Summary of the role-playing game “Library. Summary of the plot-role-playing game "library" Lesson of the plot-role-playing game library

Plot-role-playing game: “Library”

Goal: Expand the understanding of the librarian profession. Combine the game “Family”, “Library”, “Kindergarten” into one plot.

Objectives: Learn to perform actions appropriate to the work of a librarian and readers: talk about books, fill out an electronic form, find the necessary books, type text on a “computer”.

Preliminary work: conversations, game situations, preparation of attributes.

Individual work: preparing Ksyusha for the role of a librarian with a message about new books, magazines for girls and boys.

Attributes for the game: a marker of the playing space, diagrams of the rules of behavior in the library, magazines for girls and boys, books by various writers and poets, of different genres, a monitor with a keyboard, a substitute monitor, a substitute printer.

Progress of the game:

The teacher informs the children that Ksyusha came to kindergarten today with books. And if we wanted to play with you, what game can we play to get acquainted with these books?

(children's answers)

That's right, the game "Library". Who works there?


Who will be our librarian today?


Why she?

(because she brought books and will introduce us to them)

How many librarians can there be in a library?

(children's answers)

Ksyusha, we suggest you choose an assistant.

(a participant is selected to play the role of the second librarian).

What do we need to organize this game?

(schemes are laid out)

(marker of the playing space, tables in the reading room, computer for the librarian’s work, participants in the game are children)

Well, everything is ready. You can start the game. The children and the teacher are preparing to go to the library, and the librarian is waiting for the children.

(children choose a participant to play the role of teacher)

Educator - Children, we came to the library. Before we go there, let's remember the rules of conduct.

(schemes are used)

1 Librarian: - Hello children, go to the reading room and take a seat at the table.

I will introduce you to a new addition to our reading room. I have in my hands a book by a famous writer....(showing a portrait of the writer using a presentation. It is interesting because...... And we also have new magazines in the reading room, for girls and boys. You can now take them and look at them at the table.

After giving the children a little time to look, the second character, the librarian, comes into play.

2 Librarian: - Hello children, I want to inform you that our subscription department has also been replenished with new and interesting books that you can take home and read. Today we will have the opening of a new exhibition, and we invite you and your parents. And now we say goodbye to you, we are waiting for you and your parents.

(children leave, distribute the roles of parent and child and return to the library)

2 The librarian invites you to the exhibition of new books, invites you to look at them, choose a book, writes it down in an electronic form, reminds you that the book is issued for 10 days, you must return it on time.

Children are given the opportunity to develop further actions independently.

Reading books at home with parents

A reader comes to the library to reprint information from sources (with his laptop, boy)

Return of “parents with children” to the library to return books

A visitor comes to use the Internet, send an order, for example

Readers look for the event script and reprint it (girls)

He takes a photo of a dress from a fashion magazine with a camera and discusses it with a friend.

The game continues until the children's interest in it dries up, within a temporary space.

“Plot-role-playing game “Library”

Priority area– “Cognition”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Labor”.

Purpose of gaming activity: Give children an idea of ​​the library.


1. Give children knowledge about what is in the library as a place for storing and issuing books for reading.

2. Form an idea of ​​​​the work of a librarian: introduces new books, advises which books to take, reminds the rules of behavior in the library, talks about how to handle books

2. To consolidate knowledge about children's writers, their biographies (briefly), introduces situations from the lives of writers, thanks to which the works were invented.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books, illustrations, and accuracy in handling creative heritage.

4. Promote the development of partnerships with adults and children, the ability to observe basic rules of behavior.

Preliminary work: viewing a multimedia presentation “Library”; conversations: about the library, the work of a librarian, about books; looking at: pictures depicting a library, books; reading poetry, fairy tales; table theater, dramatization games with costume elements and attributes as external symbols of the role; listening to the recording “Library song about”; asking riddles about the theme of the game.


computer; multimedia presentation “Library”, portraits of writers and poets familiar to children (K.I. Chukovsky; S.Ya. Marshak, V. Bianki, A.L. Barto); racks with badges, books, cards;

Activities of the teacher: Create conditions for organizing the game, arrange tables, shelves, books. Creating an environment for organizing and conducting gaming activities. Distribute roles. Observation of children's speech activity, relationships in play, role behavior.

Expected results: Ability to play independently. Replenishing children's knowledge about the game "Library". Expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Logic for constructing game activities:


Guys! Guess the riddles:

1. Although I am not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talk to you

In a language everyone can understand (book).

2. Not in the forest, not in the garden,

Roots in sight

There are no branches - just leaves,

What are these strange bushes? (book).

3. She speaks silently,

And it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become 10 times smarter (book)

Children's answers.


Guys, do you know where books “live”? Listen to a poem about a library and a librarian.

This is a home for different books,

They have been waiting for you for a long time.

Come closer quickly

Take a look at the books.

There is order here, like in a pharmacy.

The shelves were lined up.

Next to them is a librarian,

He is always happy to see us.

Slide show – library, librarian.


We have seen how many books there are in the library; the librarian gives them to children to read at home.

Today we will play in the library. The librarian wakes up Katya in the library, and Marina in the reading room. I will help her. And the rest of the children will be readers.

He says that the librarian creates a subscription for each reader, into which he puts a form from the book before giving it to the reader. When accepting a book from a reader, the librarian carefully checks to see if it is damaged, dirty or wrinkled. When talking with a reader, the librarian asks what he wants to read about and advises him to take this or that book. The library also has a reading room where they read children's magazines and look at pictures.

I will give you folders in which to carry books

Questions for children : – Why should books be carried in folders? How should you handle them?

Children's answers


Guys, let's remember the rules of behavior in the library.

Children's answers: You can’t run, you can’t make noise, you can’t play, you can’t disturb others. You need to behave calmly and politely. Handle books carefully.

Guys, let's play. Here is the library, and there is the reading room.

Educator reminds children to say hello when entering, and to ask for books. Reminds you how to find a book and what to look for. Shows children how to sketch an icon or stick a smiley face on their card. Makes sure that children look at books, carefully turn the pages, and do not rush when looking at them.


Children, in the reading room you can look at albums and illustrations. Please come here. Consider calmly and do not rush.

Helps the reading room librarian invite children to the reading room.


Today I will tell you guys about Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Do you know who Chukovsky is? That's right, this is a Russian writer. Look, this is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide show - portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.


Chukovsky was born in St. Petersburg, that was a long time ago. He studied at the Odessa gymnasium. I read a lot, educated myself, studied English and French. When he became an adult, he began to write himself, and also wrote poetic fairy tales for children. What poems and fairy tales of Chukovsky do you know?

Children's answers

D/I “Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales”

I will show you illustrations from books, and you will guess “Aibolit”, “Telephone”, “Moidodyr”.

D/I “Guess the Fairy Tale”

Educator reads excerpts from the fairy tales “Crocodile”, “Cockroach”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Barmaley”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, “Confusion”.

(Accompanied by a slide show)


Guys, now you can go to the library and take your favorite book home or read in the reading room.

Monitors the progress of the game. Observes the relationships between children and their speech. Assists those performing librarian roles.

Role-playing game "Library".

Social teacher: Dubovik N.S.

Target: Coordinate your own game plan with the plan of your peers, change roles as the game progresses. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of libraries. Expand ideas about library workers, establish rules of behavior in a public place. Develop children's memory and speech.

Program content: Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Creating interest in working in the library. Familiarization with the rules for using the book. Awakening children's interest and love for books, nurturing a caring attitude towards them.

The age of the children is from 5 to 7 years.

Equipment: books, forms, albums, magazines, card index.

Progress of the game:

Educator: - Guys, today we will play an interesting game. You all love having books read to you. You can choose at home, you can ask a friend, or you can go to......

Children: library.

Educator: It's like we've entered a magical kingdom:

Thousands of books live on the shelves there.

Smart, kind children will come here,

They will read all the books from cover to cover.

Educator: I am the head of the library - Natalya Sergeevna. I would like to introduce you to our library.

To start the game, I suggest you solve the riddles:

If you wrote a book,

So you're a writer

If you read the book,

So you...(Reader)

Well done! Do you think there should be readers in a library? (Rep. Det.)

Who wants to be a reader? (Children assign roles themselves)

Here Katya, Nastya, Sasha - you will be readers.

What are they supposed to do there?

Children: Look at books, choose books, magazines, etc.

Educator: Next riddle:

Pills and potion

The pharmacist sells it to you,

Textbooks and books

He will find it for you...(Librarian)

Who wants to be a librarian in the game? (Children offer)

Okay Sofia, you will be a librarian.

What departments are there in the library? (Subscription, reading room, exhibition hall, literary lounge, workshop)

So we need another librarian.

Guess the riddle:

One after another exactly in a row

The cards stand together

To help anyone,

There is...(Catalog of symbols)

You also solved the problem and gave the correct answer, now agree which of you will be in the subscription and which will be in the reading room.

So, Sofia will work on a subscription. And Anya is in the reading room.

Take your seats.

Here's another riddle

Who will guess the riddle?

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn, Not a person, but a story. Answer- (Book)

Anyone who wants to help books heal and prolong their life, please go to the workshop and become a book doctor, responsible for the neat, beautiful appearance of books.

Those interested go to their workshop.

Educator: Guys, where do you think the books in the library come from?

Children: people bring them, from the warehouse, from other library collections, from the store.

Educator: This means we will need a bookstore or warehouse salesperson.

Who brings and delivers books to the library?

Children: driver, chauffeur. Children agree on roles and begin the game.

1st librarian: Welcome to the subscription

The kingdom is filled with mysterious light,

Silence hid somewhere in the shadows here.

And you can hear the breath of every page,

We are happy to see you.

We have a new arrival of books today.

Please go to the shelves.

Please meet me. (Shows books and recommends them).

Educator: What rules of conduct should you remember when visiting the library? (Children's answers). Well done for knowing the rules.

Children choose books.

Katya, did you like this book?

Nikita, what did you like? You come to me, I'll write you a book. (The librarian fills out the form)

You can go to the halls that interest you (children are distributed among the halls if they wish)

2nd librarian: I invite you to the reading room

In this room there are old books, and there are new ones.

It is impossible to read them all in a lifetime.

But each gives us the joy of knowledge,

Therefore, we need to sacredly..... take care of them.

Educator: Children, look, it’s completely different here. There is a workshop in our library. We invite everyone to help repair books and make bookmarks so that you can use the book more conveniently. (Those who wish go to the workshop).

2nd Librarian We are glad to welcome you. Here you can get acquainted with new, unusual books, with old books, and look at newspapers and magazines. I suggest you pay attention to this unusual book. (The librarian shows and tells). After which the children independently choose and sit at the tables or on the sofa to look at the literature they like.)

Educator: I'll be in my office, they should call me from the warehouse.

Warehouse (store) seller: - Good afternoon. We have received new educational literature: rebuses, crosswords, puzzles. Would you like to purchase one for your reading room? Very colorful.

Head (teacher):- Okay, let's place an order, send a courier.

Driver-courier: Delivers the order and signs it.

Manager: When will you deliver our order?

Driver-courier: In one hour.

The head (teacher) enters the reading room: - Guys, soon there will be new additions to our library, we invite you to get acquainted with them.

Driver-courier: brought the order, signs the invoice. Checks the brought literature against the invoice.

The children continue the game.

Summary of the role-playing game "Library"

(preparatory group)

Goal: enriching children's gaming experience.


Build the plot of the game based on personal experience,

Encourage children to engage in active, coherent speech,

Develop communication skills during the game,

Clarify children's understanding of the library and rules of use.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Previous work:

Compiling stories on the topic “What we read about with mom”;

Visiting the library;

Situational conversations: “How to treat a book?”, “If there were no books”;

Quiz on Russian folk tales;

Examination of book illustrations;

Making bookmarks, forms;

Visual activity "My favorite book";

Design of exhibitions of books on topics in the book center.

Preparing for the game: designing the “Library” game area; inscriptions of library departments; book exhibition; forms; new books; periodicals; telephone; glue; scotch; scissors; doctor costume

Methodological techniques: dialogues, distribution of roles, monologues, guessing riddles.


Library manager -1 person.

Librarians - 2 people.

Readers - 5-6 people.

Driver - 1 person

Knizhkin doctor - 1 person.

Warehouse salesperson - 1 person.

Progress of the game:

Educator: - Guys, today we will play an interesting game. You all love having books read to you. Where do you usually get books? You can choose at home, you can ask a friend, or you can go to... (library) The teacher reads a poem:

It's like we've entered a magical kingdom:

Thousands of books live on the shelves there.

Smart, kind children will come here,

They will read all the books from cover to cover.

Educator: We have a library in our group. I want to introduce you to introduce her.

To start the game, I suggest you solve the riddles:

If you wrote a book,

So you're a writer

If you read the book,

So you...(Reader)

- Well done! Do you think there should be readers in the library? (children’s answers)

- Who wants to be a reader? (children assign roles themselves)

- What will readers do in the library? (view book exhibitions, choose books, read magazines, etc.)

What rules for using the library do you know? (books must be returned on time, take care of them, don’t make noise in the library, etc.)

Next riddle:

Pills and potion

The pharmacist sells it to you,

Textbooks and books

He will find it for you...(Librarian)

Who works in the library? What should he do there? Who wants to be a librarian? (children distribute the roles of the librarian)

- What departments are there in the library? (subscription, reading room, "Book Workshop")

- Now agree which of you will be the subscription librarian and which will be in the reading room.

Why? (I like filling out the form, talking about new books)

Librarians, take your seats.

Here's another riddle:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a man, but a story (Book)

How many of you would like to extend the life of books? You will need to carefully glue them to give them a neat appearance.

Who guessed the riddle?

So you will be a book doctor. Please go to your workshop. Guys, where do you think the books in the library come from? (children’s answers: people bring them, from a warehouse, from other library collections, from a store)

This means we will need a bookstore or warehouse salesperson.

Who brings and delivers books to the library? Answer: driver, chauffeur (children agree on roles)

The children start the game.

1st librarian: Welcome to the subscription

The kingdom is filled with mysterious light,

Silence hid somewhere in the shadows here.

And you can hear the breath of every page,

We are happy to see you.

We have a new arrival of books today.

Please go to the shelves.

Please get acquainted (shows books and recommends them).

What rules of conduct should you remember when visiting the library? (children's answers) Well done for knowing the rules.

Children choose books.

Did you like this book?

Come to me, I’ll sign up a book for you. (The librarian fills out the form)

You can go to the reading room. A new exhibition of periodicals has opened there (children can go to another room if they wish)

2nd librarian: I invite you to the reading room

In this room there are old books, and there are new ones.

It is impossible to read them all in a lifetime.

But each gives us the joy of knowledge,

Therefore, they must be sacredly protected.

Librarian: The reading room does not lend books home. You can watch them in the hall.

There is a book workshop in our library. Today our “Znayka” invites everyone to help repair books, make bookmarks for books so that it is convenient for you to use the book. (Those who wish can go to the workshop)

2nd librarian: We are glad to welcome you. Here you can get acquainted with new, unusual books, old books, and look at newspapers and magazines. I suggest you pay attention to this unusual book (the librarian shows and tells). After which the children independently choose and sit at the tables)

Manager: I'll be in my office, they should call me from the warehouse.

Warehouse (store) seller: - Good afternoon. We have received new literature. Would you like to purchase one for your library? Head (teacher): - Okay, let's place an order, send a courier.

Driver-courier: Delivers the order and signs it.

Manager: When will you deliver our order?

Driver-courier: In an hour.

The head (teacher) enters the reading room: - Guys, soon there will be new additions to our library, we invite you to get acquainted with them.

Driver-courier: brought the order, signs the invoice. Checks the brought literature against the invoice. The children continue the game.

Manager: Children, did you like the library? There is a lot of new and interesting things here. It's time for us to return home. Take your books.

Summary of a role-playing game for children of the senior group on the topic “Excursion to the library”


Develop the ability to independently distribute roles;
Show the social significance of libraries;
Expand your understanding of the work of a librarian;
Establish rules of behavior in a public place.


Tickets, money made by children; books arranged on shelves; reader cards.

Progress of the game:

Guys, a library has opened in our city. Let's go there on a tour. In order to go to the city we need a bus, let's build it. (Children build a bus out of chairs).

And now we need a driver to drive our bus. (Children choose their own driver).

We also need a conductor, he will sell tickets. (A conductor is selected, the rest of the children are passengers).

So, dear passengers, buy tickets and take a seat on the bus. (The children take their seats and the bus sets off.)

Here we are in the city, but the library is still closed and we have time to go to the hairdresser, pharmacy, canteen, whoever needs it. Meet me at the library. (Children go into different zones, assign roles themselves, and the teacher helps if necessary).

Attention, let’s finish our business and go to the designated place (all children approach the library; the teacher can take on the role of the librarian in the first game).

Guys, this is a library. There are a lot of interesting books, magazines, and newspapers stored here. The librarian keeps all these books and is responsible for them. He gives books to visitors, writes down the name of the book and the special number that each book has on the reader's card (the teacher shows a sample). After the reader has read the book, he must return it.

The library has a reading room. It is needed to read books that are in the archive. These are very valuable books, often there is only one copy and the librarian cannot allow you to take them home with you.

Let me remind you that you cannot make noise in the reading room; you need to behave very quietly so as not to disturb others.

Now let's go to the shelves with books and see how many different interesting books there are (children look at books).

We still have time before the bus leaves, let's ask the librarian to give us the most interesting books from the archive and go to the reading room with them (children go to the tables, look at the books).

Our bus leaves soon, we hand over all the books to the librarian. And who wants to take a book with them, choose from the shelves and go to the librarian, he will create a reader card for you and write down the name of the book you took.

Children choose books, stand in line, sign up, say thanks and go to the bus. The conductor sells tickets, the guys take their seats. The bus starts moving.

Game result:

Did you guys enjoy the excursion to the library?
What new did you learn during the excursion?

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