The cycle of substances in nature download presentation. Presentation on the topic: The cycle of substances in nature. The number of chemical elements in the biosphere is decreasing

Cycle of substances in nature

Prepared by 1st year student of group 118-Z Burova Ekaterina

Checked by Lobodenkova Yu.A.


Vernadsky called the circulation of individual substances biological cycles. Gave a definition of the biosphere in 1926. The essence of Vernadsky’s teaching lies in the recognition of the exceptional role of “living matter” that transforms the appearance of the planet.

Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich

12.03.1863 – 6.01.1945

Over billions of years, photosynthetic organisms have captured and converted vast amounts of solar energy into chemical work. Part of its reserves during geological history accumulated in the form of deposits of coal and other fossil organic substances - oil, peat, etc.

The biosphere, according to V.I. Vernadsky, is a general planetary shell, that region of the Earth where life exists or existed and which is or has been exposed to its influence.

Living organisms create cycles of the most important biogenic elements in the biosphere, which alternately pass from living matter to inorganic matter. These cycles are divided into two main groups: gas cycles and sedimentary cycles. In the first case, the main supplier of elements is the atmosphere (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen), in the second - sedimentary rocks (phosphorus, sulfur, etc.).

V. V. Dokuchaev (1846 - 1903)

Big cycle

  • lasting for millions of years, lies in the fact that rocks are destroyed, and weathering products (including water-soluble nutrients) are carried by water flows into the World Ocean, where they form marine strata and only partially return to land with precipitation. Geotectonic changes, the processes of continental subsidence and seabed rise, the movement of seas and oceans over a long period of time lead to the fact that these strata return to land and the process begins again.

  • (part of the big one) occurs at the ecosystem level and consists in the fact that nutrients, water and carbon accumulate in the substance of plants, are spent on building the body and on the life processes of both these plants themselves and other organisms (usually animals) that eat these plants (consumers). The decay products of organic matter under the influence of decomposers and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, worms) again decompose into mineral components that are accessible to plants and are drawn into the flow of matter by them.


Inorganic substances



Participate in the cycle of substances

  • The waste of some organisms is used by other organisms.
  • At the end of the chain, the substance with which the chain began is again restored.
  • Each type of organism occupies a specific place.
  • Each type of organism plays its role.

All oxygen in the atmosphere is renewed over several thousand years.

The presented presentation and lesson notes will help teachers effectively prepare for an open lesson on the topic "".

The lesson summary “Living participants in the cycle of substances in nature” is winner of the city competition(Ekaterinburg) projects of lessons using information and communication technologies for teachers of educational institutions “Workshop of multimedia lessons” in the 2008-2009 school year. year.

Lesson type: learning new material

The purpose of the lesson: to form in students initial ideas about the biotic cycle of substances in nature, connecting all living and nonliving things, and about ecological balance.


1. Subject information:

  • updating knowledge, which allows updating knowledge that allows the child to distinguish between participants in the cycle of substances;
  • familiarizing children with the concept of “substance cycle”.

2. Activity and communication:

  • establishing relationships between participants in the cycle;
  • development of a culture of communication between children in the process of group activities;
  • development of abstract logical thinking by solving a problem situation created in the lesson.

3. Value-oriented:

  • Forming children's awareness of the importance of the human role in maintaining connections in nature.

Planned student achievements:

  • initial ideas about the cycle of substances in nature;
  • the ability to distinguish between participants in the cycle of substances and their place and the role of humans in the ecological chain.

Types of control: monitoring the quality of children’s activities, self-control and mutual control when working in pairs and groups.

Equipment: multimedia projector, full houses - herbivores, carnivores, carnivores, consumers, destroyers, producers .

During the classes

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Updating knowledge and motivation to study the cycle of substances

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the relationships in nature, their place and the role of man in nature

Question for the class

What is nature? Name the signs of living nature.

Work in pairs

Place plants and animals in their habitat (duck, nightingale, toad, crucian carp, pike, duckweed, worms, cattail, birch, pine)

Slide 1

Children's answers.

What conclusion can be drawn after discussing this issue?

Hydrosphere: toad, crucian carp, pike, duckweed, cattail.

Atmosphere: nightingale, hare, birch, pine, duck.

Lithosphere: birch, pine, worms.


Every living organism can live in its own place, feeling at home.

Question for the class

Front work

Why can't animals live without plants, and plants can't live without animals?

Where on Earth is life common?

Slide 2, 3 clicks.

Children's answers.

In the atmosphere



Atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere - all these parts together make up BIOSPHERE

2. Discovery of something new.

Front work

Front work

From your point of view, what is the cause of all the processes occurring in nature.

The teacher summarizes the answers.

Plants receive energy-rich organic substances from the sun.

Slide 3, click.

Plants absorb water and minerals from the soil

Slide 3, click.

Plants create organic substances from inorganic substances under the influence of the sun. This process is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS.

Slide 3, click.

Plants release building material for animals and plants - oxygen.

Slide 4

Receiving the energy of the sun, plants gain strength and grow.

Why does this happen?

What is the role of plants in nature? Give the plants a new name.

Name some of them.

Slide 5

Children's answers

Occurs due to energy conversion

They are food for animals.

Breadwinners, producers.

Joint conclusion

Plants are food for animals. The scientific name of these animals is HERBIVORES, EATERS - CONSUMERS (full houses on the board)

Name herbivorous animals.

Slide 6, 5 clicks.

What is food for herbivorous animals?

Slide 7, 4 clicks.

Horse, hare, birds,


Plants, water, air

What do carnivorous animals eat?

Carnivorous animals feed on herbivorous animals.

Slide 8 4 clicks.

The scientific name of this group of animals is EATERS, CONSUMERS (full houses on the board)

This group can be divided into three groups:

Slide 9 click

Herbivores click

Carnivorous click

Predatory click

Name the animals that belong to the group of herbivores.

Slide 10 6 clicks

Name animals that belong to the group of carnivores

Slide 11 3 clicks

Name animals that belong to the group of predatory animals

Slide 12 3 clicks

Children's answers

Birds, hare, elk, mice

Owl, fox, snakes

Hawk, wolf, tiger


What natural object was not named?

Which consumer group will we assign it to?


Group work

Slide 13


Conclusion: man is a herbivore

Question for the class

What conclusion can be drawn after analyzing the material reviewed?

Conclusion: All objects of nature are dependent on each other, all are interconnected.

Question for the class

What could happen in nature in this situation?

What is needed to restore the balance of nature in every ecosystem?

Destroyers (scavengers) are needed. These include:

Slide 14

germs click,

bacteria, click

mushrooms. click

There will be an overabundance of consumers and pollution of nature.

We need facilities that will clean up after everyone

Closing conversation

With the help of these participants, complex substances are broken down into simple ones, which enter the soil.

Who participates in the cycle of substances in nature?

Can this process stop?

Alive organisms.

No, it is endless.

Question for the class


Thanks to living organisms, the transformation of substances occurs in a vicious circle (substance cycle)

What law applies in this process?

So, the topic of our lesson…..

Living participants in the cycle of substances in nature

Slide 15

Law of conservation of substances

-Living participants in the cycle of substances in nature


Let us list the main stages and participants in the cycle of substances in nature.

Sun (arrow)

Plants (arrow)

Herbivores (arrow)

Predators (arrow)

Hawk (5 arrows showing relationships)

Excretion products

Microbes (2 arrows)


The circle is closed


Level 1: Who maintains order in the biosphere?

Level 2: Find a place for each organism in the cycle of substances in nature.

Level 3: Is the circulation of substances possible in the human body?

Presentation on the topic “Cycle of substances in nature”

Presentation for the lesson on the topic “Cycle of substances in the biosphere”

Prepared by a biology teacher of the highest qualification category Musaeva N.L.


The purpose of the lesson: give the concept of the cycle of substances, the relationship of substances in the biosphere, compliance with the uniform laws of nature.

Lesson objectives:

  • Expand knowledge about the cycle of substances.
  • Show the movement of substances in the biosphere.
  • Show the role of the cycle of substances in the biosphere.


tables “Boundaries of the biosphere and the density of life in it”, diagram of the cycle of substances, PC, projector, presentation.


Vladimir Ivanovich.

Vernadsky V.I. carried out the most important research in the field of biology. Gave a definition of the biosphere in 1926.

Vernadsky V.I. one of the founders of biogeochemistry.

Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich

12.03.1863 – 6.01.1945

Over billions of years, photosynthetic organisms (Figure 1) have captured and converted vast amounts of solar energy into chemical work. Part of its reserves during geological history accumulated in the form of deposits of coal and other fossil organic substances - oil, peat, etc.


The biosphere, according to V.I. Vernadsky, is a general planetary shell, that region of the Earth where life exists or existed and which is or has been exposed to its influence.

Rice. 1. The first land plants (400 million years ago)

Mountain education


Thanks to living beings, many rocks on Earth arose.

Living organisms play a large role in the destruction and weathering of rocks on land. They are the main destroyers of dead organic matter.

Rice. 3. Ocean soils under a microscope

V.V. Dokuchaev.

Living organisms create cycles of the most important biogenic elements in the biosphere, which alternately pass from living matter to inorganic matter. These cycles are divided into two main groups: gas cycles and sedimentary cycles. In the first case, the main supplier of elements is the atmosphere (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen), in the second - sedimentary rocks (phosphorus, sulfur, etc.).

V. V. Dokuchaev (1846 - 1903)

Cycle of substances.

In every ecosystem, a cycle of matter occurs as a result of the ecophysiological relationship between autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Participate in the cycle of substances




Inorganic substances

The water cycle.

The water cycle is about 2 million years

Evaporation of water


Oxygen cycle.

The oxygen cycle takes about 2000 years on Earth, and about 2 million years for water.

Carbon cycle.

The duration of the carbon cycle is three to four centuries.

Phosphorus cycle

Answer the questions

1. What organisms of the biosphere participate in the cycle of substances?

2. What determines the amount of biomass in the biosphere?

3. What is the role of photosynthesis in the cycle of substances?

4. What is the role of the carbon cycle in the biosphere?

5. What organisms take part in the nitrogen cycle?

Homework: learn paragraph 16.2. pp.491-495

Advanced study: select material about the main environmental problems of our time.






Slide 2

In today's lesson we must understand what is called the cycle of substances, how energy is converted in the biosphere; get acquainted with the simplest cycles of migration of atoms and substances, through the analysis of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

  • cycle of substances
  • biogenic cycle
  • Slide 3

    The main function of the biosphere is to ensure the circulation of substances, during which there is a constant process of movement and redistribution of matter.

    The main driving force behind the cycles of matter on our planet is living matter. “Living matter,” wrote V.I. Vernadsky, - covers and rearranges all chemical processes of the biosphere. Living matter is the most powerful geological force, growing with the passage of time.”

    In nature, there is a close relationship between green plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. This relationship is realized through the circulation of substances and the flow of energy and can be easily represented in the form of a diagram.

    Slide 4

    The works of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky made a great contribution to the study of the biosphere.

    IN AND. Vernadsky noted that the biogenic migration of atoms is caused by such life processes as the metabolism of a living organism (respiration, nutrition, excretion), the growth of organisms and their reproduction. All processes are interconnected. Along with the circulation of substances in the biosphere, the circulation (migration) of atoms of specific chemical elements also occurs. They pass from organism to organism, then to inanimate nature and again to the organism.

    Slide 5

    Group work

    Tasks for groups to work with the textbook:

    • Groups I and III: disassemble Fig. 14 p. 56 “Carbon cycle” and identify the 3 main functions of carbon in nature. Answer the questions: as a result of what processes, carbon can be excluded from the cycle and returned to it again?
    • Groups II and IV: disassemble Fig. 16 p. 57 “The Water Cycle” and identify the 3 main functions of water in nature. Answer the question: as a result of what processes can water be excluded from the cycle and return to it again?
  • Slide 6

    Slide 7

    General conclusions of the lesson:

    1. The amount of matter involved in biosphere processes remains constant throughout entire geological periods.

    2. In the biosphere, multiple cycles of substances that make up living organisms take place.

    3. A stream of solar energy is constantly pouring into the biosphere from outside.

    Slide 8


    Additional mark “5” p. 60 question 1.3 in writing.

    Slide 9

    Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells and provide the body with substances and energy for its functioning, growth, and reproduction.

    View all slides

    Slide 2

    Definition of biosphere

    Biosphere, according to V.I. Vernadsky, is a general planetary shell, that region of the Earth where life exists or existed and which is or has been exposed to its influence. The biosphere covers the entire surface of land, seas and oceans, as well as that part of the Earth's interior where rocks created by the activity of living organisms are located.

    Slide 3

    The role of living organisms in the biosphere

    • Living organisms create cycles of the most important biogenic elements in the biosphere, which alternately pass from living matter to inorganic matter. These cycles are divided into two main groups: gas cycles and sedimentary cycles. In the first case, the main supplier of elements is the atmosphere (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen), in the second - sedimentary rocks (phosphorus, sulfur, etc.).
    • Thanks to living beings, many rocks on Earth arose. Organisms have the ability to selectively absorb and accumulate individual elements in much greater quantities than they are in the environment.
    • By performing a gigantic biological cycle of substances in the biosphere, life maintains stable conditions for its existence and the existence of humans in it.
    • Living organisms play a large role in the destruction and weathering of rocks on land. They are the main destroyers of dead organic matter.
  • Slide 4

    The concept of “living matter”

    • The biosphere covers the entire surface of land, seas and oceans, as well as that part of the Earth's interior where rocks created by the activity of living organisms are located. In the atmosphere, the upper limits of life are determined by the ozone screen - a thin layer of ozone gas at an altitude of 16–20 km. It blocks the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. The ocean is completely saturated with life, down to the bottom of the deepest depressions, 10–11 km away. Active life penetrates in some places up to 3 km deep into the solid part of the Earth (bacteria in oil fields). The results of the vital activity of organisms in the form of sedimentary rocks can be traced even deeper.
    • The reproduction, growth, metabolism and activity of living organisms over billions of years have completely transformed this part of our planet.
    • The entire mass of organisms of all species V.I. Vernadsky called the living matter of the Earth.
  • Slide 5

    Great Gyre

    The great cycle, which continues for millions of years, consists in the fact that Rocks are subject to destruction, and weathering products are carried by streams of water into the World Ocean, where they form marine strata and only partially return to land with precipitation.

    Slide 6

    Small gyre

    The small cycle (part of the large one) occurs at the ecosystem level and consists in the fact that nutrients, water and carbon accumulate in the substance of plants, are spent on building the body and on the life processes of both these plants themselves and other organisms (usually animals ), which eat these plants (consumers).

    View all slides