Brief summary of the stories of Hans Christian Anderson. G.H. Andersen biography briefly for children. The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Lizards say that noble guests will soon arrive on the magical hill. Further, when the hill opens, one ancient fairy, the patroness of the forest, appears from it, on her forehead she had an amber heart

ugly duck

Summer sunny days have arrived. White eggs were hatched by a young duck, in the dense thickets of burdock. She chose a quiet and peaceful place. Rarely anyone came to her, everyone liked to relax on the water more: swim and dive.

Girl with matches

The little girl made her way through the dark streets. It was frosty. And it was New Year's Eve. The girl walked barefoot and bareheaded. The shoes in which she left the house were very large for her - they belonged to her mother.

Girl stepping on bread

Bad inclinations in Inga, the daughter of peasants, showed up early. As a child, she tortured insects and found pleasure in it. Time passed, but the girl still remained rude and unkind

Wild Swans

The fairy tale of H. H. Andersen - "Wild Swans" tells about amazingly pure and selfless love. The main events take place in the life of the royal family among the legitimate children of the king and their new "mother"


Tale of the fate of a little girl. About the trials that fell to her lot. The baby was kidnapped by a green toad

Christmas tree

A pretty little Christmas tree grew in the forest, birds sang over it, the sun shone brightly, large trees grew around it. But the Christmas tree was unhappy that she was so small, and even hares jump over her.

true truth

By genre, the work is an author's literary fairy tale, the main theme of which is a negative phenomenon in human life in the form of an absurd spread of rumors, described on the example of images of the animal world.

Galoshes of happiness

The two fairies argued. One claimed that galoshes would enable a person to feel full of happiness. And the second noted the opposite point of view. Then the first sorceress placed them at the entrance, with the goal that someone would put them on.

The king's new dress

There was once a king in the world. He loved different outfits. He spent all his time in the wardrobe. For every day, for every hour, he had a different outfit. The best fabrics, the best dresses, robes belonged to this king.


A soldier returns home after many years of service. It's fun, not a penny in your pocket. An ugly witch who is on the way offers him a deal.

Ole Lukoye

Ole Lukoye is a magician. He wears a coat. The Wizard loves to tell stories to children. The storyteller comes to them before going to bed and tells one tale at a time.

Shepherdess and chimney sweep

In the living room there was an old cabinet, decorated with carvings. In the center of the cabinet was a carved figurine of a funny little man. He had a long beard, small horns protruded from his forehead, and goat legs.

Princess on the Pea

In one kingdom there lived a prince who conceived a real princess as his wife. Having traveled all over the world, he returned home, but did not find what he wanted. Among the huge number of brides, there was no one with whom he would connect his fate, some shortcomings appeared.

Five from one pod

Five green peas lived in a pod and they thought that the whole world was as green as they were. Time passed, the pod grew along with the peas. They wanted to know what awaits each of them. Over time, they began to turn yellow


Chamomile grew in the green grass near the summer cottage. Every day she was more and more, and finally she blossomed. It did not bother her that she was a mediocre and inconspicuous flower, on the contrary, she was contentedly reaching for the sun.


In the deepest part of the sea stood the palace of the sea king. The king had long been a widower, and six granddaughters-princesses were brought up by an old mother. All day long they played in the palace and garden. Unlike the other princesses, the youngest was quiet and thoughtful.

Most Incredible

The person who imagines the most incredible will take a princess as his wife, and half the kingdom as a dowry. Immediately there were a lot of people who wanted to - of different ages and classes, but no one could come up with anything sensible


A poor prince lived in a small kingdom, except for his excellent external data and vocation, he had nothing. The prince decided to find a wife for himself, she found a beautiful princess in the neighboring kingdom.


The boys made a snowman during a walk, which came to life with the onset of evening. He could not move and, like a small child, did not understand what was around him.

The Snow Queen

Kai and Gerda became close friends. But, the Snow Queen made her way into their cloudless world, who kidnapped the boy and left him to live in the kingdom of cold and ice. Kai is bewitched


The story took place in a Chinese palace, which was located in a wonderful place with a beautiful garden and various amazing flowers. Beyond the garden was a forest. And next to the sea shore lived a nightingale

The Steadfast Tin Soldier


This famous fairy tale by Andersen is also popular in Russia, especially due to its beauty. The story itself is somewhat different from the script. So, a scientist arrives in a hot country. He works, but it's very hard for him because of the climate


There was a kettle in the world. He was very important and arrogant. He was self-confidently proud of his beauty, looking with disgust at ordinary dishes. The teapot was made of porcelain, it had a magnificent spout and a stunningly curved handle.

Darning needle

One darning needle had a very high opinion of herself. Once, when her Andersen - Darning Needle was used to mend a cook's shoe, it broke. The hostess, having dripped a little sealing wax on the broken end, turned it into a brooch. Grade 2

about the author

The work of Hans Christian Andersen is very diverse. He wrote novels, poetry, prose, plays, but most of his legacy is made up of fairy tales.

The creative path of the writer, as a storyteller, began with the processing of fairy tales he heard in childhood. One of the first collections is Tales Told to Children dated 1835. In this collection, folk motives were rethought. The collection includes such works as "Flint", "Swineherd" and "Wild Swans". In 1852, the collection Stories Told to Children was published, where the author rethinks history and modern reality.

The second stage of the writer's work is characterized by the presence of philosophical reflections. For example, in the fairy tale "The Nightingale" the idea of ​​the real and imaginary values ​​of mankind develops. The tale "The Snow Queen" complements the issue of devotion discussed earlier in "Wild Swans". The author showed the strength of the spirit of earthly girls. They were Gerda (a character from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen") and Elsa (from the fairy tale "Wild Swans").

The creative upsurge of the writer began in the late 30s and 40s of the 19th century. During this period, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Little Match Girl" and others were written.

In the 40s and 50s, the author moved away from writing fairy tales with magic and worked on works that describe the ordinary life of people, with the presence of anxieties, joys and troubles. For example, such a work is "Girl with Matches", in which people passing by a freezing girl took her for a pile of unclean rags.

Also, in the writer's work there are elements of religion, since the author was a believer. In some fairy tales, the author mentions Jesus Christ, but then, in Soviet times, such works with elements of religiosity were reduced. For example, the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was changed. So, in the original fairy tale, Gerda, to calm the snow blizzard, read the prayer "Our Father".

Having become acquainted with the work of G.Kh. Andersen, it can be said that violence and cruel scenes are practically absent in his fairy tales (only the fairy tale about the inch that is kidnapped and the fairy tale "Flint" in which the execution of a soldier was supposed to be executed are the opposite). His works are characterized by wisdom and kindness.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoemaker, mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833), was a laundress from a poor family, she had to beg in her childhood, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend about Andersen's royal origin, because in an early biography Andersen wrote that as a child he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys - only a prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frits, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death. After the death of Frits, with the exception of relatives, only Andersen was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the stories of the boy's father that he was a relative of the king. From childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, often staged impromptu home performances that caused laughter and mockery of children. In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Andersen then worked in a cigarette factory. In early childhood, Hans Christian was an introverted child with big blue eyes who sat in a corner and played his favorite game, puppetry. This is the only occupation he kept in his youth.

At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen; his mother let him go, because she hoped that he would stay there a little and come back. When she asked the reason why he was leaving her and the house, young Andersen immediately replied: “To become famous!”. He went to get a job in the theater, motivating this with his love for everything connected with him. He received money from a letter of recommendation from a colonel, in whose family he staged his performances as a child. During the year of his life in Copenhagen, he tried to get into the theater. First, he came to the house of a famous singer and, bursting into tears from excitement, asked her to arrange him in the theater. She, just to get rid of the annoying strange lanky teenager, promised to arrange everything, but, of course, did not fulfill her promise. Much later, she will tell Andersen that she simply mistook him for a madman then. Hans Christian was a lanky teenager with elongated and thin limbs, a neck and an equally long nose, he was a kind of life analogue of the Ugly Duckling. But thanks to his pleasant voice and his requests, as well as out of pity, Hans Christian, despite his ineffectual appearance, was accepted into the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. He was less and less involved, and then the age-related breakdown of his voice began, and he was fired. Andersen, meanwhile, composed a play in 5 acts and wrote a letter to the king, convincing him to give money for its publication. This book also included poetry. Hans Christian took care of the advertising and made an announcement in the newspaper. The book was printed, but no one bought it, it went to the cover. He did not lose hope and took his book to the theater so that a performance could be staged based on the play. He was refused with the wording "due to the complete lack of experience of the author." But he was offered to study because of the good attitude towards him, seeing his desire. Sympathetic to the poor and sensitive boy, people petitioned the King of Denmark, Frederick VI, who allowed him to study at a school in the town of Slagels, and then at another school in Elsinore at the expense of the treasury. This meant that it would no longer be necessary to think about a piece of bread, about how to live on. The students at the school were 6 years younger than Andersen. He later recalled the years of study at school as the darkest time of his life, due to the fact that he was severely criticized by the rector of the educational institution and was painfully worried about this until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmares. Andersen completed his studies in 1827. Until the end of his life, he made many grammatical errors in writing - Andersen never mastered the letter.

In 1829, Andersen's fantastic story "A Walking Journey from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager" brought fame to the writer. Little was written before 1833, when Andersen received a cash allowance from the king, which allowed him to make his first trip abroad. Since that time, Andersen has been writing a large number of literary works, including in 1835 the Fairy Tales that made him famous. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the stage, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent by publishing the collection "A Picture Book without Pictures". The fame of his Tales grew; The 2nd edition of "Tales" was started in 1838, and the 3rd - in 1845. By this time he was already a famous writer, widely known in Europe. In June 1847 he first came to England and was honored with a triumphant welcome. In the second half of the 1840s and in the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, which brought him the fame he deserved. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more fairy tales. The last tale was written by Andersen on Christmas 1872. In 1872, Andersen fell out of bed, badly hurt himself and never recovered from his injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and is buried at the Assistens Cemetery in Copenhagen.

Every child loves to listen to fairy tales. Among their favorites, many will name Thumbelina, Flint, Ugly Duckling and others. The author of these wonderful children's works is Hans Christian Andersen. Despite the fact that, in addition to fairy tales, he wrote poetry and prose, it was fairy tales that brought him fame. Let's get acquainted with a short biography of Hans Christian Andersen for children, which is no less interesting than his fairy tales.

The name of Hans Christian Andersen is known all over the world. His stories are read with pleasure both in our country and abroad. G.H. Andersen is a writer, prose writer and poet, but above all, he is the author of children's fairy tales, which combine fantasy, romance, humor and all of them are permeated with humanity and humanity.

Childhood and youth

Andersen begins in 1805, when a child is born in a poor family of a shoemaker and a laundress. It happened in Denmark in the small town of Odens. The family lived very modestly, because the parents did not have money for luxury, but they enveloped their child with love and care. As a child, his father told little Hans stories from the Thousand and One Nights and loved to sing good songs to his son. Andersen, as a child, very often visited the hospital with mentally ill patients, because his grandmother worked there, to whom he liked to come. The boy liked to communicate with patients and listen to their stories. As the author of fairy tales later writes, he became a writer thanks to the songs of his father and the stories of the insane.

When the father died in the family, Hans had to look for work to earn food. The boy worked for a weaver, then for a tailor, he had to work at a cigarette factory. Thanks to the accumulated funds, in 1819 Andersen buys boots and goes to Copenhagen, where he works in the royal theater. Already at the age of fourteen, he tries to write the play Sun of the Elves, which turned out to be very crude. Although the work was weak, she managed to attract the attention of the management. At the board of directors, it was decided to give the boy a scholarship so that he could study at the gymnasium for free.

Studying was difficult for Andersen, but in spite of everything, he finishes high school.

Literary creativity

Although the boy showed talent for writing fairy tales in early childhood, his real creative literary activity begins in 1829, when the world saw his first fantastic work. It immediately brought popularity to Hans Christian Andersen. Thus begins his writing career, and the book Tales, which is published in 1835, brings real fame to the writer. Despite the fact that G.Kh. Andersen is trying to develop as a poet and as a prose writer, with the help of his plays and novels he fails to become famous. He continues to write stories. This is how the second book and the third book of Fairy Tales appear.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the city of Odense on the island of Funen (in some sources the island of Fionia is named), in the family of a shoemaker and a laundress. Andersen heard the first fairy tales from his father, who read him stories from the Thousand and One Nights; along with fairy tales, my father loved to sing songs and make toys. From his mother, who dreamed of Hans Christian becoming a tailor, he learned to cut and sew. As a child, the future storyteller often had to communicate with patients in the hospital for the mentally ill, in which his maternal grandmother worked. The boy enthusiastically listened to their stories and later wrote that he was "made a writer of his father's songs and the speeches of the insane." From childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, often staging impromptu home performances.

In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Andersen later worked in a cigarette factory.

In 1819, having earned some money and bought the first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. The first three years in Copenhagen, Andersen connects his life with the theater: he makes an attempt to become an actor, writes tragedies and dramas. In 1822, the play "The Sun of the Elves" was published. The drama turned out to be an immature, weak work, but it attracted the attention of the theater management, with which the novice author was collaborating at that time. The board of directors secured scholarships for Andersen and the right to free study at the gymnasium. A seventeen-year-old boy enters the second grade of a Latin school and, despite the ridicule of his comrades, finishes it.

In 1826-1827, Andersen's first poems ("Evening", "The Dying Child") were published, which received a positive response from critics. In 1829, his fantasy-style short story "A Walking Journey from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager" was published. In 1835, Andersen brought fame to "Tales". In 1839 and 1845, the second and third books of fairy tales were written respectively.

In the second half of the 1840s and in the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, which brought him the fame he deserved. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more. The last tale was written by Andersen on Christmas Day 1872.

In 1872, the writer was seriously injured as a result of a fall, from which he was treated for three years. On August 4, 1875, Hans Christian Andersen died. He was buried in Copenhagen at the Assistance Cemetery.

  • Andersen was angry when he was called a children's storyteller and said that he wrote fairy tales for both children and adults. For the same reason, he ordered that all children's figures be removed from his monument, where the storyteller was originally supposed to be surrounded by children.
  • Andersen had the autograph of A. S. Pushkin.
  • The tale of H. H. Andersen "The King's New Dress" was placed in the first primer by L. N. Tolstoy.
  • Andersen has a fairy tale about Isaac Newton.
  • In the fairy tale "Two Brothers" G. H. Andersen wrote about the famous brothers Hans Christian and Anders Oersted.
  • The name of the fairy tale "Ole Lukoye" is translated as "Ole-Close your eyes".
  • Andersen paid very little attention to his appearance. He constantly walked the streets of Copenhagen in an old hat and worn raincoat. One day a dandy stopped him on the street and asked:
    “Tell me, is this pathetic thing on your head called a hat?”
    To which the immediate response was:
    "Is that pathetic thing under your fancy hat called a head?"

Be like children

It is necessary to accustom to the accurate keeping of a reader's diary from childhood. This skill will come in handy in high school, when excellent knowledge of literary works will be of great importance in final exams. Therefore, the “Literaguru” team presents you with a sample design for this work using the example of the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”.

  • Full name of the author of the work: Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Title: "Ugly duckling";
  • Year of writing: 1843;
  • Genre: fairy tale.

Brief retelling . One day, a strange egg was found in the mother duck's nest. The old duck kept saying that it was a turkey, but soon a duckling hatched. He was the latest, and he looked worse than the others - ugly, inconspicuous, unsightly, although he swam better than anyone. Nobody liked the poor creature. Each inhabitant of the courtyard considered it his duty to push, offend and attack him. Soon the ugly duckling got tired of such a terrible attitude, so he decided to run away to the wild ducks in the pond. He immediately struck up a friendship with two ganders, but after a while they were killed by hunters. After this sad event, the little duckling decided to get to the hut in which the old woman, the cat and the hen Short-legged lived. The woman sheltered him, but the other inhabitants of the dwelling were not happy with the new "friend". Like everyone else, they mocked and mocked the poor duckling. Then the little hero decided to go to live by the lake. It was there that he first saw beautiful, noble white swans, whom he fell in love with at first sight.

Winter has come, and with it comes the cold. The ugly duckling was now taken in by the hunter's family, but because of the children who constantly frightened him, the hero often smoked mischievously. Not wanting to stay with people anymore, the duckling again went to the lake, where he again saw beautiful swans. He always wanted to be like them, and now his dream came true! Looking at his reflection, the duckling could not believe his eyes - the swan was looking at him. From a nasty creature, he turned into a noble bird. Without wasting a minute, he swam to the other swans, who immediately accepted him and surrounded him with love. The children, seeing the new inhabitant of the lake, called him the most beautiful of all. It was a real happiness for the ugly duckling!

Review. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale that Andersen wanted to convey to readers is that you should not pay attention only to the appearance, because a whole magical inner world can be hidden under it. Also, the hero of the fairy tale proves to us that all difficulties can be overcome - it only takes time. The resilience of the ugly duckling simply cannot leave the reader indifferent! That is what this story is about.

Unusual in this work, I would call a magical transformation that brought real and well-deserved happiness to the main character.

Perhaps the moments of cruelty made me think about behavior in society. People began to pay more and more attention only to appearance. They no longer appreciate kindness, sincerity and love. It seems to me that the author teaches us benevolence and understanding, so that we change something in our attitude towards those who are not like us.

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