Youth magazines. Youth magazine as a type of printed material Front-line Komsomol youth brigades

Where did young people get information from before there was the Internet? From what sources could you learn about the new album of your favorite band or intimate details from the life of an individual artist? Of course, on the pages of magazines. Nowadays everyone shares their favorite publications from reliable sources and collects likes. What happened before? And waiting for the release of the printed magazine “Moloko” beforehand is already a holiday. We have prepared a list of publications that we ourselves grew up with.


A youth magazine aimed at teenage audiences aged 14–28 years. During its existence for 52 years (1962–2014), the total circulation of the magazine was about a million copies. The main topics of the magazine were music, news of show business, cinema, education, recreation and entertainment. In the 80–90s, the “Rock Encyclopedia” was published, the author of which was Sergei Kastalsky. As a result, the column grew into a separate book.

Due to the fact that the magazine was a kind of “window to Europe”, shedding light on all the news of the world, it immediately fell in love with the audience and existed for five decades.


One of the first youth magazines that did not seem youthful, but in fact it was exactly that. The question arises: why did this happen? The authors spoke on topics that were relevant to their audience, and it seemed harmonious because the editors were of the same age as their readers. They didn't have to struggle to find the right words.

The magazine could be roughly divided into two parts, one of which was devoted to music, interviews and other cool topics, and the second was considered more personalized, because in it eminent editors shared juicy stories from their lives.


A youth magazine that was one of the first to talk about sex loudly and at length. On its pages one could find many photos of an erotic nature, all kinds of educational texts (in what position, how and what to do), compatibility tests and, of course, the icing on the cake were letters from readers with topics that cannot be told to parents.

It will not be a secret that this magazine has become a guide to the world of adult life for the majority. Of course, sex is not the only topic that was paid attention to in the magazine, but nevertheless it was remembered and it was closed precisely for this reason.


Despite the name “Extreme”, everyone called it with three letters “ha-ze-em”. At the beginning of its formation, this gloss was as different as possible from other magazines with its rebellious character. At one time, HZM dictated new trends, revealed new faces, and appearing on the cover of a magazine meant halfway to success.

On the pages of the magazine one could find literary recommendations (what to read and where to buy), and one could not lose sight of the topics of sex and all kinds of explicit stories.


This magazine is still on sale. But if earlier “SHO” dictated and set the rhythm of cultural reflection, now the magazine looks like a relic of the past.

At one time, when the magazine was at the crest of a wave, its navigator was Anatoly Ulyanov with his compromising interviews and texts that ran counter to public opinion. If now you can’t surprise anyone with stories from the life of the LGBT community, at that time such content was very fresh and extraordinary.

Also on the pages of “SHO” one could find reviews of films, reviews of music albums and interviews with artists of the first magnitude.


If all of the above magazines were universal, then this magazine can be considered specialized - it is exclusively for a female audience. This was one of the first attempts to make a glossy magazine, the pages of which would contain not only gossip from the lives of public people, but also educational things that would lift the curtain on the fashion world.

Here you could also find film and music news, exclusive interviews, stylistic advice and “accurate” horoscopes. It doesn’t sound very convincing for the “first” gloss, but that’s how it was. In the end, everything, of course, slipped into “jaundice.”


The first post-Soviet music magazine, on the pages of which one could find details from the world of culture in a language simple for its readers. The main characters were DJs, electronic musicians and the entire rave crowd. If Closer had existed twenty years earlier, then all its residents and guests would have become the first persons of the magazine.

Government agency

"Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia"

Youth magazines


Youth magazines / Children's and youth library

Republic of Karelia; [comp. : ,]. - Petrozavodsk: Children and Youth Library of the Republic

Karelia, 20c.

Responsible for release:, Director of Youth Children's Club of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Compiled by:, leading librarian of the Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chief librarian of the Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Editor: With P. Shestakova , deputy Director of Children and Youth Welfare of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Computer layout:, librarian of the Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Printed in the Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia:

185035 Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Lenin Ave., 1

Tel/fax: (8 1

http://dubrk. *****

Circulation 25 copies.

© Children's and youth library

Republic of Karelia, 2008.

1. From the compiler…………………………………p.3

2. Youth magazines……………………………p.4

3. Magazine relay……………………………..p.17

From the compiler

The youth press market is now in an active phase of development. The peak of popularity of this segment is yet to come. Every year the flow of publications addressed to youth increases. Knowing the interests and needs of young readers and their motives for turning to periodicals is very important for the library, as the most popular and accessible repository of information. Studying the problem of reading and using youth periodicals is as important as studying book reading. A big role here is given to libraries and librarians.

This manual is addressed primarily to librarians, teachers, and may also be of interest to high school students and students.

The material introduces the most popular magazines among young people, contains information about the circulation of publications, the topics of publications, therefore it will be useful for specialists of municipal libraries when preparing reviews of periodicals, when selecting the repertoire of magazines for subscription. To introduce young users to youth periodicals, you can use the experience of the Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia in organizing the “Journal Relay Race”. This manual can be used to prepare an electronic presentation of youth periodicals, which will significantly improve the quality of the review and serve for a better perception of the material.

Youth magazines

Youth magazines specialized periodicals aimed at the younger generation. In Russia, the origin of youth magazines dates back to the middle of the 18th century, when the literary magazines “Useful Amusement”, “Free Hours”, etc. began to be published at Moscow University. In the 19th century, a relatively large number of youth magazines were published (“Friend of Youth and All Years”, “ Young Russia" and many others), usually of an educational and entertaining nature.

During the years of Soviet power, a network of youth magazines was formed. More than 20 central and republican magazines for young people were published in the USSR, including “Rovesnik” (since 1962), “Aurora” (since 1969), “Student Meridian” (since 1974), “Smena” (since 1924), “Youth” (since 1955), “Technology for Youth” (since 1933), etc.

Today, the youth press market is dominated by publications that appeared in the post-Soviet era, starting in the 90s and at the beginning of the 21st century.

What does a reader expect to see when opening a youth magazine? First of all, publications about new trends in fashion and music, information about different countries and travel .

Some readers perceive youth publications only as a source of entertainment information. For others, magazines are a way to find information on a topic that interests them. For example, articles about cars or sports.

As a rule, a magazine that is devoted to a single topic is doomed to difficulties. A young man rarely picks up a glossy magazine in order to study an issue in depth. For this purpose, there are specialized publications that lie outside the youth press. And in a magazine that a young man picks up for recreational reading, he is rarely interested in scientific articles.

Youth magazines are aimed primarily at providing assistance in the social orientation of young people and publish relevant information for them. Even entertainment magazines primarily orient young readers to the world of leisure, fashionable hobbies, and aesthetic preferences of young people. More than newspapers, magazines are advisory and educational publications. Therefore, it is so important that youth periodicals give young readers an idea of ​​life and adaptation in it, touch upon youth problems from a moral point of view, and provide guidance for a decent, creative life.

If in the twentieth century magazines, according to their intended purpose, were divided into literary and artistic (“Smena”, “Youth”, “We”, “Wanderer”), scientific and popular (“Technology for Youth”, “Miracles and Adventures”, “World PC”, “Home Computer”, “You and Your Computer”) and leisure (“Maria”, “Liza”, “Thing”, “MINI”, “OOPS”, “YES”, “ELLE”, “GIRL”, "JOY"), then now we do not see such a clear gradation among magazines. Magazines publish materials of a very different nature on their pages. Only conditionally they can be attributed to a certain group of journals.

Let's look at the magazines most popular among young people.

« Change"(circulation 65,800 copies) - literary and artistic magazine. Created in January 1924 as a publication for working youth, the magazine was published on newsprint, in black and white with few illustrations. It was a difficult time for the country: the civil war ended, which brought hunger and devastation. Almost all journalists, writers, poets, artists who began their careers in Smena later became famous people. V. Soloukhin, Yu. Nagibin, R. Rozhdestvensky, V. Tokareva made their debuts in the magazine.

Following traditions, the magazine, even in the new millennium, provided its pages to such extraordinary authors as V. Astafiev, S. Alexievich, Y. Polyakov, A. Varlamov and many others. Today “Smena” is a color, illustrated magazine, the pages of which cover youth, historical topics, the fate of great artists, and publishes domestic and foreign prose. The editors of the magazine try to preserve old traditions and are not afraid to make innovative changes (headings, format). The magazine is still in demand and loved by both regular and new readers of different ages.

"Student Meridian"(circulation 10,000 copies) - journalistic, popular science and literary and artistic magazine. Its first issue, published in May 1924, became the only issue that year. None of our living contemporaries held either the first, second or subsequent issues of that year in their hands. Not a single archive or book depository has these numbers from 1924. It is only known that they were confiscated either for the right or for the left deviation. In the second half of the 30s, the magazine was called "Soviet Youth".

The new life of the magazine began with the emergence and development of the construction brigade movement in the country. The magazine under a new name - "Student Meridian" - gained rapid momentum in the 70s and in the mid-80s had its own record circulation - almost one and a half million copies and almost the same number of subscribers.
At the very beginning of the 70s, the magazine began collaborating with one of the readers’ favorite authors, publicist Igor Alekseevich Akimov. His journalistic materials, prose, as well as the story “The Boy Who Could Fly...”, created in collaboration with psychologist Viktor Vasilyevich Klimenko, became a bestseller and a guiding instruction for several generations.

The outstanding Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev actively collaborated with the editors of Student Meridian. His journal publications became the basis for the book "Dare of the Spirit." The wonderful prose writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev published one of the editions of the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” on the pages of the magazine. Readers of the Student Meridian were the first to become acquainted with the “historical miniatures” of the famous writer Valentin Pikul.
In recent years, the concept of the publication has undergone some changes: the inscription “Magazine for ambitious people” appeared on the cover. Today it is addressed primarily to youth leaders, to everyone who strives to achieve success in life. A wise and entertaining conversationalist for thinking young people, capable of giving a powerful boost of energy to young minds.

The magazine covers a wide range of topics: self-knowledge and personal development, issues of education and career, fashion, beauty, love and a healthy lifestyle.

On the pages of the Student Meridian, psychological workshops, questionnaires for high school students and applicants are published, and creative competitions are held.

"Youth"(circulation 2,650 thousand copies) - literary and artistic illustrated magazine for young people. Published in Moscow since 1955. The chief editors of Yunost were Valentin Kataev (1955-1961), Boris Polevoy (1961), the man who essentially created Yunost, Andrei Dementyev (1981-1992), who was replaced by Victor Lipatov, poet and essayist, author of many books and poetry collections. With the arrival of Valery Dudarev in 2007, the magazine became thematic: each issue has its own thematic name. For example: “Communism”, “Prisoner of Yekaterinburg”, “Heroes of our time”, etc.

The following were published in Yunost: Evgeny Yevtushenko, Andrei Voznesensky, Bulat Okudzhava, Fazil Iskander, Vasily Aksyonov, Anatoly Gladilin, Arkady Arkanov, Grigory Gorin, Yunna Moritz, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Boris Vasiliev, Vasil Bykov, Anatoly Rybakov and others.

In the 1980s, the magazine's circulation exceeded 3 million copies, which in itself speaks of the popularity of the magazine.

“Youth” is initially the cradle of young authors. The magazine provides its pages both for God-chosen talents and for those who want to try their hand at the literary field.

"WE" - monthly literary and artistic magazine for teenagers. Founded in 1990, it has become a loyal and good friend to its readers. In addition to the traditional headings for youth publications: “Compact Izvestia”, “News of the Virtual World”, the humorous “Cart of Life”, “On the Small Screen”, “Idols and Stars”, “Problem from an Envelope” - it regularly publishes poetry and prose for young readers ("Attempt at writing"). In each issue the reader can find a magnificent large work about youth, more often - domestic prose. Among the regular authors are Albert Likhanov, Yuri Korotkov, Tatyana Bocharova.

"Youth technology» (circulation 70,000 copies) – popular science and literary and artistic magazine. Published since 1933. The sections of the magazine change with time; interesting materials from the latest issues are published in the following sections:

Ideas from our readers


Bold projects


Science Fiction Club

Five generations of Russian scientific and technical intelligentsia grew up on the publications of the magazine. Among the authors of “Technology for Youth” were such scientific luminaries as Werner Heisenberg and Paul Dirac, Enrico Fermi and Louis de Broglie, Ivan Pavlov and Nikolai Zelinsky, Pyotr Kapitsa and Anatoly Alexandrov and others.

If in the first years of its existence the magazine’s task was to give young readers the basics of technical knowledge, then later the editors sought to acquaint readers with the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, industry, medicine, and agriculture. Regular readers, receiving such information, themselves became innovators, unconventional thinkers, able to defend their point of view and think creatively.
The magazine “Technology for Youth” was the first in the country to begin reporting on domestic achievements in the field of military equipment. But its main advantage is the revelation of the enormous potential of scientific and technical ideas, specific proposals, projects accumulated over many decades of work with the readership.

"Wonders and Adventures"(circulation 33,000 copies) - a literary and artistic magazine, an almanac of adventures, travel, scientific hypotheses and fiction. Produced since November 1991. Distributed throughout Russia.

In 1990, a group of journalists led by the famous writer and public figure Vasily Dmitrievich Zakharchenko decided to found a new magazine telling about the wonders of nature, unknown manifestations of the human spirit, the mysteries of history, the adventures of creative thought - about everything eternal, unknown and attractive that worries a person.

Since 1994, the magazine has been a publication of the Economic Newspaper Publishing House. Designed for those who are captivated by everything unusual and educational, who are partial to discoveries and scientific knowledge, to everything amazing in the world around them.

On the pages of the magazine - travel and adventure, wonders of the planet, mysteries of history and literature, mystical secrets of the surrounding world and existence, unsolved crimes. Starting from the 2nd half of 2006, a supplement to the magazine began to appear, called "Secrets and Crimes". It contains entertaining articles about the secrets of historical figures and events, about high-profile crimes of the past and present. In a new light, everything unknown that previously seemed familiar and understandable will be revealed.

The magazine “Miracles and Adventures” has been extremely popular for 16 years and is constantly expanding its readership.

The publishing house “School Press” publishes magazines for schoolchildren to help the curriculum: “Biology for schoolchildren”, “Mathematics for schoolchildren”, “Russian language and literature for schoolchildren”, “History and social studies for schoolchildren”.

All these publications have much in common: they publish additional educational material under the headings “Beyond the Pages of School Textbooks,” “Lesson Tips,” and “Innate Literacy.” These publications help schoolchildren consolidate their knowledge of the material covered.

Magazines offer test tasks to test knowledge on topics in the school curriculum and to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The “Entrant” magazine publishes information about universities, admission conditions, and specifics of passing entrance exams (the “Introducing the University” section).

« GEO"(circulation 180,000 copies) is one of the best educational magazines, with which millions of readers from different countries go into the world of the unknown.

GEO magazine appeared in 1976, when the Hamburg publishing house Gruner+Jahr released a new magazine with a recognizable green cover. The German edition was a huge success, and GEO began its march around the world. A French version appeared in 1979, a Spanish version appeared in 1986, and the Russian “GEO” was published in 1998.

In 2008, the Russian publication “GEO” turned 10 years old. It seems that there is no place left on Earth that the magazine’s correspondents and photographers have not yet visited. Together with its authors, readers entered the cabins of the sunken Titanic and the jungles of New Guinea, Taoist monasteries, Parisian rooftops and the expanses of the Russian North, and saw mountain peaks and volcanic eruptions from a bird's eye view.

“GEO” photographs are unique shots of masters who are willing to risk their lives to film the hunt of a hungry lioness or capture a lightning strike.

From 2005 to 2008, 27 schools in Petrozavodsk (65% of the total number of city schools) became participants in the project. The mobile library also visited schools in the Prionezhsky district. During the implementation of the project, we introduced a large number of students (4895 people) and teachers (772 people) to the periodicals issued by our library. During the relay, library staff spoke to teachers of kindergartens, orphanages, vocational schools, cadet corps, and pedagogical college about magazines to help the education and upbringing of children and youth. The efficiency of using information resources of the Children's Welfare Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan has increased. Partnerships between the library and educational institutions of the city and the republic have been established. Many schools in the city and the republic learned about the library and its resources, and the library’s capabilities in supporting and promoting children’s and youth reading have expanded.

In the future, students of secondary educational institutions of Petrozavodsk will participate in the magazine relay race.

Are you young and successful? Are you keeping up with the times? Do you strive for constant movement?

Are you one of those who wants to change your own life, make it more interesting, your passion is a healthy lifestyle, your credo is conquering the highest peaks of perfection? Choose youth magazines. Current news, success stories, reviews of the most interesting and unusual places, interviews with youth idols, reviews of the most exciting events, the latest innovations in the world of computers. These are not just magazines - they are a new lifestyle that will give you the drive you so desire! Read and develop!

Magazine "Marusya"– a magazine for teenage girls. Here any of you will find everything that interests you. The magazine has six sections: “Fashion”, “Mirror”, “Show”, “Style”, “Feelings”, “Home”. The sections talk about beauty, health, the lives of celebrities, new cosmetics, travel, and professions. In each issue you will find a horoscope, culinary recipes, 2-3 celebrity posters, an unusual hit parade, a photo gallery of readers, answers to questions regarding love experiences, consultations with professional psychologists, interior design tips, a crossword puzzle and much, much more.

Magazine "I'm 15"– this magazine is for those boys and girls who love to read and think, who are looking for a true friend and interlocutor. The range of topics covered is quite wide and varied, just as the interests of modern youth are wide and varied. Of course, music. Of course, first love. Of course, the choice of profession. And also: School of Communication, Trust Service, Dating Club, Youth Abroad, Fathers and Sons, Fashion, Literary Page, Cry from the Heart, Entertainment information and many competitions and quizzes.

Magazine "Romeo and Juliet"– romantic, enthusiastic, sociable, very musical, affectionate and tender, amorous and naive, funny and happy youth magazine “Romeo and Juliet”

Magazine "Boomerang"– these are stories about stars and “anti-stars”, about events in the world of alternative, indie and extreme sports in cinema, music, sports and in our lives; stories about travel and wonders of the world, historical reconstruction clubs, unusual hobbies and interests; regular reviews of new films, music, books; comics and scanwords, posters and mini-posters of celebrities, photo galleries of wonders of the world and much, much more.

Magazine "Stylish Hairstyles"– a monthly practical magazine for young women who care about beauty. A large selection of hairstyles, tips on caring for hair, face, body, recommendations from stylists and cosmetologists will inspire and support a woman in her quest for perfection.

Magazine "Girls and boys"- a monthly magazine, each issue of which discusses a particular craft. This is the first encyclopedia about life issues. Handicrafts, cooking, home science, table setting and etiquette, interior design, fashion, advice from psychologists and cosmetologists, introduction to various crafts, quilling.

Magazine "Liza"- a classic women's magazine opens readers to the magical world of fashion and beauty, teaches how to maintain youth and attractiveness, how to realize oneself, answers questions about the secret. Interview with the stars; modern, practical fashion; advice on health and psychology; makeup secrets; decorating suggestions that can be implemented in any apartment; an extensive section of culinary recipes; materials about people and destinies; travel section; a fresh look at love and partnership - all this the interested reader will find in the magazine.

Magazine "Physical Education and Sports"– covers physical culture and sports life in Russia and abroad, publishes popular science articles, essays, stories on the problems of physical culture and sports, methodological materials on organizing physical education classes at work, at home, etc. The pages of the magazine publish materials about the best our and foreign athletes and coaches. Their experience is truly unique and priceless, and their achievements demonstrate the limitlessness of human capabilities.

Moto magazine- the first motorcycle magazine in Russia. A publication about the motorcycle lifestyle. Industry – from design to service. Alternative – from custom trends to garage madness. Life – from tourism to sports, amateur and professional. We share our knowledge. And we know a lot, and we constantly improve our skills and competencies: on the tracks, on the streets, on long roads, in the quiet of laboratories and under the crackle of welding in custom workshops... And in the closest cooperation with the best engineers, testers and designers in Europe.

Magazine"Geolenok" is a magazine, a kind of continuation of the successful GEO magazine, GEOlenk has been given all the highest GEO quality standards: photographs, layout, texts, illustrations.

We hope that the information from the proposed magazines will be not only interesting, but also useful for you.

6 chosen

This year the French version of the famous Marie Claire magazine turns 60 years old. In this regard, we decided to recall other cult fashion magazines. Those magazines that are still bought “live”, despite the existence of online versions.


The magazine, led by the great and terrible Anna Wintour (American version), has existed since 1988. And the publication appeared in the century before last - in 1892. Vogue is currently published in 21 countries. Perhaps this is the most authoritative publication writing about fashion and style.


The name of the magazine is translated from French as "She". The slogan of the publication, popular in the first years of its existence, sounded funny in French: If she reads, she reads Elle. The magazine was founded in 1945 by the married couple Hélène and Pierre Lazareff. Hélène, by the way, was a Russian emigrant and daughter. Boris Gordon, who made his fortune in tobacco factories. Elle likes to mix affordable brands with luxury ones, adhering to the Mix & Match principle, and still prefers to talk about fashion and style in a positive way.

Harper's Bazaar

The magazine was born in 1867, becoming one of the very first publications dedicated to fashion. True, at the very beginning they published a newspaper; they switched to a magazine format later. The cover of the first Russian issue of Harper's Bazaar featured the beautiful Sharon Stone.

Marie Claire

The magazine first appeared in France in 1937. However, due to the German occupation, Marie Claire, like many other publications, was discontinued. The magazine reopened in 1954. Since then, Marie Claire's birthdays have been counted.


The publication, which appeared in 1939, was first called Glamor of Hollywood (Hollywood Glamor), it was dedicated to the life of stars. Gradually, fashion reviews and advice related to personal life, work, and health appeared. In 1998, Glamor became the first publication in an innovative mini format.


The magazine covers all spheres of culture, including fashion. Using the slogan "Beyond boundaries. Beyond genres. Beyond trends," Numero writes about the latest trends in cinema, architecture, music, design and, of course, fashion. The magazine supports aspiring photographers and models, develops unconventional ideas, and features interesting photography.


The famous British magazine has been published since 1992. It covers all areas of city life, paying considerable attention to fashion. This year the magazine has become thicker, but it is published not every month, but only six times a year. Well, this is another reason to find it and buy it. However, the magazine has a full-fledged online version.


The magazine appeared in 1994 and talks about stars and fashion, interiors and travel. On the very first cover of the magazine there was a photograph of Barbra Streisand, it set the bar. If other publications featured models on their covers, InStyle featured only celebrities.


The magazine was born in 1921. Its full name was: L’Officiel de la couture et de la mode de Paris - Official newsletter of Parisian fashion, sewing and tailoring.