Summary of the sound l in words and sentences. Summary of individual correctional activities “Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences. Announcing the topic of the lesson

Summary of individual correctional activities.

Topic: “Automation of the sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences”



1. Repeat and consolidate the articulation of the sound [L].
3. Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Fix the correct sound pronunciation in words and sentences.
2. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.
4. Develop visual attention and perception.
5. Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.


1. Form moral qualities.
2. Cultivate attention to your own speech.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for characterizing sound, su-jok, a set of subject pictures, presentation.

Progress of gaming activities.

1. Organizing time.

Today we have a guest. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

Everything is buzzing, buzzing, buzzing,
She circles above the flower,
All day long, like a spinning top,
And her name is (Bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. Named Mila. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from it. She came to listen to how you pronounce the sound [l].

2. Articulation gymnastics using bioenergoplasty.

Let's do exercises for the tongue. And “Chupa and Chups” will help you with this

(Performing articulation gymnastics)

3. Characteristics and articulation of sound [l].

Take a mirror and pronounce the sound [l]. Look what helps us pronounce the sound [l]? (Lips, teeth, tongue).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do our lips do? (Lips in a smile).

(A picture is displayed: lips “smile”).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do the teeth do? (The teeth are visible, they are open).

When we pronounce the sound [l], where is the tongue? (The tip of the tongue is raised tightly and rests behind the upper teeth).

(The picture is displayed: “up arrow”).

What kind of air is blowing from your mouth? (Warm air).

(The picture is displayed: “sun”).

Tell me the characteristics of the sound [l]. What is he like? (Sound [l] – consonant).

Why? (There is a barrier in the mouth - teeth, tongue).

What other sound [l]? (Solid).

What color do we use to indicate a consonant sound? (Blue color).

(The picture is displayed: blue circle).

What other sound is there [l]? (Voiced).

(A picture is displayed: a bell).

Now tell me everything about the sound [l] along the “magic path”

4. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing with her too. (Pronouncing a series of syllables using su-jok)

La-lo-lu Al-ol-ul Ala-olo-ulu
La-ly-le Ol-al-ul Ala-ele-yly
Lo-la-ly Ol-ul-el Olo-ala-yly

5. Automation of the sound [L] in words.

Mila brought with her an envelope with pictures. Choose only those pictures whose names contain the sound [l] and name them.

Call me kindly.

Name “living” objects.

Name “non-living” objects.

Name the picture that is in the lower right corner, between...

6. Finger gymnastics.

Small house on the Christmas tree
A house for bees, where are the bees?
We need to knock on the house,
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly out:
One two three four five!

One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”; the child looks into the “hive”.

He clenches his fists. He knocks his fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (bees fly.)

7. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Outdoor game "Bumps"

To get to visit Mila, we have to go through an obstacle. Our path passes through a swamp. You need to jump over the bumps and name the pictures. (Child steps on the picture: “I saw a boat”...)

Game "Where the sound was hidden."

Look, here we are on the lawn. How beautiful it is here. Mila flies from one flower to another and collects pollen. The more pictures she collects, the more pollen she will have. We must help Mila collect pictures whose names contain the sound [L]. Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. (Slide)

Game "It Was - It Was"

It was Mila's birthday and the bee was given many gifts. Let's count how many toys Mila had and how many she now has.

Mila had two dolls, but now there are five dolls.

8. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences using mnemonics.

Mila brought funny pictures. Look at what is drawn and use the pictures to make a sentence.

9. Collect a flower for Mila.

What does a bee like to do most?

That's right, she flies from one flower to another. Let's give a flower to Mila. (Laying out a flower from colored pebbles).

9. Summary of the lesson.

Our adventure has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to the bee. It's time for her to go home to her lawn. What did you like most?

Well done! Mila is very pleased.

Dedlovskaya T.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Related articles:

Municipal government special (correctional) educational institution, pupils from disabilities health special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type, Poronaysk.


Date: 01/27/12.

Speech therapist teacher: Pisareva T.S.

Summary of individual speech therapy session

Subject : Automation of sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences, text.



Correctional educational:

Correctional and developmental:

Enrichment vocabulary on the topic "Transport";

Correctional and educational:

Lesson type: consolidation

Equipment: Demo:computer; slides.


Vocabulary work:)

Form of organization: individual.

Methods and techniques

: oral response,

Pedagogical technologies:

gaming technologies;

Computer techologies.


1. Organizing moment. (Mobilizing part of the lesson)

Hello, Sergey! I suggest you determine what mood you are in today. (bad, good, excellent) “Smileys.”

2. Introduction to the topic. These pictures will tell you the topic of the lesson. (Liner, pilot)

This is a Liner - an air mode of transport,…..Slide No. 3

What is the first sound in a word (Liner)

A pilot is a profession, a person who controls a plane in the sky.

3. Subject message. Today we will continue working with sound (L).

Today you and I will go on a short trip on the liner.

Are you a pilot.

4.Preparation for travel.

a) Motor skills for hands “Fist-edge-palm”.

b) Articulatory gymnastics. (so that the tongue is strong and clearly pronounces our sound, we will perform gymnastics for the tongue). (We perform exercises to the count of five: the number of exercises is 5)

Exercises “Smile”, “Spatula”, “Punish the naughty tongue”, “Rock”, “Cup”. “Mushroom.” Pronouncing a sound (L-L-L- repeatedly and abruptly; alternately in a whisper, quietly, loudly). “The steamer is humming” -Y-Y-Y (loud, quiet, whisper)

c) Characteristics of sound (L) - lips in a smile, teeth brought together, the tip of the tongue raised to the upper teeth. This is a consonant sound, hard.

b) Breathing exercises (puffing out the cheeks simultaneously and alternately).

5. Automation of sound (L) in syllables and words.

Flying over the mountains. Slide No. 4

(pronunciation of syllable rows: la-lo-lu-ly; al-ol-ul-yl)

Every pilot must be able to hear and recognize the sound of the aircraft well.

Game: "Traffic Controller"“If you hear the sound (L), then raise the signal. L - green signal, no (L) - red signal.

Words (lamp, steering wheel, interior, pilot, rocket)

What words do you remember?

What words are unclear?

Which word is missing?

We fly over the fields. Slide number 5. Game "The most attentive».

(lily of the valley, onion, squirrel, woodpecker) remember how they are located. Now say them in the same sequence. Show with a number the place of the sound in the word.

Let's continue our journey. Game "Scatters". Slide No. 6. Sounds were scattered in the sky, collect the scattered sounds and you get a word.

(about l a b k o) - cloud - say the word affectionately (cloud) and if there are many of them - clouds.)

(selection words-actions; sign).

What is the cloud doing in the sky? (floats) ; What color is the cloud (white)

6. Automation of sound (L) in a sentence, small text. The task consists of a sentence of words: (work on a card - cloud, floating, white, sky, across). - number of words in the sentence. Repeat the sentence.

We received a telegram.

L: I will read you a telegram, and if you hear the sound (L) “Catch him with your hand”

L: repeat after me.

Across the blue sky

On a white - white cloud

Our liner is sailing towards home,

Like being in a soft boat.

Independent pronunciation. (2 times)


8. Summary. Our journey has now ended. What sound helped us travel?

Let's check your mood. "Smiley."

Self-analysis of a speech therapy session.

Lesson topic : Automation of sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences, text.

When preparing the lesson, the following were taken into account: the characteristics of the student: age; speech therapy conclusion: violations of sound pronunciation expressed by the insufficiency of all means of language with a predominance of the semantic side of speech according to the type “General underdevelopment of speech level III; health-saving factor.

During the speech therapy session the following was decided:

Target : to develop practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.


Correctional educational:

Specify correct pronunciation sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences;

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic processes through exercises in determining the place of sound in words, consolidate skills sound analysis and synthesis;

Development of grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Transport”

Develop mental operations.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate interest in speech therapy classes through the use of gaming techniques.

Lesson type: consolidation and systematization of acquired knowledge and skills.

Equipment: Demo:computer; slides.

Handout : green and red signals, cards.

Vocabulary work:activate words in speech (liner, pilot)

Form of organization: individual.

Methods and techniques : verbal, practical, demonstration; game situation; game exercises.

Forms, methods and means of learning effectiveness: oral response,

individual survey, card work.

Pedagogical technologies:

gaming technologies;

health-saving technologies;

Computer techologies.

Child characteristics: 3rd grade student; age 10 years old, studying under the MSKOSHI-8 type program. Speech therapy conclusion: violations oral speech expressed by the inferiority of all means of language with a predominance of inferiority of the semantic side of speech according to the type “General underdevelopment of speech level III.” (st.f. Dysarthria - a group of whistling, hissing sounds was impaired - interdental pronunciation; sound (L) - was absent in speech); straight open bite.

Attends speech therapy classes from 1st grade

The work traced the complexity and interrelation of the tasks set using a variety of methods and modern technologies.

The lesson followed a structure individual lessons for sound pronunciation correction

Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Breathing exercises

Work on sound pronunciation (in syllables, words, sentences, text)

Phonemic awareness

Mental processes

During the lesson, various analyzers were used to consolidate sound:





I think that a good psychological atmosphere was established during the lesson, because an organized start to the lesson was observed. There was a connection between the content of the lesson and the interests of the child.

Corrective focus of the lesson: special exercises have been selected for the development of the child’s higher mental functions. (“An extra word”; “The most attentive”, “Scatters”). Enrichment of the dictionary with plural nouns, diminutive suffix; composing a simple common sentence; enriching the vocabulary on the topic “Transport”; regular strengthening of reading skills. Development of coherent speech of increasing complexity.

I believe that we succeeded in achieving our goals.

Yulia Klokova
Summary of an open individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: Automation of the sound “L” in Words and Sentences

Summary of an open individual speech therapy lesson on the topic:


Developed: teacher - speech therapist

Klokova Yulia Vasilievna


-Sound automation"L" in the child's speech.

Strengthening the muscles of the tongue and developing the upward movement of the tongue

Practicing upward movements of the tongue and its mobility



-automate sound"L" in a child's speech words and sentences;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention,

Enrich and expand lexicon;

Strengthen skills sound analysis and synthesis;

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, attention, memory, thinking.


Activate lexicon

Reinforce correct pronunciation sound [l] in syllables, words, proposals.

Strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus


Foster independence and interest in occupation, perseverance, desire to achieve the goal;

Form self-control over your speech;

Equipment: Princess doll, cotton balls, pictures of a rack with objects, paper spoons, bast shoes, lamps, benches, shovels (five pieces each). Chips and schemes words.

Methods and techniques:

Demonstration of illustrative aids;

Explanation, demonstration, indication;

Use of artistic words;

Assessment of the child's activity;

Plan classes:

1. Org. moment.

2. Main part.

Articulation gymnastics.

Breathing exercises

Exercise to develop phonemic awareness

Clarification correct articulation L sound

Pronunciation sound L isolated.

Pronunciation sounds in syllables.

Pronunciation sound in words

Changing entities in gender and case

Finger gymnastics

Physical education minute

-Determining the position of a sound in a word.

Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing-2

7. Pronunciation sound in phrases, formation of the plural of nouns,

8. Pronunciation sound in sentences.

9. Summary classes.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment.

Hello, sit down more comfortably, today you and I will go on a journey into a fairy tale.

2. Main part.

Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful, kind princess. Her name was Mila. Everyone loved her very much. Only Baba Yaga was jealous of her beauty and she bewitched the princess, freezing her in a huge piece of ice.

Only the one who can cope with all the tasks of Baba Yaga can save the poor princess.

Let's help Mila! The path is long! DARLING THE SOUND OF BABA YAGA -"L". She likes to give everyone tasks with this sound. I think you will cope with all the tasks and save the princess! To gain strength before the road, you and I will do gymnastics:

Articulation gymnastics:






"Delicious jam"



We ended up in Baba Yaga's hut. Here she is!

Baba Yaga demands that in exchange for releasing the princess, she must complete her tasks.

If we do everything correctly, the princess will be free!

Baba Yaga gave us a book with tasks:

Baba Yaga's quests:

Task No. 1

Clap your hands if you hear L sound:

M-R-L-S-L-T-D-L-S then more difficult:



Task No. 2

Play Baba Yaga on the balalaika! (Imitation of playing the balalaika with pronunciation syllables"la-la-la"

In order to complete Baba Yaga's tasks, you need to remember how to pronounce it correctly L sound.

Articulation refinement L sound.

Tell me how we pronounce HARD correctly L sound?

We smile, the tongue is wide, we bite the tip of the tongue with our teeth.

Let's try to pronounce it! L L L; LA LA LA AL AL ​​AL

Task No. 2

Look at the shelves in the hut! What's missing here! Let's name what we saw. (Picture showing a rack)

Baba Yaga is terribly confused, She doesn’t put anything back in its place, and then she can’t find anything! Is it necessary to count whether everything in her household is in place? To do this, you need to remember how to pronounce it correctly L sound.

We count spoons, lamps, bast shoes, bowls, forks:

One spoon, two spoons... etc.

Finger gymnastics:

Like our granddaughter - (Clench and unclench your fists)

Little hands.

And there are fingers on the hands (Crossing our fingers, we lower them and raise them)

Girls and boys.

Fingers live together. (Clap your hands)

They are called by name: (Show each finger)

Thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger.


In the morning the gnomes went into the forest. (Energetic step in place.)

On the way we found a mushroom. (Lean forward. Straighten up, hands on your belt.)

And look behind him - (Tilts the body from side to side.)

Three more showed up! (Arms to the sides, then down.)

And while the mushrooms were being picked, (Bend forward, hands to the floor.)

The gnomes were late for school. (Hands to cheeks, sadly shake head from side to side.)

We ran, we hurried (Running in place)

And the mushrooms all dropped! (Sit down)

Task No. 1.

Determining the position of sound in words:














Baba Yaga wants you to correct the mistakes in her notebooks: VAMPA, VADONI, MAVISH, KVOWN, SWON

2-word sentences:

Mikhail was running. Mila left. The chair fell. Lada sang. Volodya is brave.

Sentences of 3-4 words:

Pavel drank milk. The cat lapped milk. Mila knocked over her chair. Mila put on a robe. Lana slept for a long time. Slava made a chair. Mikhail watered the horse.

Volodya sat down at the table. There is a chair near the table. Klava planted phloxes. Slava made the raft. Gladioli grow near the house.

The ball rolled under the chair. Lana stood near the chair. Mikhail sat down in a chair.

Bottom line classes.

Well done! You did everything right, you pronounced it correctly sound"L"! I completed all the tasks and Baba Yaga’s magic was destroyed! The princess is free!


Target: automation of the L sound in words and sentences.


Correctional and educational: consolidate knowledge of the articulatory structure when pronouncing the sound L, consolidate the ability to form the plural of a noun, consolidate the ability to select objects by analogy, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental: develop the articulatory apparatus,speech breathing, voice, visual perception, thinking, fine motor skills,

Correctional and educational: Cultivate perseveranceinterest in further work against the backdrop of successfully completed tasks.

Equipment: card with an apple tree with syllables, chamomile, pencil, ball, card with windows, for automating the sound L in the middle of a word, card for automating the sound L in a phrase.


    Organizing time.

L : Hello, Igor! I am very glad to see you today so cheerful, beautiful and cheerful.

    Facial muscle massage and facial exercises.

L: Let's warm up a little

“Surprising” - raise eyebrows.
“Amazing” - raise your eyebrows, open your mouth.
“Smiles” - smile, showing your teeth, and with your mouth closed.
“Frowns” - frown your eyebrows.
“Sardilki” - frown your eyebrows, puff out your cheeks.
“Upsetting” - frown your eyebrows, lower the tips of your mouth down

    Working on breathing .

    Exercise "Hedgehog". Turn your head left and right. Simultaneously with each turn, take a short, noisy breath in through your nose (like a hedgehog). The exhalation is soft, involuntary through open lips.Repeat 4-6 times.

    Lips “tube”. Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles. Purse your lips into a tube, sharply draw in air, and fill your lungs to capacity. Make a swallowing movement. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale air through your nose smoothly and slowly.Repeat 4-6 times.

    Articulation gymnastics.

L: To pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully, let's start the lesson with articulatory gymnastics.

    Smile. Smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count is 5-10. Then return your lips to initial position. Repeat 3-4 times

    Swing. Smile, open your mouth. On account“one-two” alternately push your tonguethen in the upper, then in the lower teeth. BottomThe jaw is motionless.

    Painter . Smile, open your mouth. Wide conuse the tongue to stroke the palate from the teeth to the mountainslu. The lower jaw should not move.

    We brush the upper teeth. Smile, open your mouth slightly. Cumuse your tongue to “clean” your upper teeth withthe inside, moving the tongueright left.

    "The steamer is humming." Smile, bite the tip of your tongue and pronounce the sound “Y” for a long time. At the same time, a hard “L” sound is heard.


Open your mouth, stick your tongue far forward, tense and make it narrow. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, then remove it by the lower teeth, do not close your mouth, repeat 5 - 10 times.

    "Delicious jam"

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip, and then lick your upper lip from top to bottom, moving your tongue behind your upper teeth. Don't move your jaw.

    Report the topic of the lesson.

L: Let's remember what sound we worked with in the last lesson?

AND: With the sound L.

L: Right. Today weWe will continue to work with the sound L, but we will learn to pronounce it not only in words, but also in sentences.

    Clarification of sound articulation. Isolated pronunciation and subsequent characteristics.

L: Let's remember what characteristics we gave to this sound?

AND: The sound L is consonant, hard, sonorous.

L: When we pronounce the sound Llips are open - Teeth are open - The tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth. The air stream goes along the sides of the tongue - The voice rings (hand on the throat) Repeat L-l-l-l-l.

AND: L-l-l-l-l

    Introduction of sound into syllables and words.

L: I want to treat you with delicious and ripe apples. But there are ripe and unripe apples on an apple tree. So that you are not mistaken, I collected only ripe apples, I signed them. Read the syllables on the apples. Unripe apples are those on which the syllable AL is written. Outline them with a green pencil and draw leaves on them, let them ripen. Circle the ripe apples (with the remaining syllables) with a yellow pencil and draw arrows from them inbasket

    Automation of the L sound at the beginning of a word.

L: Well done, you picked all the ripe apples. Now look at the table in front of you there is a chamomile. You need to pick petals with images of objects whose names contain the sound L.

(Pictures on a daisy: Swallow, vase, pencil, shovel, bow, mittens, watch, lily of the valley)

    Automation of the L sound at the end of a word. Ball game.

L: Now, I suggest you play ball. I'll throw you a ball and say the word plural, and you will have to say in singular. For example, candy-candy.

L: Tables-

AND: Table.

L: Injections-

AND: Injection.

L: Floors-

AND: Floor.

L: Halls-

AND: Hall.

L: Pencil cases-

AND: Pencil case.

L: Goals-

AND: Goal.

L: Glasses-

AND: Wineglass.

    Physical exercise.

You and I have worked well, let's rest a little and warm up.

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms
Six - sit down quietly at the table.

    Automation of the L sound in the middle of a word.

L: Now let's play. You need to name the pictures drawn in the windows, and then select the missing picture by analogy and draw an arrow from it into the empty window.

    Automation of the L sound in phrases.

L: The next exercise is called “Riddles”. Your job is to find out what I'm talking about. I will name the first word, and you must choose the second suitable one, and then name the entire phrase in full.

L: Full..

AND: Bottle. Full bottle.

L: Funny..

AND: Soldier. Cheerful soldier.

L: Broken..

AND: Dump truck. Broken dump truck.

L: Silk..

AND: Blouse. Silk blouse.

L: Warm..

AND: Sheepskin coat. Warm sheepskin coat.

L: Ripe..

AND : Strawberry. Ripe strawberries.

    Automation of the sound L in sentences.

L: Well done, you coped with the task very cleverly, but there is one more thing ahead, the last one. I decided to have fun with you and came up with funny proposals. Listen to them carefully and correct any mistakes.

L: Mila ate the salad.

AND: Mila was eating a salad.

L: Paul fell into a chair.

AND: The chair fell on the table.

L: Football went to dad.

AND: Dad went to football.

L: Klava’s palms were washed.

AND: Klava washed her palms.

L: Mila chopped the onion.

AND: Mila was picking an onion.

    Summing up the lesson.

L: Our lesson has come to an end. I want to praise you, you did a very good job today. Please tell me what sound we fixed today?

AND: Sound L.

L : Which task did you like the most?

AND : (answers)

L : All the best, you can go.