Research work of students. Basics of research work at a university Scientific research work of students definition

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Types and forms of student research work



Student research work: types and goals

The main way of presenting educational material was and remains information. The teacher, through lectures, interviews and other usual methods, conveys to the students the knowledge he has acquired, and the students memorize it. This method would have been ideal at the beginning of the century, but today, when science is developing very quickly, the knowledge acquired in this way is of little value, since it quickly loses its relevance. It should be noted that we are talking primarily about social sciences, such as political economy and economic theory, although in the exact sciences knowledge even a year ago may turn out to be outdated. Nowadays, established dogmas often become just a funny curiosity of the distant past, and the main thing is not so much the memorization of a huge array of information in order to use it later for the rest of your life, but the ability to work with this array, select the necessary knowledge from it, be able to group and generalize it. Therefore, for a long time, most teachers have been inclined to think that their goal is not to force students to memorize a lecture, and then tell it in a practical lesson or exam and use it when working in their specialty, but to teach them how to learn, so that throughout their lives they update their own stock of knowledge .

But the problem is that many students, for a variety of reasons (from simple laziness to mental disorders), cannot approach the educational process creatively. And a situation may happen that a few students will study additional literature, work with documents and sources, and the majority will continue to study the old way. If you focus on the bulk, then the most active students can gradually stop their research and join the majority. This complex problem can be easily resolved by organizing a scientific club on the chosen subject. The teacher solves two problems: he gives gifted students the opportunity to express themselves, since the circle does not limit its members in choosing a research topic, and on the other hand, he is not afraid to pay more attention to the bulk of the students, which in turn can highlight new talents in the team, who will also become members of the scientific circle. Ideally, with great desire and experience on the part of the teacher, almost the entire group can become members of the circle.

Political economy and economic theory open up limitless scope for young researchers. Economics is so closely intertwined with all aspects of life that it is possible to find a topic for work for every student, no matter what field of knowledge their interests lie in. If these are exact sciences, then he will most likely be interested in mathematical modeling of economic processes; a history student will be interested in the evolution of economic doctrines and concepts, as well as their practical application in different periods of history; even a veterinary student might be interested in developing a business plan for a private veterinary hospital. And if we remember such interesting topics as the study and analysis of banking activities, forecasting the results of government decisions, the functioning of the stock market, which has been developing very actively lately, then, in my opinion, it is difficult to find a student who would not be interested in these issues and attended club or laboratory meetings at least once.

The above applies to student scientific work on issues of economic theory and political economy in universities, where this subject is not a major. Economics students can study much more complex problems. In the list of possible research topics, in addition to “interesting” questions, you can also include those that are less exciting at first glance, but whose results can be applied in practice. These are questions about pricing in resource markets, government policy of protectionism, taxation in a transition economy, the theory of consumer behavior, expenditure and revenue items of the state budget, agriculture and new property relations, and so on. The list can be continued indefinitely, because every new day brings a lot of new tasks that require solutions both from the state and from each citizen in particular. Thus, starting with the particular problem of intensifying the educational process at a university, we came to the global issue of training a new generation of people who can think independently, make non-standard decisions in non-standard situations, be responsible for their actions - everything that is necessary in a democratic system, to the construction of which we are slowly but approaching. Scientific work from an early age will help raise truly intelligent and educated people, and the important advantage of these qualities is that there can never be too many people possessing them.

student scientific research group

Types and forms of student research work

There are and are used two main types of student research work (SRW).

While completing coursework, the student takes the first steps towards independent scientific creativity. He learns to work with scientific literature (if necessary, then with foreign literature), acquires the skills of critical selection and analysis of the necessary information. If in the first year the requirements for course work are minimal, and writing it does not present much difficulty for the student, then the very next year the requirements increase noticeably, and writing the work turns into a truly creative process. Thus, by increasing the requirements for coursework every year, the university contributes to the development of the student as a researcher, doing this almost imperceptibly and unobtrusively for him.

Completing a thesis is aimed at further developing the student’s creative and cognitive abilities, and as the final stage of a student’s education at a university, it is aimed at consolidating and expanding theoretical knowledge and in-depth study of the chosen topic. In senior years, many students already work in their specialty, and when choosing a topic for course work, this is most often taken into account. In this case, in addition to the analysis of the literature, one’s own practical experience on this issue can be included in the thesis, which only increases the scientific value of the work.

Research work provided for by the current curriculum also includes writing abstracts on the topics of practical classes. At the same time, it should be said that most often the abstract is either a rewritten article, or, even worse, a summary of a chapter of a textbook. Calling this a scientific work can be done with great doubt. But some abstracts, written on the basis of several dozen articles and sources, can rightfully be called scientific works and their inclusion in the list of types of research work is quite justified.

As mentioned above, this form of research work is the most effective for developing research and scientific abilities in students. This is easy to explain: if a student, using his free time, is ready to study the issues of any discipline, then one of the main problems of the teacher is eliminated, namely, the student’s motivation to study. The student is already so developed that you can work with him not as a student, but as a junior colleague. That is, the student turns from a vessel that should be filled with information into a source of the latter. He follows the latest literature, tries to keep abreast of changes taking place in his chosen science, and most importantly, the process of understanding science does not stop outside the university and preparation for practical classes and exams. Even during rest, the process of self-improvement does not stop in the depths of consciousness. The famous Lenin quote is being implemented: “firstly, to study, secondly, to study, and thirdly, to study and then make sure that science does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase in our country... so that science really enters the flesh and blood turned into an integral element of everyday life in a completely and real way.”

The main forms of research work carried out extracurricularly are:

* Subject clubs;

* Problem circles;

* Problem student laboratories;

* Participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences;

* participation in intra-university and republican competitions.

* Participation in the implementation of state budget and contractual topics of the departments.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of the above forms.

Subject circles.

This form of research work is most often used when working with junior students. The heads are general scientific and general theoretical departments. The scientific circle is the very first step in research work, and the goals set for its participants are simple. Most often, this is the preparation of reports and abstracts, which are then heard at club meetings or at a scientific conference. A circle can unite members of a group, course, faculty, and sometimes the entire institute. The latter option is most often found in circles studying problems of the social sciences and humanities, since in technical and natural science circles, the scientific research of a fifth-year student will most likely be difficult to understand for first-year students, and they may lose interest in the circle as such.

The work of circles, as a rule, looks like this:

At the organizational meeting, held around October, the topics of reports and abstracts are distributed by choice, after which the teacher indicates the availability of basic and additional literature for each topic and recommends thinking over a work plan in the near future. Some teachers believe that selective distribution of papers is not necessary, since the student concentrates on one topic without paying much attention to others. On the one hand, forced distribution of topics can eliminate such “obsession”, but, on the other hand, such an approach may not find support among the students themselves. Let's imagine a freshman who came to a circle meeting for the first time, where, as he believes, he should be treated almost as an equal, and suddenly he gets to work on a topic that interests him very little, but a topic that he wanted to develop in his work, went to someone else. Of course, the student will be offended, and his presence at other meetings of the circle will be called into question.

Thus, the distribution of topics should be exclusively elective, especially since by the beginning of studying at a university a person is already developed enough to have his own interests and passions.

After the distribution of topics, the main and main work of the circle begins. At first, the main role belongs to its leader. It is his experience, talent and patience that determine whether the initial fervor of young researchers will be replaced by thoughtful work, or whether everything will remain in its infancy. It is necessary to observe each student and try to predict the problems that may arise during their work. It may happen that a young person is embarrassed to ask a question, considering himself old enough to solve it on his own, and then, without arriving at an answer, he abandons the research altogether, deciding on his own scientific inconsistency. Such psychological problems often arise for junior students. The reason is the prevailing stereotype that a student is already a fully formed person and must solve his own problems. In fact, the thinking of junior students still bears a large imprint of school and, frankly speaking, simply childish. Therefore, the conflict between the “adult” model of behavior and youthful thinking can undo the efforts of the most talented, but insufficiently sensitive teacher. Therefore, it would not be amiss to give students two or three lectures about the methods and methods of scientific research, about collecting material, about working on literature, about using scientific apparatus, and also introduce students to the scientific directions of the department’s teachers, so that students know who to turn to for more detailed advice on some issues.

If the initial period of the circle’s work was successful, and most of the topics were accepted for work, then a schedule of presentations is drawn up, and the hearing of finished reports begins. As a rule, at one meeting of the circle no more than two speeches are heard, since only in this case it is possible to discuss each report in detail, ask questions and receive detailed answers to them. In addition, a large number of reports are difficult to understand, and the activity and interest of circle members may decrease.

Forms of summing up the work of the circle can be a competition of reports, participation in scientific conferences and subject olympiads, holding round tables, meetings with scientists, as well as publication of abstracts of the best works in scientific collections of universities.

Problem circles.

Everything that has been said about scientific circles can also be considered problematic, but some differences should be taken into account.

* A problem group can unite students from different faculties and courses, as well as, if the university has them, colleges and lyceums. The problem that the scientific director of the circle is dealing with, or any other of his choice, can be put at the forefront. The great advantage of this form of research work is the opportunity to consider the chosen topic in the most depth and from different angles. So, for example, the topic “Unemployment in Russia” can be considered from the economic (the impact of unemployment on GNP, government policy regarding unemployment, etc.), social (social composition of the unemployed, social consequences of unemployment, etc.), cultural ( unemployment and culture, folklore about unemployment, etc.), and even literary (unemployment in the works of Russian writers) points of view. This gives the circle meetings greater versatility and attracts new members to it. In addition, and importantly, it helps to strengthen connections between students of different ages and specialties, and maintains a sense of a single team.

* Problem circles are a “lightweight” form of research work, and therefore, on their basis, it is possible to organize meetings with people who face problems chosen by the circle for consideration, at work and at home, and to conduct various quizzes and KVN.

* A problem group can combine elements of a scientific group, laboratory, etc.

Problem student laboratories (PSL).

PST belong to the next level of complexity of research work. Second-year students and older take part in them. The laboratory is not a school of scientific work; classes in it require a certain amount of knowledge and skills. Within the framework of PST, various types of modeling, study and analysis of real documents, programs, business games, as well as practical assistance to enterprises are carried out. Working in such a laboratory involves not so much studying and analyzing literature, but rather setting up an experiment, creating something new. PSTs will most likely not be as numerous as scientific and problem groups. Student screening occurs when even more capable ones are selected from among the capable.

Another difference between PST and a circle is the greater importance of the student’s ability to work together. If in a circle each student is, as a rule, responsible only for himself, then in the PST, where the research topics are much more global, it is almost impossible to get by with independent work alone. The laboratory director should help students divide the topic into separate questions, the solution of which will lead to a solution to the main problem. It is important to pay attention to the interests of each student, to his inclinations and capabilities. The experience of teamwork does not come immediately, and resolving disputes and conflicts that arise during the work process also largely lies on the shoulders of the teacher.

Thus, work at PST is the next important step towards full-fledged research work and valuable experience for further scientific and practical activities.

Participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

Each of the above types of competition is the result of the work done: scientific research, work in the laboratory, practice in the specialty.

At the conference, young researchers have the opportunity to present their work to a wide audience. This forces students to more carefully study their future speech and sharpens their oratorical abilities. In addition, everyone can compare how their work looks on a general level and draw appropriate conclusions. This is a very useful result of a scientific conference, since at an early stage many students consider their own judgments to be infallible, and their work to be the most profound and most valuable in scientific terms. Often even the teacher’s comments are perceived as simple nit-picking. But listening to the reports of other students, everyone cannot help but notice the shortcomings of their work, if any, and also highlight their strengths.

In addition, if a creative discussion of the reports heard is held within the framework of the conference, then from the questions and speeches each speaker can draw original ideas, the development of which he did not even think about within the framework of his chosen topic. A peculiar mechanism is activated when one thought gives rise to several new ones.

Scientific and practical conferences, already based on the name itself, include not only and not so much theoretical scientific reports, but rather a discussion of ways to solve practical problems. Very often they are held outside the walls of the university, but on the territory of a plant, factory, collective farm, farm, or governing body with which the university maintains relations. For example, a scientific-practical conference can be held based on the results of students’ summer internship, when the latter, having encountered certain problems, can, with the help of enterprise employees and teachers, try to find ways to solve them. Such conferences contribute to the establishment of close friendly ties between the university and enterprises, and also help students learn to apply the studied theory in practice. A distinctive feature of the scientific and practical conference is the complexity of its well-coordinated organization, so that participation in it would be equally useful and interesting for both students and employees of the enterprise. Developing and holding such a conference requires a lot of attention and patience from the organizers and participants.


Scientific research work of students is an important factor in the preparation of a young specialist and scientist. Everyone wins: the student himself acquires skills that will be useful to him throughout his life, no matter in what sectors of the national economy he works: independent judgment, the ability to concentrate, constantly enrich his own stock of knowledge, have a multifaceted view of emerging problems, simply be able to purposefully and thoughtfully work.

Society receives a worthy member who, possessing the above qualities, will be able to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him.

Every university teacher should pay no less attention to research work than to classroom teaching, despite the fact that it takes a lot of time and effort. After all, the greatest reward for him is a truly educated, comprehensively developed and grateful person who will always remember the lessons learned in his youth.

The goals and objectives set in the introduction, in my opinion, have been studied and solved. All known types of research work are considered, and the problem of improving the latter is solved by organizing continuous work, when a student, climbing the ladder of knowledge, not only learns to work effectively and fruitfully, while spending a lot of free time and effort, but also receives a lot from the climbing process pleasure, because the knowledge he acquires will help him both in work and study, and in his personal life, and will give him the opportunity to live without knowing the word “boredom.”

List of used literature

Activation of independent work of students in political economy / Team of authors, 2004;

Current issues in teaching the political economy of socialism / Team of authors, 2008;

Issues of teaching political economy in the system of higher correspondence and evening education / Team of authors // Moscow, “Higher School”, 2008;

Makarenko A. S. “Pedagogical poem”, Moscow, 2008;

Problems of methods of teaching political economy / Team of authors // Prospekt Publishing House, 2007;

Independent work of students at a university / Team of authors // 2002;

Abstracts of the report and speeches at the interuniversity scientific and methodological conference on social sciences.

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The article substantiates the importance of students' research activities in the process of their professional training in the higher education system, which today is a multi-level process and provides for the formation of a multifaceted intellectual personality with a high social and professional culture. Mastery of research methods is a mandatory structural part of the model of a higher education specialist. The authors present the results of a study conducted at Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov among students, undergraduates and teachers in order to identify the current state of student research work (SRW), their involvement in such types of SRW as participation in conferences and writing articles (thesis), work on a grant, obtaining a patent for an invention, registration of software products, etc. The sociological survey was conducted in December 2016. The method of collecting information was a questionnaire survey. 400 students from the first to sixth years of MSTU took part in the survey. The presented research results reflect the degree and nature of participation of students and teachers in research work; organizational problems and difficulties. The article also substantiates the impact that the participation of teachers themselves in this type of activity has on the activity of students and undergraduates in research work.

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The relevance of this study is determined by the transformations in the system of higher professional education. Today, the first place in the content of higher education is the question of the multifaceted development of the individual and professional himself. The transition to a competency-based approach and the inclusion of multi-level higher education programs provide an opportunity to abandon the classical cognitive model of learning, when students mainly form and develop a readiness for reproductive activity. The formation of professional competence of future specialists is determined by the severity of social, cultural and economic problems emerging in the world. Modern higher education is aimed at finding acceptable ways to prepare professionally competent specialists, with a new way of thinking, possessing comprehensive knowledge, ready to independently solve professional problems, and professionally agile. In the conditions of our country, the implementation of the competency-based approach becomes a factor in preserving a single educational, professional, cultural and value space, a factor in merging with the global educational space.

Currently, the training of qualified specialists who are able to effectively solve the problems of developing not only professional activities, but also science is possible only with a close relationship between the educational process and research activities. Aiming the process of personnel training in higher education towards the formation of professional competence in a system of value orientations presupposes decisively new approaches to the research activities of students at a university. Research activities become a tool of professional communication, and motivation to study a future specialty increases.

High-quality training of future specialists for research activities is reflected in federal state educational standards and is a mandatory basic part of the model of a specialist in higher professional education. Research activity at the university is an important part of personnel training, representing a multi-level process in the system of lifelong education, is formed on an interdisciplinary basis and provides for the formation of a multifaceted intellectual personality with a high social and professional culture.

An integral part of today's higher education is student participation in scientific work. S.I. Hessen argued: “Mastery of the method of scientific research - this last goal of scientific education - can only be achieved by involving the student in independent research work. A higher scientific school should therefore be, first of all, a center of scientific research, a teacher - an active researcher, a student - a participant in scientific work, a place of study - an audience, a laboratory - a place where new scientific truths are discovered. Higher scientific school is a place where teaching and research come together." Thus, in a university, teaching and research must be inextricably linked with each other.

Within the framework of our research, we are talking about research activities, understanding the scientific training of university students at the present stage, about the development of the concept of teaching educational humanitarian and technical disciplines in the system of higher professional education, about the hierarchy of competencies that make up professional competence.

We conducted a sociological study to identify the involvement of participants in the educational process in research in December 2016 - January 2017 on the basis of Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov (hereinafter - MSTU). The method of collecting information was a questionnaire survey. The survey involved 400 1st-6th year students of MSTU named after G.I. Nosov, as well as 395 1st and 2nd year undergraduates at MSTU.

The formation of the sample population occurred in several stages. The population was divided into strata according to disproportionate selection (based on the percentage of strata in the population). The strata were formed based on the characteristics “course” and “institute/faculty”.

At the first stage of selection, student groups were randomly selected in each stratum, in which a complete survey of respondents took place. The sample structure is as follows: a) gender: male - 44.6%, female - 55.4%; b) institute/faculty: Institute of Mining and Transport - 14.5%; Institute of Energy and Automated Systems - 18.0%; Institute of Construction, Architecture and Art - 11.8%; Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing - 13.8%; Institute of Natural Science and Standardization - 12.0%; Institute of Humanitarian Education - 20.3%; Institute of Economics and Management - 7.3%; Faculty of Physical Education and Sportsmanship - 2.5%; c) course of study: first - 25.0%, second - 24.5%, third - 21.5%, fourth - 22.3%, fifth - 5.5%; sixth - 1.3%.

The subject of the study was the attitude of students towards research work at MSTU. In general, the study showed a low degree of student activity in research activities; the majority of respondents do not take part in it. However, it should be noted that students of the Institute of Humanitarian Education more often than the general population take part in intra-university and regional conferences, as well as in the publication of articles. More often, respondents give an average assessment of the activity of teachers of their department in attracting students to participate in scientific activities - 42.8%. Students of the Institute of Humanitarian Education more often than the general population highly rate the activity of teachers in this direction (13.2% more often). The main types of research activities in which teachers involve students, according to the data obtained, are writing and publishing articles, as well as conferences (figure). The number of students who indicated that they would like to engage in research activities at MSTU is, according to the survey, 39.5% of respondents. It should be noted that among the students who indicated an interest in scientific activity, 36.7% did not indicate which area of ​​scientific activity they would like to pursue. This figure is 14.5% of all respondents. Thus, the number of students who would like to be involved in research work is 25.0% of respondents.

Types of research activities in which teachers involve students, % of respondents

Let us separately consider the attitude of undergraduates to research work. The main form of participation of undergraduates in research activities, just like that of students, is participation in intra-university conferences and publication of articles. Master's students of the Institute of Energy and Automated Systems (direction "automated systems") more often than in the whole array, take part in the implementation of contractual and scientific research work (23.7% more often: the share of participants in contractual work, research among master's students of this institute is 46.5%). Master's students of the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing (direction "metallurgy") more often than the university as a whole take part in obtaining a patent for an invention, utility model (9.9% more often: the share of those participating in obtaining a patent among master's students of this institute is 15 .0%).

More often, respondents highly appreciate the activity of teachers of their department in attracting undergraduates to participate in scientific activities (for example, participating in intra-university conferences and writing articles) - 51.9%. The number of master's students who indicated that they would like to engage in research activities at MSTU is, according to the survey, 61.8% of respondents. It should be noted that among master’s students who indicated an interest in scientific activity, 25.8% did not indicate which area of ​​scientific activity they would like to pursue. This figure is 16.0% of all respondents. Thus, the number of undergraduates who would like to be involved in research work is 45.8% of respondents.

University teachers are also participants in research work; let’s also consider the attitude of MSTU teachers to research work. The study was conducted by collecting information - a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was posted on the corporate portal of MSTU named after G.I. Nosova. 135 teachers took part in the survey. Sample structure: gender: male - 31.9%, female - 68.1%; age: under 30 years old - about 8%, 30 - 40 years old - 28.9%, 40 - 50 years old - 42.2%, 50 - 60 years old - 18.0%, over 60 years old - 3.1%; scientific degree: Doctor of Science - 11.1%, Candidate of Science - 75.6%, no scientific degree - 13.3%; position: assistant - 4.4%, senior lecturer - 10.4%, associate professor - 67.4%, professor - 7.4%, head of department - 4.4%, director of the institute, dean - 0.7%, other - 5.2%. The subject of the study was the attitude of teachers towards research work at MSTU. In the structure of teachers' answers to the question about the state of scientific activity at MSTU, negative answers predominate - more than 45.0% of respondents noted that science at MSTU is in a state of stagnation, in crisis or in decline. About 37.0% of respondents indicated that science at MSTU is developing well or is on the rise.

The majority of teachers, according to the survey, did not take part in such types of research work as contractual work, research work, work under a grant (government contract), obtaining a patent for an invention, and registering software products (Table 1). This, first of all, may explain the lack of participation of teachers in attracting students to participate in these types of scientific activities. An analysis of attracting students to participate in scientific activities depending on the fact of teachers’ participation in it allowed us to identify a relationship according to which the fact of teachers’ participation in research activities has a direct impact on the participation of teachers in attracting students to this activity.

Table 1

Participation of MSTU teachers in research activities, % of respondents

Types of research activities

Took part

Did not take part

Contractual work, research (scientific management)

Contractual work, research (as a performer)

Work under a grant (government contract) (scientific guidance)

Work under a grant (government contract) (as a contractor)

Submitting applications for participation in grants,

projects, competitions

Obtaining a patent for an invention,

utility model

Registration of software products

Most of the teachers who took part in such types of research activities as filing applications for participation in grants, competitions, participating in contractual work, research work as a supervisor, also tried to attract students to participate in these types of work.

At the same time, the analysis of the data obtained showed that the majority of teachers who themselves participated in such types of scientific activities as working on a grant as a scientific supervisor, obtaining a patent for an invention, registering software products, did not involve students in participating in these types of activities. This fact means that there are other reasons for students’ non-participation in these types of scientific activities, except for the fact that teachers themselves do not participate in them.

MSTU teachers generally believe that it is necessary to attract students to participate in research activities - 83.0% of respondents think so. At the same time, the majority of teachers believe that the main form of student participation in science should be participation in conferences and writing articles (63.0%). This may be the reason why faculty involved in many research projects do not involve students in their participation. The number of teachers who are convinced that the scientific potential of students is not high enough is about 36.0%.

Of interest is the influence of other variables on teachers’ involvement of students in participation in such a form of scientific activity as grant work. Thus, the most powerful influence is exerted by the fact that teachers themselves participate in this form of research activity. Also influenced by such factors as the conviction of teachers that the main form of student participation in science should be participation in conferences and writing articles.

Since the conviction of teachers that the main form of student participation in science should be writing articles and participating in conferences negatively affects their activity in the process of attracting students to participate in such a form of scientific activity, such as, for example, work on a grant, it was necessary analyze what factors influence the current opinion of teachers about the main form of necessary work for students in science (Table 2).

table 2

Attitude of teachers towards student participation in scientific activities, % of respondents

I completely agree


I find it difficult to answer

Probably not


Absolutely not


It is necessary to involve students in participation in all research projects at MSTU.

The main form of student participation in science should be participation in conferences and (or) writing articles/thesis.

Student participation in serious research projects takes up additional time from researchers.

The participation of students in serious research projects does not make sense due to the lack of serious scientific contribution on their part.

The researcher is not obliged to share his scientific developments with other persons, including students.

Most students are not capable of engaging in research activities.

According to the results of the analysis, the conviction of teachers that the main form of student participation in science should be participation in conferences and writing articles is influenced by the following positions of teachers: 1) student participation in serious research projects takes up additional time from researchers; 2) participation of students in serious research projects does not make sense due to the lack of serious scientific contribution on their part. Moreover, both of these positions have a mutual influence on each other. They are also influenced by factors such as the belief of teachers in the low scientific potential of students and the belief of teachers that a researcher should not share his scientific developments with others, including students.

We examined the reasons for the low activity of teachers in the field of scientific activity. The majority of respondents during the survey indicated that they had an internal desire to engage in scientific activity, but this did not mean working on a dissertation - 67.4%. In general, teachers highly rate the level of their abilities to engage in scientific activities - 72.6%. Among the factors that negatively affect the development of research activities of teachers themselves, it should be noted the volume of classroom workload (77.0%), the size of salaries (65.9%), lack of funding for work in the direction of interest to teachers (38.5%). ), uncertainty about further work at MSTU (36.3%), technical availability of the university for research activities (29.6%).

The technical availability of a university is an obstacle to the development of research activities, according to about 1/3 of the surveyed teachers. It should be noted that teachers whose research interest is in the technical field more often indicate the technical availability of the university as an obstacle to the development of science (among this category of teachers, this factor was chosen by half of the respondents).

Assessing the teachers’ answers from the point of view of various parameters of the university’s technical support, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Teachers have ambivalent assessments of the university's availability of laboratories or testing sites: the structure of answers is dominated by average ratings, the number of negative ratings is slightly less;

Parameters such as the availability of special instruments for experiments, testing, and computer equipment are more often assessed negatively;

Information support for scientific work, as well as access to industry-specific and specialized databases, is more often assessed by teachers as satisfactory.

Analysis of empirical data obtained as a result of the study made it possible to identify the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, motivations for engaging in research activities, and to obtain general knowledge about the forms and methods of participation of surveyed students and teachers in research work and their internal attitude to the problems of research work at the university.

The results of the study made it possible to reveal the main characteristics of the organization of students' research work, such as the specificity of the organization of students' research work; the degree and nature of participation of students and teachers in research work, common forms and nature of students’ scientific work at the university; organizational problems and difficulties. In the course of the study, we see that recently the state of research work in educational organizations of higher education is not organized in the best way. Most of the student body has withdrawn from active participation in research work - this is due to low financial support in universities, lack of sources for the development of material and technical equipment and stimulation of students. However, the key task of any university today is to effectively involve students in science, provide financial assistance for conducting fundamental and applied research with the participation of students, carry out contractual work, as well as equip laboratories with modern equipment - and our university is no exception.

Thus, the study touched upon many aspects of the organization of students’ scientific activities, which is due to the complexity and diversity of social factors in students’ research activities at the university. It is worth paying attention to strengthening and conducting holistic and unified research work with students both at the department level and at the university level as a whole.

Bibliographic link

Mametyeva O.S., Suprun N.G., Khalikova D.A. RESEARCH WORK OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: PERFORMANCE AND PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2018. – No. 1.;
URL: (access date: 10/17/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The successful development of any science and the implementation of its results in production depends, first of all, on the knowledge, skills, and moral qualities of specialists graduated from universities.

Therefore, student research work (SRW) is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists with higher education who are able to creatively apply the latest achievements of scientific, technical and cultural progress in practical activities.

Students' research work pursues the following goals:

Expand and deepen students’ knowledge in the field of theoretical foundations of the disciplines studied, obtain and develop certain practical skills in independent research activities;

Conduct scientific research to solve current problems put forward by science and practice;

Develop the skills to competently present the results of your own scientific research and the ability to defend and justify the results obtained with arguments;

To instill the skills of computer users when conducting scientific research and processing the results obtained;

Widely introduce new information technologies during research work, provide information and software support for research and support the results obtained;

To form a systematic methodology for cognition of various objects, principles and methods of their research;

The concept of “student research work” includes two elements: 1) teaching students the elements of research work, instilling in them the skills of this work; 2) actual scientific research conducted by students under the guidance of professors and teachers. Research work is a continuation and deepening of the educational process, one of the important and effective means of improving the quality of training of undergraduates.

The main tasks of students’ scientific work:

a) development of creative and analytical thinking, expansion of scientific horizons;

b) instilling sustainable skills in independent research work;

c) improving the quality of mastering the disciplines studied;

d) developing the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and modern methods of scientific research in legal practice.

Along with many tasks of higher education at the present stage of its development in the professional training of students, one of the leading ones is the development of student research work (SRW) as the most effective form of training highly qualified specialists.

Research work promotes the development of scientific horizons, individual abilities, research skills, scientific intuition, a creative approach to the perception of knowledge for their implementation in the practice of their future work, which is the main goal of students' research work.

Currently, the university's research work is a comprehensive, purposeful and methodologically sound system. Existing forms in the research and development work system provide each student with the opportunity to master a complex of various types of creative activities during the period of study at a university, which will allow future specialists to introduce an element of a scientific approach into their work, developing a desire to constantly replenish and improve knowledge to improve their professional activities.

The research work of students of the specialty “Physical Education and Sports” faces the following main tasks:

In-depth and creative mastery of educational material;

Instilling skills in independent scientific research;

Developing a creative approach to solving scientific and technical problems facing the research;

Training in skills to work in scientific teams;

Promoting the successful solution of current problems of physical culture and sports;

Practical application of acquired knowledge;

Involving students in solving scientific problems that have direct implications for the practice of physical education movement;

Education of reserve scientists, teachers, etc. within the walls of the university .

Research work is a continuation and deepening of the educational process and is organized directly at the departments of the institute. The scientific work of students is included in the general work plan of the department and the university. It is organized in various forms in two directions:

    Educational and research work of students (UIRS), included in the educational process;

    Student research work (SRW), carried out during extracurricular time.

primary goal Research work in the educational process consists of the practical consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledge, the formation of their creative thinking and cognitive activity, the acquisition of skills in independent scientific research, experiments, and so on. Research work involves: performing various tasks, laboratory, course and diploma works that contain elements of scientific research; tasks of a scientific research nature during teaching, organizational and coaching practice, studying the course “Fundamentals of Research in a Selected Specialization”, including the study of the theoretical foundations of the methodology for organizing and performing scientific research, a scientific experiment, processing the obtained scientific data; participation in scientific and research seminars, conferences of departments.

UIRS covers all students, involving them in research work, and is mandatory.

UIRS significantly accelerates the involvement of all students in research activities, makes a transition from mastering the skills of research work in junior courses to directly conducting real scientific experiments and research by senior students.

During their studies at the institute, students go through several stages of creative training. At the first initial stage, in the first and second years, the acquisition of skills and abilities of research work, provided for by the curriculum, takes place. General scientific training is carried out here: introducing research elements into the learning process when performing practical and laboratory work, writing abstracts in preparation for seminar classes. For example, compiling abstracts of scientific literature teaches you to analyze, evaluate and highlight the main thing in the literature being studied; seminar classes effectively contribute to increasing the student’s scientific erudition; By participating in them, students learn to debate, defend their views with reason, develop the ability to choose problematic scientific topics, and navigate special scientific literature.

The departments organize and conduct various events for junior students to familiarize them with the specifics of their work, departmental scientific and student conferences, olympiads, introduce them to their staff, arranging meetings with leading teachers - associate professors, professors. This arouses creative interest in further research work

At the next stage, the scientific work of senior students (3 and 4) completes the formation of student researchers. Here, personal interest plays a big role in the success of research work.

In universities, the curriculum compulsorily provides for the study of disciplines, where students become familiar with research methods and current problems of physical culture and sports.

One of the special forms of organizing student scientific activity in the educational process is coursework and diploma work, during the implementation of which there is a significant intensification of student activity.

Coursework is a scientific research in which a transition is made from simple research methods to more complex ones. This is the basis for further in-depth research, which can be transformed into a thesis.

The thesis is an independent scientific development, including all the knowledge acquired during the work of students in various forms of research work. It is an independent study.

The main goal of these works is to increase the level of special theoretical training of students in their chosen sport, as well as to gain an understanding of the basic methods and techniques of research. In the process of preparing coursework and dissertations, students are required to master the following skills and abilities of conducting scientific research: independently set research tasks, analyze literary sources, methodically correctly set up an experiment, use methods of scientific research, mathematical statistics when processing research results and obtaining reliable results, independently analyze results research, summarize them and formulate conclusions, make practical recommendations.

A student’s thesis work, as well as coursework, reflects the level of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during classes at the institute. These works demonstrate individual abilities and skills in the practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge. They can be both individual and collective.

The topics of these works are usually related to the main scientific directions of the department. Student participation in departmental scientific research is one of the most effective traditional forms of UIRS.

The management of all research work in universities is carried out by the teaching staff of sports and pedagogical departments. Teachers from the departments of theoretical and medical-biological cycles may also be involved. The time required for the management of research work is taken into account in the individual plans of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments within the time planned for educational, methodological and scientific work.

In some cases, when coursework and theses are carried out in collaboration with the departments of theoretical and medical-biological cycles, two supervisors are approved by the faculty council. Such cooperation strengthens interdepartmental, interfaculty scientific ties. This creates conditions for constant interaction and mutual enrichment of various sciences and specialties, determines the depth and fundamental nature of scientific research, and creates a creative atmosphere.

A characteristic feature of the research work system is the organic unity of the forms of students’ research work (curricular and extracurricular) during their studies at the university.

In addition to research work, extracurricular forms of scientific work are being developed and improved in the educational process, which makes it possible not to be limited only to educational tasks, but to expand the active scope of students’ active work.

Research work of students, carried out outside the framework of the educational process, is carried out in the form of work in student scientific circles (SSC), student scientific society (SSC), translation agency, abstract or student bibliographic bureau, participation in the performance of work on economic contractual topics and work on agreements on creative collaboration carried out by departments, participation in scientific work according to individual plans of the institute's teaching staff, lecturing and propaganda work to disseminate knowledge, achievements in the field of sports science, preparation of collections of scientific works of students, study at the research faculty.

This is how students are involved in research work, which allows them to combine student scientific creativity and the main directions of scientific research at the institute and department.

Research work carried out outside of school hours is the most important stage in the formation of creative, comprehensively developed specialists.

The main form of organizing such work, which solves certain educational problems, is circle work in departments

Student scientific circles (SSC) solve the most important tasks in the creative development of students: they contribute to their mastering of methods and techniques of scientific research work carried out independently, the development of students’ cognitive inclinations; provide practical training to students for independent work with specialized literature; create conditions for acquiring and consolidating skills in conducting the experimental part of the problem being developed and deepening theoretical knowledge; contribute to the selection of the most capable, proactive, research-prone students, from whom the university’s master’s program is subsequently formed.

It should be noted the important role of organizational and mass events in promoting the success of students’ scientific activities. These include student scientific conferences, the republican scientific conference of students, competitions of students' scientific works, competitions for the best SNK, subject Olympiads for students of the institute, various review competitions for the best organization of research work in groups, at faculties, review competitions of diploma and term papers and results pedagogical practices at various levels (departmental, university, inter-republican, industry), exhibitions, a republican competition for the best scientific and student work in the natural, technical and human sciences, various scientific, methodological and other public events, the procedure for which is determined by the relevant provisions.

Students who have achieved certain success in research work and organization of research work are awarded with certificates, honorary diplomas of research work activists and may, according to the regulations, also be awarded cash prizes, out-of-town excursions, etc.

Those students who successfully combine university studies and research can be recommended for personal scholarships. Those who have demonstrated great ability for research and achieved certain successes are given a recommendation for admission to the master's program. At the same time, they can present research works awarded with diplomas and medals at republican competitions. Such incentives stimulate morally and financially, which contributes to the activation of research work in the country's universities.

An analysis of the work of research work in universities showed that the development of student science is influenced by the following factors: the presence of highly qualified scientific and teaching staff who actively conduct scientific research and manage research work, the level and volume of research conducted by departments and other departments; maintaining scientific connections with sports teams, with youth sports schools, that is, with other sports and scientific organizations and institutions, with access to the practice of physical education movement.

NIRS in any form (educational and research or scientific research) forms the basis for the professional training of a future teacher-coach in the sport.

Thus, the research work of students currently represents a coherent and methodologically sound system for increasing the level of training and education of specialists. Research work reflects the unity of various forms of scientific work of students, the creative development of each student, the acquired skills of creative application in the practice of physical culture and sports of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Educational and research work of students (UIRS and NIRS) in universities is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists capable of creatively solving the problems of modern science and practice, and foreseeing the prospects for their development. A future specialist can acquire these qualities only through an organic combination of teaching and research activities. Students' scientific work should not be an addition to the educational process, but its organic component.

The main tasks of UIRS and NIRS are:

1. Assisting students in mastering a profession;

2. Development of creative thinking and initiative in solving practical problems;

3. Development in students of a penchant for research activities, the desire to find non-standard solutions to professional problems;

4. Expanding theoretical horizons and scientific erudition;

5. Mastery of methods of scientific knowledge, in-depth and creative mastery of educational material;

6. Formation of research skills, mastering methods and means for solving scientific and practical problems and mastering the skills of working in creative teams, familiarization with methods of organizing their work;

7. Formation of skills in working with scientific literature;

8. Selection and education of researchers and teachers from among the most gifted students;

9. Popularization of scientific knowledge and achievements among students and teachers.

Organization of independent educational and research work of students

The main basis for organizing and conducting research work is the teaching potential of the department in collaboration with the student scientific society of the university. In all cases, student scientific work is organically linked with the main scientific research of the university faculty and is an important indicator of the work of the departments.

The nature of students' scientific work is determined by the topic of scientific problems and may include: a) experimental work; b) theoretical work; c) abstract work, including the selection and study of the latest information on the development of a particular scientific problem from periodicals; studying the history of the activities and works of the founders of branches of science.

The modern concept of “student research work” includes two interrelated elements:

Teaching students the elements of scientific research work, instilling in them the skills of this work;

Actually scientific research conducted by students under the guidance of professors, associate professors and teachers of the department.

Based on this, students’ extracurricular independent research work can be divided into two types: educational and research work (UIRS) and scientific research work (NIRS).

Students' educational and research work (SAR) is carried out by each student during the class time allotted by the class schedule on a special assignment without fail under the guidance of a teacher.

The main task of UIRS is to teach students the skills of independent theoretical and experimental work, to familiarize themselves with the real conditions of creative work of a micro-team (student-teacher). In the process of carrying out educational research, future specialists learn to independently conduct experiments and apply their knowledge in solving specific scientific problems.

This work is an integral part of the department’s pedagogical process. Along with traditional types of training, it is carried out in classrooms, but to a greater extent involves participation in extracurricular educational and research work of each student, including the systematic completion of assignments on SRS.

The specificity of UIRS, which distinguishes it from traditional types of education, is that when engaging in it, the student does not act as a passive object - a recipient of ready-made, systematized and arranged information, but in the role of a subject of the cognitive process. By listening to lectures and reading a textbook, the student usually prepares for the mechanical reproduction of the information contained in them on the exam. In the UIRS system, the student independently, although under the guidance of a teacher, observes the material, experiments, and searches in scientific and methodological literature.

Thus, in terms of the level of cognitive activity, this work is research, but in terms of its functional purpose it is of an educational nature. Its main goal is to promote a stronger assimilation of knowledge than with the perception of ready-made information, and to ensure active mastery of scientific information. Theoretical provisions are not memorized in the form of verbal formulas and stereotypical provisions, but are developed or extracted from specialized literature, tested in practice and assimilated in their correlation with the student’s own experience. The second significant goal of UIRS is to equip the future specialist with basic research skills and abilities that will contribute to his further professional improvement.

One should not expect objectively valuable (new) scientific results from educational research: by engaging in educational and research work, a student, as a rule, “discovers” what is actually already known to science. Only individual results of UIRS are of genuine scientific interest - published or used in teaching.

UIRS ends with the preparation of a report in which students present the results of their educational and research activities.

As we see, although the educational and research activity itself is a form of training, the implementation of the actual research activities is necessarily preceded by the stage of mastering the research technique.

The necessary components of educational and research activities are:

1) independent work with literature;

2) use of bibliographic indexes, catalogues, card indexes.

Students learn to highlight provisions in the material being studied and briefly formulate them, take textual and free notes, compare differing provisions in the sources being studied with a gradual increase in their number, abstract educational literature, critically comparing different points of view. Educational and research work is based initially on the material of academic disciplines studied by all students of a given course according to the curriculum. Some specific forms of organizing students' educational and research work:

1. Abstracting. In the abstract, the student reviews several works devoted to one of the problems of this discipline. Submission of an abstract is required by the curriculum and is one of the conditions for receiving credit.

2. Special courses and seminars of students' choice. They represent a complex form of educational and research activity, consisting of individual student work and collective discussion of each report in a lesson specially designated for this purpose. Students are given the right to choose a specific topic for a report from lists offered by the department in accordance with their scientific interests. Subsequently, throughout the semester, students work in contact with the supervisor on the topic, collect material, write and finalize their reports and abstracts.

3. For faculties of the humanities, the highest form of UIRS is the writing and defense of a final work (for graduating departments of the corresponding faculty of the university). The topic of this work is usually related to a topic developed by the student initially as part of coursework. In social sciences and humanities faculties, the defense of a thesis is preceded by a preliminary discussion by its participants at a special seminar or department meeting.

Student research work (SRW) has slightly different functions. A comparison of educational and research work with scientific research shows, along with the commonality of goals and results, significant organizational differences. The term “scientific research” in the strict sense does not imply the “student” level of research, but the objective social significance of the expected and obtained results (the novelty of theoretical conclusions or the novelty of proposals for the practical use of provisions). However, in the practice of higher educational institutions, NIRS differs from UIRS actually not in the quality of the results, but in the nature of the attitude towards the educational process and, accordingly, in the number of participants: NIRS, unlike UIRS, is not part of the educational process, although it has a positive effect on it impact. Research work is carried out in free time from classes: students work on individual or collective topics (related to departmental research topics), participate in scientific clubs and electives, and make presentations at student scientific conferences. Students are invited to participate in research work on a voluntary basis.

At the same time, as in UIRS, only some of the research carried out within the framework of NIRS is of scientific value. A significant part of research work at faculties and universities comes down to mastering special knowledge and research techniques. These circumstances are the features that unite UIRS and NIRS. The main forms of research work include:

Work in student circles

Participation in research conducted by university departments;

Participation in research work of educational and healthcare institutions;

Research work carried out according to an individual plan;

Participation in scientific and theoretical conferences, presentations and reports based on materials from their own research.

In junior courses, the circle form of research work is advisable, as it is the most convenient for solving problems that arise at the first stage of introducing students to scientific activity.

Along with the circle form of organizing research work, it is advisable to create problem groups engaged in the development of one problem common to the entire group. Problem groups can work within a particular circle or be independent organizational units. Unlike a circle, the number of members of which is not limited, a problem group usually consists of several people. A group also differs from a circle in the nature of its activities. A scientific circle brings together students working on different topics that correspond to the general profile of the circle. Students working in problem groups are united by a single research task.

An extremely important form of research work is the individual work of the leader with students. The teacher supervises one student’s work or several thematically related works. This kind of work is most effective in senior years, but it is necessary to begin individual work with students who have discovered research inclinations in junior years.

The results of student research are presented in the form of messages and reports, which the authors present at meetings of circles and at student scientific conferences. Reports of serious interest are subsequently presented in the form of student scientific papers submitted to competitions. The best of them can be published in university collections in the form of articles written in co-authorship with a supervisor (in some cases, the teacher recommends the student’s work for publication without acting as a co-author). When carrying out all types of scientific work by students, the university management is obliged to provide the opportunity for widespread use of the material base and production areas of the departments, the preferential right to use the scientific library funds and the use of TSO funds. Scientific work begun during university studies can later develop into a dissertation research.

At the final stage of a student’s education at a university, a merger occurs between UIRS and NIRS. The topic of research conducted by a student in a circle can be the basis for his coursework or diploma work at the Faculty of Humanities. In turn, a thesis completed within the framework of the UIRS (i.e., discussed at special seminars), when defended at meetings of the State Examination Committee (for humanitarian specialties), is often assessed as a truly scientific research. Thus, despite certain differences in the form of organization, in relation to the curriculum and in a number of specific tasks, the research and educational work of students serves one common goal - the formation of a highly qualified, creatively thinking specialist, capable of independently solving problems that arise before him. tasks .

higher education institution

Topic 1. Research activities: basic concepts and types, organization of student research in an educational institution

higher education
1.Analytical, research activities as
type of professional activity for which they are preparing
graduates who have completed a bachelor's degree program in
direction Management
2. Council of Young Scientists of KemSU. Portal “Science at KemSU”.
Student scientific associations

5. Rules for registration of business trips for students
6. Encouraging students for high scientific achievements
7. Electronic portfolio of students. Extracurricular ranking by
scientific and innovative activities

Semester assignments on topic 1

Exercise 1.
Find the nearest scientific research centers on the SCIENCE website at KEMGU
economic conferences (bookmark screen)
Task 2. Fill out the official assignment for sending on a business trip
and a report on its implementation (doc)
Task 3. Fill out your portfolio for extracurricular ratings in the EIOS
Task 4. Tell us about the work of one of the scientific laboratories/SIPs
KemSU (A4, doc)

Scientific (research) activity is an activity aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge

1.Analytical, research activities as a type
professional activities for which graduates are prepared,
have completed a bachelor's degree program in Management
Scientific (research)
activity is activity
application of new knowledge
Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 23
1996 “On science and state scientific and technical policy”

Professional tasks of information and analytical activities: (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 38.03.02 Management)

Professional tasks of information and analytical activities:
(Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 38.03.02 Management)
- collection, processing and analysis of information about
factors of external and internal environment
organizations to make management
- preparation of reports on results
information and analytical activities

2. Portal “Science at KemSU”. Council of Young Scientists of KemSU. Student scientific associations

Scientific schools of the Institute of Economics and Management
1. “Socio-economic problems of management
by human resourses"
Head – Doctor of Economics. sciences, professor
Morozova E.A.
2. “Modernization of the Russian economy:
methodology, theory, practice"
Head – Doctor of Economics. sciences,
Professor Shabashev V.A.

Main directions of scientific
activities of the Institute of Economics and
management of KemSU
1. Economic, environmental and
social factors of innovation
development of the region
2. State and business as subjects
institutional transformation

Department name
Scientific topics of units within a scientific topic
Department of Management
them. I.P. Povaricha
Human resource management in conditions

Department of Marketing and
business communications
Marketing in the innovative development of the region
Department of Economics
theories and
State and business as subjects
institutional transformation of the region
Department of Finance and
Financial and economic factors
innovative development of the region
Department of Regional and Economic, Social, Environmental
sectoral economics
problems of the region in the conditions of innovation
economic restructuring
Department of Accounting
accounting, analysis, audit and
Financial and legal aspects of innovation
entrepreneurial activity

Student scientific associations IEiM
1. Student scientific circle “Marketer”
Rep. – Associate Professor O.N. Kotova
2. Student scientific circle at the department
Rep. – Associate Professor A.Yu. Nesterov
3.Student scientific circle at the Department of Finance
and credit" - The idea of ​​"FIKS" at the Department of Finance and
Rep. – Associate Professor T.A. Alabina
4. Student Scientific Club “Young”
Entrepreneur" at the Department of Electronic Technologies and State University
Rep. – Associate Professor I.V. Korchagina

Portal “Science at KemSU”

Scientific laboratories of KemSU

Laboratory of Cytogenetics
Laboratory of Archeology and Ethnography
Laboratory of complex health problems and personality development
Laboratory of Ethnosocial and Ethnoecological Geoinformatics
Laboratory of Human Ethology
Laboratory of Biodiversity Introduction and Conservation
Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry of Energy and Luminescence
Laboratory of Applied Research and Development
Small innovative enterprises
LLC "Liomed"
Ecogen+ LLC
LLC "NPP "Impulse"
LLC "Laboratory of Effective Speech Communication"
LLC "Center for Environmental Analysis and Expertise"
LLC "Research and Production Enterprise "LAiRK"
LLC "Interactive Technologies"
My Design Center LLC The goal is to promote professional growth, development and
active participation of scientific youth in the life of the university,
its wide involvement in advanced research and innovation developments in
priority areas of development of science and technology and
The Council is implementing measures aimed at promoting
science, increasing the prestige of the scientific profession, propaganda
scientific and innovative achievements of the university, its
scientific schools and research teams.
The Council of Young Scientists actively participates in
holding round tables organized by the administration
Kemerovo region and the All-Russian Popular Front
on issues of development of science and innovation in the region.

3. Rules for holding subject Olympiads
Regulations on the Student Olympiad in Economics
Faculty approved at a meeting of the Academic Council
Faculty of Economics October 25, 2010 (protocol
No. 2)
Student Olympiad is a competition
students in the creative application of knowledge and skills
in special economic disciplines, as well as
in the professional preparedness of future
stimulating students' research work and is aimed at
improving the student education system

Rules for holding subject Olympiads
Olympiads are subject specific and are held
in the disciplines studied at the Institute of Economics and
management. Students participate in the Olympiads
studying relevant disciplines in the current
academic year and completed their study.
General methodological, organizational and
information support for the Olympics
carried out by the Organizing Committees

Rules for holding subject Olympiads
For prizes in the first round Organizing Committee
awards the winners with certificates. Winners
of the second round are awarded diplomas 1, 2, 3
degrees, cash prizes and memorable
According to the recommendation of the Organizing Committee, the management
Institute can award diplomas, cash
awards and memorable gifts from teachers
and students who took an active part in
organization and holding of the Olympics.

1. Monitoring the quality of training of specialists in
special economic disciplines
2. Activation of independent educational and research activities of students
3. Development of scientific and creative abilities of students
4. Increasing students’ interest in their future
5. Identifying the most capable, active and
motivated for scientific and professional
student activities, their support and encouragement
6. Optimization of the process of professional development
future specialists, their formation
professionally important qualities
7. Selection of applicants among the most capable students
for participation in regional and all-Russian Olympiads

4. International scientific and practical conferences
students, graduate students and young scientists
Every year in April on the basis of the Institute of Economics and
Kemerovo State University is held
International conference of undergraduate, graduate and
young scientists
“Youth and science: reality and future”
The main goal of the conference is to attract
talented students, discussion of current problems
economy, as well as uniting and supporting young
specialists studying the most interesting, controversial and
problematic aspects of various areas of the economy

4. International scientific and practical conferences
students, graduate students and young scientists
The objectives of the conference are:
1. Involving students and young scientists to participate in the decision
current economic problems
2. Development of students’ skills in forming their own judgments and
justified conclusions, the ability to defend them in a reasoned manner and
public speaking
3. Implementation of objective selection
students to participate in
higher level conferences (regional, all-Russian,
4. Identification of the most capable students for scientific work for
further studies in postgraduate and master's programs
5. Promotion
scientific and creative
teaching staff as scientific supervisors of student
scientific works
6. Expansion and deepening of relations between the Faculty of Economics of KemSU and
other universities in the field of student research work
7. Popularization of economic education among schoolchildren and
applicants and attracting gifted graduates to the ranks of students
Faculty of Economics, KemSU

With materials from scientific works
International Student Conference,
graduate students and young scientists "Youth and Science:
reality and future"
can be found on the KemSU website
Section name
Current socio-economic problems of management
Economics and management of organizations: traditions and innovations
Dynamics of innovative processes in the field of taxation and entrepreneurship
Regional development management and real estate development
Financial and economic aspects of the development of organizations, corporations, regions
Restructuring the economy of single-industry towns and organizing territories of advanced
development (PSED)
Economics, finance, management and entrepreneurship in family and business

5. Design sequence
student business trips
Step 1. Decide on the place, time and purpose of the trip.
Determine the scientific supervisor who is responsible for
responsibility for control over the execution of orders and estimates
students, and financial responsibility for registration
advance report.
Secondment of a student is possible if his training
takes place on a budget basis.
Step 2. Complete documents (travel
certificate and estimate) and
provide them to the student human resources department
Advice! When collecting signatures, it is advisable to have with you
electronic version of the order and estimate so that you can
promptly make changes to them.

on a business trip

Service assignment

Contract for services

Sequence of business trips
Step 3. If you need to pay to participate in the conference
registration fee by bank transfer, then in parallel (similarly
step 2) it is necessary to draw up an agreement “on paid provision
Step 4. Wait for the order to send students
(waiting period 3-4 days).

Sequence of registration of student business trips
Step 5. Drawing up an advance report is possible both before the trip and
The advance report is signed by the student’s supervisor or
leader of the student group (the one indicated in the order).
Advance report forms are located in the accounting department. Photocopy
submit the advance report to the deputy. Director of the Institute for Research and Development.
Advice on preparing an advance report!
1. Paste travel documents (tickets) onto a white sheet of A4 paper
2. The maximum refund amount for accommodation is 550 rubles. per day. The amount above is not
returns. If your expenses are higher than the specified amount, then attach a check, and
in the advance report you count 550 rubles. per day.
3. Daily expenses – 100 rubles.

Step 6. To the supervisor, after passing
advance report, after 3-4 days call
accounting and find out when the issue will occur
funds in the cash register. Get money. Give to students.
Step 5-6. Refunds are possible via
trade union committee of students. After the trip you will register
application for financial assistance in the amount
funds spent. Payments – 25th of the month
student card.

6. Encouraging students for high scientific achievements
Forms of encouragement:
Title Excellent Researcher
Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
Russian Government Scholarship
Scholarship named after. I. P. Povarich
Increased academic scholarship

Title Excellent Researcher
The purpose of the competition is to encourage students who are the most
who have actively demonstrated themselves in scientific research
work, motivation of students for research activities
Competition objectives:
Activation of research activities
Stimulating high achievements of students and
motivation for diversified development
Formation of a favorable image and increase
prestige of KemSU
The competition is held in 2 stages

Title Excellent Researcher
Only persons who are present at the time of
carrying out
areas of bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees in
full-time education, having, based on the results of the intermediate
certification ratings: “good” and “excellent”.
The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas, breastplates
badges “Excellence in NIRS”.
Students awarded the title “Excellence in Research and Development Work of KemSU”:
- have the right to increase the state academic
scholarships in the amount of 80% of the state amount
academic scholarship
- have an advantage when entering graduate school if
other things being equal

Title Excellent Researcher
Set of competition documentation:
Application for participation in the competition
Characteristics signed by the director of the institute
Certified copy of the grade book
Publication list signed by the director
5. Copies of documents confirming high
achievements of research activities
6. Copies of supporting documents for grants,
economic contracts, research and development assignments, in which
the contestant took part
7. Self-assessment questionnaire

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

Applicants for scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation
Federations can be undergraduate and graduate students of higher education
institutions whose outstanding academic and scientific achievements
research confirmed by diplomas (or other
documents) winners of all-Russian and international
Olympiads, creative competitions, festivals or
authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, scientific articles in
central publications of the Russian Federation and abroad.
The amount of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, taking into account the district
coefficient is:
for students – 2860 rub. per month
graduate students – 5850 rub. per month
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2010 No. 182
Order of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1993 No. 613-rp

Russian Government Scholarship
Russian Government scholarships are awarded to graduate students and
full-time students who have demonstrated outstanding
abilities in educational and scientific activities as a whole in
course of study, as well as in individual disciplines
Candidates for scholarships are nominated by scientists
councils of state educational institutions of higher education
professional education from among students, usually with
third year, and graduate students - from the second year of study to
results of intermediate certifications.
The amount of the scholarship taking into account the regional coefficient
for secondary vocational education students – 1092 rubles. per month
for HE students – 1872 rubles. per month
for graduate students – 4680 rubles. per month
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1995 N 309

Scholarship named after. I. P. Povarich
Package of documents:
a copy of the grade book (first page and pages from
learning results for the last two semesters),
prior to filing documents
copies of pages of printed publications with imprint data and
publication text
web page printout
copies of Diplomas, Certificates, Gratitude, Gratitude
letters, Certificates and other documents received
student during the two semesters preceding participation in

Scholarship named after. I. P. Povarich
Evaluation criterion
1. The student’s academic performance is “good” and “excellent”
2. Availability of scientific research results in the field of economics and
management accepted for publication and published in the form of scientific articles in
scientific publications
3. Achievements in scientific research, confirmed by diplomas (or
other documents) winners
4. Active participation in research activities and scientific and practical events of the institute
share of units

Increased academic scholarship
Educational activities
Research activities
Cultural and creative activities
Sports achivments
Social activity
Indicators for assessing RESEARCH ACTIVITIES:
1. Publications
2. Patent, certificate
3. Research grants won by the student
4. Participation of the student in a grant or business agreement as a executor
5. Awards received at science fairs
6. Medals, diplomas, certificates, prizes received at competitions,
conferences, olympiads

Electronic portfolio of students
Extracurricular ranking in science and innovation
activities: filling rules
Speech: Ashmarova, O.V. Improving the methodology
assessing the effectiveness of using software-targeted
approach to informatization of society // VII International
conference of students, graduate students and young scientists
"Youth and science: reality and future." - Kemerovo
(KemSU). - 2016. - 04/16/2016. - participant certificate
Publication: Ashmarova, O.V. Fedulova, E.A. Main directions
improving the program-targeted approach in
informatization of society in the Kemerovo region / E.A. Fedulova,
O.V. Ashmarova [Text] // Economics and systems management
management. - Voronezh. - 2016. - p.164


1. Select the correct answer A body that implements a set of measures aimed at popularizing science and increasing the prestige of the profession

scientist, propaganda of scientific and
innovative achievements of the university, its
scientific schools and research teams –
A) Academic Council of the University
B) Council of Young Scientists
B) Student Scientific Society
D) Student scientific circle

2. Complete the definition Student ... is a competition of students in the creative application of knowledge and skills in special

disciplines, as well as in professional
preparedness of future specialists.
A) Conference
B) Research activities
B) Olympics
D) Educational activities

3. Select the correct answers. The required documents for registration of a student trip are...? A) Order to

student travel
B) Estimate for student travel
B) Agreement “on the provision of services for a fee”
D) Service assignment
D) Review by the supervisor

4. Select the correct answers Students awarded the title “Excellence in Research and Development Work of KemSU”: A) have the right to an increase in state

academic scholarship in the amount of 80% of the amount
state academic scholarship
B) have an advantage when entering graduate school
other things being equal
C) have an advantage when entering a master's program
other things being equal
D) have the right to increase state
academic scholarship in the amount of 7,000
up to 17,000 rubles monthly

5. Choose the correct answer Which scholarship is named after Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Moscow Academy of Sciences Higher School, member of the international academy

peoples of the world
"Elite", Honored Economist of the Russian Federation,
Professor of the Faculty of Economics
A) Scholarship named after. I. P. Povarich
B) Scholarship named after. E.T. Gaidar
B) Scholarship named after. A.A. Sobchak
D) Scholarship named after. D.S. Likhacheva