When can you apply for a social scholarship for a freshman? How to apply for a social scholarship for students from low-income families. How to calculate accruals and payments for the category of social scholarships

For many years and even decades, the legislation of the Russian Federation has provided for a fairly extensive and varied program of support for the population in need of social protection and various financial assistance. The social scholarship for students of 2017-2018 is the very point that is included in this program.

Initially, the main and primary task and significance of scholarships issued to students was to stimulate students in some way, as well as to facilitate living conditions. Today, there are several types and categories of scholarships, each of which has its own characteristics and, of course, differs from each other in conditions and size.

Types of scholarships.

The list of the most basic scholarships that are provided in almost every educational institution in the country includes the following.

  1. 1. State academic scholarship, which is a basic type of monthly scholarship issued only to successful students throughout all years of study.
  2. 2. An increased academic scholarship is nothing more than a one-time payment to particularly distinguished students who have shown and demonstrated good results in educational, scientific, cultural and other activities.
  3. 3. Scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, presidents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  4. 4. Personalized scholarships.
  5. 5. State social scholarship, which is intended and awarded to those students who experience special social and material needs. This payment is assigned regardless of how the student studies.

All about the social scholarship, size for low-income families.

If you study the issue related to social scholarships in more detail, then, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with full list all those who can count on her. According to the existing law of the Russian Federation, this list includes the following categories and groups of students.

  1. 1. Orphans.
  2. 2. Students with the “Disabled Child” category.
  3. 3.Victims of radiation accidents.
  4. 4. Contract servicemen who have served in the army or other military formations of the country for more than 3 years.
  5. 5. Students whose per capita income is below the subsistence level.

If everything is clear with the categories, then now you should carefully and in more detail understand the issue of size. To date, the state has also established the minimum size of all types government scholarships. Thus, the amount of social scholarships currently amounts to and consists of the following amounts.

  1. 1. For students of colleges, technical schools, schools or other institutions of a secondary professional nature - 730 rubles per month.
  2. 2.For university students – 2010 rubles.

It is worth noting that this is only the minimum acceptable payment threshold for socially vulnerable students. After all, each educational institution sets the amount of such a social scholarship individually.

Typically, for the size of the total scholarship fund The Government of the Russian Federation together with the municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities is responsible and bears full responsibility. As a result, the final decision on the amount of social scholarships is made by the management of each individual educational institution in the country.

But, if everything is relatively clear with the size, then another equally significant and important question arises, which is how to apply for the right to receive a social scholarship, what sequence of actions must be followed and at the same time try to save time as much as possible. It is these questions that we will now try to find the answer to.

Procedure for applying for a scholarship.

The procedure and stages that a student goes through in order to receive and provide additional social benefits include the following sequential actions.

Regarding the timing of document review, today it directly depends on each individual educational institution. But according to the rules, this is no more than 2 weeks.

As you can see, the process of receiving a social scholarship is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but the end justifies the means and such an additional source of funds is unlikely to hurt anyone and will be superfluous.

A social scholarship is a payment available to full-time students. Only those students whose education is funded from the local, regional or federal budget are eligible for it.

The rules for issuing social scholarships are stipulated in Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012. More details about this can be found in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

The following points are indicated here:


  • The amount of the scholarship is determined by the educational institution itself. The trade union (if there is one), as well as the student council, participate in the decision-making process.
  • It is important to know that the amount of payment should not be less than that fixed by Russian legislation. When establishing these values, legislative bodies take into account the level of inflation in the country. The scholarship amount is set for different categories of students.

You can find out more about the amounts of student payments in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 10.10.13. It was adopted to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.

In Russia, a full-time student is a certain status that allows in many cases to equate a student at a university until he reaches 23 years of age with minor citizens. This indicates the recognition of full-time students as more socially vulnerable sections of society. But there are special categories of students who need constant financial support measures due to extreme need; a state social scholarship is established for them.

This is a benefit provided for by the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, paid to special categories of students receiving education on a budgetary basis. Students with benefits can study both at the highest level - a university, and at the secondary level - at a secondary school (college, vocational school, technical school).

The procedure for assigning and issuing social benefits to students is specified in detail in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1000 of August 28, 2013 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science).

A student applying for a scholarship and a college student who is entitled to financial assistance from the budget must be paid, as a rule, in the form of a monthly payment to a special bank account.

A scholarship in the nature of social support does not replace an academic scholarship; its payment does not in any way affect the remuneration due for good academic performance.

Who is eligible to receive

The list of persons entitled to receive social financial assistance is determined at the federal level. Despite the limited list, the normative act provides educational institutions with some freedom in this matter. Management has the right to decide on additional measures to support those in need using funds from the institution’s extra-budgetary fund. These could be:

  • Expanding the range of fellows to include additional groups of people in need (for example, members large families, young parents);
  • Increase in the federally established monthly payment amount.

The following categories are established by law:

  1. Orphans, as well as children left without guardians, including those whose both parents or the only parent who raised them died during their education;
  2. Children who have been disabled since childhood, as well as those who have become disabled with the assignment of the first and second groups of disability, who also received disability due to illness or injury during military service;
  3. Veterans of combat operations (more details in the law “On Veterans”);
  4. Contract servicemen who have served in the armed forces for at least 3 years are equated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian National Guard, civil defense, state security, and the FSB;
  5. Persons exposed to radiation or injured during man-made disasters;
  6. Low-income citizens.

A social scholarship provided for the poor is awarded only if the applicants document their need, namely, the level of income per family member must be less than the minimum subsistence level adopted in each specific region of the country.

  • Children from a large family;
  • Young parents;
  • Children whose parents are recognized as disabled people of non-working groups (I and II).

To receive a monthly social benefit, a student must confirm his status. State social scholarships, in accordance with current legislation, are awarded to persons who have provided supporting documents to the educational institution; they are different for each category of beneficiaries.

The termination of the scholarship does not depend on the student’s academic performance, since the measure is not stimulating, but supporting in material terms. If a person has confirmed his right to receive this benefit, the educational institution cannot refuse him. Termination is only possible:

  • upon completion of studies at an educational institution (including upon expulsion);
  • in the case when the status that affects the receipt is lost (the student is no longer considered low-income, a decision is made to remove the disability).

For the reason specified in the second paragraph, the recipient of the benefit must notify the dean’s office about this, since if the student receives the benefit without justification, the student may be held accountable.

Is a social scholarship available to payers?

In addition to the established list of persons applying for a social scholarship, the legislation establishes two mandatory conditions. Firstly, training must be carried out on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the form of study chosen by the student is full-time only.

At the same time, if a student is on academic leave or parental leave until he turns 3 years old, this will not be a legal reason to interrupt the transfer of social scholarships. If a student is asked to write any kind of refusal for the period of absence, this will be illegal.

Evening and correspondence faculties are deprived of benefits, because they complete educational programs without interruption from work.

Paying students are also not provided with this privilege. If a student’s education is paid for by himself or his parents, then if he becomes an orphan or recognized as disabled, some universities provide for a transfer to free education. But this becomes possible with high performance indicators. Also, taking into account the financial difficulties of students, management educational institution meets halfway and provides a deferred payment.

Considering the focus social policy in Russia, in 2018 it is planned to establish new benefits for families with children. It is possible that this will also affect student support measures.

When can payments be suspended?

The main reason for suspending payments or not making them at all is low attendance. IN in some cases The reason for this may also be debts on one or more items. Fortunately, the law reserves the student’s right to correct the situation and insist on reimbursement of the entire amount that was not transferred to him for the entire period of the debt.

How is a social scholarship awarded?

The obligation to compile a list of recipients (recipients) is assigned by law to the management of universities. They are also obliged to determine the required frequency of payments - most often this period is one month. Based on this, the social scholarship is assigned for a calendar year and after two semesters, a representative of the “optional” category may lose financial assistance by decision of the rector’s office or dean’s office.

Other types of assistance, such as personal or academic scholarships, do not deprive the student of the right to receive a social scholarship for students in 2017.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the provisions on the assignment of financial assistance at the very beginning school year, since it also indicates the deadline for submitting documents (certificates) to confirm your status. In most cases, the student will have about one month to collect the necessary papers.

What documents are required to receive a social scholarship?

The list of documents directly depends on which of the categories listed above the student belongs to. Payment of social scholarships to students in 2017 is based on:

  • for disabled people - a certificate of disability, made according to a standard sample and issued by a medical and labor expert commission;
  • for orphans and those who have lost their guardians - a corresponding document from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The procedure for applying for scholarships for representatives of low-income families is a little more complicated. To apply for this type of financial assistance, they will need a certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Population, which geographically serves the student’s place of registration. This organization will need to provide the following list of documents:

  1. Copies of passports (or documents replacing them) and birth certificates of all family members.
  2. Extract from the house register or financial and personal account. Both documents are provided by multifunctional centers, as well as passport offices.
  3. A certificate from a university or college indicating enrollment or study on a budget basis.
  4. Copies of a work record book or certificate from the labor exchange for all unemployed able-bodied family members.
  5. A statement of the confirmed total income of all family members for the last quarter.

Receiving process

Simultaneously with the provision of all the above documents, the student will be asked to fill out an application for a certificate. After its adoption, employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population will check the information given to them and calculate the average income and compare it with the minimum indicators for your constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If this figure is lower, the family is recognized as low-income and the student receives a corresponding certificate. This document must be submitted to the leadership of the faculty (institute), or to the accounting department. There, the student will be asked to submit an application for a social scholarship.

An important point: the validity period of the certificate of low-income family is one calendar year from the date of receipt. That is, to receive a social scholarship two semesters later, you will have to repeat the procedure described above again.

Social scholarship amount

The amount of the state social scholarship for students is determined by payment and determined directly by the educational organization (college, technical school, university) and cannot be less than its minimum amount established by the Government Russian Federation for each level vocational education and categories of students taking into account the level of inflation. In 2018 the size is as follows.

First and second year students studying in federal state educational organizations of higher education educational programs higher education (bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs) with academic performance ratings of “excellent” or “good” or “excellent” and “good” and belonging to the categories of persons entitled to receive a state social scholarship, or who are students under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, are awarded a state academic and (or) state social scholarship in an increased amount.

Increased amount of social scholarship

The amount of these increased scholarships cannot be less than the cost of living per capita for the entire Russian Federation, established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the scholarship fund of this federal state educational organization of higher education was formed.

State social scholarships are paid to students educational organization monthly.

A student's being on academic leave, as well as maternity leave or child care leave until he or she reaches the age of three is not grounds for termination of the payment (appointment) of a state social scholarship.

Deadlines for receiving the scholarship

If successful, the student will be awarded a social scholarship for a period of one year from the date of registration and only during school hours (June-August pause). After which you will have to go through the entire registration process again.
To find out more precisely about the terms and rules for receiving a social scholarship, a student should go to the dean’s office and ask there. And also read the contents of the Federal Law “On State Financial Assistance”.

How to receive an increased social scholarship for students

Amount: not less than the amount missing from the subsistence level.
Payment frequency: monthly, throughout the year.
Submission: at the beginning of each semester.

“Trick”: only 1st-2nd year students can apply, subject to receiving a social scholarship. Also, to obtain it you need to study for “good” or “excellent”.

Who will determine the amount of the increased scholarship?

The university, based on the student’s income certificate. As for the cost of living, it is set by the state. In this case, the indicator is taken for the fourth quarter of the year before the formation of the scholarship payment fund; for 2018 students this will be the fourth quarter of 2017 and the indicator is 9,786 rubles. That is, if a student receives a social scholarship of 2,227 rubles, the usual 1,484 rubles, this income is subtracted from the cost of living and a potential “increase” of 6,075 rubles is received.

For displaced people

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 N 1000, foreigners, migrants and stateless persons have the full right to receive social scholarships in the general manner. At the same time, they must also be trained at the expense of the federal budget. All the above requirements apply to them as well.

Also, the provision of material assistance may be regulated by international treaties concluded by the Russian Federation with other countries. Consequently, along with other students, displaced students are also entitled to a social scholarship. In this context, 2017 did not bring any changes to the current state of affairs.

Is it possible to receive financial assistance for a scholarship?

Yes, a student has the right to request financial assistance from the university budget in the amount of a multiple of up to 12 social scholarships. It will be paid once a month, but for 1 semester, after which you need to submit an application again. You can find out about the deadlines for submission in the dean's office of your university.

Requirements for applying for financial assistance

The requirements here are higher than for applying for a regular social scholarship. Since we are talking about accruals from the university budget, the amount of financial assistance may vary. For example, depending on how many students receive it.

In what situations can you request financial assistance for a student?

  1. Single parents;
  2. Students from single-parent families;
  3. In case of loss of a breadwinner;
  4. Students from a large family;
  5. If you lose your parents while studying;
  6. Victims of disasters, natural disasters and accidents;
  7. In case of serious illness, when there is not enough money for medicines (you need to present receipts for medicines);
  8. At the birth of a child (you must provide a birth certificate).

Some universities add their own items to this list. For example, St. Petersburg State University can pay for out-of-town students’ travel home, and St. Petersburg State University of Economics pays a sum of money to students upon their wedding.

"A+" Scholarship

Size: 3500 rubles.
Payment frequency: monthly throughout the year.
Submission: in summer, from July 10 and possible until September 10.
“Trick”: the scholarship from the “Creation” charitable foundation is intended only for students under 21 years of age.

Usually this scholarship is awarded to Olympiad winners and straight-A students. Laureates of sports competitions and various competitions can also count on it.

However, in this case it is necessary to provide a certificate stating that the student has an income below the subsistence level or otherwise prove that he is from a low-income segment of the population. Please include a letter describing yourself, your family and your interests with your submission.
Other documents for applying for a scholarship for the 2018 “A+” student:

  • Application (can be done electronically);
  • Certificate of grades with the seal of the university;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • If a student is under guardianship, is classified as a refugee, or is disabled, confirmation of status is required;
  • Here, a certificate of income of all family members in form 2-NDFL is already required.
  • This impressive package should be accompanied by a stamped certificate from the house register about the composition of the family.
  • As well as all diplomas and other award documents of the student for the last 2 years at the university. Plus attach your own photograph, in a normal setting - that is, not for documents.

Nuances of assigning a social scholarship

Law No. 273-FZ provides for a case when a social scholarship can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy 1st and 2nd year students who study full-time, on a budget basis and receive higher education for bachelor's and specialist's programs. In this case, these persons must have grades in their academic performance of at least “good and excellent”. The social scholarship for such students is increased to 6,307 rubles (excluding the regional coefficient). And it is appointed based on the results of the interim certification.

But in order to receive this scholarship, you need to document the financial situation of the student’s family.

If a student goes on leave in connection with caring for his child (before the child reaches the age of three), for maternity leave, or takes academic leave, then the payment of the social scholarship does not stop for this period. This is established in clause 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

As for receiving scholarships for nonresident students, Law No. 273-FZ and other regulatory documents adopted in accordance with it do not establish a restriction on receiving a social scholarship based on the registration criterion. Therefore, the specified student receives a social scholarship on a general basis.

Bottom line

Social scholarship is one of the forms social assistance for students of higher secondary educational institutions. Only those who study full-time at the expense of government funding, including immigrants, foreign citizens and stateless persons, can count on receiving it. State social scholarships are awarded to students from the following population groups:

  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • orphans;
  • victims of radiation and natural disasters;
  • low-income;
  • past 3 years of contract service in the RF Armed Forces.

In all cases, confirmation of belonging to one of these categories falls on the shoulders of the student himself. A certain period is allotted for submitting documents (mostly a month from the beginning of the academic year); registration is required every two semesters, regardless of whether you have received payments in the past.

Most of the poor, incompetent, and disabled people who have entered a state university think about what a social scholarship is and how to apply for it correctly. Russian legislation designates a number of people who can receive these payments, among them not only students, but also students with disabilities and insolvents.

The situation regarding who is entitled to receive additional payments has not changed for 10 years. There are four types of payments to students, each of them has its own rates and nuances:

  • support of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • state academic assistance;
  • state social payments;
  • personal scholarships.

Social assistance is provided to those students who do not pay anything for their studies. This is the only type of scholarship that is not influenced by the student's academic achievements.

Who is eligible to receive payments?

According to Russian legislation, there is a list of categories of the population to whom the university is obliged to pay additional benefits:

  • students who do not have either parent and are not under the care of anyone;
  • insolvent people with deviations and one of the first two groups of disabilities;
  • disability as a result of participation in military or combat operations;
  • those who participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident or were in the city at that time.

Wherein state universities have the right to have this list supplemented by students from low-income families. According to the rule, the average funding of a family member is correlated with the subsistence level, after which the student has the right to receive social benefits.

  • persons who have the third group of disabilities;
  • citizens who live in a family where the father, the main breadwinner, died;
  • citizens who live with one parent at a subsistence level;
  • if a citizen has a parent or guardian with serious illnesses or disabilities;
  • if the student has officially registered family relationships and has given birth to a child in marriage;
  • if a person has a minor child and is raising him alone.
In person, a student can contact the administration of his institution to indicate the reasons for his situation, and this will be decided separately for each issue.

Who is allowed to process social benefits for university students?

A person must go through several stages to receive additional benefits:

  1. Before submitting an application, the applicant must obtain clarification of information from the authorized bodies at the place of registration, where the documentation is indicated:
  • student identification;
  • information about everyone living in the family along with data from the house register - this certificate can be obtained from the housing and communal organization;
  • a receipt for the income of everyone living in the family for the last few months is issued at work;
  • confirmation that the student is studying free of charge;
  • if necessary, depending on the situation, additional data is requested.

The level of the cost of living changes every year, so you should independently clarify what is currently in effect.

  1. After the specialist accepts the application, the necessary submitted documentation is taken into account in the registry documents, during which time the specialists verify all the data, calculate the family income and enter a signature into the certificate on the form, which proves the possibility of providing social assistance.
  2. Then the student personally submits the certificate to the university dean’s office, where he fills out a special form according to the template.
  3. A commission is being assembled on this issue, where a decision must be made for a certain student whether he can be given a preferential position or not.

These are monthly payments that are valid for one year; they must be re-issued in the next course. The student is required to notify the university and submit documentation if there have been improvements in the situation of a low-income family, if the total income has increased or if a disability has been cancelled, for example.

Social payments have the right to be stopped if the student has serious debts during the next year that threaten expulsion. After the citizen submits required exams and improves his situation in educational institution, he applies for renewal and continuation of payments.

IN summer period persons are paid social assistance. But the right to receive a pension with benefits is canceled in case of problems with studies, if an order was signed to expel a citizen from a higher educational institution, or when leaving the status of a low-income family.

The amount of the social scholarship in the current year

For two years in the Russian Federation, the scholarship rate for college students was 730 rubles every month, for those receiving higher education, the rate was 2010 rubles. These payments do not affect social benefits. This year, the government was considering increasing social benefits for students to the subsistence level.

Those who study in the first two years have no debt, study with positive marks, can receive increased assistance, its amount is indicated from 6,000 rubles to 13,000 rubles. Payments depend on active participation persons in the life of their educational institution, about their extracurricular successes.

To receive social benefits in a higher educational institution as a low-income person, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Study on a budget basis, i.e. do not pay for training.
  • Study in government agency with accreditation.
  • Full-time education.

In addition to payments to the poor, some institutions provide students with additional tuition benefits; this assistance is guaranteed by the state. By general rule, it is provided to persons who do not have parents or guardianship over them.

Among these material benefits:

    • Free room stay.
    • Free meals in the university canteen.
    • Free travel on public transport around the city.
    • During the holidays, if students come from other cities, they can get to their city and back for free.
    • Discounts on the purchase of stationery and necessary things for training.
    • After completing your studies and receiving your diploma, one-time assistance is given.

The scholarship is awarded to full-time students studying at the expense of the federal budget.

Academic scholarship
An academic scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session from the first day of the month following the examination session.

Academic scholarships are received only by those students who pass the examination session with “good” and “excellent” marks. When assigning a scholarship, grades on tests, practice and coursework are also taken into account along with grades obtained in exams.

As for the amount of the scholarship, at the moment minimum The amount of the academic scholarship is 1300 rubles. And it is received by those students who passed the session only “good”. For others it is provided increased scholarships, namely:

    students who passed the exam with only “excellent” marks in the amount of 200% of the minimum academic scholarship (2,400 rubles);

    students who passed the exam with “good” and “excellent” grades in the amount of 150% of the minimum academic scholarship (1,800 rubles).

Personalized scholarship from the Moscow City Hall
The Moscow City Hall’s personalized scholarship was established in accordance with the Order of the Moscow Mayor “On the establishment of personalized scholarships from the Moscow City Hall for students of higher educational institutions” to reward students for excellent studies. Applicants for this scholarship are selected on a competitive basis based on the following criteria:

  • 3-5 year students
  • Excellent study
  • Scientific activity
  • Accommodation in Moscow

The scholarship is assigned for one academic semester in addition to the main scholarship. At the moment, its amount is 1200 rubles per month.

Personalized scholarship from the Academic Council of MADI
A personal scholarship from the Academic Council can be received by a student who, firstly, is an excellent student, and secondly, actively participates in scientific and public life university. This scholarship is also awarded for one academic semester. Currently, the MADI Academic Council scholarship amount is 3,300 rubles.

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and special scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation are awarded to students who have achieved outstanding success in educational and scientific activities.

University students who have become the authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, or scientific articles in central Russian publications and abroad can apply for a scholarship. Success of applicants for Presidential scholarship must be confirmed by diplomas or other documents of the winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads, creative competitions, festivals. This scholarship is awarded to students for one year. Currently, this scholarship is 2200 rubles.

Social scholarship
Social scholarships are paid to students in need of social assistance. Currently The amount of the state social scholarship is 3,600 rubles.

Social scholarship is mandatory assigned to the following students:

    from among orphans left without parental care;

    recognized in accordance with the established procedure as disabled people of groups I and II;

    injured as a result of an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;

    who are disabled and combat veterans

To apply for a state social scholarship, these students need to contact the dean’s office of the faculty, presenting a supporting document.

Also social scholarship paid students from low-income families. To apply for a social scholarship, a student must contact the social protection authority at his permanent place of residence with the following documents:

    a certificate from the house administration at the place of permanent registration about the composition of the family (children and parents with whom the student is registered)

    salary certificate of parents (or other relatives with whom the student is registered) for the last 3 months.

    certificate from the university (certificate issued by the student personnel department stating that the student is studying at full-time training).

If there are grounds, the specified authority issues a certificate of a certain form. This certificate must contain the following information:

    last name, first name, patronymic of the student;


    the size of the average per capita family income;

    the minimum subsistence level valid on the day of receipt of the certificate;

    a phrase stating that the student belongs to the category of low-income citizens and has the right to receive a state social scholarship;

    stamp and round seal of the social protection authority.

The student must submit the received certificate to the dean’s office of the faculty, after which an order will be issued on his appointment to a social scholarship. This procedure must be done every year.

One of the significant means of financial incentives for university students is a scholarship provided by the state to those who show good skills during their studies. There is such a thing as a social scholarship, which is awarded only to full-time students who study with money provided by the federal or local budget. What documents are needed to assign it, who has the right to apply for it and how to obtain the necessary documents will be discussed in this article.

The procedure for determining, assigning and directly paying a social scholarship is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” adopted in 2012, and a list of documents required for this is also provided here. A student who needs social assistance has the right to receive such a regular scholarship, for which he must confirm this status with an appropriate certificate. It is issued by the Social Services department. protection of the population at the place of official registration of the student and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487 of June 27, 2001.

To obtain such a document, the student needs to collect and submit to the social services authority. protection of the population the following official documents:

  1. Civil passport, photocopy of documents
  2. from a university, college, technical school or other educational institution where the student is studying.
  3. A document that confirms a person’s status (orphan, victim of the Chernobyl accident, disabled, and so on).
  4. with housing and communal services information about family composition (for citizens classified as low-income).
  5. about the official income of his family members.

It should be taken into account that the right to receive social benefits. Scholarships are awarded exclusively to students who study at the expense of the state budget and on a full-time basis. After submitting a package of documents to social security, the student is issued a certificate of the appropriate form for submission to a college, university, technical school, academy, and so on.

Important! The certificate must be updated every year, and it is submitted to the dean’s office of the educational institution in the month of September. Otherwise, issuing social scholarships are suspended.

In addition to knowing what papers are needed, it is important to remember that to receive social security. Students from families classified as low-income, living alone and orphans can apply for scholarships from the state. Those who have a low per capita income, that is, less than the subsistence minimum (Moscow Government Decree No. 301 PP dated July 3, 2012), are also entitled to this. You can also submit documents for a certificate giving the right to assign a social scholarship through the MFC, which simplifies and speeds up this task.

All state and municipal universities and institutes provide the opportunity to receive social benefits. scholarships, including Northern Federal University named after Lomonosov (abbr. NArFU).

Documents for a social scholarship for a student

According to the latest changes and additions reflected in 2018, in order to receive a social scholarship from the state, a student must write an application to the dean’s office with a request to accrue this benefit to him. At the same time, he must justify his desire by providing significant evidence that he falls under the appropriate category of students. Regarding what is needed to receive a monthly scholarship, we must also add the need to provide a certificate of what types of scholarships the student receives. Such a document is obtained from the Department of Social Protection of the Population (abbr. USZN).

Important! List for out-of-town students necessary documents is also supplemented by a certificate in form No. 9, which confirms the temporary registration of the student in the city.

Regardless of the type of university and its direction in terms of training in specific specialties, a student can apply for a scholarship as a member of a low-income family. To do this, you must submit the following additional documents:

  1. A certificate of family composition, which is provided by a housing department employee.
  2. Document on financial support of the family for the last 3 months, drawn up in the form.

It is important to note that after all the certificates and documents are collected, the student writes an application addressed to the rector with a request to assign him a social scholarship. After registering the application, the university council checks the documents for authenticity and if everything is in order, as a rule, it accepts it. The funds flow through the pension fund, but there are usually no delays in payments. The scholarship is awarded for 1 year, after which the certificate is updated.

Illness is not a basis for stopping accruals; only for this, the student must necessarily bring a certificate from a doctor. If a person leaves the university, then accruals stop at the same moment. Typically, the scholarship is awarded in cash through the university’s accounting department, but in Lately many educational establishments have entered into agreements with banks and transfer money to student debit cards (accounts).

You need to understand that a social scholarship is awarded only to those who master the material well and successfully pass exams and tests during sessions. So, only those students who study well should take up the task of completing it, since otherwise the pedagogical council will simply reject the request and will not satisfy the application for payment of benefits. The university management regularly provides information to the Ministry of Education about the number of people receiving social scholarships, which helps make allocations.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Russian government takes all measures to stimulate and encourage students even from poor families.

You can learn more about receiving a social scholarship from this video: