When is the next total solar eclipse? Dates of solar eclipses. The next solar eclipse. Why solar eclipses happen so rarely

Solar and lunar eclipses have long been considered powerful magical days that bring radical changes to the lives of all people on the planet. Eclipse days are often marked in historical chronicles by events that changed the course of history. 2019 will begin with a Solar Eclipse on January 6th, which will change the lives of many people. What you need to know about the January eclipse and how to protect yourself from it?

We are expecting a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn and a Lunar Eclipse in Leo. A new phase of our life begins, and new programs are launched. Therefore, it is very important to find out what these Eclipses will bring us and what topics will arise in our lives.

When will the Eclipses occur in January 2019?

  • Solar Eclipse - January 6, 2019 at 04:26 Moscow time in the sign of Capricorn
  • Lunar Eclipse - January 21, 2019 at 08:12 Moscow time in the sign Leo

Right on Christmas Day there will be a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, which will have a rather serious impact on our lives. This Eclipse can be observed in the regions of northeast Asia: in the far east of Russia, Japan, China, Korea. The Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019 will be visible in Europe, North and South America, and Africa.

Solar Eclipse January 6, 2019

The partial Solar Eclipse will begin on January 6, 2019 at 02:34 Moscow time, the maximum phase will be on January 6, 2019 at 04:26 Moscow time, and it will end on January 6 at 06:48 Moscow time

A Solar Eclipse always occurs along with a New Moon. Its influence lasts for six months. Therefore, it is very important to know how the Eclipse will affect our lives. Each Eclipse is a small revolution in our lives. Each Eclipse brings profound changes that will occur both within us and in our lives.

This Solar Eclipse will raise questions related to our activities, work and goals. It will bring success to those who set big goals and these goals are related to creativity. The eclipse will occur in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, so it will have a serious impact on our lives.

What time will the solar eclipse peak on January 6, 2019?

The solar eclipse on January 6 will be partial, that is, the lunar disk will only slightly obscure the Sun from people, but this does not change the beauty of this phenomenon and its impact on people. According to experts, on January 6, all inhabitants of the Earth will experience a strong energy surge, which can provoke illness or failure in business. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the eclipse in advance.

As astrologers said, a particularly strong influence on people will begin the day before the peak of the eclipse and will last another day after it. This time the Solar Eclipse will take place in a slightly ambiguous sign - Capricorn, which can bring both great successes and strong failures. The peak of the eclipse in January 2019 will fall at 06:28 Moscow time.

As has long been known, eclipses are providences dark forces, because in ancient times people considered the Sun to be a god who could protect people from evil spirits. The absence of the Sun in the sky has always struck fear into people, because the Sun is a symbol of life, goodness and light. Since then, eclipses have begun to be viewed from a slightly different angle, but astrologers are confident that eclipses for the most part bring failures and problems into people's lives.

Where will the Solar Eclipse be visible on January 6, 2019?

The solar eclipse on January 6 will not be visible in all countries of the world, but almost all residents Russian Federation will have the opportunity to watch the magical action. Despite the fact that eclipses are not uncommon, almost all people experience delight in watching the Sun disappear behind the dark disk of the Moon and remain in the sky as a burning rim.

It will be seen by residents of northeast Asia (including Japan, North and South Korea and eastern China), northern Pacific Ocean and extreme southwest Alaska, Far East Russia (except for the northern and northwestern regions), as well as eastern Mongolia.

If you decide to watch the eclipse, you must remember that looking at it with the naked eye is prohibited. During periods of eclipse, sunlight is very dangerous and can have a detrimental effect on vision. To avoid problems later, you need to observe the eclipse using special glass. If you don't have one, at least equip yourself with regular sunglasses.

What rituals can be performed during the January solar eclipse 2019?

The period between eclipses will be the most difficult. Experts advise postponing all important matters until the end of the eclipses, or better yet until the January corridor closes, otherwise all your efforts may go down the drain. During eclipses, you can do everyday things, but you should not do anything that you have not previously practiced. If possible, avoid long trips and take a break from work.

During the January Solar Eclipse, there will be increased aggressiveness in society. It will be difficult for you to keep your mouth shut and control your anger. In order not to do anything stupid, refuse to meet with friends and ignore all conflicts that could develop into serious quarrels.

The most important thing during a solar eclipse is to maintain inner peace. Any means will do for this - you can stay at home and drink tea or, on the contrary, go for a walk. It would be a good idea to take up meditation, which will help you relax like nothing else. It is worth remembering that during eclipses the Universe is very receptive to requests, so you should monitor your thoughts and think only about good things. It is quite possible that some of your dreams will soon come true.

There is no need to perform special rituals during the January eclipse. You just have to be positive and think about what heights you will achieve in 2019. Since the year has just begun, it's time to set new goals, write down ideas, or look for a new hobby. The universe will be favorable to all your endeavors and will certainly support you if you choose the right activity.

All the inhabitants of our planet dream of seeing such an incredible spectacle as a solar eclipse. This event is very rare and its every appearance arouses genuine interest of the masses. In the article we will look at what this phenomenon is, analyze the advice of astrologers and decide on the dates of solar eclipses.

and why does it happen

A solar eclipse is one of the most anticipated astronomical events. It is observed when the Moon, passing between the Sun and the globe, covers the star from the inhabitants of our world. The shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth is small in size relative to our planet, and therefore cannot envelop its entire area at once.

Based on the amount of the sun's surface covered, the following are distinguished:

  • Time of total solar eclipse. When the observer is in the lunar shadow, the eclipse of the sun will cover the entire solar disk, and in the darkened sky only the so-called solar corona will be visible.
  • A partial eclipse is so called because only a fraction of the solar circle will be closed to viewers in the penumbra region. Accordingly, this event will be visible only from that part of our planet that falls under the lunar shadow or is adjacent to this darkened area (this approximate zone is called the penumbra).
  • Annular solar eclipse. In 2017, this variant was observed by residents of the south pole. It is observed when the Moon at the time of the eclipse is located at a great distance relative to our planet and its shadow does not reach the Earth. In this situation, it will be visible how the Moon moves in the center of the solar circle, but its diameter smaller size solar disk, and, accordingly, the Sun will not disappear completely, but will look like a bright ring with a dark spot in the middle. The sky darkens slightly, it’s impossible to see.

In a situation where the eclipse is seen from different points on the Earth (in the lunar shadow) as both total and annular, it will be classified as total annular or hybrid.

Solar eclipses of the 20th century were especially interesting to science. Thanks to this phenomenon, scientists were able to explore the surroundings of the Sun, which is impossible under normal conditions. And since 1996, the SOHO satellite has been helping with this. Before the beginning of the 20th century, the chromosphere was explored during eclipses and several comets were observed.

Dates of solar eclipses 2018

In 2018, this astronomical phenomenon will be observed three times.
On 02/15/2018 at 16.30 Moscow time there will be a partial solar eclipse, which will be visible in South America and Antarctica. Russians will not be able to admire the phenomenon.
On July 13, 2018 at 06.02 Moscow time, another partial eclipse will take place; it will be visible in Tasmania, southern Australia and eastern Antarctica.
On August 11, 2018 at 12.47 Moscow time, a partial solar eclipse will take place at 12.47 Moscow time. This time see with your own eyes unusual phenomenon Russians will have the opportunity (central part, Siberia, Far East), as well as residents of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, northeast China, Scandinavian countries, Greenland and the northern part of Canada.

Features of the eclipses of the coming 2018

According to astrologers, each new eclipse affects a person in a special way, which is due to the unique position of the planets and stars relative to each other, the Sun and the Moon at the time of the phenomenon. Having calculated the influence of the interactions of celestial bodies, astrologers have made recommendations regarding human actions at the time of solar eclipses in 2018:

  • During the next solar eclipse on February 15, 2018, a person may involuntarily manifest or intensify the desire for not the most kind and noble deeds. Therefore, on this day you should most carefully control your emotions, words and actions, and try not to get drawn into conflict.
  • Eclipse July 13, 2018. Any endeavors on this day are doomed to failure.
  • Eclipse on August 11, 2018. You should be careful about making important decisions on the day of the eclipse, or better yet, postpone it altogether. A person will be overcome by absent-mindedness, attention to detail will weaken, as a result of which on this day one can lose sight of important nuances and, having made any decision, subsequently regret it.

Solar eclipses 2019

In 2019, as in 2018, earthlings will be able to admire the solar eclipse on the following dates:


Both doctors and specialists in such areas as astrology and esotericism urge not to treat the phenomenon of a solar eclipse as something catastrophic and destructive for humans. Before the future, you should not radically change your lifestyle, lock yourself at home in anxious anticipation. But nevertheless, before the date of the solar eclipse, activities aimed at improving overall well-being will not be superfluous: walks in the fresh air, moderation in diet. You should also postpone less urgent matters and concerns in order to avoid additional emotional and physical stress in the run-up to the eclipse. This “unloading” regime will allow you to relieve the anxiety and nervousness that is characteristic of a person during this unusual period.

Among astrologers and esotericists, it is believed that a solar eclipse is a moment of purification; at this time, the most successful ventures will be those related to getting rid of everything that burdens a person or harms his health.

During future events, as well as during solar eclipses in 2017, you should keep in mind:

What not to do during eclipses

According to esotericists, the period of the nearest solar eclipses is extremely unfavorable for any undertakings.

These days have the following features:

  • It is believed that on the day of the eclipse there is a high probability of committing rash acts.
  • It is not advisable to schedule large financial transactions, marriage registration, or signing important documents on this day.
  • You should be careful about carrying out planned medical procedures on this date; if possible, it is better to postpone the procedure to another day.
  • It is not recommended to use psychotropic substances.
  • They also advise not to take information “to heart”; you should try to abstract yourself and assess the situation objectively.

In order to prepare for a natural phenomenon in time, you need to plan the necessary things in advance and compare what you have planned with the list of solar eclipses .

The influence of eclipses on humans

Medical scientists are of the opinion that the astrological phenomenon does not have a significant impact on physical health person, regardless of where the solar eclipse was visible. Since this phenomenon is quite short in duration, it simply does not have time to seriously interfere with the biochemical processes of the body.

However, this amazing natural phenomenon has traditionally caused the world's population a feeling of anxiety and concern, since this event is relatively rare and is subconsciously perceived by humans as alien. People experience similar discomfort when they find themselves in an unfamiliar, hostile environment. A particularly pronounced feeling of anxiety occurs in people with high meteosensitivity, with manifestations of vegetative dystonia, in anxious and suspicious individuals, in people with depressive disorders.

It has been noticed that during the eclipse the frequency of suicidal manifestations increases slightly. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with the above personality traits start taking sedatives in advance when the date of the eclipse approaches. And on the day of the phenomenon, if possible, protect yourself from additional experiences and stress.

In ancient times, a solar eclipse was perceived with horror and admiration at the same time. In our time, when the reasons for this phenomenon became known, people's feelings have remained virtually unchanged. Some are looking forward to it in the hope of observing this majestic phenomenon, others with some concern and anxiety. I wonder if there will be a solar eclipse in 2018 in Russia?

A little about the cause and types of solar eclipse

In our age of enlightenment, even a schoolchild knows why a solar eclipse occurs. For those who have forgotten the essence of what is happening, we remind you that a solar eclipse occurs due to the covering of the solar disk by the Moon. The overlap can be complete or partial. Such an event can occur during the full moon and for a very short time. The maximum time of a solar eclipse barely reaches 7.5 minutes. It happens:

  1. complete when the lunar disk completely blocks the Sun for human vision on Earth;
  2. private when the Moon partially covers the Sun;
  3. ring-shaped- at this time, the disk of the Moon completely covers the disk of the Sun, but the rays of our star are visible along the edges of the lunar disk.

The last type of eclipse is the most beautiful for all lovers of unusual natural phenomena and the most interesting from the point of view of astrologers and specialists in astronomical science. An annular eclipse is very rare and is therefore highly anticipated. Only a small ring of light remains in the sky for a few minutes.

When will there be a solar eclipse in 2018

Next year there will be only three such natural phenomena. Moreover, only one of them can be observed on Russian territory. It is not surprising that Russians are already interested in what time and where the solar eclipse will be in the Russian Federation, since in order to observe this beautiful event, which lasts very short, you need to know exact time. This table gives a complete picture of the upcoming events in 2018:

date and time Where will the solar eclipse take place?
02/15/18 at 23-52 pm. A partial eclipse can be seen in the south South America and in Antarctica.
07/13/18 at 06-02 M.T. The partial eclipse will be observed in Antarctica, on the far southern coast of Australia, in Tasmania and in the Indian Ocean in the area of ​​Australia and Antarctica.
08/11/18 at 12-47 m.v. Residents in Greenland, Canada, the Scandinavian countries, the northern and central parts of Russia, the regions of Siberia and the Far East, the northeastern part of Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia will see a partial eclipse.

Impact on all living things

Solar eclipses do not pass without leaving a trace for all living organisms on our planet. Almost all animals become restless and try to hide. The birds stop chirping and singing. Vegetable world and he leads as if night had fallen. The human body also experiences better times. Negative processes begin approximately two weeks before the eclipse. The same period continues after natural phenomenon. Persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension are especially affected. Severe stress Elderly people are also affected. Their chronic illnesses worsen and a feeling of anxiety appears. People with weak mental health may become depressed or act rashly. Even healthy people become irritable and prone to showdowns. Signing serious financial or legal documents is not recommended these days. Businessmen should not enter into business agreements or contracts.

Scientists do not find an explanation for such changes in the human body. Astrologers, who have long been observing the influence of planets on people, do not advise planning anything these days. They recommend taking care of your inner world or read a book, or listen to calm, relaxing music. Church ministers generally advise praying.

At the same time, life does not stand still these days. Some die, others are born. Experts in astrological science have long noticed that children born on the days of eclipses, as a rule, become extraordinary individuals. Very often nature rewards them with great talent.


According to astrologers, all solar eclipses are cyclical. The cycle duration is 18.5 years. Everything that happens to you during the days of eclipses continues over the next eighteen and a half years. In this regard, during these critical days it is not recommended:

  • start something new;
  • undergo surgery;
  • quarrel, get angry and irritated over trifles.

What can you do on critical days?

During the days of solar eclipses 2018, it is better to say goodbye to the past once and for all. You need to clear your home of trash and old things and let in new energy to transform your life. You can go on a diet if you decide to become slim and beautiful. It is recommended to cleanse your body and forget about bad habits. Some psychics advise you to sort out your thoughts, “sort everything out” and make plans for the future. At the same time, you need to clearly imagine your dream and imagine that it has practically already come true. If everything is done meaningfully and correctly, it will give a huge impetus to the implementation of the most incredible solutions. The only thing that needs to be noted is that dreams should be realistically achievable, and not exorbitant.

And also, do not despair if you were not able to see this miracle of nature. There will still be eclipses in your life, and more than one. The next eclipse that we will see in Russia will take place on 08/12/26.

  • The longest eclipse of this century was the one that took place on July 22, 2009.
  • The speed of our satellite's shadow on the surface of our planet during an eclipse is approximately 2 thousand meters per second.
  • The solar eclipse is so beautiful because of an interesting coincidence: the diameter of the planet is four hundred times greater than the lunar diameter and at the same time the distance to the satellite is four hundred times less than to our star. In this regard, only on Earth can a total eclipse be seen.

The Earth, like all the planets in solar system, revolves around the Sun in the ecliptic plane. The Moon, which revolves around the Earth, also passes along the same plane. At some moments, the Moon appears on the line between the Sun and the Earth, and the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth.

If we observe this phenomenon from Earth, the angular size of the Moon is approximately equal to the angular size of the Sun. The Moon and the Sun have different diameters, and the Sun is many times larger than the Moon. But because the Moon is closer to Earth, the angular size of its disk appears to be the same as that of the Sun. This is why when the Moon is in line between the Earth and the Sun, it eclipses the Sun, which becomes invisible from the Earth. In this case, a shadow appears on the surface of the Earth in the form of a spot, which, when the Moon rotates, strikes across the surface of the Earth and passes in the form of a narrow shadow strip. Sometimes the shadow’s trajectory passes through areas of the Earth’s surface that are inaccessible or remote for humans. But in some cases, astronomical observatories and densely populated cities are in the path of the shadow, which makes it easier to observe eclipses.

The nature of eclipses

A solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon during which the Moon covers the Sun. With this phenomenon we can see the solar corona. The Sun is surrounded by tenuous ionized gas called the corona. This corona emits little light. In the optical range, this is mainly scattered light emanating from the photosphere of the Sun. The photosphere of the Sun emits bright light that we see with our eyes. The light scattered by the corona is millions of times less intense than the direct light of the photosphere, so the corona is not visible against the background of the Sun. When the Moon completely eclipses the Sun, the corona flares up because photospheric light scattered by the corona's electrons becomes visible against the Moon's occultation of the Sun.

Calculation of solar eclipses

The trajectory of the Moon's movement is known to astronomers, so today it is possible to predict upcoming eclipses and the trajectory along which the Moon's shadow will pass. As a rule, astronomers observe all solar eclipses that occur. If shadows pass through astronomical observatories or accessible surfaces of the Earth with a good climate, astronomers observe solar eclipses through telescopes. But if the shadow of an eclipse passes through hard-to-reach places where there is a lot of cloudiness, it is not always possible to observe the eclipse.

The frequency of these phenomena is well calculated according to the laws of celestial mechanics, according to which celestial bodies rotate along a certain trajectory. In the solar system, bodies rotate in an elliptical orbit, and one body revolves around another. The Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon in turn orbits the more massive Earth at a distance of approximately 60 Earth radii. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1 astronomical unit, which is approximately equal to 207 radii of the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun within a year, and the Moon revolves around the Earth within a month. At some point, as the Moon orbits the Earth, it appears behind the Earth, between the Sun and the Earth, or to the side of the Earth. And when it comes between the Earth and the Sun, it casts a shadow on the surface of the Earth.

Types of eclipses

The Moon rotates in an elliptical orbit, which is close to circular, so the distance from the Earth to the Moon varies slightly from time to time. At the same time, the angular size of the Moon changes. When the Moon aligns with the Earth and the Sun, we experience a total solar eclipse. When the Moon is further away from the Earth, it does not completely block the Sun, and a ring is formed that prevents us from seeing the Sun's corona. This type of eclipse is called an annular eclipse. If an observer is on the surface of the Earth outside the eclipsing shadow, then for him the Moon partially covers the Sun, and he sees part of the Sun obscured by the Moon, and part of the Moon against the background of the Sun. In this case, the eclipse is not total, but partial.

In addition to solar eclipses, astronomers occasionally observe lunar eclipses, when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun. And if we were on the Moon, we would observe the same effect: the Earth would cast a shadow on the Moon and eclipse the Sun. The sun illuminates the moon, and we see it both day and night. The Moon does not emit any light, but reflects light from the Sun. And when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, a shadow falls on the Moon, and we see two parts: the light part, from which the light of the Sun is reflected, and the dark part, which the Earth eclipses. This is a lunar eclipse.

History of the study

It is quite difficult to establish the place and time when astronomers first began to observe solar eclipses. Humanity has existed for approximately 200 thousand years, and the Sun has lived for 4.5 billion years. These are not comparable numbers. Solar eclipses have occurred regularly, and all intelligent beings have observed solar eclipses throughout their evolutionary history.

The first information about eclipses appeared in ancient times. The priests used these eclipses for their own purposes, to prove the existence of God, to keep the masses in obedience, and so on. Solar eclipses were observed even before astronomy emerged as a science. They were mentioned in Chinese and Egyptian manuscripts many years before our era. All ancient mythology of Egypt, Greece and other regions is in one way or another connected with the Sun and Moon. Different religions used this phenomenon in different ways, but science put everything in its place.

The impact of eclipses on Earth

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, it is constantly around us. The Moon exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth and vice versa, and lunar gravity affects the state of the ocean and the Earth's surface. The inhabitants of the Earth are adapted to the gravity of the Earth and the Moon and their changes. And when the Moon eclipses the Sun, it forms a strip of several hundred kilometers - in relation to the scale of the Earth, this is a small area that does not have serious consequences. Sometimes observed atmospheric phenomena, in which the energy of the Sun does not enter the zone of passage of the shadow. In this case, disturbances in the local heat balance, movement and convection of the atmosphere occur. But these are very short-term phenomena that immediately return to normal and do not leave a significant impact.

The once inexplicable phenomenon, to which the mystical meaning of negative signs was attributed, is now not only explained by science, but also fully calculated for several years in advance. In 2019, solar and lunar eclipses or eclipses are also expected, the timing of which is calculated by astronomers with an accuracy of up to a second, which means it will be possible to observe breathtaking events.

Nature of the phenomenon

During the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun, periodically all 3 celestial bodies line up. As a result, the moon's shadow falls on the Earth, but not the entire planet is immersed in the lunar shadow. Considering that our satellite is much smaller than the Earth, even with a full solar eclipse, darkness covers only part of it. Because of this, only those who will be in the lunar shadow will be able to see the eclipses in 2019.

The nature of the lunar eclipse is similar, but in this case our home planet, being on the line between the Sun and the Moon, casts its shadow on the night body. When the Moon is completely occluded, residents of almost the entire hemisphere facing it at the moment of its maximum phase can see it. In this case, only small parts of the second hemisphere can observe the beginning and end of the eclipse.

Solar and lunar eclipses, depending on the distance between the bodies, as well as on the trajectory of the bodies relative to the common axis, are divided into 3 solar and 2 lunar types:

  • full solar or lunar;
  • partial solar or lunar;
  • ring-shaped only solar.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon, as well as the Earth and the Sun, is not always the same, since the orbit of the satellite around the Earth and around the Sun is not a circle, but an ellipse. Being close to our planet, the Moon can completely eclipse the Sun if it aligns on a common axis. At its maximum distance, the Moon is not large enough to block the cone of sunlight and an annular eclipse results. The Earth, which is much larger than its satellite, standing on one axis, will eclipse it completely, so the ring-shaped lunar eclipses can not be.

When will there be solar eclipses?

The first in 2019 will be a partial eclipse, which will occur in January. The maximum phase will occur on January 6 at 4:41 Moscow time. Residents of the southern part of Eastern Siberia, Kamchatka, the Far East, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands will be able to see it in 2019 in Russia. The Japanese and Koreans will be luckier, as they will observe the phenomenon from almost the entire territory. In China it will be visible only from the northeastern part, and in Mongolia - from the eastern part.

The second closest star event under consideration will be complete and will occur in July. The maximum phase will occur on July 2 at 22:26 Moscow time. Unfortunately, Russians will not be able to contemplate such a rare phenomenon, with the exception of tourists who will be in Chile, Argentina or sailing in the South Pacific Ocean at this time.

The last event in 2019 will be a ring event, which is scheduled for December. The Moon will cover the center of the Sun, forming a luminous ring on December 26 at exactly 5:18 and 53 seconds Moscow time. Residents of Transbaikalia and Primorye will see a rare event. Together with them, it will be observed by the people of Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Sumatra, as well as those living in the southern territory of India and in the east of the Arabian Peninsula.

Solar eclipses in 2019 will show humanity all 3 types, surprising them with the diversity of the cosmic extravaganza of unusual phenomena.

When will there be lunar eclipses?

The full eclipse opens 2019 on January 21. On the first day of the full moon, the entire bright half of the Moon will plunge into darkness at exactly 8:12 Moscow time. All of Europe, including the European part of Russia, will be lucky enough to observe this amazing phenomenon. Residents of Africa and all over America will be able to join them. The Urals and western Siberia will be less lucky, since their population will be content with only the beginning of the event. While the population of Kamchatka, Chukotka and the entire Far Eastern coast will see the end of the eclipse.

The private event will take place on July 17th. The maximum phase will occur at 00:31 Moscow time. In the Russian Federation, only Chukotka and Kamchatka did not receive lucky tickets; all other Russians will be able to watch this event. The rest of the earthlings, except North America, will also be able to enjoy the spectacle.


Despite the proven cyclical nature of the event and the scientific refutation of superstitions associated with it, some astrologers still talk about it negative impact on nature and people. At the same time, they argue that the most unfavorable times are midpoints. These are time points equidistant from the two nearest eclipses. Calculating them for 2019 is not difficult. If there are 5 eclipses, then there will be 5 midpoints:

  • 13.01 at 20:12;
  • 12.04 at 15:19;
  • 09.07 at 23:28;
  • 06.10 at 2:55.

Important! The statement about the negative influence of midpoints has no scientific basis, therefore it cannot be a dogma and be stated as a reliable fact.

Impact on humans

In general, serious warnings regarding the dangerous influence of the phenomenon on human body No. However, there are still recommendations for pregnant women, the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases. These days, stay at home, avoid nervous, physical stress and overwork. This is due to increased electromagnetic and gravitational activity, because celestial bodies these days act in one direction during a solar eclipse and in the opposite direction during a lunar eclipse. After all, even the ebb and flow of the tides depend on changes in the gravitational influence of these cosmic bodies. For example, on supermoon days, due to the gravity of the Moon, a person weighs 1-2 grams less than usual. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to look at this miracle of nature or not. If you still want to see this phenomenon filled with myths, you can be sure that pleasure is guaranteed.

Amazing video of total solar eclipse: