To whom Tom Sawyer declared his love. Foreign literature abridged. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary. The painful death of an Indian and his funeral

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The middle of the last century, a town with the pretentious name of St. Petersburg... America, where there are no factories, no railways, no class struggle, but instead chickens roam among houses with vegetable gardens... A pious province, where Aunt Polly, raising alone Tom Sawyer, does not take up the rod without backing up his fragile rigor with a text from the Holy Scriptures... A demanding province, where children, even during the holidays, continue to cram Bible verses in Sunday school... A poor province, where an unfamiliar boy, on a weekday walking in boots, he looks like an impudent dandy, whom Tom, of course, cannot help but teach a lesson. It’s very tempting here to run away from school and swim in Mississippi, despite Aunt Polly’s prudently sewn shirt collar, and if it weren’t for the exemplary quiet stepbrother Sid, who finally noticed that the thread on the collar had changed color, everything would have been sewn up. .

For this trick, Tom will face a severe punishment - he will have to whitewash the fence on the holiday. But it turns out that if you convince the boys you know that whitewashing a fence is a great honor and a rare entertainment, then you can not only push the work onto others, but also find yourself the owner of a real treasury of twelve alabaster balls, a fragment of a blue bottle, a gun from a reel, a collar without a dog , a key without a lock, a glass stopper without a decanter, a copper door handle and a knife handle...

However, human passions seethe equally everywhere: one day a great man enters a small church - District Judge Thacher, a man who has seen the world, for he came from Constantinople, which is twelve miles from St. Petersburg; and with him appears his daughter Becky - a blue-eyed angel in a white dress and embroidered pantaloons... Love flares up, jealousy burns, followed by a breakup, mortal resentment, then fiery reconciliation in response to a noble deed: the teacher beats Tom for a book that he accidentally Becky tore it up. And between insult and reconciliation, in a fit of despair and hopeless resentment, you can go into pirates, putting together a gang of noble thugs from the local street kid Huckleberry Finn, with whom good boys are strictly forbidden to hang out, and another friend, already from a decent family.

The boys have a delightful time on the wooded Jackson Island not far from their native St. Petersburg, play, swim, catch incredibly tasty fish, eat scrambled eggs from turtle eggs, survive a terrible thunderstorm, indulge in luxurious vices, like smoking homemade maize pipes... But that’s all there is to it. The boyish paradise of pirates begins to be drawn back to people - even the little tramp Huck. Tom has a hard time persuading his friends to hold out for the breathtaking sensation - to appear, one might say, at their own funeral, at a memorial service for their own missing souls. Tom, alas, belatedly realizes the full cruelty of their fascinating prank...

And against the backdrop of these relatively innocent cataclysms, a serious bloody tragedy unfolds. As you know, the surest way to remove warts is to go at night to the fresh grave of a bad person with a dead cat, and when the devils come for him, throw the frozen cat after them with the words: “Devil for the dead man, cat for the devil, warts for the cat - here and that's the end of it, all three of them away from me! But instead of devils, a young doctor appears with a tin lantern (in pious America it is difficult to get hold of a corpse in any other way, even for medical purposes) and his two assistants - the harmless klutz Muff Potter and the vengeful mestizo Injun Joe. It turned out that Injun Joe had not forgotten that at the doctor's house five years ago he was pushed out of the kitchen when he asked for food, and after he vowed to repay at least a hundred years later, he was also sent to prison for vagrancy. In response to a fist brought to his nose, the doctor knocks the mestizo down; Injun Joe's partner stands up for him; in the ensuing fight, the doctor stuns Muff Potter with a board, and Injun Joe kills the doctor with a blow from a knife dropped by Muff Potter, and then convinces him that it was he, Potter, who killed the doctor in unconsciousness. Poor Potter believes everything and begs Injun Joe not to tell anyone about it, but Muff Potter’s bloody knife, forgotten in the cemetery, seems to everyone to be irrefutable evidence. Injun Joe's testimony completes the case. Besides, someone saw Muff Potter washing himself - why would that be?

Only Tom and Huck could save Muff Potter from the gallows, but in horror of the “Indian devil” they swear to each other to remain silent. Tormented by their conscience, they visit Meff Potter in prison - they simply go up to the barred window of a small secluded house, and old Meff thanks them so touchingly that the pangs of conscience become completely unbearable. But at a fateful moment, already during the trial, Tom heroically reveals the truth: “And when the doctor grabbed Muff Potter on the head with a board and he fell, Injun Joe rushed at him with a knife and...”

Fuck! With the speed of lightning, Injun Joe jumped onto the windowsill, pushed away those trying to hold him back, and was gone.

Tom spends his days brilliantly: the gratitude of Muff Potter, universal admiration, praise in the local newspaper - some even predict that he will be president, if only he is not hanged before then. However, his nights are filled with horror: Injun Joe, even in his dreams, threatens him with violence.

Oppressed by anxiety, Tom nevertheless starts a new adventure - a search for treasure: why not dig up a half-rotten chest full of diamonds at the end of some branch of an old withered tree, in the very place where its shadow falls at midnight?! Huck initially prefers dollars, but Tom explains to him that diamonds cost a dollar apiece, no less. However, misfortune befalls them under the tree (however, the witches may have interfered). It’s much safer to rummage through an abandoned house, where at night a blue light flashes in the window, which means a ghost is not far away. But ghosts don’t walk around during the day! True, the friends almost got into trouble when they went to the excavations on Friday. However, having realized it in time, they spent the day playing Robin Hood - the greatest man who ever lived in England.

On a Saturday favorable for treasure hunting, Tom and Huck come to a scary house without glass, without a floor, with a dilapidated staircase, and while they are exploring the second floor, the treasure below really is - lo and behold! - they find an unknown tramp and - oh horror! - Injun Joe, who reappeared in the town disguised as a deaf-mute Spaniard. Tracking down the "Spaniard", Huck prevents another terrible crime: Injun Joe wants to mutilate the rich widow Douglas, whose late husband, being a judge, once ordered him to be whipped for vagrancy - like some dark-skinned man! And for this he wants to cut out the widow’s nostrils and chop off her ears, “like a pig.” Having overheard terrible threats, Huck calls for help, but Injun Joe disappears again without a trace.

Meanwhile, Tom goes on a picnic with his beloved Becky. Having had plenty of fun "in nature", the children climb into the huge McDougal Cave. Having examined the already known wonders, which bore the fanciful names “Cathedral”, “Aladdin’s Palace” and the like, they forget about caution and get lost in the bottomless labyrinth. It was all because of the swarms of bats that almost extinguished their tallow candles for the loving children; staying in the dark would have been the end! - and then they chased them for a long time through more and more corridors. Tom still repeats: “Everything is fine,” but in his voice Becky hears: “Everything is lost.” Tom tries to scream, but only the echo responds with a fading mocking laugh, which makes it even worse. Becky bitterly reproaches Tom for not taking notes. "Becky, I'm such an idiot!" - Tom repents. Becky sobs in despair, but when Tom begins to curse himself for ruining her with his frivolity, she pulls herself together and says that she is no less to blame than he is. Tom blows out one of the candles, and this also looks ominous. The strength is already running out, but to sit down would mean dooming oneself to certain death. They share the remains of the "wedding cake" that Becky planned to put under her pillow so they could see each other in their dreams. Tom gives Becky most of it.

Leaving the exhausted Becky by an underground stream, tying a string to a rock ledge, Tom searches the corridors accessible to him and stumbles upon Injun Joe with a candle in his hand, who, to his relief, runs away. In the end, thanks to Tom's courage, the children still get out five miles from the "Main Entrance".

Judge Thacher, himself exhausted by unsuccessful searches, gives the order to securely lock the dangerous cave - and thereby, unknowingly, dooms Injun Joe hiding there to a painful death - at the same time creating a new attraction in the cave: "Injun Joe's Bowl" - a depression in the stone, into which the unfortunate man collected the drops falling from above, a dessert spoon a day. People came from all over the area to attend Injun Joe's funeral. People brought children, food and drink with them: it was almost the same pleasure as if a famous villain was hanged before their eyes. Tom guesses that the disappeared treasure must be hidden in the cave - and in fact, he and Huck find a hiding place, the entrance to which is marked with a cross, drawn with soot from a candle. Huck, however, suggests leaving: Injun Joe's spirit is probably wandering somewhere near the money. But smart Tom realizes that the spirit of the villain will not wander near the cross. In the end, they find themselves in a cozy cave, where they find an empty barrel of gunpowder, two guns in cases and various other damp junk - a place surprisingly suitable for future bandit orgies (although it is not known exactly what it is). The treasure turns out to be there - tarnished gold coins, more than twelve thousand dollars! This is despite the fact that you could live comfortably for a whole week on a dollar and a quarter!

In addition, the grateful widow Douglas takes Huck into her upbringing, and there would be a complete “happy ending” if Huck could bear the burden of civilization - this vile purity and suffocating decency. The widow's servants wash him, clean his restrictive, airtight clothes, lay him down on disgustingly clean sheets every night, he has to eat with a knife and fork, use napkins, study from a book, attend church, express himself so politely that he loses the desire to speak. : if Huck hadn’t run up to the attic to swear well, it seems he would have simply given his soul to God. Tom barely convinces Huck to be patient while he organizes a gang of robbers - after all, robbers are always noble people, more and more counts and dukes, and the presence of a ragamuffin in the gang will greatly undermine its prestige.

The further biography of the boy, the author concludes, would turn into the biography of a man and, we add, would probably lose almost the main charm of a children's game: the simplicity of characters and the “repairability” of everything in the world. In the world of “Tom Sawyer”, all insults inflicted disappear without a trace , the dead are forgotten, and the villains are devoid of those complicating features that inevitably mix compassion with our hatred.


A boy, Tom Sawyer, lives in the American province. He is raised by Aunt Polly. Mischievous Tom runs away from class to go for a swim. His half-brother Sid gives him away. As punishment, Tom is given the task of painting the fence. The tomboy praises his business, and the other guys begin to envy him. Tom passes on the exciting activity to his friends, receiving in return the boy’s valuables: a fragment of a bottle, a stopper from a decanter, a knife handle, a door handle.

Having finished painting the fence, Tom goes for a walk. He meets a beautiful girl with whom he falls in love. Tom studies the Gospel and the Bible diligently in Sunday school. At church, Tom tries to impress Becky Thatcher with his knowledge of religious texts. But without answering the judge’s simple question, Tom falls into despair.

At school, the boy confesses his love to Becky. He persuades her to get engaged, but there is a quarrel due to jealousy. Tom decides to become a pirate.

At night, in the company of Huck Finn, Tom goes to the cemetery. There, the boys observe a quarrel between Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe and the drunkard Muff Potter, which ends in murder and swear to keep the secret of what they saw.

There is talk in the city about what happened. Tom knows who the killer is. He becomes despondent. Aunt thinks he is sick. Tom doesn't want to take the nasty medicine. He makes the cat drink a spoon. Aunt Paulie tries to shame the boy. To this she receives the answer that children should not be bullied either. Tom attends school diligently, but Becky doesn't pay attention to him. Then the boy, along with Joe Harper and Huck Finn, decide to become pirates and set off on a raft. While they are having fun on the island, they are considered drowned. The boys go to church for their own funeral. Tom is a hero again. Having made Becky jealous, he wins her back.

At school, Tom sees Becky take a book out of the teacher's drawer. Sneaking up, he scares the girl. She tears the page. Becky is sure that Tom will tell the truth and she will not escape the spanking. The boy takes the blame on himself in front of the teacher.

On the eve of the holidays, teacher Dobbins is especially strict. The guys decide to take revenge on him. They lower the cat on a rope, which picks up the wig with its claws and exposes Dobbins' bald head.

During the holidays, Becky's parents took the girl away. Tom gets sick. Having recovered from measles, he appears on the street, where he is bored. Tom regains his glory as a hero by speaking at his trial. He tells the truth about the murder in the cemetery and saves the innocent Muff Potter. For some time, Tom fears the Indian's revenge. Soon his fear disappears and with Huck he goes in search of the treasure. In an abandoned house, tramps, including Joe, find a treasure, but decide to hide it. The boys unsuccessfully search for gold in the Indian's hotel room.

Upon their return to the city, Becky's parents organize a party on the ship. Tom and his girlfriend run into the caves. At this time, Huck is watching Joe, who is going to take revenge on the judge's widow for his arrest. Huck tells the farmer about this. There is a raid on the Indian.

Tom and Becky were lost on the ship, and they got lost in a cave, were tired, and ran out of food. Tom goes in search of a way out. He sees a light, which turns out to be a candle flame in Joe's hands. Tom runs away from the Indian. Going on his search again, he finds a way out. The door to the cave is locked, but Joe remains there. He feels sorry for the Indian who died of hunger in the cave, but he knows where he hid the gold. Huck and Tom become the richest boys.

The widow Douglas, indebted to Huck for her salvation, takes him under her wing. But the boy cannot live without freedom and adventure and runs away. Tom persuades his friend to return. The boys plan to create a gang of noble robbers.

Year: 1876 Genre: story

Main characters: the boy Thomas, his friend Huck, Aunt Polly, Mary and Sid are Tom's half-brother and sister, Becky's classmate.

This is a novel about children, about their characters and morals. At school age, children come up with entertainment for themselves. The main character is a mischief maker and an inventor, and is always looking for adventures on his own. He is restless and disobedient, which endlessly upsets his aunt. But the most important thing is that despite everything, the stern woman loves her nephew very much.

the main idea Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is that children can become angry if they are endlessly punished, and that childhood should be happy despite poverty.

Read a summary of Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer chapter by chapter

Chapter 1

An angry elderly lady is looking everywhere for her nephew. She gets angry and spins like a top, and in the end her keen eyes in formal glasses find him in the closet. She found the boy all covered in jam, and was ready to give him a good whack. But the nimble boy cunningly escaped from Aunt Polya’s tenacious hands and disappeared. In surprise, the old woman laughed loudly: Tom had cleverly tricked her this time too, and she could no longer be angry with him.

Chapter 2

On the day off, the aunt put a bucket of lime in front of the boy and put a brush on a long handle. Tom had to paint the fence. But the resourceful nephew did not consider such an occupation worthy of him, and began to feverishly figure out how to cheat. And suddenly an interesting thought flashed into his brilliant head. He took the brush and set to work with delight. The neighbor's boy Ben began to tease him, but Tom convinced him that whitewashing fences is a task that not everyone can trust. As a result, Ben began to literally beg Tom to give him a brush in exchange for an apple. Tom reluctantly agreed, hiding a sly smile. Other boys came to replace Ben, and by lunchtime Tom was already a rich man. He was happy, and the fence was painted.

Chapter 3

In anticipation of victory, Tom went home, where his aunt listened with disbelief to his statement that the fence had already been whitewashed, and several times too. After making sure that Tom was not lying, she became emotional and gave him an apple. Tom, at the same time, also stole the gingerbread and jumped out into the street, throwing several lumps of dirt at the obedient boy Sid.

Then he went to the city square, where local boys were playing games. After some time, Tom went home and met a blue-eyed girl along the way, and she immediately captivated his heart. Tom stared at the girl from the pod for a long time, and when she left, she threw him a daisy flower. Tom beamed with happiness. When he came home, he didn’t even get angry at Aunt Polly’s remarks.

Chapter 4

When Tom went to Sunday school, they got him a smart suit, different shoes and a colorful straw hat. In Sunday school, many psalms had to be memorized, and as an incentive, the children were given tickets of different colors. Who had 10! Yellow tickets, he was given a real bible.

Tom really didn’t like to memorize entire texts, couldn’t sit still and had fun as best he could. He exchanged various tickets from the guys for some trinkets. When they began to award students, no one could present the required number of tickets. Then Tom stood up and showed a whole fan of these tickets, which made everyone’s eyes pop out of their heads, but they still handed the Bible to the boy.

Chapter 5

During the morning sermon in church, Tom turned his head and tried to catch a fly. When he managed to hold it in his hand, the aunt ordered the boy not to be naughty, and the fly had to be released. Without thinking twice, Tom began to have fun with the beetle that was sitting in his pocket. At some point, the beetle bit Tom on the finger and was immediately thrown to the floor. Suddenly a bored poodle came into the church; he noticed a beetle, lay down on his belly and tried to catch it. People who were nearby were silently dying of laughter, hiding behind their fans. The poodle hunted for the beetle for a long time, and accidentally stepped on it. Apparently the beetle bit the dog, as it squealed and ran along the rows. The sermon was almost disrupted, everyone was having fun. Tom was pleased.

Chapter 6

On Monday Tom felt unhappy because he had to go to school again. The boy had the idea that it would be great to get sick, and he began to invent a disease. Deciding to pretend that his toe hurt terribly, Tom groaned protractedly. When his aunt came running, he said that he had gangrene. Aunt Polly laughed with relief, having figured out her nephew's trick, and sent him off to school.

On the way to school, Tom met a poor boy, Hucklebury Fin, and after talking, he was late for school. The teacher flogged him with rods, and Tom sat down at the desk in an empty seat with relief. His desk neighbor turned out to be the same stranger who captivated his heart. Tom put a peach on the desk in front of her, but the girl turned away. Tom began to persuade her and still managed to attract her attention. The girl liked the way Tom drew and asked her to teach her how to draw.

After a lively conversation, Tom wrote something on paper. When the girl managed to take the paper from the hands of the displaced Tom, she read: “I love you.”

Chapter 7

At school, Tom tried to read the textbook, but he was bored. He took the tick out of the box and began chasing the tick around the desk. The teacher noticed this and beat him. During recess, Tom met Becky on the street. The boy kissed her on the cheek and said that now she should only be with him. Tom casually mentioned the name of another girl he used to like, which aroused Becky's indignation. She burst into tears and began to move away from him. Tom consoled as best he could. In the end, he lowered his head and quietly walked away.
Chapter 8

Tom decided to become a pirate. He imagined how his name would thunder throughout the world. He will fly across the seas with a pirate flag on his ship. He called himself the Black Avenger of the Spanish Seas. While thinking about life, he suddenly came across another boy who called himself Robin Hood. Immediately the two tomboys clung to each other, and after a while they went home.

Chapter 9

Tom and his friend Huckleberry agreed to meet at night in the cemetery, and Tom almost overslept. At the cemetery, the boys hid and waited for the dead to come. Suddenly they heard the voices of people. They were carrying someone's body on a stretcher. Then they dug up someone's grave and placed the corpse in the coffin, unceremoniously throwing out the former owner of the coffin. The boys sat neither alive nor dead. When such an opportunity presented itself, they took off running.

Chapter 10

Huck and Tom tried their best to keep the incident in the cemetery a secret. When Tom slowly entered the bedroom, he immediately went to bed. In the morning no one woke him up, which was strange, and Aunt Polly cried and said that now he could continue to disgrace her. When Tom arrived at school, another portion of the rod awaited him for skipping school the day before.

Chapter 11

In the morning a corpse was found in the cemetery and it became known throughout the area. Everyone rushed to the crime scene. After all these events, Tom began to talk in his sleep. Pretending that he had a toothache, Tom began to tie his teeth at night so as not to talk in his sleep. He didn't know that Sid was slowly loosening his bandage to listen to Tom mutter at night.

Chapter 12

Aunt Polly began to notice some kind of apathy in her nephew. She didn't know that Tom was worried about Becky getting sick. The boy was worried that the girl might die. Auntie tried all the folk remedies she knew, but nothing helped. She heard about a new medicine that she decided to try on her nephew. It was a success. Something exploded inside Tom. Later, he shared the medicine with the cat, who began to fly around the house at breakneck speed.

Chapter 13

The guys decided to sail down the river on a raft. All the boys who were offended by their relatives gathered here. Each of them carried some kind of provisions. The raft smoothly reached the middle of the river, and when the boys turned around. They saw that their city was far away. They sailed further and further and landed on some shore.

Chapter 14

Waking up in the morning, Tom contemplated nature for a long time. A caterpillar caught his attention, then he watched the ants and ladybug at work. He pushed the rest of the pirates aside, and they began to run, jump, and catch up with each other. At night, their raft was carried away by the current, and the guys imagined themselves to be real pirates on a deserted island.

Chapter 15

Tom left the forest and went secretly to visit his home. There he learned that relatives rushed to look for the fugitives, but when they saw an overturned boat, they decided that the boys had drowned. Tom learned about this from his aunt’s story when he was standing under the windows of the house. He saw Aunt Polly, who did not even try to hold back her tears and told him how much she loved him.

Chapter 16

Gradually, the boys began to think more and more often that they should return. Tom did not tell the boys that they were considered dead, and suggested that the boys look for the treasure. But the guys insisted that we had to go back. That same night they were caught in a downpour. They hid under a spreading oak tree, but this did little to save them.

Chapter 17

Tom suggested that the boys return home somehow unexpectedly. He had to tell his friends that they were considered drowned. The plan was that when they were buried, they would appear alive and unharmed. The guys liked the plan and began to collect their belongings. They gathered their courage and appeared before their relatives, who almost strangled the travelers in their arms.

Chapter 18

Tom became the hero of the day and walked importantly with his tail up. He thought that fame was enough for him, he would live without Becky. He returned to school, and first of all, he did not miss the moment to offend Becky and was now walking around the school. He began to pay attention to Emmy, which brought tears to Becky's eyes.

Chapter 19

An unpleasant surprise awaited Tom: his aunt found out that he had visited her when he was a pirate. Tom began to make excuses, saying that he missed him and when he left, he even kissed his aunt. She was very happy and even shed tears. She felt so pleased, although she understood that it could be a lie. He himself felt joyful from the feelings that overwhelmed him, and he ran off for a walk.

Chapter 20

At school, Tom approached Becky and apologized to her for his recent behavior. But Becky was offended and was not going to forgive the boy. During recess, he accidentally bumped into the same Becky, who was furtively examining an anatomy textbook lying on the teacher’s desk. The girl did not expect to see Tom and, in surprise, slammed the book shut, accidentally tearing the page.

When the teacher entered the classroom and discovered that someone had torn the textbook, he questioned him. After interviewing several boys, he got to the girls. When it was Becky's turn, Tom saw her blush. He immediately blurted out that it was he who tore the book, and was calmly beaten by the teacher. But in Becky’s eyes, full of tears, he read gratitude and love. This made the punishment seem less painful.

Chapter 21

The holidays were approaching, and the teacher wanted the students to finish the school year well. To do this, he did not forget to use rods, and Tom got plenty of it. Everyone was in awe of the teacher and finally the exam took place.

Chapter 22

Tom joined a teetotaler society and made a promise not to drink, not to smoke, not to swear. From this he understood only one thing: if a person is forbidden to do something, he will immediately want to do it. One day, an orchestra consisting of African Americans came to the city, and Tom and the guys also began performing.

Chapter 23

They found the culprit of that terrible story in the cemetery and his trial took place. Defendant Muff Potter's last words were that he was drunk and it all happened by accident. And suddenly he asked to call Tom Sawyer, who told the court how everything really happened. It turns out that Injun Joe was to blame for everything and Muff Potter was acquitted.

Chapter 24

Tom became famous throughout the area. Everyone was talking about him. Everything was fine, and only one thing upset Tom: he understood that the Indian would settle accounts with him. Days passed, but the killer could not be caught.

Chapter 25

Tom decided to find Injun Joe at any cost. And it also occurred to him to find a real treasure. He took Huck as his assistant, and they began to hatch a plan.

Chapter 26

The boys imagine themselves as Robin Hoods and continue searching for the treasure. One day they heard footsteps and hid behind a snag. It was Injun Joe.

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

The guys tracked down where the Indian was staying. One day Tom almost stepped on his hand while he was sleeping, dead drunk. Out of fear, Tom started to run.

Chapter 29

Tom met up with Becky and they had a good time. The adults decided to have a picnic for the children. Tom and Becky decided to run away to the Widow Douglas to eat delicious ice cream.

Chapter 30

It turned out that Tom and Becky were missing and the whole city rushed to search for them. Three days passed and the fugitives were not found. The search continued, but the relatives were horrified.

Chapter 31

Tom and Becky wandered into a cave. Having explored its depths, the travelers, as expected, got lost. They were running away from scary bats and lost their way. Tom picked up the rope and crawled forward somewhere, trying to find a way out.

Chapter 32

When all hope was lost, Tom saw a faint ray of light. He returned for Becky and they were released. The family, who cried their eyes out, were happy to hug both Becky and Tom. After a while, Tom went to his friend Huck, and then visited Becky. Her father, Judge Thacher, jokingly suggested that Tom go to the cave again. And suddenly Tom remembered that Injun Joe appeared to him in the cave.

Chapter 33

Thus, Injun Joe was found dead in the cave. Huck suggested that Tom look for gold in the cave and the boys set off. After a long search, the friends dug out a chest of gold. The guys poured the money into bags and dragged them to the exit.

Chapter 34

Tom and Huck were visiting a widow who wanted to adopt Huck. To which Tom said that Huck doesn’t need it, because they found the treasure. When they didn't believe them, Tom showed some gold coins.

Chapter 35

Judge Thatcher gained respect for Tom and began to treat him favorably when Becky told him how he stood up for her. Father promised to place Tom in a military academy.

Picture or drawing of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary of The Endless Book (story) Michael Ende

    After the death of his mother, the life of ten-year-old Bastian Buchs turned into sheer melancholy. At school, his peers pester him for being clumsy and strange, his father is busy with his worries, and the boy’s only friends are books about adventures.

  • Summary of Korolenko Paradox
  • Summary of Ghost Groom Irving

    Baron von Landshort, owner of an ancient castle, had an only daughter. Until the age of 18, the beauty was raised under the supervision of her aunts. Pious aunties taught the pupil the art of embroidery

  • Brief summary of Sonechka Ulitskaya

    The main character of the story is a young lady named Sonechka. This girl is not distinguished by any beauty, is clumsy, has no friends, and when she has a free minute, she prefers to spend it reading literature.

  • Summary of Fox's Diary Mickey Sasha Black
In the middle of the 18th century, in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, a boy named Tom lives in the house of his Aunt Polly. A restless tomboy runs away from school to swim in the Mississippi, which earns him a weekend job.

Painting a fence while mocking friends are walking around is a very unpleasant task for a proud twelve-year-old boy. Tricky Tom pretends to be happy and completely satisfied with his time. Now his friends are asking him to give them this wonderful work in exchange for treasures.

The enterprising boy not only got rid of punishment, but also became the owner of 12 alabaster pieces, a reel cannon, a dog collar, a piece of blue glass and many other items of great value to children.

Love, piracy and funerals

The blue-eyed daughter of the district judge, Becky Thatcher, has won the heart of young Mr. Sawyer so much that he accepts her blame for the torn book and bravely endures a beating from the teacher. A whirlpool of passions, a quarrel, jealousy and now Tom runs away from home. With two friends, the boy decides to organize pirates.

The boys live on the island, swim to their heart's content, fish and even learn to smoke. After a terrible thunderstorm, the children really want to return home, but then they learn that they were considered drowned and a memorial service will be held. Not understanding the cruelty of their behavior, they decide to go straight to their own funeral.

Bloody tragedy at the cemetery

Tom goes to the cemetery at midnight with the homeless boy Huckleberry Finn in order to get rid of warts with the help of a dead cat and devils. There they witness a fight between the young doctor, Muff Potter and Injun Joe.

While Meff lies unconscious, the Indian kills the doctor with his knife. Then Joe convinces the klutz Potter that it was he who stabbed the doctor. The boys swear to each other to remain silent about the events of that night, because the Indian is known for his vindictiveness.

Meanwhile, Potter is arrested and faces the death penalty, because his knife was found in the cemetery. Joe testifies against his assistant. Tom and Huck visit Potter in prison, they are very ashamed and scared. During the trial, Tom cannot stand the injustice and tells the truth.

The Indian escapes by jumping out the window, Potter is acquitted, and Tom becomes a hero. Newspapers write about him, but he cannot sleep peacefully, fearing reprisals from Joe.

Treasure and courage

Inspired by the idea of ​​finding a treasure, the inseparable friends go to an abandoned house. While the boys are exploring the attic, the treasure is found downstairs by a tramp and Injun Joe. The criminal returned to the city pretending to be a deaf-mute Spaniard to take revenge on the widow of his longtime enemy.

Huck overhears Joe's terrible plans and manages to raise the alarm. The rescued Mrs. Douglas adopts the boy out of gratitude.

The Cave and the End of the "Indian Devil"

Tom makes up with Becky and invites her to a picnic. Children spend the day outdoors and explore the famous McDougal's Cave. Running away from bats, Tom and Becky get lost in a huge maze.

Tom courageously supports the exhausted girl. Leaving Becky at an underground stream, the boy goes to look for a way out and stumbles upon Joe. Fortunately, the Indian did not recognize him and ran deeper into the cave. Tom manages to get out of the cave and save Becky.

The city residents decided to fill up the entrance to the cave. Injun Joe was walled up alive and died there from starvation. Tom and Huck will later find a secret hole in the cave and find a treasure with gold coins.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (summary) unfold in the small provincial town of St. Petersburg, in the middle of the 18th century. A town where Bible study in Sunday school does not stop even during the holidays. Restless and playful Tom, who is alien to the exemplary life of the province, runs away from classes to swim in the Mississippi. For this, Aunt Polly, who is raising the boy, punishes him by painting the fence. But the cheerful boy managed to present a boring task in an unusual interpretation, for which he received many gifts, and left painting the fence to the boys he knew.

Romantic Tom falls in love with the blue-eyed girl Becky, the daughter of District Judge Thacher. The love story endures betrayal and jealousy, separation and bitter resentment.

Meanwhile, Tom and his friends, including the homeless “street” boy Huckleberry Finn, decided to become pirates, for which they ran away from home and spent time on Jackson Island, near St. Petersburg. There the boys have fun to their heart's content, try smoking hand-rolled cigarettes, relax, and fish. Finally, they get tired of “piracy” and decide to return home, and then the restless Tom comes up with another adventure, persuading the boys to appear on the day of their own funeral. He could not even imagine how cruel the prank would be.

During these innocent adventures, a real tragedy occurs, which Tom and his friends unwittingly witness. Wanting to get rid of warts, they came to the cemetery, to the grave of a “bad” person, so that, throwing a dead cat after the devils who had come for the deceased, they would be sent after them. Here they witness the bloody massacre of the vengeful Injun Joe, who kills the doctor in the heat of the fight. Injun Joe puts the blame on the simpleton Muff Potter, assuring him that in his oblivion he mortally wounded the doctor. The case goes to court. The boys, seriously frightened, vow not to tell anyone about what happened under any circumstances. However, at the trial, Tom could not remain silent and revealed the truth. Injun Joe managed to escape, and Meff was found innocent.

Tom becomes the hero of the town, they admire him, they write about him in the newspaper. But he is not left with constant anxiety about the pending reprisal of Injun Joe, who walked free. Tom starts another adventure, planning to find a treasure under an old tree. In search of diamonds, the children stumble upon an abandoned house with broken windows, where the boys discover a “deaf-mute” Spaniard, under whom Injun Joe was hiding, preparing another evil crime, this time the Widow Douglas was subjected to revenge. Brave Huck calls for help and warns of danger, but Joe manages to escape.

Tom and Becky go on a nature holiday, walk in McDougal's huge cave, enjoy the surrounding wonders and wander into a labyrinth. The lovers are pursued by a flock of bats. The determination and intelligence shown by Tom helped the children escape from the bottomless cave. Leaving Becky by the river, Tom discovers a way out. Concerned about Becky's father, Thacher orders the entrance to the cave to be locked. And with this he doomed Injun Joe, who was hiding in a cave, to certain death. The Indian's funeral was a kind of celebration for the province; both children and adults came here.

As a thank you to the boys, Judge Douglas's widow takes Huck in to raise her. The boys, in addition to everyone's joy, discover a treasure hidden by an Indian in a cave and become millionaires.