation, lowering the voice) or an exclamatory intonation (in this case, the addition of the particle o conveys special poetry and pathos), for example: Break, break, night wave, and water the shore with foam... (L.); Let me be covered with cold earth, oh friend! always, everywhere my soul is with you (L.).

    Appeal located at the end sentences may be weakly emphasized intonationally if it does not have special semantic or expressive functions, for example: - What is your name, beauty? - asked the student (Kupr.) affectionately. However, the general exclamatory intonation of a sentence can help to emphasize the appeal: Hello, people of peaceful labor, noble workers! (Pan.)

Treatment, except main function is to attract the attention of the interlocutor, may have more evaluation function, when the named person (or thing) is characterized from one side or another, such appeals are often expressed in expressive words- But, mom, you are my darling! You are approaching your seventh decade (Pan.); - Shut up, worm! - Slavyanov (Kupr) threw at him with a tragic gesture. Such appeals rich in intonation nuances of pronunciation:Wait, honey! You'll sing! (Cupr.); Why were you shy, stupid head? (Cupr.); Oh, my dear, life is so beautiful (Cupr.); Hanging around here, Labardans! (Cupr.).

Ways of expressing appeals

To express addresses in the Old Russian language, there was a special form of the vocative case. Remnants of it can be found in the literature of the 19th century, for example: What do you want, old man? (P.). Such forms partially preserved in modern Russian as interjections and interjection expressions:Lord, God, my God, my dear fathers and some others.

In modern Russian language of address expressed by the nominative case form of a noun or a substantivized part of speech. For example: What, lad, got into your head? (Cupr.); We, comrades, are great patriots of the plant (Pan.); You, Nastasya Ilyinichna, are lucky in life (Pan.); - Great, sixth! - the thick, calm voice of the colonel (Kupr.) was heard; Take advantage of life, living one (Beetle).

IN colloquial speech special forms of nouns are common to express addresses - truncated, For example: Tanya, Tanya... (M. G.); Mom, what about you? (Fed.). Typical for colloquial speech method of repeating invocations of particle a(strong call for attention): Grandma? And grandma? Are you alive? (Paust.); “Ivan, and Ivan,” Listar pestered him... (M.-Sib.).

IN folklore works There are special types of requests that represent tautological repetitions: path-path, friends-comrades, sadness-longing.

For works of art- especially poetic and oratorical - are characteristic common appeals. Usually these are nouns equipped with agreed and inconsistent definitions, applications and even subordinate modifiers. These appeals characterize an object or person and convey an attitude towards it. For example: “Dear Nadya, my dear girl,” says my mother, “would you like anything?” (Kupr.): Farewell, dear forest, forgive, golden spring (Es.); Young mare, honor of the Caucasian brand, why are you rushing, daring? (P.); Black, then smelly howl! How can I not caress you, not love you? (Ec.); The stars are clear, the stars are high! What do you keep inside yourself, what do you hide? Stars, concealing deep thoughts, with what power do you captivate the soul? (Ec.); Come, chained to the canvas by the power of my power, look from it at these tailcoats... (Garsh.).

Appeal is often expressed pronoun with particle o. This appeal is usually accompanied by attributive clauses, for example:O you, whose letters are many, many in my briefcase on the bank! Sometimes I look at them sternly, but I can’t throw them in the stove (K).

Common requests can be quite extensive, their characteristic quality becomes in this case content of the proposal:You, gray from the ashes of burned villages, hanging the shadow of your wings over life, you, who waited for us to crawl on our knees, are not horror, but you awakened rage in us (Tvard.); A soldier’s son, who grew up without a father and matured noticeably before his time, you, in the memory of a hero and father, are not separated from the joys of earthly (Tvard).

Common calls can be dismembered. This is characteristic of colloquial speech or speech reproducing colloquial speech: Stronger, horse, hit, hoof, chasing a step (Bagr.); Why, smart one, are you delirious, head? (Kr.).

Appeals can be arranged in a homogeneous row, For example: Sing, people, cities and rivers, sing, mountains, steppes and seas (Marmot); Hear me, dear one, hear me, beautiful one, my evening dawn, unquenchable love! (Isak.).

Homogeneous calls may formally coincide with the combination of address and application with it, for example: To you, Caucasus, stern king of the earth, I again dedicate a careless verse... (L.). The word used here is Caucasus, it is distributed by the application stern king of the earth.

In colloquial speech they can be used as addresses uncontrolled prepositional case forms. Such forms are contextually or situationally determined. They name the addressee of speech according to a single, situationally identified sign. For example: With higher education, step forward! (Kar.); Hey, on a boat! Release the left side (B. Pol.); Hey, there, in the boats, don't get under the wheels! (B. Pol.).

The scope of appeals is very wide. They are a characteristic feature of colloquial speech, especially dialogical. Main function such requests - name of the addressee of the speech. In poetic and oratorical speech, special appeals are performed. stylistic functions: are carriers of expressive-evaluative meanings; as a rule, they are metaphorical: You are my abandoned land, you are my land, wasteland, uncut hayfield, forest and monastery (Es.); Shine, last needle, in the snow! Arise, fire-breathing darkness! Whip up your snowy ashes! (Bl.); Retreat like the tide, all the daytime, empty excitement, loneliness, stand, like a moon, over my hour! (Bruce.); The wandering spirit! You stir up the flame of your lips less and less often. Oh, my lost freshness, the riot of my eyes and the flood of my feelings! (Ec.); Sorry, dear shelter. What I served you with, and with that I am satisfied (Es.); O wisdom of the most generous Indian summer, I receive you with joy (Berg.); “Forgive me, goodbye, my dryness!” - he said with the words of the song (Shol.).

Address is a word or combination of words that names the one to whom or what is addressed in speech. Most often it acts as a noun in the nominative case. It is very important to distinguish it from the subject, as this will help you punctuate the address sentence correctly. 5th grade faces with punctuation problems. It can be not only a noun, but also any other part of speech in its meaning, for example, an adjective, adverb, etc. After reading the article, a 5th grade student can easily cope with this topic by composing sentences independently.


How not to confuse the address with the subject

One of the most common problems that entails a punctuation problem is confusion with the definition of sentence members.

Compare two sentences from works of Russian literature:

Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing... (Lermontov, “Borodino”).

My uncle has the most honest rules... (Pushkin, “Eugene Onegin”).

In the first case the word“uncle” is separated by commas. In the second case, “uncle” is the subject and is not separated by commas.

If you are not sure whether to separate a noun or another part of speech in the meaning of a noun, follow these steps:

1. Find the subject and predicate. Highlight them with characteristic symbols(one straight line and two straight lines). For example:

My daughter washed the dishes.

Here the subject is daughter. Predicate - washed. By underlining two terms, you will clearly see that the subject is not an address. Let's try to make a proposal:

Daughter, wash the dishes!

In this case, the word “daughter” is separated by a comma. Imagine that a mother asked her daughter to wash the dishes and called her.

Remember: an appeal is not a part of a sentence! There are no exceptions. This word or part of a word is not included in the grammatical basis and is never the subject.

2. Say the sentence to yourself, trying to catch the intonation. The address does not sound like an ordinary subject. In the same example we looked at earlier, you can notice differences in intonation. For example:

Mom washed the dishes.

This example is pronounced without highlighting commas in a voice, i.e. in one breath, without stopping or breathing.

In the example:

Mom, will you wash the dishes?

You can clearly hear that the word “daughter” stands out intonationally. To distinguish the subject from the address, say the necessary example to yourself several times.

3. One detail to remember is the change in predicate. If the subject is expressed by a noun, then the predicate is in the third person:

My daughter washes the dishes.

If the noun- this is an appeal, then the sentence itself turns into a one-part one with a verb already in the second person:

Daughter, will you wash the dishes?

To avoid confusion, you can use the following tips:

  • Often this is the name, animal name or designation. For example:

Ira, will you go out for a walk today?

Mom, I did my homework.

2. Geographical names are very often found in the works of great poets. When we refer to nature, mountains, rivers and other geographical objects, it is necessary to separate the word with commas:

I love you, my beloved city.

3. Set expressions with the words “Lord” and “God” are not isolated:

God forbid!

Lord have mercy.


The appeal can appear in any part of the sentence. At the same time, it is important to remember that it will be isolated in any case, no matter where it stands.

  • At the beginning of the sentence:

Madam, the water in the Seine is very cold at this time (Paustovsky, “Precious Dust”).

2. The address in the middle is isolated on both sides.

Come on my friend, smile.

Well, Alina, how are you doing?

3. At the end the request is separated by a comma, and the sign at the end of the sentence is determined by intonation:

Keep me, my talisman (Pushkin).

Are you here, mom?

I love you, my country!

Nuances in the placement of punctuation marks

  • Please note that a word or phrase may appear at the beginning of a sentence and be pronounced with an exclamatory intonation. In this case, the comma must be replaced with an exclamation point. Let's take sentences with appeal from fiction:

Old man! Forget about the past... (Lermontov).

Poet! do not value people’s love (Pushkin).

2. Sometimes the word at the beginning may be preceded by the particle o, which is also not a member of the sentence. The particle o is not separated by a comma:

O Sand, your age has died on the chopping block (Pushkin).

An interjection can easily be confused with a particle. The interjection about appears in the meaning of “ah”. According to the rules of the Russian language, the interjection is isolated:

Oh mom, did I do something wrong?

3. The following transformations occur when particles yes and a appear:

Oh, Lisa, it’s you! Come in.

The state exists to provide people with normal living conditions. Therefore, government authorities pay special attention to citizens’ appeals. Their types are diverse. They are divided by topic and form. To achieve a positive reaction from a government agency, you need to know how best to contact it: write or call, come to an appointment or organize a collective complaint.

The response to each document is carried out in accordance with the law. Contrary to popular belief, specialists cannot put under glass, throw away or destroy any paper. The prosecutor's office controls how government organizations consider citizens' appeals. The types of these documents are enshrined in the Constitution. Therefore, improper consideration is considered a violation of the law.

What are citizen appeals?

The types of documents received by government agencies are varied. You and I are interested in those whose authors are ordinary people. They come to power not only with complaints and problems; citizens often strive to convey to their superiors their proposals for optimizing work and improving the quality of life of people. If you set up the work correctly, you can get a wealth of useful information. But for this it is necessary to clearly understand the concept and types of citizens’ appeals.

People go to government agencies with various questions. Not all of them fall into the category of appeals. In addition, the organization has the right to consider only those issues that are within its competence. This work is regulated by Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006. The document describes which issues are considered official requests and which should be dealt with in the usual way. The latter, by the way, are not many at all.

It’s just that citizens can communicate with each other. They go to government agencies for a serious reason. Most often, people write complaints about unsatisfactory performance of duties, from their point of view. For example, the topic of appeals is non-payment of due money, poor service at the institution, refusal to issue any document.

Specialists are required to deal with each issue specifically and to the point, and within the time limits established by law. Appeals from citizens, their types, and the procedure for consideration are prescribed in the already mentioned law. Knowledge of its content is mandatory for any civil servant. Almost everyone has to deal with requests. And incorrect work with them leads to sad consequences.

What types of citizens' appeals are described in the legislation

Work with people in all countries is considered the most difficult of those carried out by the state. It places a special responsibility on specialists. Therefore, civil servants separately study the concept and types of citizens’ appeals. They need to clearly understand how to react to a particular paper, call, or email.

The following types of citizen appeals are distinguished by content:

  • offer;
  • statement;
  • complaint;
  • petition.

People can enter into dialogue with authorities both individually and collectively. Therefore, another concept was introduced by law - types of appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation that have several authors. These documents have a different procedure for consideration. These include:

  • collective appeals;
  • petitions.

These documents, as a rule, are drawn up at a meeting of people, a meeting, in a work collective and are of a public nature. A petition, for example, is an appeal to the power structure with a proposal to carry out certain reforms or make changes to regional legislation. We will further analyze separately the listed appeals from citizens, the concept, types, and procedure for consideration. But before that, you should find out who works with them. This needs to be understood by both citizens and employees of institutions.

Who is required to consider applications?

If an organization receives a flow of complaints, suggestions and other papers from the population, it makes sense to create a special structure to work with them. It operates on the basis of a special document, the Regulations. It spells out what citizen appeals are, the concept, types, and procedure for consideration based on the current legislation.

It is unacceptable to engage in amateur activities in this matter. Each appeal must go through all stages of paperwork within the established time frame. It is necessary to understand that the issue is strictly controlled. Specialists need to monitor the dates so as not to violate anything. Citizens are encouraged to do the same. If they are not given a response on time, you can complain about breaking the law.

If the institution receives few letters and calls from people, then one person is assigned to work with them. His job description also describes that he is obliged to consider citizens’ appeals, types, and specifics of conducting a case. In large organizations, a department (specialist) only controls the passage of relevant papers. Responses to appeals are made by specialists whose responsibilities include resolving the issues raised in the appeals. For example, many departments and administrations are created in local governments. People can contact the structural unit directly or write to the manager. In any case, the response is prepared by an employee of the department (department) whose jurisdiction the topic of the application falls under.

How to write a request

Let's move on to more practical issues. Not every paper will be accepted as an appeal. The Constitution guarantees citizens the right to make a statement to any authority. But it must be formatted accordingly. No one is obliged to respond to an anonymous letter. Therefore, any type of citizen appeal: proposal, application, complaint - must be written in accordance with legally established standards.

The paper must contain:

  • The name of the institution or organization where the document is sent. It is advisable to indicate the address, full name or position of the person to whom the person is addressing.
  • Your details. They consist of the full name and address for receiving a response. It is advisable to add a phone number in order to organize more efficient communication.
  • Notification, if necessary, of redirection of the response.
  • The essence of the appeal. It should be carefully thought out, made concise and meaningful, without excessive emotionality.
  • The paper is signed by the originator personally. In addition, the date of referral must be indicated.

All specified points are mandatory. The citizen who draws up the document must be careful not to miss anything. In case of an error, his letter will not be considered by officials and will be classified as anonymous. It should be noted that the legislation, when examining the main types of citizens’ requests, does not insist that people indicate a telephone number. Only the address of his residence is required. However, practice shows that the presence of additional information improves the quality of work with the document.

How else can you interact with government agencies?

In addition to written statements, other types (forms) of citizens’ appeals are also established by law. This includes emails. They are also compiled according to certain rules. It is also necessary to indicate the addressee, that is, the name of the institution, the position of the person to whom you are addressing or his full name. This document must be signed with your real first and last name. Next, you should indicate the email address to which the response will be sent.

Nowadays, almost all institutions have their own websites. If you want to write to the appropriate structure, you need to find a special form on this Internet resource and fill it out. All required fields are already there. In addition, in some cases, you can attach the necessary documents electronically to the letter.

This is how, for example, the website of the President of the Russian Federation works. Any citizen can not only send him a letter, but also track his progress through services in a special account (virtual). When considering the types of citizens' appeals to government bodies, one cannot ignore personal reception. This is a special form of interaction between the population and the authorities.

A citizen has the right to oral appeal. It is formulated during a personal reception conducted by the head of the relevant organization. In this case, the response can be either oral or written. If additional checks and studies are not required, then the situation is explained to the person right there on the spot. When the essence of the question needs to be studied in detail, he is asked for details for sending a response by mail.

Let's understand the essence of the document

It should be understood that the types of written requests from citizens are different. When you write a document, you need to draft it appropriately so that experts understand what is required of them. Thus, the complaint notes facts of human rights violations. It is necessary to clearly indicate which provisions of the legislation have not been implemented and by whom. It is advisable to compose the document as concisely as possible, concentrating on the facts and omitting unimportant details.

In addition, the complaints contain criticism and suggestions. However, it is recommended to refrain from emotional assessment of the work of employees of institutions; you should not insist on their dismissal. Believe me, any appeal is considered in the utmost detail. The head of the organization will deal with the punishment himself. The citizen’s job is to list the facts and ask for restoration of his rights.

An offer is another form of appeal. It contains a person’s thoughts on improving the activities of government agencies, possibly adding to the current legislation. Sometimes people propose specific measures to improve certain areas of interaction between government and society. It is advisable in this document not only to criticize, but also to initiate specific ways to solve the problem.

The statement usually indicates the problem. This may be insufficient work of government agencies, violation of human rights. Unlike a proposal, it does not contain a solution to the problem.

When they list the types of citizens' appeals to local government bodies, they do not always include a petition. It was introduced only in recent years. In it, the citizen asks for recognition of his rights or benefits. The application must be accompanied by documents that provide the legal basis for it.

How to contact the municipality

It should be said right away that the types of citizens’ appeals to local government bodies are exactly the same as described above. They are subject to federal and regional legislation. That is, a citizen can safely write complaints, suggestions or petitions and send them to the municipality. True, there are some features of this type of communication with the authorities.

It is necessary to find out what the procedure for processing appeals is. It is formed separately in different organs. In order for the application to be considered faster and at a more serious level, it must be written to the manager. As a rule, such papers are treated very carefully. Do not forget that the types of citizens' appeals to local governments are the same as to federal institutions. That is, sometimes it is better to go to a personal meeting with the manager, having already written a statement with you. Agree, it’s easier to get to a municipal official than to get to the president. You need to use your rights to get things moving. If the manager is unwilling to accept you, there are special bodies whose responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of citizens’ rights. Don’t forget, these include the prosecutor’s office.

Special cases

It is necessary to understand that there are nuances in communication between government structures and the population. This is reflected in the legislation. It describes the features of consideration of certain types of citizens' appeals. These include, for example, repeated statements. Their consideration should be taken more carefully by both sides. A citizen should know that his repeated appeal on the same issue will remain unanswered. This is the reaction that is legally enshrined.

If the answer is not satisfactory, it is recommended to indicate in your repeated appeal what exactly you are not satisfied with and ask for clarification. In addition, the legislator regulates other features, taking into account all types of citizens’ requests. If an application has been received from a large group (more than thirty people), it must be considered on site. Anonymous messages are allowed to be left unanswered. Electronic appeals also have their own characteristics. If the applicant requests, the answer may be sent to him by mail. This is also done when a person does not indicate his email address.

About deadlines and responsibilities

For the employee considering the appeal, these are the most important questions. Here the legislation is entirely on the side of the citizen. The deadlines for consideration are described very clearly and strictly. The response must be sent to the applicant within thirty days from the date of registration.

This norm can be violated only in one case, when additional, reasonable time is required for consideration. The head of the institution decides this issue. And the applicant is sent an interim response to keep him up to date. The period is counted from the moment of registration of the application. It is also regulated by law.

If the request is urgent, it must be immediately entered into the log and taken to the manager. The rest are registered throughout the day. Each appeal must have a management resolution. As a rule, this is a task for employees to prepare an answer. The office management service records all stages of the document in a special journal. That is, everything is recorded: who is assigned to respond, where the request is located. At any moment, the responsible person is obliged to report who currently has the paper under consideration.

There are complex statements that are sent to various specialists to prepare a response. Then one person from the group is appointed responsible for it. That is why it is necessary to clearly know what the concept and types of citizen appeals are. Administrative law implies strict liability for violation of the law in this part.

Personal reception of citizens

Do not assume that oral communications are not monitored as strictly as written ones. The law prescribes the procedure for their registration. It is as strict and accurate as when accepting documents on physical or electronic media. All requests are recorded in a journal or in a special card. If the issue was resolved immediately during the conversation, then the decision is briefly recorded in the same document.

If the appeal cannot be considered quickly, it should be submitted in writing. The applicant is asked to draw up a document. He is treated as usual. All stages of the paper process are controlled by the office management service.

Citizens going to see their bosses should remember that they will have to confirm their identity. This is written in the law, and it is difficult to circumvent this clause. Take your passport with you to avoid problems.

In addition, it is necessary to formulate the essence of the appeal in advance. The specialist will definitely ask you what you came with. It is not necessary to convey the whole problem to him, but he will have to name the type of appeal: complaint, proposal, petition or statement. And a clear formulation of the meaning of why you need a meeting with your manager will allow you to determine this. In addition, understanding the essence of the problem will help convey it clearly and specifically. And this, in turn, will help specialists give a reasoned and specific answer.

What to do if they don’t respond to your appeal?

As a rule, government agencies consider citizen applications quite quickly. It’s rare that something remains unanswered, even formally. But such cases also occur in practice. A citizen should be aware of his rights and constitutional duties of services. If they don’t want to work, go to the manager the first time and complain. This is a normal reaction to the dishonesty of government services. If they don’t want to talk to you, go to the prosecutor’s office. The responsibilities of this body include oversight of the implementation of legislation regarding the consideration of citizens' appeals. Write a statement and wait for a response.

Nowadays the work with appeals is at a high level. You can write a letter to almost any institution, even the highest ones, over the Internet. Use this wonderful right without hesitation. But, if you decide to complain, be prepared with documentary evidence of violation of the law. For example, when you contact the municipality, ask that they put an entry number on your copy of the document. With this paper, it is easier to find the truth in the prosecutor's office or from a superior.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your request, do not write the same message again. You need to take a creative approach to communicating with authorities. Ask them for more details, explanations, etc. If you duplicate the complaint, there will be no response. The legislation allows you to ignore repeated appeals from the same citizen if the topic has not changed.


We briefly reviewed the types of citizens' appeals. Believe me, this is a very voluminous and nuanced question. Each specific case is individual. It is impossible to describe in general all the problems that arise. It’s no secret that sometimes we demand from the authorities answers to questions that cannot be resolved. Any nuance must be analyzed in detail. And it is advisable to do this not in confrontation, but in cooperation with government officials. The laws, in any case, are written in this spirit. But people, what can you do, make their own adjustments to their execution.

appeal . Most often, proper names act as addresses; less often - the names of animals or the names of inanimate objects.

The address can stand outside the sentence or be part of it, located anywhere - at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle, at the end. Even when included in a sentence, the appeal does not become a member of it, i.e. has no coordinating or subordinating connection with other words and retains the isolation of its position and grammatical independence. For example: - Children, go to your rooms! - Anna Afanasyevna shouted from the dining room(Cupr.); I don’t feel good, Christya, I don’t know what to do!(M.G.); Give me Jim, luckily give me a paw(Ec.); My edge! Beloved Rus' and Mordva! In a parable of darkness you are alive as before(Es.).

The address is accompanied by a special vocative intonation. She especially clearly highlights the appeal that stands outside the sentence: Father ! Father ! Leave the threats, don’t scold your Tamara(L.).

Such appeals easily turn into special independent sentences - vocative. For example: - Grandmother ! - Olesya said reproachfully, with emphasis(Cupr.). The handling here is complicated functionally; it not only names a person, but conveys various shades of meaning accompanying this name: reproach, fear, joy, reproachful-condescending attitude, etc., i.e. conveys subjective modality. For example: - “Liza,” said Lavretsky, “Liza,” he repeated and bowed at her feet...(T); Anya, Anya!(Ch.). Sentences-addresses are especially rich in intonation shades.

The vocative intonation of the address at the beginning of the sentence is somewhat weakened Brown wind, how happy you are!(Pinch.). An address inside a sentence may have an introductory intonation (fast pace of pronunciation, lowering the voice) or an exclamatory intonation (in this case, the addition of the particle o conveys special poetry and pathos), for example: Break, break, night wave, and water the shore with foam...(L.); Let me be covered with cold earth, oh friend! always, everywhere my soul is with you(L.).

An address at the end of a sentence can be weakly emphasized intonationally if it does not have special semantic or expressive functions, for example: - What's your name, beauty? - the student asked affectionately(Cupr.). However, the general exclamatory intonation of a sentence can help emphasize the appeal: Hello to you, people of peaceful labor, noble workers! (Pan.)

An address, in addition to its main function - to attract the attention of the interlocutor, can also have an evaluative function, when the named person (or object) is characterized from one side or another; such addresses are often expressed in expressive words - But mom you are mine, my dear! You're approaching your seventh decade(Pan.); - Shut up, worm! - Slavyanov threw at him with a tragic gesture(Cupr). Such addresses are rich in intonation shades of pronunciation: Wait, honey! You'll sing!(Cupr.); Why were you timid, stupid head?(Cupr.); Oh, my darling, life is so beautiful(Cupr.); Hanging around here, Labardans!(Cupr.).

Ways of expressing appeals

To express addresses in the Old Russian language, there was a special form of the vocative case. Remnants of it can be found in the literature of the 19th century, for example: What do you want, old man?(P.). Such forms have been partially preserved in modern Russian as interjections and interjection expressions: Lord, God, my God, my dear fathers and some others.

In modern Russian, addresses are expressed by the nominative case form of a noun or a substantivized part of speech. For example: What, lad, did you get it?(Cupr.); We, comrades, great patriots of the plant(Pan.); To you, Nastasya Ilyinichna lucky in life(Pan.); - Hello, sixth! - the thick, calm voice of the colonel was heard(Cupr.); Take advantage of life, living one(Bug.).

In colloquial speech, special forms of nouns are common to express addresses - truncated, for example: Tanya, Tanya...(M.G.); Mom, what about you?(Fed.). Colloquial speech is characterized by the technique of repeating references to the particle a (intensified call for attention): Grandma? And grandma? Are you alive?(Paust.); - Ivan, and Ivan, - Listar pestered him...(M.-Sib.).

In folklore works there are special types of addresses that are tautological repetitions: path-path, friends-comrades, sadness-longing.

Works of art - especially poetic and oratorical - are characterized by common appeals. Usually these are nouns equipped with agreed and inconsistent definitions, applications and even subordinate modifiers. These appeals characterize an object or person and convey an attitude towards it. For example: - Dear Nadya, my dear girl“- says mom, “would you like anything?”(Cupr.): Farewell, dear forest, farewell, golden spring(Ec.); Young mare, honor of the Caucasian brand Why are you rushing, daring?(P.); Black, then smelling howl! How can I not caress you, not love you?(Ec.); The stars are clear, the stars are high! What do you keep inside yourself, what do you hide? Stars hiding deep thoughts, by what power do you captivate the soul?(Ec.); Come, chained to the canvas by the force of my power, look at those tailcoats from him...(Garsh.).

Addresses are often expressed by a pronoun with the particle o. This address is usually accompanied by attributive clauses, for example: O you, whose letters are many, many in my briefcase on the bank! Sometimes I look at them sternly, but I can’t throw them in the oven(TO).

Common addresses can be quite lengthy; their characteristic quality then becomes the content of the sentence: You, gray from the ashes of burned villages, hanging the shadow of your wings over life, you, waiting for us to crawl on our knees, not horror, but you awakened rage in us(Tward.); A soldier's son who grew up without a father and matured noticeably before his time, you are not separated from earthly joys by the memory of a hero and father(Tward).

Common calls can be dissected. This is characteristic of colloquial speech or speech reproducing colloquial speech: Stronger, horse, hit, hoof, minting a step(Bagr.); Oh, smart one, are you delirious, head?(Kr.).

Appeals can be arranged in a homogeneous row, for example: Sing, people, cities and rivers, sing, mountains, steppes and seas(Marmot.); Hear me, darling, hear me, beautiful, my evening dawn, unquenchable love! (Isak.).

Homogeneous calls can formally coincide with the combination of a call and its application, for example: You, Caucasus, the harsh king of the earth, I again dedicate a careless verse...(L.). The address here is the word Caucasus, it is distributed by the application harsh king of the earth.

In colloquial speech, uncontrolled prepositional case forms can be used as addresses. Such forms are contextually or situationally determined. They name the addressee of speech according to a single, situationally identified sign. For example: With higher education, step forward!(Kar.); Hey, on a boat! Release the left side(B. Pol.); Hey, there, in the boats, don't get under the wheels!(B. Pol.).

The scope of appeals is very wide. They are a characteristic feature of colloquial speech, especially dialogical. The main function of such addresses is the name of the addressee of the speech. In poetic and oratorical speech, addresses perform special stylistic functions: they are carriers of expressive and evaluative meanings; as a rule, they are metaphorical: You are my abandoned land, you are my land, wasteland, unmown hayfield, forest and monastery(Ec.); Shine, last needle, in the snow! Stand up fire-breathing haze! Whip up your snowy ashes!(Bl.); Retreat like the tide all daytime, empty excitement, loneliness, become like a month over my hour!(Bruce.); The wandering spirit! You stir up the flame of your lips less and less often. Oh, my lost freshness, riot of eyes and flood of feelings! (Ec.); Sorry, dear shelter. What I served you with, and with that I am satisfied(Ec.); O wisdom of the most generous Indian summer, I accept you with joy(Berg.); “Forgive me, goodbye, my dryness!” - he said in the words of the song(Shol.).