Who to love and who to trust. Know what you want and you will know what you should

Whom to love? Who to believe?
Who won't cheat on us alone?
Who measures all deeds and all speeches?
Helpfully to our arshin?

Who doesn’t sow slander about us?
Who cares for us?
Who cares about our vice?
Who never gets bored?
A vain seeker of a ghost,
Without wasting your labors in vain,
Love yourself...

Those who are not with you are not always against you.

If a person helped you yesterday, this does not mean that he will help you today. Tell him thank you for helping yesterday.

When doing your job, don’t think about the result, but think about how to do it better.

The result will come on its own. If you are doing everything properly, but there is no result yet, you can still be satisfied with yourself and calm, even if everything did not work out as expected. Remember that not everything depends only on you.

If you get down to business, work at your full potential, no matter how much you get paid.

Take on a job you are unfamiliar with without hesitation. Even if they pay little, you will still benefit – you will gain new experience.

If you want to console a person, surprise him or anger him, but don’t calm him down.

If you want to change your destiny, change yourself.

There is no worse betrayal than betrayal of yourself.

If the soil is wet, it is not always because it has rained; if your heart hurts, it’s not necessarily a heart attack, and if your stomach hurts, it’s not necessarily cancer.

Learn not only to win, but also to use the results of this victory.

Look where you lost it, and not where it is light. But first you need to find the place where you lost it.

Sometimes It is we who provoke our communication partners to treat ourselves poorly because we have lost or never had the qualities necessary for a happy life.

Don't try to get rid of failures. It is better to dilute them with successes.

Do not trust secrets to the enemy, so that he does not harm you.

Do not trust a secret to a friend, so as not to harm him.

It is better to become a trendsetter than to follow fashion.

If you don't know what to do, it's better to do nothing, than to do wrong.It is better to stand than move in the opposite direction.

He who is not happy with himself will not be happy with other people and will not understand their joys.

If you are not at the peak of happiness, you will slide into a hole.
Therefore, do not stand on the slope: either climb up or go down (but up is better).

Extend the childhood of your body with physical exercise, and the childhood of your soul with study.

Choose a job that suits your abilities.

A. Schopenhauer: “Actually, there is no other pleasure than to use one’s strengths and feel them, and the greatest pain is the perception of insufficient strength where they are needed.
Therefore let each one, for his own well-being, examine what powers he has and what he does not have: let him then develop his predominant powers to highest degree and uses them powerfully; let him follow the path where his strengths are useful, and let him avoid the path where strengths that he possesses to a small extent are required.”

Remember that cheese, after you have had your fill of it, does not lose its qualities, although you have lost interest in it at the moment.

Have a good opinion of yourself and rely only on yourself, then others will help you too.
Schopenhauer: “You must recognize your own value in the depths of your soul if you want to remove the deception of life. For the feeling of one's own worthlessness is a deadly gorgon.This is not only the greatest, but also the only spiritual suffering; all other spiritual sufferings can not only be healed, but immediately and completely suppressed by a confident consciousness of one's own worth. He who is fully confident in it can calmly endure suffering that would otherwise lead him to complete despair - he can rely on himself without joy and friends. And so powerful is the consolation that is born in us from a living conviction of our own worth, that it must be preferred to all the blessings of the world.”

It’s better to make a mistake by making your own decision than to achieve success on someone else’s free advice and be constantly in debt.

It's better to grow up than to stand on tiptoes.

When performing a selfless act, say thank you to the person for whom you did it for accepting it.

After all, when performing a selfless act, you, wittingly or unwittingly, are trying to put the recipient in a position dependent on you.

When accepting selfless help, do not consider that you are dependent on the donor.
You, accepting selfless help, made him a benefactor. You did more to him than he did to you.

Work either for free or for a large fee, but always at full strength.

You should work at full strength so as not to get out of shape.

The rule is that we are all exceptions.

Don't hang out with scoundrels and don't hang around with those who hang around with scoundrels.

Don't wait for your time to come to where you are. Your time has come. Only it is located in a different place. So go where your time is.

Don't become a part of the whole, don't want someone to become a part of you.

Are you unhappy with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be your program of action.

If you don't want to get depressed, don't do anything to be loved.
The opposite is also true: if you want to get depressed, try to make everyone love you.

If you want to be free, do what you need to do.

Perform those actions that comply with the laws of nature and, therefore, contribute to our development.

When you set your mind on something, act as if you have already achieved it, but be prepared for the fact that you will not achieve it.

If you are not sure of success, then do not start any business.

Use all your capabilities, but don't try to go beyond them.

Both in work and in love you can give, but you cannot belong.

Know what you want and you will know what you should.

If you understand what is going on in the souls of successful people, you will stop envying them.

But this is not a reason not to strive for success in life.

Other people's thoughts should lie in the foundation of your building, and not on its roof.

Be sincere. And you will be attractive.
A. Schopenhauer: “One is more concerned with the impression he makes on others; the other - more by the impression that others make on him: the first has a subjective mood; the second – objective; the first in its existence is more than a simple idea; the second is more representative.”

If you felt offended, think about whether you have what you were accused of.

You should write in such a way that it is impossible to take notes.

Work for yourself.
When you work for someone else, you don't have enough time for yourself. When you work for yourself, you don't have enough time to work for someone else.

Find an element of praise in the abuse and calm down.
Since they scold me, it means that I am a significant figure, that means I can do something that I haven’t done yet. Listen to what they scold you for, and you will find out what hopes people have for you.

Wish to be treated the way a good milkmaid treats her cash cow or like a car fanatic treats his car.

Do not bow to desires, but satisfy their just demands.

Be your own leader.

If I am afraid to break up with someone when circumstances require it, I am a zero who does not want to become a one.

True creativity is possible at the top of the mountain of knowledge created by others, otherwise it can turn into the invention of the wheel or the discovery of America, in general, into creativity for oneself.

If you want to become kinder, achieve success and love the World.

If you learn to tolerate your neighbors, it will become easier to tolerate yourself.

Marry one but fruitful idea. Fertilize it with your inspiration, and it will give you a lot of new ideas, which will all be different, but to some extent similar to both mom and dad. But these will all be your children.

If you want to experience a feeling of joy, never expect anything good from anyone or anything.

If you don’t follow the LAWS, then it’s better if you don’t know them. Then retribution for you comes AFTER, and also BEFORE.

You should be afraid to break LAWS. But THIS is the only thing you should be afraid of.

Love and act only within your capabilities, but constantly increase your capabilities.

Treat misfortune with gratitude, as if it were good. Naturally, and fortunately too.

Go with the flow when you see that circumstances are not favorable to you. Don’t resist them, but leave them to their natural course. Because whoever goes against circumstances becomes their slave, and whoever submits to them becomes their master.

Discussion from the series “Poems about me”

Discussion from the series. We talk about important things in the words of Russian poets.

Whom to love? Who to believe?
Who won't cheat on us alone?
Who measures all deeds and all speeches?
Helpfully to our arshin?

Who doesn’t sow slander about us?
Who cares for us?
Who cares about our vice?
Who never gets bored?

A vain seeker of a ghost,
Without wasting your labors in vain,
Love yourself...

A.S. Pushkin. From the poem "Eugene Onegin"

“Love yourself”?.. Is this a sermon of selfishness? Irony? And how does this fit in with Pushkin’s idea of ​​the dignity and “independence of man,” with the biblical “love your neighbor as yourself”? We invite you, reading the poems of Pushkin, Baratynsky, Lermontov, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Brodsky and other poets, to think: “Whom to love? Who to believe?"

At the first debate in the series, we read poems that are united by the motif of loneliness. Loneliness can be perceived in different ways: as a tragedy, as a necessity, as a strength, or as an inevitability. This became the starting point in choosing verses and joining groups for the debate. Reading and discussing poetry together helped participants understand the concept of loneliness in a new, more profound way. We talked about the fact that loneliness is necessary for self-development, because it helps to understand the events of your life, survive pain, and return to yourself. And you need to learn this! We came to the conclusion that loneliness becomes a real tragedy not when a person is alone, but when he does not understand and accept himself, and as a result loses the meaning of life. And we were convinced that poetry not only makes it possible not to feel lonely, but also helps us better understand ourselves, our relationships with people and the world. We also heard Brodsky’s words in a new way: “When we read poetry, we understand that those who wrote them knew us...”

Hello dears.
We continue with you a small analysis of Pushkin’s wonderful “Eugene Onegin”. Let me remind you that last week we stopped here: .
Let's continue :-)

There is no return to dreams and years;
I will not renew my soul...
I love you with the love of a brother
And maybe even more tender.
Listen to me without anger:
The young maiden will change more than once
Dreams are easy dreams;
So the tree has its own leaves
Changes every spring.
This is how it seems to be destined by the sky.
You will love again: but...
Learn to control yourself;
Not everyone will understand you like I do;
Inexperience leads to disaster."

In principle, I finished quite sensibly, although again not without some slight narcissism. Like, not everyone will understand :-) And in response to the female expression “let’s remain friends” (c), Pushkin’s male version “I love you with the love of a brother” appeared :-) Beautiful, my dear!

This is what Eugene preached.
Through tears, seeing nothing,
Barely breathing, no objections,
Tatyana listened to him.
He offered his hand to her. Sadly
(As they say, mechanically)
Tatyana leaned silently,
Bowing my languid head;
Let's go home around the garden;
They showed up together and no one
I didn’t think of blaming them for that.
Has rural freedom
Your happy rights,
Just like arrogant Moscow.

You will agree, my reader,
What a very nice thing to do
Our friend is with sad Tanya;
Not for the first time he showed here
Souls of direct nobility,
Although people are unkind
Nothing was spared in him:
His enemies, his friends
(Which might be the same thing)
He was honored this way and that.
Everyone in the world has enemies,
But God save us from our friends!
These are my friends, my friends!
It’s not for nothing that I remembered them.

Let's leave the escapade about friends, but in general, Alexander Sergeevich and I agree. Evgeny behaved like a man and nobly. However, I couldn’t do it any other way

And what? Yes so. I'm putting you to sleep
Empty, black dreams;
I only notice in parentheses
That there is no despicable slander,
In the attic born a liar
And encouraged by the secular mob,
That there is no such absurdity
Not a square epigram,
Which would be your friend with a smile,
In a circle of decent people,
Without any malice or pretense,
Didn’t repeat the mistake a hundred times;
However, he is a mountain for you:
He loves you so much... like his own!

Hey...as always - to the point :-))) There are probably 2 incomprehensible things. Liar - F.I. Tolstoy; "Attic" - a meeting place for St. Petersburg youth at the book. Shakhovsky. Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy, nicknamed “The American,” is, of course, an outstanding person. I just can't get around to posting about him. We talked a little in the post about bruisers: . In general, Pushkin and Tolstoy had a very long and complex relationship :-)

Well, then we have the lyrics. But funny

Hm! hmm! Noble reader,
Are all your relatives healthy?
Allow: maybe, whatever
Now you learn from me,
What exactly does relatives mean?
These are the native people:
We must caress them
Love, sincerely respect
And, according to the custom of the people,
About Christmas to visit them
Or send congratulations by mail,
So that the rest of the year
They didn't think about us...
So, may God grant them long days!

But the love of tender beauties
More reliable than friendship and kinship:
Above it and amid the rebellious storms
You retain the rights.
Of course it is. But the whirlwind of fashion
But the waywardness of nature,
But the opinions of the secular stream...
And the sweet floor is as light as feathers.
Moreover, the opinions of the spouse
For a virtuous wife
You must always be respectful;
So your faithful friend
Sometimes I get carried away:
Satan jokes with love.

Whom to love? Who to believe?
Who won't cheat on us alone?
Who measures all deeds and all speeches?
Helpfully to our arshin?
Who doesn’t sow slander about us?
Who cares for us?
Who cares about our vice?
Who never gets bored?
A vain seeker of a ghost,
Without wasting your labors in vain,
Love yourself
My honorable reader!
Worthy item: nothing
There is probably no one more kind than him.

Pushkin is a master of lyrical insertions :-))) Arshin is a Russian measure of length equal to 0.71 m.

What was the consequence of the date?
Alas, it’s not hard to guess!
Love's mad suffering
Haven't stopped worrying
Young soul, greedy sadness;
No, more than a joyless passion
Poor Tatyana is burning;
Sleep flies from her bed;
Health, color and sweetness of life,
Smile, virgin peace,
Everything is gone, the sound is empty,
And dear Tanya’s youth fades:
This is how the storm's shadow dresses
The day is barely born.

Tanya is worried... very worried... And this is understandable.

To be continued...
Have a nice time of day.