Don't speak nicely - the history of a popular expression.  I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Chapters XXI - XXV Bazarov was silent when I meet a person

The secret of successful people is the ability to speak beautifully. By learning to clearly express your thoughts, find a common language with others and speak beautifully, you can improve your life qualitatively. How can you sharpen your communication skills so you can be respected at work and popular in your personal life?

All great and successful people were good speakers and had good eloquence skills. They could present themselves in the best way and skillfully established communication with others. Success in business, with friends and in your personal life depends on the ability to speak beautifully.

How to speak beautifully?

1. How to prepare for a conversation?

The best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. It's the same in conversation. When preparing for a conversation or speech, think through your speech in advance. Sketch out a rough outline, phrases and flow of speech. For a casual conversation, prepare a dozen conversation topics, short stories and funny stories. Read the latest news, interesting facts and fresh jokes. This will allow you to carry on a conversation with anyone and be interesting at the same time.

2. How to make your speech bright and expressive

There are different ways to enrich speech and give it beauty. Use metaphors to make things clearer. Compare similar things and objects for greater clarity. Don't forget quotes, aphorisms and a sense of humor. Speech filled with positive jokes is perceived better.

3. How to get rid of mistakes in conversation

Fast and crumpled speech. When the pace of speech is too fast, it is difficult for others to follow the flow of the conversation. Fast speech does not allow you to take the speaker seriously when he chatters incessantly and without meaningful pauses.

Slurred speech. Often, even adults may not be able to pronounce letters and have problems with diction. You can practice by taking tongue twisters for speech and repeating them regularly.

Wrong gestures. Sometimes the interlocutor has poor control of body language. As a result, speech is not in harmony with his gestures and facial expressions. Often a person closes down when communicating. He folds his arms over his chest or crosses his legs. Practice in front of the mirror to be more harmonious and natural.

4. How to be an interesting conversationalist?

An interesting interlocutor is not one who talks a lot and knows everything. This is the one who knows how to listen. Ask leading questions, actively listen, empathize, assent and show interest. Find topics that concern your interlocutor and support his opinion.

When speaking, try to be short and concise. State it accurately, watch your articulation, show oratory skill. Too much depends on the beauty of speech to ignore it.

How do the statements and behavior of the characters in this fragment help us understand the essence of their characters?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

Bazarov was silent.

When I meet a person who would not give up in front of me,” he said with emphasis, “then I will change my opinion about myself. Hate! Yes, for example, you said today, passing by the hut of our elder Philip, - it is so nice, white, - now, you said, Russia will then reach perfection when the last peasant will have the same room, and each of us should contribute to this ... And I hated this last guy, Philip or Sidor, for whom I have to bend over backwards and who won’t even say thank you to me... and why should I thank him? Well, he will live in a white hut, and a burdock will grow out of me; Well, what next?

Come on, Evgeny... listening to you today, you will inevitably agree with those who reproach us for the lack of principles.

You sound like your uncle. There are no principles at all - you haven’t guessed it until now! - but there are sensations. Everything depends on them.

How so?

Yes the same. For example, me: I adhere to the negative direction - due to sensation. I’m happy to deny it, my brain works that way - and that’s it! Why do I like chemistry? Why do you love apples? - also due to sensation. It's all one. People will never go deeper than this. Not everyone will tell you this, and I won’t tell you this another time.

Well? and honesty is a feeling?

A? What? not to your taste? - Bazarov interrupted. - No, brother! I decided to mow down everything - go ahead and kick yourself!.. However, we were quite philosophical. “Nature evokes the silence of sleep,” said Pushkin.

“He never said anything like that,” said Arkady.

Well, I didn’t say that, but I could and should have said that as a poet. By the way, he must have served in the military.

Pushkin was never a military man!

For mercy's sake, on every page: for battle, for battle! for the honor of Russia!

What kind of stories are you inventing? After all, this is slander, after all.

Slander? Eka importance! That's what I thought of using a word to scare! Whatever slander you bring against a person, he, in essence, deserves twenty times worse.

Let's sleep better! - Arkady said with annoyance.

“With the greatest pleasure,” answered Bazarov.

But neither one nor the other could sleep. Some almost hostile feeling gripped the hearts of both young people. About five minutes later they opened their eyes and looked at each other in silence.

Look,” Arkady suddenly said, “a dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The saddest and deadest is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

Oh my friend, Arkady Nikolaich! - exclaimed Bazarov, - I ask you one thing: don’t speak beautifully.

I speak as best I can... And finally, this is despotism. A thought occurred to me; Why not express it?

So; but why shouldn’t I express my thoughts? I find it indecent to speak beautifully.

What is decent? Swear?

Uh! Yes, I see you definitely intend to follow in your uncle’s footsteps. How happy this idiot would be if he heard you!

What did you call Pavel Petrovich?

I called him properly, an idiot.

This, however, is unbearable! - Arkady exclaimed.

Yeah! a kindred feeling spoke,” Bazarov said calmly. - I noticed that it persists in people very stubbornly. A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with every prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people’s handkerchiefs is a thief is beyond his strength. And indeed: my brother, my brother, is not a genius... is this possible?

A simple sense of justice spoke in me, and not at all related,” Arkady objected passionately. - But since you don’t understand this feeling, you don’t have this feeling, then you can’t judge it.

In other words: Arkady Kirsanov is too exalted for my understanding, - I bow and fall silent.

Enough, please, Evgeniy; We'll finally quarrel.

Ah, Arkady! Do me a favor, let's have a good fight once - to the point of being robbed, to the point of extermination.

But this way, perhaps, we will end up with...

What are we going to fight? - Bazarov picked up. - Well? Here, in the hay, in such an idyllic setting, far from the light and human gaze - nothing. But you can't deal with me. I'll grab you by the throat now...

Bazarov spread out his long and stiff fingers... Arkady turned and prepared, as if jokingly, to resist... But his friend’s face seemed to him so ominous, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his lit eyes, that he felt involuntary timidity...

I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

What type of literature does I. S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons” belong to?


Epic (from the Greek epos - word) is one of the three types of fiction, a narrative characterized by the depiction of events external to the author. Epic works include an epic, a novel, a story, a short story or story, and an essay. The novel "Fathers and Sons" is an epic work that reveals human characters through the events described over a certain period of time.

Answer: epic.

Answer: Epic

Indicate the genre of the named work by I. S. Turgenev.


The novel is a genre of narrative literature that allows one to convey the most profound and complex processes of life. The novel by I. S. Turgenev depicts the story of two generations, the social conflict of which is the main direction in the development of the plot of the work, therefore it is still customary to consider the novel “Fathers and Sons” a social novel.

Answer: novel.

Answer: novel

Source: Unified State Examination in Literature 06/13/2013. Main wave. Ural. Option 1.

Name a means of characterizing the hero, based on a description of his external appearance: “But his friend’s face seemed so ominous to him, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his lit eyes, that he felt involuntary timidity.”


A portrait is a description of a character’s appearance, one of the means of creating an image. In a literary work, a portrait corresponds to the peculiarities of its content and form, and constitutes one of the moments of its artistic originality.

Answer: portrait.

Answer: portrait

Source: Unified State Examination in Literature 06/13/2013. Main wave. Ural. Option 1.

Match the characters with their characteristics. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Is knowing grammar alone enough to be a good storyteller? You can memorize a thousand rules, but still remain an amateur in oral speech. Then what is the secret of an interesting interlocutor? How to learn to speak beautifully? This article provides psychological, linguistic and ethical advice. Together, they will help you become a master of words, impress your listeners, and even increase your self-esteem, because correct speech strengthens self-confidence.

What does “beautiful speech” mean?

Beautiful speech is a method of verbal communication that includes the richness and literacy of language. Clear, logical reproduction is the “technical” side of speech, while variety and richness are artistic. A monologue that maintains a balance of these parts is doomed to success. The features of this language also include:

  • semantic fullness, completeness;
  • the presence of vivid images and phrases;
  • cleanliness - absence of slang, obscene language, linguistic tracing;
  • accessibility, simplicity;
  • correct pronunciation.

A storyteller with such a speech easily attracts attention and wins over. He is able to convince, inspire, make you think. No matter where - in business or in everyday life - beautiful speech opens up many new opportunities.

Want to make better decisions, find your ideal career and realize your maximum potential? Find out for free what kind of person you were destined to become at birth by the system

How to get the key to a thousand doors? How to start expressing yourself so that your listeners admire every word?

How to speak beautifully?

1. Expand your vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the basis of any language. The more varied it is, the more interesting the story becomes. This is why working on increasing your vocabulary is so important. To do this you can:

  • reading classical literature is a treasure trove of rich vocabulary;
  • look into dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units;
  • write essays independently, especially in artistic, conversational and journalistic style.

A good exercise to expand your vocabulary would be association game. It will require any word, phrase or sentence. First, the selected phrase is interpreted, then an associative continuation is written to it. If the task seems too difficult, you can simply try to rewrite the original piece of text in your own words.

2. Improve the logic and consistency of speech.

Even the richest vocabulary will be useless if there is no logical connection in it. The correct order and appropriateness of words, semantic completeness, and the absence of excess or shortage of specific parts of speech are an essential component of a beautiful story. What happens if you ignore this?

“The hunter noticed a large animal at the edge of the forest - it was an elk. He slowly took the gun off his shoulder and took aim...”

“And I think: I’m lying here under a haystack... The narrow place that I occupy is so tiny in comparison with the rest of the space where I am not and where no one cares about me; and the part of time that I will manage to live is so insignificant before eternity, where I have not been and will not be... But in this atom, in this mathematical point, the blood circulates, the brain works, it also wants something... What an outrage ! What nonsense!

- Let me point out: what you say applies to all people in general...

“You’re right,” Bazarov picked up. “I wanted to say that they, my parents, that is, are busy and don’t worry about their own insignificance, it doesn’t stink to them... but I... I only feel boredom and anger.”

- Anger? why anger?

- Why? How why? Have you forgotten?

“I remember everything, but still I don’t recognize your right to be angry.” You're unhappy, I agree, but...

- Eh! Yes, I see, Arkady Nikolaevich, you understand love, like all new young people: chick, chick, chick, chicken, and as soon as the chicken starts to approach, God bless your legs! I'm not like that. But enough about that. What cannot be helped is a shame to talk about. — He turned on his side. - Hey! there's a fine ant dragging a half-dead fly. Take her, brother, take her! Don’t look at the fact that she resists, take advantage of the fact that you, as an animal, have the right not to recognize feelings of compassion, not like our self-made brother!

- You shouldn’t have said it, Evgeniy! When did you break yourself?

Bazarov raised his head.

“That’s all I’m excited about.” I didn’t break myself, so the woman won’t break me. Amen! It's over! You will never hear a word about this from me again.

Both friends lay in silence for some time.

“Yes,” Bazarov began, “man is a strange creature.” When you look from the side and from afar at the deaf life that the “fathers” lead here, it seems: what’s better? Eat, drink and know that you are acting in the most correct, most reasonable manner. But no; the melancholy will overcome. I want to mess with people, even scold them, and mess with them.

“We should arrange life in such a way that every moment in it is significant,” Arkady said thoughtfully.

- Who's talking? Although significant things can be false and sweet, you can also make peace with insignificant things... but squabbles, squabbles... this is a disaster.

- Squabbles do not exist for a person unless he wants to admit them.

- Um... you said that opposite common place.

- What? What do you call by this name?

“But here’s what: to say, for example, that enlightenment is useful is a common place; and to say that enlightenment is harmful is the opposite commonplace. It seems more dapper, but, in essence, it’s the same thing.

- Yes, the truth is where, on which side?

- Where? I will answer you like an echo: where?

— You are in a melancholic mood today, Evgeniy.

- Indeed? The sun must have steamed me, and I can’t eat so many raspberries.

“In that case, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a nap,” Arkady remarked.

- Perhaps; Just don’t look at me: every person’s face is stupid when he sleeps.

- Do you care what they think about you?

- I don’t know what to tell you. A real person shouldn't care about this; a real person is one about whom there is nothing to think, but whom one must obey or hate.

- Strange! “I don’t hate anyone,” Arkady said, after thinking.

- And I have so many. You are a gentle soul, a weakling, where can you hate!.. You are timid, you have little hope for yourself...

“And you,” interrupted Arkady, “rely on yourself?” Do you have a high opinion of yourself?

Bazarov was silent.

“When I meet a person who would not give up in front of me,” he said with emphasis, “then I will change my opinion about myself.” Hate! Yes, for example, you said today, passing by the hut of our elder Philip, - it is so nice, white, - now, you said, Russia will then reach perfection when the last peasant will have the same room, and each of us should contribute to this ... And I hated this last guy, Philip or Sidor, for whom I have to bend over backwards and who won’t even say thank you to me... and why should I thank him? Well, he will live in a white hut, and a burdock will grow out of me; Well, what next?

- Come on, Evgeny... listening to you today, you will inevitably agree with those who reproach us for the lack of principles.

-You sound like your uncle. There are no principles at all - you haven’t guessed it until now! - but there are sensations. Everything depends on them.

- How so?

- Yes, just like that. For example, I: I adhere to the negative direction - due to sensation. I’m happy to deny it, my brain works that way – and that’s it! Why do I like chemistry? Why do you love apples? - also due to sensation. It's all one. People will never go deeper than this. Not everyone will tell you this, and I won’t tell you this another time.

- Well? and honesty is a feeling?

- Still would!

- A? What? not to your taste? - Bazarov interrupted. - No, brother! I decided to mow down everything - go ahead and kick yourself!.. However, we were quite philosophical. “Nature evokes the silence of sleep,” said Pushkin.

“He never said anything like that,” said Arkady.

- Well, I didn’t say that, but I could and should have said that as a poet. By the way, he must have served in the military.

- Pushkin was never a military man!

- For mercy, on every page: for battle, for battle! for the honor of Russia!

- What kind of tales are you inventing? After all, this is slander, after all.

- Slander? Eka importance! That's what I thought of using a word to scare! Whatever slander you bring against a person, he, in essence, deserves twenty times worse.

- Let's sleep better! - Arkady said with annoyance.

“With the greatest pleasure,” answered Bazarov.

But neither one nor the other could sleep. Some almost hostile feeling gripped the hearts of both young people. About five minutes later they opened their eyes and looked at each other in silence.

“Look,” Arkady suddenly said, “a dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The saddest and deadest is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

- Oh my friend, Arkady Nikolaich! - exclaimed Bazarov, - I ask you one thing: don’t speak beautifully.

- I speak as best I can... And finally, this is despotism. A thought occurred to me; why not express it?

- So; but why shouldn’t I express my thoughts? I find that speaking beautifully is indecent.

- What is decent? Swear?

- Uh! Yes, I see you definitely intend to follow in your uncle’s footsteps. How happy this idiot would be if he heard you!

- What did you call Pavel Petrovich?

“I called him properly, an idiot.”

- This, however, is unbearable! - Arkady exclaimed.

- Yeah! a kindred feeling spoke,” Bazarov said calmly. “I noticed that it persists in people very stubbornly.” A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with every prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people’s handkerchiefs is a thief is beyond his strength. And indeed: my Brother, my- and not a genius... is this possible?

“A simple sense of justice began to speak in me, and not at all related,” Arkady objected passionately. - But since you don’t understand this feeling, you don’t have it Feel, then you cannot judge him.

“In other words: Arkady Kirsanov is too exalted for my understanding,” I bow and fall silent.

- Enough, please, Evgeny; We'll finally quarrel.

- Oh, Arkady! Do me a favor, let's have a good fight once - to the point of extermination.

- But this way, perhaps, we’ll end up with...

Bazarov spread out his long and stiff fingers... Arkady turned and prepared, as if jokingly, to resist... But his friend’s face seemed so ominous to him, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his sparkling eyes, that he felt involuntary timidity...

- A! This is where you got to! - Vasily Ivanovich’s voice rang out at that moment, and the old staff doctor appeared before the young people, dressed in a homemade linen jacket and with a straw hat, also homemade, on his head. “I was looking for you, looking for you... But you chose a great place and are indulging in a wonderful activity.” Lying on the “ground”, looking at the “sky”... You know, this has some special meaning!

I chose this dialogue from Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”, since it is one of the key and simply one of my favorite episodes in the novel. It is here that the heroes reflect on various concepts, about honor, about love, about the purpose of man, here the heroes understand that their paths will diverge: " no friendship can withstand such clashes for long."