Human motivational spheres test humorous phrases. Test of humorous phrases: description and interpretation. The highest form of the national language is the language...

"Nothing shows the character of people like this,
as in what they find funny."
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Objectives of the study

As you know, different people laugh at different things. This study attempted to confirm or refute this thesis. To do this, it is necessary to find out whether there are significant differences in humor preferences. And, secondly, are these differences so stable and significant in a statistical sense that an indirect psychodiagnostic technique can be built on them.

Applied and methodological context of the study

Since 1982, under the leadership of A.G. Shmelev, a number of versions of the original Test of Humorous Phrases have been created (see Shmelev, Boldyreva, 1982; General psychodiagnostics, 1997; Dictionary-reference book for psychodiagnostics, 1999). The most widespread and recognized is the so-called classification version of this technique. In this case, the subject is asked to classify the humorous phrase (aphorism) into one of the thematic classes. This technique has revealed a number of advantages, but at the same time a number of disadvantages. It turned out to be more suitable for use in the context of advisory practice (in the client’s situation) than for use in an examination situation - in the context of organizational (industrial) psychology. Over the years of liberal reforms, the very set of phrases on which TYuF was built has become significantly outdated and has lost its “freshness” and “social urgency.” Five years ago, the idea arose of updating the stimulus material (a set of phrases), as well as studying the psychodiagnostic capabilities of another methodological technique, based on asking the subject to evaluate how “funny” a particular phrase seems to him. We called this version of TYuF "evaluative", and it received the conditional working designation TYuF.

The development of a standardized projective methodology TUFO (test of humorous phrases in its evaluative modification) is carried out as part of research related to the study of the possibility of indirect personality diagnosis (Big Five factors), based on the principle of evaluative scaling of humorous phrases.

The projective potential of the technique lies in the use of the method of scaling specific stimulus material (humorous phrases), which is not directly related to the main task of the test being developed - personality diagnostics (Big Five factors).

The main procedure for studying the possibility of indirect personality diagnosis was to check the external validity of the version of the test of humorous phrases (TUFO). As already noted, in this test subjects are asked to rate a humorous phrase according to the degree of humor. The Big Five test was used as an external validity criterion.

This, in turn, made it possible to identify jokes that people with certain personal characteristics laugh at.


For this scale, 19 significant correlations were obtained, among which directly correlated items predominated (18 items). Direct correlations indicate that respondents with a pronounced score on the high pole of the “Extroversion-Introversion” scale more often than others rate these jokes (18 phrases) as the funniest or wittiest, and, conversely, respondents with a pronounced low score (closer to the “introversion” pole). most often than others rate these jokes (18 phrases) as the least funny or witty.

Jokes with an inverse correlation (1 phrase) are rated higher by “introverts.” That is, what extroverts laugh at, introverts do not laugh at, and vice versa. But in general, as we see, the “extroverts” in our experiment laugh more often. Which should be recognized as a completely plausible substantive pattern, since it is with the “estraversion” pole that a higher level of “optimism” and “love of life” is associated. Let us recall, for example, that in this secondary factor R. Cattell includes his primary factor F from 16PF.

Most of the “meaningful” jokes that correlate with this Big Five scale are related to interpersonal relationships, addressed to the second person, and involve dialogue (“Girl, do you speak French?”; “If you told a lady a frivolous joke, but the lady doesn’t laugh, that means she knew him”; “Madam! You can also eat a banana”; “I said no to drinking, but she doesn’t react to it”, etc.).

In general, the humor of extroverts is somewhat unceremonious, mocking and even aggressive in nature. Many phrases correlated with this factor belong to the classes “sadism” and “sex” - primitive organic jokes (“What you fertilized, it grew”; “If you eat milk with cucumbers at night, then your Finnish plumbing will pay for itself faster!” and so on.). That is, this is the so-called “organismic” level, motives are triggered that are closely related to basal biological needs, which are usually subject to censorship of consciousness in people with a high level of socialization.


On this scale, 9 significant correlations were obtained, among which there are both direct (5 points) and reverse correlations (4 points).

Direct correlations indicate that respondents with a strong score on the “agreement” scale most often rate these jokes (5 phrases) as the funniest or wittiest, and, conversely, respondents with a strong score on the “independence” scale most often rate these jokes (5 phrases) ) as least funny or witty.

Jokes that directly correlate with this scale are self-deprecating in nature - non-conflict people laugh at themselves (“Modest silence is the best reason in a dispute with management”; “Who do you take me for, a fool?”; “What’s on a woman’s mind, then a man’s I can’t afford it!”, etc.).

Most of the "meaningful" jokes that are inversely correlated with this scale are related to the so-called. “black humor” - these are evil, cruel jokes (“A dead friend will not betray”; “Don’t touch daddy’s nose! And, in general, move away from the coffin”, etc.). These phrases belong to the class of “sadism”.


On this scale, 10 significant correlations were obtained, among which there are both direct (6 points) and reverse correlations (4 points).

Direct correlations indicate that respondents with a strong score on the “self-control” scale most often rate these jokes (6 phrases) as the funniest or wittiest, and, conversely, respondents with a strong score on the “impulsiveness” scale most often rate these jokes (6 phrases) ) as least funny or witty.

Jokes with an inverse correlation (4 phrases) are rated exactly the opposite by these respondents.

Jokes that directly correlate with this scale are recommendations, instructions for action (“Do not put the drops in your mouth! The inscription on the eye drops”; “Don’t shoot right away! Say hello first!”; “If you want to return from vacation later, warn your boss, but if you want come back earlier - warn your wife”, etc.). That is, people who have a high level of self-control consider jokes that also involve organized actions to be funnier.

Most of the “significant” jokes that inveterate with this scale are united by the use of emotional assessment categories (“racism is like a black man.” It should not be! ”;“ Husband is returned home suddenly from the Internet ... ”, etc.). That is, people who are characterized by impulsive actions consider jokes in which “verbal impulsiveness” is observed funnier.


On this scale, 7 significant correlations were obtained, among which there are both direct (4 points) and reverse correlations (3 points).

Direct correlations indicate that respondents with a pronounced indicator on the “stability” scale most often rate these jokes (4 phrases) as the funniest or wittiest, and, conversely, respondents with a pronounced indicator on the “anxiety” scale most often evaluate these jokes (4 phrases) ) as least funny or witty.

Jokes with an inverse correlation (3 phrases) are rated exactly the opposite by these respondents.

Most “meaningful” jokes, both directly and inversely correlated with this scale, are assessments of various situations and phenomena; some observations, conclusions based on one’s own experience (direct: “If there is no meaning in a question, you should not look for it in the answer”; “It is better to do nothing than to do nothing”; inverse: “No one ever gossips about secret virtues other people" etc.). Apparently, anxious people are more likely than others to try to rationalize the phenomena of the surrounding reality, to get rid of uncertainty, so they rate jokes of this kind as funnier or wittier.


On this scale, 15 significant correlations were obtained, among which inversely correlated items (13 phrases) predominated.

Inverse correlations indicate that respondents with a pronounced indicator on the “learning ability” scale most often rate these jokes (13 phrases) as the least funny or witty, and, conversely, respondents with a pronounced indicator on the “inertia” scale most often evaluate these jokes (13 phrases) ) as the funniest or wittiest.

Jokes with direct correlation (2 phrases) are rated exactly the opposite by these respondents.

“Meaningful” jokes that inversely correlate with this scale are somehow related to the topics of money, work, professional self-actualization, careerism, competition (“Of course, happiness does not depend on the amount of money. But it’s better to cry in a limousine than on a bus”; “How not to work - there will always be a goat who works less and gets more"; "Everything in a businessman should be fine - the 600th Mercedes, and the dacha on the Canary Islands, and a control shot in the head..."; "As long as you measure seven times - others will already cut off!"; "The first traffic cop was Nightingale the Robber. He sat by the road, whistled and robbed").

Jokes that directly correlate with this scale are in the nature of some ridicule of others (“He had such a mentality that he could at least hire a watchman,” “It’s a pleasure to see you, but not to see you is another”).

The largest number of items correlating with the external factor falls on the first personality factor - “Extroversion” (19 items).

  • fifth factor “Learning ability” - 15 points;
  • third factor “Self-control” - 10 points;
  • the second factor “Agreement” - 9 points;
  • fourth factor “Stability” - 7 points.

The maximum number of significant points on this scale out of all the Big Five factors is due to the fact that extroverted people are more sociable, open, and presumably laugh more often.

Thus, we have confirmed the statement that “different people laugh at different things,” and, therefore, we can state the possibility of indirect personality diagnosis.

This opens up certain prospects for further improvement of tests of this kind, which may lead to the fact that psychological testing from a tedious and time-consuming procedure, for example, filling out questionnaires containing many similar questions, will turn into a kind of entertainment. After all, what we laugh at reveals to a certain extent the essence of our personality.

The Test of Humorous Phrases (TUF) is a test developed by A.G. Shmelev and V.S. Babina. It is an original diagnostic technique that helps determine what drives a person’s actions and what motivates his activities.

Here is an abbreviated version of the methodology and method for calculating results, which requires approximately 10-15 minutes.

The test consists of topics and 43 statements. Your job is to determine which themes correspond to which statements. Don't try to have an equal number of statements for each topic.

So, you read the phrase and assign it to one of the topics. The more statements that correspond to a theme, the more it determines your actions.

1. Aggression
2. Sexuality
3. Bad habits
4. Money
5. Fashion
6. Career
7. Family troubles
8. Troubles in society
9. Mediocrity in art
10. Stupidity


1. The writer had feathers. He was missing wings.
2. Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.
3. To properly understand a person’s soul, it is best to take it out.
4. A fool, improving, becomes round.
5. The initiative for the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.
6. Didn’t take anyone by the throat except a bottle.
7. And the fig leaf falls.
8. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.
9. I dreamed of flight of thought, but never got the flying weather.
10. “Measure seven times - cut once,” the old executioner explained to the young.
11. I’m bored with you, I want to sleep with you.
12. When choosing between two evils, take both: then even this will not happen.
13. Don't be afraid of this grenade: it's hand-held.
14. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them get away with it, though.
15. When keeping up with fashion, make sure it doesn’t turn a corner.
16. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.
17. “Strangling means loving” (Desdemona).
18. If you find a place in life, find it for your wife.
19. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?
20. The butcher built his material well-being on other people’s bones.
21. Those who are given a tip drink cognac.
22. The breaking of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.
23. If you have a smart wife, you will eat fruit from the tree of knowledge; if you have a stupid wife, you will eat from the tree of life.
24. The vigilant store manager subjected vigilant probing to everything that the saleswomen had hidden under the counter.
25. Not only did he pay his dues, but he also paid his friends.
26. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.
27. What costs us the most is what cannot be obtained for any money.
28. It’s good when a woman has a husband, but it’s even better when he’s a stranger.
29. They drank so much in the story that alcohol could have been distilled out of it.
30. Dreams of getting a lucrative front-line job.
31. At the sobering-up station, the mother and child room is reopened.
32. If you think all the time, what is there to exist on?
33. The more productive the creativity, the more necessary the refrigerator.
34. The law of universal gravitation towards a pattern.
35. Othello preferred a neckline to all fashions.
36. Intellectuals die sitting.
37. How many more Dantes vegetate in obscurity!
38. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.
39. Many people marry for love because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.
40. Even the role of Othello is played more truthfully if there is personal interest.
41. Curiosity towards women should not be idle.
42. If your wife doesn’t follow fashion, you don’t have to follow her.
43. Not every group is powerful.

If you determine that more statements relate to the topic “aggression”. This means that your actions are determined by the desire for self-preservation. You are not entirely satisfied with your role in this world, with the life you have lived. At the same time, you are characterized by an active life position.

If the main theme is “sexuality,” then you strive to get rid of insufficient attractiveness, overcome modesty, and internal moral prohibitions. Perhaps you should be less demonstrative in your behavior

"Bad habits." You are driven by the desire to relieve tension, get rid of feelings of guilt and shame. You have problems in relationships - both formal and informal.

"Money". You are driven by the desire to compensate for internal incompleteness with material well-being. You are trying to connect your assessment of yourself as a person with your income level.

"Fashion". You are driven by the desire to increase your prestige, the thirst for self-affirmation. You are very skeptical about social mores and values; you are characterized by freedom, radicalism in appearance, and concern with these issues.

"Career". You are driven by the desire to achieve a high position, with which you seek to compensate for the feeling of internal dissatisfaction. You are ambitious.

"Family troubles." You strive to create a family well-being that matches your ideas. You need to pay special attention to overcoming psychological barriers in relationships with people.

"Mediocrity in art." You strive for beauty and harmony. You are sensitive, attentive to the nuances of relationships, and responsive.

"Human stupidity." You strive for truth, self-affirmation and the possession of true knowledge. There are no barriers or conventions in communication for you. You have a positive attitude towards working with people. At the same time, it won't hurt you to increase your interest in both your own inner world and the nuances of other people's experiences.

The Test of Humorous Phrases (TUF) is a test developed by A.G. Shmelev and V.S. Babina. It is an original diagnostic technique that helps determine what drives a person’s actions and what motivates his activities.

Here is an abbreviated version of the methodology and method for calculating results, which requires approximately 10-15 minutes.

The test consists of topics and 43 statements. Your job is to determine which themes correspond to which statements. Do not strive to ensure that each topic has an equal number of

So, you read the phrase and assign it to one of the topics. The more statements that correspond to a theme, the more it determines your actions.

1. Aggression

2. Sexuality

3. Bad habits

6. Career

7. Family troubles

8. Troubles in society

9. Mediocrity in art

10. Stupidity


1. The writer had feathers. He was missing wings.

2. Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.

3. To properly understand a person’s soul, it is best to take it out.

4. A fool, improving, becomes round.

5. The initiative for the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.

6. Didn’t take anyone by the throat except a bottle.

7. And the fig leaf falls.

8. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.

9. I dreamed of flight of thought, but never got the flying weather.

10. “Measure seven times - cut once,” the old executioner explained to the young.

11. I’m bored with you, I want to sleep with you.

12. When choosing between two evils, take both: then even this will not happen.

13. Don't be afraid of this grenade: it's hand-held.

14. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them get away with it, though.

15. When keeping up with fashion, make sure it doesn’t turn a corner.

16. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.

17. “Strangling means loving” (Desdemona).

18. If you find a place in life, find it for your wife.

19. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?

20. The butcher built his material well-being on other people’s bones.

21. Those who are given a tip drink cognac.

22. The breaking of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.

23. If you have a smart wife, you will eat from the tree of knowledge; if you have a stupid wife, you will eat from the tree of life.

24. The vigilant store manager subjected vigilant probing to everything that the saleswomen had hidden under the counter.

25. Not only did he pay his dues, but he also paid his friends.

26. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.

27. What costs us the most is what cannot be obtained for any money.

28. It’s good when a woman has a husband, but it’s even better when he’s a stranger.

29. They drank so much in the story that alcohol could have been distilled out of it.

30. Dreams of getting a lucrative front-line job.

31. At the sobering-up station, the mother and child room is reopened.

32. If you think all the time, what is there to exist on?

33. The more productive the creativity, the more necessary the refrigerator.

34. The law of universal gravitation towards a pattern.

35. Othello preferred a neckline to all fashions.

36. Intellectuals die sitting.

37. How many more Dantes vegetate in obscurity!

38. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.

39. Many people marry for love because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.

40. Even the role of Othello is played more truthfully if there is personal interest.

41. Curiosity towards women should not be idle.

42. If your wife doesn’t follow fashion, you don’t have to follow her.

43. Not every group is powerful.

If you determine that more statements are relevant to the topic
"aggression". This means that your actions are determined by the desire to
self-preservation. You are not entirely satisfied with your role in this world,
life lived. At the same time, you are characterized by an active life

If the main theme is “sexuality,” then you are trying to get rid of
lack of attractiveness, overcome modesty, internal
moral prohibitions. Perhaps you should be less demonstrative
human in behavior

"Bad habits." You are driven by the desire to relieve tension,
get rid of feelings of guilt and shame. Do you have problems with
relationships - both formal and informal.

"Money". You are driven by the desire to compensate with material
well-being internal incompleteness. Are you trying to link a score?
himself as a person with an income level.

"Fashion". You are driven by the desire to increase your prestige, thirst
self-affirmation. You are very skeptical about public
morals, values, you are characterized by freedom, radicalism in external
kind of concern about these issues.

"Career". You are driven by the desire to achieve a high position,
with which you seek to compensate for the feeling of inner
dissatisfaction. You are ambitious.

"Family troubles." Do you strive to create such a family
well-being that matches your vision. You need
pay special attention to overcoming psychological barriers in
relationships with people.

"Mediocrity in art." You strive for beauty and harmony. You
sensitive, attentive to the nuances of relationships, responsive.

"Human stupidity." You strive for truth, self-affirmation and
possession of true knowledge. There are no barriers or conditions for you in
communication. You have a positive attitude towards working with people. In the same time
It wouldn’t hurt you to increase your interest in both your own inner world,
and to the nuances of other people’s experiences.

Test of humorous phrases (TUF)– an original compact technique for diagnosing the motivational sphere of the individual, combining the advantages of a standardized measurement express test and an individualized projective technique. Designed by A.G. Shmelev and V.S. Babina. The relevant practical task of TUF is, according to the authors, primarily diagnostics for the purposes of individual psychological counseling and correction.

The test, consisting of 100 humorous phrases, allows you to identify the dominant attitude in a person’s subconscious towards increased sensitivity in one of the following areas:

1. Aggression - self-defense.
2. Intersexual relations.
3. Bad habits (in this case, drunkenness).
4. Money.
5. Fashion.
6. Career.
7. Family troubles.
8. Social problems.
9. Mediocrity in art and other creative endeavors.
10. Human stupidity.

The presence of an attitude in one or more of the listed areas is manifested in the fact that a person in significant humorous phrases (and there are 40 of them in the method) captures exactly the meaning that corresponds to his attitude.

The subject receives a list of the 10 areas listed above and the task, reading sequentially humorous phrases, assigns them to any of these areas. The presence of an attitude (or attitudes) is judged by the number of phrases the subject assigned to a particular area: the more cards assigned to a given area, the stronger the attitude towards it.

In turn, the installation may indicate several things:

  1. About the presence of insufficiently realized, but quite strong needs in the subject in this area.
  2. About the presence of strong problems in this area, causing constant emotional distress.
  3. About the presence of complexes associated with this area.

The technique is only able to answer the question regarding the presence of an installation, but cannot fully explain it. This requires a special study that can only be carried out by a professionally trained psychologist.

Instructions. “Before you are 100 humorous phrases and 10 different areas of life to which they can be attributed. Read these phrases and decide which area each one applies to.”

List of humorous phrases

1. The writer had feathers, but he lacked wings.
2. The farther you want to jump, the lower you have to bend.
3. Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.
4. The cry of fashion is clearest in a foreign language.
5. You can’t live in the world without women, especially in the dark.
6. To properly understand a person’s soul, it is best to take it out.
7. A fool, improving, becomes round.
8. Whoever you get along with, you'll get along with.
9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.
10. The initiative for the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.
11. “Patience and work will grind everything,” Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, grinding a mountain of dishes.
12. Everything in nature is connected, so it’s better not to live without connections.
13. Didn’t take anyone by the throat except a bottle.
14. The artist depicted the seaman with such similarity that just looking at the picture made you feel sick.
15. It was a quiet St. Bartholomew's night.
16. And the fig leaf falls away.
17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.
18. There wasn’t a penny, and there won’t be a penny.
19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.
20. A strange picture was revealed to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.
21. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.
22. I dreamed of flight of thought, but never got the flying weather.
23. Became an alcoholic.
24. “Measure seven times and cut once,” the old executioner explained to the young.
25. I took from life everything that was fashionable.
26. Money is the less evil the less there is.
27. I’m bored with you, I want to sleep with you.
28. A thought occurred to him, but, not finding anyone, she left.
29. When choosing between two evils, choose both: then even this will not happen.
30. She hissed at her husband like soda water.
31. I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person and start over.
32. Don't be afraid of this grenade: it's a hand grenade.
33. Children are the flowers of life. However, do not let them bloom.
34. “Man does not live by bread alone!” - shouted excited customers in line for meat.
35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions!
36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not discover because of decency.
37. “This writing work is not easy,” said Evgeny Sazonov, daily taking 20 kg of his colleagues’ works to the waste paper collection point.
38. When keeping up with fashion, make sure it doesn’t turn a corner.
39. “Money is money!” - This phrase has a deep meaning, but there is no comma.
40. A calling is good, but a title is better.
41. The poet walked up the mountain, but this mountain was not Parnassus.
42. Striptease fashion: maxi, midi, mini, naked king.
43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.
44. “Strangling means loving” (Desdemona).
45. In a persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering station.
46. ​​If you find a place in life, find it for your wife.
47. Wrote from a principled cash position.
48. The defense of the dissertation will be more successful if the banquet on this occasion is held 2-3 hours earlier.
49. God created women stupid so that they would love men.
50. Why do unlimited people most often have unlimited possibilities?
51. When quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or the chairs: the family was strong, and so was the furniture.
52. If a smart person goes uphill, it means he is financially interested.
53. “I have nothing left but you,” he admitted to her... three days before payday.
54. Complete fools do not go out into public, they are rolled out.
55. The butcher built his material well-being on other people's bones.
56. His head was worth something... along with his beaver hat.
57. “Drinking is harmful to health,” said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian military leader Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and Judith’s caresses.
58. And headless horsemen sometimes prance on pegasi.
59. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband’s pay money.
60. Those who are given a tip drink cognac.
61. “Amazing - poison!” - said Salieri.
62. The violation of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.
63. A drunken look at things helps you get by without them.
64. The boss's wife is much better than the boss's wife.
65. If you have a smart wife, you will eat from the tree of knowledge; if you have a stupid wife, you will eat from the tree of life.
66. The vigilant store manager subjected vigilant probing to everything that the saleswomen had hidden under the counter.
67. When she started talking about the black and brown fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.
68. Not only did he pay his dues, but he also paid his friends.
69. It’s easier for a woman to climb the career ladder in a short skirt.
70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.
71. What costs us the most is what cannot be obtained for any money.
72. It’s good when a woman has a husband, but it’s even better if he’s a stranger.
73. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to distill alcohol out of it.
74. Dreams of getting a lucrative front-line job.
75. At the sobering-up station, the mother and child room is reopened.
76. In this canteen you can kill more than just a worm.
77. Women made him drunk, especially when he drank vodka in their company.
78. The latest cry of fashion often came from under the counter.
79. If you think all the time, then what is there to exist on?
80. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one “hand” was here, the other was there.
81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.
82. The more productive creativity is, the more necessary a refrigerator is.
83. I racked my head and broke my neck.
84. “And here I work for posterity,” Evgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing the visitors to the sofa.
85. The law of universal gravitation towards a pattern.
86. Othello preferred a neckline to all fashions.
87. Intellectuals die sitting.
88. Sheep know how to live: they even have the blackest sheep in their karakul.
89. There are still so many Dantes vegetating in obscurity!
90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.
91. Many people marry for love because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.
92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. And they always try to undress them.
93. Autumn happens to people too.
94. Even the role of Othello is played more truthfully if there is personal interest.
95. Curiosity towards women should not be idle.
96. Don’t spill the beans before abuse!
97. If your wife doesn’t follow fashion, you don’t have to follow her.
98. Not every group is powerful.
99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.
100. Graphomania is a need of the soul or the family budget.

An original compact method for diagnosing the motivational sphere of personality, which to a certain extent combines the advantages of a standardized, measuring express test and individualized projective technique. The authors of the method are V.S. Babina (Boldyreva) and A.G. Shmelev.

The methodology is based on the principle of thematic classification of ambiguous stimuli (humorous phrases or witticisms). Subjects classify ambiguous stimuli in accordance with their own apperception (discretion), assigning identical phrases to different topics - thematic constructs. The increased motivational significance (dominance) of a topic leads to the fact that the subject apperceives this particular topic in ambiguous stimuli, ignoring all other topics (recognizing their secondary importance). As a result, the number of stimuli assigned by the subject to one topic sharply exceeds the number of stimuli assigned to other topics.

Stimulus material is a set of 100 humorous phrases printed on cards. 40 phrases clearly relate to one of 10 topics (4 phrases per topic), and 60 phrases are ambiguous (subjects see in them one or another topic from the same 10 main ones). All phrases used were published in domestic modern satirical and humorous publications (the largest contribution was the “Phrases” section from the 16th page of the Literaturnaya Gazeta). Based on normative experiments, ambiguous phrases were selected in such a way that the average values ​​of 10 classes (for 10 given topics) were equal to each other. Stimulus material is easily multiplied, duplicated and, if necessary, refreshed with new jokes and new topics (which does not change the diagnostic principle underlying the technique).

The test procedure is simple and quick. The experimental psychodiagnostician offers the subject a deck of cards with humorous phrases and in the instructions disguises the personal orientation of the test, orienting the subject to the study of wit:

Instructions:“This is a test for understanding humorous phrases. Each humorous phrase (or witticism) has a specific content. You need to understand this content and relate the phrase to the appropriate topic.”

The names of the topics, printed on separate cards, are laid out in front of the subject.

In the proposed version of TYuF the themes were used (their everyday names are given):

These themes did not result from the application of any theoretical system of classification of motives, but were identified empirically using cluster analysis of expert assessments of several hundred published jokes, i.e. reflect the most stable and widespread constructs of everyday consciousness.

List of humorous phrases:

101. The writer had feathers. He was missing wings.

103. Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.

104. The cry of fashion is clearest in a foreign language.

105. It is impossible to live without women in the world - and especially in the dark,

106. To better understand a person’s soul, it is best to take it out.

107. A fool, improving, becomes round.

108. Whoever you get along with, you’ll get along with.

109. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.

110. The initiative for the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.

111. Patience and work will grind everything, - Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, grinding a mountain of dishes.

112. Everything in nature is interconnected, so it’s better not to live without connections.

113. Didn’t take anyone by the throat except a bottle.

114. The sea rock was depicted by the artist with such similarity that just looking at the picture made you feel sick.

115. It was a quiet St. Bartholomew's night.

116. And the fig leaf falls away.

117. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.

118. There wasn’t a penny, and there never will be!

119. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.

120. A strange picture was revealed to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.

121. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.

122. I dreamed of flight of thought, but never got the flying weather.

123. Turned into alcoholics.

124. Measure seven times - cut once, - the old executioner explained to the young.

125. I took from life everything that was fashionable.

126. The less money there is, the greater the evil.

127. I’m bored with you, I want to sleep with you!

128. A thought occurred to him, but not finding anyone, it left.

129. When choosing between two evils, take both: then even this will not happen.

130. She hissed at her husband like soda water.

131. I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot.

132. Don't be afraid of this grenade - it's hand-held.

133. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them get away with it, though.

134. Man does not live by bread alone! - shouted excited customers in line for meat.

135. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions.

136. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not discover because of decency.

137. This writing work is not easy, says Evgeniy Sazonov, daily carrying 20 kg of his colleagues’ works to the waste paper collection point.

138. Keeping up with fashion, make sure it doesn’t turn a corner.

139. Money is money! This phrase has deep meaning, but there is no comma.

140. A calling is good, but a title is better.

141. The poet walked up the mountain, but this mountain was not Parnassus.

142. Striptease fashion: maxi, midi, mini, naked king.

143. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.

144. “Strangling means loving” (Desdemona).

145. In a persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering station.

146. If you find a place in life, find it for your wife.

147. Wrote from a principled cash position.

148. The defense of a dissertation will be more successful if a banquet on this occasion is held two to three hours before it starts.

149. God created women stupid so that they would love men.

150. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?

151. When quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or furniture: the family was strong, and so was the furniture.

152. If a smart person goes uphill, it means he is financially interested.

153. “I have nothing left but you,” he confessed to her three days before payday.

154. Complete fools do not go out into public. They are being rolled out.

155. The butcher built his material well-being on other people’s bones.

156. His head was worth something... Along with his beaver hat.

157. Drinking is harmful to health, said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian military leader Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and the caresses of Judith.

158. And headless horsemen sometimes prance on Pegasi.

159. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband’s pay money.

160. Those who are given tea drink cognac.

161. Amazing - poison! - said Salieri.

162. The violation of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.

163. A drunken look at things allows you to get by without them.

164. The boss's wife is much better than the wife's boss.

165. If you have a smart wife, you will eat fruit from the tree of knowledge, if you have a stupid wife, you will eat from the tree of life.

166. The vigilant store manager subjected vigilant probing to everything that the saleswomen had hidden under the counter.

167. When she started talking about the silver fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.

168. Not only did he pay his dues, but he also paid his friends.

169. It is easier for a woman to climb the career ladder in a short skirt.

170. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.

171. What costs us the most is what cannot be obtained for any money.

172. It’s good when a woman has a husband, but it’s even better when he’s a stranger.

173. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to distill alcohol out of it.

174. Dreams of getting a lucrative job.

175. At the sobering-up station, the mother and child room is reopened

176. In this canteen you can not only kill a worm.

177. Women intoxicated him, especially when he drank vodka in their company.

178. The latest fashion statement usually comes from under the counter.

179. If you think all the time, then what is there to exist on?

180. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one “hand” here, the other there.

181. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.

182. The more productive creativity is, the more necessary a refrigerator is.

183. I racked my head and broke my neck.

184. “And here I work for posterity,” Evg. Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing the visitors to the sofa.

185. The law of universal gravitation towards a pattern.

186. Otello preferred the neckline to all fashions.

187. Intellectuals die sitting.

188. Sheep know how to live: they even have the blackest sheep in their karakul.

189. How many more Dantes vegetate in obscurity!

190. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.

191. Many people marry for love because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.

192. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. They always try to undress them.

193. Don't go without a bottle!

194. Even the role of Otello is played more truthfully if there is personal interest.

195. Curiosity towards women should not be idle.

196. Don’t spill the beans before abuse!

197. Not every group is powerful.

198. If your wife doesn’t follow fashion, you don’t have to follow her.

199. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.

200. Graphomania is a need of the soul or the family budget

Processing the results:

When moving on to processing and interpreting the results, it is necessary to translate the description of thematic constructs into the language of motivational themes: the appearance of a strong thematic construct (a large class of jokes) means increased intensity (significance) of the corresponding motivational theme, the appearance of a weak thematic construct (a small class of jokes) means the secondary importance of the corresponding motivational theme .

Calculating a test score does not require the use of keys: the diagnostician only needs to count the number of cards in the corresponding class in order to assign a certain score to the motivational topic. The ten indicators calculated in this way can be visualized as a profile. Unlike quantitative tests (MMIL, 16 LF), in which indicators on scales are compared with population norms, in this case the indicators are compared within an individual profile: the ordinal structure of motivational topics is revealed, which topics are dominant, which are secondary, etc. The use of norms with internal criteria in TUF does not eliminate the possibility of obtaining population norms (it is known that classes such as 1, 8, 9 and 10 are more numerous in most people).

When analyzing the motivational profiles of the TLF, it should be taken into account that the intensity of the motivational theme can reflect not only the strength of the currently satisfied motive, but also the strength of the obstacle blocking its satisfaction.

subject motive block
Sadism self-preservation various “aggressive” factors that threaten the physical integrity of the individual
Sex entering into intimate sexual relationships, relieving tension from sexual dissatisfaction internal difficulties (lack of attractiveness, modesty) and social prohibitions internalized by the subject on the expression of sexuality outside of special situations of marital intimacy
Addictions (drunkenness) drinking alcoholic beverages, relieving stress using psychopharmacological drugs social prohibitions internalized by the subject, manifested in feelings of guilt and shame; external difficulties (administrative persecution, high cost of alcoholic beverages, etc.)
Money personal material well-being lack of money, high prices, etc.
Fashion self-presentation, prestige, self-affirmation due to the possession of external attributes of social success Fashion races, shortages and high prices of prestigious goods
Career achieving a high position in society, gaining wide recognition through professional and social advancement through the ranks competition, the need for compromise, humiliation, disguise as an ordinary worker
Family troubles family well-being behavior of family members (spouse, children) that does not meet the subject’s expectations or objective difficulties (low family income, lack of living space)
Social unrest social well-being asociality, “unconsciousness” of others who violate the norms of social justice and civil property
Mediocrity in art search for beauty, harmony, aesthetic sensitivity the aesthetic unscrupulousness of the so-called “people of art”, the abundance of mediocre works.
Human stupidity cognition, the desire for truth as an independent value, self-affirmation in the possession of true knowledge ignorance, narrow-mindedness of others

To distinguish between the objective and barrier levels of the content of actual motivation in each specific case, additional diagnostic information is needed. Therefore, TUF is recommended to be used in a battery with other techniques (primarily TAT), as well as in combination with a conversation and analysis of the subject’s biographical data.

Additional Notes

1. When interpreting the pronounced “peak” on the diagnostic profile, the psychologist must take into account (in the individual case) the possibility of inversion of the functions of motive and barrier. For example, a “peak” on the 1st topic can mean both excessive aggressiveness (active-defensive reaction to fear - frustration of the need for self-preservation), and excessive “mosachistic” passive insecurity (depression, passive-defensive reaction). As in the construct test, the TYF indicates the significance of the thematic construct, rather than the individual's position on the construct-axis continuum.

2. A pronounced “failure” (low score on a topic) may mean “apperceptive blindness” in relation to a highly significant topic - a repressive mechanism of psychological defense (suppression under the influence of internal censorship, etc.).

3. When interpreting data, you should, as in other multidimensional tests, analyze not only isolated topics, but also take into account their combinations, expressed in the simultaneous increase or decrease in the tension of certain pairs or triplets of topics. In addition, analysis of the inclusion of items from a “foreign” topic in the class allows us to identify the gluing of thematic constructs.

4. Unlike ordinary test questionnaires, where the profile can be simultaneously “raised” or “lowered” on all scales, in this case ipsative norms are used - the “area under the curve” of the profile remains constant - equal to 100 (the number of phrases in the test) : some topics “attract” (apperceive) phrases from other topics.

Fillable TUF profile

5. Various topics have a heterogeneous theoretical and psychological status: the needs of the body - topics I, 2, possibly 3;

individual needs - topics 4, 5, 6, possibly 3, 7, 8;

Personal needs - topics 9, 10, possibly 7, 8.

Key to the test

No. humor. phrases Topic No. No. humor. phrases Topic No.
Single meaning phrases Ambiguous phrases
6, 9
2, 5
4, 5
1, 2, 3
9, 10
4, 7
3, 8
1, 9
5, 6, 8
3, 5
2, 6, 7
2, 10
2, 8
5, 7
3, 4
2, 6
7, 9
4, 8
2, 7
3, 9
1, 4, 6
3, 7
2, 3
2, 3
5, 8
4, 10
6, 8
1, 5, 4
8, 9
1, 10, 8
2, 9
5, 9, 10
1, 2, 5
1, 8, 10
4, 5, 10
1, 6, 9
3, 9
4, 7
2, 4, 5
3, 8
1, 2 1, 2, 7, 9
3, 10 2, 7
6, 7 8, 10
4, 9 5, 8
3, 6 8, 9, 10
2, 10 2, 9, 10
8,10 4, 9
7, 1
4, 6
2, 4
6, 10, 8
1, 4, 8
5, 10

IV. Test questionnaire for measuring achievement motivation. Modification of the test questionnaire by A. Mehrabian (adapted by M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov).

A modification of A. Mehrabian’s test-questionnaire for measuring achievement motivation (TMA) was proposed by M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov. The test questionnaire for measuring achievement motivation is designed to diagnose two generalized stable personal motives: the motive for striving for success and the motive for avoiding failure. In this case, it is assessed which of these two motives dominates in the subject.

Achievement motivation, according to G. Murray, is expressed in the need to overcome obstacles and achieve high performance in work, improve oneself, compete with others and get ahead of them, realize one’s talents and thereby increase self-esteem.

Achievement motivation is one of the types of activity motivation associated with the individual’s need to achieve success and avoid failure. The formation of motivation to succeed or to avoid failure depends on the conditions of upbringing and environment, as well as:

1) personal standards (assessments of the subjective probability of success, subjective difficulty of the task);

2) attractiveness of self-esteem (attractiveness for an individual of personal success or failure in a given activity);

3) individual preferences such as attribution (attributing responsibility for success or failure to oneself or surrounding circumstances).

The technique is used for research purposes in diagnosing achievement motivation in older schoolchildren and students. The test is a questionnaire that has two forms: male (form A) and female (form B).

Instructions: " You are offered a number of statements that determine a person’s attitude to certain life situations. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. For each statement, place a check mark in the column that corresponds to your choice:

3 – completely agree;

2 – agree;

1 – rather agree than disagree;

0 – neutral;

1 – rather disagree than agree;

2 – disagree;

3 – completely disagree.

Do not waste time thinking, give the answer that first comes to mind, since when processing the results, points are calculated according to a certain system, and not a meaningful analysis of the answers to individual points. Read each next statement only after you have evaluated the previous one, try not to skip anything. Express your opinions freely and sincerely.”

Questionnaire text.

Form A (male).

33. I think more about getting a good grade than I worry about getting a bad one.

34. If I had to complete a difficult task that was unfamiliar to me, I would prefer to do it with someone else than to work on it alone.

35. I am more likely to take on difficult problems, even if I am not sure that I can solve them, than to take on easy ones that I know I can solve.

36. I am more attracted to a task that does not require stress and in the success of which I am confident, than a difficult task in which surprises are possible.

37. If something didn’t work out for me, I would rather try my best to deal with it than move on to something that I might be good at.

38. I would prefer a job in which my functions are clearly defined and the salary is above average, to a job with an average salary in which I have to define my role myself.

39. I spend more time reading specialized literature than fiction.

40. I would prefer an important, difficult task, although the probability of failure in it is 50%, to a task that is quite important, but not difficult.

41. I would rather learn entertaining games known to most people than rare games. which require skill and are known to few.

42. It is very important to me to do my job as best as possible, even if this causes friction with my colleagues.

43. If I were going to play cards, I would rather play an entertaining game than a difficult one that requires thinking.

44. I prefer competitions where I am stronger than others than where all participants are approximately equal in strength.

45. In my free time from work, I will master some game more to develop my skills than for relaxation and entertainment.

46. ​​I would rather do something the way I see fit, even with a 50% risk of making a mistake, than doing it as others advise me.

47. If I had to choose, I would rather choose a job in which the starting salary would be 100 rubles. and can remain at this rate indefinitely than a job in which the starting salary is 80 rubles. and there is a guarantee that no later than in 5 years I will receive more than 180 rubles.

48. I would rather play in a team than compete one-on-one.

49. I prefer to work tirelessly until I am completely satisfied with the result obtained, rather than strive to finish the job faster and with less stress

50. On the exam, I would prefer specific questions on the material covered, questions that require an answer to express my opinion.

51. I would rather choose a business in which there is some probability of failure, but there is also an opportunity to achieve more, one in which my situation will not worsen, but will not improve significantly either.

52. After a successful answer in an exam, I would rather breathe a sigh of relief (“it’s blown away”!) than rejoice at a good grade.

53. If I could return to one of two unfinished tasks, I would rather return to the difficult one than to the easy one.

54. When performing a test task, I worry more about how to avoid making some mistake than I think about how to solve it correctly.

55. If something doesn’t work out for me, I would rather turn to someone for help than continue to look for a way out myself.

56. After a failure, I rather become even more focused and energetic than lose all desire to continue.

57. If there is doubt about the success of any undertaking, then I would rather not take risks than still take an active part in it

58. When I take on a difficult task, I am more likely to fear that I will not be able to cope with it than to hope that it will work out.

59. I work more effectively under someone else’s guidance than when I take personal responsibility for my work.

60. I prefer to perform a complex, unfamiliar task whose task is familiar and of whose success I am confident.

61. I work more productively on a task when I am specifically told what to do and how to do it, than when I am given a task only in general terms.

62. If I successfully solved a problem, I would be more happy to try to solve a similar problem again than to move on to a problem of a different type

63. When it comes to competing, I feel more interested and excited than anxious and restless.

64. Perhaps I dream more about my plans for the future than I try to actually implement them.

Form B (female)

31. I think more about getting a good grade than I worry about getting a bad one.

32. I take on difficult problems more often, even if I am not sure that I can solve them, than I take on easy ones that I know I can solve.

33. I am more attracted to a task that does not require stress and in the success of which I am confident, than a difficult task in which surprises are possible.

34. If something wasn’t working out for me, I would rather try my best to deal with it than move on to something that I might be good at.

35. I would prefer a job in which my functions are clearly defined and the salary is above average, to a job with an average salary in which I have to determine my role myself.

36. My stronger feelings are caused by the fear of failure than by the hope of success.

37. I prefer popular science literature to entertainment literature.

38. I would prefer an important, difficult task, where the probability of failure is 50%, to a task that is quite important, but not difficult.

39. I would rather learn recreational games known to most people than rare games that require skill and are known to a few.

40. It is very important to me to do my job as best as possible, even if this causes friction with my colleagues.

41. After a successful answer in an exam, I would rather breathe a sigh of relief that I “went through” than rejoice at a good grade.

42. If I were going to play cards, I would rather play an entertaining game than a difficult one that requires thinking.

43. I prefer competitions where I am stronger than others to those where all participants are approximately equal in strength.

44. After a failure, I become even more collected and energetic, which makes me lose all desire to continue.

45. Failures poison my life more than they bring the joy of success.

46. ​​In new unknown situations, I am more likely to experience excitement and anxiety rather than interest and curiosity.

47. I would rather try to cook a new interesting dish, although it may turn out badly, than cook a familiar dish that usually turns out well.

48. I would rather do something enjoyable and not burdensome than do something that I think is worthwhile but not very exciting.

49. I would rather spend all my time doing one thing than try to do two or three things quickly in the same time.

50. If I get sick and have to stay at home, I use the time to relax and unwind rather than read and work.

51. If I lived with several girls in the same room, and we decided to have a party, I would rather organize it myself than have someone else do it.

52. If something doesn’t work out for me, I’d rather turn to someone for help than continue to look for a way out myself.

53. When it comes to competing, I feel more interested and excited than anxious and restless.

54. When I take on a difficult task, I am more likely to fear that I will not be able to cope with it than to hope that it will work out.

55. I work more effectively under someone else’s leadership than when I take personal responsibility for my work.

56. I prefer to perform a complex unfamiliar task than a familiar task, the success of which I am confident of.

57. If I had successfully solved a problem, I would have been more happy to tackle a similar one again than to move on to a problem of a different type.

58. I work more productively on a task when the task is given to me only in general terms than when I am specifically told what and how to do.

59. If I make a mistake while performing an important task, then more often I get lost and fall into despair than quickly pull myself together and try to correct the situation.

60. Perhaps I dream more about my plans for the future than I try to actually implement them.

Processing the results:

A total score is calculated for each scale. The following procedure is used. The test taker’s answers to direct (marked with a “+” sign in the key) and reverse (marked with a “–” sign in the key) questionnaire items are assigned points based on the following ratios:

Key to Form A

No. +3 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3

Key to Form B

No. +3 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3

Interpretation of results:

The technique measures the resulting tendency of motivation, that is, the degree of predominance of one of the specified motives - the desire to achieve success or avoid failure. High test scores mean that the desire to achieve success is expressed to a greater extent than the avoidance of failure; low scores mean the opposite.

The scores of all subjects in the sample are ranked and two specific groups are distinguished: the top 27% of the sample are characterized by the motive of striving for success, and the bottom 27% are characterized by the motive of avoiding failure.

You can also use the following summary scale:

if this amount is in the range from 165 to 210, then they conclude that the motivation for achieving success in this subject is dominated by the desire for success.

if this sum of points was in the range from 76 to 164, then they conclude that the desire to avoid failure is dominant.

If the sum of points was in the range from 30 to 75, then no definite conclusion about the dominance of the motivation to achieve success or avoid failure can be made over each other.

Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline:

a) basic literature

9. Asmolov A.G. Personality psychology: cultural and historical understanding of human development: Textbook. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2007.

10. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology: A course of lectures. A textbook for students studying in the specialty “Psychology”. - M.: AST, 2006.

11. Leontyev A.N. Lectures on general psychology: Textbook. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010

12. Maklakov A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

13. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook for higher education students. educational institutions: In 3 books. - M.: VLADOS, 2003.

14. Psychology of individual differences / Edited by Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova. – M.: AST, 2008.

15. Personality psychology / Edited by Yu.B. Gippenreiter, A.A. Bubbles, V.V. Arkhangelskaya. – M.: AST, 2009.

16. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.

b) additional literature

10. Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds. - M.: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996.

11. Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

12. Ilyin E.P. Psychology of individual differences. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

13. Melnikov V.M., Yampolsky L.T. Introduction to experimental personality psychology. - M.: Education, 2000.

14. Pashukova T.I., Dopira A.I., Dyakonov G.V. Workshop on general psychology. – M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 2002.

15. Personality psychology. T.1. Reader. / Ed. D.Ya. Raigorodsky. - Samara: Publishing House “BAKHRAH-M”, 2002.

16. Utlik E.P. Personality psychology: Textbook. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

17. Shadrikov V.D. On the content of the concepts “ability” and “giftedness” // Psychological Journal, 1983. T. 4. No. 5. P. 3-10.

18. Shadrikov V. D. Psychology of human activity and abilities. - M: Logos Publishing Corporation, 1996.

c) software and Internet resources:

7. - Psychological laboratory.

8. – Internet resources for psychologists

9. - Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics

10. – Psychological forum “Flogiston: Psychology first hand”

11. – Psychological diagnostics

12. – Russian psychological portal

Tasks for development and control of competences:

3. Fill out the table “Basic forms of personality orientation (according to K.K. Platonov).”

4. Draw up a diagram “Scheme of motivation for activity” // Shadrikov V.D. Psychology of human activity and abilities. – M., 1996. P.21.


Abulia- lack of motivation to act, inability to make a decision and carry out the desired action

Adaptation- the process of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Activity– a property of temperament, which consists in the degree of activity with which a person influences the outside world and overcomes obstacles in achieving goals.

Accentuation- an extreme version of the norm as a result of strengthening of its individual features.

Ambivalence- simultaneous experience of aspirations that are incompatible with each other regarding the same object.

Apathy- a mental state caused by fatigue, difficult experiences or illness, manifested in loss of interest and indifference to the environment.

Apraxia- a complex violation of the purposefulness of actions caused by damage to brain structures.

Affect - a psychological state based on a strong, violent and relatively short-term emotional experience.

The struggle of motives– this is a volitional action associated with decision making.

Attraction- an instinctive desire that prompts an individual to act in the direction of satisfying this desire.

Attention- the direction and concentration of a person’s consciousness on certain objects while simultaneously distracting from others.

Age-sex properties- include the age stages of the ontogenetic evolution of the individual and the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism.

Volitional effort- a special state of internal tension or activity, which causes the mobilization of a person’s internal resources necessary to carry out the intended action.

Strong-willed qualities- features of volitional regulation, manifested in specific specific conditions.

Will– a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties when performing purposeful actions and deeds.

Excerpt- the ability to slow down actions, feelings and thoughts that interfere with the implementation of the decision made.

Genius– the highest degree of creative manifestations of personality.

Anger- an emotional state, negative in sign, usually occurring in the form of affect and caused by the sudden emergence of a serious obstacle to the satisfaction of a need that is extremely important for the subject.

Depression– a state of mental distress, depression, characterized by loss of strength and decreased activity.

Dynamics of the nervous system- the rate of formation of conditioned reflexes or the ability of the nervous system to learn in the broad sense of the word.

Discipline- conscious subordination of one’s behavior to generally accepted norms and established order.

Dominant- the predominant focus of excitation in the human brain, associated with increased attention or urgent need.

Wish - a conscious need and attraction to something very specific.

Makings of- genetically determined anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, which are an individual natural prerequisite for the formation and development of abilities.

Ideal- the objective goal of an individual’s inclination, concretized in an image or representation, i.e., what he strives for, what he is oriented towards.

Impulsive actions– actions performed involuntarily and not sufficiently controlled by consciousness.

Individual- an individual person in the totality of all his inherent qualities: biological, physical, social, psychological, etc.

Individuality- a peculiar combination of individual properties of a person that distinguishes him from other people.

Individual-typical properties- include neurodynamic properties of the brain, functional asymmetry of the brain, human constitution.

Induction(in neurophysiology) - a law of the physiology of the nervous system, according to which a nervous process or state of one sign causes an opposite nervous process or state in other parts of the nervous system or in the same area after its action ceases.

Initiative- the ability to work creatively, taking actions and actions on one’s own initiative.

Enculturation– the process of an individual’s assimilation of universal human culture and historically established methods of action, in which the spiritual and material products of human activity in different eras are assimilated.

Interest- a specific form of manifestation of a cognitive need that ensures that the individual is focused on understanding the goals of the activity and thereby contributes to the individual’s orientation in the surrounding reality.

Performance- diligence, fulfilling assignments and duties on time.

The cognitive dissonance- a contradiction in a person’s knowledge system, which gives rise to unpleasant experiences in him and encourages him to take actions aimed at eliminating this contradiction.

Concentration of attention– the degree of concentration of attention on the object.

Critical periods- turning points on the developmental curve that separate one age from another.

Lability- a property of the nervous system associated with the speed of occurrence, course and termination of the nervous process;

Personality(psychology, Leontyev A.N.) is a systemic quality of an individual, acquired by him in objective activity and communication and characterizing him from the point of view of his involvement in the system of social relations.

Personality(sociology) - a specific expression of the essence of a person, the embodiment and implementation in him of a system of socially significant features and qualities of a given society.

Personality(philosophy) – a human individual in the aspect of his social qualities, formed in the process of historically specific types of activity and social relations.

Locus of control- a person’s tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his activities to external forces and circumstances, or to his own efforts and abilities.

Curiosity- internal interest in obtaining new information in order to satisfy cognitive needs.

Melancholic- a type of human temperament characterized by slow reactions to current stimuli, as well as speech, mental and motor processes.

Worldview- a person’s system of views on the world around him, on his place in the world, on his relationship to himself and to the surrounding reality.

Personality orientation- a set of stable motives that orient the activity of an individual and are relatively independent of existing situations.

Direction of mental activity- selectivity of mental activity, identification of objects and phenomena that are significant for the subject, choice of a certain type of activity

Perseverance- a person’s ability to mobilize their capabilities for a long-term struggle with difficulties.

Mood - the most enduring, or “chronic,” emotional state that colors all behavior.

Involuntary attention- a lower form of attention that arises as a result of the influence of a stimulus on any of the analyzers.

General Abilities– individual personality traits that provide relative ease and productivity in acquiring knowledge and carrying out various types of activities.

Attention span– a characteristic of attention, which is determined by the amount of information that can simultaneously be stored in the area of ​​increased attention (consciousness) of a person.

Giftedness- general ability, revealed in higher results when completing tasks, as well as ability in various areas.

Ontogenesis– the cycle of individual development from birth to death.

Organization- reasonable planning and orderly organization of its activities.

Indicative activities- activities aimed at surveying the environment to obtain information necessary to solve certain problems.

Distractibility– involuntary movement of attention from one object to another.

Disgust- a negative emotional state caused by objects, contact with which comes into sharp conflict with the ideological, moral or aesthetic principles and attitudes of the subject.

Experience- any emotionally charged state and phenomenon of reality experienced by a subject, directly represented in his consciousness and appearing for him as an event in his own life.

Switching attention- intentional transfer of attention from one object to another.

Personalization- the process of transforming a person into a person, acquiring individuality.

Perception - vague and unconscious perception as opposed to clear awareness - apperception (G.V. Leibniz).

Plasticity and rigidity- a property of temperament, which consists in how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external influences or, conversely, how inert and inert his behavior, habits, and judgments are.

Mobility of nervous processes- the ability of nervous processes to quickly replace each other.

Sexual dimorphism- the separation of the female and male sexes, thanks to which the process of natural reproduction of the human species occurs.

Post-voluntary attention- a type of attention that arises on the basis of voluntary attention and consists of focusing on an object due to its value, significance or interest for the individual.

Need- this is an elementary manifestation of the intentional nature of the psyche, thanks to which a living organism is encouraged to carry out certain, qualitatively specific forms of activity necessary for the preservation and development of the individual and the species.

Contempt- a negative emotional state that arises in interpersonal relationships and is generated by a mismatch in the life positions, views and behavior of the subject with the life positions, views and behavior of the object of feeling.

Decision-making– choosing one of the options for solving the problem.

Voluntary attention- a type of attention that is directed and supported by a consciously set goal, and therefore is inextricably linked with speech.

Joy- a positive emotional state associated with the ability to sufficiently fully satisfy an actual need.

Distribution of attention- the ability to concentrate attention over a large space, perform several types of activities in parallel or perform several different actions.

Absent-mindedness– inability to concentrate attention on an object.

Reactivity- a property of temperament, which consists in the degree of involuntary reactions to external or internal influences of the same strength.

Resistance– the ability to resist all internal and external conditions that weaken or inhibit the started activity,

Determination- the ability to make and implement quick, informed and firm decisions.

Self-actualization- the use and development by a person of his existing inclinations, their transformation into abilities.

Self-control- a checking, critical mechanism based on the constant functioning of feedback during human interaction with the environment

Self-esteem- a person’s assessment of his own qualities, advantages and disadvantages.

Independence- the ability to not be influenced by various factors that can distract from achieving the goal, to critically evaluate the advice and suggestions of others, to act on the basis of one’s views and beliefs.

Sanguine- a type of temperament characterized by energy, increased performance and speed of reactions.

Sensitivity- a property of temperament, which consists in what is the least force of external influences necessary for the occurrence of any psychological reaction in a person, and what is the speed of occurrence of this reaction.

Sensitive period of development- a period in a person’s life that provides the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain psychological properties and types of behavior.

Strength of will– the degree of willpower required to achieve a goal.

Nervous System Strength- the ability of the nervous system to tolerate prolonged or short-term excitation or inhibition.

Courage- the ability to overcome fear and take justifiable risks to achieve a goal, despite the dangers to personal well-being or even life.

Focus- greater or lesser depth in activity with distraction from outsiders

Socialization- the process and result of a child’s assimilation of social experience.

Social position- a functional place that a person can occupy in relation to other people.

Social role- a set of norms, rules and forms of behavior that characterize the typical actions of a person occupying a certain position in society.

Social development situation- a system of relationships that a person enters into in society.

Special Abilities– a system of personality traits that help achieve high results in any field of activity.

Capabilities- individual characteristics of people, on which their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the success of performing various types of activities depends.

Suffering- a negative emotional state associated with received reliable or apparent information about the impossibility of satisfying the most important needs of life.

Passion- a person’s strong passion for someone or something, accompanied by deep emotional experiences associated with the corresponding object.

Fear- a negative emotional state that appears when the subject receives information about a real or imagined danger.

Stress – an emotional state that occurs in response to a variety of extreme influences.

Shame- a negative state, expressed in the awareness of the inconsistency of one’s own thoughts, actions and appearance not only with the expectations of others, but also with one’s own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance.

Subject of activity- man as a typical carrier of types of human activity.

Subjectivation- increasing the degree of mediation of activity by subjective images and concepts.

Talent– the highest degree of a person’s ability to perform a certain activity.

Temperament- a dynamic characteristic of mental processes and human behavior, manifested in their speed, variability, intensity and other characteristics.

Types of higher nervous activity (GNI) - a set of innate (genotype) and acquired (phenotype) properties of the nervous system that determine the nature of the interaction of the organism with the environment and are reflected in all functions of the body.

Belief- the highest form of orientation is a system of individual motives that encourages her to act in accordance with her views, principles, and worldview.

Astonishment- an emotional reaction to sudden circumstances that does not have a clearly defined positive or negative sign.

Balance of nervous processes- the ratio of excitation and inhibition.

Level of aspiration- the maximum success that a person expects to achieve in a particular type of activity.

Sustainability of attention- the ability to maintain a state of attention for a long time on any object, subject of activity, without being distracted or weakening attention.

Phlegmatic person- a type of human temperament characterized by reduced reactivity, poorly developed, slow expressive movements.

Fluctuations- periodic involuntary fluctuations in attention.

Frustration- an emotionally difficult experience by a person of his failure, accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, frustration in achieving a certain desired goal.

Character- a set of stable individual characteristics of a person that develops and manifests itself in activity and communication.

Choleric- a type of temperament characterized by speed of action, strong, quickly arising feelings, clearly reflected in speech, gestures, and facial expressions.

Determination- a person’s ability to subordinate his actions to his goals.

Feelings– higher, culturally conditioned human emotions associated with some social object.

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