Critical thinking of younger schoolchildren. Development of critical thinking in children of primary school age in the process of learning mathematics. Rules for writing syncwine

Development of critical thinking of younger schoolchildren in elementary school lessons.

Thinking develops in a problem situation,
When a child himself “collects” concepts about a subject.
(L. Vygotsky)

From a psychological point of view, critical thinking is thinking that has the following characteristics: depth(the ability to penetrate into the essence, to see the unclear where everything seems clear and understandable to others), subsequence(the ability to adhere to logical rules, not contradict oneself, justify conclusions), independence(ability to pose questions, find new approaches to understanding them), flexibility(the ability to change the way to solve a problem, find new ways), speed(ability to quickly complete a task).

From the point of view of the pedagogical theory of developmental learning, in which the student, as a subject of cognitive activity, develops and forms a thinking mechanism, rather than exploiting memory, CM has the following characteristics: analyticity(selection, comparison, comparison of facts and phenomena); associativity(establishing associations with previously studied facts; independence; logic(sequencing); systematicity.

The development of CM allows one to objectively perceive a variety of information, analyze, and systematize the acquired knowledge.

Observations show that students: are often passive when answering their friends; cannot help the person answering the question; their questions are monotonous; They do not know how to take criticism and learn from it.

The development of CM is possible through different means and methods. Its peculiarity, unlike other types of thinking, is that it stimulates the development of cognitive interests. Children need to be taught to think critically from the very beginning of their education. From the first grade, you should work with children to develop the ability to isolate the main thing from the flow of information, comprehend this main thing and show a desire to penetrate deeper into its essence.

Conditions that a teacher needs to consider to stimulate critical thinking:

Allocate time and provide opportunities for the use of CM;

Allow students to think freely;

Accept a variety of ideas and thoughts;

Promote the active involvement of students in the learning process;

Provide students with an environment free from negative evaluation;

Value students' critical thinking.

The CM methodological system will give teachers the opportunity to:

Activate thinking;

Involve students in the educational process;

Motivate student learning;

Stimulate reflection on the work done;

Expose different points of view;

Help students create their own questions;

Encourage self-expression;

Ensure information processing;

Encourage critical thinking.

Techniques for the development of CT in lessons in elementary school.

The best types of educational activities in which CT skills are developed are written work and work on text. In writing, the thinking process becomes visible. The one who writes is always active. He expresses his thoughts.

“Critical reading” is a way of working on a text when students do not read the text mechanically, but use mental operations while reading that allow them to form their own opinion regarding the information received.

Let's look at some CT strategies and techniques that can be used in elementary school lessons.

Methodology "Foresight"»

You can offer provision: by proverbs, by riddles, by keywords, etc.

Double Notes Technique

    Draw a vertical line down the middle of a sheet of paper.

    On the left you need to write down an episode or some image from the text, or a word that struck you more, perhaps reminded you of something from your own experience, or perhaps surprised you.

    On the right side of the line you need to comment on this entry: what forced him to be discharged? What questions have arisen? What thoughts did it inspire?

    After reading, students should be invited to make comments.

    Raising a few “general” questions:

What did you remember?

What were you thinking while reading?

If you wrote this, what would you change?

Methodology “Mutual Questions”

Divide the text into logically completed parts. Children read aloud, pose questions to one another in a group, one pair (group) to another, to each other in pairs.

Methodology of "Mutual teaching"

1 The students act as the teacher.

2 Manage the learning process.

3 Work in groups.

4 Read the text in parts.

5 Perform five main tasks (teacher-student suggests to a friend or friends):

Draw a conclusion from what you read;

Ask 2-3 questions and listen to the answers to them;

Explain the unclear;

Make a prediction for the next part;

“Interview” technique

    Reading the text and working on it frontally.

The topic of the interview can be varied. She can literally repeat the content of the text or introduce each child’s own perception of the material read.

"Associative bush"

The teacher defines the topic in one word, and the students remember everything that arises in their memory regarding this word. First, persistent associations arise, then secondary ones. The teacher records the answers in the form of a kind of “bush”, which gradually “grows”. This method is universal because it can be used during the teaching of any academic discipline and at all stages of the lesson: at the updating stage, in the main part, as a means of testing knowledge.

Reception "Yes-no"

The teacher conceives of an object or phenomenon. Students try to find the answer by asking the teacher a question (The teacher answers either yes or no). This technique connects disparate facts into a single picture, systematizes information, listens and hears comrades.

Communication activities

Used to:

Physically bring students together;

Encourage them to communicate with each other;

Establish trusting relationships between children.

Students, if desired, sit in a chair and tell something interesting about themselves, about their relatives or pets, or a story about their name.

« Raise your spirits"

The student talks about his mood, what it is like today and why. If someone in the class is in a sad, gloomy mood, all the children “lift” their friend’s mood:

using posture, gestures, facial expressions, affectionate words, poems or songs.

"To whom and for what"

Children take turns passing the toy and saying who they are giving it to and for what.

" Logical chain"

The first one who starts the chain names any word, the second one adds the word and explains how it is connected with the first.


Students take turns (in a circle) to create the overall plot of the story. The first student begins, the second repeats what the first said and continues, the third retells what he heard and also continues the story. It is important that the “snowball” - the story - does not fall apart, is “strong” and contains interesting events.

"Do you believe that..."

Everyone has a table on their desk, like a blackboard. I will read the questions, and you put a plus in the first line if you agree with the statement, and a minus if you disagree. The second line will remain empty for now.

"Basket of Ideas"

Group work. After preliminary discussion, each group expresses its assumptions. Summing up the work of the groups. All assumptions are recorded on the board

« Cluster"

Helps to develop the ability to highlight the main thing, analyze, synthesize, translate information from one plan to another (from text to graphic), and determine the maximum number of features of the concept being studied.
It is used if the phenomenon being studied has a number of different characteristics. A cluster involves the selection of semantic units of text and graphic design in a certain order in the form of a cluster. Make some notes, sketches for memory, arrange them into categories.


Develops the ability to highlight the main thing, generalize, synthesize; activate vocabulary. It is advisable to use this technique at the stage of reflection. Helps to identify the general impression of a literary character, phenomenon, event, quality, etc.; summarize. This technique is also appropriate when checking homework.

“Technique of asking questions”

Great importance in the technology of developing critical thinking is given to techniques that form the ability to work with questions. Questions are the main driving force of thinking. Students need to be drawn to their own intellectual energy. Only students who wonder or ask questions truly think and strive for knowledge. The level of questions asked determines the level of our thinking.

Using critical thinking technology allows you to achieve the following results:

1. Change the attitude of children to reading lessons, the Russian language, and the surrounding world;
2. Increase the cognitive attitude towards what they read (students learn to show their research attitude, the desire to delve deeper into the essence of the work);
3. Develop a positive attitude towards tasks of a creative and problem-search nature;
4. Change students’ attitude towards their own mistakes and difficulties that arise during the work (they began to perceive them more calmly, their ability to overcome difficulties and complete work begun has increased);
5. Motivate students for further activities (they learn to reflect on their activities and develop a communicative culture);
6. Create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the “teacher-student-class” system and develop a conscious attitude towards individual, group and collective activities.
7. Increase the mental activity of elementary school students.

Thus, we can conclude that everyone can think critically. Critical thinking needs to be taught and it is important that students are able to use the skills in specific subject matter activities.

List of sources used:

1. Zair-Bek S., Mushtavinskaya I. Development of critical thinking in the classroom. Teacher's manual. - M., 2004.
2. Critical thinking: technology of development: A manual for teachers / I. O. Zagashev, S. I. Zair-Bek. - St. Petersburg: Alliance “Delta”, 2003.
3. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. Tutorial. M. 1998
4. Butenko A.V., Khodos E.A. Critical thinking: method, theory, practice. - Krasnoyarsk: 2001. - 102 p.
5. Website of the international journal on the development of critical thinking “Peremena” http://ct-net. net/ru/ct_tcp_ru
6. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas http://festival.1september. ru/2004_2005/index. php? subject=9



critical thinking of junior schoolchildren, as an innovative resource for improving the quality of work with text information"

Primary school teacher

Karaseva Marina Mikhailovna

2018-2019 academic year

Slide No. 1

Dear colleagues, I would like to begin my report with the words of John Dewey:

Slide No. 2

« If we teach today like this, as we taught yesterday, we'll steal

the children have tomorrow."

This is obvious, becauseIt is not the knowledge itself that becomes necessary,

and knowledge of where and how to apply them. But even more important is the knowledge

how to obtain, interpret, transform information.

Slide No. 3

How to increase motivation for learning among modern schoolchildren? How to involve students in the educational process? How to teach learning?

Every teacher asks himself these questions every day. It is clear that it is impossible to solve these problems relying only on the traditional classroom system. It's time to change the approach to learning, which should not be the teacher, but the student himself. Only the competent use of various teaching methods will create conditions that will encourage schoolchildren themselves to acquire knowledge.

Working with children of primary school age, we are in search of methods and techniques that would improve students' thinking abilities and allow them to think more productively. It is thanks to a person’s ability to think that difficult problems are solved, discoveries are made, and inventions appear.

But is it possible to learn to think more effectively? Like other qualities of the mind, thinking can be developed.Slide No. 4

Developing thinking means developing the ability to think.

One of the innovative methods that allows achieving positive results in the formation of the mental activity of primary schoolchildren isSlide No. 5 Technology for developing critical thinking .

If you use the methods and techniques of technology for developing critical thinking, you can intensify the mental activity of students:

* ability to ask questions;

* ability to highlight the main thing;

* ability to make comparisons;

* ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and make


* the ability to see meaning in information, to understand the problem as a whole;

* ability to search, analyze, and creatively process information.

The peculiarity of this pedagogical technology is that the student himself, during the learning process, constructs this process based on real and specific goals, he himself monitors the directions of his development, and he himself determines the final result. On the other hand, the use of this strategy is aimed at developing the skills of thoughtful work with information.

Slide No. 6

“Tell me - I’ll forget,

Show me - I'll remember

Involve me - I will understand."

Slide No. 7

What is critical thinking?

    the ability to create new, meaningful questions ;

    develop a variety of reinforcing arguments ;

    accept independent thoughtful solutions .

Slide No. 8


    help the individual to understand the development processes taking place in his psyche;

    induce their motivation;

    teach the child to consciously manage them, set goals for his


Slide No. 9

Main directions:

Dissemination of accumulated pedagogical experience

Theoretical study of technology fundamentals

The use of lesson models in the teaching and educational process

Slide No. 10

The role of the teacher in TCM :

    directs students' efforts in a certain direction

    confronts different judgments

creates conditions that encourage independent decision-making

    gives students the opportunity to draw their own conclusions

    prepares new cognitive situations within existing ones

Slide No. 11

The methodological aspect of the formation of critical thinking lies in the fact that this technology is a system of strategies that combine methods of educational work by type of educational activity.

This technology involvesuse of three stages (stages) in the lesson: the challenge stage, the semantic stage and the reflection stage .

Slide No. 12

Stage 1 - “Challenge” (awakening existing knowledge and interest

to receive new information)

The child asks himself the question “What do I know?” on this issue.

Stage 2 - “Comprehension” (obtaining new information)

At this stage, the child, under the guidance of the teacher and with the help of his friends, will answer the questions that he posed to himself at the first stage (what I want to know).

Stage 3 - “Reflection” (comprehension, birth of new knowledge)

Reflection and generalization of “what the child learned” in the lesson on this issue.

Slide No. 13

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It seems that everything is already familiar to us. So what fundamentally new does the technology of critical thinking bring?The element of novelty is the methodological methods of educational work, which are oriented towards creating conditions for the free development of each individual. Each stage of the lesson uses its own methodological techniques. There are quite a lot of them. Each technique and strategy in critical thinking is aimed at unleashing the creative potential of students. Reflection is the most significant stage, because This is where creative development and awareness of newly acquired information takes place.

In theory everything is simple, but in practice there are certain difficulties:Experience shows that modeling a lesson in one technology or another is not easy, because organizing and conducting such lessons requires a lot of preparation and, accordingly, a lot of time.we have to restructure all the work in the lessons; technology is not applicable in every lesson. But at the same time, a huge field of activity opens up for the creative work of teachers and students.

First you need to tell the children about the essence of the application of this or First you need to tell the children about the essence of the application of this oranother method and technique of TRKM, then teach them to apply them in their work in the lesson. For example, what is a “Cluster” or “Fishbone”? How to create (write) “Sinquain” correctly and quickly? What does Reading with Stops do? and others. And most importantly, you need to remember that in these lessons the teacher acts as a work coordinator: he directs the students’ efforts in a certain direction, confronts various judgments and creates conditions that encourage them to make independent decisions.

I will not dwell on each of the techniques. Each teacher has their own. The main thing is that these techniques are effective. They help the student design the educational process, track the directions of his development, and determine the final result himself. It becomes obvious that the use of even some techniques of RCM technology makes it possible to develop and improve the creative potential of students.

Nowadays, it is very important to develop critical thinking in children, so that the child begins to enjoy reading books, learns to analyze them and draw independent conclusions, so that he learns to ask smart questions and creatively find answers to them. It is important to note that TRKM helps students independently determine the direction in studying the topic and independently solve problems, i.e. think "for real".

So, in this technology, unlike traditional technology, the roles of teachers and students change. Students do not sit passively listening to the teacher, but become the main characters of the lesson. They think and remember to themselves, share their thoughts with each other, read, write, and discuss what they read. The role of the teacher is mainly coordinating.

This technology meets the goals of education at the present stage, equips students and teachers with ways of working with information, methods of organizing self-education.The new standard obliges each of us to work this way. Such technologies are the future.

I wanted to end my report with the words of Lessing:"ARGBE MISTAKED, MAKE A MISTAKE, BUT, FOR GOD’S SAKE, THINK, ALTHOUGH YOU CROVE YOURSELF.”


    Bondarenko, E. Teachers create their own digital educational resources / E. Bondarenko // Public education. – 2008. - No. 4. – P. 189-194.

    Zagashev I. The ability to ask questions.//Change.-2001.-No. 4.

    Zair-Bek, S. Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing / S. Zair-Bek // School Library. – 2001. - No. 12. – P. 10-15.

    Zair-Bek S., Mushtavinskaya I. Development of critical thinking in the classroom. Teacher's manual. – M., 2004.

    Critical thinking: technology of development: A manual for teachers / I. O. Zagashev, S. I. Zair-Bek. - St. Petersburg: Alliance “Delta”, 2003.

    Website of the international magazine on the development of critical thinking “Peremena”

Svetlana Shmoilova
Development of critical thinking in children of primary school age in the process of learning mathematics

Today general education school is a public institution that is responsible for the quality of human history. The central place in the education system is development personality within individual resources students. It is this position that orients us specifically to the inner world of the child, the source of various opportunities and abilities.

Currently, education at all levels is at the stage of modernization, which creates a number of problems, but at the same time it is an advantage. Firstly, it is worth noting that new trends aim to update the needs of modern society, while preserving the positive experience accumulated over the years. Secondly, teachers and parents need to clearly recognize and understand what such reforms have as their ultimate goal and through what methods.

Let's consider the new education standards from the point of view of effectiveness. Today for Schools are not important in teaching knowledge as such, and the child’s personal result, that is, what happens to him in learning process. The teacher needs to form universal educational actions, that is, the ability to apply the experience gained in practice. This qualitative change involves a reorientation of the learning process, focusing not on the direct transmission of information, but on creating conditions for its acceptance, the prevalence of the student’s position.

To solve the assigned problems, a competency-based approach is implemented, which presupposes a personal orientation and conditions for the formation of practical skills. The implementation of this approach is possible through technology critical thinking, which arose at the end of the last century in the USA. However, before moving directly to the disclosure of the concept critical thinking, let's analyze the concept thinking in general.

Thinking is a form of reflection of reality, which involves establishing a connection between cognizable objects. To think means to reproduce operations based on formal logic. Knowledge of the surrounding world is based on perception and sensations, and then moves on to thinking. This is where the main function comes from thinking- expansion of horizons, knowledge not only through sensory perception, but also disclosure of content through inferences.

By using thinking we filter out various random factors, leaving the true content of things, operate with accessible concepts, generalize and plan.

From a psychological point of view thinking is considered, as active cognition based on a set of mental operations. Thinking- these are inferences through synthesis and analysis.

If speak about critical thinking, then there are no unambiguous definitions here. This concept consists of two poles that form a single whole. On the one side, critical thinking implies conflict, disagreement, negative assessment. Although, on the other hand, it includes creative thinking, allowing you to think and create. Critical thinking is an open system that is formed by combining past experience with new information. This is a universal way to acquire new, distinctive knowledge and skills to reasonably express opinions, build logical chains and, most importantly, apply all this in various life situations. Thanks to critical thinking we can easily find the optimal solution to the problem, using not only already known algorithms, but also find the missing link, fill it in and implement it.

Use of technology in teaching practice critical thinking reveals many resources. So, based on flexibility, constructiveness, selectivity, critical thinking becomes a superstructure over the creative thinking. Allows you to understand the product of mental activity, prove its significance and test it. All this is a powerful help for the child’s future realization and success.

However, critical thinking is not a given in all its contents, it is necessary to work with it and develop. It is for this purpose that a whole range of methodological tools was built. Like any technology, TCM has a clear structure, the links of which are logically interconnected and logical.

Critical thinking- this is one way of thinking and it needs teach. This education This includes creating conditions and setting tasks for the child to independently develop his or her capabilities and to search for the necessary information. After all, it has been proven that it is problematic education is one of the most effective, since by solving a problem the child expands the boundaries of his knowledge and attracts additional resources. He is the initiator of his own, unique solution. In that process It’s just that the algorithm is living, adjusting to itself and becoming aware of it. Therefore, further use of the found solution in other situations will facilitate education.

As mentioned above, technology critical thinking came to us from Western pedagogy and psychology. Thus, the American scientist M. Scriven insists that in modern conditions critical thinking is a value, since content is a skill.

The technology itself critical thinking developed by Western teachers K. Meredith, D. Ogle, D. Steele, who said that before working with it, it is necessary to diagnose the initial level development of a child's criticality, and then systematically and purposefully teach.

Learning process through this technology is the creation of various situations that allow activating cognitive processes: thinking, attention, memory, perception. Through an active and open search for a solution, the younger student not only learns, acquires new skills, but also asserts itself and opens up.

Based on the definition critical thinking, this technology develops thought processes, which are the foundation for intellectual development child and, in general, allows for the further development of skills in working with information. This includes its independent search, processing, transformation and application.

The lesson, built in the spirit of this technology, consists of 3 main phases: challenge, comprehension (content, reflection.

In the first phase, the teacher must interest the student, create motivation, and find out existing knowledge on this problem. IN process While working on this stage, the child also has his own questions, there is an awareness of purpose and effectiveness, and a desire to find answers.

In the second phase, work and information processing occurs. Its collection, analysis, structuring, identification of the main and secondary, evaluation of the effectiveness of the chosen solution methods.

In the last phase, the student performs self-analysis, summing up, and interpretation.

To improve technology efficiency critical thinking special techniques have been developed, such as cluster, insert (reading with notes, true and false statements, concept wheel, "Six Hats" thinking» , syncwine, table of thick and thin questions and others.

In modern social, cultural, political and economic conditions, modernization of education is necessary. The new system contains goals and objectives that meet the needs of modern society, the formation of a child’s personality, which will be versatile developed. Primary graduate schools must have not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also the ability to use information, create and collaborate.

Organic inclusion of technology work development of critical thinking in the school system education provides the opportunity for personal growth. After all, such work is addressed, first of all, to the child, to his individuality.


1. Barakina, T. V. Possibilities for studying elements of logic in the classroom mathematicians and computer science in elementary school [Text] /T. V. barakina // Initial school plus before and after. - 2009. - No. 4. S. -33 – 37.

2. Ivanova, E. V. Development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons [Text]/E. V. Ivanova // Primary school plus before and after. - 2006. - No. 6. C- 59 – 60

3. Koneva, S. A. How develop cognitive abilities children in mathematics lessons[Text] /C. A. Koneva// Beginning school plus before and after. - 2006. - No. 10.C - 36 – 40

4. Tikhomirova, L. F., Development of logical thinking in children [Text]./L. F. Tikhomirova, A. V. Basov // - Yaroslavl: Academy LLP development, 1996. - 240s

5. Shamis, V. A. Critical thinking as an object research:[Text] /V. A. Shamis // Fundamental and applied research in the system education: Materials II International Scientific and Practical Conference. At 5 p.m. Part 5. / Rep. Ed. N. N. Boldyrev. - Tambov: Publishing house of TSU named after. G. R. Derzhavina, 2004. - 287-289s



1.1 Features of the development of thinking 6

children of primary school age 6

1.2 The role of developing critical thinking in primary school students 15



2.1. Basic provisions of TRIZ technology 22

2.2. TRIZ technology techniques in literary reading lessons as a means of developing critical thinking in younger schoolchildren 26





Applications 42


The priority task of a modern school is to educate a thinking, internally free personality, capable of forming and convincingly defending one’s own point of view, setting goals and finding effective ways to achieve them, and not just the acquisition by students of a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities.

An effective way to solve this problem is to develop critical thinking among schoolchildren. Critical thinking implies the ability to see a problem, the willingness to find innovative solutions, the ability to reflect on one’s own intellectual activity, analyze one’s own actions and admit mistakes.

Many teachers and psychologists have worked on the problem of developing critical thinking. The works of L.S. Vygotsky on the zone of proximal development, as well as the ideas of developmental education by D.B., had a great influence. Elkonina.

A student who knows how to think critically masters different ways of interpreting and evaluating information, is able to identify contradictions in the text, argue his own point of view, relying not only on logic, but also on the ideas of the interlocutor.

The Concept for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation until 2020 emphasizes the need to develop in children the ability to think critically, solve complex problems, analyze, weigh and take into account different opinions, make decisions, debate, and communicate with other people. All these conditions are successfully developed in literary reading lessons.

The introduction of a variety of educational teaching technologies in literary reading lessons, according to teachers, is a prerequisite for active cognitive activity of students: non-standard, interesting, creative work that awakens children’s interest in knowledge, as well as a path to the development of critical thinking.

One of the technologies that helps students not only master a certain amount of knowledge, but also contributes to the development of their personal qualities is TRIZ technologies (the theory of solving inventive problems according to G. S. Altshuller). This is one of the innovative technologies that can increase the efficiency of education for primary schoolchildren.

Pedagogy and psychology have a sufficient understanding of the formation of theoretical and practical, productive and reproductive thinking of students; there are various holistic concepts of problem-based learning as a means of developing creative, problem-based thinking in the process of acquiring knowledge. However, among all the types of thinking widely studied by psychologists and educators, critical thinking remains poorly described. Therefore, the topic of the course work is relevant.

Object of study:the process of developing critical thinking among younger schoolchildren during literary reading lessons using TRIZ technology.

Psychology and pedagogy

How to develop critical thinking in schoolchildren

Almost everywhere, participants in the education system emphasize the need to develop critical thinking in schoolchildren. Characteristic skills are not developed in one subject and, of course, not in one lesson. Critical thinking requires a systematic approach and special attention in terms of educational outcomes. Methods for implementing this approach were presented in one of the webinars of the Russian Textbook Corporation by Oleg Fedorov, Deputy Director for Administrative Work at the Higher School of Economics.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking- this is a person’s ability to create a system of judgments that help analyze and formulate reasonable conclusions, create their own assessment of what is happening, and interpret it. That is, it is not only skeptical thinking, which is the most common form of understanding critical thinking. It's about the ability to question and question judgments. Critical thinking begins with defining the boundaries of one's knowledge and ignorance, and with the understanding that beyond the boundaries of knowledge there are questions that have yet to be answered.

It’s time to remember the now fashionable questioning learning – learning through research. This technology begins with posing a question, and the teacher’s task is to create a situation through which the child can come to this question. It is very important that the question “why?” firmly established itself in the student’s everyday life.

Critical thinking does not include skills such as memorization, comprehension, intuitive or creative thinking. The components of the critical thinking process are:




    analysis and synthesis,

    induction and deduction,

Critical thinking in and out of class

Stages of development of critical thinking:

    A challenge that allows you to update and generalize existing knowledge on the original issue and encourage a person to be active.

    Comprehension, which allows you to obtain new information, understand it and relate it to existing data.

    Reflection involves holistically comprehending and summarizing the information received, appropriating it and showing one’s own attitude towards the object.

Forms and means of developing critical thinking:

    data collection,

    text analysis,

    comparison of alternative points of view,

    group discussion,

    different types of pair and group work,

  • discussions,

    publication of written works.

Due to the large volume of subject material that needs to be covered in very limited teaching time, teachers cannot always pay due attention to the development of critical thinking. In such cases, extracurricular strategies are useful: “Summarizing the results of the day, week, month, quarter, year...”, “We are working on options for solving the problem,” “Mental simulators,” “Keeping a diary.” There are also special techniques that allow you to introduce the development of critical thinking directly into the educational process.

This book is for children who love solving puzzles. Especially for them, a team of professional authors has developed this book, which is a collection of various tasks. By solving them, the child develops attentiveness, memory, logical and creative thinking.

Lesson Techniques for Developing Critical Thinking

Table of “thick” and “thin” questions

Bloom's daisy


    Simple factual questions, which require knowledge of the material and are focused on memory work.

    Clarifying questions: “as far as I understand...”, “Did I understand you correctly that...”.

    Interpretive, explanatory questions, through which schoolchildren learn to understand the reasons for certain actions or opinions.

    Evaluative, comparative questions, which are suitable, for example, for a situation where one student expresses dissatisfaction or pleasure to another about what happened in the lesson.

    Creative questions, forecast: “What do you think will happen next...?”

    Practical questions: “How can we...?”, “What would you do...?”

Clusters (bunches)

Information is presented in the form of a cluster with combined elements.

Technique “Looks like...”, “Sounds like...”

Students come up with visual and auditory associations for the word or term. Examples:

Image of the “Tree of Predictions”

    The trunk is the theme.

    Leaves are a forecast.

    Branches are arguments, justifications for predictions.

Fishbone diagram ( "Fish Skeleton" )

    The fish head is the problem.

    The top ribs of the fish are the reasons.

    The bottom ribs of the fish are facts.

    The tail of the fish is the conclusion.

Evaluation window

To parse information, a field is selected, crossed by two perpendicular axes: “Completely unclear - Well understood” and “I will never be able to apply - I will be able to apply immediately.”

“Plus - Minus - Interesting” (PMI)

    “Plus” (+) - facts and thoughts are recorded that can answer the question “What's good about this?”

    “Minus” (-) - facts and thoughts are recorded that can answer the question “What’s wrong with this?”

    “Interesting” (?) - facts and thoughts are written down that can answer the student’s question “What’s interesting about this?”

“I know - I want to know - I found out” (ZKHU)

Information is distributed into a table according to the ZHU principle, and further work is built on this basis.

"Flight magazines"

Widely used in semantic reading. The information is recorded in table form:

"Two-Part Diary"

Information is presented based on key questions.

"Concept Table"

Students compare information (preferably based on independently drawn lines). Example:

Plot tables

Strategy “From here to here”

The lesson alternates between individual and group work: The group receives a common task → Each group member receives “their own” object of study → Collecting information about the object → Exchange of information in the group → Highlighting what is common for memorizing the main part of the table → Filling out the table → Writing a joint research on the topic → Presentation of the study

Developing discussion skills

    Role-playing game.

    Cross discussion.


    Method of corners (Students disperse to the corners in accordance with a certain position. The argument of one group is the counter-argument of another. Students can move to another corner. Those who hesitate sit in the center of the class, during the discussion they can join one or another group).

    6 hats (In accordance with the color of the hat, the student proves one point or another).

    Aquarium (The presenter sets the tone of the discussion in the “aquarium” where the “fish” swim. In the corners there are experts whose opinions may be diametrically opposed. The “fish” “swim” between the experts, assessing the validity and reasoning of their judgments, and also turn to the presenter and to observers, forming their own point of view).

This is how schoolchildren learn to draw their own conclusions, set priorities, feel responsible for their choices, predict the consequences of their actions, and conduct cultural dialogue - which directly relates to critical thinking.