Summary of the literary reading lesson "K. Simonov "The Artilleryman's Son." Scientific and Practical Course on Literature "Forgotten Works of the School Curriculum" K. Simonov "The Artilleryman's Son" (presentation) development of collective activity skills

The great feat of the Soviet people in the Second World War, the feat of millions of famous and nameless heroes who broke the back of fascism and brought freedom to the peoples of many countries, will never be erased from the grateful memory of mankind." K. M. Simonov talks about one of these feats in his poem - our contemporary.

“Illustrations for poetry.”

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1. Student’s message about K. M. Simonov.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov was born on November 28, 1915 in the family of Colonel of the General Staff Mikhail Afangelovich Simonov and Princess Alexandra Leonidovna Obolenskaya. My father went missing at the front in the First World War. The boy was raised by his stepfather, a Red Army commander. Konstantin's childhood was spent in military camps and commander's dormitories. The family was not rich, so the boy had to go to school after finishing 7th grade and work as a metal turner. After 2 years, he entered the literary institute and graduated in 1938. His works were published in the magazines "Young Guard" and "October". In 1939, he was sent to the front as a war correspondent. Simonov's talent is multifaceted. He is the author of poems, ballads, poems, novels, plays, scripts, diaries, memoirs, and essays. The main theme of his work was war. And this is no coincidence. When the war began in June 1941, Simonov, like many other Soviet writers and poets, went to the front. During the four years of the war he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front. Simonov knew and understood well what war is, how much grief and suffering it brings to people, he felt how unbearably difficult it can sometimes be for a soldier. For military service, for personal courage and fearlessness during the war, Simonov was awarded Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and Military Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Many of the works written by Simonov during the war were based on actual facts and events. The heroes of his works often became real people with whom the poet fought the enemy side by side. So it was with the heroes of the poem "Son of an Artilleryman"It was written in 1941 under these circumstances. During the war, he worked as a war correspondent and traveled to various battlefields, publishing articles about military operations. At the end of the first year of the war, the writer went to the northern front. And here he heard from Major Ryklis an amazing story about how he sent his comrade’s son on a terrible reconnaissance behind the German lines, who almost died in the crossfire. This was Lieutenant Ivan Alekseevich Loskutov, who served in an artillery regiment. On the instructions of the commander, he, along with two other radio operators, went to a height to give coordinates of the Germans’ location and thereby correct the points of attacks on the enemy that were carried out by his commander’s troops. When their location was discovered, the Germans opened fire on the shelter. Loskutov, risking his life and the lives of his comrades, gave the coordinates of his location so that Ryklis could strike the enemy. Together with his friends, he miraculously survived and, wounded, returned to headquarters. These events took place on the Rybachy Peninsula, which is reflected in the poem.


Text of the poem “Son of an Artilleryman”.

Visited Major Deev
Comrade - Major Petrov,
We were still friends with a civilian,
Since the twenties.
They chopped down the whites together
Checkers at a gallop,
We later served together
In an artillery regiment.

And Major Petrov
There was Lenka, beloved son,
Without a mother, at the barracks,
The boy grew up alone.
And if Petrov is away, -
It happened, instead of father
His friend remained
For this tomboy.

Call Deev Lenka:
- Well, let's go for a walk:
To the artilleryman's son
It's time to get used to the horse! -
He and Lenka will go together
At a trot, and then into the quarry.
It happened that Lenka would save,
The barrier can't take it
He will collapse and whine.
- I see, he’s still a kid! -

Deev will lift him up,
Like a second father.
Gets him on the horse again:
- Learn, brother, to take barriers!

Don't die twice.
Nothing in life can
Knocked out of the saddle! -
Such a saying
The major had it.

Another two or three years passed
And it was carried away
Deeva and Petrova
Military craft.
Deev left for the North
And I even forgot the address.
It would be great to see you!
And he didn't like letters.
But that must be why
That he himself was not expecting children,
About Lenka with some sadness
He often remembered.

Ten years have flown by.
The silence is over
Thunder rumbled
There is war over our homeland.
Deev fought in the North;
In the polar wilderness
Sometimes from newspapers
I was looking for the names of friends.
One day I found Petrov:
“So, he’s alive and well!”
The newspaper praised him
Petrov fought in the South.
Then, having arrived from the South,
Someone told him
What Petrov, Nikolai Yegorych,
Died heroically in Crimea.
Deev took out the newspaper,
He asked: “What date?”
And with sadness I realized that the mail
It took me too long to get here...

And soon on one of the cloudy days
Northern evenings
Assigned to Deev's regiment
There was Lieutenant Petrov.
Deev sat over the map
With two smoking candles.
A tall military man came in
Oblique fathoms in the shoulders.
In the first two minutes
The major didn't recognize him.
Only the lieutenant's basso
It reminded me of something.
- Well, turn to the light, -
And he brought the candle to him.
All the same children's lips,
The same snub nose.
And what about a mustache - that’s what it is
Shave! - and the whole conversation.
- Lenka? - That’s right, Lenka,
He is the one, Comrade Major!

So, I graduated from school,
Let's serve together.
It's a pity, so happy
Father didn’t have to live.-
Lenka's eyes sparkled
An unbidden tear.
He gritted his teeth and silently
He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
And again the major had to
As in childhood, tell him:
- Hold on, my boy: in the world
Don't die twice.
Nothing in life can
Knocked out of the saddle! -
Such a saying
The major had it.

And in two weeks
There was a heavy battle in the rocks,
To help everyone out, I must
Someone risk themselves.
The major called Lenka to his place,
Looked at him point blank.
- By your order
Comrade Major has appeared.
- Well, it’s good that you showed up.
Leave the documents to me.
You will go alone, without a radio operator,
Walkie-talkie on the back.
And across the front, along the rocks,
At night behind German lines
You will walk along such a path,
Where no one has gone.
You'll be on the radio from there
Fire batteries.
Is it clear? - That’s right, it’s clear.
- Well, then go quickly.
No, wait a little.-
The major stood up for a second,
Like in childhood, with both hands
Lenka pressed him to himself: -
Are you going to do something like this?
It's hard to come back.
As a commander, I love you
I'm not happy to send you there.
But as a father... Answer me:
Am I your father or not?
“Father,” Lenka told him.
And hugged him back.

So, just like a father, it happened
To fight for life and death,
My father's duty and right
Risking your son
Before others I must
Send your son ahead.
Hold on, my boy: in the world
Don't die twice.
Nothing in life can
Knocked out of the saddle! -
Such a saying
The major had it.
- Do you understand me? - I understand everything.
May I go? - Go! -
The major remained in the dugout,
Shells were exploding ahead.
Somewhere there was a thundering and hooting sound.
The major kept an eye on his watch.
It would be a hundred times easier for him,
If only he had walked himself.
Twelve... Now, probably
He passed through the posts.
An hour... Now he's reached
To the foot of the heights.
Two... He must now
Crawling to the very ridge.
Three... Hurry up so that
Dawn did not catch him.
Deev came out into the air -
How brightly the moon shines
I couldn't wait until tomorrow
Damn her!

All night, walking like a pendulum,
The major did not close his eyes,
Bye on the radio in the morning
The first signal came:
- It's okay, I got there.
The Germans are to the left of me,
Coordinates three, ten,
Let's fire quickly! -
The guns are loaded
The major calculated everything himself,
And with a roar the first volleys
They hit the mountains.
And again the signal on the radio:
- The Germans are more right than me,
Coordinates five, ten,
More fire soon!

Earth and rocks flew,
Smoke rose in a column,
It seemed that now from there
No one will leave alive.
Third radio signal:
- The Germans are around me,
Strike four, ten,
Don't spare the fire!

The major turned pale when he heard:
Four, ten - just right
The place where his Lenka
Must sit now.
But without showing it,
Forgetting that he was a father,
The major continued to command
With a calm face:
“Fire!” - shells were flying.
“Fire!” - load quickly!
Square four, ten
There were six batteries.
The radio was silent for an hour,
Then came the signal:
- He was silent: he was deafened by the explosion.
Strike as I said.
I believe my shells
They can't touch me.
The Germans are running, click
Give me a sea of ​​fire!

And at the command post,
Having received the last signal,
Major in a deafened radio,
Unable to bear it, he shouted:
- You hear me, I believe:
Death cannot take such people.
Hold on, my boy: in the world
Don't die twice.
No one in our life can
Knocked out of the saddle! -
Such a saying
The major had it.

The infantry went on the attack -
Was clear by noon
From the fleeing Germans
Rocky height.
There were corpses lying everywhere,
Wounded but alive
Was found in the Lenka Gorge
With his head tied.
When the bandage was unwound,
What has he done hastily?
The major looked at Lenka
And suddenly I didn’t recognize him:
It was as if he was the same
Calm and young
All the same boy's eyes,
But only... completely gray.

He hugged the major before
How to go to the hospital:
- Hold on, father: in the world
Don't die twice.
Nothing in life can
Knocked out of the saddle! -
Such a saying
Now Lenka had...

That's the story
About these glorious deeds
On the Sredny Peninsula
It was told to me.
And above, above the mountains,
The moon was still floating,
Explosions roared nearby,
The war continued.
The phone was cracking, and, worrying,
The commander walked around the dugout,
And someone just like Lenka,
I went to the Germans' rear today.




1. Real name of K. Simonov?

2. In what city was he born?

3. The main theme in the work of K. Simonov?

4. Where did Simonov go behind enemy lines?


1. Who did Simonov serve at the front?

2. Near what city did the action take place in the work “The Artilleryman’s Son”?

3. Genre of the work “Son of an Artilleryman”?




Co. pp design - this means directing the fire of the batteries, making adjustments to the shooting guns. Anyone who makes adjustments, especially from behind enemy lines, faces death every minute, especially if he directs the fire on himself. Coordinates "3,10"; "4.10"; "5.10" - artillery crew. Typically, the area under fire on the map is divided into squares. The person who adjusts the fire (radio operator) and the gun commander have squares with similar divisions.

Coordinates "3,10"; “4,10” indicate the square on the map where the guns should hit.

Artiellerist- artillery soldier.

Artiellseries– 1. Large firearms of various sizes and designs, such as cannons. 2. The branch of the army operating with artillery pieces. Field artillery. Horse Arty ll series.

Major- officer rank, average rank between captain and lieutenant colonel.

Lieutenant- first officer rank.

"Slant fathoms in the shoulders." How much is it?

(The Russian measure of length equal to 3 arshins is 2 m 13 cm. This is what they said about a broad-shouldered man of great stature.)

TO A h A rma - a special building for housing military units.

Bata r her - an artillery or mortar unit consisting of several guns and mortars.

TOpograf- a specialist involved in measuring areas of the earth's surface and depicting the area on maps and plans.

T O n O gr A physical intelligence - reconnaissance of the location of individual points of the area.

PrOTOtype - real personality. which served as a prototype for the author when creating an artistic image. The prototypes are Lyonka (Ivan Loskutov - topographic reconnaissance commander), friends Majors Deev (Efim Ryklis) and Petrov (Alexei Loskutov).

Komissar(1937-1942) - political leader of a military unit, responsible, along with the commander, for its combat effectiveness and political condition.


Statements for choosing an epigraph for the lesson.

People! As long as hearts are knocking,

At what price is happiness won?

Please remember!

R. Rozhdestvensky.

What is war? This is us, lonely guys,
Each on his own, among thousands of the same men.
You decide the fate of battalions, divisions and armies,
Remaining, as an equal, face to face with death.
Yuri Sevruk.

Let those we do not know remember:
Fear and meanness did not suit us.
We drank life to the dregs and died
For this life, without bowing to lead.
N. Mayorov.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds.

Every place at the front is important, everywhere you have to fight bravely.

Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle.

If it’s well tailored, then there’s only one warrior in the field.

Stand to your death for your native land.


Dividing a work into semantic parts and titling them.

Part I. (Chapters 1 - 5). Lenka's childhood. Friendship between two majors. Lenka is a boy 8-10 years old.

Part II. (Chapters 6 - 7). Meeting of Lieutenant Petrov with Major Deev. Peaceful life is over. Lyonka's father is killed. Lyonka graduated from military school and was assigned to the front. He is 20 years old. He falls into the favor of his father's friend, Major Deev.

Part III. (Chapter 8). Dangerous task.

Part IV. (Chapter 9). The task is completed.

Part V (Chapter 10). Hard fight in the rocks. Glory to the heroes.


Compose a syncwine on the topic (to choose from):



Sacred, cruel.

It takes revenge, embitters, exhausts.

Gives you the opportunity to capture.

Terrible, long.

Kills, deprives, separates.

War leads to fear and sadness.

Cruel, bloody.

Kills. Shoots, upsets.

It's a difficult time for people.


Brave, brave.

Fights, protects, defends.

I am proud of the country's heroes.

Scary. Long.

It hurts, kills, destroys.

I am proud of the soldiers of the battle!

United, invincible.

Fought, won, resisted.

Our army cannot be defeated!

Accurate, professional.

Protects, aims, shoots.

The sniper hits the target well.

Invincible, indomitable.

Let's defeat! Let's win! Let's finish it!

We will win, we will pass!

Brave, brave.

They fight, defend, win.

We are proud of our brave soldiers.

Lieutenant Petrov.

Brave, brave.

Observes, transmits, helps.

He fights for the freedom of his homeland.

Brave, determined.

Calls, saves, risks.

He fulfills his military duty.

Innate, greatest.
Manifest, deserve, conquer.
Trouble gives rise to heroism.

Selfless, heroic.
Sacrifice, commit, help out.
A feat is a manifestation of the beauty of the soul.

Patriotic, liberation.

They protect, defend, fight.

Cleansing the native land from invaders.



    The soul-piercing poems “The Ten-Year-Old Man,” which describes an orphan boy making his way through enemy-occupied territory and suffering terrible hardships.

    The poem “Partisan” by Zoya Alexandrova, written in 1944, is about a boy who stayed with the partisans to avenge his dead mother.

    "Letter from the Front." This is an amazing book by Anatoly Vasilyevich Mityaev - stories about the everyday life of a man who saw it all himself and participated in everything. After reading it, for a long time I laid out in my memory all the consequences, all the causes of the events that I learned about, each time more and more acutely experiencing the difficulties that the soldier experienced on the path to Victory.

    “Son of the Regiment” by Valentin Kataev is a truthful and exceptionally vivid story about the very difficult fate of little Vanya Solntsev, who fought along with adults and proved that feat is an unbending will, a great love for his native land, and not just courage. "Son of the Regiment" is considered the best of the books written about children of war.

    The story by M. P. Sukhachev “Children of the Siege”, from which the reader learns about what it is like to die of hunger, but not to give up. Children participated in everything on an equal basis with adults - they were on duty in attics and extinguished incendiary bombs, even catching saboteurs who gave signals to enemy aircraft.

    Gaidar's magnificent books "The Tale of a Military Secret...", "Timur's Oath" and many others.

    Yu. Korolkov wrote about pioneer heroes: Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Lena Golikov, Marat Kazei and others.

    A. Mityaev: “Ivan and the Krauts”, “Guard Bear”, “Horses”, “Night Blindness”, “Nosov and Naze”, “Bag of Oatmeal”, “Earrings for a Donkey”, “Four Hours’ Vacation”, “Timofey” Holidayless”, “Warm “language””, “The sixth is incomplete”, “Triangular letter.

    V. A. Oseeva: “Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades. In her story, she describes the interesting adventures of boys and girls - students of an ordinary Moscow school - during the Great Patriotic War. Here the author shows such concepts as mutual assistance, trust, reputation, friendship, work and diligence in studying.

    Konstantin Simonov: “The son of an artilleryman.”

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"Lesson Plan"

Plan – summary of a lesson on literature in grade 5 “B”.

Topic: “About the heroes of bygone times...”. (Based on the poem “Son of an Artilleryman” by K. Simonov).

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson objectives:

    acquaintance with K. Simonov's poem as a whole;

    reveal the moral problems in the work: using the example of a courageous act Major Deev and feat Lieutenant Petrov show the spiritual beauty of Soviet people;

    help students realize that war is a terrible tragedy that should not be forgotten;

    to cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland among the younger generation.

Form of work: group.

Technology: problem-based learning.

Planned meta-subject results:

cognitive UUD:

    ability to extract information from text;

    draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

    the ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work.

communicative UUD:

    ability to listen and understand others;

    the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks;

    the ability to express one’s thoughts orally;

    ability to work in pairs and groups.

regulatory UUD:

    the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

personal UUD:

    the ability to express one’s attitude towards the characters, express one’s emotions;

    motivation for learning and purposeful activities.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation, stereo system, audio and video recording of K. Simonov’s poem “Son of an Artilleryman”, CD with songs of the war years.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Motivation for educational activities.

Video and song “Eternal Flame”(or "From the heroes of bygone times"), written by Rafail Khozak with lyrics by Evgeniy Agranovich for the film “Officers”.

1). Conversation.

-What feeling and what thoughts does this music give you? What and who do you think we will talk about today?

(Feelings of sadness, excitement, bitterness of loss, anxiety, sadness, and at the same time solemnity, pride ; sacred call to defend the Motherlandetc.)

-What does war bring with it?(War is blood, it is monstrous, it is an unnatural state; orphans, widows, endless sorrow of mothers,who lost their sons. War - pain, bitterness, loneliness, death. War - tears, worries, anxiety, fear, losses, deep and incurable wounds on the soul, War... A monster that brings horror and innumerable disasters, a terrible ghost that threatens death and suffering to many millions of people. War is a malicious, all-consuming and destructive force, bringing with it a lot of grief, suffering and spiritual emptiness.)

- What books, poems about the Second World War, about heroes (adults and children) have you read??

(V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”, V. Oseeva “Vasek Trubachev and His Comrades”, B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”, poems by K. M. Simonov “The Boy on the Carriage”, A. T. Tvardovsky “I am Killed” near Rzhev...", R. G. Gamzatova's "Cranes", A. A. Akhmatova's "Courage" ... Many poems about the war became songs.)

II. Setting a learning task.Focusing on the problem of the lesson.

The theme of war has always been and will be relevant both in music and in literature, since in the days of mortal danger hanging over our country, Soviet people at the fronts and in the rear performed miracles of heroism." The great feat of the Soviet people will never be erased from the grateful memory of mankind in the Second World War, the feat of millions of famous and nameless heroes who broke the back of fascism and brought freedom to the peoples of many countries." K. M. Simonov, our contemporary, talks about one of these feats in his poem.

-I have several epigraphs. I like them all, but I would be grateful if you could help me choose one of them.

Read the epigraphs for the lesson. Select and circle in an oval the statement that best describes the topic of today's lesson. Give reasons for your answer. We will find out at the end of the lesson whether the epigraph was chosen correctly or not.

(Leaves of paper with epigraphs are on the desks.)

III. Formation of new knowledge.

So, guys, in order to understand the meaning of the poem, we will listen to a short biography of K. Simonov and the history of the creation of his wonderful work.

    Student's message about K. M. Simonov.

Pay attention to the board. On it are prototypes of the heroes of the poem.

    Is everything clear in the poem upon initial reading?

(Not all words are clear, the actions of the heroes of the poem are not entirely clear).

I suggest breaking into groups. Each group will complete its task necessary to understand the work as a whole.

Group "Linguists" They will conduct vocabulary work in the Information Zone. They will find out the meaning of words that we will encounter during our work.

Group "Theatrical" in the “Quiet Reading Zone” they will prepare to stage a poem by K. Simonov.

Group "Literary scholars" will work in the “Presentation Zone” with literary terms at the interactive board. (They will divide the work into semantic parts).

Group "Young Filmmakers" will work with FLIPCHART: they will reconstruct from illustrations the events described in the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son” and present us, so to speak, with a finished film.

Groups work for 5-7 minutes.

Everyone is ready. I propose to move on to a conversation during which you will collectively answer my questions. Participants in each group will explain and clarify some points to us as needed.

You have the texts of the poem on the tables, you can make notes in them.Also use the Litres library.

IV . Fixing the material.

Conversation on issues.

Analysis of the poem in the unity of content and form.

    What is the theme of this poem?

Confirm with words from the text that the main theme of the poem is “War.”

" Gr ohm for gr hunted

Over R war alone."

    Who is the main character of the poem? (Lyonka).

Expressively read the lines telling about Lyonka’s childhood.

There was Lenka, my beloved son.

Without a mother, withbarracks.

The boy grew up alone.

And if Petrov is away, -

Happened instead of father

His friend remained

For this tomboy.

The officers' friendship was so strong that Lenka considered Deev his second father.

    Read the major's saying expressively. What does the saying sound like, and for what purpose does the major say it?

(The saying sounds like an instruction from a wise and experienced warrior. The major strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He seems to want to say that everything starts small, that Lenka will encounter many more barriers (obstacles) on his way and that you need to learn to overcome them.)

    For how many years did life separate Lenka from Deev? (for 12-13 years).

    What led to their next meeting? (War).

    Highlight the details of Lenka's portrait. (Tall military man,oblique fathoms in the shoulders , Basquelieutenant , the same childish lips, snub nose).

    What is Lyonka’s reaction to the words major :

"It's a pity, such happiness

My father didn't have to live."

What does this reaction mean?

8) How does the major’s saying sound in this situation? (The saying sounds like a call to take courage, not to give in to grief. To be faithful to the military traditions of your father. It sounds like a call to take revenge on your enemies).

9) Why did Lieutenant Petrov have to go behind enemy lines? (The situation in that area was difficult.

"There was a heavy battle in the rocks"

10) What should Lenka do? (Adjust battery fire, indicate coordinates enemy).

10) Why did Major Deev entrust the dangerous task to his adopted son?

(The major knew Lyonka as himself, and therefore, if he himself could not go, then Lyonka, the closest and dearest person to him, would go).

My father's duty and right

To risk your son;

Before others I must

Send your son ahead.

11) Why couldn’t Deev go himself? ( It would have been easier for Deev to go himself. But he had no right. After all, he is the commander and his place is at the command post. Deev could, of course, send someone else,Lenka wasn’t the only one who was so brave . But in this case, Deev should send him).

12) Do you think Major Deev understood that Lyonka could die? (Yes). And yet he sends it.

13) How does this characterize Deev? What does such an act mean? (Essentially, Deev also accomplishes a feat, sacrificing in the name of life a common cause, in the name of saving hundreds of people, the most precious thing he has - his son. By sending Lyonka on such a responsible and dangerous task, Deev puts such force of conviction into his saying that death itself must recede).

14) What does Deev experience when he sends his son behind enemy lines? What artistic and visual means of language helps us understand his experiences? Prove with words from the text. (Comparison.)

All night longwalking like a pendulum

The major did not close his eyes,

Bye on the radio in the morning

The first signal came...

Deev, having sent Lenka away, finds no peace for himself. He mentally imagines the path and all the actions of the lieutenant.



15) Why is Major Deev so confident in Lenka? (Deev himself instilled in Lyonka courage, bravery, courage, taught him not to give in to dangers, not to whine when things are difficult).

16) How does Lieutenant Petrov behave when performing a mission? (Extremely collected and businesslike. Carefully observes the actions of the enemy and transmits clear and concise commands over the radio).

17) What artistic and visual means help us see the terrible picture of the battle? (Metaphor)

Givesea ​​of ​​fire!-

18) And finally the most terrible team. Which?

“Fire!” - shells were flying.

"Fire!" - charge quickly!

Square four, ten

There were six batteries.

    Tell me, was Lyonka scared? (Yes. In the very small square where Lyonka was sitting, there were 6 batteries firing, i.e. 24 guns).



20) His sudden call of fire on himself makes Deev turn pale. But he breaks his fatherly feelings and gives the order to strike. Lenka and Deev believe that Soviet shells will not be able to harm their soldier. The hero remains alive and, as a person who has grown up in one day, pronounces a legendary saying to Deev.

21) What feat did Lyonka Petrov accomplish? ( He called fire on himself in order to completely defeat the Nazis).

22) What qualities should a person who has caused fire on himself have? (Boundless courage, strong will and fortitude).

23) Guys, what are the origins of Lyonka’s feat? What helped Lyonka become a person capable of accomplishing a feat? (Since childhood, Lyonka was taught to overcome difficulties. He was taught to be brave, courageous, courageous, taught not to get lost in moments of danger. Moreover, Lyonka had someone to follow by example. His father and Major Deev are courageous people, sealed in the fire of the civil war. They They did everything to make Lenka grow up to be a brave warrior.

Teacher. Let’s check whether “Literary scholars” and “Cinematographers” have completed the task.

I think you guys liked K. Simonov's poem. Let's once again refresh our memory of the lines describing the dangerous task carried out by Lieutenant Petrov, and listen to an excerpt from the poem "The Artilleryman's Son" performed by your classmates. (Task of the group “Theatrical”)

V. The stage of reproducing new knowledge. Compiling a syncwine.

Finishing work on the poem, I propose a task in groups: compose a syncwine based on K. Simonov’s poem “The Artilleryman’s Son.” The theme of syncwine can be such concepts. Somehow: war, heroism, people, victory, etc.

Rules for compiling syncwine.

1.The first line is one word that defines the theme of the syncwine (noun: who? what?)

2. The second line is two words characterizing this concept (adjective: which? which? which? which?

3. The third line is three verbs showing the action of the concept, what does it do?

4. The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude to the concept.

5. The fifth line is one word through which a person expresses his feelings associated with this concept (noun: who? what?)

(Students will compile a syncwine, the main definitions of which will be the wordswar, courage, hero, heroism, feat, people, artilleryman, army, soldier, etc.)

VI . Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

We have answered almost all the questions posed as tasks at the beginning of the lesson. Only the last question remains unanswered:

-Was such a feat isolated during the war, or was it repeated by other soldiers? How do you think?

This is a glorious path for many...

That's right, guys, such cases were not isolated, and many soldiers performed such tasks and heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War. K. Simonov himself speaks about this in the final lines of the poem:

- Let's go back to the statements, which you chose as an epigraph. Which of the following statements more fully reflects the meaning of Simonov’s work? Have we proven the truth of the statement?

What role does the epigraph play? (It reveals the main idea of ​​the poem)

About whomdid we talk about it in class today? (About Major Deev, Lenka Petrov, about the soldiers of the Soviet army, about people who performed heroic deeds.)
About what?(About war, about courage, about heroism, about exploits, about love for the Motherland.)
And the main question is why? (To talk about the war, to know and remember the heroes, to learn from them to love their native land)

Did today's lesson help you learn something for yourself?

VII . Homework.

    Learn your favorite passage by heart.

    Conduct research on “What happened to the prototypes of the poem’s heroes.” (The Fate of Heroes).



VIII . Grading.

I would like to end the lesson with words from a song "Eternal Flame"(or "From the heroes of bygone times").

(Include video).

Thanks everyone for the lesson, you did a great job!

GBOU RM "Saransk secondary school for children with disabilities"

Open reading lesson

in 7th grade

“K.M. Simonov "Son of an Artilleryman"

Prepared by:

Russian language teacher

Osipova Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Saransk, 2017

Subject: K.M. Simonov. "Son of an Artilleryman"

Target: introduce students to part 2 of the poem.


Educational:development of expressive reading; reveal the moral problems in the work; using the example of the courageous act of Major Deev and the feat of Lieutenant Petrov to show the spiritual beauty of the Russian people; help students realize that war is a terrible tragedy that should not be forgotten; expansion of vocabulary.

Correctional and developmental:

Development of students' thinking and creative abilities;

Development of coherent oral speech of students;

Developing a sense of self-confidence;

Development of thinking and imagination;

Development of students' oral speech through complete answers to questions;

Development of flexibility of thought processes through the use of various tasks;

Development of visual and auditory perception.


Foster and develop an interest in reading;

Instilling in students a sense of patriotism and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.


Equipment: textbooks, portrait of K.M. Simonov, color illustrations about the war, recording of the songs “Holy War”, “Victory Day”, recording of the reading of the poem “Son of the Regiment” by the author, presentation.

Lesson progress


What is war? This is us, lonely guys,

Each on his own, among thousands of the same men,

You decide the fate of battalions, divisions and armies,

Remaining, as an equal, face to face with death.

Nothing in life can

Kick you out of the saddle!

I . Org. Moment.

The song by A. Alexandrov to the words of Lebedev-Kumach “Holy War” is played.

Guys, what feeling and what thoughts does this music give you? (anxiety, sadness, identity; call for defense of the Motherland, etc.).

Our country is approaching a significant date. Which one? (70th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War over Nazi Germany).

What do you know about this war?

Who fought with whom?

What kind of war was this for our people? (liberation)

Who won this war?

What does war bring? (war is blood, it is monstrous, it is an unnatural state, orphans, widows, the endless grief of mothers who have lost their sons, etc.).

II . Communication stage.

The theme of war has always been and will be relevant in music, literature, and painting, because In the days of mortal danger hanging over our country, Soviet people at the fronts and in the rear performed miracles of heroism.

“The great feat of the Soviet people in the Second World War, the feat of millions of famous and nameless heroes who broke the back of fascism and brought freedom,” will never be erased from the grateful memory of humanity.”

K.M. also wrote his poems about the war. Simonov.

Listen to his poems performed by students:

Surinov Sasha: “Wait for me and I’ll come back.”

Surinov Kostya: “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region.”

Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

III . Repetition.

Guys, remember the biography of K.M. Simonova. (The student briefly tells the biography of K.M. Simonov).

The main theme of the work of K.M. Simonov there was a war. And this is no coincidence. When the war began in June 1941, Simonov, like many other Soviet writers and poets, went to the front. During the 4 years of the war he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front. As a war correspondent, he visited all fronts, walked through the lands of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland and Germany, and witnessed the last battles for Berlin.

Many of the works written by Simonov during the war were based on actual facts and events. The heroes of his works often became real people with whom the poet fought the enemy side by side. So it was with the heroes of the poem “Son of an Artilleryman.”

This happened near Murmansk. There were heavy battles there. Lieutenant Loskutov with a radio transmitter penetrated behind enemy lines and from there directed the fire of his batteries for three days. Often the lieutenant had to indicate the place of fire not far from the shelter where he was, and sometimes direct the fire directly at himself.

The feat of Lieutenant Loskutov and many others who performed the same task glorified K.M. Simonov in the poem "Son of an Artilleryman".

Listen to the poem “The Artilleryman's Son” performed by the author.

What mood did the poem create?

What impression did it make on you?

What is the theme of this poem?

Who is the main character of the poem?

Read the lines telling about Lenka’s childhood (p. 215).

There was Lenka, beloved son,

Without a mother, at the barracks,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Read the major’s saying expressively (p. 216).

For what purpose does the major pronounce it?

Hold on, my boy: in the world

Don't die twice.

Nothing in life can

Kick you out of the saddle! -

Such a saying

The major had it.

Explain the saying.

What does this saying sound like?

(Like the instruction of a wise and experienced warrior. The major strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He wants to say that everything starts small, that Lenka will encounter many more barriers (obstacles) on his way and that he needs to learn to overcome them) .

For how many years did life separate Lenka from Deev? (for 10 years)

What led to their meeting? (war)

How did this meeting happen? (p. 216)

Read it.

Deev sat over the map

With two smoldering candles...

What is Lenka’s reaction to the major’s words:

“It’s a pity for such happiness

My father didn’t have to live.”

Read the major's saying (p. 217).

How does it sound in this situation? (The saying sounds like a call to take courage, not to give in to grief. To be faithful to the military traditions of your father. It sounds like a call to take revenge on your enemies).

IV. Main part.

Today we will get acquainted with the 2nd part of the poem by K.M. Simonov "Son of an Artilleryman".

Vocabulary work.

Reading chapter 2 by the teacher.


V . Consolidation.

Reading the poem “in a chain”.

Why did Lieutenant Petrov have to go behind enemy lines? (The situation in that area was difficult).

“There was a heavy battle in the rocks.”

Why did Major Deev entrust the dangerous task to his adopted son? (The major knew Lenka as himself, and therefore, if he himself could not go, then Lenka, the closest and dearest person to him, would go).

"My father's duty and right

To risk your son;

Before others I must

Send your son ahead"(p. 219).

Why couldn’t Deev go himself? (It would have been easier for Deev to go himself. But he had no right. After all, he is the commander and his place is at the command post. Deev could, of course, send someone else, because Lenka was not the only one so brave. But in this case, Deev should have send exactly that).

Do you think Major Deev understood that Lenka could die? (Yes)

And yet he sends it.

How does this characterize Deeva?

What does such an act mean?

(Essentially, Deev also accomplishes a feat, sacrificing in the name of a common cause, in the name of saving hundreds of people, the most precious thing he has - his son. By sending Lenka on such an important and dangerous task, Deev puts into his saying such a force of conviction that death itself must retreat).

Read the proverb (p. 219).

What was Deev going through when he sent his son behind enemy lines?

“All night, walking like a pendulum,

The major did not close his eyes,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (p. 219)

Why is Major Deev so confident in Lenka? (Deev himself instilled in Lenka courage, bravery, courage, taught him not to give in to dangers, not to whine when things were difficult).

Tell me, was Lenka scared? (Yes)

What feat did Lenka Petrov accomplish? (He called fire on himself to completely defeat the Nazis).

What qualities should such a person have? (Courage, willpower and fortitude).

Why did Lenka, returning from a combat mission, have the right to repeat Major Deev’s proverb? (He accomplished a feat).

What helped Lenka become a person capable of accomplishing a feat? (Lenka was taught to overcome difficulties from childhood. He was taught to be brave, courageous, courageous, taught not to get lost in moments of danger. Moreover, Lenka had someone to follow by example. His father and Major Deev are courageous people. They did everything to help Lenka grew up to be a brave warrior).

Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people also bravely fought the hated enemy and were ready to fulfill their military duty with the same determination.

Guys, read the proverbs.

1. Stand for each other and you will win the fight.

2. Give for your native land and life.

3. He who stands for a just cause will always win.

What are these proverbs about? (About the Motherland, about heroism, about patriotism).

What other proverbs on these topics do you know?

Do these proverbs fit the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son”?

Write down one of the proverbs in your notebook.

VI . Homework. Page 218-222.

VII . Lesson summary.

What is the name of the poem we studied in class today?

What is the main idea of ​​this work? (Heroism of the people during the Second World War)

Do you think there is a place for heroism in our time?

The teacher reads the poem:

The war ended in victory,

Those years are behind us.

Medals and orders are burning

On many people's chests.

Who wears the military order

For feats in battle, and some for feats of labor

In your native land.

Let us honor the memory of the heroes who did not return from the war with a minute of silence.

The song “Victory Day” is playing.

Rewarding participants.

Slide 2

K. Simonov was a war correspondent during the war years. What does this mean? During the four years of the war he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front. He knew well what war was, how much grief and suffering it brings to people, he felt how unbearably difficult it can be for a soldier.

Slide 3

During the Great Patriotic War, K Simonov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st class, and the Military Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Slide 4

Many of K. Simonov’s works are based on actual facts and events. The heroes of his poems were the people with whom he fought the enemy side by side. So it was with the heroes of “The Artilleryman’s Son”

Slide 5

K. Simonov was sent by the editors of the newspaper “Red Star” to the Murmansk direction of the Karelian Front. The path lay through Arkhangelsk. Simonov visited a raid with Soviet intelligence officers at Cape Pekishchev, behind enemy lines, on the Rybachy and Sredny peninsulas, where the action of the poem unfolds

Slide 6

Simonov's return from Kandalaksha was difficult. He was returning on the ship "Spartak". On this difficult voyage he wrote the poem "Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region." (reading a poem)

Slide 7

While waiting for a plane to Moscow, Simonov had to stay in Arkhangelsk for several days, and here he wrote a poem based on a story about the feat of Lieutenant Loskutov, which he heard on the Rybachy Peninsula. The poem was first published in the newspaper of the Arkhangelsk Military District “Patriot of the Motherland.” The first performer of the poem was S.N. Plotnikov, then a young artist of the Youth Theater, who then worked for many years as an actor at the Arkhangelsk Drama Theater. M.V. Lomonosov. (reading the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son”)

Slide 8

An artilleryman is... Slanting fathoms in the shoulders.. Correct.. Coordinates three, ten... Why does Lieutenant Deev entrust a dangerous task to his adopted son? Why is the major so confident in Lenka? What lines indicate what Deev is going through? Was Lenka scared? What helped Lenka become courageous?

Slide 9

What role did the major play in Lenka’s upbringing? What can you tell us about Major Deev? What does Major Deev experience after sending his son behind enemy lines? What do the last lines of the poem say? Do you want to know what happened to Lenka?

View all slides

Reading lesson in the 7th grade of an adapted school
Lesson topic:
Poem by K. M. Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman” part 1
Lesson type: Communication of new knowledge + presentation
Type of lesson: combined, integrated
Lesson method: verbal, visual, search
Forms of work: collective, individual, creative
Principles of the lesson: the principle of accessibility, scientificity, logic and clarity
Lesson objectives:
introduce students to the biography of K. Simonov;
introduce students to a new work of art;
expand students’ understanding of the Great Patriotic War;
activate the cognitive activity of students through integration
educational material and prepare students for successful learning
subsequent material on the topic;
bring students’ factual knowledge to the level of cause and effect
connections and generalizations.
Correctional developmental:
correction and development of coherent oral speech through correct formulation
answering questions through the ability to characterize the hero of the work;
develop the skills of independent analysis of a work;
correction and development of students’ personal qualities through the formation
the ability to express one’s feelings towards the characters of the work;
development of expressiveness of reading, logic, thinking, attention;
expanding the vocabulary and horizons of students;
development of coherent monologue speech of students, ability to respond to
questions with detailed answers.
instilling in students a sense of national pride for the best sons
Fatherland and awakening interest in reading and history lessons;
promote the development of a sense of citizenship in adolescents and
patriotism, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.
Lesson objectives:
show a presentation and briefly talk about the life and work of the poet;
read and analyze the poem;
consolidate the learned material.

1. Computer, projector
2. Reading textbook. 7th grade. Author – compiler: A.K. Aksenova M.,
"Enlightenment" 2012
3. Portrait of K. M. Simonov
4. Illustrations for the work
5. Presentation “Konstantin Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman””
6. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary
No. Stage and content of the lesson
goal: psychological and practical preparation of students for academic
Greetings. Organizational moment
II Motivation for learning activities. Lesson topic message,
goals and objectives
goal: to prepare students for a conscious perception of educational
material and arouse interest in the topic under discussion
Slide number 1
November 15 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet
Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov. Today in class we
Let's get acquainted with the biography of the poet, read the poem
“Son of an Artilleryman”, let’s try to understand its contents,
and also, we will continue to work on teaching expressive
reading a poetic work and analyzing it.
Topic of today's lesson:
“Konstantin Simonov “Son of an Artilleryman”.”
Updating knowledge and working on the topic
goal: to prepare students for a conscious perception of a new topic
1.Communication of new knowledge: A word about the poet
Konstantin Simonov was born on November 15, 1915 in Petrograd.
I didn’t know my father, because... he went missing in the First
World War. The boy was raised by his stepfather, who
taught tactics at military schools, and then became
commander of the Red Army. Konstantin's childhood passed in
military camps and commander's dormitories. The family was
poor, so the boy had to after seven
classes, go to a factory school (FZU) and work
as a turner, first in Saratov, and then in Moscow, where the family
No. 23

moved in 1931. This is how he earned work experience and
continued to work for two more years after entering
Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky. When in June 1941
the year the war began, Simonov, like many other Soviet
writers and poets went to the front. During four years of war
he could be seen in the most dangerous sectors of the front.
Simonov knew and understood well what war is, how much grief
and it brings suffering to people, I felt how sometimes
It can be unbearably difficult for a soldier. He was a soldier in the war
Who is a correspondent? (please note
spelling of this word) Let's turn to the Explanatory Dictionary.
For military merits, for personal courage and fearlessness Simonov in
during the war he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, two
Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and Military
Cross of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
Konstantin Mikhailovich died in Moscow on August 28, 1979.
According to the writer’s will, his ashes were scattered on Buinichesky Field
near Mogilev, from where he miraculously escaped alive, then, in
July forty-first. Now there, on the battlefield, there is a boulder, on
in which “Konstantin Simonov” is carved, and in some hundred
meters - an obelisk to the soldiers of the 388th regiment, almost entirely
died near Mogilev. The poet's ashes mixed with the ashes
died in '41. He returned to them forever.
2. Consolidation of the studied material:
Using the textbook's introductory article (page 214), answer
to questions:
1. What is the main theme of K.M. Simonov’s works?
3. Read the last paragraph of the article. As you understand
How did the poet himself define the task of his work?
words by Konstantin Simonov?
Teacher’s word: “The topic of war has always been and will be relevant and
in music, and in painting, and in literature. Grateful memory
humanity will always remember the great feat of the Soviet
people in World War II, a feat of thousands of famous and
nameless heroes. He talks about one of these feats
in his poem K. M. Simonov."
The history of the creation of the poem: “At the basis of many
works written by Simonov during the war formed
actual facts and events. The heroes of his works
often became real people with whom the poet side by side
Slide number 48
Slide number 9
No. 1011
No. 1213

fought with the enemy. So it was with the heroes of the poem “Son
artilleryman." In 1941, Konstantin Simonov published
the poem "The Artilleryman's Son", which was created based on
government order to boost morale
military personnel. However, the work is based on
the true story of the friendship of two front-line officers who
went through the Civil War together and decided to tie their
life with the army. One of his comrades had a son growing up,
who rightly believed that he had not one, but two
father. Fate scattered the fighting friends to different garrisons, and
They met the Great Patriotic War for a thousand
kilometers from each other. Soon one of his comrades
died, and his friend was lucky to meet his son Lenka, who
From a tomboy he turned into a brave soldier. And it was him
an experienced officer sent him to certain death, because with his life
he could risk the named son, but the life of any other
soldier - no.
Physical pause
goal: creating conditions of psychological and physical comfort
Conducting physical exercises.
Watch the video “Son of an Artilleryman”
Consolidating new material
goal: to comprehend, systematize and consolidate the studied material
1. The poem is called “Son of an Artilleryman.”
Vocabulary work: who is an artilleryman? what's happened
artillery? And again let's turn to the Explanatory Dictionary. On this
Alexey Antonov will answer the question.
2. Commented reading and analysis of the work:
A) Reading 1 column
Slide number 14
Slide number 15
Slide number 16
How were Major Deev and Major Petrov related to each other?
Tell me, what did the friends have in common, what made them akin?
Historical background: Civil War. White and Red
№ 17
B) Reading 23 columns

Who is Lenka?
What does the author affectionately call Lyonka? What are the keywords in
Can you identify any characteristics of the boy? (Tomboy,
kid i.e. this is an ordinary boy, your age).
Who raised Lyonka? Why did he have two fathers?
(Read expressively the lines telling about Lyonka’s childhood)
What did Major Deev teach Lyonka?
Explain the meaning of the word and expression: pass, “will go
trot, and then into the quarry.”
What words did he constantly repeat to Lenka? Expressively
read the major's saying.
For what purpose does the major pronounce it?
The saying sounds like the advice of a wise and experienced warrior. Major
strives to support the boy and instill in him faith in his own strength. He
wants to say that everything starts small, that Lenka is on the way
There will still be many barriers (obstacles) that need to be learned.
B) Reading part 1 of the poem to the end
What happened to Lenka's father?
How did the meeting between Major Deev and Lyonka take place?
How did everyone feel during the meeting?
Paint a picture of this meeting in words: “Low dugout.
Twilight, streams of sand pour through the cracks of the log ramp.
Two smoldering candles illuminate a table covered with a tablecloth. And suddenly
"I entered..."
What did Lyonka become? Highlight the details of Lenka's portrait.
A tall military man, slanting fathoms at the shoulders, a lieutenant's bassoque, the same
baby lips, snub nose.
Read expressively the dialogue of Lyonka’s meeting with the major and
try to convey the feelings (surprise) of the major and Lenka

(joy) from meeting my second father. Meeting
reveals the psychological state of the characters.
What is Lyonka’s reaction to the major’s words: “It’s a pity, it’s so bad
My father didn’t live to be happy.” What is this talking about?
How does the major's saying sound in this situation? Saying
sounds like a call to take courage and not give in to grief. Be faithful
father's military traditions. It sounds like a call to take revenge on enemies.
3. Working with illustrations:
Look at the illustrations, tell us what episode they are for
made, match them with the text.
goal: to analyze the work in the lesson.
Did you like the poem? Do you have any questions?
Lesson summary.

Intermunicipal scientific and practical conference of students

"Through the pages of forgotten literary works"

The presentation was made by students of grades 5-6 of the Luchinnikovskaya secondary school: Vasilisa Lebedeva, Svetlana Kalashnikova, Alena Lopatina, Polina Sharova,

Supervisors: Makarova E.V., Smirnova O.A.


What work about the Great Patriotic War do you remember from school?



Konstantin Simonov "Son of an Artilleryman"


find out whether real or fictitious events are described in the poem and whether the heroes had prototypes?


Get acquainted with the biography of the poet K. Simonov

Get acquainted with the poem “Son of an Artilleryman”, listen to audio recordings

Find literature on the history of the creation of the poem and study it

Draw conclusions based on the material studied

"Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle."

Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov - Russian (Soviet) writer 1915 – 1979

  • 1940-1941 - graduated from war correspondents courses at the Military-Political Academy.
  • “On June 22, 1941, my comrades and I had to put on military uniforms and not take them off until the end of the war.”









At the end of 1941, Konstantin Simonov was seconded by the editorial office of Krasnaya Zvezda. in the Arctic.

This is where the poem “The Artilleryman’s Son” was born. All three became heroes of the poem. The author only changed the names and surnames .

Visited Major Deev

Comrade - Major Petrov,

We were still friends with a civilian,

Ever since the twenties...

And if Petrov is away,

It happened, instead of father

His friend remained

For this tomboy.

Ten years have flown by.

The silence is over

Thunder rumbled

There is war over our homeland.

Deev fought in the North;

In the polar wilderness

Sometimes from newspapers

I was looking for the names of friends.

One day I found Petrov:

“So, he’s alive and well!”

The newspaper praised him

Petrov fought in the South...

What heroic incident is being discussed in the poem?

Third radio signal:

- “The Germans are around me.

Strike four, ten,

Don't spare the fire!

And at the command post,

Having received the last signal,

Major in a deafened radio,

I couldn’t stand it and shouted:

"Can you hear me,

Death cannot take such people,

Hold on, my boy:

Don't die twice."

No one in our life can

Knocked out of the saddle! -

Such a saying

The major had it.

Wounded but alive

Was found in the Lenka gorge,

With his head tied.

When the bandage was unwound,

What has he done hastily?

The major looked at Lenka

And suddenly I didn’t recognize him:

It was as if he was the same

Calm and young

All the same boy's eyes,

But only... completely gray.

Materials on the history of the creation of the poem "Son of an Artilleryman"

Diaries of K. Simonov “Different days of the war”

Memoirs of the editor-in-chief of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper D.I. Ortenberg"

What happened to the prototypes of heroes?

He was seriously wounded, was treated in hospitals, finished teaching at an artillery school and died of natural causes in 1965.

He served in his regiment until the end of the war. In 1945 he fought in the Far East with Japan and liberated Korea. Since 1947 he served in the Pacific Fleet. He became a colonel and had over twenty awards.

Died 1994

He ended the war as a colonel, lived and died in Ordzhonikidze.

Results of our work :

Today in honor of Ivan Loskutov there are no monuments, memorial plaques, not a single street is named in his honor. But there is a poem by Simonov. And this means that we do not have the moral right to forget him, and those like him - the quiet heroes of the Great War.