Our ancestors are the Slavs, presentation of the meaning of proverbs. Our ancestors are the ancient Slavs. presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the world around us (4th grade) on the topic. a) Eastern Slavs

Lesson 2 on ORKSE “Secular ethics” 4th grade “Our ancestors are the ancient Slavs”

Kupriyanova Tatyana Georgievna MAOU Secondary School No. 3 named after Hero of Russia Sergei Romashin of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk


these are the people who lived before us.


these are people who live with us at the same time, for example, at the present time.

Descendants -

these are the people who will live after us.




Natalya Konchalovskaya.

There were many bears and wolves in the thicket,

There are many ducks on the lakes and waders in the swamps.

The kite hovered over the meadows and the elk trail

An animal with powerful horns went out to drink.

People rarely settled on the river, in the wilderness of the forest,

Only the ancestors of our ancestors appeared here in the spring.

They came either in boats, or on horseback, or on foot,

We sat, discussed, looked around

And they decided: “There’s a lot of space, there’s something to eat and something to drink!”

People prayed to God, began to build and live.

  • Everything that a person touches It takes on something human. This is the house The century that has served us, Almost knows how to use speech.

Beliefs of the ancient Slavs.

  • God of the Sun - Yarilo.
  • God of thunder and lightning - Perun.

Spirits, deities of nature.

Slavic home perfumes.

Slavic forest spirits.

Slavic water spirits.

Good home perfume.

  • Chur is the ancient god of the hearth, guardian of the boundaries of land holdings.
  • Dvorovy – patron of the yard, assistant to the brownie.
  • Bannik is a naked old man who lives in an unheated bathhouse, but disappears when they start steaming.
  • Drema is an evening and night spirit in the form of a kind old woman with gentle hands.

Evil house spirits.

  • Kikimora is an evil and harmful spirit, the enemy of the brownie. Tangles yarn, breaks dishes, shears sheep.
  • Woolly is a night demon that crushes a sleeping person.
  • Shish is an evil spirit that torments drunkards who have drunk themselves to the point of delirium tremens.
  • Sinisters are creatures that destroy crops, cause diseases in livestock, and quarrel with households.

Slavic forest and field spirits.

  • Baba Yaga is a forest old woman, a witch to whom forest animals obey.
  • Field spirit - a spirit that protects grain fields.
  • Dogheads are formidable werewolves, warlike, ferocious and cruel.
  • Planetaries are demons of the clouds. They send rain to the earth or hold it back, punishing sins with hail.

Slavic holidays.

  • Kolyada.
  • Ivan Kupala.


1.Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians descended from:

a) Eastern Slavs;

b) Western Slavs;

c) southern Slavs.

2. The ancient Slavs lived:

a) alone;

b) families;

c) tribes.

3. The god of thunder and lightning among the ancient Slavs was:

b) Perun;

4. The Slavs built their houses:

a) made of stone;

b) brick;

c) tree pillars.

5. The Slavs wore clothes from:

a) flax and wool;

Slavs Slavs are a large group of tribes and peoples belonging to the same language family, i.e. their language was very similar. According to the characteristics of their language, the Slavs were divided into groups: Western, Eastern, Southern. You and I are also Slavs, and today we will get acquainted with the life of the Eastern Slavs, which in our time include Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Map "Settlement of the Slavs" 1.5 thousand years ago, the Eastern Slavs lived in the vast expanse of Eastern Europe from the very south to the Northern lands along the banks of the Western Dvina, Dnieper, Don, Volga, and Oka rivers.

Settlement The time was restless, residents of neighboring villages often fought among themselves, so the Slavs usually settled in places surrounded by steep slopes, deep ravines or water. They erected earthen ramparts around the settlements, dug ditches, and erected palisades.

Occupations of the ancient Slavs Fishing - there were a lot of fish in lakes and rivers. They only took large fish. They caught with harpoons and nets. Hunting - there are a lot of all kinds of animals in the forests: bears, wild boars, foxes, wolves... Their skins served as clothing and blankets. Pottery - making pottery.

Agriculture Agriculture was the most important occupation. The work is very hard. In winter, the lemma area was cut down. It burned out in the spring. The ash served as fertilizer. The land was plowed with a plow, loosened with a hoe, and then sown. A man with a sieve walked and scattered grains across a plowed field. They did not sow in the wind.

Other activities Gathering wild berries, nuts, mushrooms, herbs played a big role in the life of the Slavs. In the spring, when supplies ran out, young shoots and leaves of quinoa and nettle were collected. Quinoa often replaced bread; flat cakes were baked from it during times of famine. Beekeeping - the Slavs were engaged in collecting honey, since many wild bees lived in the lemmas. Honey was used both as food and as medicine. Collecting honey from forest bees was called beekeeping (bort - “tree hollow” where wild bees lived).

Belief of the ancient Slavs The Slavs believed that the forest, trees, rivers, sun and wind are all living, animate. They had no idea about science. The Slavs believed that their native nature was inhabited by spirits and fantastic creatures. Some, according to the Slavs, were good spirits, while others were evil. The Slavs asked the gods for rain, successful hunting, and a bountiful harvest. In order for the gods to be kinder to people, holidays were held in their honor (Ivan Kupala June).

Svarog God of the sky (“svaro” – sky). God of bad weather, winds, hurricanes. According to legend, he dropped blacksmith's tongs from heaven to earth and taught people how to forge iron. He sent heavenly fire to people so that people could cook food on it, warm themselves around it and use it for good deeds. Svarog was the patron saint of blacksmiths.

Makosh One of the most important goddesses of the Eastern Slavs, “ma” is mother, “kosh” is basket. Mother of good harvest, goddess of the harvest, giver of blessings.

Slavic holidays. In order for the gods to be favorable to people, the Slavs organized holidays in their honor. Our ancestors knew how to not only work, but also have fun. Many Slavic holidays are associated with the veneration of nature. Many of them have survived to this day.

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Slide captions:

Eastern Slavs Russian Ukrainians Origin of the ancient Slavs Belarusians

A semi-dugout covered with turf is a typical dwelling of the ancient Slavs. Dwellings of the ancient Slavs

Slavic settlements led a sedentary lifestyle; they were located along the banks of rivers and lakes in places where there were areas suitable for farming.

Clothing of the ancient Slavs The clothing of the Slavs was quite simple. It included: a shirt, ports, women's sundresses, pants. They sewed clothes mainly from linen and cotton. Women decorated it with embroidery. Shoes were bast shoes.

Festive clothing of the Slavs Women, with the help of their embroidery, sought to attract the good forces of nature and protect themselves from evil ones.

Men: hunting, farming, fishing, pottery. Women: farming, weaving, sewing, cooking, gathering. Classes

Perun Veles Svarok God of war God of fertility God of sky Faith of the ancient Slavs The Slavs asked the gods for rain, a successful hunt, and a bountiful harvest.

Maslenitsa Kolyada Trinity Holidays of the ancient Slavs Traditions and holidays have been preserved from our ancestors to this day.

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Our ancestors, the Slavs, came from Asia to Europe in ancient times. They first settled along the lower reaches of the Danube and occupied lands north of it to the Carpathian Mountains. It was easy to live on the Danube: the climate here is warm, the lands are fertile, and the vegetation is rich. The Slavs would not have left here of their own free will, but other peoples began to press them. The Slavic tribe had to split up and move to other lands.

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One part of them still remained on the Danube. Another part of the Slavs went further north. The third part of the Slavs went to the northeast, settled along the Dnieper and its tributaries and along the Ilmen and Volkhov. These Slavs were our ancestors; the Russian people originate from them.

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The Slavs liked to settle along the banks of rivers and lakes, in high places - so as not to be flooded with water during spring floods. A thousand years ago the Slavs did not know how to build good houses. They wove their homes from branches, covered them with straw - just to shelter from rain and bad weather - and lived in dugouts.

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Bad weather and cold forced our ancestors in ancient times to think about how to better arrange shelter for themselves. They began to coat their wicker huts with clay. Where there was plenty of forest, they learned to make walls from tightly stacked logs and build huts. In ancient times they did not know how to make stoves and chimneys, but they built hearths among the dwellings, where they lit a fire, and the smoke escaped into a hole in the roof or wall. Benches, tables and all household utensils were made of wood.

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Bad weather and frost forced our ancestors, who came from the south, to think about warm clothes. Where there is need, there is help: the forests were full of fur-bearing animals. You just need to get creative, but you could get fur. A person cannot keep up with a fast animal - a fox or a hare, nor can he defeat a strong bear. Yes, man is cunning, he is smarter than the beast, - he came up with a tight bow and sharp arrows. A quick arrow will catch both a hare in the field and a bird in the sky. The forest hero is a strong bear, and even a man can handle him if he has a spear or a spear in his hands and a heavy ax or ax in reserve.

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Clothes for cold winters were made from animal skins. They usually put bast shoes on their feet, and later they learned to make leather shoes. And in the summer, when it was warm, men wore only shirts and pants. If they had to fight in hot weather, they would take off their shirts and fight half-naked. Instead of a shirt, a piece of coarse fabric like a cloak was often thrown over the shoulders. Women's clothing - longer shirts and the same raincoats as men's.

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The ancient Slavs were engaged in agriculture. Millet and buckwheat were cultivated from grain plants. Flax and hemp were grown. In addition to farming, the ancient Slavs also raised livestock - sheep, cows and pigs, hunted various animals, and fished. A very important economic activity was beekeeping - collecting honey from wild bees.

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The language of the Eastern Slavs - the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians - was uniform for a long time (until the 13th century). But under the influence of external and internal factors it has changed. Already in the Old Russian language there were tens of thousands of words, but no more than two thousand go back to the ancient, common Slavic language. New words were either formed from common Slavic ones, or were a reinterpretation of old ones, or were borrowed.

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The first centuries of the existence of Kievan Rus were a time of constant struggle between the Russian people and the nomads who attacked them. At first it was the Khazars, and from the middle of the 11th century, all of southern Rus' began to be threatened by a new enemy - the Polovtsians. That is why the princes who ruled in Kyiv were forced to set up outposts on the distant approaches to the city - small fortifications in which groups of warriors served. They were supposed to observe everything that was happening on the borders of the Russian state, and when enemy troops appeared, send a messenger to the city calling for a squad.